V. or r.o'.l at Cradod School. The following students of the graded school attained the average of 90 iii their lessons for the months of October, November. December and January, and are entitled to be placed on the roll of honor. A general average of 90 per cent has to be made on all studies. 9th Gr Sadie Rice. . 7th .' Beulah Ilolton. 6th " A, Maggie Kinsey, Ethel Simp son. . V ' 6th" B, Mary Mitchell, Louise Bell, Lottie Lancaster. - - 5th Gr A, Eula Ewell, Esther Raiff. 6th " B, Hilda Willis, Mary Berry. 4th " A, Fred Gillikin, Charlie Keho, John Jones, Nathan Gooding, Stella Bennett, Sadie Knight, Ivy Willis.. . 4th Gr B, Gertrude Carraway, Lucy Guion, Matilda Hancock, Herbert Green Haywood Guion, Uirich Howard, Arthur Resenthall. ' ' v . 3rd Gr A, Blanche Gaskill, Loraine Arendell, , Nell Bishop, ; Lillie Smith, James Brinkley, Minnie Smith, Wardie Gaskins, Albert Hibbard. v. 3rd Gr B, Ida Gordner, Lela Huicock Alpha Kellum, Bertha Simpkina, Mary Winfield; ' : y ' ' 2nd Gr A, Henry Gordner, Rosabel Banks, Thelma Dudley, Florence Ful ford, Jannese Harper, Mildred Hack ney, Phoebe Jones, Katharine Patter son, Clarence Day, Lacy Meredith, Le Roy Willis, Thos L. Taylor. 2nd Gr B, Annie Jones, Florence Banks, Elizabeth Cosby, LulaDisosway, Dannie May Godby, Bertha Hawk, Ida Howard, Nina Irving; Albertina Jones, Annie Kellum, Esther Lipman, Addie Mi-Daniel, Lula Rowe, Mabel Toler, Elise Walnau, Carlyle Bowden, Guion Bartling, Charlie Hollister, Issac Lewis Harry Lipman, Giles Parker, Zaichery Styron, William Watson, Lena Jones. Adv 1st: Duffy Rowe, Edna White head, Nettie Cuthrell, Carrie Dewey Hill, Kathleen Lilliston, Elise Styron, William Boyd, Woodford Broaddus, Lena Parsons, Robt Duffy, Julian Han cock, Roland Howard, Roy Land,. 1st Gr. Annie May Dukes, Leon Har vey, Hazel Simpson, Eugene Simp son. ' Wire Crass. Feby 23. Rev. J. R. Jennett, who is teaching school at Venolia, spent Saturday and Sunday with his family. Mr. Louis French continues very ill, there seemJ little chance for recover ery. Mr. P. A. Langdale will leave today by way of Beaufort for New Bern on business for a few days. The Sunday School at Tuttles Grove has been clianged from 3 pm to 10 a m. We are pleased to note that much in terest is being manifested since the change.' Miss May Bellen has closed the pub lic school and opened a private one at tin i A I v ire Aituciiijr. Mr. C B. Davenport of Russell's Creek and Misses Janie Lewis Lewis and Helen Russell of Beaufort were visitors at our Sunday School Sunday morning. Mr. Nathan Farrell on "St. Elmo Farm" is among the first of our farm ers to get in his Irish potato crop, others are gettingready to plant " " The Vandelner, Capt. Dickinson, will sail from Norrris and Senders mill and gin this week with a cargo of cotton and cotton seed brand. A Guaranteed Curt For Plle Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to curein 6 to 14 days. 50c. Capitalist! go to Beaufort. Saturday a special train containing a party of the members of the delegation from Rhode Island who were in Ral eigh to deliver the Confederate battle flag went to Morehead City, and from there they went to Beaufort. In the party were Chief Justice Douglas, of Rhode Island who was provost marshal at Beaufort during the war, Marsdan J. Perry, president of the Union Trust Co., Providence, R. I., and president of the A. & N. C. Co.; J. E. Studdy a banker, A. H. Watson, a manufacturer and George I. Shepley, t capitalist all of Rhode Island anl a number of the officials of the Norfolk and Southern and Atlantic and North Carolina rail way companies. They were much interested in the im provements contemplated and those in progress at Beaufort and expressed great hope for the little city by the ea. Merchants Notice!; Schr. Ida G. Farren wrll take cargo from Baltimore here, leaving Baltimore during the coming week. C C. PAUL $ Co., Brokers. Jos. Gaskill, Agt. Vrf s M M ' " Grown in the open air. Will stand any cold. Count guaranteed. Guaran toed headers. Scd grown by best seed lio'ist 3 in the business. I have now an M.iiimled supply. Any variety. Sold t L.r.avt Imif of t tie plants for the i ' .! crop in V"'iii3 and North ( i 1; .a yc;ir. ,.t pve rofrunre r . -I to aevono t -:t w,h1 them last 1. 