GREENSBORO ITEMS. "" Caved , From'-: ! 7 , Catarrh j of the . i . LumCs V ; V j ByTakinc MRS- .,' ! : MARY - - t , . mac. , - Pe-ru-nal 71 --i- H-1 ;,"; Nv ' !: ' y v '. : - 1 v i - r- Mi Mrs. Mary Mag, 43 Collogo Ave., K. Pittsburg, Pa., writes ! "Last spring I bad a very ievere cold which settled on my luogsT I went to the doctor tor some time, but bis mtdklne did me no good "Having read In the paper some testimonials ot the value of Peruna, I de. elded to try It, and at the same time wrote to Dr. Harbtum tor advice. I. tdok tlve bottles ot Peruna and am mow entirely cured. - "Before taking Peruna I was so run down that I could do bo work ami could not stand on my feet. My bead ached and i could not aleepI would wake up and cough. In the morning, on rising, i would cough for at least ten min utes. I was alarmed. , "But, thanks to Peruna, 1 am now enjoying good health. I would aof be" without Peruna, I keep It In the bouse and give It to my little boy when be bas a cold. " MRS. MARY MAC A NEGLECTED cold la generally the first cause of catarrh. - Women are especially liable to colds. These colds occur more frequently dur ing the wet, sloppy weather of winter and spring than any other time of the year. Pf ten they WOMEN SHOULD BEWARE CF CATCHING COLD. are not oonsidored serious and so are allowed to run on, ' or they are treated iu such a way as to only palliate the symptoms, while the cold becomes more deep-touted and the patient, finally awakens to the fact that she has a well developed case of catarrh. '. , By reason of their delicate structure the lungs are frequently the seat of a cold, especially if there is the slightest weakness ot these organs.' The treat-, ment of catarrh of the lungs is also more difliciilt and discouraging than catarrh of any ulher organ of the body. .... ' . It would be wise, therefore, to cnarc? against It by every precaution possible. Peruna has been found the most re liable ot all remedies for coughs, colds and catarrh, by reason ot the fact that it goes at once to the; Tory seat of the trouble. It soarohes out every crevice, every duct of the body. Itqnldkenl and equal- lies, the. circula tion of the blood, thus relieving the congested mucous membranes. It ex ercises a healing and soothing effect upon the mucous membranes, no matter whether they are the more exposed membranes of the head and throat, or whether they lloe the remotest cells of the lungs. . " A word to the wise woman Is sufficient. Take Peruna at the first appotranoe ot a cold. ' f PERUNA THE REMEDY FOR CATARRH Of THE LUNGS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEB. 11, 1905. New lumber Concern, Phonee In Hotel Room. Festival Orchestra. Give Up ' Insurance for Law " r (Special Correspondence.) : ' Greensboro, March 9. Shaw and Mc Math is the name of the new lumber concern, organized in this city last night J. T. B. Shaw, formerly secre tary and treasurer of the Greensboro Lumber Company and 0. L. McMath, an experienced lumber dealer, from Onley, Va., are the proprietors. They will do a wholesale and retail business and their plant will be located on the John A. Hodgin lot, near the Greens boro Lumber Company, w The -new firm starts out business with a capital of $5,000. , The Bell Telephone Company has just installed a private'fcranch exchange in the Hotel Guilford. Telephones have been put in sixty rooms of the hotel and guests will not be able to use both local and long distance phones from their rooms. A similar plant is now being installed in the Benbow. In this build- ingllS rooms will be connected. , The Centenary church is., to have a new and handsome parsonage on Ar lington street. The Stewarts of the church have recently purchased a lot 50 x 200 feet next to the building own ed by W. A. Field, and the plans are to be drawn at once and the building erected. It is claimed that the struc ture will be a fine one and modern in in every particular. -'.' $ The ? Home Talent : Music Festivi l Orchestra, which is now hold'ng regular rehearsals.. will glVe a concert at the Normal College about the first of April. Mr8.: Roy and Lasher, two Germans, who recently came to this country and Elams