- .--.v. ' ibrry VOL. XXVIII.-No.96. NEW BERN. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, INARCH 9 1906.-FIRST SECTION. 28th YEAR --"-iprHS " Hri 'r--"--? iR If lift- -" ' " ii ii. iii i iiiniw 1 ii 111 it ii -" 1 1 ni" mm i i . . ' " "' "' ' i -ii ' 1.1 .i i i i i -.,, - " ( saw ma F0 EVERY KIXD CFWCSX i EKCSTilS ATO twit J AND SIZES AND FOR CVCT CLASS CP . ' ASK PCI OOt ESTIXAT8 3IB8ES MACHINERY CCmPANY COLUMBIA, . a Punta Gcrdar Florida. " March 6th. It is with a great deal of sorrow that we have to record the sad accident, which happened to one of our estimable people a few ' days ago. . Capt. Wm. Bright was on hi? sail boat on the bay ; and was accompanied by his wife. The sea wad rough and Mrs. Bright went forward on the boat to get - a drink of water; she stepped on the jib sheet and slipped overboard. The captain jumped overboard to rescue her but his efforts were in vain. '; She was a much ad mired young woman, and a good help meet to her husband. The community deeply sympathizes with the bereaved captain. ; , ' , - Capt, R. H. Weeks .made a trip to .Boga last week. " Punta Gorda people are busy build ing. There are three handsome resi dences going up and others are repair ing and improving, their houses and and property. Toe sound of the ham mer and sar are familiar here. Two, brick stores are being built ' Captains E. Weeks and Rigdon Weeks returned Saturday fiom a big fishing excursion. They had good luck. Capt Guthrie will try lake fishing near here. He thinks that he will have as good luck there as on the bay. On The Wing. Mm Stood Hit Test 25 Ytirt. .The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Ch.ll Tonic You know what 'you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a ta atoless form. No Cure, No pay. 60c Wasp. March 6. We have not been making much pro gress lately on account of unpleasant ness at our school we are very sorry to say. The school will close Friday and few are sorry because there has .been so mucti trouble. : ,- ,.' , A private school will be opened March 12, and we hope to give a better ac count when we write again. Miss Alice Simpjon will teach. Rev. Mr. Bryan preached last Sun day at Macedonia. . . '. . Mr. Ernest Gaskins and his sister, Miss Eva, were the guests of Miss Ida Cayton Sunday. Your Boy.' Naval Reserve Supplies Arrive. The Naval Reserves have received their portion of the supplies allotted to tne military organizations by the United States government The allotment is made annually and the value is placed at $1,400. The goods are such as the local companies make requisition for and are designed to be used in main taining military discipline and usage. The supplies consist of one rapid firing one pounder mounted on iron pedestal for use on boat, 100.000, SO calibre car tridges and outfit of wearing apparal consisting of tromera, shirts, legging, shoes and etc. ' .- The officers are supplied with power ful binocular glasses which can be ad justed for use either night or day, " They are manufactured by the govern ment and are said to be the best field glass mado. New compass and other naval paraphernalia have been received which arc important as a means to an end in obtaining the best results from military companies. ' , Wanted to Buy All Kinds of Southern Fruits and Vegetables for CAGII or will handle on consignment. Let me know ycur prices on what you I ;vc or will have. ' , i. STATE FISHERIES. State Authorities Will Seek Their Betterment. Mors Legislation Probable. Illicit Still Cap tured In Person - County. Incomt . - tax Returns $27,988,000. Csn . - - dldslet Coming Out For Nomination, v (Special 'Correspondence.) Raleigh, March 7.-Dr. fratt states to your correspondent that the whole subject wUl be thoroughly gone into and that a general investigation will be maoe oi me weuBe, ramiico, aim vp, Fear rivers, and Pamlico sound, to the end that the State authorities may have at hand such valuable data and informa tion on which to base their actions toward th oetterment of fisheries con ditions. It is the aim of these gentle men through the regular channels of legislation to equalize the' laws attend ant upon the situation,' and thereby to increase the production of fish as a food supply, not only to the people of the immediate coast section but to those all over the State who are more speedily being brought into closer touch with the coast markets by a rea son of the activity of capital which is opening up traffic avenues by means of new railroads. Dr. Pratt expects to spend the remainder of this week in and about Wilmington when he