..... .., . A VOL. XXVIII.No.93 NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1906.-SECOND SECTION. 28th YEAR At. .11 '1 1 i i.i. i i -. . -m..-i-i i f :. - SAW KILL. uoarr, KEEIUM AKD EZATT WOOD-WCKXINQ KAC1-IZI FOR EVERY KIXD OFWCRX ENGINES AND BELCS AND 5IZES AND FOR EVEHY CLASS OP SERVICES. ASK FOR OUR ESTU1AT8 tZFCU PLACING OUt 08JJE. 1IBBES MACHINERY COMPANY . COLUMBIA, S. C. . BARELY ESCAPED DEATH Delivery Boy for Coast Lint Market Has Narrow Escape. .. ' Master Howard bimpson.tne delivery boy for the Coast Line Market came near climbing the goldm stairs by the aid of an A. & N. C. locomotive last evening. As the mail train ap proached Broad street, going South, ', the boy went down the street from the vicinity of the market, the boy sto ped for an instant on the near side of the - railraad track, and then crossed the track right in front of the train. The '' - cart had not passed quite far enough along to escape, the . tender, which pushed it along sideways on the git unl ' sfor three or four inches, but itot dam- aging it at all. 1 The boy frightened almost to death, leaped to the ground and ran to the . mule's head and tried to lead the ani mal away but is is said that the beast assumed its prerogative and balked, ' after gome persuation it moved "on, probably not aware of Its close call. ' .. The incident is one more, instance - of the great propriety in having gates at the crossings. Is it necessary for Borne one to be killed before these safe guards are instituted ? or may we look for them in the near future? True, the boy may have been careless but there may come a time when carelessness can not be charged except ,on the part - of the railroad itself. For the sake of protecting itself against expensive litigation the gates ought to be es r. THEY COME AND GO. . . Misa Carrie Cannon returned from Beaufort yesterday. . Mrs. J. L. Rhem returned yesterday from a visit with friends at Dunn, N. C Mr. H. W. Horton of North Wilken boro, N. C, was in the city yesterday. .. ' Mr. J. W. Biddle returned yesterday ; from Baltimore. Mr. W. S. Chadwick went to Beau- fniPt VaxafrrHn w ftT a nroalr'a vSaif w. j wuvwsw. -- T VV. 1 V1UU y Mr. Ernest M. Green returned yester day from Raleigh and other points. Messrs. Thos. -Williams and Ed Meadows are horn? for a short vaca tion. ''..'"V. : ; .''"' ;'., ; Mr, R. W. Warren returned last night from a hunting trip up Neuse river. : . Mrs. B. B. Davenport and Mrs. W. G. Lynn have returned from Wilming ton, N. C, where they were attending the Yatcfl-Mills wedding. , Mr, J, R. B. Carraway spent the day in Morehcad City yesterday. Mrs. J. M. Spencer returned last right from Kins ton whera she had been - to attend a funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morae and two daughters of Boonton, N. J., are guests at the Patterson house. Alleged Violation of Revenue Laws Upon complaint of L. - Kilpatrick, Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, C. II. Willi?, white, living at Vance boro. was on February 15 charged with selling spirituous liquors without hav ing paid the ppecial government tax as required by section 8452 revised stat utes. Willis was brought to New Bern by Deputy Marshal Ward and taken be fore U. S. Commiss oner Hill for pre liminary examination. After hearing the evidence he was judged as proba bly guilty and required to furnish a justified bond of $200 for appearance for trial at the next term of the Uni ted State court, which ho gave. Eggs, for Hatching The finest strain of Buff Langahan and Black Lnngshan. Great winter layers. $!.(. per setting of 15. , MISS CARRIE P. IIARDISON, Hiiiimnn, N. HI' Porch Column; , lie Stair i: ninth a: h rr 1- Gi EincKEsa's.raicpiTs. Narth Carolina Congressman Deni?i,,rne General 6ilmer Hal 4 N Every Charge. Country, Mud Havt Navy or Leavo Pacific Democrat! Hopeful Over Carrying Fall . Elections. Pure Food Bill Carried . By Large Majority. Washington, Feby 21. Representa tive Blackburn tonight authorized a de ntal in two of the charges contained in the indictments, returned against him today at Asheville, ?. C, alleging that he practiced before the Treasury De partment and received fees for such ' services in violation of law.' ; Mr Black I burn declared that he has not commit ted any offense. He declined to answer ' specifically the charges tonight but will make a statement tomorrow. ' I