4T I I 1 I a. I 4k J ! - 'j -i ' 1 14 d Sum) : 4 4 I.I jr H I a' I ' I f 'a . t ft No. 7. NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY APRIL 24 1906.--FIRST SECTION. 29th YEAR SYMPATHY FOR CALIFOURIA U I .( I I 11' . ' I fi.n T I1 11 1 1 I IV 1 t 1; 1 11 "sr .r 'sir THE m 0 IT II4RHV Bl IPl'DI FEDERAL C0U3T CUVEES. r.arri dlkwivdu ;;iii. SAD STORY OF BE- - msm mm I 1i f 4 a Thjvtrnsr Sends Telegram. Mat Meeting to fid Sufferers. ChiifSere Granted. . Raleigh, April -Governor Glenn ant the following telegram to the Gov ernor of California 'North Carolina' bourns with California and extends Kin merest sympathy iii thia hour of afflic tion. Ourhgislation U not in session ut our people will do all they can per 4snally to aid you." At the call of Mayor Johnson a mass saeeting of citizens of Raleigh and vi cinity was field this af ornoort to ex fnss sympathy for, and render sub- atuitial aid ' & San Francisco. ' . A harter 'S granted the Robtson r,ottoa s,mills lincorporated) at Lum Jberton to spin and weave, capital stock "200,000. 5 A. Wv McLean: and others , Stockholders. The Crescent milk, also chartered toh will both spin and ireave.y The ; corpn-liwi .commission ' tt request- of alt parties concerned changes the (late of the hearing in the. shatter of the union pa.w?nger station'1 ; atGoldsboro, from "April 25th a May Dr. L. Shaw Andre t - Eye Specialut Fyeg treated for all defects of vision . Examination fx spectacles free. Office Hotel Hazelton, New Bern, N. ' C. Houfs 12 to 2, 6 to 8 p. nu Sk HURST Jistributors for Craven, Car teret," Onslow. Jones, Pam lico, Beaufort, And King ston Counties. .'. to All Kinds of Southern Fruits and Vegetables for CASH or will handle on consignment. Let me know your prices on what you have or will have. . StEpln litton, Jr.r Commission Merchant ,29 Vork St., Utica, N. Y. Dtice'ot'Store Purchase. I have put chased the stock of gener al merchandise owned by Geo. S. Wil cox, (deceased) at Bellair, N. C and rill continue the business at the same place. UJiai Lottie Wi'cox will man age the business, with -the assistance of Daniel Lane )r. We expect to- carry ' -. a full line of General Merchandise and sell at New .Bern prices. i ,' r . '. ' n We will thank all former patrons to continue with us. -- ,. Very Truly, GUY S. LANE. For 8al8 Trr fiash 'Or OH I i 1119 cne ten 51 P engine, ens 12 II 5 engine, re - fum tnrmlap nnilor A i w V;- ' CD jUEdW JTiaiL ;ith leOder and CCHCicnSOr. Rea80n8 fOr ESlling Want tO put 4 1-ro-or machinerV i. i x luabumti , j;r.3h UattOJ-i-S fillVBr- jt q '. i Slrav Hnn mm i n - b " u - 1- rr- " , e (f For v' V'ifi- " I I Wanted Buy und tan female dog, followed r from Onslow county and I.'t ' -" - ion. The owikt, ... - , ' sly r;-- tv- ie'i ICIi II! tun seems tin- : (D. IttliS IU1! he rains i People Steep in ' Parks And Drink Ditch Water Government Rushes Aid. Volcano Breaks J.case In New Mexico. President Roon welt Personally Gives Money to Red resa Society. Soldiers Ooing .Qnat Work Preserving - . , Order. Special to -Journal. San Francisco, April 19, The fire thought to have been checked last night, continued until this afternoon, when It was finally checked at corner of Van Ness and Mission streets. Three fourths of the city is utterly destroyed, and 300, 000 are homeless, two-thirdiof this number slept in Golden Gate Park, last n:g'H. . ' ; Provisions Scare and High( Provisions are scarce and bread has soil 'as Mh as a d-jlUr a loaf. The mih'tary under orders have seized all the" food supplies remaining in stores ni w irehouses. The rush to lea re the city con lnne". - Drank Water Iron t itchae. One bank president has directed that $300,000 of the bank's funds be applied to the immediate relief of the people. The suffering from thirst is great, the water mains are broken in hundreds of places, but no wuter appear above the ground, all staking into the earth. Peo ple drink from ditches or pools, as