WM JOURNAL EetablUW 1879 Pub inner: In Two Section, every Tues lay and Friday, ai Journal Building, B6 eo Craven Street Charles' L. steven , OITOI W rBOFBlKTO ; mBSCRUTION KATE?-, Two Months, .... . , ... . . . .2VOent. Threee Months, 85 " Six Months, M " 'M wlv Monthfl,. 1.00 UfiLY IN ADVAHC. Official Paper of New Bern and Craven County. : ' ,-' Artveriisinv rauw furnished upon ap j'iraUon t rhe office, or upon nquiry if mail. . - w tVTho juoiuu ut only sent on pay jKiWance basis. Subscriber will e v notice of expiration of their sub- u-r.pikra ami an immediate response to I iithnai. ' tmered at (be eimluiriee, New Beru ti. . second-clasn matter, . New Bern, N. C Feb. 16. 1906. WHAT THE IMPENDING COAL STRIKE MEANS, The impending coal strike, set for April first, is an event, which if it takes place, means disaster in some de gree to every commercial interest of this country. Few people outside of those directly concerned, really appre ciate what a coal strike, . like the im pending one, means in the magnitude of money losses, while the sufferings of the families of the miners who strike, C-innot be measured in dollars and cents. .' I ' In the miners coal strike of 1902, the losses were placed at $150,000,000 re presented as follows: loss in wages, by miners, $29,000,000; loss to other workers, not miners, $6,500,000; coal operators lost, $52,250,000, railroads, $26,000,000; business losses connected with coal operations, $20,000,000; mines damaged; $7,200,000, -l The strike in 1902 was in the anthra cite mines, but the impending strike of nil!! 0 141 Y VI V I) WJXJ kli HUUUliaVtKV bituminous coal minersi, about 85,000 man in Pennsylvania, 38,000 in Ohio. 17,000 in Indiana, 60,000 in Illinois, 16, 000 in Iowa, 30,000 in West Virginia, &,000 in Michigan,' and in Kansas, Mis souri, Texas, Indian Territory and Ar kansas, about 60,000. If the strike takes place this spring, 636,000 men will be idle, and taking in to consideration those dependent upon these men for their living, it means some three millions who must receive support, yet be no wage producers. . , In anticipation of this strike the Mine Workers Union by assessment now going on, and with money already in the treasury of tin Union, the stri kers expect to start in their fight with $5,000,000. At the same time the coal operators have mined industriously this winter, and now have millions of tons of coal on hand, and this coal means money, for the consumers must buy it at constant ly advancing prices as the strike con tinues, so that while, the miners and their families must suffer, the coal operators will likely be able to ait quietly down, and let the strikers ex haust their substance, while the con turners will support the coal operators, in paying for their losses during the strike. '. '. If this strike takes place, the one or two hundred million dollars losses which will follow, affecting directly those engaged in the coal trade, does not by any means represent the dis astrous effects which this strike will produce throughout this country. It means fallen values in every kind of commodity, and will also be productive of distrust in every line of mercantile trade.. ... '.; ,';"" "' .- FEDERAL NATURALIZATION . ' , (Pueblo Chieftain.) The growing entiment in favor of na turalization by federal courts alone is due to two causes. The steadily in creasing volume of immigration and the steady deterioration of the class of immigrants, in spite of all the restric tive measures that have been adopted, Lis created widespread alarm. It is il sirly evident that the danger of this i i of unaanimilated people, who are is to our customs and our na ' : ': u! ions is greatly increased f 1. 1 th.'it large mm.!,. m of them . "y r-;f m .!'. ri I y ' 1 court a : j 8:0 t-U"y unfit f -r rltlr-i-r.-i f y 1 ivh j, . i ' ':n in- r i t I - ; 7 si . . i r l t i : lnnra imnnff th A fvtst"q and 1ft Yap nw. t tices that are frequently in direct vioa lation of those laws. The same subject may be considered, and practically the same conclusion reached, from a different side.' The corruption of politics and of public service in the large American cities is greatly assisted by the presence of large numbers of easily naturalized, or fraudulently naturalized, .voters. It frequently happens that men are brought to the naturalization offices in herds, and they are made into Ameri can citizens, not as a result of ineir own will and intelligence, but, solely in order that they may cast their votes for a certain party or a certain candi date, influenced by the most unworthy motives and without any sufficient knowledge of the principles of the party or the character of the candidate. The inconsistencies of the naturaliza tion laws of the various States, the frequency with which those law? are violated, the ease with which natura Hzed citizens are made without any re gard for the welfare of the American nation, have reached the proportions of a national disgrace