.8.M ubtmr 1 I 1 ) aXX' r f s r i No. J. NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. TUESDAY. APRIL" 3 1906.--FIRST SECTION. 2)th YEAR C r"1. . A' A III J i It V i ajl i r m i - j hi f j T1IBLE ITGIIO SCALP HUMOR , Cadly Affected With Sores and Crusts Extended Down Behind the Ears Some ; Years Later Painful and Itching Pustules Broke Out on Lower Part of Body Son Also Affected. A TRIPLE CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "About ten years ago my scalp be came badly affected with sore ajid itching humors, crusts, etc., and extend ing down behind the ears. My hair - came out in places also, J was greatly troubled; understood it was eczema, : Tried various remedies, so called, with t out effect." Saw your Cuticura adver tisement, and got them at once. Ap plied them- as to directions, etc., 'and after two weeks, 1 think, of use, waa dear as a whistle. -; "I have to state also that late last , fall, October and November. 1904, I Was suddenly afflicted with a bad erup tion, painful and itching pustules over the lower part of the body. I suffered dreadfully. In two months, under the. skilful treatment of my doctor, con joined with Cuticura Soap and Cuticura . Ointment, I found myself cured. 'Six years ago my son was laid up with a severe cold, a liard cough, and ; finally painful eruption all over the ; body. I procured the Cuticura Remedies . as soon as possible, and after his faith ful use of same was as well as ever in ' two weeks, as well as I con recall. ' lie has never had a return of the illness, as far as I know. - "I have always been pleased to com , mend tho Cuticura Remedies, and testify . as to their efficacy. J am a veteran of ' the late Civil War,'01-'05, between seventy and eighty years of agev Yours truly, H. M. F. Weiss, Rosemond, Christian Co., 111., Aug. 31, 1905." , Complrtt Eiturntl md Intertill Trettmcnl tor tnn Buniur.frotn Nnmlttto Hrrofiila, from lnfonr to Ag, on.litlul ol Curfmr. Hiup.&c., Ointment, R,lV cut, Joo. (lu form ol Chorolate CKII rtlle, Sic. per fw,maykchftdoflltlruyirUts. A tinte let often cures UMmofdiilreMtnKeAwewurHKtteteflta. futterlimt .tlieiD.l'iTi.,.t.,Iol'rupi,r)o.i,Hin. mr Welled free, "It. w to Cure r -terns," ud "All About UabkiagllcalpgUuda, ami Haii." , , Wanted to Buy .All Kiuds of V Southern FruUs and Vegetables for OAS H or will handle on consignment, Let me know your prices on what you have or will have. Stp!ien s IVhtttoii, Jr., Commission Merchant 29 York St., Utica, Y. Dlice ot Store Purchase. I have pui chased the Rtork of gener al merchandise owned by Geo. S.. Wil- cox, (deceased) at Gelluir, N. C. and will continue tho busin s at the same place. Mias Lottie Wi'cox will man-. age the business, with the aseistance! pt Daniel Lane'Jr. . ' I ' W) expect to carry a full line of General Merchandise an l ie at New Bern prices. . We will thank all former patrons to continue with us, - ( Very Trub,- ' ' ,' ! GUY 8. LANE. A St:re ni kin Cot Fcr S A Lot 65x100 feet, and Store 22x60 feet with Shed 12x10 feet. For infor : mation apply to ; J. W. JORPAN, . Oriental, N. C, rcrSalo Tct czzh or on litzia ten 1 r T J.4t I' enino, IS II V enim ro- r:i tubular boiler! Z") z:x7 Pratt tiui ic:;dcr raid -. - r r r- : : :xvr:it to put I 4 FAST HFFTOI'Tn IIIWI lllllll- 111 1 IIIIIIIWII A Stirring Factor In Greensboro and HlghlPolnt. Congrtumtn Kltchln and Pigs Oppett ths : .Appropriation. Negro Enjoj Bank.. Sola it Night. SUt Normal SocUtUt to Glv Ftlval , - - Conetrt. Gr'ut Hunt- '. ' '. " '( ,' lag PrtMtv. yr .-' " (Special Correspondence.) 