SHORT PASSING EVENTS. r r D n' The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been In use. V over 30 years, has borne, the signature of - w and l"18 been made under his per fJ?LJ& sonalsapervislon since Its infancy. uxc7r, i6tfK Allownoonetodeceiveyouinthls. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ', . InCauta and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare -gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It - - contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio V substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fcverisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind .-' - Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYO Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. " TH erru ooMninr. w mommy mccr. nut mm ft. SOUTHERN- "RAILWAY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEB. 11, 1906. '.-'.'-V-- v 118 Daily, ' u lafi 108, Tailv.aily. 112 Daily. P M I AM AM 2 3 ) 7 20 1 30 f i 43 f 7 33 1 41 2 55 .7 48 2 00 3 00 ' 7 63 2 05 3 10 1 8 05 2 18 3 15 8 10 2 23 3 20 8 15 . 2 29 3 32 8 271 2 4E f 3 44 f 8 38 2 57 3 63 -8 47 3 OS 4 05 9 00 3 22 6 4S 4 30 9 201 3 52 6 67 4 38 9 30 4 02 7 15 f 4 46 f 9 37 f 4 12 7 80 5 01 9 51 4 27 7 42 6 13 10 02 4 40 8 06 S 39; 10 30 5 15 5 54 f 10 4-.'f r?33 6 00;fl0 51 f 5 40 6 121 It 02. 5 54 .' 6 25 fit 18 f 6 09 I fl 41 11 30 " (S 29 .T 6 49! 11 36 f 6 35 .. 7 02 11 4? f 6 46 1 712 fl2 01;;. .. ... .t 7 30; 12 2o; 7 15 1 M t PM I AM Eastern Time 0 GREENSBORO 'S McLean.......... ' . Gibsonville.....;- Elon College... . Burlinerton. .... .... 2SrGraham HawKiver..,.., , ; Mebane. ............ Efland Hillsboro .... UNIVERSITY .ft'. DURHAM East Durham. BrasSfield. .......... Morrisvilie ........... CARY;... RALEIGH ....... Garner... ...... . ... 'Auburn.....'. Clayton. Wilson's Mills..... SELMA.. Pine Level...... i. - Princeton....;.....". Rose....'. GOLDSBORO Ar. . '.'.' 15 17 21 26 32 37 41 46 55 67 61 ej 73 ';81 ,-87i Lv. 107 : Daily. AM 11 43 fll 28 11 23 11 22 11 14 11 07 11 01 10 50 flO '38! 10 28 10 16 10 00 9 44 If ? ?7 9 13 9 05 ?& 8 20 8 08 - 7 55 -7-45 -7 7 26i 7 14' n ool 135 Daily. PM 6 35 f 615 6 00 5 65 6 46 6 6 331 5 221 f 6.10 5 01 4 49 4 30 4 18 f 4 10 f 8 58 8 49 8 30 f 3 12 f 8 06, 2 55 111 117 Daily. Daily. AM AM f 2 401 10 60!. 2 25 2 12 2 01 f 1 49 -1 35 AM I PM 35! 17! 05 00 47 40 4 80 4 17 f 4 02 8 47 3 80 3 OOl 9 2 48 f 2 85 2 15 2 05 1 40 11 45: 11 31 11 23, 11 08 9 07 f 8 42 if 8 22 8 12 7 60 10 88! flO 251 flO 10 f 9 65 "8 40 PM v.,..v. AM " This condensed schedule ia published as information and is subject to change without notice to the pub) e. - - : '' V' .' , . , -Trains Nos, 112 and . 108 connect at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line !.... W4-U Onf orA Vnrthlinnnfl. anH urith Atlantic and Wrtrtli P.nwilina trains for Morehead City and intermediate points. - . Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 83 for Charlotte, Colum Wa and Jacksonville. No. 37 solid Pullman train, drawing-roojii sleepers New York to New Orleans and Memphis, aldo for Winston-Salem, rHkesboro, Dan ville and local stations. ' ' : r . . . , Train No. 117 handles through coach between Raleigh, Chase City and Richmond, where close connection is made with. Washington Southern Railway for Washington and Eastern cities. x . - . ; Train No. 107 connects at Durham for Oxford, Chase City and Jtiehmond; University Statim for Chapel.Hill daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with train No. 36 for Washington and points North, close connection for inston Cale itt, High Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and intermediate stations. Train No. 135 connects at Greensbore-with No. 89 for Charlotte Columbia and Jacksonville; No. 35 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest; 'Nos. 84 and 38 for Washington and all points North; connection is also made at Salis bury for Wiwtern North Carolina noint3. S. H. Hardwick, P. T, M. W. H. Taylor, G. E. A. H. B, Spbncer, G,M Washington, D. C. , R. L, Vernon, T. P. A, . . T. E, Green. C. T. A. ' Charlotte, N. q . ", - - - ' Raleigh, it. C .. New Stock Horses Arrived. - We have just received a fine lot of horsessuitable for farm work or dri ving, which wok wil sell at reasonable prices, j, :J- l . -i- "' ' ", " We have also a full line of Wagons Buggies, Harness, and everything usually kept in an up-to-date Btable . .' We will make Terms Righ .. Se us. . . I i -.v 4 f. Madame Pass, the champion egg eater, and the topsy-turvey twins, will receive the children Monday afternoon ' and night in t58 basement of Centen ary church. This entertainment is ori ginal and novel, and is sure to please. Easter eggs, and refreshments sold. Admission free. j The editor of the Journal has received an invitation to the inauguration of of Emmett Leonidas Moffit, as presi dent of Elon College, which takes (lace Wednesday May 2. ' The sale of seats for the Herald Square Opera Co. Monday and Tuesday night is going on briskly and mrst of the desirable seats have been taken al ready. ,'."' ."v':-;;V;yvV ' 'C' - ', There will be an egg hunt this after noon at 4 o'clock, at Mr. Ralph Gray's 22 Pollock street, for, benefit of the church. '',. "-;' '- " The steamer Neuse left her dork over three hours late last night on Account of the heavy shipment of cotton and truck. The University Glee Club will appear at the Masonic Opera; House next' Wednesday niht for the benefit of the Daughters of this Confederacy. J. .- A fine game of base ball was played yesterday between the White Star Lea gue and Down town boys. The .White Stars defeated their opponents by a score of 8 to C. i ' 5 ' ' ' '' Died '. 1 In this city Friday morning April 13th, 1906, Mrs. Susan A. Collins, wife of Mr. John C. - Collins, aged 60 years and 7 months. The funeral services will be held from her late residence N6. 86 Metcalf street, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The services will be conducted by Rev. L G. H." Williams. ui mm i Co., : 66 Broad Dt T r New Bern, N O Chamberlain's 8alve. This salve is intended especially for sore nipples, burns, frostbites, chapped hands, itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases of the skin, such as tetter, salt rhoem, ' ring worm, scald . head, herpes, barbers' itch, scabies or itch and eczema. It has met with unparallel -ed success in the treatment of there di seases. Price 25 cents per box. Try it For sale by Davis Pharand F. S Duffy Harlowe and North Harlowq v. V'"'; ' ' . Aprii 10. ' Miss Bessie Morton came home from Croatan Friday night and returned to her school Monday morning. ; , -.-.i ? Messrs W F and J G Tiylor were in New Bern on business last Saturday. ; J. Ray man Mason left last week for Belhaven not able to say what pursuit he will follow there. -; . , Miss Sadie Connor, of Thurmao, is visiting 'Jber sister Mrsy S Morton at N. fiarlpwe. &:---f .; :; 'f-Capt, D, Willie Jenkins-andichildiei of Atlanta, and Mrs Dora B Williford and childrenof Kings - Mountain left last Friday going by way'of .Morehead City, where they spent the night be fore pursuing the journey home. '. Dr C F Mason was called to Beaufort Saturday on aeount of his fathers sinking condition. ; Mr Armhtead Bell spent ' Friday nig it in Morehead City returning Sat urday,-- ';.y-x U..-, X".:, : ;. .-'V . " Mr and Mrs N H Taylor were in New Bern last Saturday making sale of some real estate and were out with anew bora and buggy on Sunday. ' Mr. E D Bangert and family from New Bern are down visiting Messrs JohnS and J A Morton, brothers of Mrs Bangert, t North Harlowe. Miss Emillne J Pigott left last Fri day to make a short stay at Morehead City.- ,i - '':: : - , - RevW A Bland filled hir appoint ment at our church last Sunday giving an interesting discoursn from the 1st yerse of ( 3rd chapter of Colossians to a large and appreciative audience. ' - Mr George Henderson, Jr., of New Bern was hereSunday spending the day with relatives,; returning on Monday morning. . . - ( ; Mrs Mollie Stanton and grand chil dren spent last Sunday with Miss E (Janie Bell. , - Mr Joseph A Morton is spending to day in New Bern on business. " - Rev. F S r' -i-ton returning from his work in J s Circuit passed through and was a iu.i!or, at our sanctum Monday J. f,l. ARNOLD, ... Successor to M. Hahn & Co ." 