, t1 bvJPTRIT ' .' Atgelable Preparationfor As similating theFoodandBcfiufa ling the S tuinachs aniBowels of -4 Y;y a V Promotes Digcsfioh.Checrful' ness and Rest. Con tains neither Opium.Morphine norIinexai NOT XARC OTIC (-or y : ' '..',. Mx.SmtM f- iiiTit 7t Mtr ' r Wiw.le -3D jT ramae-nr A perfect Remedy forCojislipa Tion , Sour StonwchrDlarxhoea Worms,Convul5ions,Feveri5h-. nesuutd Loss of-SieefH - - FaeSiimts SignafurAf NEW YOTIKi 5 S -3 XACI COPy O WRffifiCt. For Infanta and Children. V' TbKtnii You, Have! Always Bought Bears-the If Klhirty w if vri : f -'IldP' rxoD For-Over f?LT'y?H'..' Years !5LiKy II UliilL Mcirtwiiieiimin'. MWom 1 t SOUTHERN RAILWAY ; r 6 57 f K r rt trr r. ' -. - ....... i""tl I 136 1-108' Dafly IPanv.'Daily, " 9 U i f I V AM- -2 8! T2(M i z 43 f 7 33 2 55 . 3 00 3 10 : 3 15 i 20 3 321 T1 V snwipntTT p vvvvrrr 11 tmv; TTWiTT it" 8 271 f 8 44 f 8 38 AM 1 30 f 1 41 7 48 '2 00 7 53 2 05 - 8 05 '2 18 ,8 10 2 23 8 151 3 63 4 05 4 SO 4 8 '47 .9 00 7 ISf 4 46 f 9 37 5 Oil 51 5 13 10 02 '5 39 ID 30 72 4 2 57 2 '. Eastern Time ORE6M330ttO u,f..;. : 15: Gib3onviIIa::.ii'v -.171 '21 ElonCoHugfs.'jVi Karlinton. 3 OS f 41 . Graham ..'Kf.C'.-.-.. ?6HrRivtr41v1:,'.' 37f-Efland . 3 22 9 m. 3 52 9 30 4 02 f 4 12 - 4 27 4'4fl 5" 15 f 5 33 OOlflO 51 f 5 40 6 12 11 02 5 54 6 25!11 18 f 6 09 6 43 11 30 6 29 6 491 li 36;f 6 35 7 0a 11 48 f 6 46 I 4 GUI Xtt I M PM I AM :55j 57 611 6J 73 81 ' 87i Hillsbof8.':.:.v..:.iv;, UNIVERSITY ...... DURHAM East Durham.....,.., BraasfteHUI yf0rri8Tilie'...'i.. ...... UAIi 1 . i RALEIGH i-v a .(:'- 1 Garner1..'. Auburn'..i.... Glayton,...U".xr..;. Wilson's MillsC:r: i. SELaTTT..,,. ,... Pin9.Leyel.ixC.i..... Princeton.v.ijpittST.' .Rflse. 3t,:-,jwj, . . ; . GOL0SBORO Ar.'. :y :'. Lv 107.'. Daily. AM 11 43t '6 85 in m .11 23 11 22 11 14 11 W 11 M 10 60 htlO 38 10 28 10 16 10 00 9 44 f 9 '37 135 Daily. PM 6 15 6-00 5 5! 5 46 6 39 6 83 5 22 f 6 10 5 01 ::49 4 30 4 18 t 4 10 .111. Daily. .AM :: 9 13 f. 3 68 .9.WJ 8 45 r 8 26 ! 8 20 8 08 'T65 7 45 7 Tt 26 :7 14 " t 00. AM - 3 49 3 80 f '3 f 3 . 2 55 12 m ' 2 25 1 2 12 2 01 1 35 PM AM ' 6-35 6 17 & 05 J 00 ,4-47 4 40 '! 4 80 ,'4.17 f 4 02 3 47 :T"301 . 3 00 48 f .2 35 2 15 , 2 05j 11 451 2 U 31,. U 23 11 08,....-... 10 60! 117.. Daily. ,9 20 8 42 t 8.22 P 12 T50 10 38 flO 25 nolo ,9.55 9 40 PM AM , ''":'"V"'" 1 This condensed Bchedula is published as information and is subject to change ISXt I'V without notice to the publ c. - f s -. -v f .. f r.i ' . 1 Traina Nog, 112 and 108 fcpnnect at Goldsboro with Atlantic 1 Coast Line .'"trains, both Southbound anJ Northbound; and with; Atlantic and North Carolina . trains for Morehead City and intermediate points. " : vt r --' , si ;:'- ! i Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 83 for Charlotte, Colum ' : bis and Jacksonville. 'JNo. 37 solid Pullman train,drawing-room- sleepers New . ,:, r -: York to New Orleans' and Memphis,, also f or Winston-Salem,) Wilkesboro, Dan r - : and local stations. - . : ' '"; s. - v- i'.m---' A"ii ' Richmond, where close connection is made with Washington Southern Railway i-Ufr Washington and Eastern cities. ..... . ' ; - . , .v :v ' . ' Train No. 107 connects at uurnam ior uxiQratnase. jny ana Kicnmona; ;r University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with Mtn Mn OK fnr Wnakinartan nrl noints Nnrth. cloae rnnnfldinn f nr M inntnn- i j i J M galemi High Point, 'Safabur, "Chariot W ahd intermediate stations. ' - ' Train Mo. 135 connects ac ureensooro witn inck ior nanotie, uoiuitidib i L M Jacksonville: No. 35 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest: Nos. 84 and 88 for Washington and all points North; connection is slao made at Salis; -""V "irbwy for W8ttrNort.iiV0iin wintas i j. . -i .i wv, T P flsvpu fP k . - u. ji 1. rjiii., w. A. t . Raleigh, N. C T. VunvAM T-P A ; ? Si ay CVarIotte,N. C.n A?f ... 