lift xvm No. n. . NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N; C, TUESDAY MAY 8, 1906.-FIRST SECTION. 29th YEAR AT Chapiian of House Offers , Prayer, Special ;U tsksH Istsksr't Seventieth Birthday. . Prtoite Car Bill In Senate.. Guadt- leuse Under Mob Rule. Amer! ; caa Warehlp Ordered to Z f rocMd There. Special to Journal. I Washington, D. C, May 7. -Speaker Casnon was seventy years old, today, ' tad in the House the chaplain offered a pedal prayer, noting this anniversary. The apeaker gave a banquet tonight, to -ttjnber of his friends, at the Arling 'toaboteL T There) was an adverse report in the Senate) on the resolution for a national guarantee loan of credit for San Frar ciaeo. " The private car hill was discussed. Senator Kittredge said the present railroad rate bill does not reach the ejaeaton of the relations between rail way and the private car combines. A telegram today, says Guadeloupe, lathe French West Indies, is under 4&ob rale. An American warship has been ordered to proceed there to prr text American interests. The noting loting """ As iReid'( -j.ley am . will be ha been going on for several week f North Carolina hams and Norway Mackerel at Oaks Market. . Sustained Painful Injuries Mrs. I. A. Meadows met with a pain Ad accident at Baltimore Friday. She was riding with friends in the city and " the king bolt on the carriage broke spilling the occupants on the ground, j The extent of Mrs. Meadows injuries an a badly sprained arm. Reports atata that she is improving finely. i j MacKay's Mac-u-dine COMB all headaches, etc, does not de- j press the heart, 10, 25 and 50 cents a ' tattle at druggists, 5c doses at foun- tains. Coal Strike Off- Special to Journal. . Now York, May 7. - Articles of agree toeot between coal operators and min : on have been drawn up and signer1. Tho term of years during which this agreement is effective is included and J) partiea have expressed themselves aa aatisfied with the outcome. Don't be fooled and make to believe that rheumatism can be cured with local applications. Hollister's Rocky Mount ain Tea is tho only positive cure for rheumatism. 35 cents, Tea or Tablet?. For Sale by F, S. Duffy. NOTICE .1 am Pelletier's, N.C, prepared to do all kinds of repalrings of buggies and carts. Horse shoeing done at s tort notice. Also I have for sale some very Bice buggies and harness, cheap for ash or reasonable terms 'on good se curity. SAMUEL LILLY. . Coal Strike Off? Special to Journal: Scranton, Pa. May 5 -The coal strike which has been threatening the country for several weeks has had a set back. the recommendations of the schedule committee being adopted by the oper ators, , Upon this agreement President Mitchell advised the miners to return to work. The miners present scale is the) same as adopted by the strike com--mission made three years ago. ERTS & HURST Distributors for Craven. Car ' terct, Onslow. Jones, Pam lico, Beaufort, ; And King t?n Counties. I jftoa Ktsiteia ae) Cfaddr !ght Y :Brea6 WATER TRANSPORTATION Company Chartered For New Bern and Swansboro. Decision Soon on Goldsboro Union Station Remodeled ' Office For Governor. Cotton Receipts at Raleigh. Large Number Licensee Is sued to Sub Insur ance Agents. 1 i (Special Correspondence) j Raleigh, May 4. The Commission is expected in a few days to make its . order in the matter of the location of . ' the Union passenger station at Golds boro, after looking carefully into the . I matter and weighing all the statements made by the conflicting interests. I A charter was granted the New Bern j Su,anShoro Transnortation Co.. to od- . erate launches or other vessels between those points, capital stock being $125, 000, J. S. Basnight of New Bern and Mrs.H. R. Moore of Swansboro being among the stockholders; the Atkinson Drug Co., Charlotte, is also chartered with $25,000 capital stock, J. M. Atkin- son, W. K. AtKinson, j. m. nunier anu. others being the stockholders. Gov. Glenn expects to be able to oc- cupy his remodeled office next Monday. ! Utxm the walls he will have only por- ... .... w tt . i ' ' fanlta sf fL-nrannva innliuTinfr fivornnr . 