DOD, big "mealy potatoes j can not be produced with out a liberal amount of Potash in the fertilizer not less than ten per cent. It must be in the form of Sulphate of Potash of highest quality. ; 1 1 "Plant Food" and "Truck Farming" are two practical books which tell of the successful growing of potatoes and the other garden truck sent free to those who write us for them. AMnae, OERMAN New York- J Numu Street, Stella . ' Febiuary 28th. E Quite a number of our young, folks attended services at Belhaven Sunday, among whom were Mr. and Mrs 3. (i fearkerrend little Katherine, Misses Beatrice Weeks and Myrtl Everitt, Messrs. Junius and Grahan Koonce.' ' Mr. and Mrs. Hanison of Long Point spent Friday in otir village. Mra .T P. Tavlor is here on a visit to her mother. Miasm Mattie and Mollie Sabiston, and brother. Robert were with us Sat urday night and Sunday. Rev. Mr. Geddie filled his regular ap pointment at this place Sunday night ' Mr. S. W. Everitt has had quite a number f Northern folks with him this winter. nJr J F Foster has a very pretty boat of his own workmanship. He easily makes a ten miles run in an nour. Mr Robert Pigott of the life saving station at Bogue Inlet, was in. town Monday evvn tag. Don't forget about our entertainment at this place next Friday .ight, March th. It is given for the benefit of the M. E. Church, which is sadly in need of help.- As it is neither sealed or painted. Everybody come and give freely to. the cause. "PAW." County Teachers Association The next meeting of the County Teachers Association will be held on the first Saturday in March and not the last Saturday in February, as stated at last meeting. MISS BESSIE FOY, Secretary. Durhams Creek February 28th. We are having very fine weather; genial spring seems to have come, the great delight to the farmers. to Misses Mary Whitford and Lizzie Oneal, accompanied by Mr. John Whit ford, all of Zorah, were the guests of Miss Maud Tuten on Saturday and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs Charlie Cayton, made a trip to Craven county Sunday to visit their parents. Mrs A J Hardy was a visitor at the home of Mr E B White Saturday night and Sunday. . Mr and Mrs C G Tunstall and others attended church at Edward Sunday. Some of our farmers have planted Irish potatoes. Wonder if they will have the sad feelings they experienced j last year. Mr. and Mrs B D Cayton went to Bomerton Friday. Mr C G Tunatall made a flying trip to Washington Saturday. We hear a good deal of complaint of bad roads, but don't see any remedy for it unless is can be done by taxa tion. :: A good many of our farmers are bus this week sowing oats. ' We are sorry to note that Mr T R Tunstall, though improving some, is still suffering with erysipilis. Mr. Willis Knox of Zorah, was visit ing in this vicinity Saturday and Sun day. , . ;' Mr H H Lane of Prescott, spent Sat urday and Sunday with his parents " here. ' - We learn our young people are to have another basket party in the near future; we wish them great success. A Guarantees' Curt For Piles Itching Blind, Bleeding, Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to curein 6 to 14 days. 50c. (!ge Plants. Crown in the open air. Will stand any cold. Count guaranteed. Guaran t i .l headers. Seed grown by best seed !' in the business. I have now an i Minted supply. Any variety. Sold I t half of the plants for the e crop in Virginia and North t l;st year. Will give refrenre 1 to anyone that utsed them lust in l.U 1- ! tlmn 5.0 :m 1 I.' I. tl t . f. o. I i,: .'.I ), U.O. t, s. t KALI WORKS AUaaU. Qa.-22X S. BfW StTMt. Richrdson-Sritt Rarner. Feb. 28. A Pietty home wedding was celebrated at , the ho pitiable country home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Britt. when their charming and attractive daughter. Miss Lillian Bell Britt. and Mr. Norwood B. Richardson of Portsmouth, were married, the cere mony being performed ., by Rev. A. B. Hunter, of Cary. The wedding music was rendered by Mrs. Buffaloe, and the bride entered the parlor with her sister, Miss Ruby Britt the mail of honor, and the . - TT TT groom was attended Dy nr. n. e Royall of New Bern, as his best man. The bride was charmingly gowned m white silk, her bouquet of white carna tions and the maid of honor in pink crepe de chine, bouquet of pink carna tions. There were many lovely wed