1 .-' I - fi .11- - H n-n-J rir .VOL. XXVIII.--N0. 102. NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY; MARCH 30 1906.---SECOND SECTION. '28th YEAR CCL F. A. OLDS AFFLICTED Btath 4 Hit Son DoujjUi Mar Stvtral Wttk Mu CauHd by Tuutrcalotli. (Special Correspondence). Raleigh, March ' 8. Douglas Olds, tat second ion of Col. Fred A. Olds, of thia city died early this morning at Southern Pines, where the ymtng suf ferer was taken Sunday afternoon Death was scarcely - unexpected . a tuberculosis with its clutches had. been tapping the vitals of the fine young fellow, who bore promise of so much, and wat so universally beloved. Mr. Olds was IS years old this month. He Lad, for about twoyearsbeen a resident of Waco. Tex., where bis home was with hi brother, Fred Olds, Jr., CoL Old bad spent ae viral weeks with bis son, having taken him to the x treme western part ot that State hop ing for benefit and recuparation. The dread illness was on'y of short duration The remains were brought to Raeigh this morning and the 'interment wil take place here. (The sad bereavement of Colonel Olds flods responsive chord of sorrow from his friends throughout this State. In this city, where Col. Olds has rela ' tiv and friends, sympathy is extend ed him, and his sorrow, is theirs. " It is grief to which words can do little to assuage, but the sympathy extended CoL Olds is one from the heart of his hundred of friends. fiditor.) . Ladies Bible Class - ' ..... . . . '".(" Part of the lecture was omitted in publication through oversight and is here given to be added to lecture 11. Question 12. Because of this hostility where did he go, what did he do, and how long did he stay t Sec. 61, note 90. 14- Meaning of Mt'16, 18, 19. - 15. What prophecy did Christ make ? gee. 66. j.'V,.. 16. Relate the incidents and give place of transfiguration?.. Sec. 66. 17. Whit of the demoniac boy t Sec 67.- .::,:-. Vnted to Buy All Kinds of -. . Southern Fruits and Vegetables for CASH or will handle on consignment. ' Let me know your prices . on, what you have of will have. ' Commission Merchant 29 York St., Utica, N.'.Y. tti ot Stcra u:3, I have put chased the stock of gener al merchandise owned by Geo. S. Wil cox, (deceased) at Bel lair, N. C. and will continue the business at the same place.' Mia Lottie Wi'otfx will man age the business with the assistance of Daniel Lane Jr. . - We expect to carry a full line of General Merchandise an 1 sell at New Bern prices. ' " W will thank alt formar patr ns t continue with ns. , -. , Very' Truly,' '- , GUY P. LAVE. A S!cre i?A let in Orienta ' I tl C.J A Lot 65x100 feet, and . Store 22x60 fet with Shed 12x40 feet. For infor mation apply to . ; , ;'. v ; J. W. JORDAN, Oriental, N. C. Li jJu Tcr czzh or on lim r.D ten II P cnrrlnn c;i3 IS II I" engine, ro t 'r;i tubular boiler; c i .' .) Pratt Ciin lecder and c. a r. Reasons f r r - III:: 7.1nt to put : l.ir;;cr r.ir,cliincry. IE C.FIICI GITY District Police Force Exptrt Fistoi ; Shots . . Usclt San't Sklllsd Gun Maktr. President 1 Roettvsli to Deliver Lscturt.' Italy Want This Ceuntry to Exhibit . " . At Milan, i Salt Havant ifO For WIW Fowl. (Special Cumiipondcnc. "' The members of the police tores have taken up target practice on the new range established ot the armory of the II luutemeu through the -courtesy of Colonel M. A. Winter of that organisa tion. r: -i.--.. .; The Initial practice was had by the captains and lieutenants, and thia will be followed by the sergeants' and pri vates' practice. - The major and super intendent of police properly maintains that an officer of the law who carries a 'weapon should know how to use it The police revolver team enjoys a splendid reputation for accuracy in shooting and defeated the Citizen' Re volver association in several matches. The major and superintendent to con sidered a good shot with rifle ana re volver and fully appreciates the value attaching to members being ' good marksmen. : No doubt some Interesting competitions will follow when the po lice practice is again fully under way. White Hoih WMla front MV A map of the floral arrangement at the Longworth-Koosevelt wedding; ac counting for the disposition of the dec orations and, the kind of flower used, has been made by the superintendent of public buildings and grounds. , It has long been a custom to keep an of ficial record of functions at the White House, and lu every' instance back to the Van Bureu administration a map has been made.' - - Uncle Baa's Uaa Paeterr. The effectiveness of . government made ordnance Is universally conced ed to be without peer. The "man be hind the gun" lu the American navy has been heralded abroad as the great est gunner of the world, but little Is heard of the skilLof the humble me chanics in the gun factory who have brought to this high degree of efficien cy not only the gun, but the manner of directing It upon a foe.i J , -s-., .'While It ia true that the government has entered into contracts-with various steel works for the manufacture of ordnance, yet In every--case the ine chuntcs of these -steel companies are compelled to visit the Washington gun factory and there1 learn under the tu telage of the skilled mechanics the In tricacies of ordnance1 construction. , V Exrt llechanlea. . ' Many of the Improvements in the sighting device and the machinery br which uns weighing many tons are easily manipulated 1 by one hand were made by the mechanics in the gun fac to 17, lu tact so perfect is the sighting nibi hrtalsm that It Is only necessary for the gunner to put the cross wire In line with the object to be hit and pull' the trigger.- With known distance and a given wlndago, the regulating devices will provide for accuracy. Here again mechanics drawing 1.-12 a day are re quired to "instruct naval gunners, of higher salary, In. the mysteries of the sights and mechanism of the guns. - With a loir; Hue of achievement behind them, the skilled mechanics of the navy yard have nnlt nl cougresa for an Increase lu paj1 that will place them on a par with the mechanics of other navy yards and private esta' llshments. " Preaideat ito Give a Leolara. When' ex-Representative Tucker of Virginia, now presklenf of the James town Exposition company," was abroad a few months ao In the Interest of the exposition King Edward of Eng land gave him a tine Bible for pres entation to old Bruton pnrls'j church at Williamsburg, Vs., the successor to the old original church at Jamestown. When Mr. Tucker was at the White House the other day talking with the president about the Jamestown exposi tion and mentioned this gift of King Edward the president said he would be pleased to give the church a lecturu upon which the Bible shall rest, and Mr. Tucker told the president nothing would please the congregation of the church more tlian this. i f 1 , , - ' Tha Siilaa Exaaaltloa. .Peter do 11. Uoual of Bun Francisco, who Is In charge of the California ex hibit which, will he sent to the Milan exposition, was a recent visitor at the White House. Mr. Rossi is In Wash ington trying to get congress to make an appropriation of $40,000 for a na tional exhibition at the exposition, which Is a couimemor&tlou of the open ing of the great Bluiplon tuuncl which bores through the Alps, connecting Italy and Switzerland. It will be open ed for tra flic Juno 1. . 1 Beginning April IS the people of Milan will celebrate this great achieve ment. All the nations of Europe will be represented. The promoters of the exposition nro going to reproduce Mount Vernon, tlio home of George Washington. Inasmuch as many of the western states will be represented Mr. lioKsl thinks the national govern ment should also have an eihlblt. liavea rot Wild Fowl. Wild fowl will find the District of Co lumbia a safe place to make their per manent home when the movement to stop hunting 1ms been accompli,, It Las le'n mn !!,.,) 1 r t v 1 a an 1 (!; civ: . 1 It 1. y 1 1 I 1 I ' ' W ul .iv' a i t 1 1 . ' r 1 t U - i, ' to V 1 ES ID ! Marshal Millikan ,Maks Changs Notabls Hit Diparhnint and Savss fiovarnmtnt Thousand Annually, tliputiss MltbA Salarlsi. No lacsstlvt to Hatch Up Cam for Proiacutloa . at Usdir Kartkal , v (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, March 28. When Uni ted States James M. the oath of office next Millikan takeslcree ?f, difh8rg Monday, Apri 2nd, he will begin his third term bv:' Z ' . " " " ,.,.-". having succeeded from experience of."'"" , Z " " r "!r the practical workings of the present , V system of appointing deputy marshals ton'. W'nfn' Sprinkles attor in securing from the department at;"8 RyMmJ'- r Washington. a diatinct reform in that U , o R department of the revenue service inf R' v. lie. Sprinkle has been kia Hiatfinl' An that. dv in rtlaAA nf about forty deputy marshals scattered all over the district getting nothing ex ... -.v. m.w - b "a a " cept the occasional fees for service process, there will be sworn in, as reg " " ular deputies all his own selection, four- teen deputies, at salaries ranging from r . . $600 to S1.000 per year, according tothe;tha he wantedt 0 l" territory covered by them, Each one of these deputies will be re quired to report to the marshal