11(1113 Ul uun.iliuii nwiu4iiiij v Reid, Governor William, Governor Dud- and some others. These portraits transferred from the executive mansion. It is the purpose to attempt to get as complete a set as possible of the governors. The cotton receipts at Raleigh to this date amount to 13,046 ajrainst 13,941 to this date last year. Considerable cot- ton is yet held in this section of the State and several thousand bales are in , this oil v. Since the first of April the Insurance Department has issued 6,823 licenes for sub - agents of insurance companies in this State. The Glen wood Land Co., here will I make the strongest fight possible , i against the condemnation of the right of Way of the Ralsigh and Pamlico Sound Railway through its building lots, this j preceding being now in progress. It is said that the company desires the right of way through the property because it will effect a saving of 1,000 as Lagainst a route through a meadow east ot the uienwooa property, ine com pany has offered ' a right of way through this meadow and also $1,000 additional. Government Aid for Jamestown Ex position Special to Journal. Washington, May 4. Representative Flood of Virginia addressed Congress today and pleaded for the government participation in the Jamestown Expo sition. He said that the naval display would be the grandest ever seen in the history of the world, and it wts his de sire to have the government so co-operate with the managers as to make the naval department a feature of the ex position. Lodge Bill Passed Senate Special to Journal. Washington, May 4-The lodge bill providing for rates for transportation ;f oil by way of pipe lines, passed the Debate Nearing End Special to Journal. Washington, May 4. An agreement was reached in Congress today on the differences as to the court features of the railway rate bill. Circuit and State courts are to have jurisdiction in all suits against the communication. It is expected with this understanding that the measure will pass without any difficulty. President Roosevelt ap - proves of the agreement. The debate is approaching the end. Splendid Bank Statement Special to Journal: Raleigh, May 5. The statement o( the State Bavings and private banks in North Carolina given out by the cor - poration commission today, shows an increase over the previous statement, that is considerable, while that over the one a year ago, is very large. The total resources are $13,390,000, capital stock paid in, $6,056,00; surplus funds, $1,150,415; deposits subject to chock $25,496,959. Thorough Investigation ' Special to Journal f; New York, May 5. Every clerk em ployed in the general offices of the New York Mutual Life Insurance Co., ' was Czar today decorated M. Wltto as ho is subpoenard today to appear beforo the'Bbout to retire from bis offico. He investigating committee hold session Monday, which will GREENSBORO. Lull In Legal and Criminal Circles Legislature Damage Suit Act Gives Relief. Historic Dam Breaks Away. Negro Murderer Conductors Bad One. Burned Wedding Troueeeau. (Special Correspondence) Greensdoro N. C. May 4 There is a distinct lulfin legal circles here, after a long spell of hard work fo. lawyers in the state and Federal Courts. Eaven in criminal realms law breakers seem to be taking a rest. The jail is empty with the exception of two prisoners.- - Lawyers here say the act of the legis lature of 1905 requiring damage suits against railroads to be brought in the county wnere me puunwu remueu or where the accident occured, will prove a great benefit to the regular Guilford practice, and litigants as well as the tax payers. The docKet nere ior a long lime has been congosted by reason of the fact that railroad suits were tried here from counties all over the state. As these cases often took a week, and never less than one or two days, it presented fhA raonhtner fif nrnpr pafiAR fir incai lm. " portance, keeping court in almost conti- nuous session. After the act was passed lawyers continued the practice of bring nr suits on cases from other counties into Guilford Court, contending that the act could not apply to loreign corpora- t:ons. Kecently a case taicen w me Supreme Court on this point was de- cidecl in favor ot the legislature. The dam at Col. James T Morehead's Hamburg mill, eight miles from the city broke yesterday and the hundred acre mill pond is dry this morning. For some time, the dam has been leaking