WEEKLY JODlil I L.J trtakUaW 1878 Pub Wheel m Two Ssctlon. every Toe inuil TrkliT. m Journal Bnlldlng. 3 Craven Stmt. ' CHARLES IT STEVEN? - anno jtimraorunott 8TJB8CRIPTI01I RATE? TroMootiu,. SJTOeeJe, . OK I bitM nouns, mt-m IfnntK- . .Ml T -salve Months......... ,.I. .00 ONLY IH ADVAHCsV ys 03clal Paper of New BernMdCniWB County. '. ; ? Advertising rates foraished p plication u (M omoe, or ujkw uupuij IfBtU. .... . . .- . J . . . i rrTlm Jocsmu. is only sent on pay-i receive notioe of expiration of tbeirsBe seripttonr and m immediate rMpooie to notice wA he . appreciated . by the Entered -at the.Poetoffice, New Ban tPaVM seoona-iuass oaaner, r Ne Bern, N. C, May 1. 1906. SANITATION ' CONCERNS EVERY ' citizen' The return of warm weather incites new ailment among the organs of" the huuanbeing. The cool season calls for fires, for warm clothing, for stimulat ing and heating food, and the body Is . kept" in ". condition by these external means, to resist all inroads of the - eather which chilling winds and snow and ice bring against the individual, to c'eetroy'c at least fewer his vitality, and resistance to disease which comes from without.: , ; :" In this spring time, which practically Is.mmmer, ail these winter protections art laid aside. . Fires cease to be need ed, warm clothing must be laid aside. and all heavy food, should be forbid den, and m" fts:place; the less heating and stimulating be eaten. ,;- But beyond the human care, the in dividual effort to meet successfully' the season's change, there is the concern as "to the externals of houses and prem ises, the preparing of these to meet the hot sun, and the summer rain, with ' its after effects under a summer blase of heat Pergonal cleanliness and the preser vation of health, while all important to each person, has also its important affect upon one's neighbor. Health preserves those about, while ill-health, even in no form of specific malady, can breed disease to those around. In this it is easy to see that personal health is a source of comfort to the one enjoying it, as well as to those around, and in like manner clean premises are Important, of as much vital concern, to one's neighbor,' and beyond to the com munlty, as such premises in a good con dition are to the occupants of them, i Sanitation! as perfect as. possible, is of vital concern to every citizen. The transgressor from sanitary methods, endangers his: neighbors, "and violates the law of decency, although such a law may not be upon the statutes, yet the violatex is a danger and menace to neighborhood and community. Let very citizen realize this, make a self application, and the health officer will have little to do,: while the community will enjoy freedom from disease and the disagreeable things which ill kept premises always show and develop. NEGLIGENCE OF THE VOTER. No more timely warning nor one to which more careful consideration should be paid, could be uttered at this time, .; than the one given at the county demo , eratic' convention, on Friday, by chair - man Green,' Of the county executive oommittea. ; :' ' ' ' .'.'':-' At this convention chairman Green pointed out, and proved his statement Jry figures, that the democrats of Cra ven county sre top indifferent at the ballot box. that democratic voters in stead of taking a personal interest in maintaining' a Urge majority, are care lees as to whether they vote or not, and the result is to be seen in the falling off f t a number of precincts, in the re pre station of the party of the county convention. t ':' T 9 fact that the democratic party is in c "ntrol, has practically a sure thing at t e polls, is no excuse for a single to' r to be absent at the polls or fail tot t l a vote.-" The franchise right Is ; t ilu'y, appreciated, yet its loss ! r - - a storm, which would be ' i : (ivcr t'.a Ei .te. fpecial privi I rr,; I C-trt'.w!y valued, ';'f."..n tlie p.silility of - - i . ," ,. --call. I 'intlicn . ' ' - " ', that there of I '!. ; ,'. . 'ory the tax payer finds himself, because of his failure to vote, ander some adminis tration which will both burden bim. in extra taxes, and disturb his trade rela tions. 