No. 5. NEW PERN CRAVEN, COUNTY. N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 17 1906.--FIRST J SECTION. 29th YEAR HOUSE BURNED DOWN Early Morning Firs Destroys Horn tnd Contents on Jenkins Alley.- 1 A hoc se on Jenkins Alley owned by Muss Lizzii Oi .'errant occupiel by a negro woman named Jane Gibbs and : her family,was totally destroyed by fire at naif past four yesterday morning. The fire is Si.i l to Kave originated in cr near the chimney. V The flames ' made such rapid progress -..that the building could not be saved and the contents were all destroyed. The woman and family only barely escaped with their . lives. ; '-'.";- '";' The house was a two story structure and was one of the best houses in that vicinity. The loss is estimated afc"$750. Finest print butter, 30 cents ipound. ' Coast Line Market, : per Trinity Beats A. 4 M. Special to Journal: Raleigh, April 16. In the base ball game played here today between Trinity and A & M., the Trinity club defeated the locals by a score of 6 to L The price of silver goods has been .advanced by all manufacturers. We have a large and well assorted stock of - silverware, staple and novelties, which we will sell at the old prices while they Jast. . J. 0. BAXTER, The Leading Jeweler. ROBERTS & HURST Distributors for Craven, Caf teret, Onslow.' Jones, Pam lico, Beaufort, And King- - fston Counties. . Wanted to Buy Ml Kinds of Southern Fruits and Vegetables for GASH or will handle on consignment. Let me know your prices on what you have or will have. Stephen VhlUon, Jr., Commission Merchant 29 York St., Utica. N Y. 's Dlice ot Stora Purchase. - I have pui chased the stock of gener al merchandise owned by Geo. S. Wil- - cox, (deceased) at Bellair, N. C and will continue the business at the same place. Miss Lottie Wi'cox will man' age the business, with the assistance of Daniel Lane Jr. . We expect to carry a full line of General Merchandise and sell at New Bern prices. . ' ' : : t We will thank all former patrons to '.continue with us. ', - Very Truly, GUY S. LANE. FerSalo "3?cr czzh or on limd aD ten II P engine, cno 12 II I engine, re turn tubular boiler; ':no CO eaw Pratt Clin - -S4-V, leoder Cnd ccncicnsor. jxeasons fcr c:I line: want to put in Lirr;cr machinery, Ur.sli I lattoclia tUlvcr- U C. ..... : , Stray Cog a v 1 fa and tan female doff, followed '' -r fp'nm V-i ro'.m!y v- ' i ' ' n. .. 'i ' )'.' : Jlri E Fo R - ; COSILY COURT KE17S Continue to Hold Place at Greens- " boro. , , . - Blackburn's Can the Interest Next. Decree Signed In Damage Suit Against ' Water Works. Street Paving i - Matter Again Up. (Special Correspondence) Greensboro, April 14. -r A regular two weeks term of Superior court for the trial of civil cases begins heie next Monday, J udge Ferguson presiding. ' All doubt about Judge Boyd's pistrict court getting out of wpy of the Circuit court called here "or Tuesday, Judge, Goff presiding for the trial of Congress man Blackburn,- was dispelled yester day afternoon, when the case of Sim mons Hardware Co., and others against Harden and others of Wilkesborot was ordered suspended, and court took an adjournment until the first Monday in June,' when the same jury will come' back and the case be begun will was left off. The plaintiffs had rested its case just before dinner, and defendants had completed the exami- nation of chief of L. E. Davis one of the parties defendant. About the mid dle of the afternoon, while Davis wa being crossed examined. Judge Boyd asked how long the defendants would be engaged in introducing their evi dence. They stated that they had twenty-five witnesses. Judge Boyd then said it was impossible to conclude the case before Saturday night That besides the Circuit court buing called here next week, he was- compelled to hold Statesville court where a large criminal docket .was to be tried. It man then ntrrAurf that tha stenoErraDhic airidjM.Aa a nritnnauno Oft fa frVP TY 1 Tl f H I be reserved, and the case be concluded at a session beginning the first Mon in June 1 ' ' ' When United States Marshal Milli kan reached Atlanta yesterday morn ing the superintendent of the peniten tiary refused to receive Mrs. Smoot, one oi me prisoners, say mK nim women were taken .there, the prison Nashville Tenrt., , being provided for them. ' He therefore telegraphed this fact to Judge Boyd, who ordered the sentence was mailed with special delivery stamp to the Marshal at SSsliyflIe.;--;-i'''!?''" A final decree was signed by Judge Boyd yesterday in the ease of Fisher et al against the Greensboro water