they can find water. One water company says it will have water in part of the mains tomorrow, and will be able to furnish 10,000,000 uallons. , ; - Twenty Thieves Shot Today the regular troops shot dead twenty,, perfjns who were discovered stealing F s e hundred cadets from the University of California are put on duty, these art shooting every one at tempting robbery. The report that the famous Cliff House had toppled into the sea, is un true. v Hundrede el Thousands Homeltee. - The country about the city, and also the hills and beaches, resemble a vast camp, with its tents. - The problem of feeding and sheltering 300,000 homeless people, is one of the greatest thia na tion has ever had to face. ' Portsmouth Square has been made the public morque. The soldiers have forced the citizens, rich and poor, alike, at the muzzles of their guns, to go to work burying the dead, yet many remain un buried, and remain a menance to pub lic health. Loeees to Be Paid. The insurance companies announce that they will pay losses by earthquake, at well as by fire, though the policies do not cover earthquake losses. The U. S. Treasury Department has failed to find its assistant treasurer, in this city, also several other officials, and it is believed they are lost. Other Place Affected. It is reported today that an earth quake shock s;lit Mount Capulin, an extinct volcano, near Folsom, New J Mexico, and that smoke is pouring from It and meltuig the snow. A hun- dred pcopl8 ." dead at th townof , ;overnmsnt M FoM Secretary of Commerce and LaW, Metcalfe, won his way from Washinir- ton, to represent President Roosevelt. He will confer with the governor of Cali- Ionia, and will recommend what steps BCC,M,y to b taken by the gov- ernment to a J th iioni.ln nf CuHfnr. nia. Aid is being rushed by the govern ment. Forty six car loads of tents and food aro going from Portland, Ore. wua vast supplies Irom a score of n r,, has Um,!l;;f 6ent n m t0 tIl0 t (-. ... :J c- p , i- i . '" e, , - , - -j , People Are Leaving Stricken - v Temporarily. City Dead art Burled In Trenches Filled With : Quick Lima. No Estimate Can be Put on the Number Killed. Relief Coming Rapidly. '' Special to Journal. San Francisco. April 21. The Are continues but is believed to be some-, what under control and if no unfore seen circumstance occurs . it may gradually be extinguished. The ferry to Oakland was threatened but the flames were checked. The use of fire wag prohibited in houses. . ' Disposfng of Dead. The bodies of the dead are lying all over . the city and the disposition of yesterday, he was given an informal these corpses has come to be a serious' reC(.ption in the Benbow House bbby problem to the' authorities..' No one'. . , ; . .. L . l . i u-s- by his many friends, in Greensboro, can tell the exact number and it i ' ' ? doubtful if it , ever vill be ) nown. ' A" political feelings were forgotten, Quick lime is being used as disinfect-;as ihy gra.s:ied the Congreslinniti'. ants.( Bodies are burried in trenches'-h-nd,. Democrat and Republican) alikf, filled' with quick lime. j eager to show tl.eirVi-atiik-atiomcf Mr. --.s. The Exodus Is Great. . ir.Iacktu n't victo-y. thev 'camet awav. It h estimated that 25,000 left today and they are not only going on trains but are hurrying out by any means they can get. The! railroads are carrying people out free of charge. . -v v ,.; . , -: No Fear of Famine. : : '?, !The prospect of famine has disapr peared and food is abundant but the of drinking water is still limited. This, however, may be adjusted in a'.' w 0 ., , , ' . : ...... , from the Meyer Brothers Co. tor fifty short time. There u no possibility of ' obtaining water through the city sys-, dollar?' and other contributions are tem as both water an 1 sewer systems rapidly coming 'hi. A ma33,m3eting are destroyed. . - I , : LitUizing Vacant Building. .M,iyor, and the'Chamberof Commerce, All vacant buildinp s are