1 f - There are year whtch are termedff yean m politics, when there are few. ' pubHc. cfficejito be. elected, but there should be no off years with any voter, fox it la the very Indifference and begugenceof Ihe voter in an off yeaft WW A hlU'4faJted' political par ties and upset good government ARE TKE VOTERS BLIND OR MAD ? ' There are times when voters become dissatisfied with those in public office, and nan to tb ballot box to overthrow the office-hoWere. The Voice of the people amoBBta to nothing if there Jbe not the power of carrying to filial -ful fillment' the threat or promise, -which a personal or- pnblie deotamtion- of the people, ha made. ' Without the fran chise," the right to Vote, bow impotent is the corse' or promise of any man, to injure or benefit those' hv office, or those seeking office, and what party is going to continne- in - powers - unless it have the majority of votersbehind it, to sustain it ! ' The JoomsJ has . already declared against the negligence and indifference of the Craven county voter.1 - The pub- lie notice of Chairman Bryan, shows now deplorable Is this hegBgence,- and the call to pay the poll tax, on - the last day - of graee" Which tne 4aw- gives, should be" seriously heeded by every inaiv and the1 tEtpa?d; so as to avoid the ponaltyV not that iaihire to pay be. fore .May firat relieves , the paymehf, for the tax most be paid any way, but if the 30th of April pastes, - "with poll tax unpaid, it means the loss of ' right to vote this year."" - ' V' The statement that twenty to twenty. five per cent of the voters of New Bern have failed to qualify, that is made themselves eligible to vote this year by the payment of their poll tax, is b announcement rnhnoBt beyond eredenee. & Yex solni books' show, and this means kVe;aeiioi?repect, for there will alwaya be a failing off at the polls of (he vote, and with twenty-five per eenfci off, disfranchised for failure to pay pott tajf;"' and twenty-ilve per cent of the voters failing to cast a bal lot on election day, t)e showing ' for this county wonld be such as to give small representation at district and 3tate Conventions, and a. small repre sentation would mean loss to this coun ty in many possible benefits. Let every tax payer, -every: citizen with an atom of self-respect at least pay their poB tax,, and so be entitled to a citizen's rights at "the ballot box, to declare for something and not bo just a nonentity.'- It does not matter so seri ously that voters, may not attend the polls, although that should not be neg lected, but to have several hundred men in New Bern, who could not vote, such a eanditfcm ie very', deplorable, if it shall exist during next year. A ftaarsstses. Csre Far PUet , Itching, Blind, Btaeding, .t Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money.if AZQ OINTMENT fails to cure in to 14 days, 60c - A CMnmunicatioa. - ,. - Wihnington, N C . - April 28th, 1906. Edito New Bern Daily Journal: -V t have for three consecutive weeks been in this city doing evangelistic work among my jeople at Mt Zion A. U: & church and Jod, has prpspered our work with a generous, outpouring of Jlis Holy Spirit, and, the, turning of many who have hitherto Walked, with, satan. vhto His marvelous ightV The pastor, Bevt W. B, WiDjanivwd hislfaithful band of earnest worker ae, doing a good work whicb.i. am- 'purjwaded.. will meet the approval of our Heavenly Father. , Yourq ForGod, . '' 'Mrs. Serreno Crispin. Ts Core ,CW Is 0ns Osy. , Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists refund aaoney--if it fails to curt E. .W Crow's signature is oc each boxt 25a. .w New York Cottou Karktl - - - -. - . The following were the opening ano closing prices.on the New York Coitor, Exchange, April 281 "" ; ; ; ,Or;;:.-Bigh;.'-i.,,Low'' Closi 11.08 10.89 10.89 Hay 1L 10 TT10- 11 05 July U t " 1101 1087 Oct 10 88 )0Sy 10.87 Beceivt8-12.0r Last year-2K,267 ' :': Hu Stosfl ttt T?at 25 Ysirs. - The oJJ, or' -1 ,r-r.T3 Tasteless C!.'!l T-..'i ' l',t .v r Let' veu are I'X It is.Kiq-and quinine in a ' -leas foHJi. ; J1! j Cure, No payv': - 1, t- 1 T Tikey over r.