works. It was for damages obtained by parties who suffered in the Benbow, hotel fire six years ago, the claim being that the I Waterworks Company failed to have a sufficient supply of waterto prevent j the fire by the fire company. The city ha since bought the water works, pay- injr $70,000 for the plant The money has been held awaiting the resultof the litigation. The order directed the1 payment of nearly 60,000 of this fund to the judgment creditors." . ' . ' At a meeting of the Board of Alder men yesterday afternoon the much dis cussed and litigated question of the Elm street piving came up in the form of a resol ltnn providing for an inves tigation of the changes made in the petition for in j inc don, alleging defec tive work, extravagance, negligence etc. Theboird finally adopted a res olution offerei by Aldermen Hunter appointing Mayor Murphy and Alder men Thompson and Wysong as a com mittee to investigate the matter thor oughly and report to the board not later than April 31st. - A substitute to this resolution was offered by Alder men Harrison, providing for the ap pointment 'of Aldermen Odell and Thompson and inviting J B. Cutchin to participate with them, but the ub stitute was lost JE Latham A Col Weekly 'Letter.' Cotton Special to Journal: , Greensboro, April 14. The business the past week was curtailed on account of holiday in all the markets Friday and Saturday. There has been a good un dertone all the week though the ma terial change from Saturday. Is little. May closed 10 points higher at IL29 and Jul 5 points higher at 11.20. The demand from the mills was in large volume at increasing premiums, and they were somewhat more encour aged to meet this condition by a hard ening tendency in the manufactured line, and a better feeling throughout the trade. It looks as if evory bale of . good cotton will be wanted this summer atvery,.full prices, s the mills are well engaged. We do not believe the increase in acreage will amount to much1 under new management, and that the ... 'i .i i j j VII nuvmiii ui ci wi ni-i, A HQ ah Anrtmmi - r. i -i tui. uii'i v n 1 1 1 r small farmer and'tenant may try to in- crease, but the very large planters will hwilate for the above mentioned rea- son, for if his crop should once get in the grai, he woul l be worse off than if he had decree 1 lua crop 25 percent and he is not likely to t l;e the rink. Wo i L K. ve i j j . : - :ig into hfoh- ( r - ' 1 ),' i !; ' ' 1 f" "mif, Capital City News Not Important. ; - . - i . . Charters Granted. Governor's Office to he Refitted, Twenty Million Quarts :'" " Strawberries. Book Agent Next July. Supreme , Court Docket. - personals. (Special Correspondence.) s Raleigh, April 16. The Supreme court will tomorrow take up the docket of appeals from the Eleventh district, It is a light one. ; ; - . , Supreme Court Marshal, Robert H Bradley, has been removed from the hospital to his home and there is a very marked and gratifying improvement in his condition.' - ; r "CoL Thomas S. Kenan is at Kenans ville, at the bedside of his sister, Miss Annie Kenan, who is regarded as hope lessly ill. i't-' . -State Superintendent Joy ner left to day for the mountain region to make a series of educational talks in the coun ties of Buncombe, Watauga and Mc Dowell These speeches will cover the .time from the 20th to the 27th. I -Charters are granted the Granite Overall Company of Mount Airy to make overalls, shirts, trousers ana un derwear; capital stock $50,000, S. V. Pace and others stockholders. The Amalgamated Supply Company of Greensboro, capital stock $25,000, to erect buildings and do various - other kinds of work. ';'' : ' ;.. The office of the Governor in the capital ia being refitted. Some of the sills of the floor have dry-rot and will have to be replaced. The new mantel, i. - . a i i very simple and yet striking, and bear- j Te" m Tabletffc b p- p ing in the center the seal of the state, "Jf '? carved in high relief, replaces the old mantel of motel slate. The tiling is of a very delicate shade of green. The hearthstone ia the gigantic slab of North Carolina soapstoue, which has been in the capital since about 1857. Mr. Franklin Sherman, who is to re- ! sume the position of State Entomologi&t L . 1 x ! 1 -I i. I ' M expected to arrive nere about tne . first of June, r The authorities at the Agricultural Department are informed that this year's strawberry crop in the Wilming- ton-Mt Olive district which has become country ia expected to reach ,000,000 quarts. :m U . . 