r i NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTYN. C, TUESDAY MARCH 6, 1906.-FIRST '. SECTION. . VOL. XXVIII.-No.95 28th YEAR : 1 1 J I Li y i l i , .A,,., i U03T, IZSIUM AKD CITY FOR tVERY KIXD 0FW88K ENGINES AKD ECXCS AND SIZES AND FDR EVE3Y . CLASS OP SERVSCS. ASK FOR OUR ESTOUtS KPCSI PUCINQ TOUt OKOU alSBES MACHINERY CC".PANY . COLUMBIA. 3. C BIG NIGHT FOR PYTHIANS District Muting at Wilson Will Bt Largely ,- Attcndtd. The usual district meeting of the Knights of Pythias, at Wilson, next Wednesday night, is one that every Pythian in this city should look forward to. The Fylhians of Wilson are leav ing no stone unturned to make this meeting the lurgtst that was ever held in Ibis district and they have prepared most excellent program for their vis iting brothers. 1 After the regular routine of business has been dispensed with the Rank of Esquire wifi be conferred upon several candidates and that the work will be done in fine style it is but needless to mention. " After the meeting is over a most elab orate prepared banquet will be served and this will be followed by a "smoker." The Knights of this city have ar ranged for a special .train to leave here on the afternoon of the 7th at 3 o'clock and will arrive at Wilson at 5:45, but as the change of cars is to be made to the Goldsboro lodges special it is neces sary that every Pythian notify J, B. Dawson if ho intends to go, and do this Monday as early as possible. The par lor car Vance will be attached, to the train and all those who want seats can get them Wednesday morning at the depot, vjhe fare for the round-trip to Wilson is $2 25 and ' this is open to everybody, so all outsiders who desire to go can do so without the least hes itancy. The band of this city has arranged an excellent program to be rendered at the meeting and uoon their arrival in Wilson they will give a twenty minute concert in the lobby of the new Briggs Hotel for the benefit of the ladies of Wilson who will not have the oppor tunity of hearing them in the lodg room. TORNADO AND FIRE. Mors Than Ont Husdrtd LIvm Lett. $1,500, 000 Property Dttireytd at MsrMUs, Mm. ' Mobile, Ala., March 3. Information has reached Mobile by telephone, all telegraph wires being down, that a de structive - tornado visited Meridian, Miss., at 6 30 last evening, killing 21 j white people and a hundred negroes, and damaging property to the extent 'of $1,500,000. There are also scores seriously injured by being caught in the ! wreckage of houses. ' The tornado caught the city on the southwest and travelled to the north least, expending itself in two suburbs, where many negroes were killed and in jured, a whole tenement district being wined out. " Two large wholesale stores, several smaller ones, part of the principal hotel, the electric light plant and all the small property -between the Mobile and Ohi Railroad and the business section of the city was badly damaged. Twenty men were caught in one restaurant, and several were killed. Two stores of the Y. M. C, A. building were wrecked and other buildings suffered in the upper stories. The negro tenement district north of the city was demolished, ar.d the debris caught nre,lhreateninganew danger, but the local department, with the help of hundreds of citizens over came this after a hard, fight They were assisted by a torrential rain fol lowing the tornado. The city is in darkness and the full extent of the disaster will not be known until daylight The known path of the storm was about six hundred feet wide and one mile in length. JUVENILE COURTS. Whtrs Youthful Offenders to Committed. Trial According Get Separate Crimes Washington, D. C, MchB. An ef fort is being made in Washington as in several other cities to introduce the Juvenile Court by which youthful of fenders will be granted separate trials and accorded punishment according to their age and their experience in crime. The experiment has been so thoroughly tested in New York, Chicago, St Louis and notably in Denver, where Judge Ben Lindsay presides over this tribunal that it is conceded to be a necessary part of the Government of all large - cities. Seven years ago there was not a juvenile court in the country but , they are now regarded as the only ef fective and humans way of treating .youthful offenders end Jan one of the most important judicial reforms of the century. They are founded on the pre sumption that tho child delinquent is not a criminal and that