AVtgetable Preparationfor As similating tiieFoodandBegula-tingUiCStoinacteanlBoweisof Promotes DigeslionJCheerFuI ness andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morpliine norlliueraL Not Narcotic. KVafOUDrSiHUanTCWt bcSmuM WH.fW- t'-mtrd .Hmrp Aperfccl Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YDHK. J exact copy or wrarjeh. , Ladies Bible Class - ' " "- ' LECTURE 6. - - 1. Where and when did Christ attend first passover? Se. 21. - 2. His conduct there and its fulfil ment ' of . prophecy. Sec. 21. bead Psalm 69, e specially vs. 9. It is a mes sianic psalm. , 3 What stages can you note of his self manifestation and of the hostility of his enemies? 1, Assumption of Mes ianicauthority in the temple the type of himself. ' 2. First class with his en emies. 3. First prophecy of his death and resurrection. : l--v ' , ; . .. 4. Christ's influence and his caution at the passover? John 2. 23-25. '.. - 5. What doctrines did he teach Nico demasT 1. John 8 1-0. Spirtual Birth its nature, origin and necessity. 2. John 8 10-21. The Messiah, his testi mony, his death, the gift of Gjd, value of faith in him. ' . - b. rrogressot unnscsworic mJuaeai Sections 22 and 23. See note at bottom of page 22. , .' 7. John's renewed testimony and what led to it. Sec. 22, Christ's pre eminence, 1. In position. 2. In ori gin. 3. In power. - -... 8. Why did Jesus leave Judea for Galilee? Sec 23. Luke 4-14. 9. Why, where and by whom was John imprisoned. Luke 3 19-20. Not page 22. 10. What course did Jesus take to Gal ileo and what event took place? John 4. 1-42. , 11. What doctrines did he teach at Jacobs well? To the woman. (1) Sat isfaction Messiah vive verses 5-16. (2) Spirituality of worship, 17-27. To the disciples (3) Service to God. 28-38. ;..' 12. Effect of the gospel on the Sa maritans? : 13. Christ's reception in Galilee. 14. Note the limits of his self mani festation? N'ote page 24. - ,' If ia a kind of bilious mood. You wish an aid to digoxt fond. No other pill is half so good . As DeWitt's l.iltlo Early Uisere When e'er you feci impending ill, A nd need a magic little pill, Nootiior one will fill the bill Like DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Harry Fayno Whitney, it is reported, is Tammany's candidate to succeed Tim. othy D. Sullivan in the House of Rep resentatives. . ' To draw the fire out of a burn, hea a cut without leaving a sear, or to cure boils, sore?, tetter, eczema and all skin and scalp diseases, use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A specific for piles. Get the genuine speedy relief. fo remedy causes such Ask for DeWitt's-the genuine. . So d By F. K. Duffy. Fifteen revolutionists were condemued and shot at Riga, Russia. , - Drarjning lo Death. A misrabln invalid suffering from disordered femalo funcii ms, monthly pains, nervousness, fallings, dizziness, indigestion, l)iliousn(-si, constipation, etc., will find relief in wine of Cordui and Thed ford's Black-Draught, two of tho most valuable, reliable, scientific, curative medicines known for the treat ment of sick women. They are sold at all uruK stores, and should he in every homo. Try them. V.'i'.lim Glenn Volion, of Australia, a t i.icai'o report says, will he Uowie.s i ' '.t 1 .Hid man c.t Zion tity. David iwi 'y ii is. i:;;i u at tin; Ki rcr f.r irted to bo str h.I) hotel, Carr- . C. where h J h'iail 8 i.t 1 i-t t- c 1 t' t In "J'1 1 Tb ind Yca.