ill WEEKLY JOB HrtaMltW 1874 Pub Isned In Two Soctione, every Tuee 4y and Friday, at Journal Building, 68 60 Craven Street. CHARLES IT STEVEN. ;a pitob tiro raoPRitrOF, . SUBSCRIPTION RATE?', Two Months,. . ............ i .. pJ, Threee Months, . at. u .V.- ..60 waive Months... I-UU UNLY IN ADVANC Official Paper of New Bern and Craven County. ' ; " . ' Advertising rate furnished upon ap- plication at the omoe, or upon miuu7 ay mail. . . - '; ' ' ;;. tyThe jopimiu. w only enfon pay- huia Ruhaniibera will receive notico of expiration of their sub scription and an immediate wepoase to notice wul be appreciated by s the Jouknai " - - - Entered at the Poutofflce, New Bern gf. C. as second-class matter, ' New Bern, N. C., March 9, 1906. EFFECTIVE EMPLOYMENT WATER METERS. - OF Only those who need a steady and con sistent water pressure throughout the twenty-four hours, for their business, or those whose property suffers from extra fire loss, due to lack of water pressure, it is only these who feel the need of some method by which the City of. New Bern, can give its patrons a water pressure, regular and full to a good working pressure, every hour and every day in the week. The Journal has suggested several times. Duttine in water meters, to make consumers pay for the water they actually use, and so prevent the enor mous waste of water which a cold night, a hot day, or the running of the motors for fans, etc , nt hours when no one may be using them. is a very present aggravation, xsui less than sixty days remain for poll tax payment, if the voter is to exercise his franchise this year at elections, and it must not be forgotten that failure to pay before May first, in no way cancels the payment, for it must be paid some time. The loss is to the voter. He loses his identity at election time. Tax paying to the general citizen, seems to represent the giving up of money without any particular return. Taxes are always wasted, says the citizen, and I don't see where my money goes. And thus reasoning the citizen dodges the sheriff and tax collector un til forced to payment because of some penalty, like the loss of election rights, or the added cost for having his name on the hnquent list. And now it is for the voter who woul J be one with every right, to pay at once his County and State poll tax, or be come a non-entity at election time, and at the same time be chased by the tax collector. hat a glorious worldTttiis would be for sheriffs and all tax col lectors, if tax payers Jwould rush for ward early in each year, and Py their taxes! But such an ideal world is not for presenter future generations. The growling tax payer is to be always a feature of each generation, while sheriffs and tax collectors are to be ever hunters of the fleeing man, who puts off until the last from his tax pay ment. ' FISH FISHERMEN'S CUSTOMS VS. LAWS. The Journal's Raleigh correspondence tells of an interview with becretary Bruner of the State Board of Agricul ture, upon his return irom a recem visit to Eastern Carolina, of what he saw in the way of fishing methods, and n 1 ttin kind of fish caught, and the waste and destruction which the pres ent methods are causing to North Car The argument I olina's fish industry. against meters is their heavy expense. I Mr. Bruner tells of the undersized As an illustration of what the em I fish taken from the waters," too small ployment of water meters has meant I for food, and used for fertilizer; or just for those cities which use them, the I large enough to be sold at a very low Water and Gas Review, tells of a New I price, when the fish should have been Tvanu pitv uViiph reduced the uer I nlYmrpd to remain in the water, au capita pumping from a maximum of 200 gallons a day, to about 75 gallons, a saving during the year of over 762, 000,000 gallons, while the taps in num ber were increased 20 per cent. The introduction of the meter system so I wholesale reduced the consumption that the water I ought to ! works were able to run well within their capacity work, besides the saving of having to put in new machinery which the increased water consumption. this has been told and retold in these columns for years. Mr. Bruner heard of many sugges- tions, when in this eastern section, of what should be done to remedy this destruction of fish, which be kent in the water until ornwn to a size for food, most of the! suggestions requiring that there must be some defined lines to mark out what the present laws call for, in the matter SC"E FACTS REVIVED As Often Told In These Columns. Secretary State Board Agriculture Telia ct Flh Destrtictlo At He Saw It Is New Bern. ' Conference of Partie In ' - forested In Immigration. (Special Correspondence.) ' Raleigh, March 6. The fact that Hon. T. K. Bruner, Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture has made a sojourn has already been chronicled, but there are facts that will, be devel oped bj that visit that have so far scarcely been