but it was thought it had been repaired A party of negro men who were camped just ifofow the mill on a fishing frolic , came near being drowned. The water came like an avalanche upon them. They fled up the hill, but their tent and waggon were washed away. An Old .horse tied to a tree was whirled around with such force, the ropo which held him broke, and he managed to escape crowning ty climbing up the bank the moment he was freed. Hamburg dam will bo repaired, and the old water null, which for more than a century has ground theold fashion excellent wpter meal in the old fashioned excellent mul ' t Ml nAH:n..A ... AaWAaW bWlKSf Villi VUlItlUUG IbO UKHCU VMCre&a The noted pond will continue to be the resort of fish sportsmen and in summer of picnic parties from GreenBboro, Oak Ridge, Summerfield and Kernersville as it has been for generations past When Cornwallis was is Guilford, he used this mill for grinding, it being but a short distance from where he joined Green in Battle at Guilford court house. Ed Davis, the negro so badly wanted in Solisbury for the murder of street car conductor Wiggins, was formerly a resident of Greensboro while here he had the reputation of deing a ''bad nigger," his penchait however being the beating of women of his own color. Time and again he was up before the Mayor and fined for lambasting some negro woman who assualted or angered him. His last frolic of thw kind was about a year ago. He was beating a woman in "Apple Bottom," on the suburbs and she was hollowing so loud it attracted several of the dusky deml sons of the neighborhood. One of them was more chivalric than the others. kicked Ed out, pnd Ed, made for him with an ax, receiving in returns pistol ball in his'thigh and a wound which kept him laid up for four months. Miss Annie Poindexter of 123 West Lee St. was badly burned about her arms and body last night in trying to save her wedding trousseau from dis traction by fire. On May 10th Miss Poindexter and Mr. J. T. Hayes of Durham are to be married. Last night while the hall of her house was used as a display room for the numerous articles of lace, silk and delicate wearing apparol going to make a beautiful and happy bride, a large lamp suspended in the center of the hall broke and fell right in the midst of all the fixtures they caught fire and despite. the efforts of severs ladies, were entirely burned or . hopelessly ruiued, - Another Ultimatum for Turkey Special to Journal London, May 4. The government has-delivered its order to the Sultan of Turkey requesting him to withdraw his troops from Egyptian territory. France 'and Russia support the English view and Germany stands neutral. The presence of soldiers in alien territory has irritated the English government for a long time and the Sultan's ref us gl to withdraw them has been eon strued a sign of hostility. Czar Decorates Special to Journal;' Witte St Petersburg, May 5. In consider ation of his distinguished services both as promoter of peace between Russia and Japan and also aa premier during troublous times since tho war, tho wu made a member of th Imperial Council. HIGHWAY ROBBERY. Charged Against Negroea Who Re list Arrest J Commencement Program G. IF. C. Loses Leg Getting On Train. Phosphate Cider Orsekenseee. Daughters Confederal)? Memorial; Day. v. Special Correspondence, ' Greensboro, May 5. On complaint of a negro railroad track'- walker, Charles Donnell, that Tom Whitfield,- Charles Cecil and Will Stewart colored, had waylaid aniobbed TAva a few miles north of here, offiom yesterday after noon arrested the three men and they are now in jail charged with highway robbery. Donnell said Stewart held a pistol at his head, while the others took his watch and all his money. The offi cers secured a hand car and overtook the men near Brown Summit. Being ordered to surrender, the man named Stewart drew a pistoand it snapped. He then jumped m the bushes and ran, the officers firing at him. He was struck in the left elbow, in the right arm and in the leg, and surrendered, being hand-cuffed and brought to jail with the other men. The wound in his left elbow is thought to be serious and physicians are attending him at the jaiL The men claim that Donne 1 was sitting on the road gambling with them and, losing