orchestra, have been added as members. Mr. Roy is a violinist of ex traordinary ability and hisNpiusic ha charmed all who have had- the oppor tunity of hearing it Mr. Lastier plays the flute in a masterly way, Thomas S. Beall, hasriven up his position with the Greensboro Life Insurance Company and will leave in a few days for Chapel Hill to take a course in the law school of that institution. Mr. Beall is well known ana a popuhir young man and will be missed greatly by the younger set , Prof J. M Bandy, formerly city en gineer here, has been elected consulting engineer by the board of Alderman at Laurinburg. S. CProf. Bandy will have charge of the water and sewer work and he will be there duringthe whole summer He will leave to &:ume his new duties next "Monday. , , I I 3 118 136 108 112 3 Daily. Daily.lDairy. Daily. 3 Tsirn am" am .1 2 30 7 20 1 30 0 ..... f 2 4.Tf 7 33 f 1 4t . 8 ......... . 2 55 7 48 2 00 15 3 00 7 53 2 05 17 ....... 3 10 8 05 2 18 ' 21 3 15 8 10 2 23 23 .. ... 3 20 8 15 2 29 26 3 32 8 27 2 4E 32 f 3 44 f 8 38 2 67 "37 ..... 3 53 8 47 3 08 41 , 4 05 9 00 3 22 4G 6 45 4 30 9 20 3 62 55 6 67 4 38 9 3(1 4 02 57 7 15 f 4 4f 9 37 f 4 12 61 7 80 6 01 9 51 - 4 27 ' 6J .7 42 5 13 10 02 4 40 - 73 8 05 5 39 10 30 6 15 81 5 54 f 10 45 f 6 33 87 6 (K)ft0 51 f 6 40 - 12 11 0 J 6 64 6 25 fll U f 6 09 . 6 43 11 3,)j 6 29 16 49 11 86Jf 6 35 . .. ... 7 02 11 48 f 6 46 ....... 7 1202 03..?.... - f 7 30 12 20 7 15 M M PM AM Lv Eastern, Time GREENSBORO ..... McLean ..... Gibsonville..... '- Eton College... Burlington - .... Graham Haw River ..x. Mebane '. . . - Efland........ .'. Hillsboro UNIVERSITY DURHAM East Oirham.. BrassiiM . , Morris vilie ............ . . CARY.....,........... I RALEIGH.......... Gamer... ........ Auburn................ Clayton..... ........... Wilson's Mills .. SEL M A .. Pine Level......... Princeton. Rose.. GOLDSBORO ., Ar. ' Lv. 107 Dally. AM 11 43 fll 28 11 23 11 22 11 14 11 07 11 01 10 5tf flO 38 10 28 10 16 10 (KM 9 441 f 9 87 9 13 9 05 8 45 8 26 8 20 8 081 7 65 7 451. 7 36 7 261 7 14 f 7 001 AM I 135 1 Daily. PM 6 35 6 15 6 00 5 65 5 46 6 5 831 6 22) 5 10 6 01 4 49 4 30 4 18 4 10 3 68 8 49 8 30 8 12 8 061 2 651 2 40 2 25 2 12 2 01 1 49 1 35 PM 111 Daily. AM 6 35 6 17 6 05 6 00 4 47 4 40 4 30 4 17 f 4 02 8 47 8 301 S 00 2 48 '235 2 15 2 05 1 40 11 45l 11 31 11 23 11 08 10 50 10 38 flO 26 no 10 f 9 55 9 40 PM 117 AM 9 20 9 07 f 8 42 f 8 22 8 12 7 60 AM " This condensed sehedu'a is published as information and issubjectto change wiinouc nonce vo ine puoi e. -, . . j . ' ..- i . Trains Nos, 112 and 108 connecfat Goldsboro wiOi Atlantic Coast Line trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and North Carolina trains for Morohead City and intermediate points. r ' . , . , Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 83 for Charlotte, Colum bia and Jacksonville. No, 87 solid Pullman train, drawing-room sleepers New ' York to New Orleans and Memphis, also for Winston-Saienv Wilkesooro, Dan ville and local stations. - . Train Jo. 117 handles through coach between Raleigh, Chase City and Richmond, where close connection is made with Washington Southern Railway for Washington and Eastern cities. , - ; Train No. 107 connects at Durham for Oxford, Chase Citv and Richmond; University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with train No. 3d for Washington and points North, close connection for Winston falenvlligh Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and intermediate stations. Train No. 135 connects at Greensboro with No. 89 for Charlotte, Columbia and Jacksonville No. 35 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest; Nos. . 