VOL. XXVIII.No.94 NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1906.-FIRST SECTION. 28th YEAR FRAZIER'S REGQaD Good Citizen and Business Man Capable for Postmastership. GREENSEGHO. I.'.'PRESSIVE CEREMONIES. Si ECZEMA V I, SAW UXLS. UG3T, Kma AND EATT Y0CD-WC3C1N3 KAZ7 roa EVERY KISO OfWSRX ENGINES AKD RGLES AND SIZES AND FOR EVE2Y CLASS OP SE3VICQ. ass ro our Esr.?jm bscm puciria yo'js c:x - COLUMBIA, 8- C J E Latham & Company's Weekly ' Cotton Letter. . Special to Journal. - Greensboro, N C Feb 24 Liquidation has coutenued during the week and the decline is almost half cent a pound in futures while spot cotton in the desire able grades has not declined over one ' quarter cent a pound. "March noticed" will be circulated Monday, and it is likely the market will be nervous and ; perhaps lower until this cotton finds lodge-ment in strong .hands. From a manufacturers standpoint the outlook is cheerful, but the weakness in cotton causes dullness and some talk of reduc ing prices of goods. ' Both domestic and foreign spinners are sold reasonably well ahead at very profitable rates, and there will be a constant demand from spinners. Under these circumstances we think cotton is on a sound basis, and as the movement is certain to be much" smaller thanj last year, we think changes are in favor of; some improvement in value, , specially a if we have unfavorable weather so as to interfere with preparation and plant ing of the new crop. . The New Bern Collegiate Industrial Institute. - To the Citizens of New Bern and Vici- nity: 1 ; :. ;- 1 .... "' I have just returned from Tuskegee Ala, where I have been oh invitation by Dr. Booker T. Washington to talk on the conditions of the educational inter eit of this section, have been able to get several people interested in the se -tion. The American .Baptist Home Mission Society to which which Mr. John D. Rockefeller has given a million dollars for educational work will have a man in this city next week to consider better the interest of the people in the community, and whether or not the . cause is a worthy one. ' Many pledges have been sent out and any citizen who will help in anyway the cause of indus trial education I shall be glad to know what you will do before ther 6th of March 1906. An educational meeting will be held on the 7, and 8, of March at the school building corner Cypress and West streets, and all friends of the school tre asked to pi A so come and meet these gentlemen and hear them,' -A. L. E. WEEKS Taken by Surpriso Mrs. Raiff and her step-daughter Mies Minnio RaifT took a flying trip to Bal timore soma time ago, while there they formed an acquaintance of Mr Rosenthal of Baltimore. Last Tuesday Mr. Raiflf received a telegram from his wife to como to Haltiuiore at once and left Tuesday night fur Baltimore, ar rived Thursday morning in time to wit ness the marriage of his daughter Miss Minnie, to Mr. Rosenthal. The wed ding party arrived in New Bern Sun day morning; Feb. 5, 1906,5 where they will make their future home. Mr. Rain la the nresident of the Hebrew congregation of New Bern and the He- i,... v, n,. .a brews of New Bern send him their best congratulations. . f Wanted to Buy All Kinds of Southern Fruits and Vegetables for CAS II or will handle on consignment. Let me know your prices on what you have or will have. Argument Is Mutual Reserve Ufa Association, Solid Carload Poanuti. Matthsws Har der Caso. Students Normal Col- logo Have Laundry Stolen. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Feby 26. Among all classes of people here regardless of . political ' bias or prejudice, except a nong the select circle of professional officeholders of both parties, there was j intense satisfaction at the news yester day, that Prof. Frazier would be" ap pointed postmaster for Greensboro. People generally did not consider it any of their business, this appointment of federal pie among the politicians, and were not taking sides with the factions until it became known , that Judge Douglas had filed charges affecting Prof. Frazier's business integrity and private character, and then they got mad. He has never been one of the "elect" among the republicans of the county or a typical professional poli tician, bnt has always been a gentleman and trained with white people. One of the charges against his republicanism, was that he had been heaid to say that he would not vote for a negro, and would not ask a negro to vote for him, That might have injured him with 'Teddy' three years ago when he was in the "Booker Washington eclipse", but it seems