3) r9 sir v Mr VOL. XXVIII.-No.91 jne.vv-.JW CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, EBRUARY 16. 1906.--SECOND SECTION. 28th YEAR 3 Jilt Ms I -8 't3 Library " " c " 1 , - ....... V n j. Y - 1 ) V SAW MILLS. UQ3T, KZSiUul AND IZAYY wocd-wclvq auczttst FOR EVERY Ki:D CfVCSX ENGINES AN3 BC1CS AND 5IZES AND FOR EVE5Y CLASS OP SC3VIC3. ASX FOR OUt EST2SUT8 7C3 PUCINQ YOU CSSOU 3IBBES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, 8. a Cotton Farmers Meeting Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 14, 1906. ; , Craven county is not one of the big cotton counties, however her crop of about ten thousand bales yearly when sold at about 10 to 12 cents per pound floats a large sum of money into the business channels and gives to her farmers the means of providing com forts for home and family not heard of when the price is five to seven cents per pound. f , The Southern Cotton Association this season sold the Craven county cotton for about two hundred thousand dollar . more than the 1904 crop sold for. The Association will sell your 1906 crop for a good price if you will stand by it to a man and help it in the fight we have with Wall Street ' You must reduce your acreage for 1906 25 per ccent from that of 1904. You must not sell your 1906 crop at any price for future delivery. You must contribute to the expense fund which i is necessary to conduct the work of the .Association. ! i nope to meet every tenant and every farmer of Craven county at the court house on Tuesday February 20th. . r urmera nut, eiiKugeu ill growing col- .ton, business men, everybody interest ed in the upbuilding of the South, come -,ti this meiting. C. C MOORF, - Pres. N. C. Div. S. C. A. A Cood Time Coming . 'The preparations that are being made 'in producing the "Deestrict Skule" are all in accord with the. method of that important institution and .there Is no attempt to exaggerate the cpjration as it was fifty years ago. A large num - .ber of citizens have volunteered to be- come dudiIs of the school once more .and it will be intertaining to see how our grandparents got tneir nrst noid on defendant lost a brother by death last ucation. j weeic; ft js thought now that the case Members of the Ladies Club are sell-, will be in the jury's possession by Fri ing tickets which are good in any part 1 day night. of the house at 50 cents The tickets J RoWt T co,ored ecja, de. are selling rapdly. Seata for the en- meMenger for tbe Green.ooro .tertamment may be reserved at Waters died ye8terdaJL 6fternoon at , .btore. . 5 o'clock at his home on East Mfrket s Oranges j street , He was an ebtimable man. When thpy come with thegreen leaves master Glenn says that durlt g the attached ti a sure sign that they ate 8 years that Price held the positiin of fresh and have lost none of their de- special delivery messenger never had a lightfulqualhies-justfrom the trees complaint been made against him. '-He in that delicious state of perfection, waa Mr- Glenn, "as faithful, so soothing to thenerveaand appeasing Prompt and efficient as any man would tJ the appetite. The trees have been be in his place." Price died of pneu - given the Tast shake of the season, monia, which developed rapidly as it and has bid adieu to its beautiful gol- was only a day or so before his death ; .den fruif, but white with bloom of ex- that he quit work. quiuite aroma. It ia none the loser for Messrs. J. R. and E. M. Oettinger, of ihe change. i Kinaton have decided to locate a buggy . C. E. WH1TCOMB. factory in Greensboro on Mr. Benbow's 3 George street. ' property on the eastern edge of the New York Cotton Market. - The following wero the opening and . . v , . . ; clotting prices on tha New York Cotton' Al . - . n . ni.......'..', .'I Kxcnango, r eny ia . High 10 12 10 2 11 41 Low 10 60 .10 81 , 10.95 Close 10.72 10.90 Jl.02 Mch May July 10 GO 10.85 10 98 Receipts 15,42-1 List year, 1.1,197. Mnnv men eive luvinhly of srold. i To build bridges and castles and towers of Oil; . -; If you want everlasting fame, a bene factor be. , . . Give the poor needy Rocky Mountain Tea. j For sale'by F. S . Duffy. I "M"""" t Wanted to Buy J ty f'I'f'A I YtiT All Kinds of Southern Fruits - and Vegetables , or will handle on 'for a .cons:' nmcnt. Let me know' you SDEL CASE .. Strong Effort to Prove Him Gover- nor's Agent Filth Weak of Hit Trial. Worthy Colored U. ' 8. Monongor Doad. OettllTgert of . Kinston to Locals In Gronsboro. . Chambar of Commtrco Asks . for Continuance Fart Mall r; . Servlco. (Special Correspondence.) - . Greensboro, N. C, Feby 14. After, an