in writ ing every day, and .will be directly re sponsible to the marshal for the proper discharge of duty. The lopping off of twenty or thirty party heelers, and substituting therefrom responsible men though ' partisans it , is thought, will greatly improve the service and save the government at least $20,000 a year in costs of prosecuting frivolous or malici ous caxes besides saving many people much irritation, r . expense and annoy - Another reformatory effect wi'l be to place the deputy marshals r.iywf the . ... t control 01 the deputy collectors ani in tirely . in the control of the judiciary branch of the service. ' Under the old -tystem,' where deputy marshals only tret fees, their remuneration depended entirely on the good will of the deputy collector. The recent ' revenue trials here showed conclusively what source of corruption this Was. A similar anomaly yet obtains in the internal rev enue service, where store keeper and iguager ia absolutely, dependant upon the distiller , he is supposed to Snitch for his employment. Under the new system of deputy marshals, these. men have no incentive to hatch up friviloua cases before Uni ted States Commissioners to get fees. Neither will they be subject to corrup tion from those deputy collectors dis posed to be dishonest by failing to re port Violations or giving false or care less certificats and jurats for pay or ac commodation. Their being required to make daily reports direct to the mar shal Will also practically eliminate the United States Commissioners, so far as revenue case are concerned as viola tions of lawK being daily reported to the marshal as the central head, - the practical effect will be that almost all the cases, where prosecutions are de cided upon, will go direct before the grand jury. ,-'; v ; "'Country Market. Smoked Sausage at Oaks .The National Magazine (or April. "Gbtham in GolderChains" is the title of a remarkable article byJohn Coulter in the National Magazine for April. He shows how the Ryan-Bel-mont-Rothschild-Morgan gang ha got New York City by the throat, and out 'ines ks plan to. float a' street-railway combine with a capital mostly water second in size to that ' of the United States Steel Company. ' ' The same magazine contains three striking -character studies of famous men:"Joaquin Miller at the, heights," a beautifully poetic essay by Charles Warren Stoddard; "Fighting Joe Wheeler," by W. F. Melton, and "A Day With Marquis I to," the formost statesman of Asia, by Yone Noguchi. Congressman John F. Lacy of Iowa writes about the earliest automobiles, in 1837, when it was thought the steam automobile would force the ateam rail ways, than in their infancy, out of busi nesa' Joe Mitchell Chappies "Affairs at Washington," Gilson Willeta" "Adven tures of a Special Cor reap ndent" and Frank Putnam's "Note and comment" afford fresh and breezy glimpse of cur rent life in many landi, both in text and pictures. The Homo department as usual abounds in helpful hints for home-makers. There are many pic tures. Elki Elect Clcori At the rgulr meering of the Elks Tupudfty night the following, officers were electH for ennuing year : E. V. i:. l. W, Hancock. -Wm. !"!;. ic. i;. i.. i :. i.. i- I J0BEGi:i SEBTBXE Sprinkle Convicted of '. Oistilleiy Frauds to Atlanta,' Prlaonar Hid No Rtktarlns ol HI Can, ' Contract Awardtd lor Chsrck Building. Ir.iptctor of Building Elsctsd. Auoclatlon ol B. tiut L. Flno - ... . . -.- .... .. ; ''f s , ; Showing. ( ' ' 'f (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, March 29.-Ialhe UniUd States court this morning" final da- bankruptcy was ,., :J:i, vriti-rv iu t,ii? uuiiibrutini ai ntuilita P of fraa Xh Young and Angle of Rockinghnm,4sdiitlllers. v j A i , !; v JJ i , , . . . , , . . . . J SS'SiS 1' sentence and ret through with it. He came here Inst week and gave himself up, but his attorneys said; that it was important for his bankrupcy case to be terminated so re-imposing the Bentepce was deferred until next week when the regular term of Federal court begin!. In addition to the term' of imprison ment Judge Boyd fined Sprinkle one thousand dollars. :. His ; discharge in bankruptcy will act as a practical re mittance of the fine. ' ; Yesterday afternoon the building committee of the First Baptist church awarded the contract fur-erecting a n -w church on a lot recently purchased l" ueyuau ii r i 1 .. ..I. . i a . 1. 