being eizea c , . - .. .. for quarters for tho homileas and no' claim of former .owner or occup mt is honored. Persons are forbidden to en-1 ter other buildiiws than their, own ou on pain of death. This order has been made to prevent looting as far P03F1D1O. . . Another Town Destroyed. . Tulane, a village of 3,O0b people was destroyed by the earthquake and the ruins are burning. So many towns have been damaged that the legisla ture has been called in extraordinary session to prepare , immediate relief measures, v Subscriptions Pouring In The amount of subecrrotions received oythe relief . committee has reached $2,500,000. President Roosevelt has ask 3d Congress to increase its appro priation. . E Latham & Co s. Weekly Cotton Letter Special to Journal. Greensboro, April 21. During the week just past, the market suffered a decline of about 3 8 cents from the high of Tuesday, due nearly entirely to the calamity on the Pacific Coast The uncertainty of the financial situation caused a gloomy feeling to pervade the holders of stqcks.and cotton sold by them in fright. On Friday there was a par tial recovery in the market, which was resumed today, and the closing is otily 8 points lower for May than lait Sat urday. , The demand for spot cotton was not quite so brisk as the week pre vious, but there is no halting in the spindles, and good, desirable grades will command a large premium until the next crop is marketed. ' Nek Fri day is notice day for May delivery, and it is understood all tenders will be taken care of, and we see no reason for any decline, and if shorts get nervous, they may force the market much higher. A Wild Time. Special to Journal: , Raleigh, April 21. The A. & M. Col- ege base" ball team won from theU. of N, C. today in a most exciting and interesting game. No scores were made until the eighth inning when the A. & M. 1 inded safely twice ard again scored in the ninth, making the score 3 to 0. Patterson pitched a splendid game and had his support been decent would have won a great victory. He i... i o7v mi. in v.. .4:t .-.hi.- .. . ueu . -opponents only got three hits on him. The game was won on errors. There was great excitement during thn . Eima unA tha TV.IS k. ..- to maintain order, tieing obliged atone .i" " , I.'- u wv ( Tho following resolutions were en time to make a pretense of getting his doT.le(J by the meeting : - , pistol. The U. of N. C rooters were! That every Domocratic voter of the endeavoring' to occupy n, place on the 9th township is 'appointed a delegate to front lines but were prevented. When tha counly ent'on in New the A. & M. crowd went to the same plare they w.:re not prevented and that made the Varsities fore. The crowd was large and uproarious ana un-re nun noi ie..-n a mors exeilin. ti;r.n that. Gv-v.-i-r.-r C; HI W (11 5 The Republican Congressman Over ; whelmed with Congratulations. Demecnis and Republicans Expreu latls faction Over His Victory. Liberal : Conbibutlons For San Fran- ; Cisco Sufferers. Mass . - t Meeting Sunday i Afternoon. Special to Journal. ;1; Greensboro, N. C.April 21..-ndmce his yindicution, ; Congressman E. Spen cer Blackman has received from all parts of the State, over five hundred telegram; ongraiulatinff twr-wHtic outcome.-of the-trial.- - As Mr. Black burn returned from tho court' room Mr" K"?-kbu anJ M,llle've for his h-xn- in Washington, D. C, in a few u.yd. ; Last night Mayor Mm phy recti-ed Mr Moseg Cone the r(:..:.. ju,,c vomuiwsnw- vompuny.a check for $1,000, to be sei?t tp the euf- ferers of the San Francisco disaster. Followine Mr. Cone's check came one ihas been called by. T.J Murphy, . -.. scnptwna to vne roaai rutws. ; - ., , . ... , S ' ' t . Btirr m Monillly ForMay Thv nurrpnf. niimViov nf lwa . beautiful raHgazine in the world" isnow Ion a!l news tauls. The wwpr ta n fino portrait of that popular stage favorite, Miss Ethel Barrymore and Is presented in colors, mong the prominent."people