he shall not be treated as a criminal and its object is to reclaim each child brought before it . to useful citizenship. ' Th idea of pun inhment is.climinated as far as possible and the commitment to reform schools ii the last resort : The bill to estab Jifih such a court in the District of Columbia is now before Congress and has already passed the Senate. Death of a Child. Leonard LeRoy, the two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard White died of pneumonia in Pollocksville Friday. The remains were taken to Cove via A. C. L. and A. & N. C railways last night and the burial will take place at the family grave yard today. The County Teacners Association The above organization met at the court bouse yesterday and had an inter esting and profitable meeting, although not largely attended on account of the unpleasant weather. Brief talks were made by Miss Mary Hendren, Messrs Daniel Lane and Harold Whitehurst, Mrs. ,Abhin and Miss Fordham of Pver. . SHOWING INSANITY Suck I Main Testimony Is Matthews Murder . . Case. ' . Special to Journal. Greensboro, Majch 3. The defence had not concluded the testimony In the Matthews case, when court adjourned. The case is expected to last until next Thursday. Many witnesses testified that Matthews was crazy, from mor phine taken the past year. His father told of insanity in his, and wife's fam ily. A fellow medical student of Mat thews, while at medical college in Richmond, said he slept with him, and told how he waked in the morning found him apparently , dead and was resuscitated by early medical aid. He had attempted suicide from despondency over the death of a sweetheart, leaving a note disposing of his property and naming pall-bearers. Wanted to Buy All Kinds of - Southern Fruits and Vegetables for CA0LT or will handle on consignment. Let me know Loco : March 2nd. Mr. John Morton and children visited relatives at Grant's Creek Saturday and Sunday. Mr. G. W. Smith and F. F. Larsons went to Jacksonville Monday and re turned Tuesday. The J. A. Latham place here, that has been vacant so long, is now occu pied by a Mr. Lily and family, who have moved here, recently from Car teret Co. . Misses Maggie and Bertha White, and little brother of Pollocksville.spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here, Mrs, Lula BarLee and children spent Sunday with her parents near Mays- ville. - , We are sorry to note that Mrs. H. G Barbee is quite sick. That her recov ery will be speedy is our wish. Wo were pained to learn of the death of Mr. Ben Bynum. Some of our peo ple attended his burial Tuesday after noon. Our school will probably continno a few weeks longer. We hope that will for we have a good teacher. Juanita COVERED FROM ' HEAD TO FOOT With Crusted Scaly Eczema1 When One Month Old Could Erush . Scales Off Body Young Lady is Now 17 Years Old and Skin is Without a Scar Cured By CUTICURA REMEDIES . AT EXPENSE OF $4.50 ,rWben I was one month old I was taken with ecsema. After being under the treatment of two doctors (or one month and; no improvement,' my mother was. advised -by a druggist rtry Cuticura Soap and Ointment, was one crust of sores from head to foot. My mother could brush the scales off my body; and my finger and toe nails fell. After -using six cakes of Cuticura Soap and about as much Cuticura Oint ment I was completely cured. I am now seventeen years old and my skin has not a scar. I am still finding wonders in Cuti cura; after washing a fever blister two days it was completely gone." Your Cuticura friend, . Miss Cola Glasscock,. Oct. 27, 1905. ; ; Marksville, La, - The attention of parents is called to the fact that the Cuticura Remedies were used on a one month old baby with complete success, proving what we have always claimed that these great curatives are so pure, so sweet, and so delicately medicated that they may be used on the youngest infanta. : . . CUTICURA REMEDIES Are the Best for Skin and Blood "About three years ago my face be gan to get rough with acne and kept getting worse. A year ago I read in a paper of the Cuticura Remedies for the skin and blood. I sent for them at once. I used -the Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pill, and in three months my skin was soft and smooth, and the pimples have all disappeared without the services of a physician. I think the Cuticura Remedies are the best that any one can use for the skin and blood." May 0. Scliieferle, Sept. 8, 1905. Santa