brought to light Mr. Bruner talked today with the Journal correspondent regarding some of the fish interests along the shores of our State waterways. He said in substance: There are certain things affecting the fiph industry in North Carolina that are in a condition which demand the most serious consideration from the people of the entire State. While these con ditions have effect with the fishermen most of all, it being a source of revenue to them, the whole people are affected however in food supply, and it is this aspect of the case which is of most in terest at present. Fishes far below the normal size of food fishes aretakenj some finding -a market at ridiculous figures, and some being hauled out and used as fertilizers on the lands ad jacent the streams and sounds; for in stance: 1 saw two buahel boxes' of mul let at New Bern, averaging four to six inches in length; those boxes bring 50 cents each, twenty five cents going to the boatmen for delivery at the mar ket, and the other twenty five cents to the fishermen. Had those mullets been allowed to remain in the water three to four years and then marketed during the months when those fish are in prime thkt is, during August, September, October and November, the contents of the box would have been worth fifty dollars instead of only fifty cents.'' There was held today an important conference of the interested parties concerning the immigration movement in North Carolina. M. V. Richards, industrial agent of the Southern Rail way Co., WilberMcKoy, of the Atlantic Coast Lino were for a long time with Governor Glenn, and later with Com' missioner Patterson of the Department of Agriculture and Hon. T. K. Bruner, Secretary of the State Board of Agri culture, J. W. White, of the Seaboard system, was detained in Portsmouth be cause of the fire to that company. BOTH LOVED SAKE GIRL Two Dover Negroes Have a Shooting Affair Over Dusky Damsel. Kinston Free Press: . . .. ' Will Dixon and Tom Wilson, two col ored sports of Dover, got into a row at that place about a dusky damsol and Dixon pulled his gun out. ; Wilson told him he did not have the nerve to shoot and Dixon to prove that he did pro ceeded to pump lead into Wilson, strik ing him in the back. Wilson was brought to Kinston and Dr. C L. Pridgen traced the bullet around to the left side of the negro, where it ranged after glancing off the spinal column. The wound is not considered a dan gerous one, .. : . BONOS FOR GOOD ROADS Elec- V without the meter system, would have I of Lets and boundaries. necessitated. I All this simply resolves itself into The past winter has been a moderate I what are the local customs of the peo one, with only a few cold nights, when I pie engaged in fishing, and what kind water consumers thought it needed I of laws are on the statute books, and onen faucets, to prevent frozen pipes. I how much is local tustom going to ac cept of the ilaw, according to local in terpretation of it. The size of the matter is that the fishing interests of this State have been so juggled though the politicians, that there has been nothing accomplished, and the present conditions as de scribed by Secretary Bruner is the re sult, and until there be some practical and radical changes made, the cry of no fish will be more of a reality than it is today, in Eastern Carolina. The fishing interests of North Carolina must be first entirely removed from politics. A commission of practical business men should be placed in charge, men who have no favorites to look af ter, and who will have power to deal with the situation as local conditions demand. No greater consideration de mands attention than for the commis sion lo go among the fishermen, and goes to waste without benefit to even I prove to them, as far as possible, by a the parties who waste the water. The I technical knowledge and showing of meter system is one which New Bern j the present fish waste and destruction. will have to adopt, or give up its muni-l what this means t the very men, and eipal ownership, for the present water I their posterity, who are causing the waste is on the increase, and it will destruction. This once demonstrated, soon far exceed, in the acquirement of I then must be instituted at once a sys- pumping, the capacity of the present j tem which shall absolutely protect the engine capacity. ' When it does, I unmarketable fish, every kind offish one of two things will be demanded, I that is for food, and prevent both the more supply, more pumps, more ma-1 destruction of those growing and those chinery, or selling out to some party I that may develop in the future. who will run the business on a practical I There is no law or system which may But the few cold nights made the water works put on extra force, with the consequent extra cost The sum mcr, with its heat and extra demand for water will soon be here. Is the city prepared to meet the demand ? Will water consumers be treated justly 1 Will those