portrayed are Chancellor McCrcaken, the eminent financier, the hte. Susan B. Anthony, and the Emperor of Austria Among the people famous for their work )in the drama or opera aro DeReszke, the famous basso, Lillian Blaif"jlt, of r j n.: T1....1 m jtL i? -r.4. Grand Opera fame, Paul Ed wart3,""Vir Erie, Adelo Ritchie and. Yvette -uiibert, the celebrated French char acter actress who is now making a fare well tour of this country. The panjramic features of the issue deal quite exten sively with Egypt from photographs obtained on the ground by our personal representative. These photographs were selected with great care and rep resent the most" interesting scenes in the Land of tho Nile. The color work of this issue is exquisite and another of the famous shadow pictures, this one representing Miss Henrietta Crossman, will attract admirers of this class of photography. Altogether this May issue is quite equal to any which precede it. - Burr Publishing Company : New York. JUST BREATHE IT Hyomel Curt Catarrh In Natural and Ra tional Way. No dangerous drugs or alcoholic con coctions are taken into the system when Hyomei is used in the treatment of ca tarrh. Breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, the balsamic healing of Hyomei penetrates to the most remote cells of the nose, throat and lungs, killing all catarrhal germs, healing the irritated mucous membrane and effecting a Com plete and permanent cure. No medicine taken into the stomach can possibly reach the remote cells of the air passages, or give the imme diate relief that follows the use of Hy omei! A few days treatment is usual ly all that is necessary to show how quickly this remedy will cure catarrh. ' So successful has Hyomei been in the cure of catarrh among his customers that F. S. Duffy sells it under a posi tive guarautee that it costs r-othing unless it gives satisfaction. The com plete outfit sells one dollar, while extra bottles can bo obtained for 50 cents. Jasper At pr.nmry hed on Apr., 21g(. ,n 1 the 9th townahip the following names I were elected as the executive commit- tee : A. E. Wadsworth chairman, John Daugherty, O. II. Perry, E. Z. K. Bern April 27, 1006, 12 m. Ve hIko pn.Wsfi Hnn. C. XI ThnmRS for Congress, lion. D L Ward for Son- ator. lion. Oil Guion Ju.tee of the Th'rd Judicial District. i k ht'iiil.itfho r. 'u'U') from a it t f t'.' r1' 'i 1 is c: - .,', it.:. Cfi-Hn- in-e ! v Outlawry-. Adds to the Horror of the , . ' Vuai(e and Fire " v . ' . ! V Large Amounts of Money, Pouring tnto the . Stricken City.' Earthquake Salt! to j.- : ) Have Been Felt In Oregon. . ; fecial to Journal. ' Sen Francisco, April 23. Fird broke oii in .theioal (bunkers of the Union ferry; lodnyvahds'-. fiercely raging; These h-d not shown any signs of fire Uw4' wiTiUqvcd.th(sy, would escape . but the flames have made them their prey. This presents a hard .-condition as it miiv shut out communication with .... ; ted,."-'. . . , Oakland. Tho total -tea of the burnt J tj.. g. va T. W, Brock, Onstew coun district id said by people who have sur- ty, retailing liquor without payment of vieyod it. to lie svtm square nnlea. special tax. Verdict, notguilty. . P.o.ruent Lady i'wlng. U. P." vs W. Gaylor, Greene county, .' ' . :.'. ' .' irfniHnfT i7irSrMif tha tti.-rtf' if Iwtint ! c nfmion following the earth (quake i i ) nor friends have been una- bie to n 1 1 1 1 traoo of her. 1 Tremors Still Felt " Di-i i -t choe'ts of earthquake have been felt at Grants Pass, Oregon. -The shocks have been accompanied by loud noises. . - .!.( Murdored by Patrol . A mist unaccountable and horrible affair occurred today in the murder of H. C. Tilden, a leading -member, of the Citizens Relief Committee. He was riding in his automoUtk when he . 