nnrnmnr. Jntinir all Aav vpatprdni, ' in the Federal court in thetrial of G W i Samuel indicted for frauds against the government on a motion by defendant mK- Assistant District Attorney rnoe to be discharged because of an alleged followed him in an hours argument for fatal variance between the allegations the prosecution and Ex-governor Ay of the bill of indictment and the proof. ck consumed the whole of the after Judge Boyd disallowed the motion. He ! noon in hia argument for the defendant ruled that defendant was an agent of Governor Aycock 's argument was 8 the government and as such was crmi-jlT8 effort and he made manv 001(1 and nally liable "for malfeasance or non- .utrking utterances' in the course of his feasance, and ordered that the argu- jsPeecn of more than two hours, which ment before the jury be re-commenced attracted the closest attention of the this morning. During' the morning' session Solicitor General Hayes, pre-1 sented the governments position with great force and power, and was follow ed by Assistant District Attorney's Price Tand Britt. In the afternoon Judge Bynum for defendant replied taking substantially the same grounds he did Saturday, District Attorney HoV ton closed the argument for the prose cution, Judge ' Bynum closing with another appeal to the court for the dii -charge of defendant.' In his exhaus tive argument of the morning Mr. Hayea contended Samuel was an agent nf f Vt A ffAVaromant 4-Vq f Via na na f f itl. tya , tV, statute under which the bill of mdict- mmt h,m was drawn, but also t . . ,... .. g(Jch. Further Ws gctB werethoBe ' , of an agent and in consequence of said reports made by him the government of the United States paid out various sums of money for ..infoimers, feef, etc., he being recognized by the govern ment as its agent notwithstanding his title, whether deputy collector, special 8na11 not he enforced, it cannot be en employe, detective or what over it j forced. might be. 'v..1 . j S x.uel, 1 believe in my heart. is an The fifth week ef the trail beirins to-' hot and faithful an officer and citi- 'day Two defendants AttorneyF, , Watson and Aycock are absent, Watson gick at home: ex-Governor Aycock at- : tending a dying brother at Goldsboro. f District Attorney Holton has just r. - t.A m k.!i o v,; v..tu. i uiucu win vtio uuiiai ui sua uiuiiicf and Judge Adams leading counsel for town. The young gentlemen belong to the Oettinger family in Kinston who have done 80 much for tho commercial and industrial upbuilding of that town ... . . . , ., . and thev are certain io be decided ac- - quisitions to the business and industrial life of Greensboro. The Btyle of the firm will be Oettinger Buggy Com pany. ' ' . At a meeting of the Chamber of Com merce last night, Dr. Charles D. Mclver acting president, the following resolu tion requesting the continuance of the ft mail service to the south was adopted: Be it resolved by the Chamber of Commerce of Greenboro, N. C, that ine norm caronna representatives in the Congress of the. United States, tie and they are hereby respectfully asked, to earnestly support all means looking to the continuance of the present sys- tpm ff foaf mail atriita anil trt rlnxmtc 8Ucn an aPProPr'at'on as may be nec essary to maintain the same. I Be it further resolved that the secre tary of this Chamber, be and ia hereby instructed to can this matter to the at- tmtionofall similar organizations ort the south, and that he f rward a (o y of these resolutions to cachtf Nr r . Carolina's Senators and Representativ B .ES ress. Notice Mr. C. C. Moore, treasurer of the N. C. Diymion of the Southern Cotton . sj ruit",n.uI aiek New i,em rues- d 'y i o'cl'ic e h at the court house at 11 k a. in. V.'o 1' ."is nil who fi'i'l ' ' 1 in 1 1 1 I Bum'; 8 W iil 101'.!. I Samuel's Case Finds Notable Utter ances His Behalf. Ex-Govrnor Aycock And Ex-ludgs Bynum Spaak. . Government No Better Than PoopU Behind It. Stats V of Conditions In Wilkes - . County. . ' -" (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Feb. 15. Yesterday was j another day ofyargument and oratory m the Federal court, there being three notable speeches to the jury in the Samuel case. "-Judge W. P. Bynum made two hours speech In the mom; court, the jury and a large audience present to hear him. He began by referring to conditions in Wilkes coun ty and declared that Samuel had pur.