- i ... .". ,. : - - N i No. 3. NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. .7 TUESDAY APRIL 10 1906.-FIRST SECTION. X 29th YEAR. -5,1- ;yvy;y -v ' i-- yi-.' U 'i- Li, " 1 r v The Weekly J E Latham Cotton Letter - Special to Journal. , GreetiRboro, N. C, April 7 The week . just passed has been devoid of any par ticular feature and the future market closes with May 11.19 and July 11.15, this Is only fourpointa Ihigher than the cloge last Saturday, i . Interest in the market by outsidei is at low ebt, as witness the trading in New York yesterday is estimated at onlp 75,000 bales for the day. " ; Preparations for.Uhe next'erop are going forward as rapidly as the weath er and conditions of land will permit. but the outlook ia not as bright as it was three weeks ago. 1 .! A large acreage will be pitched; of ' this there Is no doubt but this does not necessarily mean a large crop will be gathered, and. it is this doubt that is causing nervousness in the fall op tions.":; ' V '-i. :-: l ''.-I-: ..rr A short while back it was popular ti sell October and December at anything above ten cents; but thia has proven sinceyery unpopular and expensive to those that indulge-as the buyers were large mills in New England and Europe that bought futures against sale of their manufactured product and they are not ' easily- frightened under these circumstances. - ' v. . . Gne other fact is very potent; and that ia; generally conceded that a crop ' of 12 million bales will be gathered next year to prevent higher prices than we have yet seen and we have never but once raised so large a crop and have no ' assurance that we will raise so large a crop this year. 1 The good grades of cotton are fast disappearing and present holders are 'Certain of getting a good price during , tlio remainder of the spring and sura imor, wit t favorable wealhei we look for no important decline and with bad waalher we predict rmnh higher pri ces. " j ' ' Wafited to Buy All Kinds of 'Southern Fruits and Vegetables tfor GASH Or Will handle On consignment, v Let me know your prices on what you Siave or will have. " , " SfeSeo.. Qilton, Jr., Commission Merchant 1 1 29 York St., Utica, N.'.Y. fM ot .: Stcre Purchase. I nave pui erased ine swck oi gener- . i " ral merchandise owned by Geo.: S. WH- .eox, (deceased) at Bellair, N. C. and -will continue the business at the same place, miss Lottie wi'cox wui man- iu mi irwnu, "' '" "m.-"" with the assistance of Daniel Lane ir . ; t ;' v , ': . $ We expect to carry fa ? full line f J Of 'General Merchandise and sell at New .Bern prices. " If , ' 1 We will thank all former patrons to continue with os. . .-k . A V i . Very Truly, ! ,x; ; guy s. lane. : H S:;;e i:i Let in Otail Fcr twi A Lot 65x100 feet, and Store 22x60 fet with Shed 12x40 feet' For infor- rmtion apply to J. W. JORDAN, I . Oriental, N. C. , For Sdo Tor cash or on i i m a i eo teu " r engine, 019 12 II l cngino, re turn tuliulai boiler; c:d CO cr.v7 I'ratt ia .Wih I::dcr and r . lin , 7 " to put !.r;::r machinery. : ' .ttociis r :: . r . : ; c. -y c NAPLES IN PANIC. Mount Vesuvius. Again Bicomts Furious In ,' v ' EruBtiM. - i ,A Naples, April 8. The hope that! Mount: Vvnvina un hutr,m.Trr pftlm irna iliooinotoH fnHau uihan thn vnlinnh became more active than ever. - v Tin ! ) enMi fat NanlM' ''Twn strong earthquake shocks which shattering the score, which was Sand 9 th.-y tered windows and cracked the walls of buildings, were experienced today. The entire population rushed to the streets in terror, many persons crying:' r; ' ;. ' "The Madonna baa forsaken us;- the end ofthe world has come." .1 j v No'trace remains of Boscotrecane, a commune on the Southerndecliyity of the mountains', where, up to forty-eight hours ago, ten thousand persons lived and Torre Annunziata, on the shores of the. Gulf of Naples, 'one mile to tEe southward, is almost surrounded by the invading lava and has been evacuated by its thirty thousand inhabitants. The people were brought to Naples by trains, atreet cars, military carts and steamships. v Similar means of transportation are being employed to bring away the peo ple from Torre Del Greco, The police andcarbiners are guarding the aban doned bouses, and several members of the government are also there. The telegram received from the Mayor pf San Sebastiano, a village near the ob servatory, on the northwest declivity of Vesuvius, says the lava ia approrching rapidly, and that the people are terror stricken. They have been for nights without sleep, he says are destitute and . beg- that assistance be given them. . - . . ; v .' Baby rambler roses in pots at War- ren's todays Drink Warren's Root Beer. Venolla ( : . , April 8th. t ? pretty weather : We are having very now. .. 