CZLICERATE and vicicus i:-j..::r FACTS IN FEW , Such It ihi Killing ol Mrs. Matthews By Her Husband Shown to be by Evlilenct i In Case. , (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, N. C, March 2. In the Matthews trial yesterday, County Coro per Turner and Dr.,Z- T- Brooks, two of the physicians who attended' Mrs. Matthews during the day of her death , from poison were - examined by the prosecution and their testimony was concluded before court adjourned. Their testimony , together with that of Minnie Walker, the colored cook, and Mrs. Hay made out of the most diabolic . al cases of deliberate and vicious mur ders ever conceived of. While- lt the was under the infij-aice of morphine all the time, and his conduct was that of a demom, they a'.I persisted in the state ment, that he was perfectly rational and deliberate In everything hedid. Dr. Turners exp'anati m of the test" made of the hypodermic styring at Greens boro by himself and at C lapol Hill by Dr. Davis was very interesting. . Mrs. Hay's cross examination was rendered - impossible yesterday by reason of the fact that just as she finishes her direct . examination, she fell headlong through - the door of the grand jury room in an epileptic fit and had to be carried home : in a carriage. " , Her cross ' examination will be had when she recovers sufficient ly to come back. Rapid progress was made yesterday and this morning court met at nine o 'clock when Dr. Farrar, another physician who witnessed Mat thews actions, was the first witness, his testimony being largely corrobora tive of that of the other physicians. The evidence yesterday revealed an un- heard of series of demoniac conduct, .; Tak n as directed, it becomes the greatest curative agent for the relief of suffering humanity ' ever devised. Such is Hollister's ' Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. " ' ..-,'- Doctors Art Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Kenneth Mclver, ofVanceboro, Me., is the sub ject of much interest to the medical fraternity and a Wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe inflammation of -the Throat and con gestion of the Lungs, throe doctors gave me up to die,- when as a last re sort, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say, it saved my life." Cures the worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Tonsih ' tis, Weak Lungs, Hoarseness and La Grippe. Guarantee i at All Druggists. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. -' Queen Wilhelmina of Holland is bear ing the cost of concerts given by well known singers in the slum quarters of The Hatrue. Onlv th poorer Deonle are allowed to attend. 'Torture By Savages, ''Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Philip pines subject to their captives, reminds me of the intense suffering' I endurec; for three months from the- inflammc tion of the Kidneys," say a W. M. Shei man, of Gushing, Me., "Nothing help ed me until I; tried Electric Bitters, three bottles of which completely cured me," Ores Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bloo (.in-trders and Malaria; and rf stores the v, k and neryous to robust health. Guaranteed by All Drug gists. Price 5!)c. The Hjup"p;issid the Foraker bi 1 to mark andcare for the gravesof Confed erates win eid in Northern prisons ' To. draw the firo vi I c.f a Ixin," hea a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure boils, 8orej tetttr, eczema and all skin and scalp diseases, use De Witt's Witch Hazgl Salve. A specific for piles. Get the genuine. No remedy causes such speedy relief.' Ask for psWiU's the gfnni- p. o d Ly F. S. Duffy. -- Many dial illreie?, driven out of easern North Cnro'nin, havo sot up ia Norfolk connty, Virginia. ," & ' A rivorlte Rem('y lor Cables. Its pleasant taste "and prompt cures .have madtt.Qhamb'fflain'B Cough Reme ,dy a favorite with the mothers of small .children.