- ned them, as there had been but one still cut since he resigned; Explaining the state of affairs he said that Wilkes people had for generations .been bred to feel that they had the right to turn their corn into whiskey, their fruit into brandy, and when the Watts law even denied them the right of government stills they simply moved back into the woods and with 95 per cent of the pop ulation, determined to resist the law, and the domaant party there declar ing it a hideous infamy it created an atmosphere of opposition to officers that was not surprising. So great wi this you find one of the chief blockaders a deputy sheriff, and what the prosecu- tion here calls the King bee of them all Lawson Davis, . made last yeaf chair man of the county commissioners. Gov ernment is never better than the peo ple who are behind it, and when people who are behind the officers say a law Zt "aganyof these representatives of t:i DePB,-tment of Justice who are 1,08ecut,ng him Holton h& BUch a ,ulona reputation as a prosecuUng mcet he 18 heard of eveB doWI, in m country and is even there a terror to , innocent men. And yet he has been a month trying to make a case against this one brave courageous officer. In his powerful argument at the morn ing session, Ex Judge W. P. Bynum whose celebrated "greed; grab and graft" proclamation issued, at the time of the holding of the Republican State convention here, is remembered took occasion to throw a few more hot shot at his republican brethren. He-j began this fusilade at the beginning of his speech, after the following manner: The whole prosecution of my client Samuel is the outc me of an infernal republican political row.' in Wilkes county, something which Been s to act uate many republicans in this State, vho in their infernal lurt for office turn demons in - their efforts to damn and blacken, better men's characters. Here in Wilkes county the evidence shows, In March 1904 the hottest kind of political contest in every township in the primaries over the selection of Linney or Blackburn men for the Con gressional ' ' nomination. Blackburn triumphed in the convention and in the election Samuel was a strong and hon est supporter of Blackburn. Immediate ly following that nominating conven tion, was began an unparalleled system of vituperation and espionage, which never stopped even after reaching the portals of this court. . Mixed up with this row was the fight by the ex-ievanue officers out, against those who like Samuel were in. Following the exam ple of higher officials of their party, these outs depended on break intr back jnt0 0fHce by slander and disgrace to those who were in. So it has been in this Stato, so it is today.- Look at it Here is United States District Attor ney Holton. His name has just been sent in to the Senate by the President for re-appointment, and that nomina tion is being held up in order that charges against hi character may b) lodged, bo that he may be blackened and befouled. It ia an infamous state 0f affairs. It is the most relentless, nian .damnabl e state of affairs that ever existed or was ever permitted to hex;8t j caibu ill ntiy i;iviueu vuiiiiuuiiibjr vii top of God's earth. Just let a man have the temerity or the capacity or credit to seek or to properly fill an official position and here flops down upon him a black brood of scavenger harpies who pro- I punA fn frnni h'tn lin-f nnf uni hnh Kwrli ! . h jg Samuu) Tho ecution fl(,. miu ho wa9 a m;in of im,.)roachul),e character aa an of two yt'Jil'ti 11; to. T. leer ami citizen, prior rve, f fjl il.inpjt, I he cut up twice as many stills and har- raased;more blockaders than any officer who ever dashed over the mjuntanisof Wilkes county. Since' tli Linney and Blackburn row started every means known to modern detective ingenuity have been used to show that this man with a long record of right living and honorable conduct became suddenly cor- rupt.and ex-revenue officers trying to get.and ex-blockaders trying get even are the instruments of his torture an periL . . ' .;, , Cove ' . ' ' . ' Ifebruaay 15. - Mr. Roland S. Tilden formerly of this place who was dppojitetj operator atTuscarora made us a ,vir Wednes day and relieved Ur. M. II. ' Hill who who attended tle-'opera at Goldsboro that evening.1 V . Mrs. George L. Taylor, who has been visiting her daughter MrsJ. W J. broth ers, has returned to her home at La Grange. I : Sv me of our local wise weather prop hets who have been predictm snow for the last few weeks have changed their tune and have now promised us a hot time during July and August. Mr. J. S. Robertson Bpont the day in New Bern today. , . Mr. Tom McKoy has purchased from Mrs Augusta Liebman t lot. on Ave. A., who will remodel the old residence and put on an addition, and build up on the