'W .' .. I'.,.. Mr. John Cannon traded horses last Thursday. - . ' v Mr..T. S. Mann is getting ready to set out histobacco now.,,. : ' ' Miss Ina Uzzell was very ill last week . Mrs. . Dora Jons and Miss flattie Can non were the guests of Mr and Mrs E B Cannon last Wednesday evening.1 Miss Maddie Jones was the guest of Mrs. Mannie Jones last Monday even ing. j ; Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Cannon were the guests of Mrs. Bettie Mondrine last Sunday evening.. :j'::-4x;. Mrs. EfHe Jones was very ill last week, but we hope she will soon re cover, .. ,,. Mr. T. S. Mann planted his corn last Friday evening. Mr. Charlie Jones was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ; C. Gurld last Friday evening. ' . - V " ' Miss Nannie Garner waa the guest of Miss BettieMann Saturday. - lilua Eyes and Brown Eyes. Irgo Sago Tulms cheap, at ren's. .. - , War- Use Warren's extracts' Popularity of Comic Opera The reason or reasons for tha nresent popularity of the musical fuh show hichisa product of evolution' from 1 tlme grand opera md ot its off. Bpring-the comic opera -are not far to seek. ' rriraarilv.it x'j amuaae and satisfies that inhernnt love of music . wViIi-h in aVn hnrn in tha navscra hreant The old time grand opera waa "grand" Kideed; too much so tor the auerage mind to comprehend, while the secres of the modern fun play are mostly jing ling, tinnient and whiatlcable. . The Herald Square Opera Company's new musical comedy is one of those rare combinations in which the ingredient music, girls, bright-catchy tunes, rav ishing costumes and barrels of clean, wholesome inn are so blended as to produce the most pleasing effect- on ootn the eye ana the ear and ever since the company left New York last April, "A Trip to India" has never failed to please anyone of its mauy audiences. This well known organization will ap pear here next Monday and Tuesday, 1 April 16-17th and from the popularity they enjoyed in the past, will no doubt, be greetfd by. a large house. The ad- , va"ce ? er rcsem 8entlis T on; I Special bargain matinee, Tuesday af- tmoon. 7 ' You will find a fine assortment of ion' s at Warrens. Kollowing are the varit f if?, M;irtchal Niol, Helen Gould, Admiral r,i.l,li'y,rresiilcnt Carnot.Reine Maria llonriotte. Co' .ch THE SATURDAY BASE BALL GAME Playod at Norfolk Bttwnn U of N. C- sad . . Norfolk Uaguo. Close Scors snd - , Brilliant Wsys. :.-A ' Tkn Univeraity of North Carolina Kaao liiill tnum nlnun1 a lrt liner Jm ftt I Norfolk Saturday but they played well 1 ami with Mi oninat. thom. Consid- have nothing to be ashamed of. The work of John Patterson at ond base was exceedigly fine and at the bat healso Bhone gettimt-4tae hits nd run off from tha Norfolk titcher. n i ' .-t. u2iTr....iii i... VunouiK'iHni, intuier lur un. inmuw " . r was in great form and ho was great - bttM n Charles SwmdeU, assault, - The matter of closing up End street surprise to the Norfolk team who : monthi in jail: . was referred to Street and Pump Corn thought they had an eaW mark . Stt va Mary McNeil, alander, jnrtg- mittee. " ; ', The University boya feel encouraged went suspenjied on payment of eosu. -The question relative to 'allowing rather than depressed and think they . ; State to Moeea Sproill,-waattlt wifii hogs in certain parts of city was re have the strongest teem the University deadI wPon, two months to jail. , fcrred to License Committee with Al ever had." John Patterson has pitch! "Stot vn James Pay ton, aasaalt, fosr derroen McCarthy and Simpkins added, no irame vetaeheJa aufferin fia-moottoiiW?. i - 1 Upon motion Oitf Attorney Mclver lame arm. 41e will pitch aom ixbre tha