f - - - SBUU Library . 1 ' ' ' NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY, 'APRIL 27 . 1906. SECOND SECTION 29th YEAR 'V A 1 n ID'S PECULIAR HABIT. flfsan FllM Along With Passenger Train tvary Morning for Distinct ol Fifteen . j . ; ' ' Miles. ir.e passengers on the mail train ?i Morehead City due here in the rang are greatly interested in the 'iar conduct of a pigeon which is ,i by a man in Wildwood and en- gsjes the train in a race from Wild- . wood to Havelock every morning, a dis .tlata of 15 miles. The bird apparently watches for the approach of the train. It always picks out the passenger train s- and flies along withjt, sometimes ahead e'2"t, but it never fails to accompany (Re train. . ' It flies so near , the cars - f-V st passengers can almost touch it. Xi hen the train stops at Newport the : Urd perches nearby and waits for it to atart when it continues its journey to XL.velock, then it returns to its home, eriJently with an impression on its lit t! brain that it has discharged some . ' - The pigeon is "handsome, being white . "With ablack head. "No other bird seems t take this freak nor does this one at . I tich itself to any other train and the Condor grows how the bird appears to , rTf train to any other. It will .'.' t aadly, missed when for any' reason it discontinues its regular flights. .. ' ' " Dr. L. Shaw Andre , - Eye Specialist -J-Eyae treated for all defects of vision. ' Examination tit spectacles free. ' C-ice Hotel Hazelton, New Bern, N. C. ; Houfa 12 to 2, 6 to 8 p. m. ..'Kti ' " . : ROBERTS : & HURST -' - Distributors, for Craven, Car teret, Onslow. Jones, Pam icb; Beaufort, And King . jEton .Counties. .- 7anted to Buy ill Kinds of ".Southern Fruits and Vegetables for GASH or will handle .on ! consignment. Let me know ;your -prices on what . you ;havs-i ;Qr will have. i'j Qitton,- Jr., . . .ir:ti ... ill; -, V JIJII IIIIIllUllj ,Cci:imlsslon llerchaat 29 York St., Utica, N. V. of Store Purchase. j I have pui chased the stock of gener ' 1 merchandise owned by Geo. S. Wil- cox, (deceased) at Bellair, N. C. and will continue the business at the same rUtce. Miss Lottie Wi'eox will man tle the business, with -the assistance of Daniel Lane Jr. ' Ve expect to carry a full line of C..eral Merchandise and sell at New "C cm prices. . We will thank all former patrons to 'continue with us, - , . Very Truly, " ' "y GUY S. LANE. For Salo cash or on iit:ie ten II P engine, 12 II I engine, ro- c r !3 rn tubular ,boiler; i CO eax7 Pratt CJin lesder . and ::r::or. Reasons ? nllingwant to put ; r.tcr machinery. I!attocli3 f:ilvcr- y Cog i finale dug, followed 1 ( . 'uw county and ' 'U TiiO owner ' 1 1 : - 1 ! hew city loo"::;s up. People Far From Being Discouraged. They are Strong and Energetic. A Comparison of lh Burned Artas Show the Extant and Magnitude of tha . ' " 1 , Destruction. Special to Journal, - San Francisco, April 24. A correct measurement of -the burned district shows that .the 6 square miles of the city are in ruins.' This means 4160 acres. ' Thirty times greater than was the Baltimore fire. - There were 40,000 buildings destroyed. The ruins were all down town or in the business section. ... . " o " Plans are being devised for a new and larger and greater city. Several persons have accepted plans for, new buildings. One order for 17 story bank and office building has been' given. The people are leaving -the city and going to the fishing places in Alaska where 3,000 have found work in the canneries.;.' x AZ! .v :-l Ss-' '.- Nearly all the. atect frame houses of th city stood the earth quake shock but the fire either destroyed them en tirely or made them unsafe for habita tion. f The vaults of the banks are in tact, Jbut they can not ..be opened until they have thoroughly cooled off. .The forts which guard the harbor were badly damaged by the shock and considerable rearrangement must be made before they will be deemed effi cient protection. The danger f rom epidemic has passed. The sanitary de partment did its work, extremely well and his received pranefrom all over the country. Two ; large steamships were seriously damaged by the earth quake and can not make any trips until tiiey are thoroughly overhauled. , The relief fund,bas reached the en ormous sum of ten million dollars.. , Empress Dowager's Gift Rejected Special to Journal. ' ,- . Washington, April t 2(5. President Roosevelt today 'declined the offer ten dered by the Empress Dowager of China of the donation of $75,000 for the victimS of the Sah Francisco disaster. . It has caused more laughs and dried more tears; wiped away diseases and driven away more fears than any other medicine in the world. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets, For Sale by F. S. Duffy, . Insurance' Rates Advance " Special to-Journal. , . , Chicago, April 26 Underwriters and business men directly or indirectly in terested in fire insurance predict ah ad vance in rates to cover losses made by the San Francisco fire. ;.'''''' Let us fill your prescriptions. War ren's Drug Store. Efforts for Forest Reserve Special to Journal. - Washington, April 26. Gov. Glenn and Commissioner of Agriculture Pat terson of North Carolina addressed the House Committee in favor of the Ap palachian Forest Reservation today. . . Loco. ' : , April 26. We are hayjng cool weathernow. and its very bad on our small truck. - Our quarterly meeting was held Sat urday and Sunday. We had a large congregation each day. - . Mr. E E Lundy of Wilmington and Mr. Elsie Hobbs and son of Wards Mill spent Saturday night at the home of Miss Eunice E Smith, - Mr. Manly Higgins and wife welcome guests at the home of Mr.' E J Higgins Saturday night. Messrs. K and L Barbeeof Rkhlands spent Saturday night night with rela tives at this place. Mr and Mrs Rollie Collins and chil dren of this place spent Sunday even ing in Jones, with Mr and Mrs Norman Eubank. 11 5 ' . '". ;k- i Mr Georgia Weeks of Hadnots Creek and Mrs Lincein Hadnot of Maysville were in our town last wek. in tne uco items a lew weeks ago, a mistake was made in the age of Elder Smith, it should have been 85 years, in stead of 89. , ""' w. w. A Splendidly , Illustrated Magazine McClure'a Magazinefor May in ad. dition to its sterling text, headed by the nrst of the Kipling stones and the Life Insurance articles, is one of the beat illu8tratd numbers of any perio dical that has been on the stands in a long time. The following well known aitists n; ; r in its r-jes:- Andre Csstaigne, Chickens, Fenn, Ditzler, Lowell, Wyelh, T;iy!(ir, and Sloan. In ailiillion I . f. Wi uy'avaluaUe es ' ' ! v ':' good portraits of the say on VA'.'n rq-roiluetions Of TH great Port. 0.," Borrowing not . Joke. Regarded a Freight Trains Block Tracks. Colored Man Run Over. Railroad Man, Robbad. ; Largs Subtcrlptloni For California. Resldenta must Put Down Side.' walks. ' Correspondent ill. (Special Correspondent) ; Greensboro N.C. April 24,,-Ata point ' near Ruffin early Sunday morn ing a freight train on the main line of the Southern Railway ran into another freight train which had not cleared the siding and thirteen cars were derailed. There was no personal injury, but the track was blocked for several hours, de laying all south bound passenger trains. " "' - Sunday morning, the body of Chas. William, was found along the railroad track between West . Market crossing and Guilford avenue. Coroner Turner on viewing the body found that an inquest was not necessary as death had evi dently resulted from" injuries received by being run over by the tram. One arm was served .from the body, the head was badly cut and the face disfigured. In his pocket was found an empty liquor bo tie and about fifty cents in change. The Southern Railway -Co. was notified to remove-the body,, which they did.yes terday afternoon, burying the man near the scene of the accident. - Sunday night a lineman here was rob bed of sixty dollars. On retiring he put his purse under his pillow and when he awoke yestreday morning his purse and. money were both gone. In addition to the $1,14S.00 which has been raised, a concert will be given by the local musicians of the city Tuesday night, for the benefit of the San Frart cisco sufferers and other Pacific Coast cities. Mr. C. W. C Hammel will have charge of the program. v""" The horse and buggy belonging to Mr. F. A. Mathews, which was "borrowed" on Friday night has been recovered. Mr. Mathews had tied his horse in front of the Baptist church and after the ser vice was over he was unable to find his property. He secured the service of Policeman Stedman and early Sunday morning he found the buggy and horse close to the railroad in the vicinity of the Normal College. It seems that some boys took the horse as a joke, but if they are found they will have to pay pretty high for their joke as Mr .Mat hews has offered $25 reward for their capture, y '-. ... - - .,. ' ; ' . The city clerk has issued peremptory; notices to all owners of property to re pair or put down, new side, walks in front of "which the curbing has been set The order demands that the pav ing must be done without delay, and as a considerable amount of grading and curbing was done last fall, the police who are serving the notice, have no small job in front of them. Mr. Andrew Joyner, the press cor respondent wno has been ill at his home since Thursday has improved somewhat though his condition is still serious. ; NEW BERN LAD? ARTISTS. High Class Musical EnfertalMntni at Which Miss Marlon fladcllfft Will ' '. : Sing. , ' ; A local item in the Baltimore Sun contains a notice of a musical enter- tainment at the home of Mrs. Charles J. Bonaparte in the