1- . f. '; 1-rf -,1-l.nJ A KW ERMaX HONORED. Mr. CkarlM W. Roberts TtRdtrtd Baaquet By Employers at Wllmlnjtos, Del. . Mr. Charles W. Roberts, a former citizen of New Bern, and for several years superintendent of the large dry goods establishment of Crosby & Hill, Wilmington, DeL, was the guest of honor at a pleasant occasion a few days ago, given by his employers on the eve of his departure for Nyack, on the Hudson, N. Y., to engage in the man ufacturing business Mr. Roberts had for several years been connected with the firm and had won the respect and esteem of all who knew him. He will be interested in the manufacture of aprons, having established a factory at Nyack and he is also is part owner of another similar industry. ' A pleasant feature of the occasion mentioned which was a banquet, was the presentation of a generous check by his former employers and words of cheer and congratulation from different associates in business. , Mr. Roberts is brother-in-law of our townsman, J. J. Baxter, and was sales man in E. B. Hackburn's store. Wanted a Fire Alarm to Strike The Journal has repeatedly called the attention of the public to the poor fire alarm system of this city, and the fire of Wednesday afternoon at the colored church only proves the poor service that is being rendered. An at tempt was made to send in an alarm at the corner of George and Cypress, a distance of two hundred yards from the fire, but the alarm failed to sound, so a messenger was hurried to the corner of New and George to turn the alarm in. In substantiation of this statement we give this: one of the fire horses was up on George street near the cemetery when the fire broke out; the driver drove his horse down to Broad street, where he stopped and unhitched him from the wagon, and then came on to the engine house and hooked up to the hose cart and was out to the postoflice corner when the alarm sounded. This is the second time that an alarm has failed to sound from this box within the last few weeks. Members of the French Chambers of Deputies are opposing the extension of fortifications along the German frontier. Beaufort March 3rd. Quite a little excitement occurred here today. . Mr. J. N. Porter and wife and Mr. E B Wright and wife from Brooklyn, N. Y., are stopping at the Davis House for a few days. The two men are in search of a good hunting and were di rected to come here to find it. This morning they left early in a small duck boat, which was surrounded with a high grass blind, for a point in the har bor near the bird shoal, After a long wait a couple of fishing ducks came along and such excitement prevailed in the small unsteady blind that it cap sized. A darkey clamming nearby heard their shouts and went to the res cue. He says they were wildly kick ing and churning the water, no doubt supposing it being fathoms deep under neath, when in fact top boot was all needed to get ashore. They offered a reward of $10 for the recovery of their guns, which was promptly claimed and paid to a darkey who used a pair of oyster tongs handily. There was a theft here a few nights out of one of the stores of 17 quarts of whiskey, and this is a "dry town.'' The Mormons on Barkers Island are in trouble again. About a month ago their church was burned to the ground by incendiaries. A few- nights ago their house of worship was burned again. - .. In every clime its colors are unfurled Its fame has spread from sea to sea; Be not surprised if in the other world, You hear of Rocky Mountain Tea. -For si It I j r. S. Duffy. Sarah Louise Disabled. The steamer Sarah Louise struck a sunken log in Neuae river, three miles above Kinston, Friday, and a hole was stove in her side which caused her to sr: sink within