1 '., Greensboro, March 3L--At a meeting f th- r h.mi, nf rmm nf J boro lui-t mrnth . resolution requesting fU MortV. r,nl!r, tnomhor. f Pnn. gress .to vote for ,' the southern last mail appropriation was adopted. Copius of this resolution were forwarded to each member. Replies either express ing regret at inability to comply with the request or a simple acknowledge ment of receipt of the resolution were received f rorrj the Senators and Repre sentatives, k It is understood that among the noncommittal members were Congressmen Webb, Rlackbnrn, Gud- gerj Fugh, iand j Patterson. Of the others several stated plainly they could not support the "subsidy." It was said tha. two. of the most emphatic int opposition were letters from Congress men W. W. Kitchin and Robert N. Pagel - Contrary - to custom, but evi dently : for prudential ' reasons, the Chamber of Commerce thought best not to give out the correspondence for publication.. In view of agitation in the district against Congressman Kitchin, coming just at the time the subsidy was to be voted on, a friend of his here wrote for a copy of his reply to the Chamber of Commerce resolution, receiving not only that, but also from Congressman Page, a copy of the reply sent by him. In enclosing his "copy" Mr. Kitcmn wrote that, since the adoption of the Greensboro resolutions', and rr.y reply I have heard a great deal about them and hovr. they are adopted. "The High Point people, judging from my corres pondence are most aroused over the matter, but so great is my faith in the justice and candor of theapeop'e, I expect the feeling there.certainly among Democrats, to be unanimous in my fa vor after they understand the facts,asl think they will when roy speech on the bill reaches them," There is such misin formation and . great lack of informs;, tion about it all along' the 'Southern Railway as well as elsewhere. " It is reported here that Congressman Small, who at first was disposed to vote against the subsidy in accordance with his previous votes,' has been converted and will now vote for it, Jnaeph Jones, the janitor of the City National Bank building was discharged from 'his position this morning for good cause. Last night two negro men, Herbert Harrison and James Leath, hjre found by the policemen asleep on T . m a. m : it.. L..:t.i:. Lne Bonus ui lwu titiiura hi iiib uuiimug. They were arrested and locked up on a. charge of trespass. ' This morning they declared that they had been using the offices while the owners were out during, the night as . V e'r sleeping apartments and did fj ai guests on in vitation of the janiior. . . 'f . - The State Normnl and Industrial Col lege han received aa a donation from the Stratown Nursery t'ompnny of New 1 P tVirMirrri A f! KhiifAr1 nnA . IUH, . . V., f ' .t.w.w.w, hundred evergreens of 'the Norway Spruce variety. They have beeu set out on college avenue and will add to the attractiveness of the college grounds, On next Friday Anrll 6Lh, the Cor nelian and Adelphia Societies of the State Normal and Industrial College will celebrate the completion of their halls with a great festival concert. The program just prepared contains by actual count one hundred and seventy- five singers and players in this, the greatest musical event ever given by home talent exclusively in this city. Last month Gen. John Gill, of Balti more and associates purchased a large track of land near Manchester in Cum' berland county lor hunting preserves I and will erect)' therein a magnificent loage, rie arriveu nere yetiteruny uttu with Sheriff Jordon went to Fayette- ville to select a site for the building, Do Your eest. I The Journal is always interested in the growth and cultivation of vegeta i Lies and dfairc to &I10 n to the world that ihiri i:i the giirdpnin'' apot of the wor'd. Wo winh to stimulate a rivnlry amon the farmors and develop a pride in riii-.ing the smaller vegetable.". Wilh thii end in view we make the following offers. VV will give a year's subscrip tion to I lie R.'mi-Weekly Journal forthe h.-hl. l, liu.jht-1 Irii'h potatoo.t, ti e bent liimhel a V' i t potntoe, the bent basket of the bi'st J hu.