The Iliad Yoa llave Always Eongkt, and which Las been ; in use for over CO years, has borne the signature of . ' ' - and has been made under his per- s&fj7-f-- , sonal supervision since its Infancy vr. 444lZ. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health off . Infants and Children Experience against Experiment - What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute! for Castor Oil Pare) -gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. ' It is Pleasant. It ' contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoti 1 -substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAYO Sears the Signature cf - Tho Kinhou Me Atoays Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. th nTu comchwv. tt aumwr erastr. ntm iroaa omr. EXTRACTED A BULLET, Attar Btlng In aWint Body a . Yar Ball I Located, by X Ray and Taken Out. . About 14 months ago Ben Boston, a tenant of Mr. Freeman Ernul, was ac cidentally shot by Mr. Ernul's son. The wound although very painful healed over and Boston has been able to be about his duties. The bullet entered the muscular part of the" arm and lodged in the back but the doctors weie unable to locate it by probing. Lately the wound has been troubling the man good deal. He was taken to Dr. Rhems office where the bullet was lo cated in the body by means of the X ray. It was between two ribs just be neath the shoulder blade. - Dr. Prim rose assisted by Dr. Rhem cut the ball out and the man is doing finely. The ball was ft 38 calibre anl the point was' broken where it hit a bone. It was an ugly looking qnissile and it was a wonder that it did not make a far more serious wound. - ' Dragging to Death. -A miserable invalid suffering from disordered female functions, monthly pains, nervousness, fallings, dizziness, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, etc., will find relief in wine of Cordui and Thedford'S-Hlack-Draught, two of the most valuable, reliable, scientific, curative medicines known for the treat ment of sick women. They are sold at all drug stores, and should be inevery home. Try them. ' Died. Iu this ci'y Monday evening Febyl2, 1906, Mrs. Fannie Gill, aged 86 years 3 months. The funeral services will be held this morning at 10 o'clock firm the Tabernacle Baptist church. . The Rustlers The ever popular Lyman Twins with a large and capable company of come dians and singers will be at tlii opera house Saturday night Those who have seen the Lyman Twins know they al ways give a good Bhow. They are better prepared than ever to give an up-to-date, mirth provoking and a tuneful musical farce comedy.- .There is nothing old about IE and the amuse ment loving public can count en a treat. - . " . Lukens ' :. . Feb. 13. Capt W B Barister R Laughinghouse and R S Cherry made a flying trip to Oriental Friday. V ' . . -' Mr P J Delamar, who is the surveyor for the Pamlico Lumber Co., and Mr. Samuel K Street. Jr., a surveyor of New Bern, made a trip up South River Thursday to survey the open grounds of the company and to dig a hole six feet deep to get a barrel of dirt to send to mineral experts of Boston, Mats., to be analyzed. Mr W E Lukinsof Philadel phia, Pa., thinks that he has a Pea fuel farm in Carteret county. We hope that the dirt sent to the Pea Fuel Company of Boston will prove to be a Pea Fuel BoiL They were taken up there on Mr7"W. H. Powers' boat China." The boat brokedown and Messrs. powers, Street and Whitford had to walk seven miles to Lukens, and it raining and the night was a dark one for Ithem. Mr. Delemar ; staid with the boat until Mr. R. H. Laughinghouse could get to them and tow them to Lukens. ; They arrived at, Lukens at .30 a. m. Friday morning. Mr. Dele- mar reports a very severe trip; he says that he has been caught out before but never had he been on a " rougher trip than this and he wishes to thank Mr. Pate man v" and many times for his kindness he showed towards them. Mr, Powers thanks Mr. Rice ever so Jmuch for his kindness in taking them over the river. Also the whole party ex tends many thanks to Mr. Edwards for guiding through the woods to Lukens. The barge Elko, of Philadelphia, Pa., was towed into our harbor yesterday by the tug Curtain.