1 ' . .V "fly s. ''- -,"V-;-j i-'' ' - "j V- ny-':y.ir-n ? "v- .: lu t-i-J ' ' .t-.nr Arrived We have jtat received a fine lotcf horses suitable for farm work or dri ving, which; we - wll sell at reasonable pricey. , ' "" " " .". ., We have alio a f uH line ol Wagona Buggies,. ; Harnes3t - and ' everything usually kep injnjiDTtordateLfltaljla We will make Terms Righ 1;. . See us.'""v i -The-summer weather having com menced it is the custom of merchants tp close their stores early and .give the clerks the benefit of the cool evenings. A ..movement is on' foetid1" nave the stores loae atanarly.hour,.,w ' " ; ! first "Church of Christ," Scientist cor ner of Broad and' Hancock streets cor-diaily-irivites all to "their service,' this Wednesday eveningr'at 730 d'clock." v A typographical error in the, article in the Journal yesterdryjtegardiBg. the cohdition pf,.the W. H. Qliver, insur ance agencies.. The word.'. 'life" should have been 'fire". insurance. p ..'.' ; , George JvoLuptoiv and H. W, Willis young 'white men were before the Mayer last evening for, disorderly . con duct. They, had . misunderstanding which resulted in . a. scrap,, ,, They paid their costs and were rjeleaseaV; 'v t Hackburh has-again the posting' of 1 the weather' forecaalr'in-frorit of ' his store, instead its being at the telephone office. : The retuntJto-tlieJackhurnl Store is greatly aKreciated.;r';t,;s- "-r-i . ' Ladies of All SoulB-UnitarlaH church at Washington," D. 411-Taisdm'onKy forthe California sufferers by shining the shoes of mate members of the" cdn gregation. ' t . i'f 'jo . . Bfn th, "rA w Jtmliw Haw Always Bought SigSUOIS .. or .y-iir::! Sore Nipples 'iMr'U c A "cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth "Before allowing the"chTH"to"nurse. Many trained nurses use this sslve with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold . by Davis Pharmacy, and . S, Duffy. . .. ? '--v'.":i" . "'-!. '-": '- Mrs. Mary McKittrick, 108 years old. committed suicide at Uniontown, Pa, . "4 4 66 Broad Bf -.i-" . New Bom ir0 -Successor- to " A M..HahaATQl -if j ' , ..-1 W.m jV,;'., ; Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Stables. .v; ' , ,T . ' Larret and Finest Stock of Horses and Mnlea vr 'A(rfol in' Now Bern.- A car load of each just received. Complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, I.o. v, hij's and Cart Wheels. . I " ,A-H.i t Hahn s Old Stable. I J Etr The British steamer Blanefteld Whkh sailed from Junin March 10 for Dover for orders, was sunk off Beech y Head by.the British bark Kate TnomaXTfom Antwerp ior Calaoc! rive bersbai ire reported drowned. J.' -K 1 . I" fiacky Mountain Tea Nuggets fi. Buiy Mdloim fc Bo PtopI. -!' i". 1-, Bring QoldeB Bnlttt mi finewad. Vl(. , ,' , A speclflo for Ooimtfoation. Initiation, Ue tnd KNilnpv Troubles. Plninle. Earnm. Imnm Blood, Bad Breath, Slwxish Bowl, HpaclHche ind llxckachn. It's Kockjr MniuwlirTWftirtb tel. form, 83 oentii a box. Genuine made by oLLiSTES Data Coupamz, MSHllQU, Wlfc LDEN NUGGETS FOB SALLOW PEOPLE Dillon WaliaceK Who'retorned to Nw York from a tour of exploration, sems somewhat disappointed. ' witl) t the ; rer. sources of Labrador. ': Oe Not b Imposed UpM. y(i Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lunc remedy, and on account Of the" great merit and popularity of Foley' Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute- of fered as no other preparation will , give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxa tive. ' It contains no " opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. For sals by .Davis Pharmacy. ; a r. ; v The soft coal miners in the Clearfield district unanimously voted to strike for recognition of the union. . ; ; ' :--:':.;a) it. OASTon IA. : .:, ' - fin- . iTlie, Goods. Manufactured: by. the :..r .: NEW BERN COTTON ?& - FERTILIZER MILLS H Are Handled by; ? ( - ; ' ,.:r . ' -yiv'T '-ir OlAM ON THE BAG MEANS BEST QUALITY ...