- It quickly cures their coughs :and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequen ces. It not only cures croup,; but when given as soon as th croupy cough ap pears will prevent the attack.- For sale by Davis' Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. No pill is as pleasant and positive as DcWitt's Little Eariy Risers. These " Famous Little Pills arc so mild and ef fective that children, delicato ladies and weak ih-odIo enjoy" their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills sol L Never gripe Sold by F. S. Duffy. One of the bands who robbed the Rus sian States BankatHelsingfors, Finland, .na in-rested after kiliinir four of his wouldbe captors. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race Consti- i :-.lion. ofb n ends in Appendicitis. To i M ;t!l set ions trou! r : I'..'.v(Vi, t,.V, 1 T!.-y - I, omacii. ; s r-'-w ;t. WOMAN AND FASHION 1 - -. , rfnl and Ornamental." Every woman is glad to possess sev eral,, big -ttpronrrwbleh will cover her so completely that she can slip onejou over-any frock laud perform such du ties, as may fall to her lot. The .de sign ehown Is one. of -unusual attrac tiveness. The fanciful' yoke, full blouse portion and trim girdle remind , -J : ATTftAOTrVB APIiON. .' , one more of the pretty- house dren3 than, of an apron.,, The sleeves, being long and the Kklrt portion'' fastening around (n Iwiels 'render it u. complete protection, v The yoke Is a novel and becoming one, pointing down In front to suggest Rlendertienj of waist. It Is not a dliUeiilt npreu to fashion,: and percale, gingham or another of t!ie pop ular apron materials laajf nerve, : Matinee Pvttlcnnt. " Matinee skirts on wlt'ch the trim- mlngs run almost to the waist are a now Idea. The are of course Resign ed to he ' worn - with the., negligee sack, end "with many -wirivu only petticoats-of this sort are provided for home weir. -With u dainty ten jacket or neg.Igre the silk- uiiitlmw pletes A most fetching i;:irb for. the boudoir. '.... Women -who ure-cleVcr in making dainty feuilniue things are giv ing more and more attention, to the negligee, and the tnutluce. petticoat 'is a grovim; f 'd. ..'' The Ribbon FrlngO." The girl who loves ribbons has many ways of making her presence felt just now. Her uewest regalia Is to hang a fringe of . pompadour ribbons, which fall In long lines from her belt all the way around her skirt. - The appearance is that of a silk skirt slashed up at In tervals to show the underskirt, which nsuully la of net or lace.. These appear to float loosely out over the .petticoat but they are really caught down by an invisible stitch or two hero and there. 1 , Comlu of Amber. :'. Amber shell hair combs have become '0 fashionable that one eaa little else i rr.i. In shades to 'suit the diieroat iob.