f, :y v.:;.: kit ii.zr.t Fojr.Younj Cooni Up ta Court to Account For.Thelr Singular Conduct Around CMckaa Coopv The arrest of the colored boy Friday night for stealing chickens was sup plemented yesterday by the arrest of three other boys for the same offense. The existence of a gang of chicken thieves was proved and the mystery of the disappearance of nice table fowls is in a large part explained. The boy Willie Grady gave the police names of the three other boys and where they could be found and policemen Lupton and Bowden went to their homes at 4 o'clock yesterday morning and arrested them. They seemed impressed with the sense of their guilt to the extent that they were constantly endeavoring to put the blame on each other. The fact that they had several chickens which have been identified by persons to whom the fowls belonged was of minor importance.. ' The other three boys were Ed Lee, Jim Stevenson and Sam Wright Ed Lee was placed on trial first and Wil li Grady was called as a witness. He said hv was made to join them by threats of beating and that he really did not want to steal chickens. The boy said that the other boys stole the chickens and gave them to him to carry. -: y--:,v-.;;7-. -: ' 7 During the trial it was developed that not only the hen coop of Mr. Brooks had been visited but three or four others in different parte of the city had received attention from them Friday night. They plead not guilty to the charge and each one told a plausible story. - They unquestionably belong to a gang of thieves that have been stealing for a long time. They have acquired much smoothntsj in ras cality. Mayor Patterson bound them ' over to Superior court for trial under $50 bonds. Not being able to furnish the security they were taken to jail. W. H. Wilson appeared for the boy, Ed Lee. A MOME MtSSION NOTE His Lamp His lamps are we, - To shine where He shall say, And lamps are not for sunny rooms, Nor for the light of day; But for dark places of the earth, Where shame and wrong, and crime have birth; Or for the musky twilight gray, ;. Or where wandering sheep have gone '-. astray,' . Or where the light of faith grows dim And souls are groping after Him. And as sometimes a flame we find, , Clear shining through the night So bright we do not see the lamp, But only see the light, So. may we shine His light the flame, That men may glorify His name. Letter to J. H.Ellis New Bern, H. C" . ' -- Dear Sir: A man said; Send me 26 gallons. Generally I use 24; don.t think it'll be enough. Had 7 left Ordered 9 more for another job; 16 for the job. Had 6 left. This comes f romMessrs. W A & F Bow er, Methuen, Mass. They add: This has been our experience all this year. - New agents always have to go through it After a little, they learn to guess better. Yours truly, F. W. Devob i Co. 28 " P. S.-E. W. Smallwood sells o paint THE MOTION DENIED la Conaequenco of Judge Long's DscMom. Tha Cm of Hill n. Railroad Will Ba Tried Tuatday.' Yesterday Judge Long announced hi decision in regard to the motion argued before him on Friday. The lawyers for the defendant in the case of Hill vs. Kaiiroaa jo. hied the motion lor a change of hearing to an adjacent coun ty on the grounds that the board of county commissioners bring interested parties to the suit would draw the names of the jurors. , , It will be remembered that the suit in question was brought to annul the lease of the A. & N. C Co. The case is set for trial Tuesday and a great deal of interest is centred on the result Hat Stood tha Tatt 25 Ysars The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. 