- - . . Mr. R. S. Cherry" went to Oriental yesterday to consult Dr. Daniels about his neck. Regret very much that he is not improving faster. . Mr. J. I. Smith' and Mr. J. T. H. Moore made a flying trip over the river on the boat Shoofly this morning; ; i Capt William Massey reports a hard trip coming acrosss the Chesapeake Bay. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. H. P Pittman and Miss Ida Barker were in our vicinity for a few hours this morning. Mr. P. D. Luwill from over the river was here for a short time today. Blue Eyes. To draw the fire out of a' burn, hea a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure boils, sores, tetter, eczema and all skin and scalp diseases, use De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A specific for piles. Get the genuine. No remedy causes such speedy relief. Ask for De Witt's the genuine. Sold by F. S. Duffy. ' New Band Instructor The Knights of Pythias band hat a new instructor, Mr. Eugene T. Robin son, who comes from the A. & M. Col lege at Raleigh. He is a fine musician and in the short time that he has been with the members of the band he has taught them many new pieces and giv en them such instruction that their playing shows marked improvement Mr, Robinson also plays in some of the hurch choirs of the city. ' The Original Laxative Cough Sprup is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It expela an cold from the system by acting as a cath rtic on tho bowels. Kennedy's Laxative Honey . and Tar is a certain, safe anl harmless cure for colds, croup i nd whooi ing cough. Sold jby F. S. pulTy.fsV,:: ;,,;;.;v:.v,;'; .Superior Court News The verdict or the jury in the case of Abbott vs. A. C. L. Railway was reached Monday night and awarded the plaintiff a judgment of $2,000, The case on trial yesterday was Gal loway vs. Adams: an action to set aside a deed. Thc verdict was ren dered in favor of defendant. With the exception of the case of Hill vs. A. & N. C. Co. all oilier cases on this term's calendar have been con tinued. Tho aforementioned case will be tried today und the intense interest is manifested in it. Among the direc tors interested who aro ultonding the trial are, Messrs J. W. Grinder, Lovett - llines, 1. Oettinger, F. C. Dunn and II. II. McCoy of Kinston; Judge W. S. O. 1!. Robinson and attorney F. A. Daniels of Clulil.ilioro. It is likely that the examination of witnesses will take up the entire lime today an argu ment whieh will all be lengthy, and 1 occupy the at tendon of the court t..i iUy tomorrow. I a C rlppa and Pneumonia. Pneumonia often follows I,iiC.i-i'j' l.'-t. never follows the use of Foley' 1 ; ;md Tar. It cures lagrij ; i, '.-I !nid prevents Mirumonia no ' t!..littti. A,.k for t'oley'ti Honey -, I 'l.,r M'i'l r-t city niliti'nto of i I f,.r. 1. V !,er. . ; 1 l 'M,d , ('!.:, ', vnl";:: " y VI;',. l ad 8 ) ( :. (.;' la !'v: ; . , I ' i . y, " s ! I it. (. i i. I . t i- I 1 a I . ' !e ; A Hsallng Gotptl. The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor of Sharron Baptist Church, Balair, Ga., says of Electric Bitters. "It's a God send to mankind. It cured me of lame back, stiff joints, and comolote physical collapse. I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk' a mile. Two bot ties or ciecinc caters nave made me so strong I have just walked three miles in fifty minutes and feel like walking three more. It's made anew man of me. Greatest remedy for weakness and all Stomach, Liver and Kidney complaints. . Sold under guar antee at All Druggists. Drug Stoie Price 50c..., ... v Correction. in the report or the commissioners proceedings published in Tuesday's Journal, the following was printed, which was erroneous: :.. " : Pursuant to notices served on them by order of the Board. The following named parties appeared before the Board ani listed property aa follows: F. Raiff, - , $ 20 25 J. W. Stewart.v ' : 48 03 N. II. Street, i V ' 20 00 Mrs. Emma P. Powell, . 22 50 F. C. Roberts Agt. V-" '.. . 32 50 Lucas & Lewis, ,, . ,; 59 00 The error was caused by an improper punctuation of the amounts, whi make the figures read tens when they should express thousands, making wide difference m the aggregate. The following is the correct report as should have been published: F Raiff $2,025 00 J W Stewart 4,803 00 N II Street ' " . 