1 S ;?" :v ' i nis time -nve years ago naieiga swarmea wnn-agems Mpnsenimg tne great dook companies dui inis year they will not be here until the first of Juv when the State Board will take uo the matter of the adoption of text books for the next five years. It is expected that many agents will be j,ere;. The state has certainly done wonders in the extension of education during this period of five yeara, more jn fact than in any period of ten or possibly even fifteen years previous. . Miss Kenan died this afternoon. ' She had never recovered from injuria re ceived in the automobile accident about a year ago... , '-: " :. -... :- Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. Drives away spring tired ness, gives appetite and sleep, makeB you weU and keeps you well Great family tonic. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets Sold by F, 3. Duffy, Attention, Veterans. There will be a meeting of Camp New Bern at Veterans Ha II- Tuesday p. m., 8 o'clock, to elect delegates and alternates to Reunion at New Orleans April 25th to 27th,. 1906, -By order ' , ,J J. WOLFENDEN, J. F. CLARK. Commander. Adj't At the Opera House A Trip to India, alfaa Said Pasha, was the play at the opera house last night, and as it was the first night af ter Lent, a larger audience than usual was out The Herald Square Comic Opera company was the name of the company, and the only criticism U to say that there was some good voices in the leading parts, and the comedy parts were excellent,, except too much drawn out There was an absence of stage settings and choiuses which was notict-able. , ' ' ; ' The same play this afternoon at 8 o'clock and tonight the Mascot will be presented. Atlantic Hotel Opens June 15th. The Atlantic and North Carolina Com- announces that the Atlantic Hotel, a,, fifln rv.Df iUVl Client VIVJ, A, V. III LUC IIHJBI ,,m be oteii for iruesta June ISth lJ0fi iiuliii una ui-kii 1-iiuiiii.t-ii Mriii i - an Put l" condition, iter to. ' MANAfiPn ATT AMTTn nnTPt. - 1 , Morehead City.N. C. Take No Chances. With your eyetik A momentary reali iitinn of your hclplt'ssncps without Vi'-m w..i a. i y in in a j i i i f I'. 'r v i (', or npproem t Vr. AivliO, ' n for NEW BERN HAS THE RABBIT FOOT. Local Colored Bate Ball Team Deleatt Klnt- - ton In an Interesting Game. Therewas a very good exhibition of the national sport at the Blades park base ball ground yesterday afternoon between the colored teams of New Bern and Kinston. -It Was a game that would delight the heart of almost any fan, for there were many exciting and clever plays.; The local players demon strated abetter all round ability at play tag but, nevertheless the visiting team 'is composed of several excellent players especially in the. held. The score was 8. to 5 in favor of; New Bern. North Carolina ;hamB and Norway Mackerel at Oaks Market. ' Insurance Officers Elected. The officers of tbe North State Mutual Life Insurance Company recently or ganized at Kinston were elected Satur day night at the first meeting of the board of directors. Following are the officers: 'y-.l'-"- , '' v.; . v;:. President, J. W. Grainger. . 1st Vice-Pres. J, A. McDaniel. 2nd Vice-Pres. Tr. H. D. Harper. f!rd Vice-Pres. . F. Taylor. Gea'lMgr. and Counsel, N J Rouse. Supt. of Agencies J. J Rogers. Secretary Walter B. Brown. Medical Director-sT. M. Parrott. Executive Committee J. F, Taylor E. J. Becton, J. E. Hood. f inance Committe R. C. Strong, H. E. Mosely, F..C Dunn. ' ' " y; Now is the time tp take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea: i It cleans your system of all impurities. A wonderful spring tonic. ' A family benefactor. 35 Mass Meeting. - - The City of New Bern passed an or dinance prohibiting the A. & N. C. Co. from shifting cars on Hancock street. The A. & N. C. Co. passed an order . not to briny anv more carload lots of freight to the Trent warehouse. Th ..... !jman Qn, av, umi now. The merchants of this town are gPeatly damaged, and demand a change. The consumers are kicking because of n;Kn prjces , " : . v. -. ,Wnerefore iet every business man . that has the interest of New Bern at ; heart meet .t citv.,hall tonight at fao'elock. " We wiU discuss the matter m4 tgke action to adjust it. . We mllat nave oar freiKhts delivered as be- ore : ; , D. E. HENDERSON, Secty and Att'y For the Merchants Association. Success has crowned our efforts of untiring endeavor and we present to the public with a confidence never before held by any other medicine, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. " 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by F. S. Duffy. Deputy