-IIava Alvays Boht Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THieTWMaMMT. MMTMSStTV. v Death o? a Little Boy Benton Hudson, the young son of D. M. and N. P. Salter, of Merrimon, died at. the Stewart Sanatorium y terc'ay. The little boy was 17 months old and had been suffering all of hia life. A few days ago he waa brought to the city to receive treatment and an oper ation was performed which relieved him greatly and he was getting along finely. W ednesday inflammation of the itomach and bowels ensued which caus ed his death. . . lht sorrowing parents returned to Merrimon with the. little body yester day and the funeral will be held today. " Luckiest Mm la Arkansas. - "I'm the luckiest man in Arkansas, writes H. L. Stanley, of Brono, vsince the restoration of my . wife's health af ter-coughing and bleeding from the lungs, and I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery, for . Consump tion, which I . know from experience will cure consumption if taken in time. My wife improved with the first' bottle and twelve bottles completed the cure. Cures the worn cougha and colds or money refunded. At ' All Druggists. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. John E. Madden paid - 47,000 for Wilhourne at the Splan sale at Chicago he uric a is . among the highest ever paid for a horse in the weak k Habit to Bi Encouraged. . . The mother who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety.- Coughs, colds and croup, to which children are susceptible are quickly cured by its use. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia, and if given as soon as the first symptoms of croup appear, it will prevent the attack, This remedy con tains nothing injurious and mothers give it to little ones - with a feeling of perfect security. Sold by Davis Phar macy and F. S. Duffy. The lower branch of the Kentucky General Assembly adopted the propo sition to submit to the people at the November election the question of so amending the Constition a to providi that a tax receipt shall be a qualification for a voteat all elections. ; oniA. Been the lla Kind Von Haw Mways BflUjtit of. Ella Rogers, a pretty young news- 1 . . . T 1 ! J rapor woman ci more than 100 P-Psals of marri in the past year. The facuilty of Depauw Univeipity, at Gregncastle, Ind. tho oldest Metho dist (institution of learning in the west, has greatly surprised the students . by dropping the study of the Bible from the list of required subjects and placing it in nho elective class. A private yacht with John D. Rocke feller on board was laid up. at Key Wes Fin., Feb. 4, is the statemen made by Vij:;TO Hansen, a prominent InirtiiH man of Racina now traveling1 in tbe South. : end Pneumonia. often f .'lows -LnGrippe ."W3 V..o u ;o of Foley '8 Pneumon'd but never f itiey ar 's ft d Tar. 1 P'-v m. A'--' ! . ' . (.. , It cu nts, J ii. ff r .9 1. and r,y ( f- 1 a 'a i: 1J( Anxloaa For Pmrtlemlmr. I dreamed last night that I bad pro posed to and been accepted by the most beautiful girl In the world." Did you? Where did you dream we were ut tlio time r Chicago Record- Herald... ' ........ Still B PlUllO. They say that poets have to be born." . v That's what they say, but I never conld - understand why." .Cleveland Plain Dealer. - A Dlnqnletlna- Aaawer. Missionary Do my brothers camp here as a rule or do they so farther Into the Interior? ' , " Native All - depends on big chief! appetite. Puck.- - .. Sorrow of If. Husband (during the spat) Anyway, I'm not afraid to say what I think. Wife No, I suppose not,, but yon ought to be ashamed to. Detroit Trib une. .. ', : Entitled to a Dee-re. "Has fhc grounds for divorce V ' "Oh. es. She Is too lively and at tractive to be. restricted to one hut- band," Now York Tress. 9x Peculiarity. Stubb I notice that you refer to all elephants nn feminine. Why so? . ' Penu Tlioy are so afraid of mice, Chicago News. WELL DESERVED The Praise That Comes from Thank ful New Bern People. - , One kidney remedy never fails. New Bern people rely upon it. That remedy is Doan's Kidney Pills. New Bern testimony proves it always reliab'e. ,:: ' . Charles E. Harget, a car painter at the A. & N. C. R. R- shops, residing at 47 Bern Street, says: "I have found great relief by using Doan's Kidney Pills. My back has been hurting me for a longtime, often so bad that I could not work. The Kidney secretions were very dark and cloudy. Since using Doan's Kidney Pills the secretions have regained . their natural color and I do not suffer from the pains in my back at all. I can advise all who are sunt arly troubled to what I was to go to Bradham's Pharmacy, procure- Doan's Kidney Pills and give them trial. They will not be disappointed in the result." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 eta, a box. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name Doan'B, and take no other. REPORT Of I'HK CONDITION ' " 'OF THE . i BANK OF JONtfS at 'Trenton, in "the State of jNorth Carolinsi, at the close of business Jan. 2ath. 1906. . , RESOURCES. - Loans and discounts $18,098 05 Overdrafts socured,un8ecured . 19 09 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ..... ; 526 33 Duo lrom banks and bankers 5,092 77 Gold coin 50 00 Silver coin, including all ; . minor coin currency 690 67 National bank notes and other U. & notes 1,996 00 Total . 26,462'91 - LIABILITIES Capitrl stock paid in Uiid vided profits, less cur l ent expenses and taxes paid Tim-i certificates of deposit . De(sit3 subject to check... Cathiers checks outstanding Certiiied checks S 5,000 00 648 46 5,300 00 15,477 63 2 52 , 34 40 State of North Carolina County of Craven ss I. S. H Havwood, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief.: S.H. HAYWOOD, Cashier- Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3rd. day of Feby 1900. t J. B. COLLINS, . , . . Clerk Superior Court. Correck Attest: ' F. BROCK, -: J. K. DIXON, , THOS. D. WARREN, .. Directors. Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to a poweir of Rata contained In that certain mortjraKe deed, executed by T. A. Bell and Linn Hell, his wife, to the Citizen Bank of Nnw Hern, boarirtflr date tti 10th dar of Jurw, IWH, the nmr bt'injr recorded in the office of the RKitorof lrls of Jones ounty. in book 44. ! He 670, we will soil at tho Court house door in i-ranton. N. C, on the 17th day of March, lyoti. at the hour of 12 M to the hifrheat bidder furcaah. nil nf t he fa lowincr described real estate as oort' vnvtvi in the mortiraire aforaeaid. to-wit: That pioc or parcol of ltrnd, lyinar nd being In the County of Jonett, adioininer the lands of Lewis Pollock, and William MtDunJei, and known and flKitsfmt.ed aa follows, viz: Ketrinninic at a stake, the third corner of tho Ventua patent, and runs with Baid patent line north VH went li3 polca to xinkn nmr the Annan lofuhnff from the puhli PolUickavillc and Ttvnton road to the houneon the Ventua place, then runnintr with a line of marked tm it on tlie oouth aide of the nakl Annane, north i4 M eitftt poltw to the sain numic roaii, tnc wiLh an id nublic rtutd to a liithtwood stake n aai marl ti Iwim i'otitH'k'a and A. L. Kountree's cor ner, thenco aouth Ba wet with Pollock's and Kountroe a line ftUut 1H0 polca to a pine atump ind nointers. then north 64. went Jiwl poles Kunlrt ami Pollock's cornor In ornoar the Ant- wino Krani-ti, then wmth 6 eat 35 12-11)0 poles astnke, thon width IH went A) poles to a Brum, thn south 4 west 41 12 Dole to a arum, thn ftoni n f:t wit yii pol ia to a stake, thence south 6 l-ii i :M Xo-Jihj tolfs to a rum, then south 14 w'st W. -l"i p-iltfi to a t tike on path, then ?outh ',M) 1-2 iioI-m wit Hf Miles Ui a Htuke, thence sotiih 7d wi'i 1 1 -ui n 'I'ihs crooktxl run to thi'bai k line of ( hf Folivanl patent, thence aoufh Uii et with the Kufhsmi p ii'tit line HM) poles to t tie noiii hw't Torn tlit-n north 'el e BHljikc, nnoth. nut ) It "0 ftwl 4 tnt Iimi '"tl. h t. limL"n . ' n llllS l l t of the r iillvitrd patent, a stake, fit. a-TOHH crook wl run 1 pot to r of Haul pit i out cornern, th-n :ptieta hmimi, tht-n north ', lantiikc. i n nor! h W w-'t 'I 4 iniin'if, h' ! k, couUtoii ng by ert- i.Mir I,-, l.ANK N'W r J y 1. 