2,000 00 Mrs Emma P Powell 2,250 00 F C Roberts, Agt. 3.250 00 Lucas & Lewis, 6, 900 00 Making a total of $20,23.100 iwo ircignc trains tut neaa on at 0:15 on the Knoxville division of the Foulhcrn Kailway seven miles went of iville. A t ,:ro braketnan was killed I en-jneers and one fireman are 11 lei injured Heavy fur kent rs from Reeiier ,e , :. hts until te. IW. ' d arm 'i. r I '..At 11 iron Lars hung were f,y , Failed. All efforts have failed to find a better remedy for coughs,, colds and lung troubles than Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough,, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold, J. N. Patterson, Nashua, Iowa, writes, "Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least half a dozen ad vertised cough medicines and had treat ment from two physicians without get ting any benefit, ' A friend recommend ed Folay's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a 1 ottlo cured me. I consider it the cough and lung medicine in the world." For sale by Davis' Pharmacy. , . Russell Creek February 13th. The weather is bad, but the farmers are makine good progress towaroa farming. : . Tho Sunday School at our place, we are glad to say is getting along well Eld. J. B. Russell is the superintendent nnd Bro. Elbridge Powels is the assist ant. Mr. Billie Powell's mill has arrived, but sorry to say that it was broken by transportation. ' - Our public school is lasting yet, Miss Helen Russell of Beaufort is our teach er. Wo are glad to have her with us, M1. C. B. Davenport took a short trip to Morehead City to visit relatives and friends. ;. The farmers are preparing for their Irish Potatoes. J' Mr. L. L. Springle is going to try a barn of tobacco on his land this year hope it will do well. - , ; We will have our regular monthly meeting the third,Sunday at-the F. W, B, Church. V ' The Disciple Cnurch is being re. paired. ' 7. Mr. Jim Ewell of Beaufort, passed through here Saturday evening with new fctock of horses on their way to Beaufort. ; .' : , Tho weather is so bad that fishing and clivniming is slow progress, ,7 . Remember, uw th . " ' ) I' KinJ You ilawMways Boajtl 1,200 coil miners vent near Scranton,' Pa. a strike Gai In the Stomoch, ' Belching and that sense of fullne so often experienced after eating caused by tho formation of gas. The ptottnich fails to perform its functions and tho food ferments. Chamberlain Ptomaeh and Liver Tablets will correct the disorder. They aid digestion and strengthen nnd invigorate the stomach and bowels. For sale by Davia' Fhar nwy and F. S, Puiry. ir i i Gonerd Kaul'.mrs, G. of ()!:' i, i.'Kiies a prm 1 is--' tl.ut every om? nttee 1.:. ' (.u-m.-ul 1 v r.-.' ; ( r i . i i f v 1 l (f i ,' i 1 "l le r- Gener iveni iiiiauun (. 'lik to - or ! HIS DIFFICULTY. TIM tears trickle down from my eyes. My eyelids are puiry and red. My nose has Increased In Its size, There's stuffiness all through my head. And I burn and I chlllr I'm decidedly 111, ' Ah, korchoo! : Oh. 1 wish that I knew what to do! . I might All myself with quinine; . Hot water some folk recommend, 1 And cold some think equally fine. While others for onions contend, And swilling sage tea - j , . Is a great remedy Ah, kerchoo! But I really don't know what to do. I might take a doctor's advice. But all of my .friends can prescribe. They'll all have me well In a trice; I never did see such a tribe. I don't know what to choose Which prescription to use , Ah, kerchoo! If I could only tell what to do! - . . Chicago News. ENGRAVING ON DIAMONDS. This DelsU. Little Grace Say, pop, what Is black mail? : i Pop Mourning envelopes, my child. l hllaaelpUla Bulletin. - - ; Be Foil ad Ilia Man. Englishmen are rather fond of pok ing fun at those parts of Great Britain where other than the Anglo-Saxon ele ment Is dominant, and a favorite sub ject for "Jest is the prevalence of the Jones family in Wales. ' Oae of the colleges of Oxford univer sity , was much resorted to by Welsh men. ' A man from another- college looking for a friend went into Its quad rangle and shouted "Jones!" All the windows looking on the quad rangle flew open, ; 1 mean John Jones," said the searcher, r :"' - Half the windows closed. , , "I mean the John Jones who has a tcv'Jibrusb," he explained. All the windows closed but one. Wo man's Home Companion.' Dlfflcult Work la Perforate Very Artistically. Engraving on diamonds can be per formed In a