-.. r i v? Riglit gpoSs at right prices form' besf'foy'd(J4tioji ?0r 9ny -basmess::;; If y6u "are interested in growing larg;eif crops on 'smMler .aCre Fertilizer absolutely'pure and straight. 'Rignt'gdQds &t fight prices most iraportant and necessary Sale 6f Inferior-, Fertilizera generally prove disas trousj makes complaints,, dissatisfied customers "and'decr'ease In 'business,, '.vYou.'.'want.to'- get right and stay right;' hold your-customers' get rtari -tiWohelaidle: the. Fertilizers manufactured by New Bern Cotton Oil arid ; Fertilizer ' Mills, recognized1 af standard "quality. Our Fertilizers sell themselves, '' The man who buys, pnee.warits thern agaifii his friends1 waiir them. Can you' afford to -be-without an article which "silently-but iorcibiy recommends itself.- 2.3, - Hrfs--, i,,., ' . ; , ; y -1 Mafgfn'of prof it inay not be so large to the dealer as in some .bther eOpds, there Is something in feeling you1 havg .veri;.yoijr.ustd'met..'full xalue; ' '.yGur.$ia4e 'is increasing. .::'- ' y ' ; ; ; Our goods afeutflade'Jriyarious grades .a uit-crops usually rowri in your'Section. You can rest "aufed.eachpad&is best that can Jae- had-forrmoney..- We: .believe in long- run quality-is bound to count, though we do not "make quite.as good profit.. .' ' jiia :-,s. b-crr ;-,v.-: v-- -:t .-i.v; . , y - . I "Call to see-our Sales Agent iayout section,.and if none near you write direct "to the'1- - IjEWlBERN COTXOT OiE&lFEItlZER MILLS - NEW BERN, N.'C. y- - 1 CUT OUT CONFETTI r t rn -f f ILJ ";: A Practice Common on Carnival Occaslon tttt May Somt Time Result ; ; ' r:" ,''""' i ' Seriously, f .""v'' . The Journal does hot knock for the mere sake of knocking, but when there is a palpable nuisance in practice it is our duty to criticise. 'Whenever and wherever a carnival exhibits the: sa'e of confetti is no small factor in the general profits. A special confetti privilege is considered a cinch "and the practice of throwing the stuff is "uni yersaL. . 'y; ' It is not only a nuisance but like many other things that are indulged in for mere, sport are apt to be carried to dangerous extremes. . There is nothing to prevent a lot of the fine paper get ting into a person's throat and causing serious trouble and when it is thrown into one's eyes it will cause soreness and pain if nothing else. There have been occasions when Bmall stones and dirt have been mixed with the stuff and therein it ceased to be a joke- v ' .' A word to the wise is sufficient and if the public will cut out this big ..nui sance all the people will render a vote of thanks." r. ? .ij ,v': Ixi; At Mount Carmel, Pa., State con stabulary,' after ybeing "stoned, by i crowd of, foreign mineworkers,' flredr perhaps lataiiy wounding 8 and injur mg IT others. , No Pill teas pleasant and positive7 as' DeWitt's Little Early Risers. These Famou? Little Pills are so mild and ef fective that children,' delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills BokL Never griper F. S-Duffvt. . ' w -li:..' Chicago's expensive City Hall is fall ing in consequence of the excavation made for the foundation of the county building..- . :'''; 'Wfl ;.'y Sciatica Cured Attar Twanty-Vaara ef .Tor ;:,n'r 5V;:.I.; X I'.';,.,. ' For more than twenty years Mr. J, B. Massey, of 3322amtonSt, Minnea polis, Minn., was tortured . by sciatica. The pain . .was bu (ferine which he en- dured during this time is beyond com prehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Cham berlain's Pain Balm." One application of that liniment relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible," and lees than one bottle has affected a Derma nent cure. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 25-cent bot tle of Pain Balm 8.1 see for-yourself how quickly it relives the pain. For sale by Davis Pha 'y- ' t nacy and F. S. Duf- ri(k is bli 1 to tg be iiitroJuc ' Mrs.' Cassie L. have made a (It , ed in the suit of Mrs. W, C. Jutte aLd and the Colorikl Trust Company of Pittsburg for 12,000,000, ... . n I Mi, Pottniistsr Robbed. ,; G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at River ton, Ia. j nearly lost his life ahd Was robbed of aU comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For twenty years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my finger- nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years.? Sure cure for Bilousness, Neuralgia, Weakness and' aU Stomach,, Liver,, Kidney and Bladder' derangements' A. wonderful Tonic, ' At all Drug Stores.,: 50 cents. .The Supreme Court upheld the Court of Claims' decision in the Cherokee re moval case, as a result of which $4, 500,000 will be divided among 50,000 In k3BZite& lato of Cold. ' " y " could ' hot bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline Wis., as did one 25c, box of; Bucklen's Arnica Salve, when it. completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tortur ed her 23 long years.. Greatest ant septic healer of Piles, -Wounds, - and Sores.' ' 25c at all Drug Stores. V . i-T A GENEROUS filFT.xV'?! A Colored Church Glvas Seven Oelltrafor the Victims of the 'tfrinqfrTC ' - '' The congregation of Ebenezer Presbyterian-church, colored, . raised seven dollars for the benefit of the sufferers of the San Francisco disaster "last Sun-q day. ','. Their generosity -'is ?;certainly commendable and the money waa.given m a cheerful and christian spirit,-feeling the' call was one which" could .not. be; ignored, by 'those "who 'prdfessedi; Christianity. ? The' money was delivered to Mayor Patterson- who' relief committee; Following are the names "of the. do nors and the amounts given f , ; . ; . Mesd. . M ; A Robbins,1' ofr cts;' D H Pearson, . $1 00; Margaret "FafffinC 50 cts; E R Dudley, 60 cts... Messrs LaF. Renolds 5P cts; W H Burton 50 cts: S.. d T.T en fciKA' cts; Thad. Mumford BOT.tHr Sam'Bls;.' i ledge 25 ctej J; H Havens 50 ctsr t) Hi A Pearson 60 cts 'Mrsj-WvLLassiter 60 $ cts; cash 25 ct8'o"Ts v ': Art '.,.v.ifr ''::'':: '' ''',. i'i.-.; 0 b lib u u m i uia y u u u 1 1 a ft t- 4 1 HARVIE JORDAN. Editbr-in-Chief !pBkW Jtm rS fk. sMasMi S& f yXKST ISSUE WILL APPEAR MAY 17th, 1906 I a) ' ' - ALUE present erop Cotton,- raw, $650,000,000. Value present crop of Cotton manufactured, - 000,001 )XXi,, n Estimated number of actual producers, I,&IX),(KXJ.. Estimated number actual consumers. 600,000,000. Cotton is the greatest vegetable product of the world. All rothcrs can be substituted. Cotton cannot. Juc a trtmendou factor in trie worta t comfort ana our prosperity dtmandi a grma tr. ?rn: Not if at Rich ae Rockefeller.' 4- f ' ! Representative Newspaper The Cotton Journal will rheet that demand i If you had all the wealth of. Rocke feller, the Standard Oil . magnale.yott could not buy a better -medicine -for bowel complaints than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea, Remedy. The most ejninent physician caa,no!t prescribe a better preparation for colic -and diarrhoea','.. both. for. children and adults.:, Thei uniform, success .of this remedy has shown it to be superior W aU others. - It neyecjfails'. and .' when reduced with'watej. and sweetened, is pleasant fo take. Every family should be supplied with it. Sold by Davis.. Phar and F. Duffy,; ',r'- rf?-i ' -trV's V. The interest from the. $7,000,000 paid by the United States for the Philippine Friar lands will be applied religious purposes in the islands.; if,' ' y-r-iir n" 1riir i""K .". No pill is as pleasantand poaitiv as DeWitt's Little Early .Riser&t These Famous Little Pills are so mild and ef fective that;- children,, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy -their cleansing effeet, while strong people say they are the best liver puis sold, Never, gripe. Sold by y, S Duffy. .JW ' !.::t:rX tT. t .a - .' .. : " Baron Kroupensky, first secretary of the Russian embassy here, has been ap pointed councillor of the embassy of Russia at Washington, a position which has hitherto not existed. The baron will rank next to the embassador. In a speech at Ottawa, Canada,' An drew Cornegie named Sir Wilfrid. Lau-. rier and Booker T; Washington as he me among ihe world's five greatest men. y- b r '" , j Warning.' . You cannot have good, health unless your kidneys are sound, for the kidneys filter the blood of impurities which otherwise act as irritating poisons and break down the deUcate , 'organs of the body and cause serious trouble."