1 . N. r F-'.r N A'Jli IH'NN OUB CEW YORK -WEEKLY LETTER Cheek Box Coats and Long Waieted Dresses The Latest For the Smell Miss Elbow 8 leave and Colored 8hoes the Spring Fashions For Wo men. . r By RENE DEVERAUX. This Is the day of the small girl, and (he Is Beeu-ln all hpr glory at the mat inee, along the promenade on Fifth t venue, at the bazaars and dog shows. The day was when she wore pinafore. or simple little homemade frocks, aud she was relegated to the nursery. But today Dame Fashion gives quite as much consideration to the comfort and beauty of the small daughter of the bouse as to those of ber elder sister. And the kpynot Is simplicity. : It is at the matluee that she may he said to have ber fling, for there she may display her frocks and coats to the hest advantage. ' v t As Just stated, simplicity Is the rul ing feature, and the richest little girl in New York ts frequently dressed tho simplest. The little ten-year-old daugh ter of Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, who was In a bo nt the matinee last week with several tots of her own age. wore white mull frock with a yoke of val lace. A deep bertha fell over the shoulders and In front graduated to a V, ending at ..the waist. The full sleeves reached just below the elbow, with a band of val lace. and-he full skirt was plain, with a four inch hem. White kid shoes and a white double breasted cloth coat with a white fox collar completed this superb little tol- BWAOOEB KABLT SFKHHi KODKIt GTT.L'S COAT. let, which was - capped by a white brljnmed hat, with tips and a long plume. : This French style of dress Is to re:gn supreme for gll-l. from els to twelve, and berthas adorn the gowns of girls of all ages. Valenciennes lace and eyelet embroidery are much used. The- para phernalia of the small girl is not neces sarily expensive to be fashionable. The most elaborate dress or coat may he made by her mother In much less time than of yore. ;It can be purchased ready made for almost the price of the goods. A dress for a girl of twelve of lawn and made like this one just de scribed, also trfmm3d with lace, may be bought for less than $4, Another little dark eyed beauty wore a double breasted coat or ligiitweigm kersey In the new shade of coral, adorn ed with velvet buttons. , There wan t shoulder cape, and the neck was finish ed with a flnt velvet collar trimmed with Persian braid Another seen on a dainty little mlsa walking on Fifth avenue was of Eng lish plold mixture In box style, prettily trimmed : with blnck velvet on collar and caffs, touched off with white and red broadcloth aud gold butterflies. All these little coats fall four Inches above the hem of the dress. Mothers will rejoice to know that the naval sailors and Russian blouses will 'fee the rage this season In percales, linens and cottons. Two extra goren are Inverted at the sides to give the fashionable flare. . Elbow sleeves are the feature of the new shirt waists. --.The woman with pretty srmt will rejoice, but those not so fortunate may affect the long suedo gloves, wnlch now are so popular and effective, as tney make all arniB look shapely.' ; But this la to be a season of fancy, fluffy effects,, and all kinds of filmy games are used. - Sleeves to the fancy shirt waists may be full, puffed, ruffled or plain, to suit the style of any hull vidua!, and the artist may plan to make her sleeves so bewitching that the thin arms below the elbow will not be observed.' The shape of the sleeves is more becoming than formerly and gives breadth to the shoulders rather than the sloping effect of last year. When the shoes with flat, fashionable points took 4he place of the good old round and square toes we believed fashion had reached her limitations, but not se. fShoes of colored kid are here. In French gray calfskin. In differ ent shades of olive, red, orchid and coral. For receptions tho shoes must match the gown, and colors nre to bo worn