very effective manner.. It Is true a few not very artistically en graved . stones were found In India, and a diamond on which the portrait of the king of Holland was engraved, was shown at the Paris exhibition In 18TS. But the work was imperfectly executed, and the Btones looked as If they had been deadened rather than polished. . Recently, however, accord ing to the Edelmentall Industrie, the Paris jeweler, Bordlnot, has produced some very beautiful specimens of en gravings on diamonds. Among other things, he has made a yataghan having a tuln diamond for tne blade and a ruby for the handle. Worthy of no tice also are a large circular stone on which a pansy with leaves is cut and knife made of two diamonds. A eiy artistic piece of work is a blcy. cle having two diamonds for Its wheels, the spokes of which are Hues cut in the diamonds by two holes bored through the cen ter v' Another diamond Is cut In the shape of a fish, and a very beautiful br.ioch consists of a scarabaens sur rounded by - sapphires and brilliants. The most remarkable of -all is a ring ui.ide of a diamond. : The Inner sur- ace Is polished and the outer surface tistlcnlly engraved. " There are also brooches in the form of files, the wings being represented by thin engraved diamonds; also diamonds with armorial wirings e. g., shirt studs and sleeve lnlcs with the Russian arms engraved on them. - Formerly only flat surfaces mild be polished, but Bordlnot baa fiucceeded In polishing concave parts. for instance, the body and tail of a li;.U and the inner surface of a ring. With his tools he can not only make straight lines, but . also model freely, These tools are his own Invention, and t is stated that only his son Is allowed to use them. They are the result of tunny years' labor, of fine workman. h!p and very difficult to handle. Only wldiln the Inst few years has it been possible to bore holes In diamonds and arrange them alternately with pearls on a string. This work Is now regular- done In diamond cutting establish' ments. Scientific American. An Explanation,' . "Fcople always feel suspicious of things with which they are not famil iar," said the philosopher. Yes," answered Senator Sorghum1; "that Is why nearly all of us bavo nt one time or another expressed doubt and disapprobation concerning wealth." Washington Star. : ' . . Ills Arithmetic- j "Jommy." asked the teacher, "if you bare six sticks of cbudy nnd divide with your little brother, how many will each qf you have?" : "I'll have five and he'll have one," an swered Tommy. 'Too much candy al ways makes him sick." Chicago Trib une. ' . NELL DESERVED The Praise That Comes from Thank ful New Bern People. One kidney remedy never fails. New Bern people rely upon it. That remedy is Doan's Kidney Pillp. New Bern testimony proves it always reliable. Charles E. Harget, a car painter at the A.' & N. C. R, It. shops, residing at 47 Bern Street, says: "1 have found great relief by using Doan's Kidney Pills. My back has been hurting me for a long time, often bo bad that I could not work. The Kidney secretions were very dark and cloudy, Since using Doan's Kidney Pills the secretions have regained their natural color and I do not suffer from the pains in my back at all. I can advise all.who are simi arly troubled to what I was to go to BradhamVPhannacy, procure Doan's Kidney Pills and giv them trial. They will not be disappointed in the result, For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cts, a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sol agents for the U. S. Remember the name Doan's, and take no other. The steam trawler Veronica, belong ing to Stravanger, Norway, has been lost off Lossiemouth, Elginshire, Scot land. with a crew of 10. She was dis abled and in tow of the steam trawk Zodiac when the rope broke. Pirating Folty'l Honay ind Tir. Folev & Co.. Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the "great merit and nomilanty of roley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute of fered as no other preparation will gi the same satisfaction. It is mildly la: tivfi. It contains no opiates and safest for children and delicate persona, For sala by Davis t'harmacy. William Williams was hanged for tho murder on April 13, " 1905, of John Keller, aired 16 years, and hia mother. Mrs. Fredrick S. Keller. ..