-Iiwn has uomt cc:;;ii::i Harmonious and Enthusiastic . Political Gathering. ' a Splendid Asssmbly of RprMniHr ' DtmoeraU. Bttt ot Fowling Prsvalis. Stresg Rftolutiou for ths Fsvorits Candidal AdopUd. . The County Convention was called to order at the court house yesterday neon by E. M. Green, County Chairman. A representative was present from every voting precinct and In many eases sev eral delegates, In a brief speech Mr. Green set forth the necessity of a bet ter political organization not for fear of defeat by any other party but be cause the lack of interest shown so far meant a reduction in the representation at political conventions and meetings, and consequently a lessening of their power. ;;;v.':' Mr. C. E. Foy was made chairman of the meeting and Mr. William Dunn, Jr; was mad 3 secretary. Following were representing their voting precincts or were given authority to represent cer tain precincts: Vanceboro, J B Harvey; Maple Cy press, J a Harvey; Truitts, F. S. Er- nul; Dover, G V Richardson; -Core Creek, J S Robinson, A W Avery; Ft Barnwell, M D Lane; Taylor's Store, J S Morton; Lee's Farm, Mr. Marshal; Thurman. B W Ives; 1st Ward, City, J A Meadows; 2nd Ward, E M Green, 3rd Ward. S M Brinson; 4th Ward, J M Harget; 5th Ward, A J Gaskins; Tis- dale Precinct, N Tisdale, Gum Row, W H Scott; Pleasant Hill, J B Fiench; Jasper, A E Wads worth, A total of 66 votes was recorded as the extent of the county repreeer tation. Mr. James A. Bryan introduced a resolution favoring the re-election to the Senate of Hon, F. M. Simmons. Mr. W. W. Clark then read another resolution of the same nature and Mr. Bryan withdrew bis resolution and made amotion to adopt that read by Mr Clark.-'- The resolution was adopted by a ris ing vote and was as follows: An obligation always rests upon a patriotic and appreciative people to ren der the just need of commendation and approval to a well-tried and faithful public servant: therefore, " Resolved: That .the Democracy of Craven County, in Convention assem bled, cherishes a lively rememberance of the past effective activity of Senator F. M. Simmons in achieving the tri umphant success of Democratic policies and principles, which assured to the people of North Carolina, the restora tion of free, enlightened government", and its establishment on a sure, per manent basis, the effect of which may be seen in the rapid progress and de velopment made throughout the entire State. V-.:, . ..Oy;' Resolved: That the Democracy of Craven County, has remarked, with honest pride, the career of Mr. Simmons in the Senate of the United States, where his patient industry and applica tion, his uniform attentiveness, hisintel ligent skill in debate, his entire states man like equipment and demeanor enable him to measure up to the high stand ard of dignity and ability in the Senate where great men shape the destiny of this great Country, both at home and abroad. Resolved: That the Democracy "of Craven County heartily endorses the election of Mr. Simmons to succeed him self in the Senate, and hereby instructs its representatives and requests their Senators to conform to its wishes and to use every effect to secure his elec tion; and lastly. Resolved: That the , Democracy of Craven County would much deprecate the untimely ambition which would sug gest antagonism to Mr. Simmons and thus blur what Mr. Simmons emi nently deserves, an unanimous election, by the people of North Carolina. Mr. E. M. Green then offered the fol lowing resolution which was adopted by rising vote. - Whereas: the Democratic Party of Craven.County in convention assembled taking great pride in the past disting uished services of their well-lrved fellow -citizen-the Hon. Owen H. Ouion; and feeling that his learning and ability as a lawyer, his patriotism and devotion to the people as a citizen, his high personal character, und equable temperment as a man pre-eminently ht him to occupy, with honor to himself, and the state, the high calling of Judge of the Third judicial district be it therefore RESOLVFD: that this .convention unanimously and enthusiastically en dorse him for tlat high and honorable Dosition, and most respectfully place him in nomination to the people of the third judicial district - RESOLVED FURTHER; that the Chairman of this convention be and is hereby empowered and authorized to name delegates to the judicial Conven tion of the t ird judicial district who will use all honorable means to further and effect his nomination. Another resolution was offered by Mc Green endorsing the candidacy of Hon. Larry I. Moore as Solicitor for tlie Third Judicial District. The same was unanimously adopted. The following resolution was also offered ly Mr. Green and was adopted by a rhiii-x vote: WliniliAS the Democratic votersof Craven County represented by this Convention view with pri.la the h:;;h : f " ' i in t' o Cer;;n"?s of tlie Unit ' -"'if ' 1 1 y our fc'.'A an! '' ' i- aia services in that bo.lv where hU great ability, energy, and patriotism. have enlarged and broadened the field of usefulness for his people, and reflected honor upon the State. It is Therefore, Resolved .that the Democracy of the County of Craven does herebymost heartily and enthusiastically endorse his Candidacy, to succeed him self, and instructs the delegates to the congrestonal Convention of the 3rd. Congressional District whom this Con vention authorizes and empowers the HON. CHARLES R. THOMAS to se lect, to use all honorable means and. to vote as a unit for his renomination. Mr. S. M. Brinson read the-following resolution which was adopted by a ris ing vote: .. V- : -vw , ,.. 