0- f v - . ' Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Stables. 'Largest and Finest Stock of Horses and Mules ever efTcred in New Bern. fA car load of eneh just received. Complete Kne of Hugies, Wagons, Harness, r..Wa, Whips and Cart Wheels. ' - ' ' ' Hahn s Old Stable, I lie. lb Street. 1 Caught CsW Whlls; HunUnj a Burglar. Mr. Win. JhojH Lanorgan, provincia Constable at Cliapleau," Ontaria, says: "I caught a severe cold" whjle hunting a burglar in the forest swamp last fall, Hearing of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy, I tried it, and after using two Bmull bottles. I was completely, cured." This remedy -11 . intended especially for coushs and colds. It will loosen and re-. lieve a severe cold in less time than by any other treatment and is a favorite wherever its superior excellence has be come known. Davis' Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. . - . - About COO miners from the Shamokin Pa., section of the anthracite region, believing that a strike is inevitable, left for North Carolina and the western States to work for railroad contractors and in soft coal mine9. i The Goods Manufactured by the NEW BERN COTTON OIL & FERTILIZER MILLS Are Handled by the Best Dealers. WHY NOT BY YOU ? : ' ' OUR NAME ON THE BAG MEANS BEST QUALITY V: 1 1 - .' '--,. " v ' ' ' . ' ''" . if. '"..;, J, ,r - ' . '; i . . ' - ' - ....-.- " ". ' ' " .l - ' : Right goods at right prices formbest foundation for any business. If 'you are interested 4n growing larger crops on smaller acreage, first properly prepare soil, then use- Fertilizer absolutely pure and-straight Right goods at right prices most important and necessary. Sale of inferior Fertilizers generally prove disas trous, makes complaints, dissatisfied customers and decrease in business. You want to get right and stay right, .hold your customers,-get many new ones, then handle the Fertilizers manufactured by 'New Bern Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Mills, recognized as standard quality' Our ' Fertilizers sell' themselves; ' The" man who buys once wants them again, his friends want them. Can you afford to be without an article which silently but forcibly recommends itself. ' . ' Margin of profit may not be so large to the -dealer as in some other goods, there is something in feeling you have given your customer full ".'value, : "That'your trade is increasing." . ,, , 0 , Our goods ;are made in various grades to suit. crops usually grown m your section. You can rest assured each grade is best that can be bad for money. We believe in long run quality is bound to count, though we do not 'make" quite as good profit. - - 1 Call to see our Sales Agent in your section, and if none near you write direct to the . NEW BERN COTTON OILFERTiUZER MItlsS "'::;'';-;V :'i.f:V? NEW BERN; N. C". .'. " '"' yt ' ' " i jm Gales Creek. We are having fine weather now for farming operations, and the farmers aorund here are making good (f their time. : .-:. Mr. Lawarence Barnes was the guest of his brother-in-law Rev. D. B. Garner Saturday night and Sunday. . Our Sunday School at Gales Creek is progressing nicely our superintendent being A. T. Garner. . We are soray to say that Mrs. Charlie Gamer is still on the sick list. ' ; Mr. Clyde Tolson of w ild wood visited Mr. W. P. Tolson last Sanday. . j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Guthrie of Morehead City is visiting their brother Mr. J, A. Guthrie this week. . - j Mr. E. F. Oglesby visited his father and mother at Wildwood Sunday P. M. Messers Timothy Taylor and J. L. Sharpelwerethe guest of Mr. C. Fulcher Sunday. ";. Mr. J. A. Gulthrie has been making some improvements on his oil f actory every thing is all O. K. now. Mr. J. A. ruthrie nd family attended service at Ocean View Sanday they re port a fine sermon. "Miss Ader Sharpe of Bogueis visiting relatives at Gales Creek for several days. Mr. A. T Garner attended