ding gifts. Following "the wedding there was a delightful reception at the home of Mr. B. Richardson, brother of the groom, which was held there. It was a de lightful event and a delicious supper was enjoyed by "11. The happy couple will go to New Bern on Thursday to visit the mother of the groom and will be at home in Portsmouth on the 15th of March, after a trip north. Among the out-of-town guests were John R. .Terrell, Miss Ida Terrell, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Edgar E. Ellington, Mr. C. Luther Sorrell, Mr. Charles L. Woodall, all of Raleigh, and Miss Ber tha Wooten, of New Bern. Harlowe and North Harlowe March 1. The r.ew officers of the Harlowe Sun day school are J R Mason, secretary; Mrs Alex Forman, treasurer; Dr C N Mason, librarian, John E Taylor, chor ister and Mrs W W Long organist Mrs Dan G BelL of Morehead City, came over Friday to spend a few days with her parents, returning home Sun day afternoon. Mrs JohnS Morton spent several days of last week with her parents at Thur- man. ., Mr Charlie Ward was in New Bern last week and purchased a new top buggy and is now ready to take them out driving. Messrs Joshua Adams, E D Hardesty, N J Conner and John E & C D Taylor were in New Bern last Monday on sun dry business. , Mr Jos. A Morton went to New Bern on business Tuesday. Messrs 0 Gand Dan G Bell came to Harlowe on the naptha "Harlowe1 last Sunday morning returning in the afternoon taking Mrs D G Bell with them. Mr A Li Mew berry or Newport, was here Tuesday with a fine drove of horses and mules, he did some trading and selling. Mi- N I Bo ward and family of Blades were visitors of MrE T Webb of North . Harlowe last Sunday. Mr A J Barbour who was called to Hyde on account of Mrs Barbour's health has returned bringing her home with him. . : The many friends of Miss Arti Bee ton who is at Johns Hopkins Hospital for treatment will be glad to hear of her improved condition and to know that she hopes to be home again before very long. ''.'..' ;.,:. v; Mr John S Morton went to Havelock yesterday to bring over the popular cake salesman Mr Archbell of Kins ton. Mr W N Bell was in Newport last Friday, returning the same evening. Capt Willis, of the Dolphin, had the misfortune to get his shaft bent while passing through the canal yesterday and had to phone back for, help to get back to Morehead City. Miss Lucy Berry of Hyde, returned with Mrs A J Barbour to make her visit to North Harlowe. Local Grain Market Corn, per bushel.................... Oats, ' ............ R P Seed Oata '..'. " White Seed Oats Meal, Hominy " ..................... r-rn bran, per 100 lb.. '. . Wheat bran, ............ Feed, 100 ns................. ........65 -47 55 60 ........65 ........65 .....75 ,...,.1.30 1.35 ....1.50 Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs. Cotton seed hulls, 100 lbs .45 Hay 18 50 WHOLES ALB PRICES CURRENT. r,",TS,per dozen .. i., 12 Chickens, old per pair 60 65 " young, per pair........ 40-50 Pork, per IT) , 7&7J Live Hogs 5 SHORT PASSING EVENTS. Laughter, chasing away tears, bright scintillating flashas of wit dispelling gloom, and catchy specialties aiding iu making the hours fly like" minutes are promises held forth by Manager U. D. Newell when he presents his charming comedy drama, "A Jolly American Tramp" at the New Masonic Opera House tomorrow night ' The sign artiste whose work adorns the Marks building have leit for other parts and many there be who fain would have had them remain longer. But the artists were foxy and knew when to go. The American people like to be fooled. , - - Mr. E. W. Chadwick came up from New Bern this roorninir to move his family to thnt place. He holds the posi tion of .' r in the A & N C freight office at New Bern. Free Press. The regular monthly meeting of the Womana Foreign Missionary Society will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the parlors of the Centenary chuich. The store of Mrs. Lizzie Rose at 182 Queen street caught on fire from a de fective chimney yesterday afternoon. The fire was extinguished and the dam age was very slight 1 The sale of seats for the Jolly Amer ican Tramp which will show here to morrow night will commence at Waters store this morning. . The many friends of Mr. B. L. Grin- stead will be sorry to learn of his sud den depart ire last night for his home in Kentucky