interest of the laboratory fund of St. Josephs hospi tal. It will be given Friday May 4. The notice is of particular interest to New Bern people for the mention of former ladies formerly well known here. Miss Marion Radcliffe, of New York is to sing and it is said of her that she has obtained most briiliantTuccess in New York, and in many " places throughout the south. ' While in Balti more she will be the guest of Miss Maria Manly, another , former resident of Nesr Bern, The name of Miss Marion R&wls, ap pears on the program as pianist She is also wellltnown in New Bern and has had large success as a pianist in the Peabody Conservatory , of Music in Baltimore. ; . ' - 1 1 Richmond Gets Next Reunion Special to Journal. New Orleans, April 26. The invita tion of the Confederate Veterans to meet in Richmond, Va., in 1907, was unanimously accepted at the annul re union today, - : School Closing Pic-nic The Quinerly School will close on Thursday, May 3rd, with an all day picnic. Dr. J. B. Carlysle will speak at li o ciocK. mere is probably no man in the State who is his superior ai an entertaining, instructive and en thufaiaatic speaker for school closings. Hon L I Moore will also be with us and will have something to say, The people of the community are re speclfully and cor.liui'y invited to be pros-ntati,l Li ii :j well f.llcd 1; A '! time m in sfro f r every- Buggy. uoay. come ana eni-y j L. J. c;i.f"."i ,, j;...: v. : a. :. ,1 j LY Valuable New Bern Contribution to Hall of History . Chief Justice Clark Gives Address. North Carolina Blankets ; PresenUd to v Earthquake Sufferer. State Offices Refitted.' Crop ,. Bulletin Report Pen- ' slon Blanks 0ut.; ' (Special Correspondence. ) " . Raleigh,; April 25.--Cl)iJ Justice Walter Clark . will deliver an address Friday evening at Philadeltmin before the University of Pennsylvania. ; pis subject will be : ?'Some defects in , the United States Constitution and iui ne cessity for the Federal Ccr.ititutional Convention." v ' J- A charter is grainA.he Ra'eigh Pressed Brick Compaay, capital stock $10,000r T. T. Hay , and others stock holders. There is . considerable dovel opmcntin the way of briekmaking in the State, here and at other points. . ' Through Mr. Hugh Chatham, its president, the Chatham Manufacturing Company of Elkin sends to the San Francisco suffers 100 pairs of very fine blankets it manufactures, "i The rail' ways transport this gift .free to San Francisco.) . ... .; : ? State Auditor Dixon today sent out the pension blanks to the various coun ties, ' The pensions will not be paid, of course, until December 15th, as usual. Mrs. Mary McK. Nash of New Bern has -piesented to the Hall of History Sir Walter Ealeigh's cot-of-Brms and also' a very good picture of Governor Tyson'B "Palace" in New Bern as it was when finished. Mrs. Nash has bet'n quite a large contributor by loan or gift to the collection. ..'The refitting of the offices of the Governor and Secretary of State makes the fact more apparent that the other oiC :es in the capitol, as wet) as in the rotunda and corridors, not to' speak of the halls of the Senate and House, need attention of the seme kind. (The inte rior of the buildings couldy'be made very beautiful by the expenditure of a few thousand dollars. No time ought to be lost, the public saves in) getting the walks laid down in the capital square. i" 2" - -V- I The court house here is being entirely refitted, steel ceilings have been put in the offices and many improvements be ing made in the court rooms, - r The third crop bulletin for the State this year shows that last week was fajr and very favorable for farm work, There' were general rains on. Sunday. heaviest in, the east, though the rain fall for the wee 'c was above normal, There were frosts on three days, the temperature reaching the freezing point at one place. Merritt. April 26, The farmers around Merritt are pro gressing well h getting their crops planted, they .have reduced the acreage on potatoes about 50$ and they are ex pecting better prices this year, ,: We had a light frosc the night of the 23rd, but we have heard of no damage done as yet. . v : . Miss Ida Cahoon is teaching school at this place. Her father Mr. J. W. Ca hoon just -closed the public school at this place. Miss. Ida assisted ber fath er in his school and is a very good teach er for the primary grade. Mr. J. W. Aldridge was at Merritt Saturday trying to organize ' a Cotton Growers and Business Men's . Associa tion, but our peopli are slow to get to gether on the cotton proposition. There will be as much planted here as in 1905. !: Our farmers seem to have their eyes open to business as they are putting more improved ; machinery on their farms, which reduces the labor expense which is very high and scarce here. . We learn the lodge of C. B. H. is pro gressing