-tlt of corn, the 1 . t J bur.ln I of fit'UI peas, the best ) A i-i Moitths Bubi.rritition to the fi-iiii -Wei K!y Journal to the person rai.s'i : tie; t v ntr melon or pnmp fc in. A tl.reo tinnllis Fttliscription for i'.a f. It '.U-n 1 ! ' 1 nF.BSffl-SFSSIO IHVMh VVWIII UkUUIUIIU Moonshine Cases Will Demand Most Attention. Pottoffic RclpU Incrtit Twtnty , ' Cent. Prtildtnt Roouvtlt Good Enough Authority Slid Juror. :, Exclulv Republican Clrcl - ' - Will Ktf Out FriilwA. v (Special Correspondence. ) Per ' - . . .. . . . ureenaDoro, April Z.-Je regular, Cl I A - Af . IT..', 1 rti-A.- TI l:r,n,l"n,ul ",e ". o-""- u,a trct" C0" convened this morning ! There are manyTof the old time "moon shine" cases on the docket for Arial "" KUHea OOCKei lr Anal jTbwe ease a have accumukted, on nc- couiii, oi navinir ueen Bme-iracnen lor the last two terms of court for the big- . t .el i i. j r ger cases, in whieh olhcers have been on trial. The officers cases now being set for special terms, the little fellows will have a chance now of getting clear or getting it in the nei k. Saturday nntllifv nvrtlDnt hnrn nr1 fAocn In 1 nA . .. . .... , . ... coumy jan, lour diock aners wno have been in Surry jail awaiting trial. As this term will last only to Weeks, the trial of Congressman . Blackburn being scheduled for a speciat term be- ginning April 17lh, it is not expected that any of the civil caaei on the dock et will be reached. r v Assist ont jO'tmaRter Burton ar. nouncea that the receipts in the Greens boro postofiice for the firstquarter end' ing ; March 8 , are ?1 .61U.43. 000. The gain for the year ending! ' A crowd Kamen.f March 31, 1906 over the preceding year f baseball this afternoon here, between is nearly twenty per cent. . Wake Forest and A. & M. College re- An able lawyer here this morning miijng m to score of f.'ur to one in fa apeakingof the decision of Judge Hum- Vi,r of Wake Forest. " phrey in the beef packing cases that a r. , ,. , ' , ; , , . corppratlmight be guilty while the 1 1hi,,1iu9 Dockery took thfi of individuals composing it were not crimi- office as U, S. Marshal of this distrii't nally responsible as a iruiti r f Jn't'.. and announced R. W. Ward of New said it fully sustained he position tak- c rn'for office deputy, the a'piwinteo to " Z r "e.aer eT? VV Old Nick case here last fall. ; The jury , decided that .while the Old Nick did- tilling corporation was guilty of frauds against the government, the ofl-rs and agents were not. ; It was noted in this correspondfnee at the time that. one or the jurors bad said, nr return for criticism ..of their - verdict that . President Roo.evelt had given the i same decision in the . Morton rebate. case and he whs pretty good author--ity." . The news in the News & Observer yesterday that the postofflce inspectors are prepared j to report adversely , the character of , Prof. R Frazier created no surprise whatever here. It had been considered all along, but a new scheme to prejtfnt Frazier's break ing into the charmed and exclusive circle of federal officialdom. But there promises to be some fun ahead yet, over the matter if all reports" as to the . r next step to be taken by his friends sre true. Letter to Charles B Hill Dear Sir : A gallon saved is $4 or & earned. Two gallons s&iwd is $8 or. $I0earnecV Three gallons saved it (12 or $15 earned. Four . 'gallons saved i $16 , or $20 . $25 earned. ' Five gallons saved is '$20 or earned. - . . It costs 3 or $1 a gallon to paint, be sides the paint; as much to brush-on a gallon of worthless paint as Devoe. Mr. Ezra Rathmell, Williamsport, Pa , always used 11 gallons of mixed paint for his house; Devoe took 6. :, Yours truly, F. W. Devoe &Co. New York. Smallwood Sells Our 47 - P S- E W Paint. J. E, Latham & Co '1 Weekly Cotton Letter. Special to Journal: Greensbtfro, March 31. Ths net change in both the- future and spot markets, for the week, has been Very littlo. May closing -one point higher, and July nine points lower. The princi pal feature is the premium of May over July, which today is nine points. The visible supply figures for the week were bullish, and arrayed on the same side is the one speculator who usually car ries with him a very large following. This following has been 1-cking thus far. The weather the lust ' week haa been unfavorable, and we have from every section reports of delayed farm work, on account of too much rain. Our European advices have been of an unusually large trade being done at Mant'her.tor, and it is probable the consumption of cotton there will be larger than any estimate yet made. Tho demand for home mills is very limit. ! Jt'id i'i -inners me I etei'i t at c.nii't inns, and f - ni, wl.ii h J lev- ; f.