his watch and money made the trouble. The following is the program of the commencement exercises of Greensboro Female College: Sunday, May 20th, 6 p. m,, anniversary of Young Woman's Christian Association. Sermon by Rev. T. Bell, pastor of Centenary church, Greensboro, N. C. Morday, May 21st, m., Class-Day exercises; 8:30 p.m. Expression Recital. Tuesday, May 22d, 11 a. m., Baccalaureate sermon, Rev, R. D. Smart, D. D. of Norfolk, Va.,; 4 p. m. Business meeting of Alumnae Association; 6:80 p. m. Social Reunion of Alumnae. Wednesday May 23d, 10:30 a. m., Graduation Exercises; 30 p. m., Annual concert. Charlie Earl, the 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Earl, who lives on Gregory street, Oiad his left foot so badly mangled by being run over by a freight train yesterday afternoon about six o'clock thut amputation was nec essary v Tho leg was amputated just below the kneo last night. According to information obtained Charlie at tempted "To "board a- moving freight train at Spring street crossing and in so doing lost bii balance and fell, the wheels running over his left foot, crushing it into a jelley. Samples of the phophate cider which is on sale at a number of stores here has been analyzed by Prof. J. H. Blu ford, of the A. and M. College, and he found that it contained 12.3 per cent alcohol. He said that the cider was evidently made from fruit juice and corn whisky. On the stisngth of the testimony given by a defendant in the mayor's court a few days ago to the effect that the cider would produce drunkenness. Chief Needley procured samples and had it analyzed with the result as above stated. The Guilford Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, are steadily at work for Memorial Day; The chairmen of the committees are women of execu tive ability, with experience in the work, and under their wiso leadership the success of the day is assured. The Hon. Frank C Rollins, of Lexington will deliver the- address, introduced by the Hon. A. M. Scales, commander of Guilford Camp of Sons of Veterans, Dr. Crawford, the chaplain of Camp 795, will be present. Farewell to The Carnival. The carnival is now a thing of the past. It has had the best Kind of weather and the patronage has been liberal. The crowds have been large at night and each show has had a success fulweek. There htve been a whole lot of things that might have been bet ter and few that might have been worse, but the people seemed to enjoy thomselves; consequently it must be voted a success. It is not the best carnival that has visited New Bern by any means.' It shows at Wilmington this week. President Likes the Measure Special to Journal: t Washington, May 6. In the discus sion pro and eon on the rata bill the President's position has been clearly admitted by friends nd opponents of the bill alike and it is quite likely that his suggestions will be adopted in vote. He insists upon the Allison amendment and approves of the Hepbtffn, the Over man and Long amendments and de sires to see them all adopted. No Delay of Material Special to Journal San Francisco, May 6. The steel companies announce to those content- plating rebuilding hen that there will Is no delay in furnishing structuralsteel for architectural purposes. Buildings will now go up rapidly as there is plenty of money to pay for labor and ma terial ."' '"' KILLED BY BURGLAR Confidential agent of H H Rogers, the Stan dard Oil Magnets Dies After Fight. Special to Journal : New York, May 7. Charles Spier, the confidential agent to H. H. Rogers, .Vice-President of the Standard Oil Co., was killed in a duel with a burglar at his home' here last night. The burglar was dangerously wounded and was re moved to a hospital. The wounded man is a notorious criminal. Merchants Take Notice The schooner Ida G. Farren ill loud at Baltimore this week with miscel laneous cargo. Afavor -will be con conferred by having shippers notified to send goods by this boat. Methodists Desire New Statement of Faith Special to Journal: Birmingham, May 7.In the Metho dist Episcopal general conference in-, troduced a resolution today declaring that the present articles of religion do not meet the doctrinal 'needs of the church and that it is important that immediate action be taken on this mat ter. The resolution included a request that other branches of Methodism unite m preparing a statement oi iaiin as would properly set forth the doctrintsj and purposes of the church. Killed to Avoid Asylum Newport News, Va. May 7.