finely and are swelling their membership some. Much success to them as it a good organization. The farmers here are helping the guano factories some, from the looks of things as there were about 200- bags delivered at the warehouse at this place on Monday. Wo expect 10c cotton or higher." : . - .;..! , . v .Tar Heel. Hubert Items. ' April 23. The farmers of this section are very near through planting corn now, cotton planting has begun. ; :? . Mrs Sylvania Conway is to be added to our sick list this week. - , ; Miss Lula Hatchell of Swansboro was a visitor here last : Saturday and Sunday. -' ' . Messrs. E T. and Walter Hobby at tended church at White Oak last Sat urday and Sunday. Messrs. Sylvester Morton and Walter Hewitt of Northeast were visiting in this section lust Sunday. ' Mr. E. I. Kellum has just purchased him a fine "on'an." I'r. K. C. Wiiidburg is having a new km; - i t:ei :! 1 unjor the management of I'r. Jo' n ILuirock. D'I' ": n v' ''or at F r FROST IK INTERIOR. Damage to Truck or Plants Re ported. . No Veterans Leave for New Orleans. Damage Suit Against Southern - Railway Co. Commencement of the Colored A. and M. College. , (Special Correspondence) : : Greensboro April 25 Last night the mercury dropped down to 35, and there was a small frost A phone message from John, A. - Young's nurseries ' to day says no harm was done to anything so far as can be ascertained. ; - A ; A large" congregation attended the revival services at the Christian church last night and heard a strong, practical sermon by Rev. I. W, Johnson, of Suf folk Va.,, who is assisting the pastor Rev. L. F. Johnson. Prof. Charles J. . Brockman went to Winston Salem today to assist in the production of Haydn's "Creation" by the choral society there. fJMessers Walter McAdoo, John Rankin J.F. H. HighfillandJ.W. McNairyleft today for the sixteenth annual reunion of Confederate veterans which is to be held in New Orleans. The casa of Chas. PRoberson against the Southern Railway Company was takau up again Monday, having been postponed on Saturday on account of one of the jurors being taken sick in the court house. ' The plaintiff sued for $15,000 for alleged injuries received at Spencer while in the employ of the defendant company. The evidence was concluded by noon and the argument of the counsel began on the convening of the afternoon session. The case went to the jury at 5:30 and after being out about half an hour the jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the sum of $1,500. " A marriage ceremony was performed in the office of the register of deeds yesterday, the contracting parties be ing Mr John W. Thomas and Mrs. Mary A. Curry, both of High Point, Rev. A G. Kirkman. register of deeds officia- ted.v The annual closing exercises of the Y. W. C. A. were held last night at the A. and M. College for .the colored race speeches being made by several of the students, and an address by Rev. B. B, Hill, of Reidsville. On Sunday after noon the Rev. Dr. R. E. Jones, of New Orleans delivered the baccalaureate ser mon to the students. During the after noon a collection amounting to $16.57 was taken for the benefit of the people of San:. Francisco. i-'-T---: I Last Day of Court, The first case on trial before Judge Purnell yesterday was that of United States va Quin Cox. Peg Mills, Shade Ewell, Johnson Mills and Herbert Moore on the charge of doing malicious damage to the Uunited States mail boxes which are used on rural routes. The offense was alleged to have been committed in Pitt county. The de fendants were all colored. On account of a technicality the court did not allow the case to go to the jury but dismissed the defendants. -" . . United States vs Johnson Mills, re tailing liquor without the payment of the special government tax. . United States vs M. McNamara, re sisting an officer. : This is the case in which the defendant, Michael McNa mara, chiof engineer . on the yacht Roxana, here last Thanksgiving. The complaining witness was Arthur T. Kemp, a wealthy resident of Boston. McNamara is a skilled engineer and holds a five year license and has many credentials and testimonials. His act was not done in malice but he merely wished to protect his reputation as a careful mechanic "anil against any posj sible charge of manslaughter that might arise from neglect of his engines or fires. And furthermore he stated that he did not know the officer repre sented the United States. The case resulted in mistrial and was continued to next term of court when the defend ant will be tried also on charge of mu tinous conduct V ' Prayer for continued judgment was entered on record in the case of U. S. vs the Commissioners of Pamlico county and they were each to give bond for $500 for their appearance at next term of court and show that 'the require ments of the War Department in