-e-'1" V ' 1 t ii! a H- 'V I to buy, l.ler.i nre hoi.: r 1 , t. 1 i SHOT OFIF I UIIVI 1 1 1 II I w , r 1 and Fever .' .: ; j. . After a Periodical Spree Affliction Young Mia Highly Regarded. Supt. Joyner iuuti Till far Mitllna Cauntv 8uorln- tendent of Education. - Wke Foiett DefeaU A, & M. Col- ' - - - ' ' ' . : lege.' Offlcer Inettlled In : Marthal' Offlc. - M Special lo Journal. . . .- .. IUWigh, April 2.- Leon H. Weathers aged about thirty, resident of Ualek'h," shot himself through the head with sui- cMal .taunt, after ..periodical spree, .. . . . i and becauseof depression resulting Trom ... . . .Uh flv whn in!MmKisif.t.r ' - -- - -, . -T- 1 1 i where he was engaged in cotton bUBi. Physicians say ho cannot possi-, bly live. He leaves a w fe and other Stives in Raleigh. He had mad? vantage cl his wile s abRence from the i - ..... , , I , room to use his pistol, tod.ty. The young- man was highly regarded and raimhlA and '. fop vMra' AmMlovptl ! . f ft. . R' JnhnHtlin m. Company, here. ; . .j : Slato Superintendent of Instruction J. Y. Joyner has issued a call for the fif Jiannuul meeting of the State as- H.ici ition Of Cv Uilty superintendents of eilMlin in Rllleigh( June 16th John a Dockery. re-igned. . J ':; It t-nriches the blocd,atrengthen.H the ' nerves, makes every organ of the body strong and healihy. A great spring tonic. Holfiater'fl Rocky Mountain Tea. ; 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For Bale by S. Duffy. - ' " Braver Branch . April 2. Mrs Rachel Gaskins and daughter Bessie, returned from Wildwood ast week. They have been visiting rela- tives and mends, l ney reportea a nne : time; hope they will come again, Mr Eddie.Simpkins and Miss Nicie Vendrie was married a few days ago. I wish them a long and happy 'life, j . Miss Ella Inock was the guest of Miss rms; sSBpr Vp9ti-dav. ' ' I Un . Kllf i,ofl , ... . . .' : ahA will rAiAvpr in a ffw nnvn. Mr Bryan preached at Macedonia yes terday. Mrs Ebbie I pock wxi the guest of Mrs Rachel Gaskins yesterday. , j Mr Fred Gaskins and 'wife visited Mrs Mattie Anther Saturday night and Sunday in Hulls Neck. ' Mr Ernest Gaskins made a flying trip to Vanceboro a few days ago. Mr Raynor I pock, Misses Manda Bar raing and Ida Cay ton was the guest of Miss Sadie Sasser yesterday after noon. . t Black Eyes. Finest print butter, SO cents pound. CoaBt Line Market. per THEY COME AND CO. Mrs. Frank Haskins and son of Philadelphia is the guest of Mrs. S. M. Smith. ... Mrs. Charles Haynes of Raleigh is the guest of Mrs. Jas A. Bryan. Mrs. Jas H. Heritage and daughter, Ethel May, who have been the guests of Miss Sudie Collins left last night for Baltimore. Mr. and ,Vrr. Warren and children who have been the guests of Mrs. W. R. Guion have returned to their home in Snow Hill. i ' 'v' :r " Miss Annie Foy returned yesterday from a visit at Kinston. Mr. A D. Ward left yesterday to at- tend court at Trenton. , , , Rev. R. T. Vann returned yesterday to his home at Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Land of Oriental spent Sunday In the city. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Nieoll and chil dren returned last night from a few days sojourn at Lake Eliis. . . North Carolina hams and Norway Mackerel at Oaks Market " Kow York Ce'.toii Karket.' The following wore the optming and closing pi icoa on the New York Cotton F.irl.nr-;., O April 2 n i:,h L!7 11 07 7 11(7 Low 10 r.7 10 97 Clos-e 11. C! 10. 