to have cut no figure with him this time. The charges against Frazier s business' integrity were no sooner made than they were refuted, Frazier is a good business man, being a former Superintendent of Schools here, made lucky investments in some old field land which rose in value, until he became able to quit teaching and o into manufacturing and banking. - He is president of a furniture coir pan y here, and is a scholar and student, be sides. The republicans have ' run him for the Legislature when there was no chance of election, and in 1904 he was the nominee of the party for State Superintendent of Public Instruction and was generally considered as the most capable candidate on the ticket and the most respectable. Saturday in the Suberior court here, Judge Furgurson heard argument in the case of Blackwell vs the Mutual Reserve Life Association of New York, praying for the appointment of a per manent Receiver. , Messrs. Guthrie & Guthrie of Durham represented the plaintiff, Messrs, Victor Bryant of Dur ham and Col. John W. Hinsdale of Ral eigh represented the Insurance Com pany. Late in the afternoon Judge Furgurson dismissed the motion for a permanent receiver ond also discharged the temporary receivership created pending the hearing. - TheW. P. Clegg Commission Com pany today received the first solid car load of peanuts ever received in this city. . They were shipped from Norfolk and weighed 24,000 pounds, , - With the beginning of the term of Superior court here today for the trial of criminal cases, interest in 'the Mat thews murder case begins to revive. It will be remembered that the case was continued from last court till Wednes day of the February term. , Aft effort will be made to finish all thtf other jail case's up and it may be Thursday be fore the case will be reached. For the pst month Dr. Matthews has greatly improved in mental and physical health. He can now converse with co-herancy, but declares he had no recollection whatever of events preceeding or con nected with his wife's terrible death. . For the past few months it is esti mated that at least a hundred dollars worth of clothing has been stolen from the students of the State Normal and Industrial College by negro women at work in the College laundry. The loss became so serious the police were put to work on the case. As a result of two days investigation, the police sta tion Saturday itself looked like a laun- drv- The officer had captured large bundles of clothinc from four netrro women, the effects of only one week's pilfering. , New York Cotton Market The following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, Feby 26. Open ' High Low Mch 10.18 : 10 26 10 16 M y 10.40 10 60 10 40 July 10 60 )0 67 '10.50 Receipt 23,359 ' .Last j ear, 20,933. J .. Close 10.17 10.42 10.60 ASmil!3 laze A ppark from a passing steamboat sot fire to a ulicd at tho Eroaddus & Ives mill yesterday morning shortly af ter nino o'c'ock and started a blnze, The fn-o C, j :irJmrt:t was cs.V.-l out but t'.o c? li yt t h:! 1 ext'-;;'.:.,!, I it 1 f TO V -S ! t I'. 1'., 1 t'.'i r, f 1 a 1 ' ' -y, t! o s' r- ,j r ' . i r "tit c. t' .? v- Blackburn Expected In State to Con- test Indictments. Settle Cim Given to Referee. $4,000 Dim ' age (or Injured Ltg. Big Criminal Docks! Next Week. Policemen ' Gel Increase of Pay. (Special Correspondence. ) . : Greensboro, Feby 24. A friend of Congressman Blackburn against whom true bills were returned by a Federal Court Grand Jury in AsheviHe Wednes day, charging bun with practicing be fore the department in Washington after his election to Congress stated last night that the Congressman will be here today to employ counsel to defend him in the cases, which he proposes to fight to a finish. : It is said that Judge Bynum and Solicitor A. L. Brooks of the Greensboro bar, will defend Black' urn.' f'-K';.;.X:: v.v-t In the Superior court Friday after noon, after hearing argument, all day, Judge Ferguson in the case of Miss Flossie Settle vs Thomas Settle, ad ministrator, decided that the judgment pleaded by defendant as an estopped against plaintiffs action was a nuity and since no settlement had ever been made before the Probate court, by the administrator of funds belonging to the plaintiff as a distributer of her mothers estate, the statute of limitators plead ed by defendant did not apply. The case referred to a referee to take' and state an account of the administrators acts and doirgs. Defendant appealed to the Supreme court. Upon the termination of the Settle case, which was generally considered as a great