ten minutes. The capta: was enabled to steer the boat to shal low water and consequently, the work of raising her was -not so difficult as it would have been in the channel The hole was temporarily filled up and covered with canvass. The boat was repaired at Kinston Saturday and yesterday morning and waa taken to the Meadows ship yard for permanent repairs. ' - Lecaj Grain Market, torn, per busheL...... OaU, " R P Seed OaU White Seed Oats, Meal, Hominy " rrn bran, pet 100 Hs....... ,., Wheat bran, " ............. ....65 ...471 55 50 ....65 ....65 ...75 .1.30 'eed, 100 n........ 1,35 Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs.............. 1.50 Cotton seed hulls, 100 lbs 45 Hay 18 50 WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. I'.H, per dozen 12 Chickens, old per pair " youn, per pair.. Pork, per IT) Live K ;:. 1 ' 1, gw n, per IT) , ...CO 65 ..40-50 .. 7&7J ' ... 5 I ..G& GJ CJ..17 11 M ) : s SHORT PASSING EVENTS. R3V. R. E. KuwUi will prea at : trie r rcsbytertan church cn Sunday morning instead of at the evening service as announced at prayer meeting. . Rev. J. G. Garth will preach at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. Songs that reach the heart, witticism that will bring smiles, comedy that will cause laughter and sensational cli maxes that will thrill all who witnes the startliug situations contained in "A Jolly American Tramp," are promised when the comedy plays at New Masonie Opera House tonight. ' , There will be a shadow party at the Thurman hall Friday, "" March - 9. The occasion will be enjoyable and plenty of features will be introduced to entertain. Proceeds for the benefit the Thurman band. Music will be furnish ed by the New Bern Knights of Pythias and the Thurman bands. Insurance Commissioner, James R. Young has revoked the license of the Knights of Gideon, a colored secret in surance order. K ; ; ; Prince George VII, New Bern's false prophet has broken loose' again and predicts dire disaster. He warns all to "put their houses in order for some thing dreadful 'is going to happen." He does not state how or when. - ; Chief Dawson was around the city yesterday making a change at the fire alarm boxes. The keys are no longer left in the box doors, but are placed in a box with glass front alongside the fire alarm box. The change is made to prevent as far as possible, sending in false alarms of fire by children, or irre sponsible parties. Two fire alarms were sounded yester day. The first was sent in from box 34 at the corner of George and New streets at 12 30 p. m., and was false. The second one was from box 42 near Elm City mill and happened to be a small blaze in a lumber pile on the Eubanks property at the foot of Met- calf street which was easily put out. One extra passenger coach and the parlor car Vance was added to the reg ular train yesterday morning to carry the citizens and veterans of Beaufort to witness the return of the Confeder ate flag returned from Rhodo Island. Mr. F. M. Hahn has sold his interest in the Danieis-tiahn Horse and Mule Co., to Mr. L. G. Daniels, who assumes charge of the livery stable on Craven atreet. The special train to Wilson next Wed nesday will afford an excellent oppor tunity to people to go to Goldsboro or to Wilson. The fare for the full return trip will be only $2 25. Persons out side of the order wishing to go will please notify J. B. Dawson. Attention is called to the monthly report of the city treasurer to be found on the second page of this issue. The little four-year-old daughter of W. R. Williams of Elizabeth City has mysteriously disappeared and a fate similar to that of the little son of Sena tor Beasly win was kidnapped last sum mer is feared. Bloodhounds and search ing parties are out in all directions but no trace of the little girl has been found. . : " It is desired of every Knight of Pythias that he be at the lodge to night at 7:30 sharp. Work in all three degrees and other business of great im portance' will be