season closes. ,. '" n to tiammatw, assault witu u pon motion Mayor ana Chairman ot ill .... y ,1-' deaAry weapon, .twenty dollars and Street and Pump Committee was em rPhone lW for you drue wants. sr- , powered to purchase pipe for us on m ',; j State to Moses Spruill, assault with Pollock street. ' , ' . r aa Improvemant Week at the Graded r. 1 . School. --" - ;. . . It' We are trying to make this week our spring cleaning .week-ami fixing up week." We want to clean up the build- picturea m each room, any of the rooms are fixing to have apecal cor ners"-one has a Shakespeare rner--. another a Longfellow eorner etc. We ' hope to get the pupils and the parents interested in thie matter and if we can , we will during the week inr prove very much tho interior or the. schools and rooms. s r v A wm with its waUs covered with letum which are both helpful and artistic has a refining influew-e on a . ehild-and a far better, influence than barren walls. ! . We hone anv" nirent wto fels dis posed will hid us in th3 wAs' wprk that will visit the school and and nee the work wo are' tryinz to do. . H. B. CRAVEN, f 'Superintendent. Best ice' cream at Warren's. Finest print butter, 80 "eni.H I pouhd. Coast Lino Market. Our Protracted Meeting at Bethlehem. April 9. ' Bethlehem Churr-h onOnalowf Circuit, has been greatly blessed by a series of revival meetings the past ten day?. Bro Geddie P. E.; called to his assis tance Bro. M. Bradshaw, our beloved P. E., and Bro, D. JDelotch, a worthy local preacher of Mt, Olive, N. C. Bro. Bradshaw remained with us two days, yet in that brief time he deeply stirred the hearts of the people, and set them thinking over , the problem of . their soul's salvation. , He has eminent gifts and qualifications that fit him for the ministry. - Affable and sociable in man ner, he draws tha people to him. Con secrated to his Master's cause, ardent and zealous, richly.; endowed mentally and spiritually, un orator with a ready and pie 'Hing vocabulary, ' he arms bis ornate words with Divine truth, cap turing both njind and heart of his hear ers. He makes an ideal P. E ' andhir District is prospering uuder his wise and gody' management, .T ". . Bro. Delotch remained with us a week and : wrought , a good work. ' With a 1 V ' II J 1 . - HAW 1. muraoereniy cuiu ar.u iiiuiiiurent, ana i the commmritv dissrusted with the! empty professions of church members, to warm them op, reclaim backsliders, and convict and convert sinners, seem ed at least discouraging. But with godly persistence, the congregations grew in numbers and interest from day to lay, the membership were happily reclaimed, sinners convicted, and at some ot, the meetings tne enure con-. gregation were kneeling at the alUr and elsewhere in the house asking for tha prayers of the church. ; ; The membership came back to God, and tinners were converted. Bethle hem needed just such a revival, and our people on all aides have been great ly bleit . Bro. Delotch will abidd in the grati tude of our people for his successful labors here. He has a happy gift of presenting God's ' word to the minds and hearts of his hearers. His man ner is sincere and earnest, his gesticu lation easy, never violent,' his voice even and persuasive, plain and unequi- vocal, never highly stressed, but pun - geant and convincing. Everybody rt grctted that the meeting could not con - a.: - . i is. il. ii tinue, for tt waa " "w Bva. nnrl a hrirht hnrtA t.n ftnkora May these, refreshings come often! and bless more and more every tlasa. J. W. SANDERS. New lot Easter cards just received at Whitehurst's. The cures t' at eUnd to ita credit e-3;uck) Si's Arnica Sulve a' sWon- ''jr.