60c u Iff; 1fj "0 i .: ' Mtt n in the open air. Will stand '.. Count guaranteed. Guaran " (. t V. ,1 prown liy brat seed i i I ,,L' liu .ini' .1. I have now an I f.ifHv. Any v;if!"ly. Sold t I .f of t :.U for tlio ' : id V ' i i. I North ' : -r. . i i vi r Ti rru-e ' t t i i nl l v 6 ii,buiii!i L At Wort On the Farm and reeling Wen All the Time. Geo. H. Thompson, Raleigh, Miss-, writes: "I have been cured of ca tarrh by your medicines, Parana and Manalin. I had been affected with eatarrh of the stomach about all my life, and was taken bad every Spring and Summer. "I used several kinds of patent medicines, but they did uie no good. I then toot a treatment under an M. D., which did me but little good. By this time I had come to Where I could eat nothing but a little soup. I had severe pains, had lost in weight and could not do anything. I began taking your medicines, Pernna and Manalin. I then weighed 128 pounds, but atter tak ing several bottles of Peruna and one bottle of Manalin, I weighed 166 pounds. , .; "I am now at work on the farm and feel well all of the time. I at all I want to and my friends say that I look better than ever before, I will ever praise Peruna for its healing power." : Pe-ru-na Is a Systemic Remedy. If Peruna proves efficient for catarrh In one place, it will be equally potent in any other place, because it is a sys temic remedy. The people generally are very much misinformed as to the nature of catarrh. Catarrh is usually believed to be con fined to the head, nose and throat. Lat terly we sometimes hear of catarrh of the stomach and eatarrh of the towels. Seldom, if ever, do we hear of catarrh of any other organs. It is not because these organs are not subject to catarrh, nor that catarrh ol these organs is not a very common dis ease, but simply because it is not gener ally Known mat anections of utese organs may be due to catarrh. General Wheeler's First Meeting With Lee. "I found my way to the door1 of the office of the Superintendent of the Academy, The Superintendent's ordtr lyt whose duty it was to announce visi tors, was for a moment absent, and being ignorant of military , rules I knocked at the door. I heard the words 'come in.' As I entered, this re markable man, Robert E. Lee, who afterwards became a renowned warrior, rose from his seat behind his desk, met me as I approached, and placing his hand upon my shoulder, said with a welcome smile: 'A young cadet who has com to report? Never have I seen a form or face which so impressed me; his uniform was closely buttoi.ed, show tog his erect, well rounded and perfect figure; his manner was dignified and embodied modesty, kindness, benevo lence and all the characteristics which convey the idea of purity and nobility. He was in his forty-ninth year, mus tache faced, with slightly gray hair At that time he was a captain of engi neers, with brevet ranks of Major, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, which honors he won by courage and valuable service in the battles of Mexico. . So highly regarded was he that the Army and War Department considered him the logical and certain successor of General Scott as commander of the army.''; "In reply to the question I bowed to express the affirmative and after a few kind words he took me to the door of the Adjutant, Lieutenant L B. Fry, afterwards a prominent General, telling me that Lieutenant Fry would give me all instructions and .directions. - This kind, fatherly reception was different from my preconceived idea of military decorum; there was not a particle of austerity in the bearing of cither Colo nel Lee or Lieutenant Fry." ,. ' The above is only a foretaste of this article, in addition to which there' is a thrilling dramatic narrative of General Wheeler's campaign at Chick amauga, from the pen of one of his old troopers, Dr. John Allan Wyeth. With these two features the Golden Age will be of special interest to all Southern readers. Its subscription price is $1.00 per year. Published at 43 W. Twenty-seventh Street, New York. : ' 5 , l"pfr W ' Pe-ru-na, the Most Reliable Remedy Tor ' 77sf Vft . All Climatic Aliments. A Ji MR. CEO. M. THOMPSON rT. 'V r.iVOT il 4 h- - 'U Governor Grants Respite to Murderer Special to Journal. Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 10-Governor Clenn this afternoon returned from his vinit to Western, N. C. The first offi cial act was to grant a respite to Jesse fl. Mitchell of I.ertie county, undorser-t- ore to le hanged m-xt Tuesday, af i i t :,tl for tho nmnii-r of liia wif. , ' r , 'd; allows until March first, f rr ..n V..- I t'. C.vcinor in acting .: t'1 1 ri-j i,1:l! ion of (.IT S' I r , ' .Ui) j ! y :, who was " i ' ( ' i i i (' t II,'.