VOL. XXVIII.-No.94 NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 2. 1906.-FIRST ' SECTION. 28th YEAR SAW MILLS. UC3T, KEDIUM AN3 EATY t'OCD-WCEXINQ JKACZrSST FOR EVERY KIND OFWCRX ENGINES AND BOHJKS AND 5IZES AND FOR EVERY CLASS OP SERVICE. ASK FOR OUt ESTLHATB KSPOU - PLAONQ YOUK OESEX. : v dISSES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, 3.. C BIC RACIAL DRILL. Delegates lor Nashville Convention, Acid - tmy ol MeJiclne Meeting. .: Personals., Brook FeUlncd by Blackburn. ' (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, March l.-Rev. G. W. Roberson of Asheboro. Wno has recent. i ly resigned his panto-ate there , to ac cept a call to. the Presbyterian church at Wilkesboro, was here today en-route to Asheboro to spend a few days V Mrs. Mary u. Crawford ami her sis ter, Miss Lillie Bcnbow are away on an extended northern tour. ,.. They have visited Baltimore, - Washington, Phila delphia and are now in New York", as the guests of Mrs. M. K. McMahan, a former resident of this cityV : ; I ' J. A. Gorham, who left this city several months ago to become general agent for Greensboro Life Insurance Company has accepted the position of general manager of Braddtreeta agency at Savannah, Ga. ::-"'r. , Delegations from the State Normal and Greensboro Female Colleges left yesterday for Nashville, Tenn., to at tend the Students' Volunteer Movement Convention. The meeiing-fll be the largest of its kind ever held in the United States And it will be attended Jby representatives from all, over the globe. ; ...Or"-,' ,0., ': OO..0' " The Greensboro Academy, of Medi cine held a regular meeting in the di rectors' room of the City National Bank and elected the following officers last night: Dr. W. J. Richardson, president; Dr. Fdmund Harrison, first vice-president: C. W. Banner, secretary ;T. T. Little, treasurer. . It was decided to entertain the County . Medical Society at the April meeting,! Measles has been decided upon as the subject to be discussed at the March meeting. - 7 .. One of the largest radial drills ever brought the city is now being installed by the Wysong and Miles Co.,' at their plant. This machine reached Greens boro loaded on a flat car and had to be dismantled before it could be unloaded or put in the building. It stands about ten feet high and swings on a radius of about eleven or twelve feet.'','": It is one of the latest improved tyi'tsTof the radial drills. v 0- . Bit was definitely learned from Solici tor Brooks thia morning that he had ac cepted a retainer from Congressman Blackburn, and would be one of his counsel in his defense before the Feder al court in April. ' . "' -"' . New York Cotton Market. The following wero the opening and closing prices on the Now York .Cotton Exchange, March 1. . Op n High Low Close .Mch 10.45 10 43 10 30 10.30 May 10.03 10' C7 10 51 10.62 July " 10 81 10 82 10 65 10 65 Receipts 3,00) . ; . Last ytar, 19, 406. Kai Stoai tho Tost 23 Vein, . The. old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. , No Cure, No pay. COc. Cure Cot ': I'ravcaU Slz-.x iMa) Ranted to Buy All Kinds of ' , ( T l T 1 I 4 4 St I Mlllllirill t I llllS and Vegetables for CAOII or will handle on' consignment your prices ' Let me knOW on what you. ' or will have if. j ELA'CKEO'S- CHANGES For nenomlnatiori From Democratic , ' Standpoint. Will Go Betore Hi Mountalnetr Friend and ' - , Get Their Full Support. Democratic ; Nomine Against Blackburn DltCUMtrf. v"' ,.- (Special Correspondence.) ; Raleigh, March l."What effect will tha indictment have on Blackburn's dunces for renomination ?", This ques tion 'was put by 'the correspondent to an "eighth district Democrat,--one thoroughly familiar with all the polit ical conditions there obtaining. This query was answered in these words, and are worth the heeding since they bear the marks of a- prophecy as well: ' 'Blackburn can play the baby act b tter than any man in the State and most ef fectively, and he can do things politi cally that no other man in the State can do and live. You can judge him by no rule applicable to the human race, He can go over his district, get up be fore these mountaineers, tell them' he was a poor mountain boy