on account of the serious illness of his mother. The regular monthly meeting of the Rector's Aid Society will be held at the house of the ptesident this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock; Th leaders of the sev eral branches will Utsi bring a list of the members of their branch. The predicted cold wave arrived on time and in full force, the thermometer taking a rapid fall, the minimum yes terday being 22 degrees, nearly 50 de grees down irom me maximum oi a few days ago. The forecast is for fair and warmer today. The Wyatt Symphonv Club went to Maysville yesterday where they gave a concert Yesterday was Aah .Wednesday, the first day of Lent Three services were held in Christ Church, all of them being largely attended. Today services will be at 11 a. m., and 5. p. m. . There will be a very important meet ing of the Child Study Department of the Women's Club at the Elks Club room this afternoon at 4 o'clock. All members are requested to be present The directors and stockholders of the Pamlico, Oriental and Western railway held a meeting here yesterday but on account of the injunction proceedings issued on behalf of the city, no busi ness was transacted. Merchants are again violating the ordinance against allowing the front of their stores to be litteredjjp with pa per. For several days the streets have been badly "messed up" with pieces of paper, both large and small blown off in most cases while unpacking - goods. The mayor instructed the police Mon day to bring every one who they had seen violating this law before him. There was something in the weather yesterday very suggestive of a light ning change. The weather clerk pro vided us with all specimens and wound up with a northwest breeze and a turn ble of the mercury from 60 to 35 de grees, it was one of the most suddes and marked changes that has been ex perienced for many years. A flurry of snow was in the air after five o'clock. The Journal is informed that John Bowen, the young colored man who at tempted suicide on Sunday, did not steal any money from the Chattawka hotel or elsewhere, but that the fact that suspicion rested on him made him do the deed. He has always had a good reputation for honesty. Among the excellent productions at the Medley entertainment Monday night were two solos by Mrs. Dunseith, of New York City, which were greatly enjoyed by the audience. The concert by the Trinity Glee Club next Monday night will be one of the finest musical .events of the season. Their visit about two years ago will be remembered with pleasure. Remember the date. ' .' Arrangements have been made with the A. & N. C. Co. for a special train to Wilson on Wednesday March 7th on the occasion of the district meeting of the Knights of Pythias. A. round trip rate of $1.25 is announced from New Bern to Goldsboro. ; More extended in formation tomorrow. ,-'--', Show paper, advertising the great spectacular event of Humpty Dumpty, which is playing at Richmond this week is displayed cn revert 1 1 ill besn'p around the city. List of Flowers And Plants . Does this appeal to you, yoa get better values? where can Six exhibition chrysanthemums for 25c; Colored Dappleton, finest golden yellow; Marie Ligu, pearl pink, R. E. Richardson, incurving bright pink; Lavender Queen, soft silvery lavender; j Black Beauty, rich, deep crimson; Tim othy Eaton, giant white. If you want them add you name to the lists at Davis' and Bradham's Pharmacies or Journal office, and the Woman's Club will order them for you. Express free.' TREAT ALL ALIXE There Sheuld be Ho Clttt Legislation Is Ordering The Muzzling of Doge A few days ago Mr. Claud S. Cham berlain of Kinstcn purchased a St I Bernard dog in this city and took it! home. Saturday the brute attacked, him and bit him on the face. He sus-' tained very painful if not serious in-. juries. " He was petting the animal when it caught at Mr. Chamberlain's! head and made a wound that he will very likely carry a 1, through life and , perhaps may suffer very serious re sults.. - :. -' - One of this breed of dogs attacked a muzzled bull dog on the street Monday and very nearly killed it The bull dog is a pet of Miss Mary Bryan and it has always been a highly respected mem ber of dogdom. , ' . a The -point is just this, if one dog is obliged to wears muzzle why not all and for the protection of humanity why not put muzzles on them all t New Bern has recently had a bad t xperience with dogs and it ought to be a lesson but there should be no class legislation. The big, unwieldly St.