and a national dan ger. It is high time that these methods and practices should be reformed and unquestionably the best method of se curing this reform would be to turn the entire matter over to the federal gov ernment At the same time a law should be enacted requiring a much longer residence in this country before naturalization than is now necessary, and prescribing stricter qualifications for citizenship. , The most valuable right and the greatest privilege that can be conferred upon foreigners resident in this coun try is citizenship in the American re public, This should always be held at its full dignity and value and should be conferred only upon those that have shown themselves worthy of .it, and who have the purpose as well as the ability to become American citizens in all that the term implies. : v '. AD SPACE AND BUSINESS There are merchants, men who indi vidually style themselves as mercants, who boast to never having paid a dol lar for advertising in their local news paper. ' There are are also persons who think it smart to say that they nevei read a newspaper. f ' But take each and both of these classes, and what force 'are, they to their communities, and what city could be a city, if the majority of its people neither advertised iff their local news paper, nor subscribed and read it? The c '. truth is, that there is no city where these classes predominate, for such people would never have given the place an opportunity to develop and grow into a city. V , ; , ;, The non-users of newspapers, for ad vertising or reading, can boast There are persons who boast of success in life who never went to school or col lege. But what had been the loss in the greater success, if there had been instead, an intelligent use of the daily newspaper, and the enjoyment of school education, no one can estimate. But the intelligent, practical busi ness world knows the value of newspa pers, be it in ad space or the perusal of the columns of reading matter. Ad space has won success through every kind of trade obstacle and competition. It has brought the small store business, and forced it by an increased trade, to go into larger quarters. Ad space is to be most feared thing in the retail trade of every city, for it is the liberal and intelligent use of such space which places the seemingly insig nificant merchant on a parity with the large merchant nnless the big mer chant displays an equal force and dis cretion in the use of the local newspa per. Ad space is indicative ol enter prise. It shows that the merchant has goods, and well proves that he wants the public to know the fact , The greater the mercantile enterprise the greater the size the ad space is likely to be, for trade enterprise finds a fas cinating and profitable outlet in an ever increasing ad space. It is busi ness desire which prompts this use of ad fcpace, and the result is found in the increase of trade. The two go together. ad space and business. Common Colds art TheJCaute of Many Seri ous Dlseaue. Physicians who have gained a nation al reputations as analysts of the cause of viiricus diseases, claim that if catch-' in2 cold could be avoided a long list of (ianf rous ailments would never be In i 1 of. Every one knows that pneu- 't.'.i O'1 1 conmnrption originate from a c ' ', ! -.A dirr.i,ic cnNnh, l.rom litis, if Xt' t an ! In t ( r,i;li are p ' ! ; S r ' ' r, r..-re si-rious l y I i nut i '. k your ' i ' 4 v -a yr.ii have a , ( ,' '.. si's Co( ,.'l KeiiH'i'y ;'!"!' ," -m ,! -I ekieiio uv;s Meeting of National Importance to be Held in Washington, D. C. Death of As Old Time Ntgrtu. Succm of A North Carolina Boy. A Farm That WlirBrlng a Fortune To Its Ownor. . (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, Feb. 13 In the incorpora tion of Hunter Broe. & Brewer Com pany at Raleigh for the conduct ol a dry goods, shoe and department store, the. fifteen thousand dollars subscribed out of an authorized capital stock of $50,000 is by G. E., W.'R., and J. P. Hunter, G. W. Brewer, and J. L. Hill all of Raleigh The store has hereto fore been conducted distinctively for the sale of shoes. "' - ; ' , The H. E. Moseley Hardware Com pany at Kins ton u chartered for the conduct of a Wholesale and retail busi n?ss. H. E., W, O. and S. O. Mosely, all if Kinston are incorporators, $12,00(1 is paid in out of a total capitalization of $50,000. ' . The many friends of Mr. Albert W. Latta, a son of the late C. G. Latta of Raleigh, who are interested in the suc cess ana advancement oi inat young man will be glad to learn that af tet having proved his apprenticeship with the General Electric-Company at Schenectady, N. Y., he has found favor by reason of his ability , among th southern mill friends, and has just placed a large outfit for one of the big mills in North Carolina. The compam desiring the machinery Btated to tlu General Electric Company their wishes as to supplies and requested that young Mr. Latta. a North Carolinian