1 t. i i wesr warKei oireer meinoa.si wnurcn to inningham and Fries, ; contractors of Greensboro. The contract price is 1 $36,000. Work is to commence" April 15, the edifice to be completed by Jan- nary 1( 1907. ' I :' The city recently fcreate the office ' of bailding inspector, W. R. Pleasants, practical builder and contractor, was) elected to the position and this morning I the path jjf office was ;fadihnistered..! His duty will be, not only, to i inspect buildings under course of construction I to prevent chances of fire, but to make! examinations of all old buildings and report nre promoting delects in con struction of flues or other defects. : He will also inspect storage receptacles in buildings, and report as to the presence of inflamable material and rubbish in basements or attics of : mercantile es tablishments- " W,v . :;r.-; .; s At the th-d annual meeting last night of the Gate City Building & Loan Association the reports showed that last year the number of shares increas ed oyer one hundred per cent that 25 residences had been built, average $1, 000 each, that 20 loans had been made; that receipts for the year had been $24,000, that the associations assets are $38,000. - i - The most healthful, upbuilding medi cine known to science; gently soothes the liver and nerves, makes digestion easy, brings to all the sweet sleep of youth. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or tablets. Sold by F. S. Duffy ' , , - REV GEORGE WRULAND Rtitortd it Htallh by Vlnol in- Eortot It. Prominent men from all parts of tht country are endorsing Vino), and strong testimonial letters from four ministers of the gospel aud . several physicians have been received .within a week. Such unsolicited testimony as this is best proof of merit any medicine can have. " : "' The Rev. George W. Ruland of Keene N. H. writes; "I have used your cod liver oil preparation, Vinol, as a tonic, and I do not believe there.is any other medicino that can equal it. It built me up and strengthened me , when run down and overworked. Vinol has done for me more than was claimed fr it" "We honestly believe there is no oth er remedy or cod liver oil preparation known to medicine that has the healing strengthening power which Vinol has, and if it fails to create strength and health for run-down, debilitated people, old people, weak,' sickly women and children,, nursing mothers, and after a severe sickness, or if it fails to cure a hacking cough, chronic Cold, throat or bronchial trouble, or to to make those who are ton thin fat, rosy and healthy, we will return every cent paid us for it. Is there a sick, ailing or aged person . . r 1 . a . i . . i ... tniNew nern wno can auoru w inure this generous offer?" ' F S. Duffy Druggist. , Velvet Toilet Lotion CUreS Cliappcd Hands, Face and Lips; Sunburn or any rou- r:c 3Cf Zldn. Itl.Mvcatl : r:,:t 'v 1 It Las r.-i c 1. FAMILY REUNIONS Art You DMCtndant ol Ont ot tko Ismtt- town Planters. 5 Norfolk. Va., March 29. -Although Captain John Smith left no direct de . scenaants, there are a great many families itoth of England and United States who trace back to him in col lateral line. Among the ' moat distin guished of these is the Paden-Powell family, one of whose members is the noted General Powell, the her of Ma fekinjr. " ;'i;V I General Powell recently designed and c"T'e u,'sl hlch completed a bust of Captain Smith, in the rotunda of the capitol at Richmond next month. There are so many others of - these col- -.lateral Smiths, that a- Smith day will be a feature of the JAMESTOWN EX POSITION. If only Smiths attend it ia certain that enough of them can be gathered to break all : previous records at Exposition turnstiles, and if all the collateral branches of the Smith family should come it is likely that the full rosUr would include nine-tenths of our popnla'ion. ; ' V '-; -' :i; "! , However, only one Ol the Nmi.y days. The descendanU cf Smith Day is, however, only one of i uL-aiHuiiaB, ui wnctm mere are a great -e count, in Kentucky alone is i . . i . i . having 108 will also have their day; and the Wingfietds, the Byrds, the Vor rissfs and the Lees and several other families have each expressed a desire to have a special day set apart for family reunions. . In the south, family reunions have bet-n on the whole confined to immedi ate family connection's. : The. larger ramification extending to all branches of the family having a trace of the same blood is essentially New England in its origin, but, like many other of New England's good ideas, has been borrowed by other parts of the coun try. : -:V:. The - JAM42STOWN EXPOSITION offer8 , very appropriate occasion for . " 11 Virginia family gatherings; and the Virginians 1 have been Buch nomads dalinft the three centupiea of ita hig. tor