1 ). J SUPERFICIAL SENTIMENT. ! . . . v . . - see 1MICUIIIJ m v- . Emotion. . Euiiarflciiil eautlmeut is without vital bfiucuce. The eecret of power lies lu tho titouslry of emotion, but especially to lu pastry, art and literature. By no hocus poens con artlBU and writers r.aaiinntoiy oeiilot whut they do not feci. Thero should be a thermometer 4 t'f tftiinxsament as well as for teniper lituiv. l'eullnu and emotion have their ilagrci.v We are sereue when our fecl ; tneis are la the temiterate soue, ludig- mint V.-!tiM v.-e pass elshtj'-three. furi ous wlma we reach blood beat, mad at ImIHiip; potat. :Vheu feeling falls he low 50 wo become lndlffereot, and whou It reaches freezing point wo are hcaitk-to. An emotion thnt does not r.ttalj X'tj siventy-Bisth degree Is hard ly-worth recordiug,At summer heat lb- rarest flowers becin to lilonm nnd ,,.. ,.,...... f p ,3 the fot Kmlo j r.nd scientific observation, !t Is rc-ly. If ever, nroiicr for the hUest a ... . m hlevement luiny art. In the world of art Imagination and feeling nre not conVat with a serenity that touches lh. borders of indifference. The crea tive iiiKlluct Is never effective unless nt a t.vralu pitch of eniliunlitsiu. It Is l!r.' '-::. clear, brilliant current of ! llimi'Tl.t (hat electrifies the bruin. But an M;si In worthless unless we can find fl form touold t . , the work Idoiv: form and feeling appear to the bflholder as one. An electric bolt seems a cold thing, yet a strol of lightning v.'l'.l cousume more nt one flash than an o:liuary Ore would consume in an hour. Francis Grlersou In Critic. T ' GETTING THE NEWS. UcIUimI Adopted at the.Oatbreak of sis iue evoiutionrr war. lu 'cout.ru st to the workings of tho newspaper of the day and of the rap id transmission of tidlugs without the old of even a wire to guide the mes sage Is a document printed In the Berk shire Courier at the beginning of the Revolutionary war. '- But evidently peo ple were as eager then as now to hear the news. "For tho Purpose of getting Speedy and Certain Intelligence from the Army at Boston. Wo the Subscribers I hereby promlso and agree to Bide from J this town to Tyi'lngham or Sheffield by Turns so us to bring Inteligence from thence each Day (the Sabbath. ex f.mta!i nti1 to RanmH' thp sntriA nl 1Ua noilse of Mr. Joslah Smith-And In ct;a no re 'ulur method Is come Into for bringing the News to Said Tyrlng- ham vr promise to bear our" propor tionable iartof tho Expense In pro curing lutellsonce ,from Springfield twice Tin .-. each Week Witness our htnds this 3rd Day of May 1775." Folio wing this ncreenient is a list of day3, with tho names of the citizen who were to be riders. '-Jacob Van Dcusen, who agreed to be the first man "to ride to Tyrlngham or Sheffield, was to go for It on Moudny. May 8, and Mark Hopkins was to follow on Wednesday, tin service from that time on alternating, except as to tho Sab bath, which compallcd a no news In terval of two days In the week. 'SPEED OF INSECTS, A Common Home Fir Travel a IMUe In Thirty-three Secondn. -It is tho poiiuior belief that the flight of the birds i3 much swifter than that of the Ui3ect3, but a number of natural lit.? who liavo been making n study of the matter think that such Is not the A common house t!y, for example, is uot very r.iptd lu Its flight, bu its wlngV tnako MO beats a second ;aud send it through the nir twenty-flve feet, uadcri ordinary circumstances, in thai spuea of time. When the. Insect Is alarmed, however. It has been found that It can Increase Its rata of speed by over 100 feet per second.. If It could continue such rapid flight for a mile in a straight line, It would cover that dis tance in exactly thirty-three seconds. It 1.1 not nu; uncommon thing when traveling by rail In the summer time to see a bee or wasp keeping up with the train and trylug to get In ot ouc of the windows. A swallow Is cousldered one of the swiftest of flying birds, snd It was formerly thought that ;no Insect could escape it. - -. v A -naturalist,' however, told of an ex citing chase he saw between a swallow ouil a dragon fly, which