Chairman Hull, of the military affairs committee . in presenting .the army appropriation bill to the House today, urged the necessity of complete pre- j paredness as to our army and navy for trouble in the Orient He declared that any nation not prepared to defend its position in China might as well haul down its flag and quit the Pacific, Democrats of the House have not in yean been so hopeful of carrying the country as they are now of being able to return a majority to the House as the ' result of the elections, this fall Closest students of the latest available data have been taking much comfort out of the figures of the last elections, to say nothing of the lack of the old- time clan and cohesion of the majority in both branches of Congress. ' After IS years of more or less serious consideration of the subject, the Senate today passed a pure food bill, by the decisive vot of 63 to 4. , The vote was taken after a ' day devoted almost ex clusively to debate of a desultory char acter on the measure. Several efforts were made to amend the bill and the committee accepted a number of sug gestions, but only those thus accepted were incorporated in the bill as passed. The bill makes it a misdemeanor to manufacture or sell adulterated or mis- branded foods, drugs, medicines or liq uors in the District of Columbia the Territories and the insular possessions of the United States, and prohibits the the shipment of goods from one State to another or to a foreign country. It also prohibits the receipt of such goods. Punishment by a fine $500 or by im prisonment for one year, or both, is prescribed. WHAT IS CATARRH 8. Duffy Guarantees a Cure by Hyomel WIN Refund the Money. Until very recent years, it was thought that catarrh was a disease of the blood, but now modern science has proved that catarrh is a germ disease, and can be cured only by a treatment that will kill the germ and heal the mucous membrane of the nose and throat y.v' -'V ', ' Therefore, when you have catarrh, you can readily see that if you want to cure it you should use Hyomei, which medicates the air you breathe, thus killing the catarrhal germs and healing the smarting and raw membrane of the passage through the nose and throat The complete Hyomei outfit, consist ing of an inhaler, a bottle of Hyomei, and a medicine dropper, costs only $1, while extra bottles can be obtained for 50 cents. F. S. Duffy has sold a great many Hyomei outfits, and the more he sells, the more convinced he is that he is per fectly safe in guaranteeing to refund the money if Hyomei does not cure ' A Small Blaze A spark, from a passing steamboat sot fire to a shed at the Broaddus & Ives mill yesterday morning shortly af ter nine o'c'ock and started a blaze. The fire department was called out but the employees had extinguished It be fore wagons got there. Had the fire gained a headway, the strong north wind blowing at the time would have caused a terrible destruction by the flames. It was indeed a fortunate deliverance. The damage was small, Wanted to Buy All Kinds of Southern Fruits and Vegetables for CA0II or will handle on consignment. Let me know your prices on what you have or will have. BUSY VilTH CASES Under Consideration. Governor Greatly Pleased With New Bern And Wilmington. Negro Shootlst - Arrested. Judge Womack Must : Remain In Hospital. Im- portant ; Marriage , And Reception. ..." (Special Correspondence. ) Raleigh, Feb. 21. Attorney General Gilmer has been occupied with the cases on appeal in the Supreme Court from the third district notably that of the State and the city of New Bern against the Atlantic & North. Carolina Railroad for the violation of an ordi nance obtaining in the town of New Hern, ana basea upon a contract . en tered into between the town of New Bern and the railroad as named. The lessee of the road, with reference to the shifting of cars upon and about Hancock street, held that violation had been committed against the terms of the agreement and against an ordinance as .well.. The case was appealed to the Supreme court, having been tried at the October term of 1905. Another case is that of the State versus Davis, from Pitt county, in the matter of an assault under the statute by the point ing of a pistol. There was conviction in Pitt county Superior court. . - Governor Glenn is more than enthus iastic and is deeply appreciative of the reception