-3 of hair the? pro to be found, for there Is a choice In selecting accordni: to your own hair. ' : Simple, Yet ClmrnilnR. We ml;;ht nltnont nay tliat designers have reduced tliolr- profession to an art, such charming results are created on perfectly slnipls lines. Here Is a frock which carries one boek to the olden time of our grandmothers. The full, round blouse, deep pointed yoke MA ' nANnsosiB ynoca. of embmlderv or nil over lace and quaint llehu effect constitute tlio whole beauty of tin? gown. The skirt Is gathered enislly at the belt and finish ed with a deep girdle. A soft slIU or gandie or dimity may-., prove most bo-' witching uud youthful for 'any wearer, wbjle the model Is cipially suitable to development lu voile and soft CiP-hmero with yoke 'of all over luce and ruffles and r.irillo of silk In the same shade. It would bo dlfllcnlt to find a simpler froi'k for home construction. Sioeplessness - Disorders of the stomach produce a nervoiM condition and often prevent pN'i'-i. C'linniljei'lain's Stomach and Livi r T..M- ' H'.ii.mlaio t!i ti:.-.-.!'.vo ( ; -, r . 1 .re Co 1 (-.n to a lr ,i' !y - 1 , ie. p p., ),,'. For ' ' V. , ,y ,u..l F. S. Miss Bret Ilarte," with tlio iild of a number of her father's Kngllrh f rieuda, has opened a typewiUlii; olhi'e lu London.- '. - According to Leibn.tT, It H pT-siblo to form combiiiattons out of the twenty-four. .alphabetic- sounds that. woukl amount to U2a,443,T01,7:W,'J0o.3(i0 words." A German astronomer has discovered that the man iu 'the oioon is a wotnau. "Hair, eyes, mouth,- nose, chin nud Lust," says he, "mny all be distinctly sbserved," - , , .- : - The London, branch of the GaelicJ h lcogue Is preparing a scheme for plac ing the principal Irish products on the Unglish r markets, confident lu Jo'w prices and gootl qualities. '. ,-In the; office of Jphn W. Hrittau, lu Westboro, Mass., is a sv.ortl feru with 125 fronds " which. average six feet in lengtlTand nre sis Inches wide,- The plant Is twelve years old.' - " .-.Ihertf Is no man living In Winter port, Me., who has a tier of wood in his shed winch was worked up and housed before tho present owner was born,-some forty yours ago. " , ' " A "prophet" has appeared In Touce. Torto Hico. reppesciitlng himself as St. John the livaugullaf: It la swld that more than fl.OCO natives have left their homes and work to follow him. : j "Indiana Is the only state which hunt a solid delegation. of college bred men ! lu the two houses of congress. Here- ; totore the state which ranked highest ! In tins p v, is Massachusetts. ' : : A henj of iitno deer was seea on th.-' ) I.i;h -cl.ool 'ground i at IIollN, N 11,1 qs jUty r jceiHty, ; The principal stop- PM tli? (Cool i'v'vI ei lo ig enol to.- t.te f ol is to w It l mi? t io nnu-,u il ."iu. - A i '. o tV !;'t pnd horns of p. .t tli x i. utiy ir.cty of bi,; game to be found In northern Rhodesia' L33 Ju-t 1 'n.diM to the BiltMi "South, Africa cmn'ian.vo museum In Lcjdoti, "The Highland Light Infantry, tlio on Ij i.nU't 1 1 'i 'ofi re'rlnient In fie I!nU:-h - iTr.iiv, ,iv;i.: upeclally granted the privilege of weiring trews as a re ward tor .their valor during the pciilu -it! nV v :l r. . . . j . An ova! -bHUard table has Just been Invented by a prominent English, p' fcssioua lehl.ird player. It does aw.,.v wtth the problematical results of -ta--ball Ktriubi-r the comers and lUP.'.ses t.' game nuuv di.TiCtiit and scientific. Hio . rinrrrtnlity of wood In favoral .:. flrciinislnnces r.luiost acm.: ;i. I icce,! t wtxj.l, wooden casket .1 tt:il wooden nrtu-L's have been taken fic-m ejtacotnbs com-tructed or 8.