Paula, CaL Ctrttatra ftntp, Ointment, ftnd Tlllt mn told throughout th. woild. Putter lru Clwiti. ..rp.,Hok Prop. .UuWa. Htm. Kf-Mwllot'' Uow U C. .in tk Skin.' F. Latham & Company's Wickly . Cotton Letter Special to Journal. Greensboro, March 8. The sentiment about cotton for a month or more has been extremely bearish, and those who have bad courage sufficient to say any thing favorable have been in a very small minority. Therefore, the selling by disgusted bulls and confident bears has met little check, although the de mand by spinners has been tremendous and seems to expand as the market declines. This trade demand is the bickl.one of the market, so yesterday when a prominent operator gave out some figures about the amount ginned, the trading talent seemed to at once' real ize thit selling cotton short at 10 J cents, with spinners buying everything of fered at a reasonable basis, was a dif ferent thing from selling at 12 cents, when the buyers were a promiscuous lot of misinformed and mistaken ipecu lators. The statistical facts about cot ton, are sure to become bullish before the season is over, and a big crop is needed for next year. The thing weigh ing most against the market now is. the accuniution of low grades, for which there is no particular demand, this may change at any time. We con tinue to think from a merchantile standpoint that cotton is worth what it is fetching, and chances favor a farther advance. ' J : Of Fine Still and 2,500 1 Cations Is News From Raleigh These Days Beer. . (.' ; j - . - , -- Nsw Lumber Company at Pollocksvlllt. Ring Nscktd Pheasant A Curiosity. Old lured by Runaway. Protldont Jor- Csrrotton HoUl Torn Dow toir Better dan Gott Fair Audlonco. Building. Charter Bink at LtGrange ' (Special Correspondence.) ' " Doctor Hints' ( onditloo. Raleigh, March 3. The Secretary of " State authorizes an amendment to the , (Special Correspondence.) v , charterof the Wysong and Miles Corn Raleigh, March 5. One of the hand- psny, of Greensboro, increasing the somest specimens of the ring necked capital stock to fZ5U,uuu, wnicn pheasant has just been taxidermized $200,000 will be of the preferred stock, and returned to its owner m Pittsbom,- Officers are O. C. Wysong, president; where the bird was shot and killed by a and J. A. Kleemeier, secretary, negro man to whom it was aurioaity. A. B. Matthews, of Durham, a So far three birds of this ; spit have, brother of Dr. Matthews or ureens- been killed in and about Pittsboro, as" boro', now on trial for his life is resting well as several fine specimens of horned more comfortable after a runaway ac owls of unusual dimensions - , cident yesterday evening at Wake For- Insurance Commissioner Young, has est by which his collar bone was broken. notified the Order of Good Samaritans Notwithstanding the rainy weather and the Sisters of Samaria, another of a great number of Wake county farm the negro benefit associations in the era have come into Raleigh to attend State that all claims and details of the the meeting addressed by Harvie Jor old business must be settled when they dan, president of the Southern Cotton will be permitted eitherto join with tfij Association. Raleigh concludes Pres licer sed branch in North Carolina or ident Jordan's North Carolina tour, and the original tody established some years the entire State feels that an added in ago in Washington, D. C. The chief terest and zest has been added to the officer in the State is A. R.' Middletcn; cotton movement here. . J of Kenansviile. : - I ' -J Eddie Harries, commonly called Deputy Revenue Collectors D. C. "Crap Harris" was placed in jail by Downing and K. W. Merritt have this United States Commissioner John time made a capture of the "Parts i li- Nichols, failing to give a $300 bond cit" that outdo anything of the kind charged with opening mail sacks and ever undertaken and accomplished in appropriating the contents. Harriss the Eastern district This lastaccon.