Marshal Appointed. Upon the recommendation of C. B, Hill, Chairman Republican Executive Committee of Craven county and Third Congressional District, Chas M, Bab' bitt, of Bayboro. has beon appointed U, S. Marshal by Marshal Claudius Dockery, vice R. W. Ward, resigned, Mr. Babbitt was formerly Deputy Col leetor of Internal Revenue under E. C. Duncan and is considered one of the best revenue officers in the eastern dis trict. His headquarters will be New Bern and his territory Will extend over ten counties. o jrv o m : SPRING CATARRH S. Duffy Ssllt Hyomtl Under Gutrantis of : Cure The changeable weather of Spring is directly responsible for the prevalence . of catarrhal troubles in mew corn at ! the present time. - As a result, F. S. Duffy has had a i larger sale for Hyomei the past week than ever before in the years that he has hsndled this reliable treatment for 1 the cure of catarrh. If there fa a single catarrhal germ In the system, Hyoroel will search it out and absolutely destroy it, completely eradicating the trouble. The remedy has made so many cures among F. S Duffy's customers that he offers to pay for it himself if it doe not benefit even the worse case of catarrh. The complete outfit costs but $1., con sistinir of an inhaler, medicine dropper. "d bottle of Hyomei, while extra bot- ties of Hyomei can be obtained for 50 ppnt. TVipr will not ha evpn thin small expense if Hyomei does not cure, as F. S. Duffy returns your money, NEW RACKET STORE hns'iust received. the finest ;lot of Gold Fish (4 to 6 inch long). This is the last ship ment in this season, so better , COHIC . () d buy cDme. ; r.i I" 'i fx; 1 c:i of Grand Jury,' April - Term, 1906. Hon. B. F, Long Judge presiding. We your jury respectfully report as follows, viz: There liave been 102 bills presented to our body, i V . 63 were found true bills, 23 were found not true bills, 7 were submitted by the solicitor, 7 were not artod on for want of witnessess. W beg to re port that the clerk of the court reports to us that few guardians have, failed to make their reports, which he will ex plain to your Honor. A committee was appointed to ex amine the county home, and report as follows, viz t The home was found in good condition, and all inmates prop erly cared for. It is recommended that a ' suitable cook house be provided at once tor the home, as it is much needed. We beg to state that this recommen dation has been made several times, but has never been acted upon, and we earnestly request that your honor will direct action to be taken at once. ' There are twenty inmates which in cludes the keeper and the cook, of, these there are two white females, one of whom is insane. IWe think that she should be removed t the' asylum for proper treatment. There are eleven colored female Inmates one of whom 's ' blind. ' ' ' , .' The committee appointed to invest!-1 iraie tne jail reported as follows, vis :; we nnd the jail ana its surroundings an and well kept, and all prisoners in good condition. we rind . one rind . one i colored female prisoner who is in sane, who we recommend should be I sis ! thai sent to the 'asylum at once, as she i tLft unri fOAhlo citvi tka in maI- 4hn t proper place for her. The rest of the X prisoners are young colored males. 1 in regard to the security of tne pail, J wb uck iv ainie mat wu ooiievo it i be very insecure, as we have verv carefully inspected tha iron cells, also tne oars ot the various windows, v We are informed that there have been several jail deliveries made dur ing the past year, and that the only im plement used was a piece of 2x4 scant ing with which the prisoners prised open the bars to the cells and windows. Wo recommend that steel eells be placed in the jail which are locked by a lever, ana mat tne pars oi . tne win dows be" removed and be replaced by steel bars properly set into the walls of tne uu. . .. 1 ' . ,. we hnd upon mvesturation that the floors of the jail and cells re in j bad condition, and should be fixed at j once. We further find that a hose ia used to wash up the floors of the jail, and that the water from tame must be he bailed up and thrown out of the win- dows. - ' ' .., : I We recommend that a (4) inch sewer be placed in the corner of the jail for. carrying off this water.' 