-' !, r. n rrmn L Qu w J 111 kit) Climatic Ailments Overcome By Pe-m-na. Mr. W. J. Temple, R. P. D. 3. Dela ware, Ohio, writes : "I am a farmer and so nece: sr.rilr must be exposed to all klndsof w ather. About three years ago last wi: iter, I was taken sick with bowel and st imacli trouble. . , ' - "One doctor called it ulceration of the bowels, another called It colitis. Another doctor helped me tempo rarily. . . "Then a druggist recommended Peruna and I followed his adt Ice. I took altogether five bottles and I con sider myself a well man. - "Before using Peruna, it was utterly impossible for me to do a day's work, but now I can do 'farm work without the least trouble or fatigue. I consider Peruna the best medicine and tonio on the market. . ; "I had not eaten a meal for flvo years without distress until I took 1 3runa. I have recommended it to i everal friends with good results." DESTRUCTIVE FIRE " AT WILMINGTON. Our Sister City Suffers a Serious Conflagra tion Entailing Lost of Nearly $100,000. The city of Wilmington was visited by one of the most destructive fires it has ever had; the worst since 18? 3. The cause is unknown but the genera devas tation was due to low pleasure from the water works which prevented ef ficient work by the firemen. Tho loss is estimated at between $80,000 nnd $100,000 and takes from the business portion about half a block of stores. ' The proprietor of the Willard i Bag and Manufacturing Co. is the son-in-law of Mr. W. H. Oliver of this city. Mr. Willard is the heaviest loser of any, the factory being a large three story structure. Following is the list of victims and losses: , , "- Willard Bag and Manufacturing Co., building," stock and equipment, $45,000. Mrs. Elizabeth Vollers, building on Front and also on "Dock streets, $15,000 W. A. Vollers, groceries, stock, $3, 000. - Braddy Music store, stock $500. H. L. Vollers, goods stored in Vol ler's building $1,500. Thomas J. Gore, building and stock, $11,000. George D. Phares & Co., furniture stored in warehouse, $1,500. Bnth , 1 lto Hind Yea Haw Always Bfflijil Fifteen revolutionists were condemued and shot at Riga, Russia. A Guaranteed Cur For Pile Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding;, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails Jo curein 6 to 14 days. 50c. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Eggs, per dozen...... . 12 Chickens, old per pair.... ..J 60 ' " - young, p;f pair ... .40-50 Pork, par lb.... ... , . ... .'..........V Live Hogs........... 5 Beef, .C& f Hides, green, per 1T ; 1 " dry " 10 Beeswax, '., 20 to 24 Corn, per bushel 55 Peanuts 8f Potatoes, Yams 70 buhumas CO Local Grain Market. Corn, per bushel - 03 0al3, " 171 11 P Seed Outs HO White Seed Oals f,0 , V. Chronic 'Catarrh of . ' " tmMAf 1 y nff PpfW&nca(i and Throat Ustcd - v iwuP I I r r nrrnjwwuu MB. J. B. AlJXAMDFB. I If Mr. Gustav Schmidt, Spring Valley, 111., writes: t J W UI had ctarrb of the head and throat for over thirty years. It became ; J' jf worse every year. About three months ago 1 flommenced to take Peruna , X" rjfyK&Wb. f'MR ui i I) and Manalin, and now I am entirely cured of that troublesome sickness, , WNh . K v. 1 ) v 1 : : i i. . hliuuinir tn minbind Vnn pan tmlT ll&v th&t VOU II ; f j&r ICMrLE. UU1 II1UU1UIUO ! DUIUJIT voi.n . "J J t U3r I-"""- J , 'n.., ..,)TIK.V.n.h,tl..irnlnln hllllllllM I - - 1 J IiaVB liUt 11VUU 1U Y1U, injLWi , k.,w.. j B j " i II " -. r . . 1 .a k.U an ITflvlnit Vi.t nnanl t ft . 1 KEEP OFF ALL CATARRHAL ILLS A TALK TO r '111 iv . . 4 t.n nflrtK I 1 Without the farmer, thelndustrial world with all Its flurry and immense (wealth could not exist for a day. , It is upon the soil that wo all depend I for our living. v ' No matter how far one may be re Itnoved from tilling the soil, or how lit jtle he may know about the farmer's vo cation, he is vitally dependent upon the things which grow in the soil. . Farming is the basis of all wealth and ,is the bulwark of all civilization. , i The farming class is rapidly becom- jing intelligent and shrewd in business management The reuben and the country bumpkin have disappeared and in their stead a practical well-trained business man. (capable of the highest form of cora 'merclal activity, has arisen. Peruna -is a very popular medicine iamong the farming class. A New York Criticism of The Clans-?..