winning suc cess, when his enemies, backed by the Democrats,, began, to prosecute him, and ' he can shed tears (as he did at Wilkesboro,- when Governor Glenn wiped up the earth with hirr) a til the people will believe him, as no po ser on earth can keep him from gewing that nomination. Now just stop figuring on Spencer's - downfall by the usual methods. He' is the only Republican in the district who can possibly be elected; and if the Democrats put up a strong man he maybe defeated., There never was a time when the -northeast ern counties were bo torn up. 1 be lieve if a prohibition campaign were waged in 'Whiskey Wilkes' it would vote outlhe distillery. There is not an open barroom in it now' - When asked as to the likelihood of the Democratic nominee the man from the eighth said "Hackett, thus far, is in the lead, and unless someone other than those already announced comes into Mhe field, he will be nominated. He is not acceptable to the temperance element, but it is thought that element would find little encouragement to scratch him., for. Blackburn. I heard Hugh G. Cheatham' name mentioned today for, nomination, and there is no doubt he would be a popular candidate it he would run. , It was thought at one time that the temperance people would center on W. R. Odell, of Con cord, or R L. Smith, of Stanly, but both refuse to enter the race. At present outlook is that Hackett will get Wilkes solid, two-thirds of Stanly, Surry and Vgautauga, and at least liUf-of Cabarrus, Rowan and Al exander, - and three-fourths of Alle gheny. It is thought that Armfleld will get Iredell solid, one-sixth of Stan ly, Surry and Rowan, one half of Alex ander and one-fourth of Cabarrus. Sewland will get Caldwell solid, and one-sixth of Stanly, and will divide the small fraction left in Rowan, Cabarrus and Surry with Bouie, who it is pre sumed will get Ashe, his home county, though Hackett is very popular there. There is no doubt of a Democratic vic tory this year if the Democrats will pay their poll taxes. Either one of the gentlemen mentioned ought to be able to beat Blackburn." Croatan. ' V: February 28. We have been having pretty weather for the past few days, but we are hav ing some rain and wind and looks very much like snow. It is quite bad for the farmers and also the timber firm. '. Mrs Mary Morton and little son, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs Conner, at Riverdale, spent the day in our berg Monday and returned to her home at Harlowe Monday night Little Julia Hardison, who has been spending a few days with her sister Mrs N F Ballard, in New Bern, return ed home Monday night. Rev W A Piland filled his regular ap pointment at Riverdale last Sunday. We had quite a pleasant day for services.- - " . ' ; Mr John Morton was in our berg few hours Monday. We were real glad to see such a large crowd at Croatan Sunday school last ' Sundav afternoon. Thorn van nnitA - i m n L l We are sorry to say that one of our school boys Robert Williams is quite sick but hope he will soon bo well and able to take his place at school again' ... we are glad to state that the young men of this place are going to hold prayer meeting at the Presbyterian church Wednesday and Sunday nights. We wiHh them much success. Mr T E Haywood and II W Bell were at New Dcrn to lay. " Mr George Taylor, John Simpson an l5al'iira" wero visitors here Sunday. v, ,, -. n ,..,. Bpwit tiio tl y at Oriental with Mr and Mm f.oafnm.fl. . I LIjIj I I'LL, HEAVY RECEIPTS Received by State From Insurance Companies - Dr. Hlnet Condition Improved. - Industrial Club Ftvora Phono roncolldatlon Got to New York For Treat ment Haul by Revenue. Collector. Public O School Text . Books' ; v (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, Feb. 28. -Hon J R Young, state insurance (Jommiaewner, says that the month just closing shows among the heaviest receipts in the his; tory of the insurance department, and in addition to this fact more companies are being steadily organized and are applying to enter the State for the con duct of their respective business. The Keystone Mutual and the Manton Mu tual, both fire insurance companies of Philadelphia have filed their papers to