transacted.' , , A new barber, shop has been estab lished in the store building adjoining the Hazelton hotel. Tony Monaco, re cently of Norfolk, is the proprietor. In view of much criticism of the new A. &. N. C. depot at Kinston, the com pany have decided to change the plans and make it larger. A fire in the Loftin building at Kins ton Sunday night did about (4,000 dam' age. " The Village Improvement of the Wo man's Club will meet this afternoon at 3.30 at the Elks Club rooms, - Your stomach churns and digests the food you eat and if foul, or torpid, or out of order, your whole system suffers from blood poison. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea keepe you well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. .. " ' ' . '' .... Trinity College Glee Club An evening of rare entertainment was furnished at the opera house last night by the Trinity College Glee Club and Orchestra. A fair slued audience greeted the boys and they enjoyed the concert immensely. There was scarce ly a number rendered but that an en core was demanded. . ' As singers in chorus the young gen tlemen have smooth harmonious and resonant voices which makes it a pleas ure to listen to them; it matters not what the quality of the music is they handled it admirably. Solos and quar tetts were rendered in the same enjoyaib Meaner. TLi orches tra was ' exceptionally fine and they have a spleBdid attraction in that one feature. The violen solo by Kim brough Jones, Jr., was a piece by an artist. , The Glee Club is on its fourth annual tour and they have made many friends for themselves as well as the college which they repretient New Bern will always extend a warm welcome toward them. Hand f'ashed In Machinery - Stanley Moore, colored, canrht his left hand in the cogs of tho machinery at Bronddits & Ives mill at Cool rpri: A New X-Ray Machine. Dr. J. W. Duguid has equipped lis office with a new x-ray machine which has great power. It is known as Hoff mans High Speed Static machine and beside the x-ray is adopted for ultra violet ray high frequency and static J applications. It is made in Clinton, ' New York. . The machine is regarded by the profession to be the one from which the best results can be obtain-1 The progress of medical science has made one of these machines almcst in- j dispensable in a doctors practice. With it Dr. Duguid will be helped in diagno-. sea of mysterious or complicated dis-1 CCKICa iUJU II Witt VT3 VI gtCUI. UCIlUlIb IAJ hi .-n. - ... ' A Good Soil Food. . A beautiful specimen of the printers art was received at the Jourual office yesterday heralding the virtues of Ger man Kali fertilizer for orange culture. It is issued by the, German Kali works of New York, and gives a simple and interesting story of the advantage of fertilizer and what its use will result in when properly applied. German Kali is widely used by farmers in this sec tion and they can attest its excellence. While perhaps the climate here is too severe for orange it is well for those interested to know-that this fertilizer is adaptable to everything that grows. Death of T. A. Messick" Mr. Thomas AT Messick, sawyer in the Munger & Bennett mill in James City died suddenly in the street there Friday evening. He had just returned from New Bern and was apparently in good health and had no warning of any such sudden visitation. Two men who were near by went to help, saw that life was fast passing. Dr, Jones was called but was unable to render any as sistance. He was 62 years of age, anl was a native of Snow Hill, Maryland. He is survived by his wife, two sors, and two daughters, and a number of grandchildren. ' He had been a resident of New Bern more than eight years. Funeral services will be held in the Centenary church this afternoon at 4.15 o'clock. Rev. W. A. Ayers will of ficiate. Interment will be made in Cedar Grove cemetery. .Program.. Following is the program of the Sun day School Convention to be held with. school at Antioch, second Sunday in