that they nBve Settled in near)y everv Sllltfl in tn8 1IniDn A, . rnnM. Wence. ar y one of these family (rather jnB. i( we attended, is sure to brinir representatives from all of the Arari- ran commonwealths. - - The first test case under the Elkins law, forbidding rebates, is on trial in Pbila'delphiaT" 7": . ' ' ' ' , - OABTOllXA " Stm ,, Hn Kind Yob Haw Always Bought SigwUi Attacking the Quarantine Biil New' Orleans, March 29. "Texas against the whole South," is the opin ion heard on every side in Louisiana in expressing the the attitude of the Lone Star State against the Williams's Quarantine bill which is expected to reach vote in the house the latter part of next week and reprisals are hot re mote. The attempted blocking of a measure which means safety for the en tire South in the ' matter of yellow fever, tho it prove futile, will have it effect if the South is called on to nomi nate a Scutl.ern man either for the presidency or vice-presidency in 1908. Senator Bailey of Texas is among those mentioned as a "possibility, , and it ia safe to say the South will not have for gotten his endeavqr to throw her best interests when convention' bee are buzzing , for, as he and i majority of his colleagues ' have stood together against every other State in the South on the quarantine bill, they will not be apt to overlook it. Congressman Wil liams of Mississippi and Richardson of Alabama express confidence in the pas sage of the bill Texas to the contrary notwithstanding, and, as the mosquito dogma has superceded the former num erous vacillating theories, ofjellow fever transmission, so will sane and rational measure supercede the bar barous and childish shot-gun quaran tines of the past New Orleans, the scene of so much trouble and loss last year, is bouyant and confident this and with a watchful and truth-telling board of health, believes that the sum mer will pas without a visitation. - Unfortunate Johnstown Again Suffers Johnstown, Pa., March 28. The fire which broke out in the business section of this city shortly after midnight- was not under control until after day light, when it had burned itself out, af ter destroying four large business structures and causing a loss or more than $500,000. During the progress of the fire M. F Campbell, a .firemen, was caught under a falling wall and probably fatally injured. The disastrous fire at JohnBtown re calls the great flood which visited that city May 81, 1889, when as a result of heavy rains, the dam across South Fork, a branch of the Conemaugh ' river, 18 miles anope ina cicy, urae and the water runhed down the valley, w,lh 1 maugn anu eiiKumus -" uiiuikhhiij country, rropcrty valued at OiiO was ili'stroyed and the eai'.ai;: Uiis of life was 2,2r,5 persona. 'villi I : . I n - . , - , p i iv Absolutely Pure HAS JO SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phos phatic acid " A PROSPECT FOR A PARK A Tract ConUlnlng 200 Aero With Fin Natural Qualifications tht Silo - - ' Plans are being ' made which when put into execution will make what is now a partial wilderness blossom like i the rose. ' It will not only blossom but will teem with Lfe and energy. It is a scheme to convert a tract of land con sisting of 200 or more acres into a "park with all the attractions which that word implitp. The land lies just be yond James City and is two miles from New Bern!It la' the properly of Judge and Mrs. H. R. Bryan. 3. Council Brown is the agent in charge and has conceived this idea. The plan is. now to establish an electric line from this city to the park and with this in -view -a gentleman will visit New Bern within few days to investigate the matter. . ( , While the park proposition is only in jmbryo there ia another project which ia more tangible and that is the estab lishment of a large wood working plant fm trnjf nf lnn4 hmvfarinir nn lirif-p 'a Creek. This land also belongs to Judge - . , - ,- Bryan. Mr Brown has sold ten , acres to a northern syndicate who will within a few months put in a large wood working plant The persons interested in this plant represent enormous capi tal and will have one of the most com plete factories in the State. Mr. H H, Berry of New York is the name of the leading member of the enterprise but there are several who are associated with him, Mr.' Brown has auu plotted out lot for a town in the vicinity of the above mentioned factory site. The town has been named Columbia and colored peo ple are buying lots quite rapidly. West's Biggest Track Meet, Chicago, March 28.