34 and 38 for Washington and all points North; connection is also made at Salis bury for Western North Carolina points. -. S. H. llAKDwicK, P. T, M. .W. ll. Tayloe, G. P. A. I H. B, Spencer, G,M ; " " - Washington, D. C - ;, , R. L. Veiinow, T. P. A. - ; T. E. Green, C. T. A. , Charlotte, N. C. - , . Raleigh, N. C. noDococpcobocooconocncccr: the Kbe j of ell Tcoco Ftrti;iztrs;.... : ( j ) Meadows Gc!d Leaf i! TOBACCO - GUANO 'J ) Usio it and you will be pleased. i IIidcrt73 t:OTT0rr ATil ALLCROP ( ; Guano, and f.pccial Fertilizers For All Crops. ; ' - ( t no"3alc3 Atnt in your vicinity, writo ( nz. 7o UD c Ilia BL3T PLAIIT food iu oun oco: ::. Mr. Foy in Raleigh. - Raleigh, ' N. . C, March 9th -C. E. Foy, ot New Bern, is spending the day in the city, enrouf) to Greens boro, whrre ho was called by personal and spec! il business. Mr. Foy will be remembered as the thrower of the bomb that awakened su"h deep interest in re gard to the leasu of the A. & N. C. rail road. - . v. The Chinese Emperor is ronorted seri ously ill. : . . ; " : Cured Hemorrhage of The Lunge "Several years since my lungs were so badly , affected, that ijl had many hemorrhages," writes A. M. . Ake. of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with several physicians without any benefit I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet I recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble.! Fo ley's Honey and Tar stops the ; cough and heals the. lungs, and prevents serious results from a cold. Refuse substitutes. . Sold by Davis Pharmacy. Attorney General Moody announces that he is arranging to prosecute the Sugar Trust and several railroads for violation of the law prohibiting rebates. -, Afflicted With Rheumatism. ; ' " ' I was and am yt ufilicted with rheumatism," says Mr. J. C, Bayne, editor of the Herald, Addington, Indian Territory, "but thanks to Chamberlain's Pain Balm am able once more to attend to business. It is the best of liniments. " If troubled with rheumatism give Pain Balm a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased wkh the prompt re lief which it affords. One application relieves the pain, ; For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. Keep the little ones healthy and happy. - Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle, healing remedies. Hollister'B Rocky Mountain Tea will kep them strong and well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by F, 3. Duffy Fredrick A. Bumham, president: George D. Eldridge first vice-president, and George Burnham, Jr., second vice president of the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Company, were indicted fcr alleged grand larceny and forgery. The cures that stand to its credit make liucklen's Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer tor the Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa. , of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns, Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c at All Druggists. Two of those injoured in the wreck at Saratoga, N.Y., on Wednesday died, making the number of victims three. A Favorite Rcm.dy for Babies. Its plenstant laste and prompt cures ve m.ulo Chanib;i Iain's Cou);h Renus y a f .ivorito with the mothers of small ' ' 'i r-i. It qnicKly cures tlx ir cmi;;bs ! ' ' ! I ) r, . ! i i.-y (!,.r .-r (..f I ur I :l!T H"l i) III CI ;. ;!i n- The Goods: Manufacturfd by-the NEW BERN COTTOf OIL & FERTILIZER MILLS Are Handled by the Best Dealers. WHY NOT BY YOU ? OUR NAME ON THE BAG MEANS BEST QUALITY - , . . . . ' - - & . ...... . , - .. - ' " . .. ' ' . ' l . . , Right goods at right prices form best foundation for any business. If you are interested in growing larger crops on smaller acreage, first properly prepare soil, then use Fertilizer absolutely pure and straight. Right goods at right prices most important and necessary. Sale of inferior Fertilizers generally prove disas trous, makes complaints, dissatisfied customers and decrease in business. You want to get right and stay right, hold your customers, get many new ones, then handle, the Fertilizers manufactured by New Bern Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Millsrecognized as standard quality. Qur Fertilizers sell themselves. The man who buys once wants them again, his friends want them. .Can you afford to be without an article -which silently but forcibly recommends itself. " . . " Margin pf profit may not be so large to the dealer as in some other goods, there is something in feeling you have givea your customer full value. "That your trade is increasing." ' Our .goods are made in various grades to suit crops usually grown 'in' your section. You can rest