-, . A Habit to Bt Encouriged, The mother who has acquired the habit of keping on hand a bottle of Clmn.hci Lin's Cough Remedy, saves her:: !f a great amount of uneasiness r. , 1 ir-, t ) v 1 'i ( . Coughs, colds and croup. ,' !. ii aro susi-eplil 1 I i i I . It c ' ! y r.f a c.l,l to r . i I if i i 'l n i h i .1 J L. HARTSFIELD Contrncior and 2Suilir. Omi'k 93 1-2 MII)IU ,ST. PROM 233 After having so much trouble to get Tin work done when I wanted it and like I wanted it done have purchased the Tin Business of L. H. Cannon. Hav opened a First Class Tin shop No. 90 Middle Street, next to Gaskins Cycl Store, where I have competent and experienced men to do my work, I will run this business in conjunction with my CONTRACTING and BUILDING. Any work sent me will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, and will bs DE LIVERED when PROMISED. . I have an EXPERIENCED SLATER. ALL KINDS OF STOVE WORK DONE. STOVE PIPE Made to Order. Office Phone 129, Residence 186. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Heath and Milligan Paints. Ellwood Wire Fence, Paroid Roofing: Builders Hardware. Full line of ESS Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Uo Phone 147 Furniture, Stoves, Mattings, Etc. Largest stock of Mattings in the city. Royall and Borden Felt Mattresses. New line of Go-Carts. . We are still offering some bargains and it will pay you ' to cay. on us. JOHN B. IVES. Phone 257 93 Mid lie Street. ,' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1905. 118 Daily 136 Daily. P M ' The Ftngera of Galileo. Florence Is excited over the fingers of Galileo. It appears that when the great astronomer's body was admitted to sepulture in the Florentine Church of the Holy Cross in 1737 Vlncenzio CapponI,.a prelate, cut off with his own hand- "the two fingers which had writ ten so many beautiful things." In oth er words, he stole the right thumb and forefinger, while another admirer filch ed the left thumb, which at last is now In the Florentine museum, while the two Capponi fingers, passing on the migration of the head of the family : to France to bis steward, are now in the possession of his daughter, an old woman of eighty-four, who seeks to re lieve herself from poverty by selling them.-: She had had Offers from an American, but, having the indiscretion to pubilsh them Florentine patriotism roso in i arms and now demands that the fingers should Join that already In the museum. Worse still, payment for ; them is refused, and proceedings have been taken to compel the poor old wo man to hand them over. 6 45 6 67 7 15 7 30 7 42 8 05 P M 1 27 : 1 40 1 53 1 68 2 08 2 13 2 18 2 30 f 2 42 2 51 3 03 3 25 3 35 f 3 43 3 581 4 10 1 52 4 58 5 11 5 25 6 43 6 60 6 05 6 21 f6 40 M 108 Daily. AM 7 20 7 33 7 48 7 53 8 05 8 10 8 15 8 271 f 8 38 8 47 9 00 9 20 9 30 f 9 37 9 51 10 02 10 30 flO 45 112 Daily. 1 IE 1 30 1 47 1 53 2 06 2 11 2 17 2 33 2 45 2 58 3 12 3 40 3 55 : 4 lo 4 27 4 40 a. 6 15 f 5 33 flO 61f 5 40 11 02 5 54 fll 18 f 6 09 11 30 6 29 11 36 f 6 35 0 8 15 17 211 23 26 32 37 ' 41 . 46 55 61 ej ' 73 . 81 ,:87 Lv. Eastern 11 48 fl2 03 12 2o PM f 6 46 7 15 AM GREENSLORO McLean Gibsonville Elon College... Burlington..... . Graham ....... Haw River.... .. Mebane ., Efland : Hillsboro UNIVERSITY DURHAM........ East Durham. .... Brass field. Morrisvilie CARY..: i RALEIGH Garner Auburn..... Clayton Wilson's Mills... SELMA Pine Level....... , Princeton Rose... GOLDSBORO.... Ar. 107 Daily. AM 11 591 fll 401 11 27 11 22 11 14 11 07 11 01 10 50 flO 38 10 28 10 16 10 00 9 44 f 9 37 9 13 9 05 8 45 8 26l 8 20 8 08 7 55 7 45 7 36l 7 26 135 Daily. Ill Daily. Lv. PM 6 35 f 6 15 6 00 5 551 5 46 5 39 5 33 5 22 f 5 10 5 01 4 49! 4 30 4 18 f 4 10 f 3 58' 3 49 3 3 121 f 3 06, 2 55 f 2 40 2 25 2 12 2 01 7 14 f 1 49 7 00 1 35 AM I PM AM 5 35 5 17 6 05 5 00 4 47 4 40 4 4 17 f 4 02 3 47 3 30 3 00 2 48 f 2 861 2 15 2 05 1 40 11 46 11 81 11 231 li oa 10 60 10 88 flO 261 flO 101 f 9 65 9 40! PM 117 Daily. 9 20 9 07 f 8 42 f 8 22 8 12 7 60 AM . Wearing Borrowed Clothes. A big retail clothing house in New York is sorely pestered by customers who order clothes, wear them at an evening reception or to the theater, re turn them nest day and demand their money back on the ground that the garments do not suit. The management recently adopted a' device like that which seals the doors of freight cars in transit, a leaden pellet pressed on to wire or twine fasteners. The removal of the pellet indicates that the package has been tampered with. This notice is printed on the clothing tag: . 