accorded him both at New Bern and Wilmington as well as by the people he met enroute. The governor is more and more of the opinion thai North Carolinians are the real salt of the earth. The governor is looking forward with much pleasure to his trip to Southern Pines where he will on February 24th deliver the principal ad dress before the "Blue and the Gray." He has - requested that his personal staff will. attend him in full - uniform. The aldermen of Fayetteville have pe titioned Governor Glenn asking his good offices to the end that the National Government will co-operate with North Carolina in special work along the Cape Fear River in order that the fish may come op the Cape Fear as well as into the Albomarle waters. Governor Glenn has Ibid the matter before the North ?C irolina Board of Geological Survey and they hope to be able to ef fect such measures. S, " Ben Williams, Jr., the , railroad ne gro who, on Monday afternoon shot and billed Alex Clark, another negro, in Raleigh, and who, even while under the influence of whiskey made his cape, was this morning arrested at Hamlet, by chief of police J. H. Spen cer, oi tnat place, wno wired cmez Muliln8 of the Raleigh Department for instructions. The Raleigh chief sent an officer on an early morning train over the Seaboard . and Williams was brought here where he was committed fn nriann. ; - . . . '. His friends over the State will regret to know that the condition of Judge T. 8. Womack is such that he will be de tained at the hospital for two or three waeks longer. , The Catholic church in Ualeign, was the scene this morning of the marriage of Miss Annie M. Dughi, the young daughter of Mr. A. Dughi, and Mr. J. D. Maag, a promising young business man of Baltimore, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Maag of that city. A reception that was markedly brilliant in all of its appointments as -well as one of the most largely attended given in the city of Raleigh was tended by Mr. Dughi who ia one of the southern caterers of the distinguished note, to night at his home on Saunders Street The ydung bride was the recipient of almost countless presents, these being aa expression to her, not only of per gonal esteem but also an evidence of the universal popularity of her father throughout several southern states. WANTED -Two men in each county to represent and advertise hardware de partment, put out samples of our goods, etc. Traveling position or office mana ger. Salary $90.00 per month, cash weekly, with all expenses paid in ad vance. We furnish everything. The Columbia House, Chicago, 111. Dept. 610, 234 5th Ave. Ti:Ei::.rLEr:.EiTco. , RICHMOND, VA, ARS HEADQUARTERS FOR ::;::::;v' . Write fur prii-ps and catalogue. We carry one of the largest and best stocks of T- f . ll I'd Poiilh, and rr r : ., y on yoi,r pur.-!,,' i t you 1.- !, l t O! n iif you t J i.l f 1 PARDONS AND CONDITIONS. Granted Criminals by Governor. Charter dented. Judge ksuee Restraining Order. Special to Journal Raleigh. Feb. 21. Joe Hargood. a fourteen year old negro, was brought to the penitentiary to serve a ten yean term for attempted ascault on a white school teacher of Bertie county. Governor Glenn .. pardoned Godwin Peel from Hertford convicted for ten years for murder in second degree. The action was -recommended by . judge, solicitor and jury. The sentence pf Jesse Mitchell of Bertie county, hang- ling, for murder of wife, is not stayed. John Stauba, CHrles Pope, GillesjA Long end A. J. Arnett, Sampson coun-o ty, are pardoned conditionally, on good behavior, recommended solicitor. - The Jackson Mercantile Co., at Jack- eon, is chartered, f. Bi. ttansom, das. Scull,' J. H. Barrett, . incorporators. Authorized ten thousand dollars.