in then employ.be sent for the purposeof figur ing the details. He came and won out over three competitors, who were men of many more yearstuid of far mow varied experience. , Governor Glenn who always findf time for special work outside of his ex ecutive office, will tonight . at the Tab ernacle Baptist church deliver an ad-V lress to the "B. B." class of that Sun Jay school on the subject "Is a young man safe.'" Another one of the old-time type ne gro mammies has died at her home f few miles from Raleigh. She has lorg borne the name of Aunt Betsey Holmet and both photographs and caricature? of the negroes have been painted. He? real personality - was best : depicted when seated in an ancient top buggy a two wheel contrivance and drawn by o en nearly as ancient Vegetables, roots and herbs, together with an in domitable will have been her stock in trade, counted with a kindliness not usual. Along with her happy manner there was a conjoined a real spirit of business, as was evidenced not long ago by her comment to a prominent Raleigh citizen, this comment being to this effect "When asked why shedid not drive a mule instead of the aged ox she replied; "Master its this way. When de mule dio he's dead, when the ox dies I'll sell him at the market." ' , There were received today by the State Auditor two large boxes of books returned by Gen. Ainsworth, of the Mil itary Secretary's office at Washington, O. C., and which had been used by the National government in the compila tion of the Confederate war records. . ' A congress for the specific investiga tion of methods to be more universally adopted by all the States in the Union will be held in Washington City Feb ruary 19. Gov, Glenn has appointed the following . named delegates, from North Carolina to partii ipate in the de liberations of the body: A. B. Andrews, Jr., and F H Busbee, of Raleigh, J. Crawford Briggs, Durham, J. C Bux ton, Winston, D. B. Winborn, Mur freesboro, and George Rountree, of Wilmington. This congress has been instigated by Governor PennypaCer, of Pennsylvania, and the most vital matters to be considered will uniformity in divorce laws, and certain changes regarding extraditions by State on State. The Governor in speaking of the matter said: "North Carolina is already one of the States that exacts no charge for extradition, but at the same time, there are many States in which a cost is fixed on all matters of extradition of prisoners. That is, this State does not charge States which ex empt ua. We hope to be able at this congress to set straight and make uni form all these points together with the benefit of a more active co-operation." J. H. Cutler, Boston, and Washing ton, the enthusiastic propagandist and well-wisher of the forestry question has again been in close conferences with Governor Glenn, concerning the meet ing to be held in Charlotte March 3, at which time there will be convened one of the moet representative and dis tinguished bodies ever called together in the south, for the discussion of facts appertaining to rra't' r ' of forestry in terest with social rei nnce to a two folJ object; that of the establishment of the Appalachian Park,- by influenc ing the National Congress, and with the aim in view that nu'-h landu shall not be condemned but shall be pur chased by the government; and second ly that the states may be induced to take action in the entablirhment of pri vate preserves in lands belunr.ing to them for ediicntionat purposes. Mr. Cutler announces that there will be prenent the governors from f.'i.rth Car olina, South Carolina, Cw Ala 1...,'! 'i, T'im .:-ee, Floii.U ! 1 Ken tu ky, an.l there is every imi,, ali.m of the nl tomhinee of some of the ni. "t I !':. ioi'tit men in a n'i'.,hcr of r.'.h-T and down the commercial roads of the entire country, and whose good fortur e it has been to discover that he has a 1 about his farm, of something more than 400 acre?, earth that is teemiug with untouched gold and in the branches about the place unknown quantities of a high quality of black lead. Then in addition thereto is a mineral spring of lithia water, 'with a copious flow and the promise f fine results from sales of this water. Hard by his own lands on the farm of a kinsman, Mr. Alston states there are Buch deposits of yellow ochre that a train of 20 cars moving dailyfor a year could not remove the supply. This ' gentleman also states that there are six gold mines which literally surround his properties, all of which are being worked while as yet all the rich find of gold within his do mains have ome forth undelved for, since the cyclone passed through War ren county about two years ogo. " AH of the metal is in the rough, and his expectations are hardly to be stated yet in figures. . Owners of adjacent property are at work with dredges one of which was constructed at a cost of $14Q,000, and the other at $80,000. Mr. Alston js quietly making his way on the road and is not "yet worried over the possibilities at his feet which in a way recalf the story of "Acres ofdia- monc 8. Though the property : has been in the family for more than 100 years its richness ' was discovered by the cyclone, and not by a more human investigator. , Tlit Yellow Fever Germ ' has recently been discovered. - It bears close resemblance to the malarial rerm.l To free the system from dis ease germs, the most effective remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaran .eedgto cure all diseases due to malaria poison. and constipation. 