1 Be it Resolved, By the Democratic Convention of Craven county, held this day, that the course of the Honorable D. L. Ward, one of the senators from this district in the last General Assem bly of North Carolina, be and the same is hereby endorsed and approved. Be it therefore resolved that the del egates appointed here today to the Senatorial Convention be instructed to vote in said Convention for his re-nomi nation, and to use all honorable means to secure such re-nomination, Col, P. M. Pearsall made a few re marks favoring the candidacy of Frank lin MacNoill of Wilmington for mem ber of Corporation Commission and offered a resolution supporting his can didacy which was unanimously adopted, Upon motion by CoL Pearsall the chairman was given the authority to appoint any democrat in good standing a delegate to the State Convention who should make application to him. Mr. M. D. Lane offered a resolution endorsing the past course of Hon. W, L, ArendelL This was not in view of any candidacy on Mr, Arendell's part as it is understood he. will not be a candidate for reelection. Mr. Lane also introduced the following resolution which was carried; . . ,- Whereas ithas been' the policy of our State not to grant perpetual char ters, and the people view with deep concern any affect to break down the protective barriers of rights, the foun dations of which were laid by our fore fathers. , Therefore resolved that we request Senators and Representatives in the Legislature to oppose any movement to grant charters in perpetuity or to renew or extend charters many years before their present limit ex-ires." , A motion mas made that the dele gates to State and Judicial Convention be made by the chairman and that the delegates to the Congressional axd Sen atorial Conventions be selected by the candidates Hons. C. R Thomas and D. L. Ward. After this business was transacted Congressman Thomas was called upon and made a few happy remarks, thank ing the convention for its hearty sup port and pledging himself entirely to the interests of the people who had elected him. s-;.;;.; 'C;-: Mr. J. A. Bryan was called upon and made some very practical and pertinent remarks which were enthusiastically received and applauded. The conven tion adjourned and all agreed it had been one of the best and most harmo nious meetings held in the county. A Tbeutaod Dollar's Worth of Good "I have been afflicted with kidney ana oiaaaer irouDte lor years, passing gravel or atones with excruciating pain," says A. H. Thurnes, a well known coal operator of Buffalo. O. i got no relief from medicine until I be gan taking: Foley's Kidney Cure, then the result was surprising. A few doses started the bnck-dust-uke substance and now I have no nain across mv kid neys and I feel like anew man. It has ''one me $1000 worth of irood. ' ' Foley's Kidney Cure will cure every form of kidney or bladder disease. For sale by uavis rnarmacy. Little destruction was in evidence on the cfmpus of Sanford University stu dents still lack funds. No one is allow ed on. the campus without a pass. Workmen are clearing away the debris of the Memorial church. '. Most of the campus dwellings have been repaired. Caught Cold Whllt Huntlns a Burglar. Mr. Wm. Thoe. Lanorgan, provincia Constable at Chapleau, Ontaria, says: "I caught a severe cold while hunting a burglar in the forest swamp last fall, Hearing of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy, I tried it and after using two small bottles. 1 was completely cured." This remedy is intended - especially for coughs and colds. It will loosen and re lieve a severe cold in less time than by any other treatment and is a favorite wherever its superior excellence has be come known. Davis' Pharmacy and F. a Duffy- .,,:, .,,,..