will re turn to Raleigh Saturday for a more detailed : conference with Governor Glenn. i t ' Revenue officers returning to Person county tell of a raid just made , and a capture by the sheriff of that county of an illicit distilling outfit of 35 gallons capacity, with worm and , cap. A quantity of beer and fermenting vats were destroyed, and the still was locked up in the county jail for safe keeping until it could be turned over to the deputy' revenue collectors.' Although the stiU was in operation the "pro prietors" could not be apprehended. It is of interest to note that there were 2,825 people in North Carolina who made income tax returns, the to tal of which was 127,988,000. The counties In line of returns by numbers were. Wake 255; New Hanover 244: Guilford 211r Mecklenburg 119; For syth 179; Buncombe 139; Durham 131. It has has been understood for some time that J. Crawford Biggs, the Su preme court reporter is a candidate for judge in the Greinsboro-Durhara dis trict, and it ha even been claimed by his friends that he has the nomination assured' to him having Durham and Granville solidly behind him with an excellent chance to get about two-thirds of Person and Alamance .and a pretty fair support in Orange county. The im pression seems to have gotten out that Judge Shaw's friends were making o effort to send the tide against him, but the Journal correspondent learns today tht the friends of Judge Shaw are ac tively organizing in his interest and that Senator Alfred M. Scales ' of Greensboro is to lead in his fight for the judgeship. There are certain indi cations that some rather lively work will be done by the supporters of these two opponents. : ' The executive committee of the State Fair Association will hold an impor tant meeting Thursday, March 8th, when work will be discussed and. taken up looking to the thorough success of the 46th annual fair to be held in Ral eigh, October 25-20, 1900. " Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt of the Uni- versit) of North Carolina was in Ral eigh today en route to Wilmington, where he will join J. Cobb of the Bu reau of Fisheries of the', department at Washingtoh, D. C. Mr. Cobb coming south in response to a request of Gov ernor Glenn for National Co-operation with the State authorities in the mat ter of fisheries within the State. His friends throughout the State will be interested in the announcement that William B. Snow, city attorney of Ral eigh has entered the race for solicitor in this judicial district. The prrsmrt incumbent Armistead Jones will also stand for re-election. r ossibie canaiaaies are announced, or rather intimated from Harnett and Johnston ccunty. Arguments Closed in Matthews Case, Special to Journal: Greensboro, March 7. -In the Matt hews murder trial, the wholo day was consumed in argument to the iurv. Solicitor Brooks closing at six o'clock when court took a recess until seven thirty. At seven thirty, Judge Furgu san announced that it would be impos sible to do justice to a case of such moment after such a hard day's work, as it would take several hours to de liver the charge, and court waa journed until eight thirty Thursday r. ::i of r.3. r :.:.y News V.M reciiivcj hi'iu y. ' ' t (' '! if r.,. r :ny 6EBKSEO Items of Interest From Gate City, Bumped From Car Platform. Investigation as to Rotten Ties. A Popular Official. Old Street Stepping Stonee Found. Large Salvation Army Gathering (Special Correspondence.) , y 'Greensboro, March 8. A young man named Rochelle, a flagman from Dur ham, while standing on the caboose of a frejght trai1 at pomona tonight was violently .umpei from the platform and thrown to the BU8taining a compound fracture 0f his leg just above the ankle. He was brouirht to the hot- pital here and physicians say his leg will be saved. , Chairman of the Corporation Comm's sion McNeill and Commissioner Rogers spent the night here leaving on an early morning train for Randelman to inves tigate the wreck on the Southern be tween High Point and Asheboro Mon day reported to be due to rotten cross ties. s V There is no more popular or many sided official official in the State than Register of Deeds, the Rev. A. G. Kirk man. He not only looks after ; his of ficial duties, but he is always filling some pulpit on Sunday, attending some Sunday School celebration, marrying or burying somebody and making himself of service to the women and children of the rural regions loving to make them happier and succeeding in doing so. He has been quite sick recently, and the tributes of affection sent him from friends all over the