re gard to the bridge are complied with. In the matter of U. S. vs R. E. Cox, sentenced by the court yesterday to pay a fine of $300 and costs and impris- 1 onment of three months. Ihe sentence WaS muuiueu ujuii 1.110 miug uj, au Bui- davit by the defendant that he had made due apolotries to Commissioner Hill for his language and conduct The judge reduced the fine $250 and costs ' . I.i.J ll. i ! L ana remiiieu me imprisonment.. The court adjourned for the term last evening and the officers left for their homes on the shootiy. - J. O.U. M, Picnic, The Junor Order United American Mechanics of Oriental will have a bas ket picnic at Arapahoe Saturday, May 5th. A Bible and flag will be present ed at the same time. It ia expected that a lodge of this order will be or;;--nized in Arapnhoe before hi x and cwy 1 !y is invi' 1 t ) ' I 01 t' ' ; . 1 biv, ' '.I'-! LAW VIOLATED In Burying Within City . Limits Without Permit , Action Against Southern Railway Employe. Dally News Has New Treasurer. Investigating Board on Pave ment Work. Graduating Re cital. Stewards Ex change Jcbs. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, April 20 Warrents have been issued for the arrest of A. W. Toglemen, section master, and J. H. Medendris, supervisor of the Southern Railway company for alleged violation of the law in burying a dead body within the city limits without the nec essary permit asrequired by the board of health and city ordinances. The charges upon which the warrents were issued allege the fact that Charles Williams, colored who was killed, early Sunday morning by being run over by a train and was buried within the city limits, on the Southern's right of way. Health officer Simpson and County physician Harrison on having their at tention called to the matter had the railroad company to exume the body and bury it outside the : city limits, which was done Monday. The South ern officials say that they were not aware that the law had been viola ted. A semi-annual meeting of the board of directors of the Daily Industrial News was held last night at which time Mr. R. D. Douglas resigned the position of secretary and treasurer in order to devote more attention to his editorial duties. Mr. C. D. Benbow, of this city was elected his successor, and under Mr. Benbow s management the Industrial News has a bright out look for the future. Among some of tne prominent republicans wno were in Greensboro to attend this meeting were: Collector Duncan, Federal court clerk Coles, of States ville, J. F. Par rott of Kinston, Marion Butler of Washington, D. C, Rollins of Ashe- ville. The concert which wa3 given for the San Francisco relief fund was a great success both from a musical and finan cial standpoint. The sum of two hun dred dollars was raised, which added to the amount all ready on hand makes a sum of about $1635.00. The Elks are raising a fund which has promise of being a substantial one. . , The committee appointed by the board of aldermen to investigate the charges made as t5 the poor class of work done in paving lm street and also as to the perpetration of fraud on the city by the inattention to duty by city officials has decided to meet Tuesday and start the investigation. The members of the committee are Mayor Murphy and Aldermen Thompson and Wysong. : Mr. Fred Taylor, chief of the fire de partment has received a check for $10 to go into the treasury of the fire de partment as an appreciation by Mr. R. P. Gorrel of the department's work in subduing a fire on his property some time ago. Mr. Latta, steward at the Guilford Benbow, has exchanged positions with Mr. Neal, of the Yarborough for a month. Mr. Latta left today for Ral eigh to take up his work. Invitations reading as follows have been issued: Graduating recital, Greens boro Female College School of Music, Florence Jones and Patsy Rilla Smith Friday evening, April the twenty- seventh at half after eight o clock, Greensboro, N. C. ," ,' Mr. James T. Ledbetter of Climax, died yesterday monningof pneumonia. Mr. Ledbetter was an active man at the time of his death and was 76 years of age. The interment will take place today at 11 o'clock. Just received a fresh lot of Frank furters at the Coast Line Meat Mar ket ' :;'.';' Sudden Death of Confederate Veteran LaGrange, N. C, April 25. While sitting at the dinner table, in the act of beginning his meal Mr. G. B. Pate fell back and in a few moments died in the arms of his only child, Mrs Levi W. Taylor. Mr. Pate served valiantly through the civil war, and carried an empty sleeve as a constant reminder of those trying times. Until the past few years, one of his chief pleasures was the reunion of his company, which was celebrated each year by a barbe cue dinner on April 23rd, at Snow Hill He was a member of the M. E. church of this place. He was about b5 years old. The remains will be laid to rest in Fairview cemetery tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. H. E. Tripp will conduct the burial service. ' We think that we are offer ing the best and most perfect working blue flame oil cook- lr. Tranche you ever saw. Cor in and let d: for you. eft1' :OU AFTER ISCEKDIAKIES " Murderer Enjoys Visiting ' Sight Awaiting Commitment, r Street Railways Personal Property. Intef estlng State Histories. Southe'rs. Eds- ' catlonal Conference. , PoMUca', Waking Up. Farm Labor Scarce- In We$t. Farmers State ... , . ..... . ,. 