(tiKt years beloie tli Christian ti.i - Tliero are already i.u euteut;? cor illalo iiikI an Mtcn'e '!i'--i,-''"1i-)il fe tv,cn rr't." 1 I. , iuJ, ei 1 iin there Is to be an uitfcyre niiislcnle. Iu 1 i . j NEW Are The Goods Handled by the Best Dealers. ' t' j ill I ILL s WHY NOT'CY YOU ? OUR NAME ON THE-BAG MEANS BEST QUALITY Right goods at right prices form best foundation for T&ny 'business...' If you are interested in growing larger crops on smaller acreage, first properly prepare soil, then v.zd Fertiliser absolutely pure and straight. Rig,ht goods at right "prices most important'-and necessary. ; Sale of inferior? Fertilizers, generally prove disas trous, makes complaints, dissatisfied customers' and' decrease in , business. ,: You ;v;ant to -get right and stay right, hold your customers, get mafiy : new ones, then handle the .Fertilizers manufactured by New; Bern Cotton Oil and Fertilizer. Mills, recognized as standard Quality; Our Fertilizers- sell themselves. The man i who buys once wants them again,-his friends want. them. ' Can you afford to be without an article-which silently but lorcibly recommends- itseli. , : ;. ; Margin of profit may not be so large to the dealer as in some othrr goods,, there something in feeling -you have given your customer full value. "That your trade i in-rearing." . - " t Our goods are made in various grades to suit crops uruiHy pown m your sect on. You can rest assured each grade is best that can be had "for money. ' We believe m Icr.; run quality is bound to count, though we do not make quite as good profit. Call to see our Sales Agent in your section, and if none near you v-r.le u tect to the 4. IS c. ff It': I J i ; ,H R MILLS l..ltJflll,.,SII,w,w.fflJ .Women s Kidney. -.. ' . r i. r. Pii f a more olttn EiTnc teil a 1 h kiwy.'iiisordors tHan men, bat. at t', u.e t ftynptcna to diseases p'- 1 CLNi.r to their sex, vvhilo in-reahty Ue other -word and chonis f: 11, :' riiai-lM C. liecnbar ,lf. l.'l t ! o! 1 ,v i! 0 t ) T e iin of n , ;:.:Thel I 1 " r VI ::;t.-;-?'c::t;Ji!s .ro. to give fanctrts -la ;.i:b!.iell recently hauled a of -I'.imbi'r Into Ihirhn? v4 lvlv ci hi liif fn -i ui hiivuii; been storrcl ia , (' hni-lot t; duriiig all the;-;? - lumber gave no Indication wt n'iuay I nrr)o'i5tiit im n 1 no from Haifa aero-w W 'i t.,i ei.t f tl. Jir . t. u to ,i the He 1 t len.j co , ,.rr tl f )r ' ( 1!' 1 gi. 4n btwi.a hi Hfwcca. '. iii v:;;Hi-si . tluit the be-.-in)annsci-s, . .1 i't I ' .'It j, I'l l L'M I 1 ti .11:.-' .'lmn 11', j. 'c.iiiU n." I vr-?n . ie - 0 n , c ill to Ii' 1 .1 11, id n 10 t.;!:e i';;.-A-of itiKi.i ticre. at ni;inltUi of tL:c:.r.t nniclmiery a! -.) ; ; e:;;):u't.'d. - - " l iL .t st t Lvit. t o' t il 1 Hi Cm i r..ut. H'nyid m fo',!e-. In Svreiien 3'J U-;i. rtttly olsht yuftiy, SvvHrcr t e' rlit J;ai;i. MoiiiiniL elsht yenrs, e. urn -i'.;;:t ; lH:n.url ;vcn yours, I'OfiiliTAl .i f yv.ii'i, ttro.n lii'ltahi, rnnncla tipi t.,e Lnt.cJ i fntes fyur . . . "" t t l'ljary '..iIpm pi , i.:ior Oi. cw4t:i -rt'een' :s j '.:-Jiie.' I (; 1,L .iT., t !' 1 i t '1' '.'illid of H "1 1 KrcA 1k1'; l$r V( It v.-,is doi ,, e 11 . d ' ,1 i - 1 of ( m ' , 1' . ' ,. I - 1 ! . J'- '.' ! t j a prcsMuw or atwnt 2,7i JwIiiuSh i-. : sqinuv. I'.n.'h in a tenijier,; to bt.v V t tt tie irl v ill V. r. 1 h, dm e,i. ' J helinm slpus of lltjm'fvhbjf H r!'i,; noil', til t -i Iv1 1 .1 .' 