victory for the fair plaintiff, the jury was discharged for the term and court adjourned until today when the motion docket will be heard. The jury in the. case of Henry Huntly, col ored, vs the Southern Railway Con.' pany returned a verdict of $4,000 in favor of the plaintilT as damagei foran injured leg by falling off a box car. The case was given to the jury Thurs day afternoon at four o'clock and they did not agree until noon Friday. ; ;i - Monday morning a regular term of court for the trial of criminal cases be gins: there ure 140 cases on the docket, and the jail U crowded. The most im. portant case to be tried is that against Dr. J.TV Matthews charge "with mur der of his wife. Matthews has greatly improved in health recently. The Hoard of Aldermen last night voted to increase the salary of the city policemen five dollars a month, taking effect from February 1st. r Your stomach churns and digests the food you eat and if foul, or torpid, or out of order, your whole system suffers from blood poison. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea keeps you well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. For sale by F. S. DuiTy. ' ' THE COMING INN ' New lessee of The Popular Black Moun tain Resort. The Inn, at Black Mountain, North Carolina, is leased to Lambert and Wilkinson, of Ashe vi lie, for the com ing season. Mrs. L. it. Lambert has had extensive experience in this busi ness, and is noted for the excellent cuisine afforded to her guests. The Inn will be run in modern ways and improvements to the property are now under way. The .season promises to be a very successful one. Patrons of The Inn are unanimous in saying that its location is one of the finest in Western Carolina. Letter to Broaddus & Ives New Bern, N. C Dear Sirs: Mr. President of a cotton mill at Union, S C -he 'don't want to see his name in print had two offers of 500 gallons of paint: $1.30 and $1.25. Took the $1.25; and got skinned He'd have got three-quarters skinned if he'd taken the other. The $1.30 was full-gallon; the $1.25 was 18 per cent short. The full-measure paint was adulterated 40 per cent. the short-measuro paint was adulter ated 40 per cent, besides benzine in the oil; don't know how much. " Devoe lead-and-zinc wasn't sold in the town then. 1 ' '.' . It don't pay to monkey with paint Devoe costs lesj then any of 'em; not by the gallon, of course; by the house and year. That's how to reckon it Go by tho name. ' . Yours truly, " F. W. Devoe &Co. " Ne York. P S E- W Small wood Sells Our Paint WANTED Two mon in each county to r .";ro;i i:t and advert i.so hmdwaro de I at tim i.t, pit 0,1 1 B:ni!)!'S(,f our goods, c. Tniv ": t position or cliice mana- ft. f ' J .-UK! p:r month, cnh '". v . 't i 'I i v.. .w.s 1 1. id in n 1 . -. : ' . - V" Ti.e i : . ( " . : '. : -1. Will be Held, at Raleigh Next Friday Upon Return of Flag Company H. Tenth N. C. Troop. Congressman Thomas' 9111 For Return State Pipora. Special Train lor Veterans ' From Beaufort. Worn an Burglar. ' (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, Feb. 24. Sheriff Sharp of Wilson county brought to the peniten tiary a n to .womnjvsonvicled in that court of burglary waile under the in fluence of liquor and sentenced to three years confinement , There is a certain pitiableness about, the matter owing to the fact that even though the wom an was aamccea to aruiK sne was im puted to have been of the more intelli gent class and, was a capable servant. The evidence goes to show while drink ing she entered a house occupied by otht-r people, being left theie by two companions and when the residents of the htusa returned was found in a drunken state, though no article about the house had been, removed. ;. The battle flag 'of Co. H. Tenth North Carolins Troops, which wss cap tured at the fall of Fort Monroe, April X, 1362, by Company E. Fifth Rh kU Island Troops, will be - returned witi formal and impressive ceremonies 1'ri day March 2, in the North Carolina Senate chamber.1" Chief Justice Doug las, of Rhode Island will come to Ral eigh, and as a representative from the veterans of that State will present the flag that has grown historic. Chief Justice Walter Clark, of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, ; will receive the flag for the State, and Lieutenant John L. Saunders, the ranking surviv ing officer of the company will receive it for the veterans. Dr. B. F. Dixon, State Auditor, will receive it for Erne- line Triggett, whose hands made the g. After the presentation a dinner will be tended the distinguished Rhode