1 1 , -it 11 . . ....i r was snoi ana Kiueu oy six menioora i the Citizens Patrol. The attack was without warning or reason". Three of the assailan's have been arrested. His chauffeur was slightly woundad in the meliic. - Funds are Incroaslng Congress has appropriated .another half million dollars for the victims of the fire, makiner a total of two and one half million dollars. ' The United States Treasury has deposited five miljion dol lars in San Francisco bank? siSce Sat i urday. Business Change at Arapahoe rMr. J. A. Johnson has piuxhliscd the interest of his partner, Adam Bennett in the ' general mercantile ' busi ness of Johnson aid Bennetf&t Arapa hoe. ' Mr. Bennett retires on account of ill health. v.- Dr. Pepper is sold only in-" bottles 5 cents. ' ' ' . . ' First Strawberries Tho Editor is tha appreciative recip ient of his first strawberries jof this season from his friend Graham T. Rich ardson, 'on whoso farm -they- were grown. They are the 'Hef Jin variety, and are beauties.--. t Mr W. F. Aberly Hurt " ' v Saturday morning Mr. W. F. Aberly of the Pine. Lumber Co.; met with a severe accident in the company's yard on Griffith street.'- He was .endeavor- tag to stop a loaded car with umbe4Rolved: That it is the sense of this - to r . L..M tint V.1 TTsvV. f II nuixTC which had beer) pushed up to another.! car. He was caught between the cars and he suffered the fracture of one rib and also of the breast bone. He is re covering rapidly, i - . - i Call for a bottle of t)r!. Pepper. ; . Union Point. . ' ' " itpril 23. We are having very dry weather but the truck and fruit crops seem . to be growing well. - - " '' ' JAri. E. C. Garner and M?M. Giancy are visiting relatives in Wildwbod. j "Mr. and Mrs. N. L, Boil Raited rela tives in Newport last week, -j . The potatoes have tot a good start but the; potato bugs seem to have got a better start. We would like to know if they are troublesome elsewhere. Misses Lula and Besso Garner were the guests of Miss Amanda Garner Sat urday night. ';'; ;-;.'.' '..'chairman. , . - Mr. A. L. Wilson lost" V flno horse Moved und carried that the proceed- last week. Mrs. Etta Wethorington of Tuscs - rora was the guest. of her sister Mrs. M. H. Garner last week." v.. '.- :- Mrs. E. X. Garner has built a fine' house. - . ' Miss Lula Longest has returned from a visit to Bogue. .... ,. , '.''" ' A fire broke out in a bouse here and i-j.it-ri caused a good deal of fngtit li'stThurR- . .. , , , dcy. It was put out before much d:im-! J r agewasdom. . Mr. E. E. Lundy preached at New - port last Wednesday night, after which hepreacheil at Hodnots Creek. Mr. and Mrs. I. II. rr-scott vuod friends in Ncwpo.it Taturd -". -. Vr. and Mi -i. F. N.' Hi -vr w-o of V.i... C. T. C,v.. - :':.,!-- The Regular Spring Tribunal Commences lie . Sessions The spring term of the United States o"rtbgan few yesterday with its usual formality: The. chanres of the personnel are confined to the marshals ncenjch's;yinp Mr, Claudius Dockery the United gtltfS- jrarsfial. vice H. C. Dockery and Deputy : Marshal n. vv. Ward, , Vice John Dockery. ' Other deputies , Messrs Mitchell and Sharp were also I present. District Attorney Harry Skin ner was assisted by Mr. Gilsa of ,Dur- ham. The grand ' jury was organized with Amok G. Co, o? Pitt ertuntv. forfiman. jdW JWft's 'oHarge .to the grand jury was elaborate and exhaustive. Following are the cases tried: U. S. vs Damon Fulchor, Carteret 1 -- J! . .. V . i- i . 1 . . special government tax. ' j v Now Bern Gave $600 The total contributions of the city of New Bern to the sufferers in San Fran cisco were'ov.er $600.. Aside from the general subscription taken up by Mayor Patterson, the Knights Templar, Elks Lodge and the congregation of the Presbyterian church took up special collections. In our 'summary of the donations we were in error a3 to the gift of Mr. J. A. Meadows; it should have been $50.00. Following are those who have given money since the list in Sunday paper: Pine Lumber Co., $25; Mike Joudy, 53 00; Cash, ?t E0; Cash, 50 cts; M, Hahn, $3 00; Cash, $1 00; R, F. Broad. dus, $5 