1 L."ithh.t? v,ell, arc no v behr? .'. gr.Ud bv tie I .iltisl S1'tc3 K'!3;;' .1 tnUM'j- 'Jh" be-t (Xilni,", l' this :t-ypt f.'C A'-cIl .tre' fminfl. tUronsho 'i. , n 'i ' t-" iM'f t' n!i n Nl of th ' 1,11 J.Uin MiJi'l fie'ent' to Vcc;; ,1 :;:ii,'a hat Rtisp?!id l 'iu' c it 1 ' 1 ri heiio 1 u 1 ! i e Hi1' u try 'i r " 1 1 1 lilU'.V 1 cn!.;i !, I0V,-, "H -'.):', ml.e c It v oi in-.!!-,: fcr in; Othi':- :'(!;; t i'i ii ' -1 t r i-t 1". lerie j) i.irii I ,x; t.'i ! Ii) II 't '.Uti I. I - i ..'.1 rr re: '11 r-.i.".)!! 1 lilted to til:.' t;iti'Ui If ,!lii by l'..)(;!; ft 1 .' of :: ':' wu;':i thej i.' i:'i-I.-l U'.a.K .'). o : y: V.:v. b,-r ;:; v. ;','..! to' 0. :,!:l!i:;:,:'l r,;; i y f;:;o to (,:o r.i-.viJ!i U :.!:: lloitue o'l one , en! (.!it:'.ln c;::-:i c,;:'.1s :"ii,l- I." ti:-v:s or t!'j I o.-.rC. V.'-'y l-;ivi Id i'O . I :v" . I ttf r.T nt .-,!!. T!:9 Yellow Fever Crm has recently been diticovt rod. It bc.irs a clone resemblance to tlio iiiiUivii'.l itt'i-m. To f rot; the ny:teiii f;''ni i n-ii.; perina, tho'Tvi'l ir:T ;:V'' ::(' i;i i'r. Kind's Me li-'-! I'I '., t. t I !:) C'ilV Cr. '. ;: ' ''' ' ' ' ', :,'..:''. ne .- aiu. u-.iu.jkiu. ..: ,..-.-.,, 1: ;n hi yy or dark circles under I - i.'r.cvf: arc ue.raniico. nervousness, the. eta, iiaiinn the back, are sign of hii-'n -y tr.i'jhle that must not be n ii-i.'J, or a smous malady will result. FoUy' K-dtiey Cure has restored the hriivU ct u.ouiands of weak, nervous, br-v-'en tfown women. It stopa irregu-!:n-:t.cs tnd strengthens the unnaiy or-ir-:. Jt riitifies the blood and benefits v.'iicle pystcm.. bold by Davis mncy.-' . - No Fillis as pleasant and posit ive as I eWitt's Little Early Uise,s. These Famous Little Pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy then elennf iig i-ffect, while strong people say they are Never npe.-. r ' L . ,- C. mm. t' tT5? ci:oic: . . LL.rr Austria -Hungary has put in effect a nmiibor uf commercial treaties with European countries without gwinsf Hun gary a chance to debate them. Afflicted With Rheumatism. "I vaa and am yet afflicted with rhe'-inift'.ism," savi Mr. J. C. Bayne, editor of the Herald,' Addington, Indian Territory, "but thanks to Chamfierlain's Pain Lialm am able once more to attend to busine ss., It is the bestof liniments." If tAkd v. th rheumatism give Pa.n KaUa a triiil a'Btl you are certain to b nore than plcabed with thu prompt ro Ui v.LKh itatfords. One application rebtvi s the pain, For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. ."Kerp-'tho little-ones healthy and happy. v. Their tender-, sensitive bodies require gentle, hoahnp; remedies. Ifo-litti-'s Kocky Mountain Tea will keep them strong and well, 35 cents, Tea" or Tablets. Sold by F. 3. . Duffy. ;- Lord Curzon, cx-Viceroy of India, disapproves of Secretary Korley's dci uiou rejcaniing the supremacy of au tliority in Ir.dia. . In the spring time you renovato your house. Why not xyour .body? Holhs U l-'iTUocky Mountain , Tea -drives out itnV-u'r-itiee, cknses and enriches .the l'.ic f.hd purifies the- entire system, 'jr-emt.. 'Soidl-y P. S. Duffy. 'Wng Cifffra.. Teller, Salt Rheum. Itch, Worm, Herpes. Barli&rs Itch. ..'I.". - Ml of these-diseuses are attended by intense ltchinfc which is almost in stantly rolicved rjy applying Chamber berHiiVs Salve and by its continued use a -permanent .cure- may be effected. It has,- iii fact, cured many cases that had ifvltoifall other treatment. Price 2o en's per box. .For sale by Davis frui man T. S Duffy. l eli 3ent Roosevelt U said to be ready to lonpromiiC on tha Pwail way Rate bill in onhr to p'acate, the Republician h adtis r.nd reunite his party. t .0 ,1'JJo rules we all should kep, . , 1 . 