enter the State regularly. These two companies were the ones represented by a man by the name of Clark, who forfeited a $200 fee when he failed to make good at the investigation of the Southern Oil Company's fire in Charlotte. As it is now Mr. Clark's two hundred dollars must forfeit and the State gets an additional four hundred, dollars in license fee. An other company just licensed to com mence business is the North Carolina Fire Insurance Company at High Point The condition of Dr. Peter E. Hines who Was stricken with paralysis Sun day, is reported as slightly improved today. ' V. '':'' '''; The Raleigh and Industrial Club unan imously adoped a resolution favoring the consolidation of the three telephone systems now in -use here, thia being also an endorsement of the steps re cently taken by the Raleigh Retail Merchants Association. , Internal Revenue Collector Duncan has appointed V. C. Garrard to succeed S. R. Rogers, who resigned as export deputy to enter other business. Under the laws no action of any sort can be taken in regard to the adoption of text books for the public schools of North Carolina until after July 1., when the present contracts shall have expired. " Five years r.gp the law al lowed the placing ct advertisements and the action of the sub-commission to be appointed in April or May, looking to possible changes and in order to dis charge the , work with more time for consideration. .-' ' - Deputy W. G. Pool of the revenue department, has shipped into Raleigh from Durham two copper stills, two copper caps and two copper worms, to gether with five sacks of meal and six gallons of the real illicit stuff, the cap ture of which was effected there. Accompaniid by his wife, Mr. T. Staples. Fuller, the law associate of Mr. James H Pou, left for New York City, where he will possibly undergo an oper ation for ; appendicitis, having been a sufferer with this affection for some time. . Board Aldermen Meeting At a recess meeting of Board Alder-' men, February 26, Mayor Patterson presiding, Aldermen present were Ban- gert, Howe, Lane, Hancock, Wood, Brinson, McCarthy and Simpklns. f , Business pertaining to city's interest in the P. O. & W. R, R., was discussed and upon motion the following resolu tion waa passed: ; By the Board of Aldermen of the City of New Bern be it resolved, that pur suant to section 6, chapter 37, public laws of 1903, being the amended char ter of the Pamlico and Western Rail road Company, S. H." Lane, A. H. Bangert, C. J. McCarthy and W. D. Mclver be appointed delegates to repre sent and vote the stock of the City of New Bern in the Pamlico, Oriental and Western Railroad Company at the meeting of the stockholders called to be held in the City of New Bern Feb ruary 27, 1900, as well as to such fur ther meetings as may be called from time to time until their successors as such delegates shall have been appointed by the Board. Mayor and Clerk instructed to deliver to said delegates copies of thia resolu tion under their hands and the seal of the corporation. - Board took recess. - J. J. TOLSON, Clerk. . Church Social. The ladies of the First Baptist church will gave an entertainment Friday even j u u tr-.ij r..tf Mnaiol .Ji:, . ,:n k . ; able feature of the entertainment and capable musicians will assure to all who L : i . Other features of interest to old and vounir are btinz arranged for. Refreshments will be servAd. The' price of admission will be ten cents. WANTED-Two men in each county to re; p. -'lit and n-lverti.-.e hadwae do- I isrtai. r,t, iiitout p -mil aof our goode, t '.e. Ti ' j ti or t'", -e r. -i ) I r i the u;::3 cases. , -. . . . - ;'.'