- Bernards are just as apt to run amuck as the smaller but more active dogs and the attention of the city aldermen is called to this fact and to makea'law accordingly and when its made have it enforced. . Cove. March 1. Pay no attention to spring poetry, it is no sign of gentle armies coming, but wait until you see the martins Binging in gourds which is a true sign, , Mids Bessie Foy has iisued invita tions to an entertainment to Le given at the close of her school March 13, at the residence of - Mr. E. Z. Davis at Dover X Road., ' ; Miss Helene Gilmore or Philadelphia visited Cove last week. The following attended Buster Brown show at Goldsboro' last evening: M. A. Hill, W. E. Jones, O. S. Wetherington Kenneth M. Harris. Mrs. Mary Jane Civil of Asberry is spending a few day at Mr. A. W. Averys this week. . vvOfVV Rev. J. J. Boyd has purchased from Mr. A. B. Cox his fine buggy horse Robert, Mr. Boyd knows a good horse when he sees him and Mr. Cox knows when to let one go. Miss Mabel Taylor .who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Brothers returned to her home in LaGrange. yes terday. Our weather prophets have stopped predicting and are now busy digging the Panama CanaL Misses Nell and Jesse Taylor of New Bern visited friends in Cove Sunday and returned home on the afternoon train. Mr. Raymond C. Russell of Ft Barn well and Miss Hattie Pittman for the last few weeks of Cove, but originally of Ft Barnwell were united in mar riage Wednesday evening at 4 o'clock at the home of the brides parents at Cove The best man was Mr. George Wooten and the maid of honor was Miss Eva Pittman, sister of the bride. ; Miss Irene Barwick played the wedding march and Mr. K.; M. Harris Bang a solo "Oh Promise Me", the ceremdny was performed by Rev. Geo B. Web ster pastor of Asberry church. After the ceremony, the bride and groom left for their future home in Ft Barnwell. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pittman and the groom is a son of Mr. Charles -W. Russell of Camp Oak. Both are of old and in fluential families. Much joy to them. . . Zorah. Feby 28. Our farmers are busily engaged in making fences and clearing land, pre paring for another crop. : Mrs. Jane Whitford who has been sick the past year, doem't seem to get much better. Mr. A. R. Whitford who went to Newport News some time age, came home last week to see his mother. Mr. G. A. Whitford went to Washing ton Saturday, v" Miss Carrie Tunstall returned to her school in Jones county last week. . Mrs. Amanda Tuten of Edward spent last week at Mr.' Silas Fulchers. Mr. J. M. Whitford , and sister Miss Lizzie O'Neil spent Saturdaywight with relatives near Edward. Messrs. Billy Yates and Jesse Latham of Gilead, spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mrs. Rose Whitford's. Our Friendship and Pinetrse schools had an exciting game cf ball Friday afternoon, which resulted in a score of 14 to 21 in favor of Friendship. Mr. S. M. Brinson our County Super intendent was here last week looking after our schools and delivered some able addresses on education which were highly appreciated by our students. He talks of consolodating our schools be fore another year. i I Miss Rhesa Yates of Gilead is visiting relatives here. Miss Susie Wetherington spent Mon day night with Misses Mary and Cora Whitford. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wiley of Cool . Spring, visited relatives here last week. Master Ivie Toler who has has been spending a while cn .Blounts Creek re turned home Frii!;y. For - and TRADE MARK 2(raic; REGISTERED F. S. R0YSTER QUAN0C0., Norfolk, Va. - r Letter to G. A. Nicol New Bern, N. C. Dear Sir: Your business is, when a house burns down, to give the owner some money to build a new one. It is a good business. Queer that the world got on ao long without H. We paint the one that burnt down and the hew one too. What is better, we paint the houses that don't burn down. ;;.'rV -V"'V':. W ;'"v You insure the houses that burn; w'e insure the houses that don't You have the ashes and smoke; all the houses are ours. :V We paint lead and zinc; Devoe. We sell the p3int to painters; we don't pamt ' ; , Lead-and-oil is the old fashion paint Devoe is zinc ground in with lead and linseed oil; the best paint in the world: and the cheapest, because it wears twice as long as lead-and-oil. Nobody wants poor paint; there's lots of it, though, in the world. A M. Griffin, . Plainfield, N. J writes: " "Mr. Aaron Higgins, of Plainfield, always used 15 gallons of mixed paint for bis house. Last spring he bought 15 gallons of Devoe and had 4 gallons leit ,-' - Yours truly, '. F. W. Devoe &Co. ' , . i New York. P S E W Smallwood Sells Our Paint CUL0RFD CHURCH DESTROYED The Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist. Chjirch 1 '- InAshee. , ".-V- About half past four o'clock yester day afternoon the Ceda Grove Mis sionary Baptist Church, colored, on Cypress Street, was entirely destroyed by fire. There was k revival meeting in progress lathe church and it is be lieved that a spark from the chimney lodged on the roof, which as rapidly fanned into a blaze that : sealed the doom of the' building. A stiff breeze was blowing and the flames gained a headway that the firemen were unable to control Their efforts were mostly bent upon saving the houses opposite to the burning building and had very hard work to save them; they were successful however and had poor water pressure to contend with. They are entitled to great credit for their ef ficient work. The sixth ward hose reel company, which is composed of colored men, did quick and effective work in preventing the neighboring houses from catching the blaze. They were enabled to get to work before the Atlantics and liut tons reached the scene. Tht building had but recently been repaired and the members and congre gation had gone to considerable ex pense; the loss, consequently comes ver heavy upon them. The loss is es timated at $2,0.0, the insurance at $1,000. Rev. A. L. E. Weeks is pastor of the church. Cheap Fare to Goldsboro On nccount of audress of Harvie Jor dan, President of the Southern Cotton Growers Association' which occurs at Goldaboro Friday March 2, the A. N. C. Co. will sell return tickets at the following reduced rates. Tiekets good returning until March S. Dover $ 75 Cove ' ' 90 Tuscarora 1.00 New Bern ' 1.25 Hivcrdalo 1.4(1 Crualan l.M Newport 1.75 Wihlwood 1.85 Morehead City, 2Mt Bwiufort 2.25 Twenty - one ; Oiiieoco p?n XPXrr?: B have been the standard Cotton and Tobacco 'guanos in the Soirdv because great care is, used" in the selection of materials. ' Ask your dealer for RoystcrS goods and don't take substitutes said to be just as good. See that the trade-mark is on every, bag. NSW ARRIVALS. We have just received a new line of Colored Lawns and Organdies and a new lotof White Lawns, India Linens, etc. Also a big lot of Em broidered Shirt Waist Patterns, Lace Collars and Turn-Over Collars. Ladie3 Patent Leather San dals, Oxfords and f Shoes in the Newest ..Spring Styles. " ' , ' We invite you to call and see,them. - .. i I B AXTER' Eiimltiitv Qtnvc Mittinorc Ptr V J. Ill 111LU1 j kJLU T Largest stock of Mattings in the city. Royall and Borden Felt Mattresses. New line' of Go-Carts. -" We are still offering some bargains and it will pay you to call on us. ' - , .'"' J OH N Phone 267 93 Middle Next Time be sure to see those nice Fruit Preserves,, Jellies and Jams, also ask about that Cheap Tomato : ' " Ketsup. , .. ." - " And don't forget that twenty cent Coffee, Monumental is the brand. -Wholesale - No. 81 South Front St J L MAftTSFIELD orncK 93 1-2 tsiccLs st. . 233 a ffo ttuninrr much tmii'Ja to ppt Tin work dono -when I wanted it an i like I wanted It done have purchased the Tin Business of L. II. Cannon. Have oponed a First Class Tin shop No. 90 Middle Street, next to Cantons Cycl VHore, where I have competent and experienced men to do my work, I will run this business in conjunction with my CONTRACTING and BUILDING. Any work sent me will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, and will be DE LIVERED when PROMISED. I have an EXPERIENCED SLATER. ALL KINDS OF STOVE WORK DONE. STOVE PlfE taJe to Order. Cfilce Phone 12 Residence 185. t . n 5 Years fi9 one lfA44LLlllX,Jt LflVi B. IVES. Str - et You go to and Retail Grocer, Phone 108 I f " 6A6i : : ;.!es, green, per Tl) 6J 5.7 . " dry ' loj ' " , " .... ) to i t :.! 1 '. 1 f , . m ' i OA r

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