county. His many friends will be glad to hear that he was able to be out yesterday. His mother, Mrs. Rachel Kirkman of Guilford Col lege, who has been with him returned home today. Although nearly ninety years of age, she is more active thtn her son who has the handicap of a lame hg. Mrs. Kirkman went to school in Greensboro 70 years ago. At that time there was but one house south of the railroad. ' - . ; In preparing for the vitrified brick pavement at the Kim street crossing evidences of the Greensboro of years ago are found. There has been ur. earthed a set of stepping stones thirty inches below the present level of the street. - The largest congregation that ever assembled in the Salvation Army Bar rack's in Greensboro was present last ni ht when ten new soldiers and one j'inior soldier were enlisted by Major Barker and Ensign Core, of Baltimore. Tiiere were about four hundred people pie Jen t. The ceremony was an im pressive one, the congregation wit nessing it with profound interest. Major Barker read the articles of war and each recruit pledged himself to ob serve them. 1 v1 Youfeel the life giving current the minute you take it. A gentle soothing warmth, fills the nerves and blood with life. It's a real pleasure to take Hol hster's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by, F. S. Duffy. GREAT SCOTT I JOE'S SHOT ! A Well Known Negro Character la Peppered -,V.V- With Shot. ' Wednesday night Joe Scott, who is now employed by the Pamlico, Oriental and Western Railway Co., got into a row with another negro at Bayboroand uo.iy made! iliu ruoeptacle of several shot of the No. 4 variety. For on-e Joe had the right of the difficulty and can almost be entered in the hero class for he fell doing his duty.' It seems that by virtue of his job he was custodian of a car filled with mis cellaneous freight and was guarding it with jealous care. ' Will Griffin went to the car and requested a package which was directad -to him. Scott re fused to give it to him, saying that he had not the authority to deliver goods and in a peremptory manner punctured more or less with cuss words of a per sonal nature, told Griffin to "git" That, of course, made Griffin fighting mad and that's the way the fuss began. Griffin had his gun, or procured one in some way and hauled off and threw a charge into Scott. . Most of the shot lodged in the shoulder and arm making a painful but not necessarily fatal wound. Yesterday he was reported as much improved. While it is, of course, to the wound ed man's credit that he was protecting the railway company's interest, and we dislike to say hard things about any ouc sven the meanest of God's crea turesbut we honestly believe that no one could have been victim to such an affair to the utmost approval of the public than this same Joe Scott. It seems almost like retribution and we hope, for the benefit of a suffering community, that Scott will be a better man. Kew York Cotton Tarkct. .owirg were toe oi-nnir? and ' 1 ricps on tho Kew Ywk tT.vrch 8. ( 1 I" 'i Low 1 1 1 t'i 10 71 MM I!);,: 1)H c: n. ! i. TO ASK NOTED SPEAKERS Harvle Jordan and William J. Bryan For State Fair. Voluntary Bankruptcy. Illicit Still Capture. Sepcial to Journal ' 1 ' : Raleigh, March 8. S. T.' Cooper. Jr., of Hamlet, N. C, filed a petition in voluntary bankruptcy with liabilities stated at $3,400, and assets $875. The executive committee of - the North, Carolina ' Agriculture Society President E. Daughtridge, J presiding. planned marked improvements' on fair grounds property, and decided to call Harvie Jordan, President of Southern Association, and William Jennings Bryan for addresses during tjhe Fair in October, in Raleigh. The Association will also expend $7,000 in improvements and will augment the premium lists : Revenue officers Adams an 1 Down ing; captured another illicit outfit in Johnston county," consisting of six fer mentors, worm tubs,- and nine bushels of malt. The scene of the raid was about twelve miles east of Dunn. The still was not discovered. Operations ire conducted in a semi installment way, parts being in different localities. . " ; The Convict's Daughter. The play "The Convict's Daughter," at the opera house last night- was a melo drama proper and a howling suc cess for the gallery gods. - The play has several names to cover its antiquity but it was produced by clever actors and enjoyed by the whole house. George Elmore, who as : William Woodford was the leading character. the tramp, convict and at last the res cuer cf the family name and honor was a good all round actor and was very well supporteJ. There was no great stunts performed, yet everybody seem ed satisfied. THE MEETING WAS GREAT That of the District Meeting at Wilton Wed netdajf Night, The meeting of the Knights of Pythias of the Second District held at tho beau tiful little city of Wilson Wednesday night will be one that will eve4.be re called with great pleasure and fond re collections by the member of; 4)thenia Lodge No. 8 of this city. ;- ff. It was a tired and sleepy crowd that rolled into the depot at 620 Thursday morning but the expression from each one was that it was the best meeting that was ever' attended by a body of Pythians. 