- man. .;: : e Stage," a theatri-al magazine Publi shed in New York, has he follow ing to say of "The Clansman: ' "George H. Brennan brought ""The Clansman" to town: and some of the critics got out their biggest bludgeon) and proceeded to have much fun witlj it.' When all's said and done, however "The Clansman" comes mighty near to being one of the most remarkable dramas ever seen in New York. Thorn as Dixon, Jr., is author of "The Clans man." The play was dramatized from the same author's two books, I "The Leopard's Spots',' and "The Clansman.' It is a story of the South during the reconstruction period, and as such is a vivid and lasting picture of the condi tions that obtained during that painful period. .' ' '. -'. "Mr. Dixon does riot mince words or matters in his play at the Liberty thea tre. He proclaims the dogma that the negro is not nor can ever be the equal of the white man. Around this central idea he has wov.en a play of tremendous strength, somewhat melodramatic in spots, but strong dram all the time. 1 , "The author likewipe jut tifies the fa mous Ku Kiux Klan, and points out that is was organized for the distinct purpose of protecting the white women of the South against the black beasts whose crimes have for so many decades made the country's, blood boil with rage and resentment ; "Whatever may be said of "The Clansman" that it is, for instance, un couth in spots, and that is the truth it is a fibrous and stirring play of spier did story and bold, dashing treatment It is an answer to "Uncle Tom's Cab in." It has legitimately sensational episodes that go thundering into the brains and hearts of its audiences as few plays have done in recent years. ' At this writing it looks as if Mr. Brennan would finally make ."The Clansman? a dramatic institution that will last for years and be a standing reproach to those who would make the negro a full and complete equal of the Caucasian. Ti'EQLEOTCO, RICHMOND, VA, ARS HZADQUARTER3 FOR rescind, ; IZzzi:, . :. . I2zsl Sitc, Write for prices ami catalogue. We curry one of the largest aud best stocks of X-4 1 II I ;0 i ..mil , and i. V h:t- u r i ; i to FARMERS. Many a family depends largely upon Peruna as a family medicine and the family physician. . ?! ' Some farmers are far removed from physicians, and in any case1 they are far more self-reliant and more liable to depend upon a household remedy than people who live in the cities. - ' Dr. Hartman, who for many years was a farmer himself, and who still owns and manages one of the best farms in the State of Ohio, is a friend cf the farmer, and it is with the farm- that tho Immense bulk of his correspondence is conducted. - - .". ' The millions of booklets published and distributed by Dr. Hartman overy year circulate chiefly among the farm ing class. ' ' ";. ; - A large number of unsolicited testi monials concerning Peruna come from the farmers every yea.-. . - J. E. Latham & Companj'i Weekly Cotton Letter I Special to Journal - ' Greensboro, Feb. 10. The New York Ootton Exchange was cloned today and will not open again until Tuesday, on account of Lincoln's birthday. , The market is down during the week about 25 points, and after a great display of weakness during the first part of the week, closes at a recovery from the lowest, with a much better feeling There seems to be. less pressure, and spinners are more inclined to buy, and to regard values as cheap enough for the time being. It appears that con siderable of the extensive interest who bought cotton at 12 to 12Jc a pound oa the mista1 en ideas of a 9 to 10 million bale crop, and an impossible consump tion, have sold out their purchases, and in some cases have actually gone short of the market The reduction in the price of cotton hax not found a similar concession in yarns and dry goods. We therefore think there is more reason for an advance than .for further de clines. ; wn Grass .. Feby 12th. Our farmers are very much Interest ed in J. E. Latham & Co's. weekly cot ton letter which they read in the New Bern