- has been in the employ oi tne JNews pli8hment was the sundering of an out- j and Observer Company, his duties be fit pomnriHinc a fine still of 175 gallons ; ing transporting the mail capacity, the copper of whi. h was ' so heavy that even a pick could not be forced through the metal, two worms, one cap, with a full and up-to-date ap paratus of heater tubs and,doublers, and 19 fermenters with a capacity of 3,000 gallons, 2,500 gallons of beer in the process of fermentation, And the general appearance of having seen real and actual service and for a consider able period of time. Such an establish ment meant the production of 60 gal lons of the real stuff per day. The scene of this latest raid was within 2J miles and to the east of Hackney's Entertainment At Cove A Basket Party will be given at the home of Mr. E. Z. R. Davis on March 13th for the benefit of the parsonage at Cove. . A special feature of .the evening will be a lantern drill as a closing exercise of Miss Bessie Foy s school. All are cordially invited. Music will be fur nished by the Cove String Band. Anoth er feature will be a aong"In The Shade of The Old Apple Tree" by Mr. S. C. Lane. ' , New York Cotton Market. The following were the opening, and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, March 6. Open ' High Low Mch " 10.60 10 61 10 46 May 10.72 10 75 10 68 July 10 85 JO 86 10.80 Receipts 12,850 Laat year, 27,875. Close 10.49 10.70 10.80 your have- pnecs. on w. -or will have. I Secretary Bonaparte declares there li a fr''at Bhorbige of coal in tho navy emergency appro- hat yOU jarda and c:i!!s for an i print ion of t0,o:;9. Tho Ordinal ILLICIT SEIZES H II In- H II zz li $ Small village in Chatham county. It was something more than half a mile from any road and the officers are at a loss to understand how the journeys could have been made to place the ap paratus. The find was the question of vigilance and following the coarse of a creek. " The old Carrolton hotel orf Fayette- ville street, at the corner of Cabarrus street, is to be torn down at once. The Park Avenue Land company, which was granted a charter a few days ago, with $25,000 capital, will bring about the establishment of a beautiful suburban property, land having pur chased fronting on Park Avenue in West Raleigh and overlooking Pullen Park and the campus of the A. & M College. About 35 lots will thus be available for residential purposes. Secretary of State granted charters to the bank of LaGrangefor the conduct of a commercial business with $10,000 paid in, out of a total authorized stock of $100,000. Incorporators are C. A. Norwood, Jr., W. H. Winatead, John F. and O. Taylor, S. Wooten and Alex Suther, His friends throughout the State will be interested to. know thpt Dr. Peter E, Hines, the city physician who has suf fered a week's illness after an attack of paralyses showed much improve ment and rest with a greater degree of comfdrt last night, though it was thought yesterday evening that his condition was most critical A Step in The Right Direction. Mr. Editor: I desire to enter my sincere commend ation of the philanthropic act of Mr. James B. Blades in instituting a free bed in the Stewart Hospital located in thlsutv. Many a needy sufferer will bless Mr. Blades for this charity. Let us hope that other charitably disposed people will emulate this noble example. . , L. U. 1 Letter to Sheriff Biddle New Bern N. C.' Dear Sir: You are interested in the prosperity of your town. You can con tribute to it materially, and give it a far more DroSDerous look at the same SPRING STYLES In Stiff and Soft Hats All the new styles in black and pearl Soft Hats at $2 00, $2 50 and $3 00. Nobby shapes in Derbies for young men; and more conservative shapes for older men. Styles to suit everypjie. , Come in and look them over. . , J. G. DUNN & CO., 66-57 Pollock St. Phone 212 to the rail road station where he had had access to exposed pouches. Suspicion rested upon him when a pouch from the mail ing shed at thef postomce was ais covered at the mailing rooms of the News and Observer. The authorities on opening the pouch discovered that packages bad been tampered with but the contents had not been removed. The Secretary of State today granted charters to five new concerns and amended one. The PM Morns Reaj Estate Co., Concord, is capitalized at $200,000, of which amount$60,0J0 is subscribed by J W Cannon, Z A W L and W W Morris, all of Concord. : The Bank of Robersonville, in Mar tin county will conduct a general busi- ness, ana Degins witn its auinonzeu capital of $15,000, all of which is sub scribed by J C Robertson, jr., A t Roberson, and nearly thirty more stock holders. The XXX lumber concerns of the Carolina Lumber Co., Lumberton, with $18,000 paid in out of authorized capi tal stock $50,000. Incorporators are G B McLead, H M McAllister, W H and J N Bryant '' The Brown Lumber Co., Chadbourn; has 25,000 capital stock, of which $10, 000 