- An Aus trian named Parlinie shot awl killed his wife today while she lay sleeping at their home. Parlinic went to the po. lice station and surrendered stating that he shot her because he had prom ised he would kill her rather than have her go back to the insane asylum from which she had been released. Strawberry Festival at Beech Grove Everybody is cordiaally invited to at tend a straw harry festival at Beech Grove on WednesdayMay 9th, from 4 to 11 p. m., ite cream and cake will also be served. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the Beech Grove Methodist church. Preserve your youth by Drinking Dr5 Pepper. Joe Leiter Loses by Burglary Special to Journal. Chicago, May 7. Joseph Leiter's of fice was burglarized last night, and se curities worth $25,000 stolen. A & M Beat U of Va Special to Journrl. Raleieh. Mav 5. -The A. and M. Col lege defeated the U niversity of Vir ginia today by a score of 4 to 3. j Indiana Hot After Standard Oil J Special to Journal. Indianapolis, May' 5. Acting upon tht -report of Commissioner Garfield on the Standard Oil Corporation given to Congress, the Attorney General has taken steps to prevent the company from transacting business in this State, The Corporation has enormous inter ests in this State and there will be a hard fight in the courts. Pine apple sherberts and milk shakes at Wallnau's Soda Fountain. Superior Qourt News . ! The Superior Court for the trial of civil cases entered a two weeks term yesterday. Hon. B. F. Long, of States ville, is judge. The only case on trial was that of Ives against the A. & N. C. railroad, for breach of contract The case was tried in court several terms ago, taken to Supreme court on error, and remanded for second trial. Argu ments will be heard today. MA for Retailing Liquor " George Pryant and Eliza Ellison, both colored, living in the vicinity of Vance boro, were arrested by deputy marshal C M. - Babbitt, and brought before United States Commissioner C B Hill, Saturday.cbarged with retailing spirit-. ous liquor without I l'cense, otherwise j for violating Section 3242 of the United States Kevtsea statute. .. , No evidence of an incriminating na ture being introduced against Bryant, he was discharged. , s Probable cause being found in the case of the Ellison woman. She was held in the sum of $200 for her appear ance at the next term of the Federal court. Singers, Notice, All those willing to assist in the sing ing at the Confederate Memorial exer cises are requested to meet at the rreebyterian lecture room tonight at 8 o'clock. . HACKBURN IS SOLE AGENT FOR THE "CraWTord" Shoe FOR MEN AND "The Patrician" FOR WOMEN. "No Shoes Wear Better" TWO PIECE Suits Very few men have use for a vest in hot weafher. We find the most attractive suits in our store just now are those, composed of coats and trousers. They make the coolest clothes that a man can wear. You don't realize how hot a vest is until you have gone without one. If you are lookuig for comfort it awaits you here in abundance. J. J. Baxter. BAYARD WOOTTEN Makes up-to-date Bfeos, and gives prompt services lor reasonable prices. Filiss developed t he day they are brought to the Studio. 92 East Front Street. Buy A Lot in 7th Ward, Norfolk City. This property is located midway between , the centr of Norfolk and the Jametown Exposition Grounds, with car service to ither point. TERMS $5. and $10.00 per month, without interest or taxes until paid for. Lots $400 to $750, according to 0CThec?ty'B rapid growth in this direction should make much higher Valort ' For further particulars apply to , C. f. PUMPHREY. Hotel Hazelton, New Bern1, N. C or ! HIGHLAND PARK SYNDICATE, ' 140 Main Street Norfolk Va : 5c. Drink Dr. Pepper's 4 THE BEST HEALTHFUL DRINK 1 COMPOSED OP. WHEAT BOTTLED BY CROWN PHONE 105. 1 SOLD 4 i topyrfghf By SCHLOSS Hi Fbie Cloths Maki DUlmore.aiMl NeW! Highland MlKJDO) r Park 5c. Phos-Ferrates AND IRON WITH PEPSIN. BOTTLING -WORKS 22 CRAVEN STREET. QULY IU DOTTLES. 1 1 ,

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