services at Vanolla Saturday night. : , Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Lewis visited their parents at Gales Creek Saturday night and Sunday. Rev. D. B. Garner failed his Tegular apointment at Vanobia last Sunday, Mr. W. M. Taylor is still busy shipping sweet potatoes to the Northern market We, are afraid we are going to- loose our mail route. -We want every body to go to writing more than they have been. Crabbing has begun most all the men are in the business. We are afraid our peach -crop is cut off on the account of the cold weather and frost. : '- BLUE EYES. ;" Major Richard Sylvester, of Wash ing, was re-elected president of the National Association of Police Chiefs. .. . Human Blood Marks A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood in the home of J.' W;i Wil lis, a known meachant of Bac, Ky. Be writes r "Twenty years ago I had se vere hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death : when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. It com pletely cured me and I have remained well ever since." It cures Hemor rhages, Chronic Coughs, Settled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure . for Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold by all Druggist. 50c add $1.00. Trial bottle free. ; r . , Ex-Governor Black, in the Menges suit in New York, addressed his re marks to the jurors individually, calling etch by name. : . Sick headache results from a deran gement of the stomach and is caree by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Sold by Davis Pharand P. S. Duffy By popular vote the town of Darien, Conn., refused to accept $5,000 offered by Andrew Carnegie for a library, on the principle that "no honest man can become a millionaire," . Will Interest Many - Every peison should know that good health is impossible if the kidneys are deranged, Foley's Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder disease in ev ery form, and will build up an strength en. these organs so that they will per form their functions properly. No danger of Bright's disease or diabetes if Foley Kidney Cure is taken iq time. Mrs. W. C. Jutte testified in Pitts burg that her husband, thefate million aire coal operator, on two occasions contemplated suicide. Rlitumttltm Makes Lift Mlstribls. - A happy home is the most valuable position that is within the reach of mankind; but you sannot enjoy its com forts if you are suffering from rheuma tism. You throw aside business cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved from those rheumatic pains also by applying - Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One application will give you re lief and its' continued use for a short time will bring about a permanent cure. For sale by Davis' Pharmacv and F. S. Duffy. 1 Trip to India Was Great. Kinston Eree Press 13. . V ,- The Herald Square Opera Company lived up to its reputation made at its former appearance in this city by pre senting "A Trip to India" at the local theater Thursday night in a manner that was entirely acceptable to the fair sized audience, which evidenced its ap prival by frequent bursts of applause on curtain calls. The company is a good one all the way through and ; with the exception of the snjall chorus has no weak points. t :; "A Trip to India" is tt musical ex travaganza with an abundance of com edy running through the entire play and both features wer well done Dy wen trained playeis. The singing, especially of the tenor and the leading lady, was the best heard on the stage here In long time and the two leading comedians were very goed indeed. The costumes were gorgeaus and expensive. The Hornld Square Opera Company proved themselves capaqle entertainers and deserved a crowded house. , The Herald Square Opera Company appear hera Monday and Tuesday nights and at Tuesday matinee. The public may expect an unusually good show. . Devil's Island Torture. . is no worse than the terrible ca3e of Piles that afflicted me 10 years. Then I was advised to apply Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, and less than a box perma nently cured me, writes L. S. Napier, of Bugles, Ky. Heals all wounds, Burns and Sores like magic. Sold by all Druggists at 25c. GALA WEEK. The cures that. sUnd to its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder.- It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer tor the Patrons of Husbandry, Pierce Amusement Co. in Tirbore. Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns, Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, . Wounds, Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c at All Druggists. Stmt ef It is announced in Washington that Castro has temporarily, retired from the Presidency , of Venezuela, being succeeded by Vice-President Gomez. No Pill is as pleasant and positivaas !"e Witt's Little Early Risers. These Famous Little Pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate . ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills sold. Never gripe. F. S Duffy. ' : . John G. Carlisle argued the case against Senator Reed Smoot, of Utah. Men Past Sixty In Danger Mors than half of mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kidney and bladder disorders, usually enlargement of prostrate gland.' This is ' both pain ful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney Cure should be taken at the first sign of danger, as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Burnett, Rock Port, Mo., writes : "I suffered with enlarged prostate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure I fee) better than I have for twenty years, although I am now 91 years old. " After a rise marking 3.5, feet above the danger line the Mississippi ' river is stationary. The crest of- the high wave lias passed and a gradual decline is now predicted. A LucV.y Pottmleireu v ia Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who has found Dr. King's New Life Pills to be the best remedy she ever tried for keeping the Stomach, Liver and Rowels in perfect ? order. You'll agree with her if you try these painless purifiers that infuse new life. . Guaranteed by all Druggist. Price 25e. ; the Attrtctione. The Pierce Amusement Co., who will play in this city,' one week,' commenc- ing MondayApril 30th for the benefit of the K. of P's receives the following notice from the Wednesday's Southener of Tarboro, N. C. There was immense crowd in the com ' mons Tuesday night to witness the opening of the Pierce Amusement Co. Mr. Pierce made an appropriate intro ductory Bpeech, calling attention brief- . Iy to some of the chief attractions of fered by the Company. Then the mul titude began to rush to the tents where the performances were opened in full blast. There was fun, amusement . and entertainment galore! Everybody enjoyed the highly entertaining shows and attractions. Creaton is the best on the grounds, though all are good in every respect. there being nothing carrying even the suggestion of uncleanness. 1 In fact, . this company has decidedly the best and cleanest shows ever ' presented . here. '. .'.' . No one need have any hesitancy in seeing all of them. The Hall of Fame is highly interest-1 ing and attractive, and should be liber ally patronized likewise Creation, which with a moving picture device gives in a vivid and realistic fashion a "Bank Robbery" and "Race for a Hus band." Lunette, the flying Lady, always at tracts large crowds, for it is. wonder- i ui now cieveny me deception is ar ranged. ' . ' Trio monorraii 3nroT olltr wen 4-Yi t crowd not to disclose the way in, which the clever trick is done. ' '' In the tent on which is inscribed the patriotic word "'Liberty," you can see a "Trip to Mare," Prof. Herman's sleight of hand performances, the "Es cape of Nobleman" and "Trabt Wreckers." At Savannah, Ga., Judge Speor, sen tenced Greene and Gaynor to pay a fine of $575,640 and serve four years' each. It is reported that six persons were killed and several injured in the torna- j do which swept over Briggs, Texas. V LAKE EVERY mm, No pill Is a9 pleaiantand positive a DeWitt's Little Ibrly Risers, Those Fumous Little l'i"s are so ftu'.J and