- The biggest in door athletic track . meet ever held in the West was begun last night at the Coliseum. .The. tournament, which is being held under the auspices of the new Illinois Athletic Club in the inter est of charity, has an entry list of 835 athletes, representing 80 colleges, grammar schools, high schools, athletic clubs and other institutions. All the preliminaries in the 18 event were de cided last night and the finals were run off tonight Loco ' '- ... ... . March 28. We ar having more rainy weather. Farmers are afraid their farm work planting, etc.. will be delayed if the their home in Atlanta. . weather continues so disagreeable, I ' Mises Mamie Jenkins of the Graded We not with regret that the condi- school of Wilmington and Miss Fanni tion of Elder Job Smith does not im-' Jenkins of Raleigh who came with prove. He is very feeble indeed. j their brother Capt Jenkins returned to Mr, and Mrs RollieCollins visited rel-their homes today, atives in Jonea county Sunday. . J ' Mr and Mrs H L Bee ton have lost aa Some of our people attended services infant babe who wa8 tendj i at Brick Kiln Sunday. - , M- Thev have our Miss Sidney Higgins who spent last" , Mrs J H Elliott and Miss Eva 11 week in Jones returned home Monday bt Bachelor, were visitor at Mr. Jai. afternopn. ; . t , ( R Bolls Tuesday. Some ot our boys attended services Rev F S Bocton of Jones Circuit at Piney Grove Sunday. - "Juanita." Ther is nothing wor? e than an of fensive breath. It comes from bad stomach and liver. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea cures all liver disorders and perfumes the breath. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by F. S. Duffy. High License In Ohio Columbus. Ohio. March 28. It is es timated that between 10,000 and lH.OOO men may be thrown out of employment by the enforcement of tlio Aiken Liq uor Tax law, whih mines the cost o2 the license from ?r,0 to $t,i .0 1 yenUnlny. according to one authority. '11 5,001) proprietors of the nn!.i :,t v i'.l :ls ii. Atl" (in v. iil - ! I,,,') he out of Other States After Oil ' St Louis, March 28. Attorney-General Hadley said to a correspondent in New York city shortly before the close of the Standard Oil hearing that -the facts - brought out by Missouri' ouster suit were sufficient to serve a the basis for similar proceeding in at least 25 other States. : , J Millinery Opening at Pollocksvillt Mrs. S. A. Hudson will have her mil linery opening Saturday, March 31st, You will find everything new and strict-" 'y up-to-date with prices to suit every- one. Mrs. Hudson has for twelve year been working faithfully to pleas her customers and now has a fin trad. Be sure and attend one and all. ; t Marlowe and N Harlowe . .,' March 29, For some unknown cause our last items have not appeared. ' " Mrs M E Bell whose health ha been ...nn t ... u 1. : u wuiiw ui luc y no u ivKft im agaiu a lit , tie better. " . , . Messis O G and Dan G Bell, W J Hales and Mrs W J Hales. Mr W Cherry and Misses Alberta Mann, May Swindell, Mira Davis andCorrinn Bell, accompanied by pastor Rev R N Wil lis of Morehead City, came oVer Mon day and participated in th burial of Mrs D Will Jenkins. ; - Mrs Dan G Bell after spending a few days with parents returned to her horn . - , " . ; Mrs John J Royal and Mia Lalla aes oi moreneaa wty. war war to attend the burial Monday. I Mr E D Haidesty left Monday for' ' ir i i y:. . j ; i mureiieau iuy iuuu surveying. The hearts of our people war sad-, dened greatly in the death last Satur- rinirin Atlanta (In . Mi-a.Tl Will Janlrma nee Miss Verena J D Bell, daughter of. the late Rufua W Bell Her remain ar rived at her old home last Monday ac companied by her bereaved husband,'' her sister' Mrs Dora B Williford and nn Pont R R WiHifvtivl anil hia ilonr-k. ter Miss Irena of the Normal of Greenl and the smaller children of her and Mrs Jenkin's loving daughter Lucy Bell and son Lubon and many other be- reaved friends. - Captains Jones and Nash of the South ern R R.,, staunch friends of Capt Jen kins, who came from Atlanta to sup port and , sustain and conduct the in- , terment of Mrs Morehead City Jenkins, returned to. Monday returning to passeu inruuK" our uerg lor ins iioiu this week. Mr Fred E Franklin and family cams in from Norfolk, V., Monday to a! 1 the buria'.. ' Mr Franklin left yestci- y for his homo leaving his family v, '. j will make a abort stay with Mis A F BelL Mrand Mrs J Wulter Pelletier a 1 i j Rudolph of Stella, who came tot ' ' the burial left for their home j day. Kew York Colt.ni i The fullowii 'St were V r i i -1 i 1 . ft:.. l . .) in s Iio pi 1 i ' r. r. i I .,! :v TD)rtOiTD) TCDiLDTnrnn v I