- If you have kidney or bladder trouble arid do not use Foley's Kidney Cure,? you Will have only yourself to bteme;for results Deaths from Appendicitis decrease in the same ratio that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills Increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release .from con- as it positively cures all forms of kid stipation and the ills growing out of it. nev and bladder diseases.. For sale by Strength and vigor always follow their Davis1 Pharmacy. i . - j.: use. Guaranteed . by all Druggists. 25e- Try them. . , .-. ' Underlthe Anglo-Tibetan treaty China retains sovereignty over Tibet, but will pay the expenses of the recent British expedition to Lhassa. ' : cent purchasers. To cw the fire o it tw. ' nit i. y i ' -. . i . f -r i' "j r "i t ''0 z. tot a 1 n,. he T a B'v or to cure ' i n - ! i.'l gliin ' "fl Witch i C t ( '. f r 1 ' -t'e i . The Rloheat Manllb the World. -.-",' The richest man m the world cannot have his kidneys replaced nor live with out them, so it is important not to neg lect thi we organs. If Foley's Kidney Cure is t at the first sign of dan; ger, V t ,'loms will disappear and yonr i ,1; will be restored, as it sires :;;thcns and buils up these organs as nothing else will. Oscir Bowman, lbanon, Ky.i writes: "I have used Foley's Kidney Cure, and take great pleasure in Btating it cured me perma nently of kidney disease, which cer tainly would have cost me my life.' For s:ile by Davis' n.armucy. . . Broad enough in scope to interest every person in the Cotton belt, while it will stand distinctively as a representative of the Cotton crowino- intr- V est, it will cover the-whole held so thoroughly .that it will be a necessity to f ' every Cotton merchant and manufacturer the w.orld over. The statistical f department will be in charge of eminent statisticians, and no expense wilt .,be spared to make this department the most perfect in the world, f iv . Harvie Jordan,- Editor-in-Chief, end Richard Cheatham. Business Mgr., 4 have in their work as President and Secretary, respectively of the Southern A Cotton Association, won victories in the interest of Cotton producers of - mors value to the countrylhah any great victories ever won byaconquer J " ing army on the battlefield, and their work hasndded untold wealth to the v Cotton States. Th Cotton Journal will continue! the battle for Southern jHsupremacy and fair play. The public has for many years heard practi cally only one side oi tne uotton story, it wiu oe the mission of The Cotton Journal to tell the other side. . We desire several correspondents in every beat, district pr township of the Cotton belt, and in addition toour present list, every subscriber whose subscription reaches us prior to May 17th, will be placed upon out list of regular correspondents tor information con cerninK condition of crops.,, htuM weekly. Commence vour mbtcrintion ywth fiKU xteue. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $t.OO PER YEAR. ' Address THE COTTON JOURNAL PUBLISHING, COMPANY. Atlanta. Georgia a-..- r jjmiiARO HATHAM. Miiir-" t9-ie Psapla Bid. ' nut w. JOHM K.