'To insure our customers against purchasing clothes that may have been worn by others we have appended thla tag nnd seal. No clothing, will be ex changed nor credit given If this gar ment is returned without the undis turbed seal." New York Tress. This condensed schedule is published as information and is subject to changa without notice to the pubi c. , , Trains Nos, 112 and 108 connect at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Lias trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and North Carolina trains for Morehead City and intermediate points. Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 33 for Charlotte, Colura bia and Jacksonville: No. 37 solid Pullman train, drawing-room sleepera New York to New Orleans and Memphis, also for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, Dan ville and local stations. : v . . Train No. 117 handles through coach between Raleigh, Chase City and Richmond, where close connection is made with Washington Southern Railway for Washington and Eastern cities. Train No. 107 connects at Liurnam ior uxiora, Linase uity ana Kicnmona; University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with train No. 36 for Washington and points North, close connection for tft inston talem, High Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and intermediate stations. Train No. 135 connects at Greensboro with No. 39 for Charlotte, Columbia and Jacksonville; No. 35 for Atlanta and all points South end Southwest; Nos. 34 and 38 for Washington and all points North; connection is also made at Salis bury for Western North Carolina points. t S. H. Hardwick, P. T, M. W. H. Taylor, G. P. A. H. B, Spencer, G,'4M Washington, u. c. R. L. Vernon, T. P. A, . T. E, green, c. T. A. Charlotte, N. U. . Kaieign, w. u j. M. ARNOLD, Successor to M. Hahn & Co., ' Hotline Advertising; Scheme. A Brooklyn busluess man-conceived and tried to carry into eWKrutlon the other day a unique and brilliant nd- vortlslng scheme. He had his advertis ing sign jifflxed in raised letters to tho tiro of an automobile, so that when the letters were coated over with white paint the machine painted big adver tisement on the nsphalt wherever It was driven. . But tho Brooklyn street cleaning commissioner, being an nn- rcsK)iislve soul who did not appreciate a stroke of gonlns like this on . the pavement, threatened the advertiser with the police and promptly squelched the- whole aohPtno Tone's Weekly. Btaithe Slgnaton Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Stables. Largest and Finest Stock of Horses and Mules ever offered in New Bern, car load of each just received. Complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Robes, Whips and Cart Wheels. 'oniA, t The Kind Von Haw kwm Ba$l The annual report of Mine Inspector James Martin, of the Seventh anthra cite district (Luzerne county for the year 1905 shows that the production of coal amounted to 5,445,998 tons, nearly 400,000 tons more than was produced in n 1904 and a little more than 500,000 tons more than was mined in 1903. . 'shrv's Old Stable, Middle Street. Livery, Feed, Kale and Exchange m fx ":! TT ,' - - A Mtntctto H.ilth. Kidney trouble is an insidious danger, and many people are victims of a seri ous malady before the symptoms are recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure cor rects irregularities and strengthens and builds up the kidneys. Mid it should be tnken at the first indication of kidney trouble, as it is impossible o have good health if the kidiitys are derang ed. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy. A .... f v&r,' e aro li-racts lit in r.s the it will 'y c.fin- Canadian steel and coal companiei with an outstanding capital of over S 'O, ()'K),0:K) in stocks and bond:!, will bo n n nk'amnti.'d if sevenal Montreal, Toronto nnd Kantern cnpital'iHts can carry their Largest and fine? t stock of Horses nnd MuV A car load ol. " ri yv: in. Al a lunp liaih.-u, I:!,.". V ! !!, I ? ever ofT lete line tit I.e. " A. present plans to a conclusion. o jx. f .; -..7. . ,