assured each grade is best that can be had for money. We believe in long , run quality is bound to count, though we do not make quite as good profit. . Call to see our Sales Agent in your section, and if none near you write direct to the NEW BERN COTTON OIL & FERTILIZER MILLS NEW BERN', N. C. , ' 20 YEARS IN PEN. Murderer Matthews Found Guilty of Murder Is Second Degree. Special to Journal. ' Greensboro, March 9. The famous murder case of Dr. Matthews was end ed this morning when the jury cantie in and announced the verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree. The counsel for defense mad? a motion for a new trial which was over ruled by Judge Furguson. Motion "for arrest of judgment was then made which was also denied. 1 , : The counsel for. the defense stated that had a verdict of not guilty been rendered Matthews would have been committed to a sanitarium, stating that the logical place for such' as he would be where he could receive scientific treatment, not ordinarily given in State prisons, even under these circum stances. . " ; - , i:- Judge Bynum acting for Solicitor Crooks, prayed judgment at which request Judge Furguson sentenced Matthews to twenty years of hard labor in the pqnitentiary The "prisoner did not show any emotion either when the result of the jury was announced or when the judge passed sentence. " An appeal was taken from the judg ment and thirty days were allowed for perfecting the same. "Mrs. Wiggs" at Goldsboro. v Account performance "Mrs. ; Wipgs of the Cabbage Patch," Goldsboro, March 15th, 1906, the A. & N. C R. R. will sell round-trip tickets at the fol-, lowing rates : From LaGrange 30c; Kinston 65c; Dover 75c; New Bern ?1.25V Morehead City $2.00; Beaufort $2.25. 1 Rates from all other agency stations in ' proportion. Tickets will be sold March 15th, 1906 with limit New Bern and ; points West March-15th, points East of New Bern March 16th. j " Parlor car Wance" will be operated New Bern to' Gol&boro, train No 4 Match 15th, and special train with par lor car "Vance" attached, will be op erated Goldsboro to New Bern immedi ately after conclusion f performance for convenience of returning passen gers., v-f ,v ', .-'I'.-'-fK For further information and parlor car reservations apply to the agent of A. & N. C. Co. i Mrs. Nannie Langhorne Shaw has an nounced her engagement to Waldorf Astor, son of William Waldrof Astpr, of London. Kept the I.rttera, "I learned the pinie of love once," sip-hod the young mini in Vie blue waistcoat. "So 7" asked his chum. . "Yes; through a school of correspond ence. I took teu lessons." "Ami did you realize anything?" "Only that I wns a lobster. She kept the letters and sued me for breach of promise." Detroit Tribune., - Dcflnlnqr HI Honrs. Patience A Judge In Clevelund. O., has decided that 11 o'clock Is late enough for any man to sit up with bis best girl. Patrice That, of course. Is outside of the two hours allowed blm to say goodby at the door. Yonkers States man. ' Strennona Slsha. Eva Do you remember when you passed us In the automobile?. Well, two minutes after that Jack proposed. Edna Yes, heard the machine go ing "cbug-cuu'j." . ' , Eva The nwchlneV Gracious! That was Jack sighing! Chlcngo News. . Rebuke or Encouragement. "lie kissed her on the forehead. The proud beauty drew herself up to her full helRht." "And then?" "He couldn't reach any higher than her lips, of course." Louisville Cou rier Journal. - The Poor Bard. She looked n little sadly around the poet's bleak, bare attic. , i. . A nice enough room," Bhe said, "but how do you heat It?" . "Well, wbea It gets too cold." said he. 'I llrfht a match." New OrleaPB Times Democrat . . kJ A J ones, Livery, Feed, Wale and Exchange STABLE Largest and finest stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for sale'in New Bera A car load of each just in. Alio a complete line of Buggies, Wagons, -SHarneas, Robes, Whips, Cart Wheels, Etc . 7mjm JOlES, HPxoprlGtox Broad Street, New Bern, N. C. , New Stock Horses Arrived. Promoted to Special Gauger Raleigh, March, 9.