-. kludge Thomas R. Purnell issued an, order restraining the Suffolk and Caro lina Railway Co. from crossing the tracks of Norfolk & Southern R. R. Co at Roper, Judge Purnell lalso over ruled the motion to remove to Elir.a-'' beth City, the cause of J. H. Lumber Co. against Roanoke R'j ei K. , R. acd Lumber Co. DRY DOCK DEWEY Reported As Doing Well Now West of Ihe Canaries. ' Las Palmas, Feb. 20 The fleet tow-1 ing the drydock Dewey is 480 miles west ot the Canaries. Everything is going : : welL . Adverse strong Aincs . and rougn seas nave neen met during much of - the trip, t he dock broke adrift three times and was picked up with difficulty. The dock is expected to arrive at Las Palmas February 28, if the weather favors. . Mtim Growers Meet at Bayboro . Pamlico farmers met atBayboro Feb ruary 21st, C. A Flowers president of the County Cotton Association presided, J. Carawan acted as secretary in ab sence of Secretary W. H. Sawyer. After the talks made by Mr. C. C Moore, State President the following were elected for the county executive committee: ' J. Aldridge, chairman; W. J. Swan,secretary; H. S. Carawa,i'n C. A. Flowers, W. H. Sawyer. The meeting expressed the wish to at once organize township clubs, to elect officers for each, and collect 25c per quarter from each member and 10c levy on each bale of cotton of the 1905 crop. W. H. sawyer was named as county organizer. The sentiment of farmers present was to abide by the Southern Cotton Asso ciation's advice, reduce acreage 25 per cent from 1904, ; hold cotton until ad vised to sell, sell no part of 1906 crop until minimum price is named by the association. . . There was good sized crowd of cotton farmers at the meeting, although the weather was rainy, and great interest taken in the proceedings by all present. Arrangements for the N. C. Bankers Association. Snecial to Journal. Raleigh, Feb. 22-The executive com mittee of the N. C. Bankers Association held two sessions here planning for the next regular meeting. They choose Toxaway as the place and June 19K 20 and 21 as the dates for the meeting. The committee wrs dined by Raleigh Clearing House. Two members, F. H. Fries, of Winston-Salem and W, H. Wood of Charlotte were absent because of illness. ' , , : Harlowe And N. Harlowe. . ' February 22. Mr. A. J, Barbour was called to Hyde county, by the sickness of his wife at that place on last Sunday. Mesdames John S. and J. A. Morton spent a day in Beaufort last week vis iting Mrs. Mann Morton. Mr. Walter Malfison of New Bern, was here to see our merchants Tues day. ' ; Mr. Cora L'Hinson of Beaufort, has been spending a few days in our vil lage. Mr. Joshua Adams is at Bachelor, building a residence for Mr. : McDulT Taylor. Mr. J. Harry Davis of Beavfort, is spenuing a few days at his old home, and ii stopping with Mrs. A. F. Bell. Mr. wm. f . ecn spent aunaay nx - of ChicBg0 flnancier8 that the re Bachelor, visiting friends. d $15)0(K)(coo estate of the late Mr. Jas. B. Hancock is our happiet t neighbor; suppose his name will be Jus B. Jr. Mr. Holton spent a night in our berg this week; he was on a collecting tour for Mr. J. A. Jones of New Bern. Mr. Charles Rico, accompanied by two of Pamlico's fair daughters, came ov'r frm An-j-ahoe lat week. We i ' ' I t' ..t v, !.i u t'.ey ret urno.1 . m c i - ' i i'r !. : i. HOXOHED BY- VIRGINIA Attorney General North Carolina t y Retail Grocers Association.: Convocation ol Charlotte. College Commit tse to Definitely Locate Site for Metho dists. Mental Anguish Cases Against Western Union Tele- 1 graph. Elks Have Banquet (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Feby 21, Mr. Norman Johnson, Attorney General of the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association , was here last night, returning to Ral jeigh from a visit to the Virginia State I Mercantile Association in session at TRoanoke. ; Mr. Johnson was verv much surprised, and pardonably proud of the honor done him by the Association of Virginia. Without a thought of such a thing he was unanimously chosen a ths Attorney General of the Association of that State. . The Convocation of Charlotte, of which Rev. E. A. Osborn, is Dean will hold its regular quarterly session in St Barnabas Episcopal church, Greens boro, beginning Thursday March 13. v The College Committee of the Pro testant Methodist church of North L Carolina will hold a meeting on Febru ary 28, - in the Directors room of the Greensboro Loan & Trust Company building, for the purpose of definitely fixing a location for the proposed col lege for that -denomination. Three years ago a site in Greensboro was de cided upon and the property purchased near Pomona, but when the Railroad built its new shifting tracks nearby it was sold at a big advance and another site purchased in South Greensboro. In the 'meantime the work of raising an endowment fund has. been prosecuted and contributions toward the building fund secured. : At the recent session of the annual conference at High' Point this thriving city took up the question