who want water be able to get it, and will the demand for fire pur poses be adequate and for use as it may be urgently demanded t These are all serious questions, calling for honest re- plies. ' The meter system is a purely practi- - cal, business proposition. It saves the city using it, money, for the city gets pay for the water it actually gives, which is the difference between giving water as it may oe urawu, wiuiuut j count being taken. It gives equity and justice to every consumer, and means a revenue to the city which now HOME MADE IMPLEMENTS. Shipped by New Bern Iron Works to South Carolina. It is not every one in New Bern that is aware that there is a local industry, and a most important one, to be found on Craven street, and this industry is the New Bern Iron Works. Yesterday these shops Bhipped a" car load of agricultural machinery to South Carolina, all of which was made in this citv. It is just as well to remember that this city is a manufacturing place, and that in the' New Bern Iron Works, is to be found an industrial plant that is most important to the commercial interests of this city. Guilford County Continues the Work. trie Line to HIah Point. Plenty of f Whiskey But No Arrests lor '. Drunkenness. (Special Correspondence.) 5 Greensboro, ', March 6. Before the Board of Highway Commissioners yes terday afternoon, Stale Senator Webb, representing the bond brokerage firm of C. A. Webb & Co , of Ashcville, had the satisfaction of securing acceptance of his firms bid for the third $60,000 bond issue for Guilford macadam road fut.d -there were eleven competitors. the Asheville firm making the highest bid of sixty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-five .dollars for the bonds When this money is received the gxl road fund will have received about two hundred thousand dollars of the throe hundred thousand dollar bond . is sue authorized by a Vote of the people for good roada in Guilford county. For several years there has been much talk, of an inter-urban electric car line from High Point to Greensboro tnd High Point to Winston. It has been mostly on paper and in newspaper correspondence. There is every probability now that a trolley line will soon be constructed from uisfb Point to Greensboro. - The Board of County Commissioners yesterday after noon granted to a syndicate represent ed by E. J. Justice of Greensboro, a franchise over the road from High Point to Greensboro for a trolley line, provided work begins in thirty days. One of the five whiskey order DroKers here stated yesterday that since Janu ary first he had ordered $18,000 worth of whiskey from one Danville liquor house alone. The express oihee Satur day night received Bixty-five gallon packages of whiskey for customers oi this one firm, and the police did not havo to take a single arrest for drunk enness Saturday night or Sunday. ; LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at New Born, Craven county, N. C. Mcr.F, '. ' MEN'S UST. , B Lourence Souto Barros C Walter Cuthretl, Zach Cornish, T B Crawford care J. E. Bryant, R F D No, 3. D Andrew J Day. " ' E John E Eaves care Sutent - Hur- man. . F- A S Foreman. : . G Rcddin Gaskin. H-E W Hawkins, Geo A Howard 3, Anderson Howard. J .Mack Johnson, 506 Cedar St ', Caston E. Johnson. - i . JL B F Lawrencf," Samuel Lov ic. M C A McDaniel, Moore &" Willie. P R O Paul. ' .... . -. i .. r R Jno G flobins n. S J PStarkev. S m Stewart, care W W Hudston, 411 Newbern Sf, Aaron SmitK " T Frank Taylor. V Fondiri Vinccnzzo. -. W James M Wilcox, Frame White, J E Williams. WOMEN'S UST. tft . B Mrs Georgeanna Bell, Elm St. 61, Martha Bell, R F D 2, Mrs Pennie Britt, Mrs Lisaie Brey, 40 New So. Front St. O-Maggife Cobb, 198 So. Front St, B'anchard Cotton, Mrs Annie Cdwtrd. F--Mrs Mariha Felrid. care Jo Dixon Miss Lyda Frazzul. , H Madam Hail, col, Fortune Teller, Patsey Hix, care Mrs.' Eliza Dudley, 12 Bum St, Mrs Francis Hicks, col, Ida Howard, May Iloige, : K Mrs J N Kennedy. M Maggie Movre. P Phillips, Nannie Potter, Furnie Pugh, George St. S Mrs Ailine Spfncor. - , W llettit: A Wi.lio Mrs Annie Whh- ford, Mrs M P Willi-itiis. Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised and give date of list: , 1 The regulations now require that (1) cent Khali bo collected on the delivers of each advertist-d letter. . . S. W. HANCOCK, Postmaster. Goes right to the seat of disease and sweeps a., germs and poisons out of the blood; tones up the stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and builds up the entire system. Rheumacids cures after all other remedies have failed, because it "Gets at the Joints from the Inside," and removes the cause of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Indigestion, Con stipation, La Grippe and Liver Troubles. Rheuma ciJe therefore "Cures to Stay Cured." Rheumacide so effectually cleanses the entire system that it "L'lES YOU! WELL ALL OHO," Rheumacide cured Mrs. Mary We born, of High Point, N.C., 82 years old, after she had suffered 20 years. Cured John P. Eline, of Baltimore, after Johns Hopkins Hospital had failed. Cured James Wilkes, of Dillon, S. C, after be had been In bed three-years and his limbs were twisted aga net his back. Your Drugjst Sells and Recommends it. Sample bot tle and booklet FREE If you send five cents for postage to ZZZZm MESCAL CO., Prcprlcta, BAlTOPi, n. A Favorite Remedy tor Babies. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Reme- -dy a favorite with the mothers of small children. ; It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequen ces. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough ap pears will prevent the attack. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. FIVZVCACLD ci rtz:::z:z3 cgpfe eisnues 1,3 - Express Charges Paid A trial will convince yon that these goods are the medicinal and other purposes. Send us your orders a feotly satisfactory, return-'at our expense and money . iunaea at once, au snipmenis are maae in piain cases. mff by Postal or Express Monty Order, Write for prtem list of other liquors. IjIOTEJO D L3" 1 By Us. I iwy best fotf n ind if not ner i will be re? j J TR. - ' FRESHET IN HUDSON basis by meter system. POLL TAX RECEIPT CH NO VOTE THIS YEAR. Nothing is so jarring, so disagreeable to the more than average man, than to b-i reminded of taxes, and taxes due. ami to be paid. The hIk ri.T's notice, t' ( tax collector's notice, to come up 1 1 1 j.;iy your taxi?, would bo unread. if . ) '' ' . but the tax.: ' '; ",' does not . it 1 s to be nu t, or t a is trou be instituted for fish protection, that means present starvation for the fisher men. There are fish to be caught, but the method of catching every fish that can swi.n, must be done away with, and the right kind of commission can do this. Certainly no politicians have I ever, or ever will be able to preserve the fish, present and future, in the waters of this Eastern section. Tuscarora Items March 6. Mr. Herbert Ipock of Goldsboro was visiting here Sunday. Rev George W Webster preached here Sunday morning and evening, and definite a heavy cold preached a fine 1 - . sermon. ;; .",. I ; Mr S M Harris of Cove, who sang O Promise Me" at a wedding in Cove last week has accepted the offer to sing at Fort Barnwell Wednesday evening. Mr Tom Dillon is slowly recovering from his severe attack of cold. We are all sorry to hear that the young ladies have decided not to give their entertainment Friday eve& imr. "Old Maids Convention" would have been enjoyed and they were mak ing fine progress. - . Truck farmers m this section are busv at present. Cotton and tobacco seem main crops 'to be raised In this section. .;:''. . Mr E Z R Davis has cordially invited his friends to attend a social to be held at school house near his residence at Cove on Tuesday evening the 13th. Miss Anna Rose . Southerland of Goldsboro who taught school here this term leaves for home Friday. We re gret to have her leave us. Mr. Sam Lane of Cove passed through Tuscarora on his way to New Bern Monday everting where he has . decided to start in business Good luck to you Capt. Sam. ' S. II. Ic Bank Up Dock -at Albany and . Troy Flooded.;; Albany, N. Y., March 6. -A solid jam of ice, extending from Castleton to Coeyman, has caused the Hudson River to rise eleven feet above the mean low water level and flooded the ,Wlt in Albanv and Trov. The ice in front of the city went out yesterday for ' the second time this year.' The hiwik-un extended as far south as Coeyman, where the ice held and caus ed that which came down with the cur rent to form a gorge, which soon filled the entire channel as far north us Cas, tleton. The water in the river, unable to penetrate this close packed mass- foun.d an outlet around through bhoaacK Creek. All the streets along the river front in Albany and Troy are flooded and the trains have to plow; their way through the water which several times rose to the fire boxes of the locomo tives and put out the fire3. At present the freshet is stationary, but trouble is feared when the gorge in the Mohawk near Schenectady gives way, , Russia suggested to the Algeciras conference that France, and Spain be given control of the Moroccan police. Always Keep Chamberlain' Cough Remedy - In Hit Home. "We would not be without Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our home," says W. W. Kearney, editor of the Indepen dent, Lowry City, Mo. That is just what every family Bhould da When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at the outset and cured in much less time than after it has "become settled in the system. This remedy is also without a peer for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child be comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, which can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy andF. S. Duf fy. The elections for the Russian National Assembly will begin Apr'd 28. is, TeUer, Si't Rheum. Itch, "n, l! a -;-. Earber Itch. Ring ' 1 . Bogue t March Clh. Quite a number of our neighborhood people attended the Quarterly meeting of the Primitive Baptist on Hadnot's Creek Sundav. A very large crowd was present and all seemed to enjoy themselves hugely. Dr. J. W. Sanders and his nephew, Allie Sanders, went to Raleigh Friday. Mcssrav.John Kelly, P. M. Russell and his sons, William aud Pirara Rus sell went on the excursion to Rah ',;h It Pleases The People News and Observer 6. 