-OTII.EY, VtCS-niM'T ' fRBSlDBNl" ; CHAi. L YAK. CAIIIira ' , . FERKiNaoa. mi eiMiaa 'h -, rii , T II E F OUR T tt N A T 10 N A 'B N K ' " '"' " Atlanta, Co,., April elk, i0. i 'Thi it to rertifii thai The Cotton Journal Pubtithing Co. have thit date dtoiile4 mtKTke Fourth National Bank of Atlanta to the credit afthemtelvrt, the numo Ten Thousand Dollar t, the $ame being eubieet to their check. :s ';-' -; (Signed) CHAS. RYAN, Cashier. hwft Stomach Trouble?,.. Mrs. Sue Martin, an old highly ..re spected resident of Faisonia, Miss., was sick with stomach trouble for more than six months. ; Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured her. She says: 1 "I can now eat anything I want and am I the proudest woman in the world to find such a good, medicine.,' . For , Sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy, . K . FOR THE CHILDREN ,c. i Mlittma HmiBbw. '-'"';'" ! ,A' good deal of fan was poked at a well , known woman novelist a feir years ago because She made her hero ine see a rainbow one afternoon"Whfle she Was looking out of a window, on the western side of an old church. Do you1 know' why all the rainbows that u J you see. in the afternoon are In the eastern akyj A rainbow la canted by - It is reported that the Natural Bridgelthe reflection of the sun's rays by 4rope will be made pleasure resort oy its re . . tt It Danjeroua to, Neglect a Cold. .. j. ''-'.''-'"'- I . ' ' ' How often do we hear it remarked "It's only a cold," and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with nnpumonia. This is of such- common occurrnce that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlains Cough Remedy counter-acts any ten dency of a cold to result in pneumonia, and has gained its great popularity and extensive sale by its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It always cures and is pleasant to take. For sale by Davis Phar and.F. S. DuffA.: ,., r . - , ...... t: X - ! . HERE'S WHAT'S WJED of rain, sad it is always In the opposite part of the sky from the. sun,. Most of our rainstorms rise In fie west and passr off. toward the east,' leaving the west clear, - JYhen this happens In the afternoon-the sun's rays fall on the rain that bat 'moved; to, the esst and are refracted by the drops and reflect ed to our eyes In the prismatic colors that make the rainbow. So you see an afternoon rainbow must be in the east ern Sky." One Is sometimes teen In the western sky- hi the early morning, but very rarely. When that happens It Is because It Is raining In the west and Is clear In the east. - Tou never see one at midday, because then the sun's ray do not. full on tha roln ut tha nnuiAi . - - - . 1 angle, -to produce It to . your eyes. .Chicago News, i A Citizen of New Bern Supplies the .v.- ! yyyijv Information. "' Over half the complaints of mankind originate with the kidneys. A slight sketch of backache at first. ' Twinges arid shooting pains in the loins follow.' They must be checked, they lead to graver complications. The sufferer seeks relief. Plasters are tried, and liniments for the back. ' ' : So called Kidney cures which do not cure. ' ;'; '-r,"v:'.;:,;-' 'T'r The long-looked-for result seems un attainable. If you suffer, do you want relief ? Follow the plan adopted by this New Bern citizen, - C. Lupfon, one of the best known po licemen of New Bern, of 135 East Front street, says i We think Doan's Kidney Pills are all right I have tried them and cart recommend them highly.- V.y back: and kidneys troubled me for qnlle awhile. The trouble was right acre i the small of my back, which seems t be the weakest part about me. It' 1 plasters and Other remedies but none c f them acted like Doans Kidney I which I obtained at the Bradham I : -macy. .They are a good pill and I v ; not hesitate to Bay so to anyone." For sale by all dealers. Ft keOc ,. abox.r-FoBter-Milburn Co., I, . " , N. Y. sole agents for the U. E. Remember the name Down's, t : take no other.. -, The boily of W. Wood, 1 over t ao "weeks i .i.l miles below Wt who wan i ,.o, wu) 1 liington,' , f V". 1 f. '.i M 1 y V. I) C.

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