with white drosses, or to match, for the street. Calf will be worn to the exclusion of suede, ns also canvas shoes, which are easily cleaned Our readers may have any jupdtton rore-ttrning- eahlone or fabrics answered by i,,n tterrnux, the fashion export, by h hcHHlns Kene Deveraux, P. O. Itox 2fi9, H - -..in Si are, New York, Inclosing stamp for reply. Plra'ing Foley's Honey end Tar. r, Vy & Co.', Chirnpo, originated - 1 Tar f 13 tt nmt and luni? ; 1 on i It n"t of the preat of l-'oley's Iioney a nre o!Vered fur I V 8 III IH'V ie of ;! cive I.. I ll r -..). WOMAN ANDJASHION A Comfort' Carmeat. There are so many times during the day when a comfort garment Is Indis pensable to the busy American woman. It offers rest In Its very freedom from restraint, while the graceful folds and draperies seem to heighten ease. The ATTBACTIVK KIMONO. kimono shown here Is more attractive uu the usual model because of toe BUhrlngs on the shoulder In front and ut , the neck in back. The Increased fullness thus provided does away with any tendency to plainness or harshness of outline.:. The Japanese materials are Ki'e.it favorites for kimonos, as their artistic weaves and colorings seem to armonize with the grace of the Japa nese garment Any soft silks, wools or washing fabrics may be used. : -: Neckwear Noteleta. The long plaited Jabot Is the special feature of this season's stocks. A conspicuous novelty is the ruffle at the lower edge of the collar band, a mode which Is extremely becoming , to ber who is divinely tall, but let the wo man of the short neck avoid It reli giously. Every wardrobe should Include in Its contents at least one well made and perfectly fitting '. black stock, to be worn with a touch of white at the neck. Smart Belts. New Imported belts and girdles are ! made of silk elastic, so that they will fit any waist They usually are shaded, being quite dark at the bottom and light at the top, and as they come In plult, blue; violet, green and white they are useful and novel for tne evening waist The effect Is pretty, as these belts nre trimmed Flth steel or with narrow shirred ribbon and braid, which are sewed on In all sorts of pretty de signs. .. '.'... L;."i....,....Pajnle! HiiWlUs, i' ' - Those having In mind a gown of any one of the fashionable purple shades- prune, plum or violet will be Interest ed In some new purple umbrellas which are a novelty. Some of these have un usual handles of copper with a Byzan tine finish. The JJew Laces. ' The favorite laces are baby Irish, cluny, . Valenciennes and renaissance. and the effect of these with the linen la I past the capacity of mere woman to describe. . However, It seems about the prettiest thing ever Invented In wear ables. ' For a Little Maid. No one need think that the fashions of the first empire are not aa becoming ! to the little maid as to her mother: The i short Ktou pirt fits easily, while '.the lower attached portion flares gracefully ' BMAWj EMPil.S COAI. about tho bottom. Broadcloth Is very soft and rich In tiny coats, and the pretty collar and cuff facings of a dif ferent color vould render It all the more charming by contrast The coat t loties In double breasted manner, with six large crystal buttons. Any season able coat fabric may be used in this design, velvet lluen and the rat allkf being very smart. Bids Wanted The postmaster desires hlii to carry the mails on mcfsenKer route No. 213,- oni between the pontoffice 8" 1 t e At lantic anil North Carolina C-..) . , . y'l denot. ami transfer service let v 1 1 r. O. & V.. Uy depot ami t 5 ami Mer'h Carolina feii'i '.ry'rt c 1 ' i v. il t ' "! en Ft ' 1 .' 'i . r i : ir SOUTHERN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1905. m 136 108 Daily. "am 112 Eastern Daily. Daily. Daily. Lv P M AM ' 1 IE 1 27 ' I 40 1 63 1 58 2 08 7 20 0 8 GREENSBuKO Me Lean......,,. ; Gibsonville...,. Elon College.;. Burlintrton. .... 