south end a house with all u.odern mprovements. Quite a number of our young people attended the opera, the O ant of Monte Christo at Goldsboro Wednesday right The following couples attended: Mr. K. M. Harris, with- iiiss Margartt Tucker; Mr. Michael A. Hill, with Miss Eva Pittman, and Mr. S. C. Lane with Miss Ida Filanne of Appalachcola, Fla. , chaperoned by Mrs. W. J. Brothers. Mr. W. E. Jones went to Goldsboro Wednesday morning to purchase dogs and while there attended the opera in the evening. . ', ;-., : Our R. R. Agent - here is indeed a trong man judging from tha number of mail sacks he carries at one time. ' Mr. T. B. Ipoch, one of the most suc cessful farmers who recently accepted a position as claim agent with the A. &N. C. Co., at Goldsboro paid us a visit yesterday. Come again Mr. Ipoch we are always glad to see you. Mr. K. M. Hariis has vild his black smith an i general repair shop to M. D. Lane of Ft. Barnwell. CHARLEY ON THE SPOT. ' MISSTATEMENTS SHOWN sy Governor' Investigation of Charge . Mid Agalnit State Institution. Raleigh, Feby 14. Gov. Glenn issues a lengthy address to the people .jof the State as a resnlt of his investigation into the charges that if the State hos pitals for the insane at Raleigh and Morgan ton were cleared of patients abl to pay in private hospitals thus room would.be made for all indignent msane confined in the jails elsewhere. He says he had every case examined as to the financial ability . and found that in Raleigh only two able to pay in a private hospital and two in the Mor ganton hospital able to pay for keep in ( less hammering. The affair is a dis private hospital, and three at Morgan- grace to the State and does not at all ton, whose parents are amply able to take care of them. These will be re- moved at once. There were thirteen in the Raleigh hospital able end did pay a part of the expense, and J 2 in the Mor- ganton hospital under the s;.me con dition. He says if we wilt lemember that during 1905, 1,543 pttirnts were treated and only four wera atle tcpa y for treatment elsewhere and 45 others partially paid all they were able, it shiws how unjust and unkind has been the charire and clamor that t!:03e ri. h and influential, or who had a pull, were ' for August was also discussed and corn taken in preference to the poor and I mended by President Winston, of the friendless. He says there are one thou J Agricultural & Mechanical College, sand men and women in the State who There is also some indication that act sh'culd be in the State hospitals and at ion will he taken toward securing some the proper time he will recommend to more "diamondjplay" for Raleigh with the legislature that a provision be made J the on coming summer. President for all. He contemplates recommend-. Moore, of the Cotton Association spoke jng to the legislature a bond nsue am pie to provide room for all insane and an enlargement of the ca. ital iccor Jing to the plans prepared. NO SUB PORTS FOR US : Congressman Thomas Lstds r'orcss and Ds fttts Paynt's Bill AgainstNortti Car ollna Customs Ports. Special to Journal. Washington.D.C, Feb. 15,-The bill of Mr. Payno Republican floor leader, to abolish customs parts of Wilming ton, New Bern, Beaufort and Elizabeth City, or of placing the power in the Presidents hand3 to discontinue, or make sub ports of these places was 'de feated on motion for consideration,'. to day by a vote of 87 to 103 against the bil', under the load of Represen tative C. R. Thomas the Domocrata and i:,-jHiblii nns vot ' ' v. ith him. SELLING AT PROFIT Of Cotton By Those Who Had . chased Lower Price. Pur So 8iy State President Moor. Treasurer Licy Sends Valentines. Bird of Temp . tatlon. Supreme Court Building -Repilrs. Summer School. (Special Correspondence.) Raleiarh. N. C. . February 15th. Your correspondent talked with C. C. Moore, president of theNorth Carolina ' division of the Southern Cotton Ass( ciation as to the frequent queries he is called upon to answer concerning the source ' of the present cotton sales. President Moore said he had been look ing closely and carefully into the mat ter and from all available sources he found out that the only sales were made by those who ha j bought cotton when the prices were lower, who had held on to the staple by warehousing or mortgaging the same and were even now able to sell at a profit of something in . the neighborhood of ten or eleven dollars a bale, This officer of the State organization is strong in his be lief of and with the cotton farmers of the south. ' Mr. Moore will le'ave Ral eigh nex't week, and will make the fol lowing itinerary, visiting and talking with the farmers in person at these respective places: for the remainder of February 20, New Bern; 21, Bayboro; 22, Kinston; 23, Snow Hill; 24, Green ville; 26, Washington; 27, Plymouth; 28, Williamston,; for March; 1, Tar boro; 2, Eden ton; 3, Hertford; 5, Eliza beth City; 6, GatesviUe; 7, Winston; 8, Jackson; 9, Halifax. 