1 u.:1Tv,4- iPtaKo me nappy iii Thr 'i Kniilrt m tha niormnc. smile at noon, -ke Rocky Mountain Tea. at night. So d Uy F. S. Duffy. f t a- Department officials fear that (-..irmiinv is attempting to create rupture at the Algeciras conference and i'or!e France into war over Morocco : A Scientific Wonder. . Tl " cures that stand to its credit make Uueklen's Arnica Salve a scien tiiis wonder.. It cured E. R. MuUord, K-rurtr tor the Patrons of Husbandry, W.'vnovo, Pa., of a distressing case of'pile?. It heals the worst Burn?, Sovea, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Cl 'il.lians and Salt Rheum. Only 2 at All Dru-jgibts. . ' : TliO "Consl ir: M: 6j Kiany " f r-i : h n 0 1 f " U ' 1 1 Unioi'e li.tij- 1.1'. exclusive noi:) h iva abahiiun fiac'a -nffaii" thfir girl.i to Wo v. ceri uioii y. U 1:0 ens. I" P.nrernlt.iv. . o.:t" r?ect:tbiisl iliJnsi&n nu.l l' u'ors of the n:oVc a ii.t xt. 1 to 1 an.V wiil ai.j-,v ai fjn'a w;i;r;it :mi 011 ihe ca:i:i- of a woman's life, Is tha ncme often giyen to the "change of life." Your menses coma- at long intervals, -and grow scantier until they stop. Some women stop-suduenly. The entire change lasts three or four years, and it is tn; cause of much pain and discomfort, which can, however, be cured, by taking'-:.- r-:. '. '''.' .-:'.'" ; ,;: - ;,, ; WIKE. 0? h 11 U iii ii ilJJ 1! 10 t-'.ke her c..i..;-:i-.'ienda and to Icai e v;t;d J nent U tor 11 mo: twr to eiiil 0:1 U cards. Tnen tm.1 g.i-. w.H be i: to nil siiita'i'.i,' jr.rties and U vow, properly la-uic'ieil. This iiietl.- galnin luvar evetTWiKKN). Iii"t; the "coin in c o.-.'. ' re'-nut '"'': nio't always Liis 1111.. uci;...u crowd and to wiixli irti'.id leu gern often come the v.iso parent tiunl tho..prl liuu.v;, her couiei ne niul then mi enjoyable fe. can bo given.- In London debut 1 are rare. In 1'c: :.: enfl I'cihu th A thing of the p.i t. bl Of I I; Wcinan's. Relief tuir.e I i itva-a-itivlty arties j are What rWsKJ I fM ltU, (li'ciig'is g-e-i. iI rm of U I." .ng the lower i-t' u 1 of 1, cm li bi .iu j evi dent In (lie f ,"r ? oi ita iji .-,-( , Of course only j:y;vivh)'jf the multl tudo ns-a whole u the cuict recfspi.'-i-ble. Hie observer can kuoiv Botuliut of individtialK; but. looiinur Into the coaii tenancy of hundreds of Teutons, Jews, Celts, fe,'iml,j' n, nrnl fl.u.i, tiep'e vailing type srto daily on the streets, he discenm too Auiericnn.fiiiiillry In va rying (leiri-o 's creeping hi to supplant sotnb.of (ho mofo lcarSed native linen -nenls. -A diat!nn3l.'.aib!o ho!nngeneoii3 nexs In working out of the hctcroguiic ons tinman comnannd.. -. Even two or three years as Jinlror, teamster, Fardener, j.ralt dealer of hod' eamer hi n Inviro Ameileaii cltf have nn nflVct Iii ii"'"'.'"-- swav the abrtrld nnfjnivtrie'rs e.:A (ierioion from the fi'iiliiyrn cf nu alien. toren II. B. Knox iu Atlantic- ' . It quickly relieves the -psm, ner.