Islander, those participating in the ceremony, and the members of the Su preme court of the State of North Car oling. Judge Douglas finds it impossi ble to go to Beaufort, where Company H was formed, owing to the fact that he has to sit in the , Supreme' Ceurt of his State the next Monday. The flag was captured and was given to Capt. Arthur Dortery whtrganized the bat talion of which Company E, of Rhode Island, was a part After the death of Capt Dexter the flag Was presented to the Rhode Island Veterans Association by his widow, with the understanding that it should be returned to the sur vivors of that part of the Confederacy from which it was taken in arms.' State Auditor Dixon, is in receipt of a letter from Hon. Charles R. Thomas, member of Congress, stating that the bill for the return of North Carolina State papers that are in possession of the National government has passed. These papers in question are State archives bearing dates from 1750 to 1800, with a few of a later date. ; They include copies of letters bearing on re building of the State capital and also are of letters .from delegates to the Continental Congress. Confederate archives are not among the matter in corporated. - .!-. .':. ' Fred. L. Merritt, industrial agent of the A. & N. C. road and of the Norfolk & Southern, was in Raleigh to complete arrangements for rather notable occa sion. A special train will be run from Beaufort to Raleigh to bring Confeder ate veterans abd their families who de sire to attend. , ,. Concert .at Maysville " . A concert will be given at the Mays ville Academy on Wednesday evening, tho 28th, at eight o'clock. After the concert the ladies of Maysville will give an oyster supper for the benefit of the Academy, v . Cooking Branch Members I There will be an important meeting of the Cooking Branch, Monday after noon, at Mrs. S. R. Street's. This is a very important meeting and it Is ear nestly desired that all who have joined this branch be present Remember the hour 4 o'clock. Will you please come and find out what we want you to do. Do not wait for some - one to tell you, bear in mind it is your branch, and you can have a voice in the matter. Please come at 4 o'clock. S. County Teachers Association The next meeting of the County Teachers Association will be held on the first Saturday in March and not thf last Saturday in February, as stated at last meeting. . . MISS BESSIE FOY. Secretary, Desirable Property for Sale , Two City lota, CO and GO x 214i feet. One " " CO x 150 feet, including 'church building, 1 lare ripe organ, 1 hot ulr hentor. Sold cither separately or collectively. An 'y to T. A. (' -. ) ' 'C J.J,, , ) J W0RSTF0RM Black Splotches All Over Face Produced Severe Itching-Year's ' . Treatment by Physicians Did No" Good and Became Despondent Affected Parts Now Clear as Ever '-Alabama Lady's CURE BYTHE CUTICURA REMEDIES "About four years ago I was afflicted with black splotches all over my face and a few covering my body, which produced a severe itching irritation, and which caused me a great deal of annoy ance and suffering, to such an extent that I was forced to call in two of the leading physicians of my town. After a thor ough examination of the dreaded com plaint they announced it to be skin eczema in its worst form. They treated me for the same for the length of one year, but the treatment did me no good. '"Finally I became despondent and decided to discontinue their services. Shortly afterwards, my husband in read ing a copy of a weekly New York paper saw an advertisement of the Cuti cura Remedies. He purchased the en tire outfit, and after using the contents of the first bottle of Cuticura Resolvent in connection with the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, the breaking out entirely stopped. I continued the use of the Cuticura Remedies for six months, and after that every splotch was entirely gone and the affected parts were left as clear as ever. I have not felt a symp tom of the eczema since, which was three years ago. "The Cuticura Remedies not only cured me of that dreadful disease, eczema, but other complicated troubles as well: and I have been the means of others being cured of the same disease by the Cuticura Remedies, and I don't hesitate in saying that the Resolvent is the best blood medicine that the world has ever known." lizzie E. Sledge, 540 Jones Ave., Oct. 28, 1905. Selma, Ala. Sold throughout the wort. Cutlcvn Soap, SJo, Oint ment, (Wi!., UeKlvent, 60c (In form of Chocolate CoMei 1 ills. toe. per vial of 60), ma; be had of all dranrlua, Totter Drug