Journal. We hope the 15 cent cotton won't jret thern crazed on the product - Mr. J. T. Norris was in New Bern Thursday on business. We are glad to note that Rev. J. B. Russell is again convalescent i Mrs. Lillian Foreman and Miss Nellie Piver, are the guests of Mrs. W. G. Dudley, " . . , - Prof. L. B. Ennctt was a visitor at the Academy a few days ago. Mr. W. G. Dudley has improved his residence by having a fancy wall picket ing placed eroand it ' , Through our efficient ounty superin tendent, Prof. L. B. Ennett, the Acad emy has been furnished with a hand some book case , There will be a floral party at Wire Grins ' Academy Wednesday evening Feb. 14 th for the furnishing of the school building. All are cordially in vited to see a great variety of flowers. Remember the date Feb. 14. I Tho social given at the home of Mr. j and Mm. W. G. Dudley's Friday even ly in honoi of their visiting frieiuU, ' an enjoyable event. After the several games cream ana (le i mjus re- freshmi'iilH W-.TO several. 1 - A Necessity m the Home. , J. B. Alexander, publisher of the "Fruit and Floral Guide, a Magailne of Horticulture," published In Hartfprd City, Ind says of Peruna: "I was afflicted with eatarrh of the throat and head for over ten years. I was treated by many physicians, but grew worse until I was seldom able to go out in cold weather. "About one year ago I was advised to try Peruna, which I did, and I am now entirely well of the catarrh. "Peruna is a necessity in our home. With the first symptoms of a cold we use it, and are nover afllloted with ca tarrh. "I advise all who are afllloted with catarrh to try Peruna. There is oertalnly nothing equal to it pa a eatarrh medi cine." - t ' ' , Or. Hartmaa Interested In farming. Notwithstanding Dr. Hartman's busy professional career, he still continues to be Interested in farming. He is the owner an i manager of one of the larg est farms In the State of Ohio, with several thousand acres of the best tilled land in the Middle West, and with hundreds of the best blooded percheron horses ever Imported or raised in this country. . v ' ' -' --: '-J'-. ' Dr. Hartman relies upon Pernna en tirely In eases of sickness in his own family. Preached to Pythians The Athenia Lodge, Knights of Pythias No. 8 attended the service at Christ Episcopal Church Sunday night in a, body and the sermon on the occa sion was most practical and inspiring. The text was taken from 2 Timothy 1:6 "Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God which is in thee." He made the duty of man to man of paramount importance and aptly illustrated his subject by the historical account of the friendship of Damon and Pythias with which the order is so familiar. : The love that was exemplified by those noble men is no more than can be and should be shown now and it is the exercise of suoh love as this that makes this woi Id a habitable place. The willingness of one man to die for another or to suffer for another has not been infrequent in the world's history and as our Saviour died on Cavalry , for all mankind fo ought we to love our fellowmen that should make some sacrifice even to the giving up of life itself. ,ilf Superior Court News The second week of Superior Court began yesterday with the case of Ab bott vs. the Atlantic Coast Line rail road. The plaintiff is a young man, who, in November 1904," was thrown under a train - on the defendant road by a negro and his arm cut off. In his complaint he stated that the tram was going faster than the rate prescribed by the city ordinance which is four miles per hour. The plaintiff , states that it was going at tlte rate of six miles per hour. - The attorneys for the plaintiff were D. L. Ward and W. D. Mclvir; counsel for the defendant A. D. Ward and James H. Pou of Raleigh. The jury had not reached a verdict at a late hour last night "'.!'