- Thirteen Greeks and were killed W a fight European Turkey. . three Turks near Salonic, j Is ths Msoe ItihabKtd Science has proven that the moon has an atmosphere, which makes lifo in some form possible on that satellite; but not for human beings, who have a hard enough time on this earth of ours; especially those who don't know that Electric ElLtcrB cure Headache. Eilous ness, Ms!ria, Cluil and Fever, Jaun dice, ; Dypa'a, Dizziness, Torpid Liver, KL' ipy complaints, General De bility, an! I'eiiiie weaknesses. Une- qualedssa t ripral Tonic and Appe tiser for wt--.it persona and especially for the :' !. Fully gun : -;tit Price only f'.s. It iuiluces sound b'. ?! EoldbyaUDruc;;: Suits in to . t-17,C ""veral r :i tiiet ; ate. p ; u!lits amoun 1 in Texas st 1,1' !' ' ' i to f i i Tlwnsands of Women Write Dr. Hartman to Complain TI:ct IfteylXever JPecl Wholly Kested, That They MR9.T.TBEKER, Albion Place, Kotch Road, Paler son, J.; writes: O "I suffered fiv year wih my spine and pains in my back. . .;... '.;;--. - 'I con ml ted yotf, fortunately, and in fourteen weeks wa cured by the use ot Perana and follow ing your advice. ; : "lesn now do my - oif n-work.' I cannot thank yon enough. I cannot tell yon how happy 1 am. No family should be without Peruna." Suffered Yemn With Paia. , Mrs. Ida Germain, 631 MsnhatUn Ave- New TorkOiry, writesi "For many years I suffered with paia . In the pelvic organ. I vh nnable to flnd relief, as no doctor eonld help me..?':: I vVS; .Vi;;.&:'V-;-' , "I read ot yonr. wonderful Perana and decided to give it a trial. I took it for some . time , and obtained much relief. ' '; ' ' .. i Strong AgMia. .-; Sowl am strong stain snd hare good appetite. Feruna has relieved me ot a chronic ailment, and I therefor recommend it to all women," , -Awsjs Tired tad Wtk. . Mr. E. A. Connolly, 82? Oarnor St., Kansas City, Mo., write: "I have suffered for year with itom ach trouble, so that I could est hardly anything. I was Urod and weak all tiie time. . Rwlsod Forsiuls-For a number of years requests have come to me from a multitude of e-ratefu! friprula. m-rifr tw Pe-ru-na be given a slight bxttive quaUt time, and now feel gratified to annoo we cm woicn, m my opinion, can oi i ennance its well-known beneficial chaty. t it. - RlMumatlsm Make Ufa Mlsarabl. A happy home is the most valuable position that ia within the reach of mankind; but you cannot enjoy its com forts if you are suffering from rheuma tism. - You throw aside business cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved from those rheumatic pains also by applyirg Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One ar plication will eive you re lief and its continued use for a snort time will bring about a permanent cure. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. Coiit f Ctr-lm Silo. , In a recent bulletin, of, the Illinois experiment station ' professor V.. J. Fraaer slates that a rouu j wood stlo plastered wlthcenieut, 20 feet In diam eter, 24.5 fs-'t elcet), holding 2 tons, coat ?3K5or $1,08 per ton capacity. . Hurnas tlood stark A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood in the home of J. W. Wil lis, a known meachant of Bac, Ky. Be writes : "Twenty years ago I had se vere hemorrhaeea of the lunus. and was near death when I began taking ur. n,ing mew Discovery, it com pletely cured me and I have remained well ever since." It cures Hemor rhages, Chronic Coughs. Settled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known core for , Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold by all Druggist 60r add $1.00. Trial bottle free. - HI CaM. "Why is It that the performances of so very few niuslclaus please you?" "Wi'll," answered Mr. Cuiuro. "te tell you the truth, I don't I:uow murb about It I am merely going by whul the musicians say of one another. I " wasnington Btar, . F.:ric:';:::E3 A New Sack for an C!d Cne How it Is Cone in Kew Corn . The back aches at times with a dull, indescribable feeling, making you weary and restless; piercing pains.shoot across the region o. the kidneys, and again the loins are so lame to stoop is agony. No use to rub or apply a plas ter to the back in this condition. You cannot' reach the cas. Exchange the bad back for a new and stronger one. Follow the example of this New Bern citizen. S. B. Parker, whose sheet metal bus iness is at Uraven and South Front '.recta, place of residence 41 Ctavc-i street, says: "I believe Bonn's KiJ noy Pills to be a good rem-V, in f t, I know it. Iiiaveber-nfl'i!'a a r - r from bickaclte. Alt' -si?, v g.j I i 1 cou' I scprri 'v t t c re u .inx Down's 1 . ' v ' i i r- t Ht t.. 1 i i 1 y -Ik ! h ri"t t ,. 