-W. A. Stancill has been promoted from the position of store keeper and gauger to that of spe cial gauger, effective today. It is not yet known whether this work will be through the Raleigh, or Greensboro, office. J. JLJenny of Wake county succeeds Mr. Stancill. ; ! . No pill is as pleasant and positive a DeWitt'a Little Early Risers. - These Famous Little Pills are bo mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills sold. . Never gripe. Sold by F. S. Duffy. The President has decided to appoint Col. John W. Bubb a brigadier-general deferring the appointment of Captain Pershing. t , - ,' Death Rate In New York And Chicago During November and December, 1003, one fifth of the di aths in New York and Claciii'o wore from pneu monia. Foley's Honey and Tar not on!yH!o'S tl.e cou;,h but heals anil I ,,...;.;( jj(.,.f) the lur.f.s and prevents 1 in ,i i!ni,: i, fu (' riiit t. ue chances on a c M v ' r n:y Foley's V t you quickly I A Bargain. "IIow would- you like for me to be your big brother?" asked the kid's sis ter's suitor. " "Aw. g'wan!" said the kid. "If you ain't got the nerve to ask 'or I'll do It 1 fer ye fer a quarter." Indianapolis j Star. . .'..-...,. , ' i The Only Hope. "Of course slie's not a pretty baby now. Our only hope is that as she gets older she'll grow handsomer." "Yes. I guess there's nothing for you to do Iwt believe In 'age before beau- j ty.' "Philadelphia Ledger. - j I) -" u-x ' rrt ,.ii, nVrf tuft" - i..tMt We have just received a fine lot of horses suitable for farm work or dri ving, which we wil sell at reasonable priced. ; We have also a full line of Wagons Buggies, Harness, and everything usually kept in an up-to-date stable , We will make Terms Righ Scus. ' ... :' C II Dllfiuitl I CO., 66 Broad St New Bern, II C TO ALL IU UN A Little Sound Advice Will Help Many a Sufferer in New Bern No woman can be healthy and well if the kidneys are sick. Poisons that pass off in the urine when the kidneys are well are retained in the body when the kidneys are sick. Kidneys and blad der get inflamed and swollen, crowding the delicate female organs nearby and sometimes displacing them. This is the true . cause of many bearing-down pains, lameness, backache, sideache, etc. Uric poisoning also causes . head aches dizzy spells, languor,' nervous ness and rheumatic pain. When suffering so, try Doan's Kid ney Pills, the remedy that cures sick kidneys. You .will get better as the kidneys get better, and health will re turn when the kidneys are welL Let a New Bern woman tell you about Doan's Kidney Pills. ' . .. ..... Mrs. N. Vincent, widow, living at 103 Craven street, says: f'Doan's Kidney Pills have been very beneficial tome. They certainly relieved me of very disagreeable pains in my back from which I suffered for a long time. I obtained them at Bradham's Phar macy and I must say they proved to be a good remedy in my case." . .- For tale by all dealers. Price 50 eta. a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name Doan's, and take no other. 7cm, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Itch, Ring Worm, Herpes, Barber Itch. All of these diseases are attended by intenso itching, which is almost in stantly relieved by applying Chamber bcrhiin's Salve and by its continued use a permanent cure may be cfToctcd. It hu in fact, cured ninny c:u s that had j resisted all olhcr treatment, l'iv'0 5 i i per l ox. r r ' 1 y I'.tvJa -y i,i " ' " '. READY FOR BUSINESS ! : : We are now properly installed with a new . st6ck o: Dry Goods and Millinery at our New ; Store, No. 97 Middle St., where we wish to see our ; friends for anything they may need in those lines. I . At our old stand No. 89 Middle St., we are ; showing a beautiful line of Clothing and Men's ; Furnishings and are up-to-date stock of Mens and Ladies Shoes and Oxfords in all the latest toes. ; .. - '. :.:.. Respectfully, THE WOOTEN STUDIO Platinum Sepia Portrci LATEST THING IN PHOTOGRAHIY Special Atteotion Given to Finishing: Amateur 7orli BAYARD WOOT'-: ROYALL & ECrXEU FELT M AXZ :C Just Received another lot of thc:3 fir.: I tresses, You will find solid conifort in cr them. Humphrey's Sectional Cook -Or r, :' - in Picture Mouldings; Braes 1'!: : f Curtains. - " ii

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