-ausness, irritability, miserable-' f ".i-j, . n - l,t and cold flashes, weak e;c. -Car;ui bnr.g-ycu safely through this ."d'n'l, iz. 1' v.'th for the rest of your life. ;ts b 51. CD bcuk-s. Try it. i-? ;.:':.: ;:::. t ne: r '"dodging pericJ,'.' At all druggi; freely and frankly, M'in; 1 : troubles: . AV e wiil sti id Fret r:- rtiio, .sealed envelope).' Ac dies-' Aviscry Dftptr.TkeC ;:; ,f,lvs-ihV.Co.,, Ctattanao:;a v., -i . r M.ew. ---.u-.v.M. rtdv-arcs .your :e ( in U- " EVrSYTIIING BUT DEATH 1 Fiiuored," writes Virginia Robson, ol tastun, Aid., "until I took Cardul, wlika cured ma so quickly it surprised r 1' j , ' 0 ddn't l.r.sw I was uiaiw it:''';-.';':'1. :''--:-"': I-. :.-..' '-.'.-..;-:-. r, Liver '"":'--t"t ' j 1 r. . :: . Ttie Knlficr to Itecrultn. Recently the 'tJeyinan emperor swors la the recruits of tho Totsilam. caiTiavi In a manner to luspfro the soldiers w!;'a the Bpint which -swayed CrfimweU's H Ironsidai: Accnrdmi; to the Loknl An- zeipcr of Bei'I!n.lio said: "Ton nen lii?-4 fore von nn altar. On It behold the oroot -th" urmliol of all Christian. Ai iLareeat and finest stock of horses and Mules ever offered for sale in New Bern such you have taken the oath of a!! - vo j. Bianco to the colors, and I hope 11 ml re quire that you tv!H cror be mindful of this pled w.- As I stand hero a UMmo rable cpinode . r;sM before my .- cyoSi When the Kainer Lpopold of Auatna handed over tho supreme comniand of his army io the famous Prince Knpene and Rave Jum lUo mnrahal's baton tlio prlnco sebed the crucifix -and, holdlnf; It nljft, ti'ed. "!M' s-'i'll be ovr ,""iu"-- J, ellnfiliiio; :. f rc.n-!"r! and cspect HlinUar j jent'inct. f hi 'j 1. I 0'ilre i'jimJ and tt liiittiKp.oklioi's hi my. anny, hot j mockci'i" ' ' t . A car load of ach. ient in. . (: iiii.-ne-i:), Ko'. 1 a complete line of tsiieiries. w aeons. mp-5, Cart Wheels, Etc. CM!-- ""3- hit ,nj S'r. et, No Ivcrn, N. C. ''Pzopnotox f f if" fed L 1 Successor to M. Hahn & Co., -: i I'a n Crenrtptl OJty. ' 'TailH. t-t ahasTt'tlio' oiily 'groat city V, J V O"1 1 l II '" 1 01 ( ' '111 1 3 !' " 1 n '1 1 ' 1 1 '( 1 1 riv icrj 1 ' 1 , Ncr York.. . Ti t Ja the I'mn-U C.')7,708- people-hire "apartments iT.(i 1 n th 11 P less thanim.t in., 1 sal !' t!i 1 :1 il year; It 1.7::: p''J" I i hvh more than $07 SIX rv ; - K- - is live in nparhr.euw .1 CLIUrcn. On!y'02,-12i! eostin,': uioit! than 1'V2:Va inouili. Only 17,ti) pay over-?7;L : i a year. . That Is not very imica like New Yotf:. Tet rarls -n-a.-i the birlhulace of tha "flat" Idea. . TIn first apartiBontd biUt '' A car load of each jiut i c -ciVvja. In Xey Vork upoa the' now fauiiliar-' Robes, Viiipa and Cnrt Whec-la. moilel were called "French flatx,"' : .- -.:, t -. - "- '-' '' 7 '. ,,- -; - Livery,' Feed, Sale and Exchange btables. Lnrjjest atl I jiws!: Stoclc of H-wi.-. and Mules ever 'offered in New Fern. (X:ra-,l.j!.e lino of Buggies, Wagons, llarrn :, SalistUnfc ror Ci-lliilol-.l. : An Auatrlaa .chewlst, Dr.-ZU-a,T I'aa Invented a proceh's wl'.ereliy ca:'eia, V.--n essential clenieut of ciieiv and Irit may be aolhlltled and i-aiip"d In! ; V.-o various ftl-tk-!e:i that ttiv. now lua'e of celluloid. It 1,4 paid that tb n( .v product povsesar many- advanta':---' over celhiioid. It ia jjrA Inllninv'u.'-a', no that the danger fruai f.i-o sona -ti:- : -ill's Hahn s Old Stable Middle Street. encountered In the 11-0 nf art of ecllill'iiil m enilre'y av.i' new ludnat'-y la :n lo'.n,: nt SurReres, France, oee of centers fur the cunnfaciuiv and chci's,!'. !::i 111.': 1.. 'j) 1 wli" 'ie -v h bin: All ftra.l. v.'.a.d Dc i C rcli a hum

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