.,"' '''"'-':',:. ' The case of Hill vs A. & N. C. Co. will be tried today. '-."' TME "CEESTR1CT SXULE." ' A Novel Entertalnmant Under Auspice of 7 Woman's Club. ', " The "Deestrict Skule" a reproluc- tion of a famous Institution long since passed into history will be given under the auspices of the Ladies' Club next Monday night for the benefit of the Child Study Department This U going to be one of the best attrac tions of the year, and there will be no end of the merriment it will produce. Sweet girld and friuky beys who are just bcinnl-f,;to sip at learning's fount will; constitute tho dramatic pcron e and w ill m; '.e fun f r the spectators. The f '.X x !.ar takes I.Lee at t""ht o'ciw. k t..- , t at t of . ) 'yrwr....it.-J t U r, ,. i; t V,.', i I. 1,1. I ! ;!. It i ' I. ' -.t all v ho ere t I ' I I Pe-ru-na, a Household Friend. Mr. Henry Schroeder, Route Napoleon, Ohio, writes: "I suffered fur almost ten years with eatarrh of tho stomach and all doctor ing was of no avail. I took nine bottles of Peruna and two of Manalin and am now entirely cured, . "I recommend the medicine to all who are aflllctod with this disease. It is my household friend." : One of Dr. Hartman's Grateful Cor- respondents. ' Mr. W, It, Callahan, proprietor of Big Hill Farm, and prominent fruit grower and stock raiser, Glenvar, Va., writes: "I write to,, express my kindness toward you and your good mediolne Peruna. v;'."v's. "I had a very bad spell of sickness and could not eat anything at all. My hoad, stomach, in fact, my whole body ached, and it lookod as though nothing would do me any good. I had almost given up. ; ; v ,. "I decided "to try -a bottle f your Pernna and before I had taken half tho bottle my appetite came to me and my head beoame all right. In fact, I was all right all over. Peruna cured me." While Peruna is not confined to any one class of people, yet it is probably truo that the farming class more than any other, rely upon Pornna for tho prevention and cure of all climatie diseases. ' ? ,' SHORT PASSING EVENTS. . Mr. N. R. Godlcy until recently of Beaufort has opened a store in the . building formerly occupied by C. Foil man. Preparations arc well underway for installation of Rev. J.G. Garth at the Presbyterian church next Tuesday, February 20. It is expected that Dr. Moment of Raleigh, Dr. Morton, of Rocky Mount, and Dr. Farries of Golda boro, will be present and have a part in the services. Special music will be given on this occasion. ' A car load of horses passed through New Bern Saturday consigned to J. T. Ewell at Beauiort, who has recently I begun a livery business. The Wilmington Messerger states ' that the actual loss - from the fire of Friday night will be comparatively small. Nearly ail the buildings were well insured. , u - I A telephone mesoage to the Journal ' last night announced that the home of . Mr. Paul Delemarat Oriental was des troyed by fire Sunday. The cause was not given. . The loss is placed at $2,500. On account of the inclement weather yesterday the meei ing for young wo men which was to iinve been held in. the Centenary church was postponed until half past three tnis afternoon (Tuesday.) It is hoped that there will be a large attendance to meet and hear Miss Davis, a missionary from Brazil There will be a meeting of the Childs Study department of the Woman's Club at the Elks club room at 4 o'clock to day. ' All members are requested to be present. ' .. 7 7 Free! ". A 25 cent pin, brooch or hat with every $2.00 purchase until February . 15th. ' . . . ' J. 0. BAXTER, , t Leading Jeweler Loco ' '. ' , February 12th. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith spent a few dajs with relatives here this week. Mr. V. W. Higgins spent Saturday night with his parents. Mr. John Morton has recently pur chased a new bupgy. Our school under the skillful mn-e-ment of Miss Fountain is pre;:i' ;i, j nicely but will close in about t!,re weeks, much to our regret We lh to have Mits Fountain w ith us. Farm work is progressing very slot, ly hen?, en account of bad weal her. We r nl very much to i ? ' t ! ' I. Job i'-milli is in a v, ;y f '' : ? ! (,f lic.-ilfli. He hi very d! 1, .. ; ; in i i i I !,!y-;ii:,ih yi ar. " ' J I 0 I 1 n at, " . 70 iiniiiy " , ( ", ... yon yc r j l i J 1 ' ' ' ,-' 1 1 c.t. T'i ..ile of c '.i v '.' r.j t. !s,,r- t "rii bran, per 100 Itis 7f H'h(,;,t Iran, " ....l.r ?'e. .!, 1 ) t!-;l 1 : '--'I ' 1 r. . ; l r ..... . J It.'

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