isj)aid in by J A Brown, EEL Brown, C C Pridgen and L C Nance. The Pollocksville Co., at Pollocks ville, in Jones county, is authorized $50,000, with $5,000 paid in by E L Haughton and E B Elliott, of Pollocks ville, and T D Warren of Trenton. . The Icharter of the Hurley-Beaman Co, at Troy, is amended by changing the name of Troy Mercantile Co., with W L Hurley president andG S Beaman secretary. - - '- - - fiJuRE INSANITY SHOWN In Matthew CtM. Examination SupL Mc Km of Raleigh Shews Slreng For Diltnc. Testimony Monday . ' Favors Defendant's Insanity. Special to JournaL v Greensboro, March 5. Superintend ant Jos McKee of the Insane Asylum at Raleigh, examined today by defence in Matthews murder trial, occupied al most the entire afternoon. Jn answer to hypothetical question which took an hour and half to propound, he said on such a state of facta he Bhould pro nounce the family of prisoner a block of neurotics, of highly nervous people made up of epileptics, idiots, imbeciles and lunatics and if facts related in ques tion of prisoner'a acts on day of wife's death were true, he waa unquestionably insane. In reply to another hypotheti cal interrogatory, the witness gave the opinion, that prisoner had been insane I ' 11 . T ..a mmiIIi. ntwAAi1- time. lor more umn lira" imm Perhaps the public property needs a ing wife's death. On cross examina good coat of paint I tion Solicitor Brooks put a hypothetical Levoe will supply that coat with two n baged on detaiied as thirds of the number of gallons required -:.-, ' of any other. Devoe will last twice as ' committed by prisoner on long as any other. Devoe is all paint day of wife's death, in their presence ( and full-measure. Devoe is the Btrong-1 and received for answer, that if these est paint known. Devoe will take care Next Time You-go to be sure to see those nice Fruit Preserves, Jellies and Jams, also ask about that Cheap Tomato Ketsup. v . And don't forget that twenty cent Coffee, Monumental is the brand. TLi 3E3E ISz-riED. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, No. 81 South Front St ' , Phone 168 233 J U HARTSFIELD Contractor and IZuilder. OFHI'IC 93 1-2 MIDDLE ST. PHONE After having so much rouble to get Tin work done when I wanted it an like I wanted it done have purchased the Tin Business of L. H. Cannon. II a v opened a First Class Tin shop No. 90 Middle . Street, next to Gaskins Cycl Store, where I have competent and experienced men to do my work, I will run this business in conjunction with my CONTRACTING and BUILDING. Any work sent ma will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, and will be DE LIVERED when PROMISED. I havean EXPERIENCED SLATER. ALL KINDS OF STOVE WORK DONE. STOVE PIPE Made to Order. Office Phone 129, Residence 185. J. N. Johnson Tooth Brushes The kind recommended by Dr. Arlington & other Dentistf , davis' pharhag:;. AAAAAAAAaa Aaaai of the property, in the long run, lor GET THE BEST! Get a Smith Premier Typewriter I I i T t Yei . .1 ('" , T Foley &'Co., Cliirro, oririnntod llowy and Tar as a tttr't and lur-tr r- p-1 on !'('!,',. t -f tho rreut Tlx- mnl I ' : : n!y of J ulry's li.iiicy m.l'i.rr vii;'.' . ( t ,-4 nrp Vt-v-l f..r i ' - - c 1 r i i' y's 1 ..- - v (! i . : it I ' i i- j i . : I I :-i ! V 1 r "ve t I - t J I" 1 "1 i . t I J ; S 1 ! ' facts were true, the prisoner was un- . 1 I. QKn:4-si nlfa half the money required by any other, quesuonao.y w The reason is stated above: Devoe is abruptly told witness to stand aside, eat paint known. I Mthe morning session several do- Ennett'SBOOllBtOrO E. D. Jewell, Corry, Pa. painted his . tha Mnt. f house 5 years ago with a mixed paint; tookllgollons. Lastspringhe repaint- thews home the past two years, teaU ed with Devoe; boiinht 14 gallons and lied that the to were invariably cour- had 4 loft. Saved $15 to -0, for painting and affectionate to each other.Po- coats two or three times as much aa the ,iceman Put;n testified that he witncFsed pamt. Yours truly' J their greeting when Matthews returned F v rm-vni- X, Ca from Durha.n, the riht bofure her Ne- York. ' death, and their manner was m aHVc P P C V f. ::ao'1 Our tio.mloitii"!' lf lv" "3 it- 't " -no v ' "' '" Ecrrre for Hatching The i'.i : t el.r.-i .1 Li u-k I. yi. ?l.f l of 1 I.nr ' r r.. A Jid-Viiiter I Hot Chocohtc, O Bouillon of all kir. ' . Delicious Ice Cr; Headquarters fcr t brands of Cr;:; . baccos. Crccc C V. 11

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