March at 10 a. m. Scripture reading by Pres. Prayer. Reading minutes of last meeting. Report of Supt. qf School. Address, Matthew Wiley. Recitation, Sabra Wiley. ' Address, A. J. Askin. Recitation, Katie Gaskin. Address, W. A. Gaskin. Recitation, Mamie Oaskin. Address, T. W. Price. , Recitation, Viola Gaskin. Recitation, Raymond Gaskin. Recitation, C. S. Pricel . Recitation, Lena Fulcher. CICERO GASKIN, Pres. BESSIE GASKIN, Secty. BALANCE OF. STOCK SOLD The Elkt Tsmplt Project Hat Recslved a New Impetus to Action -Saturday a deal was transacted be tween the treasurer of the Elks Build ing Fund and Mr. James B. Blades whereby the latter purchased all the outstanding stock which has been held by the lodge for the purpose of raising funds for a new lodge building. Some over 300 shares had been disposed of already and Mr. Blades' portion there fore was about 150 shares at $100 per share.' v : ' ; This puts the Elks In a position to see their way to the building of their temple. .They plan to have a four story structure which will be imposing as can be made, occupying the most prominent place in the city. No definite plans have been adopted and of course the process of accepting plans, the advertising for bids and preliminory matters will take time to transact but it is hoped that actual work will com mence on the bilding within six months The building and site will cost $50,000. Simpson Plant Destroyed The large turpentine distilling plant of the Simpson Manufacturing Co., lo cated near Riverdale was destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. The plant was for the manufacture of turpentine, paint and kindred products of pine. It had been in operation but a short time but was enjoying an excellent business, the plant being worked to its greatest capacity. . . Mr. C. W. bilfinger was manager and through his energy the place had been equipped, the most approved ma chinery ana methods. The loss is stated to be betweeD S3, 000 and $10,000; no insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. The manager stated that at 12 o'clock Saturday night a thorough examination of the premises was made and there was no sign of any fire or smoke. Two hours later the entire plant was a mass of flames and was very quickly de stroyed. He will build again and will proceed on the same lines that he adopted with the first plant. ' LAMPS, LAMPS, . LAMPS. Oil Lamps, Gas Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Lamp Wicks, Lamp Earners, Lamp Shades, Gas I.' ; I " :.V. Gas Lam p CI . i re r. ays, Lam p For" .Bom TRADE MARK REQISTERCD F. S.ROYSTER GUANO CO., Norfolk, Va. The New Bern CRAVEN COTTON GUANO 8-2-2. , We have larce trade on this brand. t.00 :., t:r..: t .1 JL who use this grade. It makex anv ctod that stable manure makes and will be found much cheaper. ' . JONES COUNTY PREMIUM CROP GROWER 8-2J-3. Great crop producer. Permanent soil enrichor. ' ONSLOW FARMERS RELIANCE GUANO 8-21-3. Good all round Fertilizer used largely for cotton and corn. FOY'S HIGH GRADE FERTILIZER 8-3-3. . Excellent Fertilizer, carefully pre pared from best material we can pro cure for this grade goods. We confi dently recommend it. More prohtame for farmers to use high grade Ferti lizer on general staple crops, cotton, corn, etc., than to use low grades. AH who use this brand speak in highest terms of it. 1 ; - ' GREENE COUNTY ' - STANDARD FERTILIZER 8-2-2. Is a 8tandird 8-2-2 grade. Once used its reputation will sell it again. NEW BERN COTTON OIL & FERTILIZER MILLS, New Bern. N. C. ! DIOXDS! There is a .representative of a large Diamond Dealer in the City and will show his stock Monday at Z O RAXTEli Tbe Jeweler ,A Purchaser ' For the entire Stock of Goods and Store Fixtures of the late George S. Wilcox, deceased. The stock consists of generaj ,; merchandise selected to meet the demands of a first class coun try Btore. The Btand As one of the best in Craven county leing known as Bellair P. O. It is located centrally in a thrifty fanning