7 he New Bern delegation arrived in Wilson at 6:10 on Wednesday evening and wjre met by the reception com mittee Contentnea Lodge and a line of parade was formed, headed by the band of this city, followed by the members of the Goidsboro, Kinston, Mt Olive, Fremont and New Bern lodges, and when the handsome Patterson Phar macy was reached the line came to a halt. The band had arranged an in formal concert and this was given in the store, after which all hands dis persed to take in the town, but just at this instant the visitors were rather embarrassed by being told that their money was no good as everybody had lined up to the counter to get a bracer of Pepsi-Cola and when they offered to pay for their drinks they were informed "that everything had been paid for." 1 Well this was quite a setback to the New Bern boys as they were "stock ed" with Pepsi-Cola tickets, which were furnished them through the kind ness ofMr. C. D. Bradham, but as ev erybody was drinking the delicious bev erage no kick was made, but at the meeting everybody who was present was presented. At the business session of the vari ous lodges the reports from lodges was most inspiring of the growth of Pythi- amsra. Alter this Dusiness was dis pensed with the amplified Third was oonfened by the degree team of Rocky Mount and the manner in which the initiation was carried out brought forth storms of applause. The meeting was presided over by Mayor Alf S. Barnard, of Asheville, Grand Chancellor of the Domain of North Carolina. At 11 o'clock an invitation was ex tended by Contentnea Lodge of Wilson to repair to the banquet hall where was a most tempting spresd had been pre pared for the visiting Knights. When all had taken their seats the scene that was presented was one of great Splen dor. The hall was beautifully decorat ed and with the glow of the candle lights and the fair faces of the ladies present made a picture that would be hard to portray. Mr. H. G. Cannon, Jr. acted as toast master in his usual graceful manner who began by intro ducing Mr. O. P. Dickinson who de livered the address of welcome n be half of the Knights of Wilson. This was responded to by Dr. H. D. Harper, of Kinston. Tos toast of the evtning, 'Our Order" was delivered .by Grand Chancellor Barnard and to say it was a irrfipt muHtrrful and ehjuont response was ,: J ry tne continuous ap plaiwa tbtt grfted the speaker after he 1. .1 t '.en l,'i scut, It c:m I-' t- 'It! .t too much prai:o SHAD COST MONEY. Prices tor This Fish Remarkably High This Seeeoa Compared With Previous Years. The present season has seen a con tinuation of unusually high prices for shad in this market. The catch has been small up to the present time, and buyers have been active competitors for each day's catch. The result has been high prices throughout this season, yesterday bucks Belling at 40 cents, and roe eighty cents, . against 25 and 50 cents last year some time, and six years ago 15 and 25 cents. - ". There have been so few consecutive Idays, that fishermen could do any, amount of fishing, and the constantly 5! changing weather, has made the Bhad run small and irregular. Last Tuesday was probably the best day's receipts in this market, most of the shad being shipped north, the price being too high for up the State shipment MURDER IN SECOND DEGREE. So Says Judge Furguson To Jury You May 9 ring In For Matthews. Special to Journal. Greensboro, March 8. At eight thir ty this morning, Judge Ferguson charged the jury in the Matthews mur der case. He then began reading the evidence, and at eight tonight had just completed it The jury (then went to supper. A verdict tonight is unlikely, contrflrv to exnactatinni. JuricrA Fur. cninnn nhawroA flint a varAint fit mni. der in the second degree could be brought in. - Meeting of Board of Aldermen. 