. j City Hall Crowded With Interested V - Spectators. Some Dramatlo Scene During ihe Trial r and Some Peculiar Testimony It Pro- " -. . v, - " cured. Interest in the liquor cases continues unabated and there was a large crowd of spectators present at the adjourned trial before Mayor Patterson yesterday Richard Guion was Ihe first one up, and as in other cases fiiarles Gibson was the principal wittrtis for the State. Gibson told the court how. he obtained the whiskey of Guion on Fridty night and that he had another bottle from which he took rceaaional drinks. At torney W. W. Clark questioned him severely as to the condition of the night, whether the moon was shining or not, the position of the men and the kind of whiskey in the bottle. . Witness said he took no drink .from the bottle purchased of defendant. He was ques tioned as to whether there was an agree ment between him and any other party or parties about compensation for his trouble. He stated that he paid $2.25 for the whiskey and that it was his own money; thut he had no understanding with any one. When he was arrested he said that if he had betrayed one he would show the police all the places where he knew liquor was kept In the testimony of officer Lupton, the bott le alleged to, have been pur chased of Guion which Gibson stated that he did, not - drink - from was pro duced in evidence. ; The bottle was about half full if liquor. ? Witness did not know whether the, bottle shown in court was the one purchased or if Gib son had drank from the bottle. A little sensation was made while Lupton was on the stand relative to a report that he had sold some liquor to a young man. Mr. Clarence Land was in the courtroom and requested to step forwarl to the bar, the object being to brin before the court the person to whom Lupton is charged to have of fered to sell liquor one night about two weeks ago. ': The officer emphatically denied any attempt to sell any whiskey then or at any other time. :; Mr. Land was not put on the aland to. make any statement Mr. F. P. Rowe was then called as witness. He said he was deputy sheriff and working under instructions from the sheriff. When questioned about the bottle of liquor in evidence he stat ed that he gave Gibson a drink out of the bottle and judged that he had taken about the quantity indicated. He said Guion came to the door of the house and gave Gibson the bottle and told the latter not to give him away. Officer A. L. Bryan then took the stand and went over a good deal of the testimony of officer Rowe. There was some quibbling about the quality of liquor, Mr. Bryan stated that Gibson drank the liquor under a shed on the opposite side of the street while Gibson stated on the stand lhat he was in Guion's back yard. - , - 0 Officer John Bowden was called to the witness stand and said that he ar rested Guion Tuesday morning and up on the order from Chief of Police Har get searched the place. He found the liquor in a large trunk. It consisted of 23 one half pint bottles and a half gal lon jug. J. T.York, a defendant, was next placed on trial but the attorneys de cided to waive examination on the rest of the cases. They did not have the arguments on the cases called. They were all bound over for trial in the Su perior court for criminal cases during the week commencing April 9, nnder $250 bonds. ' - John Stamps who was arrested Tues day night on the same charge is includ ed under tho above mentioned bonds. Arapahoe : '' March Ut Arapahoe has been progressing right well. Our young men seem to have decided there were too many single girls in our community, and they are making ap plications to the register of deeds for permission to thin them out Mr. Ma jor Hardison and Miss Edith Bennett, were united in the holy bonds of matri mony last Sunday, two weeks past Mr J C Johnson and Miss Affie Paul were united in marriage last Sunday, one . 7 f . ZJ T , i- rt.--i.-. o; H 1 1 7? T" "T or 71 days aero in Carteret county. We wish them all a long and happy ufe. air n a xmio iu um ucw uu..u.i.B ar completion i it is our doubt that will be a home for another one of our s 8 Our public school has been In pro Kress for the last month. Prof. J. V. I Milt'. a graduate of Chapel Hill, is the I principal. Rr. Floyd Reel, Miss Fan- n:e Paul and T.ws Lillie Carraway, are assistant t-i-.