00; I. P. Hatch, (col.) $100- R. W. Williamson, (col.) $2 00. ' New Bern Underwriter's Agency. Whilst at this time we have no defi nite news of the extent of the Com pany's loss tt San JFranciseo, we know that our interest (whilst doubtless great) is yet in a comparative sense moderate, the volume of business tran sacted in that city, judged by premiums received, not being much above the average. Our United States funds are doubt less quite ample to satisfy this loss without call upon our home office, but, as has been customary on like occasions in (the past, arrangements are in prog ress to furnish the whole of the needed money fiom England, in order that these funds may bo undisturbed. ; Yours V'-ry truly, . HENRY W. EATON, , : Resident Manager. Tha Liverpool and London and Globe Ins. Co., , - ' Carolina Wins Again Special to Journal: Richmond," Va., April 23. The Uni versity of North Carolina base ball team defeated the University of Vir ginia today by a score of 6 to 1. Bat teries for Carolina: Cunningham and Rogers. i Pleasant Hill Precinct 'Chairman G, T. Richardson called meeting to order and the following reso lutions were unamimously endorsed: primary that the Hoh. O. H. Guion be endorsed by the County Convention for Judge of the 3rd Judicial District and we hereby instruct bur delegates to the convention to that end.' ' Resolved: That we endorse the course of our democratic member of Congress Hon C R Thomas and we instruct our delegates to' the County Convention to vote for a resolution of instruction for his re-notoination.'- ' v .'.We the democrat of Pleasant Hill precinct hereby endorse Hon D L Ward for one of the Senators from this dis trict and hereby instruct our delegates to vote for his re-nomination in the Democratic County Convention' to be held in New Bern April 27, 1906. I The following delegates were elected tn thd ("ountv Convention :J B Crench. jj A Lancaster, G T Richardson, J E Hill and J T House? : J B French, E A Lancaster, GT Richardson, J L Humphrey and W S Richardson were elected townbhip exe cutive committee, with J B French, ing of this meeting be sent to the New ! Roin Journal with quest to publish Bam6' . ' ''. ' . .. . . . Clad lNeWS Receive,J .The anxiety felt by the family ard ..fricnds'ot Ut' V'ark stevcn80n h,0is w" relieved Sunday by the receipt of two .. . wii ic telegrams, one from Mark lnm?t If t.icl .. , ' , the other from his employer at luciun- ,. ... . n 11 .j i apolis. am v.ai dated fi om 0:iKl '"nana u:te.d that he was safe fnd w.ll but . th;lt thinr was loft to him save the t.0.),ca he won'. ... ' Tho l"i;'. ht-.--.-3 of thn A--. i i. ..:i P-- oh.ia.in ('. .-v: s i In i.-r..: r .- (.'' - - -. - ; '' ' tiii. C ' ' : KEEP COOL By using Peerless Ice land freezers, Cold Wave and refrigerators. The Li:rr j - 'dtfierence.' in COSt Of ICe Will' if ' greater over cheaper ... . ; makes. . ". v. ' . ' . Rest Well by using good hammocks.. Don't Worry over hot stoves," get a blue frame Oil Stove.- at a small cost. Call and see before you buy. Yours to please, J. S. MILLER New Bern N. C THE PEOPLE Prove The Quality of Our Ice Cream If they didn't like the 'delicious arr tide we have, they would not patronize . us. Come and see for yourselves. We also sell the best brands of cigars and tobacco. Crescent Tobacco Company. Wz D. Barrington MANAGER. CiGA SOLD BY Rytiian's Restaurant AND BivErciiiS Store , :'. " Proprietor. Pharmacy ,127 Middle Street. . Full line of .Drugs, Medi cines, Toilet Articles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIP 3 TIONS A SPECIALTY Made from pure dis tilled filtered 'wa ter. mi ber:i ice ce?::. 19-21-233Griffith Srrect, Phone 23, BLACKSMITH & WIl.LL' Busies, Wagons, Crt3 and T ways kept in stock. I r.., without cutting with tho 1: proved tire shrinker. I k.ji.--;i supply of cart whwls rJ v..-. ; rej.-tirin;; done at quirk r.-n ' Shop on South Front , Hancock SU. Tor: KEY WEST Henrys ' l" I hi ! !,!.. ) I , (