25. at All Druggists. R pari Commands Hospital Manage ment, Special to Journal. Raleigh, Feb. 13. Governor Glenn's report concerning the State, hospitals for the white insane has been given out It. relates facts concerning his personal observation, as well as the matters brought to his attention re garding acts and management by of ficial boards. , There is recounted good management, dereliction online pa' t of the State t) properly provide for its indigent insane, and a comparison of cost as between the State institutions and these privately conducted, f The board of directors is commended and those who would detract from .their worth and the assailants of their of ficial action is deplored in strong terms : There is considered the - number of applictnU and the truth that a great many would be forced into the jails of the State, without such discretionary as well as discreet action had been ob served by that body." In the end the governor calls on all who have criticism to make such to him, and where reflec tion is indulged in by citizens and news papers, he requests that all such shall be placed before him, ..with names of chose who are either friendless or are strong with the power of a puli. No pill is as pleasant and positive as OoWitt's Little Eariy Risers. These Famous Little Pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills sold. Never gripe. Sold by F. S. Duffy. Samuel's Trial to Proceed Special to Journal. Greensboro, Feb. 13. Judge Boyd after hearing argument all day on ques tion of dismissing Samuel's case for alleged defective indictment, overruled the motion and ordered that argument to jury proceed on Wednesday. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable, For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by constant ly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment . Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market' It is taken inter nally in dosej from 10 drops to a tea spoonful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the tystem. they offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drut'j'ists, 7."c. Take Hall's family Tills fcr consti pation. President Jordan, of the Southern Cotton AsH'x-ialion.ui int. -rested with an Eastern pyti.T ata to tke C:K),(KiO bales of cotton atatoiiiiiniiMi price of 13 cents r .!. I Chns. r , a i ' ' -Cily, I . , I 1 l.'i ! ,.1 t of rvi horm-li, ,:.! ' If .. ' pi." 1 1 : s j , : :, ,n . t ; 'via i! I r " : "a ' ' ' ; ! s . " ( ' " L.LFCaD mtkJ Cul Some Citizens ot Greensboro f- ot Sat isfied With the Procedure. Oetth of Attorney Holton't Brother Temporar ily Stays The Proceedings Against Him. A House Varminj at the Enlarged and Improved McAdoo House. Forty . Year a Telegraph , .-... Opirator. : r " (Special Correspondence.) v Greensboro, Feb. 13. Mr. S. A; Howard, who has been manager of the Western Union Telegraph office here for forty years without a break has been rewarded for his faithful atten tion"1 to duty, being relieved of the heavy work of active manager, though retained as manager at the same, sal ary. Mr. H. T, Boggs, of Richmond, arrived here Saturday and assumed the duties as assistant manager. - Cono Atheletic Park is to be moved further out on Summit ' street and im proved. The new site : will be beyond Mr.. Caesar Cone's, residence, One thousand dollars : will be expended in putting the new park in shape. Judge Ferguson is presi"ng over the present two weeks terra of civil court which began Monday morning.- As hf become the custom '. there was practi cally no work done yesterday, the law yers not wanting to have cases tried having no difficulty in getting a continu ance, and it-was but a short while be fore the days calendar was , exhausted and court adjourned." Before the pre; ent move gave Guilford county, made into one judicial district so as to pro vide another lawyer with a judgeship, is successful, the members of the bar will have to satisfy the taxpayers and litigants of this county that the present almost continuous session of court here with nothing done is not their fault. If not their fault something must le the matter with the judges. If thii le so, it Would seem that the fewer there are of these the better. There was a house warming given last night at the AcAdoo Hotel a large number of citizens being ' entertained and shown over the newly renovated and enlarged building, by Jts new les see and manager. ' M. W. Sterne, f West Virginia. The travelling pubi c has felt the need of the McAdoo ac commodations since it was closed for repairs and enlargement nearly a year ago. ' For the past three weeks e -cry one of the four hotels here have irn at times over crowded, two nights l.tst week at least fifty applicants for rut rr.s being denied. .'