ef AvBad Back is Always Worse in the Morning. New Bern People are V ' Finding Relief. ; ; A back that aches all day and causes discomfort at night is usually worse in the morning. Makes you feel as if you hadn't slept at all. "I '-" " 1 :. Can't cure a bad back until you cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys makes you feel better, work better, rest better and sleep bet ter. : , 1 1 ' Permanent cures in.New Bern prove the merit of Doan's. . F. P. Aver, foreman at the A. & N. C. R. R. shops residing at 30 Graves street, says: "I can recommend Doan's Kidnev Pills which I obtained from Bradham'a Pharmacy. My back when I would get up in the morning felt weak and lame and the use of Doan's Kidney Pills relieved it I have felt much better and stronger Bince I used them. My back was a weak spot and If I caught cold it settled there and I seemed to lose all useof ft Since using Doan's Kidney Pills my back lias not troubled me one bit You can use my name as an endorser of Doan's Kid uey fills and I will recommend them to In receiving a deputation of German Americans President Roosevelt said he believed the Algeciras Conference had brought about better relations between Germany and France, - , j Pirating Foley's Money and ter.T Foley A Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and Donularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are onereo-ior the srenume. Ask lor r oiey s' uonev and Tar and refuse any substitute of fered as no other preparation win give the same satisfaction. , It ia mildly laxa tive. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons, For sals by Davis fharmacyi. : OASTOtlSA, 8mm the : yII Kind Yon Haw Hhww fcqtf SlgutBK ef The House committee adopted a reso lution declaring for ' the election of Senators by direct vote and four-year terms for members of the House. , . OASVOXlXAi bwith ! Ila Kicil Veil Havi lwat BaBgt Glg&atus ef Mr, Andrew Carnegie has announced that he will give $12,500 to the Black stone Female Institute if its friends will raise $37,500. v 1 . In a suit growing out of the Jiminez Good Easter Trade ' A' fresh wind was the most notjcea ble feature of the weather yesterday but it was .not disagreeable and every' Lodv seemed to be enjoying the season immense!. There was an Easter feel ing in the air and the merchants made good on it The Easter hat, a part of the jokesmiths stock in trade, was a commodity of trade of no small im- 111 B Suit kaUVYiJJK wis vs, wht) uuuii . . , expedition against Santo Domingo, be- f06 ,there are verylove ; F. . , :L .t.iA.j r.A.a.. .Ti. It creations of eowna and hate m will WK LriCU IU WKJ UUIIOU kJVBVCDi lb WAV - . , . , . . . f v 7 In a nffnuf a A in f h. A AhtlthM fvlnv aUeged the in New York, it was alleged , """ ' the United States expected to seise a coaling station in the Republic. A ThovMnd Dollar' Worth of Cood 'I have been afflicted with, kidney am tt, lHtii!4 V'-a Haw Hww Kinston-Kew Eorn gravel or stones with excruciating ' There will be a series of base I ,tl pain," says A. a. Thurnes, a weii .k" '' " known coal operator of Buffalo, O, "I coioreu -v -u- r- Kot no relief from medicine until I be- "ay. f11 m- . ... toUin., V.Uav'. Kidnev Cure, then 17. id J- wlh teams are i -i tne result WW surpriBint. aiewuura wmi mib luicutivu f"'" ! started the bnck-oust-liKe suDsiannc playera possiblo. toliow:-: w t and now I have no pain across mv kid- of the local team: 1 t ' neys and I feel like a ppw mn. It has f ,, . . . Hone me 1000 worth of good." Foley 'a lmw:;, 31 l . Cure will cure every form of a a, Lorham; I f, t.-.;ii-"; r r, Kidnev kidney or bladder riiRcaae. ,C f, Hill; ' stsitnt) v ; r:rl.'..t(str,l cir I.Wi 4 l.i i ... i anyone.' fective tint c and w-.k i . ' " t, v' tvuiy r. r. : . n, uV y tL. l.'.ll'S A deal for chL gas and oil L rrr";nt;r! 310,0 ,3 ims, in W c1 T f Par sn'o bv all "ftlcra. Psice El ots. Vox. I'oi'ter-N' ' tim Co., Lu.'..Jo, l Y. p i i t l! fl II. S. 0: t Vir- r t e i- !... . n's. t : :, a ft I I"-' 1 (" lei 1, is been c' II o i

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