1 ! I the committee appointed to investi gate the court house and premises beg to report as follows, viz : - we nave examined the interior of the court house, and find that ft should be ' oainted throughout the various offices in the building do not compare favora-1 bly with the exterior of the . building. ! and we thinx that every omce, also all tne wans snouid ne given tnorough painting. . We also find that the ceiling in the court room is in need of repair, and also should be painted, and we re commend that it should be done as soon as possible. . -. . Upon examination of the vaults in the omce of the Clerk of the Court, and ' the Register of Deeds, we find there a great amount of wood work,. We think the records of thecountv much too valuable to be thus subjected to danger from fire, and we earnestly recommend that all this wood work be replaced by the latest improved steel fittings. t ; .. We learn that this recommendation has. been made several times, and has never been acted upon, ana we trust that your Honor will direct action to be ta en at once. , We think that suitable office furni ture should be provided for the office of the clerk and sheriff as that which is used at present is not at all in keep ing with what should be expected in the office of county officials in a com munity of this size. We also recommend that a eloset be placed in the upper story of the build inar for the use of the court officials. We find upon investigation that the closet used bv the public, in the yard, is entirely msutlicient-at we nndthat at present both white and colored males and females aie usinsr the same closet We think this condition should not exist, and immediate action should be taken to provide suitable closets, and we trust that your Honor will so direct We have examined the office of the Register of Deeds Clerk of the Court. and Sherirtr and beg to report that we find same all in good condition and well keot We also recommend that the en tire court house and jail should be heated bv steam, as we think that it will be much more economical and add much to the safety of both jail and court house, and to the comfort of the public, and especially to the court offi cials. , We think that a heater should be placed under the building, and connect- ea wim xne jiui, we ravr oeen m formed that some of the insane prison ers in the jail have on several occasions come near injuring themselrea serious ly by coming in contact with the stoves mux! at Dreeent. The committee appointed to investi- w investigated tho same, andrenorf I them to be found correct in due form, . U malra thru nroMntjnantu Respectfully submitted, C. .?. MCCARTHY, Foreman. JOHN H. VEDDELL, Sec'y. NortK" Carolina, ) In Superior Court Craven County, ( April Term, 1906. tlgand1 jiiry":1"2 " ' rcp0rt 0 It ia ordered tfnt the rcnort be re- ceived and numi as one oi the esses on the crimii term of the Crimii That the report I Board of wmmiRi meeting for their ket at the next urt. ibmittwio s their next ; i -a';..n, end they are res per' court after co i make a report m . nevt (': I (' i t i re 'd by F .me Report the to i to r r HAGKBURK IS SOLE AGENT FOR THE Pi "Crawford" Shoe FOR AND "The Patrician" FOR WOMEN. 4i No Shoes Wear Better'1 : : : ' vwwm vvwvvwwvvwwwmvvwwvvvwvwvwwwwwmvwwj J , SHOES ! OXFORDS ! SHIRTS We are showing this Shoe Store, the prettiest line of Queen Quality and E. P. Reed Shoes and Oxfords, we " have ever shown. Also a large line of Mens and Boys Shoes and Oxfords. You can have your shoes fitted in the store or we will send to your home for fitting. . See our new stock of ' . Shirts and Neckwear. J. J. BAXTER. THE WOOTTEN STUDIO .-','.,.... ' - t , :'.;'-;. ;V.v....: J, "'V :'..-;.,:' " v';;... . PJatinum Sepia Portraits LATEST THING IN PHOTOGRAPHY f - - Npecial Attention Given to Finishing: Amateur Work BAYARD SEASONABLE HOUSEHOLD GOODS. New Mattings-Some very nice pieces in China r.nd Japan patterns. , Refrigerators Large stock tosebctf.n Ice Cream Freezersr-White Mountain, Peerless and Antic New Line Baby Go-Carts. Stoves. . , , , ;.:-: JOHN B. IV EC. Phone 257 J 98 Middle Str-et. l: J. L. H ART SPI E L ; Contractor And Builder. I also run a complete Tin-Shop in connection v. - i . ,i, - . aDOVe WOfK fflT F03 IE 1'ilD OFFICE PHONE 129 - Office and Tin ShoD. 90 Middle Street.. j Mmw rjTTDM MP' 1 IN C, V V DCiVlN. IN. V. ftnv A T nt in MJKIJ ,XX I. Ill () 4 . 7th Ward, Norfolk City. This property in located midwiiy bi ' of Norfolk and the Jemestown Exposition Grounds, with c r point. TERMS $5 and $10.00 pc tne tr vi laAta uulu am iu., locntion. The city's rni.l KroM t'l in t' i For further ) t. rui'i MEN' - ! week at our Clothing and tz: WOOTTEM Everything in Furniturs tc. FIIER Oil !. RESIDENCE PIIOH; TTifrlilnn r men Lots ".CO to i

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