10, Nashvill; and 12, Wilson. . State Treasurer Lacy remembered St. Valentine's Day in a kindly way to his friends in the State departments, having sent to them from)ElPasc,Tex., fitting cards and tokens to mark the ob servance of the occasion. He also writes to his family here that his asth ma is steadily improving already. A rather unique trial, even though it smacks, in one sense, of the ordinary, will be tried tonight befors a justice of the peace, the subject being a Raleigh negro who has an extremely apt hard at catching, defeathering and marketing chickens, while his wife, a party to the trial also, has been a most literal help meet. '. It is stated, and on good author ity, that he "is alleged" to have stolen more than 2,000 of these "birds if temptation'' within the last 12 months, and all of them from Raleigh house keepers. In some instances the chick-, ens were identified .. ', " : : J A tight new bit of work about the Su preme court building, although only about 48 hours old, has already become an eye-sore to all visitors to that build ing and a menace to women's skirts and thin Bhoes. It is the unsightly ar rangement covering the steps of tho stairway leading up to the offices of State which are situated on the second and third floors of the building. Scraps 1 of carpet were first laid on the steps, , then lineoleum, and the edges of the j steps are capped with ordinary tin, which are fastened down with nails, and in some places battered with care- I reflect credit to anybody remotely con- nected with the conception of such an idea. - I The Raleigh Chamber of Commerce and Industry at a brimful meeting tock steps looking to the Immediate per fecting of all plans for the success of the Summer School, which will beheld in Raleigh. Hon. J. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent of Instruction, heartily approves the selection of this city as the place for such an assembly. The subject of a rousing farmers meeting 0n a resolution by invitation which the Chamber endorsed as to the reduction of acreage 25 per cent from the 1904 crop, me matter oi cnanges ana en largement of the State capital were al so brought up but no action was taken regarding this. if you have lost your boyhood spirits, courage and confidence of youth, We offer you new I'fe, fresh courage and freedom from ill health in Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.' 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. F. S. Duffy, Exchanges vs. Bucketshops New Orleans, Feb 15: Out of the agitation created by Boddie anti-future; bill,the Mississippi legislature ha3 been able to boil down a mea-sure which j will subserve public interest and at the same time not impose a prohibitive tax on legitimate exchange.hmce the Foster bill bids fair to become a law. Tho-EodJio bill made no dUliuetion na .between IhicU-Uh'; 9 1 ;:t ( pxc.hiimre nnd wliile l !.., ui; . .r buel-.d- Does your baking povclcj contain alum ? Look upon the label. Use only a poweb: whose label shows it to L made with cream of tartar. NOTE Safety lies in buying only the Royal Baking Powder, which is the best cream of tartar baking powder that can be had. fsi At ' HACKBURN'S STORES, If you trade you will be pleased. TryIf Not as we say -then quit. Next Time You go to be sure to see those nice Fruit Preserves, Jellies and Jams, also ask about that Cheap Tomato , Ketsup. And don't forget that twenty cent Coffee, Monumental is the brand. L 3E3E EhrsrjLzr.-: Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 81 South Front St, No, NEW ARRIVALS. We have just received a new line of Color: Lawns and. Organdies and a new lot of WLU Lawns, India Linens, etc. Also a big lot of Er broidered Shirt Waist Patterns, Lace Collars Turn-Over Collars. ''..Ladies Patent Leather V dais, Oxfords and Shoas in the Newest lZt .'. Styles. We invite you to call and see them. I f i. AT - rhone 1C3 t j j c.i -or v, i 1 1 1 :v. t'.o f r 'r r f t i ! nho; Id, of s ruiiilmi ft, a !:. f..r t to F:7, for Hatching - !' t f ''iff I'liT I.! re;;u,ar cxch.'tojtt 1 the bi-.-.o of too city 1 ,. - I i ' , ' t( n ' 1 v ! i J '1 f r T! r Miirt) A T1CT1) PAG1E

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