and trucking com munity and is noted for - being "a good business place. " The purchaser will have the option of renting or leasing for a term of years at a reasonable rate, the place of business; and all necessary privileges.' . Bids will be received up! to March 23rd. ; : .. Bids are required to be made on a certain per cent of the inventory price. wun ine privilege on my part of ac cepting or rejecting such. bids. , Inven tory price of goods &c. about $1,800. M. W. CARMON, Admr., New Bern, N. C. For Salo For cash or on time no ten 'II P engino, 0110 12 H engine, re turn tubular boiler; ono 30 oa-ra- "Pratt '"in with leader r.::;l contlcnsor. Ilcrc::: for ccllinrr.vant to j:;; ia larger machine;:,,, I .'r.rli Ilattor'ia .'lUycr- Tve::'jv - cne 222 Fmifiieii0 B one have been the standard Cotton and Tobacco guanos in the. South because great care is used in the selection of materials. Ask your dealer for RoystCTS goods and don't take substitutes said to be just as good. See that the trade-mark is on every bag. . f; Cotton Oil & LENOIR BRIGHT LEAF ' TOBACCO GROWER . -; ' 8-3-3. . Eor tobacco, more important to have Sure Fertilizer than any other crop, any materials might give required analysis but would spot or injure tex ture. We are very particular in manu facture of these goods. Potash con tained in our Tobacco Guano is obtained exclusively from High-Grade Sulphate of Potash, free from chlorine, an ele ment specially Injurious to iooocco plant. , PAMLICO ELECTRIC TOP DRESSER v 5-10-21. The highest grade ammonia ted goods we make. Used largely by Truckers for side dresainz vegetable crops. Use Electric Top Dresser for sidedressing cabbage. :.' ' . .... .. -. ... CARTERET BONE AND POTASH : . 10-0-2. ' Prepared with especial yiew to use upon lands not deficient in Ammonia, Is made of excellent material, a splen did article of Bone and Potash., .. FOURTEEN PER CENT. V ACID PHOSPHATE - 14 0-0. . Standard goods, well known to the trade. JUST RETURNED Our Buver, Mr. S. Coplon has just returned from New York and Baltimore, where date Line of Spring and Summer Goods. If you will make a visdt to our store it will pay you to do so. LIGHT CALICO One aolid ease of SDrinr Calico worth 7c a yard. Our price, 4c, per yd. . PERCALE " , Three' eases of Percale. Assorted colors. Worth 10 ana 12Jc. per yd. Our. price only 6Jc per yd. ' .. MOHAIR A 11 tha latMf ahnHoa In Mohair a "Barg&i at 75c. per yd. Our price 48c. per yu. WAIST uuuua i izeii w'aisting in the City from 15c. per s yu. up. 76 Zlidde I yen trade yon x'". i Years J Fertilizer Mills- GENUINE GERMAN KANIT K-I.O. Guaranteed to ro itain 12 per cent Potash. - IVES IRISH POTATO GUANO. 7 5,7. Careful'v 1 rai.arpd for raising Irish Potatoes, and rrot. crops generally. Contain' Avail bb ' Ihosphoric Acid, Ammonia and Pot a h, derived from materials specially rdnp'cd to growth . of Irish Potatoe crop, in right propor-. Hons tor son ana annate, we neneve it is finest 1'otutoe Fertilizer on market-. DUNN'S STANDARD TRUCK GROWER 7-7-7. This Fertilizer compounded from beat agricultural chemicals known to tradeXM Prepared for truckers, who need quick, J powerful Fertilizer, has been used with splendid r llts on cotton crop as side dresser about the latter part June or first July. .' ' For Sale by Fertilizer Dealers Throughout Eastern North Carolina. -MANUFACTURED BY- he selected a large and up-tcv LAWN 500 yds. of Whi.e 40 in. Lawn, fine t quality, a Bargain at 15c per yd. Our price only 10c. per yd. HAMBERG AND EDGING The beat asRorted sizes of Hamberg and Edging in the City. Prices from 4c. to 60c. per yd. LACES kinds and Lace Insertion Of all to match. 1'nces from 4c. yd. up. ,ir you will call to see us you will find out what Prices from 4c. yd. up. ,If we have the best ana cneapest in tne City. . . , . 1 Street. At ' 7A r 5 f i jv.i. i;iy ami t !! In rs were ha t to f ciair, ;: a (i-y ! 1. 1!.! v 1 1 .rot ' a t . ! .!.' '. 1' L

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