1 i ; t ; i. i t re tvi r i ; a r i , - t 7 r - t t i :i . ; i i i ' Mi ! - ... k , - J Lmm U Law k " . jtRS. IDH CEhMAIN. PELVfC CATARRH CAUSES MANY Tber are o many women who are tired all the time.: They get np in the morning tired and drag thmselve around wearily all day. :- They have paia in tb back and dragging sensations which.seem to weigh them down a thong h carrying a burden. - Many women are undoubtedly suffering' wltb syitemlo catarrh. Tk proper remedy for them to take is Pernoa. t . , The eaurrh ha la vaded the whole abdominal and pelvic organ. Through mucoui discharge they ar losing Vitality every moment. - - - Til food they eat and the sleep they get 1 hardly snffloient to keep up "with th incessant drain on thir vitality. , . . Tb only hope tor betterment in their case i th complete removal of th catarrh. , . .- For this Parana is recommended by Dr. Hartman. It relieve catarrh wbervr located in the human body in th thorax, abdomen or pelvia. MTbis wa caused by Indigestion and female trouble. I suffered agonle and was afraid to be left alone. : Completely Exbsuited. At time I was afraid to stand on my feet and to attempt to do any home work wa out of the question. - , "One day I read an advertisement ot Peruna and Its wonderful cures and 1 decided to try it. . , . - ,- ' New Life tad Vigor. - "My husband brought home one bot tle and before that bottle was half guua I felt new life snd new vigor. "That tired, hopelea feeling lett me, I began to eat and my food nourished me. I eonld walk and do my work without tainting. PentiM'M Wonderful Work. "1 , took several bottles during the aummar and fall and cannot pralne it enongh for the wonderful work it did forme. . ' "When I feel tired or Mrvons from any cauao, a tew doaes of Peruua cure uie. r. . I have been exoerimentirir with a to the friends of P. -ru-na that I have OUR STOCK OF SPRING i AND SUMMER CLOTE Is complete. It will pay you to call and look our Stock, over, you will find our'goods lha-best and cheapest in the', city for the money: - , - : Men's Grey Plaid Suits,' all nobby styles, prices (6.50, $8, f 13.50 and Ifi.(a) per suit in or U piece. .. . . . i - ; Mens Llue Serge Suits in doulle breasttd or round cut $5.W to (12. 50V - Straw Hats in all shapes for men and boys, prices 60c to ?2. 60. v: Mens Blue Serge single coats only $2.90. - . r ' Vens Pants, the best line you can find in. all colors; prices from $1 to $5 per pair. - - - Boys Wash Suits in all cobra, sizes 3 to 8; t rices-150c to (1 per suit. ' We carry the Beacon $3 shoo for men, and the Barry $160 and $1.00 shoes," high or low cut in all leathers.-. , in Just Received a fine line of mens Shirts at COc each, that can not be bought Isewhere less than 76c. - 76 Uidde Livery, Feed, Cala ",X I t:.iiV Larg-est and f ts'-k cf Iloraos and Mules ever offorf A car loa i of . h j-ist in. Also a complete cf i, liulrtjs, Whips, Cart V i.ct-:s, .A Lrovkil Street, Kew MRS. C A, CI Are Ahoays Tired. "1 hope everyi AILMENTS. and woia whe ... suffers wlil give Perana a trial and be as grateful as-.' my husband aad myelf." .. ... Doctored Yonr. "Mia A-ona If - -Ginn, ltit (lalaBt, Providence, H. I writes: J "Iwihto ltyn know ot; 0i goool your medjjin haa don for in. I had what th;(ioa!r called hearttronbl. 1 h4 been doctoring for a year belor I tried your Peruna. 1 ufferd th ate . with pain in my head. A Friend AdvlMd Ptrunm. -i "One day a friend of mine told m of your Peruna, o I got a bottle. .After a weels use of it I began to feel better "At first I could not eat, Sleep or -work, but I have at last found that the medicine that would cure me was you Peruna. . ' f A New Woman. , -: . v- - "Mv face has a vood color now.' I aaa V a new woman. 1 thank you very much." Followed Or. tlartman'B Advice. Mro. Viola Marshall, 420 Wt fM street, Springfield, 111, writt "Two mon ths ago when I sought yea advice, I had gotten so weak: that 1 had to lie down most ottho time. Praising Peruna. "1 bettan taking your Parana and new I feel like a new woman. , . . t J, "I shall never ceaa praising Parana. nor thanking bt. Uartmaa tot hi kin ' adrJce.". - - - -. - " lax itive adrlirinn for nr.ha . i.th incorp irated such a qui U y in the medi- :- "S. B. Hartman, M. D.m " &t:evt. 1 and Esbhiro n1 i f I 11 s C. r i. ve 1 t. (.:

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