5 ; Convention. . ' jfe. (Special Correspondence.) f Raleigh, April 26. Deputy Insurance) Commissioner Scott has returned here from New Bern where he investigated a fire thought to be of incendiary origin The evidence to that effect is pretty strong, but not quite enough was e cured to bring about a conviction. In Anson county be investigated the burn ing of a barn in the country and the re sult of the investigation is the arrest of Clem Ingram, colored, against whom the evidence is said to be very strong. Two men saw him running away from the burning barn. , t.-i The Supreme court, as predicted at week, decides the street railway are personal property and so the man who threw a stone through the window of a street car at Winston-Salem will have to serve his sentence of 8 months on the roads. . - s ' Two-interesting books are soon to ap pear, one of these being Prof. D.- H. ' Hill's child history of North Carolina and the other a book on eminent North Carolinians by Prof. R. D. W. Conner. The illustrations will be numerous both books, and for the child's history B ' fewer than 77 have been make from the historical collection here, s This book is to appear about July. , There is to be at Lexington, Kyi, be ginning May 2, a conference on educa tion in the south and at the same time a meeting of the southern superinten. ; dents of education. State Superinten dent Joyner, R. D. W. Conner and Clarence H. Poe are among those who will attend from this State. V There is already beginning to be a little flurry ,in politics and as usual it being here among the democrats, while Greeruboro, as always is the republi can storm centre. The republicans do not seem to know as yet where their State Convention will be held,but those who favor Greensboro insist that it will be held there. . -. . j Corporation Commissioner Rogers, who arrived today from the mountain section, says farmers there are'up with their workbutthat the lack of farm labor is very great.; In fact labor is scarce. in all kinds of work, A great deal of railway construction is in ' progress. There were severe frosts Monday and Tuesday of this week.. " ' : v Great numbers of cants are being sent . out giving notice of the North Carolina Farmers State Convention to be held at the Agricultural & Mechanical College here, July 10-12 th. Special, program are provided for cotton . and tobacco growers, dairymen and women and able speakers will discuss important sub jects. A larger attendence than ever fore is expected. ' ' Frail Durham, a young white mas who is to serve 14 years in the peniten tiary for killing deputy Sheriff Hintoa in Polk county, was brought hereby his brother, his bondsman several daya ago to serve his sentence, but it waa ' found that the sheriff of Polk could not come here and the brother who brought . the prisoner here did not wish himself to turn him over to the penitentiary authorities. The prisoner's mother came" with him. The brother returned to Polk county to arranged have boom officer from there bring the commit ment and deliver the man or else to Iff ve an arrangement made for tha sheriff of this county to take this step. Meanwhile the prisoner has been en joying himself at Raleigh, visiting the various State buildings and seeing the lights thereabouts. The case was quit a curious one. uinton, tne deputy mar was kiled, had . arrested Durham r and taken him to the of fice of a magistrate where a bond waa being prepared when suddenly Durham ran, Hinton pursued and shot at him, and then Durham fired at Hinton. The prisoner said he ran because he had a revolver and he was afraid he would be searched and a second char made against him. He also claiaxJ that the bullet from Ilin ton's piutol ent through his sleeve. Truck Crop Not Camassd -Although the weather was threat ening frost the first of the week it la not thought that any damage has b' n done around New Bern. Reports 1 . a been assiduously published of ti a ' - tructionof growing crops In b i adjoining Craven county but i i quiry develops that there is 1' ' -jury done here. We are told that if any i . I . been done the cucumbers auJ have suffered the moat. An t tion of the pea and bean c that their cftv.liUon is f . ' no froi.t yei-l' r.l.-.y it- ; 1. a 1 ' t i T.. it I