7 33 7 48 7 53 f 1 30 1 47 1 63 2 06 2 11 2 17 2 33 2 45 2 58 3 12 3 40 3 55 If: 17 21 8 05 2 13 2 18 "2 30 8 m 23 26 Graham..,.,... . 8 15 8 27 8 38 8 47 Haw River , : Mebane..... , Erland.. ...... ...... Hillsboro UNIVERSITY .. DURHAM....... East Durham. ... Brassfield. Morrisvilie. CARY RALEIGH...... Garner... ........ Auburn.......... Clayton..-. ...... Wilson's Mills... SELMA Pine Level Princeton...., Rose GOLDSBORO... Ar. 32 37 41 46 f 2 42 2 61 3 03 9 00 -9 20 9 30 6 45 6 67 3 251 8 35 f 3 43 8 58 65 67 61 7 15 f 9 37 f 4 10 7 30 7 42 9 51 4 27 4 40 6 15 4 10 10 02 10 30 73 81 8 05 4 i 62 flO 45 f 6 33 87 4 58 6 11 6 25 6 43 5 60 flO 61,f 5 40 11 02 6 54 fll 18 f 6 09 11 30 6 29 11 36!f 6 35 6 051 11 48 f 6 46 6 21 fl2 03 3 "l5 f6 40 12 20 H PM AM ' This condensed schedule is published without notice to the pubi c. Trains Nos, 112 and 108 connect at trains, both Southbound and Northbound; trains for Morehead City ana intermediate points. , Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No! 33 for Charlotte, Colum bia and Jacksonville. No. 37 solid Pullman train, drawing-room sleepers New York to New Orleans and Memphis, also for Winston-Salem, Wilkeaboro, Dan ville and local stations.- ; ' ; Train No. 117 handles through coach Richmond, where close connection is made for Washington and Eastern cities. Tnm No. 107 connects at Durham for University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with ' train No. 36 for Washington and points North, close connection for inston talem, High Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and intermediate stations. , Train No. 135 connects at Greensboro with No. 39 for Charlotte, Columbia and Jacksonville; No. 35 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest; Nos. 34 and 38 for Washington and all points North; connection is also made at Salis bury for Western North Carolina points. -S. H. Hardwick, P. T, M. ; W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. H. B, Spencer, G Washington, v. U. R. L. Vernon, T. P. A, Charlotte, N. U Nsea J. M. ARNOLD, Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Stables Largest and Finest Stock of Horses and Mules ever offered in New Bern, car load of each just received. Complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Robes, Whips and Cart Wheels. J M. ARNOLD, Hahn s Old Stable, Middle Street. Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange ,5 i Largest and finest stock of Horses and A car load oi.each just in. Also a complete line oi isuggies, wagons, Harness, Robes,. Whips, Cart Wheels, Etc . Broad Street, New Stock Horses Arrived w 4 " biz: RAILWAY. 107 135 111 in ' Daily. Daily. Daily. Dai'y. AM PM AM AM 11 59 6 35 6 35 fll 40 f 6 15 f 6 17 11 27 6 00 6 05 .. 11 22 6 65 6 00 11 14 6 46 4 47 11 07 5 39 4 40 11 01 6 S3 4 80 10 50 5 22 4 17 f 10 38 f 6 10 f 4 02 10 28 6 01 8 47 . 10 16 4 49 8 30 10 00 4 80 3 00 9 20 9 44 4 18 2 48 9 07 f9 87 f4 10f285f8 42 9 13 f 3 68 2 15 f 8 22 9 05 3 49 2 05 8 12 8 45 8 30 j 7 60 8 26 f 3 12 11 31 8 20 f 3 06 11 23 ......... 8 08 2 55 11 08........ j 7 65 f 2 40 10 50 . 7 451 2 25 10 38 7 86 2 12 flO 25 7 26 2 01 flO 10 7 14f 1 49 f 9 55... 7 00 1 35 9 40 AM I PM PM AM Lv aa information and is subject to chanara . Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line and with Atlantic and North Carolina between Raleieh. Chase Citv and with Washington Southern Railway , Oxford, Chase City and Richmond: T. E. Green, C. T. A. Raleigh, N. C. Successor to M. Hahn & Co., Mules ever offered for sale in New Lern New Bern, N. U We have just received a finest horses suitable for farm work cr ' ving, which wa will sell at rem: priced.' We have also a full lino of V,' Buggies, Harness and eve: usually kept in an up-to-date s' We will make TcrmB Ri;U. Seus. to CO Brcr.d LS - ;-,

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