Is among the swiftest , of insects. The Insect flew with Incredible speed and wheeled and dodged with such ase that the swal low, despite Its utmost efforts, com pletely failed to overtake It. The Water pitcher. The following simple method of keep- tnir lee water in a common Ditcher is wortn knowing: Put a layer of cotton batting between two sheets of wrap- Ping paper three Inches higher than j h PcUf sten th en?8 the I paper and batting together, forming a pagte a cover over ono end of the battinir and naper. ThlsNiover. . when over a pitcher, must Ante close to the stand and so excludo. the air, nnd Ice will keep a long time. This paper cover will be found of great scrvlco In a sickroom for both milk and water pitchers. Devotion. .That was a remarkable instance of devotion to which an Italian Journal referred some time ago, wherein a hus band on hor.rlng that his wife looked her bust lo mourning committed sui cKle thnt she might have on oppor tunity to wear It. London Queen. BitrranHo. Younff Dwtor lie Rt'cms to have ev ery confidence la my ability to save 1.' ii. Oi l Doctor Is bo delirious ca O ",er Ful.jci ti ni; o? Ju;' TWO MONDAY - k . - - r -. -v ; . We will seU Ladies Muslin Underwear at a. great reduction ' ' 1-3 Their Value ' Night Robes at 63c; 83c, 98c, $1.32 and 41.52. ' Skirts, 42c, 72c; 83c, $1.19 and $1.53. . . ... Corset Covers, 21c, 29c, 33c; 47c, 98c, $1.09. - Pants 27c, 31c, 46c. These garments are made of the best Lons dale, Cambric and English Long Cloth or : Nain sook. .. '' J M Mitchell Sc Co., PHONE 61 Pollock St., Opp. UAMAWtuaajiAtU4 Are You Thinking of Painting YOUR HOUSE THIS SPRING ? If so, you can get nothing batter than Heath and Milligan Paint Spreads better goes furthest. We guarantee it from us. Full supply Windows, Doors Right,. .. Gaskjll Hdw. & PHONE LnU P. L-We sell the J BautnSafe and safe i on the market. They succeeded in Si. Louis, 1904. - - We have them in stock, weighing Write for Catalogue and Prices. i J. lUKNEIM'URNITURE ON EASTFR SUNDAY Time-honored custom demands that you shall appear in your very best and newest attire, and this day above all others, when Resurrection music re minds you of tho reawaking of Nature, is the day to don the newest stylos in pring clothing that is made perfect in fit, elegant fabric and recherche in style by F. M. Chadwick. 'Younre sure to be correct in every detail when we make your Spring suit Furniture and Household . Goods. We desire to call your at tention to our complete line , of Furniture. Our stock is being increased daily by the best gooda on the market. GoCarts. i We ' have a new lot of ; baby carts in all styles at prices which will meet with approval.. DAYS TUESDAY 288 Episcopal Church AAAAi I to give satisfaction Get a color card and Blinds, Builders Hardware. Price) ' Mill Sup'y. Co, 147. . Iron Ckuss Judicially Esclird Villi '.. Extract from decisions of Supreme' Court in the case of Georgia Home In surance Co. aiain?.t Allen; - - ; "An Iron Safe Clause in a policy of Insurance requiring the assursa to keep a set of nooks and inventory of tha stock, which shall be kept iu an iron safe at night and at , other times when the store is not open fur business, is a valid condition and binding upon ths as sured, the breach of which will void tha policy unless it is waived by the insur er. . f . Lock Company's Safes, one of tha bast winning theTjiold Medal at World's Fair, from 475 lbs to 2,000 lbs. COMPANY, New Bern. N 0 Lumsden & Stith INSURANCE AGENCY. Strong Line of Fire Insurance Com- anies. All Business promptly attended to - ICE CREAM DAYS ARE COMING! We are prepared for them and can give you any flavor you want. We also have some toothsome Dain ties in Guth's Chocolates, and an Ele gant Lunch requisite Chicken Sand wiches. Cigirs and Tobacco all the time. Crescent Tobacco Company. W. D. Barrington MANAGER, mi m conc:i a 2 - FERTILIZER fV-LLS . MANUFACTURERS OP .new 11.

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