-hc-rs. Our your' men have re. nnized the l.terary r- i- 'y, and it is movii? on " y. I t --'? t" 'y are boat ! '"- : ' 1 : : t For Site Proposed Methodist Proles- tant College Criminal Docket Being Rapidly Cleared, Pretended Capitalist Promotion For Railway Detective. Rccov erlng From Injury. Pott master : Charged Ab stracting Letter (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Feb. 28. The board of education of the Methodist Protestant Conference of North Carolina held meeting here yesterday for the pur pose of receiving 'propositions from various places ottering a site for the location of the proposed M. P. College, Rev. T. M. Johnson, president of the North Carolina M. P. Conference, is presiding over the meeting, which was a tter (led by all the members except Dr. F. R. Harris of Henderson. Prop ositfjns were received from Greensboro High Point, Oak Ridge, Graham, Liberty and Hillsboro, each one of thes'i places sending a delegation be fore the meeting. Judge Furgerson and Solicitor Brooks are proving a rapid team in disposing of.: the c; iminal docket. Yesterday, there were twenty cases' of confession or conviction of guilt by parties con fined in jail. The blind tiger and baw dy hou cases here have grown a little less popular form of pursuit than for merly and there were only two of the former and none of the latter for trial. Judge Furgerson is not making what the lawyers call "a bloody crimi nal court judge." His . sentences are prompt and seem to fit the case, rwhile conservative. Yesterday when the case against J. B. McMillan was called, Solicitor Brooks announced that defend ant had written him a , letter stating that he desired to plead guilty. Mc Millan is the young man who cut such a social and financial swathe here last fall under the pretense of being a cap italist and desiring to buy an interest in a lumber business here. . He fairly swelled it in hired automobiles, high priced traps, big hotel board, ' presents of diamond wedding presents, and other like magnificent gifts in propor tion. He was arrested as he was get ting out of a carriage at the hotel door on a charge of' forgery, 'the .evidence showing that he had drawn various check and secured the endorsement of local capitalists on false representa tions, for various sums, one of them being for fifteen thousand dollars in payment for an interest in the himber manufacturing concern in which he had pretended to buy an interest. He got no money on this but on the strength of this big check he had secured sever al hundred dollars and stayed here like a fool, spending it, while the telegraph flashed the news to the banks that checks they had cashed were forgeries or that he had no credit on the banks names at all. Dr. E..P. Whorton moved his family yesterday into his elegant new home on Asheboro street ' .. The house "was erected at a cost of about $20,(00 and is one of J:he handsomest residences in the State."' "'0 - -:'-, - . u.. Mr. C. E. White, who has been as sistant to Chief Detective Ahern, of this division of the Southern Railway, has been promoted to the head of the company for the Charleston division, and left yesterday for Charleston, hich place will be headquarters. Division Chief Detective .Ahern left last night for Norfolk to get some evi dence against five men, who are to be tried for car breaking. The trial will be held March 6th in Danville, Fireman Sparger, who was injured in the wreck of train No. 39 here two weeks ago, has about recovered. He returned yesterday from a visttohis home at Mt. Airy. Deputy U. S. Marshall T. J. Millikan returned last night from Concord, where on yesterday he arrested post master Patterson, of that place, upon a bill of indictment found at the pres ent term of Federal Court in Asheville, charging him with abstracting letters from the mail. One of his clerks, it is alleged acted in collusion with him and the clerk's arrest will follow. Patter son gave bond for $1,000. . The selection of the jury in the Mat thews case was completed tonight. Taking evidence will begin tomorrow, , The Trinity Glee Club. The concert by the Trinity Glee Club and Orchestra on next Monday night promises w oe one ox very n.gn order Jones, the violin soloist. Mr. Jones is a member of the faculty of the South rn Conservatory of Music at Dur ham. He has charge of charge of the Trinity Orchestra anl Prof, W. H. Overton of the Glee Club - Mr. J. Leon Williams. the reader, netds no more inv,roduction .t . T . 