-'jj. - . When Federal Court was called in session at ten o'clock yesterday morn ing to continue the trial of. the Samuel case which has been in progress 2 days Solicitor General Hayes, announced to the court, that District; Attorney Hil ton, who had been absent on account o the critical illness of his brother Hon John Q. Holton, was in the city but that his brother died yesterday and the remains would arnve here at one o'clock to be taken to High Point for interment, and ho would request that Court adjourn until Tuesday so that he could be present aud present the argu ment of the Government in reply to the argument made by Judge Bynum Sat urday in the law affecting the sufficien- y of the bill of indictment 'Governor Aycock of counsel for defense said the suggestion was eminently ' proper and they joined in the motion. Judge Boyd adjourned the court, saying that not only out of sympathy for the' district attorney one of its honored officials, but that John Q. Holton, being a practicing attorney before the court, and one of the State's m worthy citizens,should himself be eni.itied to this mark of re spect He expressed the greatest sym pathy for the bereavement of the Dis trict Attorney and paid a touching tribute to the worth and ability of the deceased lawyer. " f Lame Back - This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rub bing the parts vigorously at each appli cation. If this does not afford relief, bind on a piece of flannel slightly damp ened with Pain Balm, and quick relief is almost sure to follow. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. It is state! on good authority that the Austro-Hunarian Government has sent a fully equipped battery of mo.m taio guns as a gift to Emperor Mcnelik of Abyssinia. If in ifl kind of bilious mood, You wish an aid to digest food. No other pill is half so good As DeWitt's Little Early Uis ir When e'er you feel impending ill, nd ned a mntfic little pill, Nooihci one will fill the bill Like DeWitt's Little Early Twiners. The new railroad over the Andes, be tween Santiago, Chile and DuenoK Ayres, Ar,;intiiia, is in operation. tucket Kiin In Arkansas. "I'm the luikicMt man in Ar! ar a:in V rites II. Ifc Stanley, of I'.,;,; , , ' . !' rest oral i..n of ray wifa's I ' i i I r f.i- !.:,- ; mid !! , i, IV 1 I .;..- I. y ( 1 f - ! i - v ' I'm ; ' t i) , I , l,i ;.' v I .. : v, i r ( i Express Charges Paid By Us. A fnol nrlW nrsTiviW ah w mt nut .sia v iii'wv v - t very best for medicinal and other purposes. Send na vrair nrrlora finrl if nnh nnrffft.lv satisfactory. return at our expense -1. All Ut once.: Ail Biapmcnta uio mauu ju jiam waca. Remit by Postal Write for price 1 f - ' We can ship whiskey to any point Steam Boats lines go. We are located An-tl-jug laws do not effect us at all Commerce Laws. We sell corn whiakev at $1.25 per gallon' and Rye V. h.'ekey at $1.60 per gallon and up. Write us far our complete Price-list and Express rate to your office.' - ZFL0NSS(L0. F. Box 898. r ;Wiv Sf:: f ..... ;:-rv'---, 1 Our Mr. L. G. Daniels who is now in the went will return in about 10 days with 50 head of the best selected Horses and Mules weighing, fn m 950 to 1400 lbs, to be found in the State. . ; ' ;'C We have now on hand 25 head of goo j workers and thoroughly acclimated Horses and Mules. Also a complete line of Wagons, Surrys, '. Buggijs, Car Wheel and Harness of every description. We guarantee our prices the lowest quality the best, 'v'::f - ee us before doing business. - ' . ' Very truly. CODO COCOCODODODODOIJOUOQCn .... Jt ti.3 Uii of all - Mcadovs TOBACCO J Use it and you will be pi ased. ILIead0W8 i OTTO.Y II ALLCROE ! jj Ouano, and Special Feruiic n ii-ii ( n It no Bales Agent in t ) us. we use oniy ( ) FOOD IN OUR GOODS. j insist on having the MEADOWS ) KRAriI. t'lle'S J. A. nI3:;S CO., QafecfercB Factory Neuse River. L. D. A , - - - - fey CiCr, !!on:e5 Arriverl. r i Vf.11 fVinfc thfSA fmOflfl fH"0 tllG and money "will be ref undf j J- J i .n!rt nnn on Express Money Order. list of other liquors. .Ill, , V 1 ' in North Carolina that the Iiailroads or in the State of Virginia'and the N. C. as we are protected by the Inter-State Suffolk.Va ) ( ) Tobacco Fertilizers..... Gold Leal - GUANO U ( ) your viinity, writ f 5 tne uisai rbniv t-i ) ( ) u o ( 5 ( : U ( ) ( 5 NEW BERN, N. C Phone, 6. : " ''.''-' I y We have jint received a fine .lot of horncs suitaUj for farm work or dm viiiR, which we will sell at rTmalla. price.4. , Wo have aNo a full line of Wagoi;a Buggies, Harnoss,. and everything usually kept in nn up-to-date btuble. We will make Tei ma Hiirlit. So us. co siicrr: GO Dread . I