'The Convict's Daughter" is a stir ring melodrama that is full of excite ment and heart interest, and without tho horse play and buffoonery that is of ten introduced. It was presented in Raleigh on Saturday night, and also at a matinee in the afternoon, to audiences that were srreatlv pleased. .The com pany giving the performances is good one all through, especially bo the tramp who is reclaimed, the vilhan who is final'y banished, the daughter , who is so beloved, and the bright little sou. brette. The scenery used is excellent and adds to the play. The escape of the convict by his jump to a moving freight train as the officers shoot at him is realistic and is cleverly done, To those who enjoy melodrama evening at the performance of "The Convict's Daughter" will be a pleasure The audiences here gave much applause to the excellently rendered play, and praise it The company is well bal anced and the story proceeds smoothly, the plot being such as to keep the in terest intense at all times. Tne Convict's Daughter will be pro duced here tomorrow night and prom ises to be very exciting and interesting melodrama. We can ship whiskey to any point in North Carolina that the Railroads or Stnnm Ronta linen o-e ' Wo urn located in the State of ViHTinis and the N. w An-ti-jug laws do not effect us at all as , we are protected by the lnter-btate Commerce Laws. We sell corn whiskev at $1.25 per gallon and Rye Whiskey at $1.50 per gallon and up. Write ua far our complete Price-list and Express rate to your office. , - , , ; Z F LONG & &0., Suffolk. Vi '. P. Box 398. rr 1 ZC' k V Death Rate In New York And Chicago During November and December, 1903. one fifth of the deaths in New York and Chicago were from pneu monia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents pneumonia, so do not take chances on a cold wearing away when Foley's Honey and Tarwill cure you quickly and prevent Berious results. Sold by Davis Pharmacy. tt ! u..-.v, .,f m. v M TI hn' interest in the Corpora ia'l of the Daniels, Halm Horse & Mule Co.". I wish to say tlut I slnll couinae n.daj at the same old stand.' 1 will also state mas i nave a larje now """ , .n n Whips and all kinds or Saddlery, uuggies, nauiia, down very low for Cash or Negotiable Paper, as I expjet to couline my Dur ness to Horses and Mules exclusively. , 1 " . T Thanking my many inends lor past anu iur,ure iiuinmugu, , r"l!.' C. DANIKLS. L. Go feiels A woman carrying a bomb in her hair was frustrated in an attempt to assas sinate the Govenor-General of Moscow, To draw the fire out of a burn, hea a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure boils, sores, tetter, eczema and all f-!;in and scalp mo De'.Vitt's Witch Hazel Salv'o. A Fpecif.c for piles. Get the rniii.-. r-'o TW-'.y cau-.M Kiieh s;,,., 'j t ' '. i r rcV,'::.t'8-tl.e .ii , . . , . : Torture By Savege,.- "Speaking 'of the torture to which some of the Bavage tribes in the Philip pines subject to their captives, reminds ma of ihe intense suffering I endured for three months from tho inflamma tion of the Kidneys," says W. M. Sher man, of Cushing, Me., "Nothing help ed me until I tried Electric Bittern, three bottles of which completely cured me." C'jrcs Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disorders and Malaria; and restores the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by All Drug gists. Price BOc. '. ' T No Other Magazine Like It. The Burr Mclntoiih Magazine for M:irrli is a creation of art. The color work ia mpecinlly striking and alio- 01.H,er the isHUo will appeal to nil lovers of fine pictures. Aiiiorx' tho most attractive pictures are those of Mr. and Mrs. L- ns'.woi m.MiK Alice 'I:H.eviIt. Tln'"e .f ,( !, !)!;.! 'd !.; !.-. and people of n () 0 .,.....At 11:3 l!d of ill ItSztco FErtilizers; i) f ) ' ) ( ) U o. tr . rwmm m TOBACCO Gclct LrnJ - GUANO TJ9 it and you T7in bo pleased. II-adOT73 I OTTO: ATil) ALLCROP Guano, and Special Fertilizsrs Vov All Crop3. ".- v :t no Calci A cent in your vhinity, vjrii 3 rcoD in uca only the OUR QOOD3. BUST I'LAIIT Inriat on bavins tho TIEADOV;: : A i. -Me . I .) Hiver. n m;w i h n, y. f I,. P. V All of the..e dlm-ases are attended by .ten e ifcl-ii', !.! h is almont in- : - ' ' i-''''''vc 1 i y j- !.; C". amber ' i'h T ' : 11 ' i ' "' '' ( ! t. 0 Fii Ifiy . They report a fine ti ip 1 o. . 1 1 v. t'.i i R.-!:.-.-a V:-' Ker j,1 1,. r l.n.'! .r ( ; e. (. .i I i . . . i j- . . Tl

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