'March 6th, 1906. Board met in regular monthly ses sion, Mayor Patterson presiding.' Aldermen present: Bangart, Howe, Dawson, Lane, McSorley, Wood, Mc Carthy, Rowe and Simpkins. Minutes read and adopted. Proposition of Mr. Brown relative to shell rock was read and upon motion was referred to Streets and Pumps Committee. "."." Lots Ordinance passed relative to not allowing hogs to be lee'pt in city bound ary was argued befrre the Board and upon motion the matter was referred to Ordinance and License Committee to investigate and report to the Board. The question ,of Pollock, street from Queen to End street was discussed and was referred to Street and Pump Com mittee, with City Attorney added, for investigation and they were impowered to employ such help as necessary. ' , Petition, asking the privilege to use portion of specified streets for special hauling was referred to Streets and Pumps Committee, with aldermen Rowe and McCarthy added. Ordered by the Board, that fire alarm tappers bo placed in Chief of Fire De partment's house and Superintendant of Water and Light Plants room. : Upon motion, fifty dollars were al lowed New Bern Fire Co. toward the purchase of hose wagon. -. Upon motion, the City rented one bed in the Stewart Sanitariam at one dollar per day. ;v :- Ordered, that a Voucher for $1,000 be issued to pay the interest cupons due on P. O. W. Railroad Bond and same be paid out of the Special Rail road Tax fund. ' C MAYOR'S REPORT. New Bern, N. C, March 6th, 1906. To the Honorable Board of Aldermen of the City of New Bem. Gentlemen: I have the pleasure of making the following report for,, the month of February, 1906, Have disposed of fifteen cases and imposed fines and costs to the amount of forty-four dollars and eighty cents, Respectfully submitted, FRANK T: PATTERON, v Mayor. REPORT OF CHIEF OF POLICE. To the Hon. Mayor and Board of City ; Aklernen: ; Gentlemen:-Below please find my Report for the month of February, 1906. We have made fifteen arrests during the month of which 12 were convicted and 3 discharged. ' , ' Cost collected $35.15. Fines . " , , 4.40. Total $39.55. The above $35.15 has been turned over to the Treasurer and I hold his re ceipt for same. ' POLICE RECORD. Informer: Montague 1. Ex. Warrants: 1. 3. 4. - ' 4. ; 3. Total 15. Lupton Bryan Bowden Griffin Howard 3. 4. 0. 5. 2. Total 15. Respectfully submitted, J. M, HARGET, Chief of Police. Regular and auditod bills allowed. Board took recetw. J. J. TOLSON, Clerk. The Origin! Foley & Co., Chiencjo, originated llonov and Tar as a thruut and lung remedy, and on account of the preat merit and popularity of Foley's Honey ; d'ul Tarnmny imitations pre i,Ti.r"i for. I .. r-nuinn. A -it for lu'- v' Honey! For BreaJifsLSt Luncheon or Teat A few Royal small - small biscuits easily made with Baking Powder. Make them -as small round as a napkin ring. Mix and Serve hot. Nothing better for a light dessert than these little hot biscuits with butter and honey, marmalade or jam. You must use Royal Baking Powder to get them right. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK J. N. Johnson Tooth Brushes The kind recommended by Dr. Arlington & other Dentists. DAVIS' PHARMACY. Furniture, Stoves, Mattings, Etc. - Largest stock of Mattings Borden Felt Mattresses. New line of'Go-Carts. We are still offering some bargains and it will pay you co call on us. JOHN B. Phone 257 93 Middle Str-et. THE WOOTEN STUDIO Platinum Sepia Portraits LATEST THING IN PHOTOGRAPHY Special Attention Given to Finishing Amateur Work BAYARD . ' A k A A. A. A A. u Now Ready jsNEW WASH GOODS 9 Dainty designs in A F Ginghams for O Ladies Misses' and Children's dresses and 4 " shirt waists. ' , , . t Absolutely Fast Colors, 10c yd. New Chambries, Mercerized Chambries. Beautiful; designs for Children's .dresses, 0 12 1-2 cents.;;: ,;;y:;:-.y-. . 5 Mercerized Crepe de-chines and silk . Eoleinnes, for street and evening dresses, r Violet Receda, Green, Light Blue, Pink, Y White. Black aud Cream 1 at 25c and 45c the yd. X . March Fashion Sheets and Patterns now X in Stock. : - ; ,, - Barfoot oooooooooooooc c c c : Wedding Gifts When purchasing a Wedding Frescnt the r' place where you Jmake your purchase nl,u ' 1 gidcred, a these are generally things t' i 1 1 ' well as beautiful. rrcr.ei.!3 received f... i are alwnya appreciated and our i;ime en t Stand for V; l - t e ' .lily. We 1 . . J ' tiful line i.T l- ; " ' TiiVc V ' our Tin i : : ' V 1' ! bake just before the meal. t4 in the city. Royall and IVES. WOOTEN A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A A. Brothers. 1 1 ? i . .jr ami 1 r -', ar.y f .' ") of- f r V I in no ,."'l l v ' TTT)rWTl7TT TITiTTTi TTTTrTn I

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