of locating the college there and made such liberal offers, the committee wss appointed to consider the matter of changing the proposed location from Greensboro to High Point All of Monday was taken up in the Superior court here trying a damage suit for mental anguish against the Western Union Telegraph Company for failure to deliver a telegram announc- the death of her mother .to Miss Hannah Bun-ouch of Greensboro. She sued for $2,000 and the jury gave her $200. . Yesterday a singular case was tried for herbrother John Burroughs of Reidsville, and he got $50. The court is today trying still another case for a sister, Miss Rosana Burroughs of High Point It is remarkable that telegrams sent to three different people, in three different places should all have been de layed in delivery. ' " The Elks gave their annual banquet last night from nine to one o'clock and it a was distinctly swell affair. It was at the Cleggs Hotel, . Proprietor Clegg himself one of the most ardent of Elks, giving it his best attention and skill. Covers were laid for 150 of whom forty five were guests. - The committee of a-rangements consisted cf D. H. Col lins, Chairman; . J. Kaufman and A. R. Perkins and to them were accorded unstinted compliment for their ex cellent work. The menu card was in the royal purple colors of the Elks with an elks head handsomely embossed in gilt and silver on the front .: CURES WORST CASES OF CATARRH. F. 8. Duffy Sells Hyomei Under Guarantee That It Costs Nothing Unless It . Cures. Hyomei cures the worst cases of ca tarrh simply by breathing the remedy through the pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit Stomach drugging often causes dis ordered digestion, and never makes a permanent cure of catarrh. Hyomei not only kills the germs in the throat and nose, but penetrates to the min utest air cells in the lungs and enters the blood with the oxygen, killing the catarrhal germs in the blood. The complete Hyomei outfit, consist ing of a vest-pocket inhaler and medi cine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei, costs only $1. If this does not effect a complete cure, extra bottles can be ob tained for 50 cents F. S. Duffy knows of many people who have been cured of catarrh by Hy omei. He believes in it so thoroughly himself that he offers to refund the money in case it does not cure. N ' .-j.- I ,l Startling reports have reached the Charles T. Yerkes is fictitious. That it will not aggregate more than $6,000 000 is a rep irt credited by Chicago bank- era who have had occasion to make an investigation of the former traction promoter's holdings. Many men give lavishly of gold, To build bridges and caKtles and towers Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. '.: ROYAL DAK I NO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. , February the same ratio in increase of business as January did, if values will attract the trade. Come to see our offerings if for no other reason than to post yourself as to the .latest style and lowest prices. ft 52 Snow White Bed Spreads, the $1,50 kind. Come quick before sold out 98c each. Apron Gingham 2,000 yards, the 7c quality this week, only 5c per yard. . . Shoes , Just received, Spring line of Barry Slioe. in Vici Kid, Gun Metal, . Calf, and Patent Leather in different shapes 75 Midde NEW ARRIVALS. We have just received a new . line of Colored Lawns and Organdies and a new lot of White Lawns, India Linens, etc. Also a big lot of Em broidered Shirt Waist Patterns, Lace Collars and Turn-Over Collars. Ladies Patent Leather San dals, Oxfords and Shoes in the Newest JSpring Styles. ' - We invite you to call and see them. I IB Next Time be sure to see those nice Fruit Preserves, Jellies and Jams, also ask about that Cheap Tomato Ketsup. " 1 """ And- don't forget that twenty cent Coffee, "Monumental is the brand. Wholesale and No. 81 South Front St Pholo Portraits! Mad Must Show and widths at $3.50 and $4.00. All winter Clothing at half price. 200 pair good Ladies $2.00 Shoes for ' $1.21 a pair. . 1,500 yards Dress Goods of all sorts in Remnants from 2 to 5 yards to be sold less than half price. . Underwear. Mens and Ladies heavy fleeced lined Underwear, the 65c quality this week for 40c each. Street. You go to Retail Grocer, The of old; If you want everlautii-f; fame, a 1 factor 1)0, j "; I'll ' i r v ' '. ' 7 TThrrTTTi TTTiTTTi TTTXTHT1 I