and Chetn. Corp.. Hole Propa., Boaton, Aiaaa. or Mailed Free, " The Cuticura. BUa Uook." aiid "UowtoCureiHiuguilinUimiora," TO DEEPEN WESTERN CHANNEL Object of Steamboat Men. Meeting at Hotel Hazelton Last Night. There was a representative meeting of steamboat and lumber men at the hotel Hazelton last night t discuss a matter of much, importance to them viz: the deepening of the western chan nel of Neuse river from the Pamlico, Oriental & Western railroad bridge northward. As this passage is now, there is danger to vesselmen traversing that course and it is a hindrance and al so a menace to cut across to the eastern channel It has long been the desire of those interested to have the channel cleared up and the step taken last night was important '' y r. James B. Blades, presided and he read several htters and communi cations from Capt. .lohnson and others concerning the matter and stated the position of the government. It was a question whether the funds could legal ly be adopted to this purpose, )he same being outside of the city limits without consent of Congress Congressman Thomas is working in behalf of the measure and he desired that an expres sion of the boatmen be sent him to demonstrate the urgency of the case. The channel is so that boats now draw 4 feet of water at low tide and it is the wish that it be deepened to eight or twelve feet and that the channel be cleared of obstructions so that boats can have a straight course after pass ing through the draw.; Another advantage was shown last night why this should be opened and kept clear, was that Bachelors creek flows into the west channel and there is a large amount 01 ireighc passes up that stream all the time and it would be a great object to fertilizer men, mer chants as well as those more particular There were none present vwho oppos ed the measure and all signed the peti tion to be Bent to Congress requesting some action to be made. ; CHURCHES DISTURBED. Fire Alarm Send. Congregations to See Cue.; . ' (Special Correpindenco.) - Raleigh-, Feby 26 An alarm of Tire sounded while services at various churches were in progress Sunday night attracted the Raleigh people whose in terest was heightened by a flaring glow in the north western s ies. A frame house occupied by negroes was ablaze, and situated 88 it was, only two doors from St. Paul's Methodist church, one of the handsomest negro churches in the State, there was occasioned great alarm. The smoke rolled over the neighboring houaa and entered the crowded church. Precipitate retreats were bent by those at worship. The night was slightly hazy and the glow from the burning building nearly emp tied all the churches in the jity within range of the alarm boll. The were rm injuries to attendants upon service, but the frame building whs badly dariwcd. It was something more than half an hour bef.no the stubborn lb,e v-kj c 1 t'.r;'.uUwl. LADIES! ' Our buyers are back from the North and we are now. showing the new SPRING STYLES, . . . . Our lines have been selected with great care and we urgV you - to secure the choicest v patterns It will be a pleasure to show the goods, and we invite . your careful inspection - . J. G. DUNN & CO., 65-67 Pollock St. Phone 2X3 J L. HARTSFIELD Contractor and IXuilder. OFKia 93 1-2 MIDHLJC ST. PB0N1 238 . After having so much trouble to get Tin work done when I wanted it and like I wanted, it done have purchased opened a First Class Tin shop No. 90 Store, where I have competent and experienced men to do my work, I will run this business in conjunction with my Any work sent me will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, and will be DE LIVERED when PROMISED. 1 have an EXPERIENCED SLATER. ALL KINDS OF STOVE WORK DONE. STOVE PIPE Made to Order. I Next Time be sure to see those nice Fruit Preserves, Jellies ' and Jams, also ask about that Cheap Tomato KetSUp. . And don't forget that twenty cent Coffee, Mdnumental is the brand. X. 3EEE 3Erri ' : Wholesale and No. 81 South Front St. J. N. Johnson Tooth Brushes The kind recommended li; Dr. Arlington & other Dentislc davis' PHAtimAG SewtewwiKwwatwwwwiWTOflKr GET THE BEST 1 Get a 1 Smith Premier Typewriter I Ennett'sBookCtoro I (.eeeewH Eggs, for Hatching Tho finest strain of Buff Lnnguhan and Clack Lanf;:dian. Great winter layers, $1.00 per seltii!;; of 15. MIS3 CAUiun p. i:a:.: ' 'h:i, 11,, V,. the Tin Business of L. H. Cannon. Have Middle Street, next to Gaskins Cycie CONTRACTING and BUILDING. ": Office Phone 129, Residence 185. You go to Retail Grocer, Phone 1C8 " a.. Y ' I" w TTT)rflTrTi TThTTTl TTTXTTP