-!, THIRTEEN CONVICTED Tho Suporler Court Cmvmh ens' Don . Big First Day , , BurinoH. . ? The Superior Court began yesterday iuer me usual circumstances a; big "y attendance Of , negrOCS, iutge Benjamin Long presided and &f d tor - Moore conducted the etees and the trials were speedily tranaacjed and it is very much to the credit of lwtn fudge and Solicitor that the huaj- n08S W80 expeamousiy nanuie r te ""t able and eemprrhetMaTe chMEe W Knd jury the f oUoWing cases Were heard and adiuriued j 1 " S to Janiiea. Gardner, assault and u-iy, wsn ouiian ana cos. , deadly weapon, judgment suspOTdixloit' payraent of c08t8 ... t State vs Andrew -Hooks, carryinal concealed weapons, fifteen dojlat an . . , Statfl va w, Mav deadly weapon, judgment on pay taeai . vb A. A. Kirklaod, assault wkv m fiv(J BWlth, yd yj ; State va Wffl j hni9ltf Hix; hslnjaiK , : , R Hnitt firwn mni-ho irt . - - Stote v9 Uvciace nlt'twwrt- K - , . . , v u to jrtn,dMoiiwWWMS larce0y and the Judge aaid that he dis - Ub1lUt t. m in. , .. . . tK i,. had no authority toonte that th v,;j Ullf k , . . . 4. ' their parents anri recommend that they be suitably punished and that daa re port of such action should bo made to the court. The case of State va Carrawnn et al continued and defendants mviired to give .bond in the sum of $100 to the next term of court. In the ease of H. Smith vs Hishop Robert Strangetime was allowed un- til May for the defendant to file answer prnd-the plaintiff waa given until May. 7 in which to make reply. " ; There were no true bills hahded in for illicit liquor selling, the work of the grand jury not having progressed that far. Bills will be presented today, Have your prescriptions filled at Warren's.- . Durhams Creek April 9th. : . quite ideal for The weather ia fmo, gardening. The so-called smallpox patients here are all improving. v Mr. Barney Cay ton, A. P. Ciyton, and G, G. White made a business trip to New Bern Friday. . - ' Mr. Elex Cuthrell departed this life Wednesday evening, lie leaves a wife and several children to mourn his itm.. The Charitable Brotherhood will give - their annual banquet next Friday night! at Edward. Those who attend may ex neet m nleasant evening. Mrs Ellen Keel has returned to her home near Bayboro. We would be pleased to see more items from Ortental and Arapahoe. Mr. T. R. Tunatall'a school at Core Point closed today. We will all be pleased to have him home again. C G. S. ; Goes to Other Labors v Special to Journal. , ' ,. Raleigh, April 7. It is announced Professor C. Brukett who for five years has been associated with the A. and M, College Raleigh, will leave May 29th to accept a position in the University ot Ohio. The matter has been under ad visement many montha and ft, waa thought he would be retained here. Many students presented petitions ask ing retention in present capacity.' . Two Sunday Addresses Special to Journal. Raleigh, N. C, April ?. Governor Glenn left this afternoon for Concord ' and tomorrow will deliver two ad- dresses, morning and night, one on'tioaas to challenge the' admiration It ' t-mnerance. Ha will return to Ralelch' the iwdicat profession. Such is Hoi- j w i .1... Monday morning. A Nautical Tug of War. , An exciting and novel contM of sneed and strenirth was witnessed on liuiib iiTci a mini b vc nyyfm launch Dixie owned by J. F. Smith and under the mp,r'"Toment of Linus Sutton1 was en;rnfd race with the! launch "Knox" owned by L. 11. Cor- nT. The I i 1 : Board Aldermen Meetiug I ' New Bern, N. C, April 3, 1906. - Hoard met in regular monthly session, Ma Howe, Dawson, Hancock, Lane. Wood Brinson,' McCarthy.-'lIol- iowcu ana simpkns.. ininuies reaa ana auopwa. Petitionfrom Knights of Pythias Lodge was presented to the Board aaking they be allowed pritflege of holding a Street Fair Carnival for the benefit of K. of P. Lodge on Muldle and Broad street from Aprnaoto Mays, jaw. , - Upon motion the request wa granted under ame Wulatiote as' last Canal- val here cm nnerated. - ' :.. was instructed to look tip the title of cnurco ros atureenwooa emetety. Petition signed by several citizsns , intM neighborhood of change atreet, against the permitting of any building ended at foot ol Change street c',MJ., . , femw w.frrJWhrf; and Docks Committee. Company waa inferred to Fire Depart- Committee and report. 