10 a iew oern auuience, naving Detn ner wiui uuu in iyuo. ine price Ui v.u.n.cina w ci-ms. If you nave not purchasea your tickets U r : :r. ,. A rSATTEn Absolutely Pure MS JO SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phos- phatic Pol ce Court News. The adjourned case of L. B. Habicht and his wife on the charge of selling liquor without a license was in the Mayors court yesterday. The case is the outcome of the assault case for which Mrs. Habicht was tried about a month ago. The complaining witness, Forbes, gave evidence by which he nearly in criminated himself as a violator of the same law for which he was the prose cuting witnesf , There being no evidence against L B Habicht he was dismissed. Mrs. Habi cht was bound over to Superior court for trial under $200 bonds which were furnished. . Tom White, the hero of the very amusing Aim flam case which was meii- tioned in the Journal a few days ago was on trial last evening. Sam Wal ker, the States witness told him "how come". He said that' White came to him and wanted some small change for a dollar bill which he claimed he had He gave the man the money and stuck the so-called bill in his pocket without stopping to examine it. . When he look ed at it a little later he lost no time in reporting the matter to the police and White was arrested in short order. The bill is a "peach" of its kind. The e is about as much resemblance in the "bill" as there is in a big reve nue stamp and the extent of intrinsic value is that it would be a first class entrte in a goats' dinner. White should have been dismissed for his cleverness in working such a wide open mm flam game so successfully. White was bound over to court " Special Rates to Goldsboro and Wil- -, son. On account - of district meeting Knights of Pythias at Wilson, March 7, 1906, the A. & N. C. Co. offer the following reduced rates to Goldsboro and return: FROM Dover, RATE ' ; . : 75 " 90 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.60 1.60 1.75 1.85 - 1.90 Cove, Tuscarora, New Bern, . Riverdale, Croatan, Havelock, Newport Wildwood, ; ' Mansfield. '. , i Morehead City Beaufort 2.00 2.25 Dates of Sale: Tickets will be sold for individuals from Beaufort and Morehead City and from New Bern and Kinston in parties of fifteen or more for train No. 2. Tickets will be sold for individuals from New Bern and Kinston for special train leaving New Bern 3 p. m. H.C, HUDGINS, Gen. Pass Agt The special to Wilson will leave Golds boro at 6 o'clock p. m. Ample time will be at Goldsboro to secure trans portation. Bogue February 27th. We are having some beautiful wcath er; no excuse for lazy folks now. Rev Mr Geddie filled his regular ap pointment at Bethlehem Sunday. Mr and Mrs Charles Barker of Stella visited friends at Bogue Sunday. Miss Beatrice Weeks and Mr Graham Bethlehem Sunday. Miss Myrtle Everet and Mr Junius"! , 7";' ,7 7 guests of , """" a"ue ounuay. mr. n f . . auk u u mwiB is visiting relatives at Tuscarora this week. Mr. Robt. Pigott, who Is working at the life saving station at Coi'ue Inlet. wag the guest of Kiss Alma Piott one (jny jast week. Col. A. II. Dennis and wife of Will- , wood, fpent .unday With t.Tr. an 1 C W Tsvl-r. GFHZAim mm . acid t and Sausage at Hams at 15c lb; Sausage Meat 10c Vat . . '. Skinned Hams, 15c lb. Frankfurter 10c lb Bologna 10c lb. Pork Sausage 13c lb Link 10c lb. - Noith Carolina Herring S f r S Bismarck Herring 25c can. Shore fish 2 for 25c. L B MABICHT Phono 246. Kotnulns A, tfuuii, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice In the counties of Ciavea, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones and Onslow, and in .the t-tate Supreme and Fedwiut Courts. . Oulce: Soith Front "trott, m Tl graph office, .ev ru, i: : IC3ED Made from pure dis tilled filtered wa- . ter. Bern ice tnr:i 19-21-23 Griffith Srreet, Phone 23. Ml 1 I'iHi I. A' . AUTUMN OVLRCOATC; . command the attention at all mod ih tv"f ai much aa Sther regular gannnta. Wa hv andleu va of fabriea which la color. wm and pattern, from homespun to worsteds, u tha wearer a wide field for selection. F, TA. CUlDUICIj 127 Jll&Zle f.l. Full line of Dru,! !: 2 ; icme3, Toilet Ar ticles and Ccap. Fresh Flower Scczs, I'liyMlciar.s Vi tions A r:?cfl: RIVERS DF STORE . .3 Denrys Wmx,

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