4 Appeal to the Mayor ani Board tf A)aZxen from the Fire Department a. ,n fA.f . r i.4 i l, lt aa tu. r--j vt a,i;i .,,'11 upon the Water and Light Commiiwion ' ui, , tw 5 h nf .w 1 tt lt 8Uch explanation thereof - , The following resolution upon motion was carried. '. RESOI.CTION. : By the Board of Aldermen ot thp city of New Bern. f Be it resolved:" ' Wfor- new boUers and requested ,the a oval d endorsement-of Uiis . u . nr,,Ai aliht- K:imflh an. I nrnw, anA ihtLt tK(, clt tax IUset0P ex-officio clerk of this Board be in- I ' - ' " gtructed to 8ignify wilI approve by at. testing and affixing the seal of the city. Mayors Report. New Bern.' N. C. April 3, 1906, To the Honorable Board of ermen - ol the City of New Bern. Gentlemen : I have the pleasure . of mi-king the following report for the month of March 1906. , Have disposed of thirty-one cases and imposed fines and cost to the amount of seventy-two dollars. Respectfully submitted, , . FRANK T. PATTERSON, ' Mayor. ' Chief Pouce Repobt. : New Bern, N. C, Jlarch 31, 190G. To the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Aldermen Gentlemen : Below please find my re . port for the month of March 1906. I , Wo have made 31 arrest -during' the month of which 25ere convicted, 6 discharged, 1 sent to jail 20 days, 2 worked on the streets 6 days each, 1 Judgment suspended. 1 , Fines collected 8.70 Coat collected - - ' 67 30 . '-'Total 1 ?66.00 .' The above amount S7.30 coat has been turned over to the Treasurer and I hold his reeeipt for same. - Pouce Record , , Informer Ex-Warren ta Montague - . , 7 Bryan ; 5 . , Lppton . S ' ,5 Gxiffln J i"' ' ,5 Bowden 6 . 0 Howard. t S " i .JtoUI' 131 Total'1,' 81 Respectfully submitted, , J. M. HARGET, Chief of Police, Regular and bills were allowed. Recess was taken. - J. J. TOLSON. I : Clrrk, Its equal as a curative agent doea not ' exist. So perfect is the medicinal' c ater's Roek v Mountain Tea. 3& cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by F. S. Duffy. Eank Statement Called fcr. w "" r K.legh. April 9,-The Corporation viiiiiii"i" . v '.. ,.. ..., up to the close of buainoss April Cth. ' Take No CL-nccs. Send Your Children Here To Be Fitted or Phone 288 We have all the new styles and shapes in infantsrchildren and misses Shoes, Oxfords, Gib sen Ties, and. Sandals, both in Kid, Pat , leather; Tans and White, We make a specialty of this particular line . hence we are prepared to meet all demand either in quality or price. , Come here for your EASTER SHOES! J M Mitchell & Co., : PHONE 288 ... J 61 Pollock St.," Opp. Episcopal Church : gaaaaaaitt PAROID ' We hear praise from all who have used it. cheapest roofing you can use.. Heath & Milligan Paint Lime, Cement. Full line Geueral Hardware. Gaskill lidw. & PHONE 147.. Substantial There are some people , who desire substantial fur niture and other who pre fer the artistic and every body will choose thse quali ties combined. We offer a line of goods that appeal to the eye and re sold it REASONABLE PKICES... An examination of our' stock will establish all the claims we make. . T. J. TURN EU . FURNITURE COMPANY New Bern nc. ON EASTER SUNDAY Time-honored custom demands that you shall appear in your very beirt and newest attire, and this day above all others, when Resurrection music re minds you of the reawaking of Nature, is the day to don the newest styles in Spring clothing that is made perfect in fit elegant fabric and recherche in style by FM. Chadwick. You are sure to be correct, every detail when we make your Spring suit. F Mr 11 ADUKK Furniture and Household Goods. We desire to call your at tention to our complete line of Furniture. . Our stock is being increased daily by the best goods on the market. GoCart G, We have a new lot of baby carts in all styles at. prices which will meetwitL approval. AAAAiaAAAAAiAAAaaAAAAfcaM4 ROOFING! Considering quality it ii the Mill Sup'y. Co. Furniture! Lumsden & Stith INSURANCE AGENCY." Strong Line of Fire Insurance Com anies. All Business promptly attended to ICE CREAM DAYS ARE COMING 1 We are prepared for them and can give you any flavor you want We also have some toothsome Dain ties in Guth's Chocolates, and an Ele gant Lunch requisite Chicken Sand- wiches. : " " . ' Cigirs and Tobacco all the time. Crescent Tobacco Company. W. & Barrinjrton MANAGER, ' kevv bed comm a ? FERTILIZER DIS n - MANUFACTURERS 0 hew r. otsilcr. It cure: r f r t'se IV.r,:i ' . I i . cf a e. n. i nf i: xie h a t o t:.e K- t V ' e f'Ti-rj ' 1 f I ' n. n : 11 1 11. IS 11. r !,. l!ir With y-mr eyes, kn i f y" r 1 ry re: leti

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