w u-u SnaeUaU I? JV bw: in TnSe,tlnn",cery Tues day and FrMay. i Journal Building, 6- . t3Crn Street . Tvro Month 35'Oonts Ibrere Mont'iH, H5 ' Tf Month- 80 " Tvelve Months...... ! ONLY IN ADVAHCJt. f . Official Paper of New Bern Imd Craven County. Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the ortlce, or upon inquiry 31 1 SarTh' joikpcau m only aonlon pay-B-ndvauoe banis. Subscribers will leueive nrtle of expiration of their sub -sir ptlon nd an imrowiiste response to sottc wn ho appreciated by the t7itiX Entered at rhe Postofllce, 0, (X as seoond-olaa matter. New Bern New Bern, N. C. May 8. lWfi. THE TARIFF IN PROSPERITY AND DISTRESS The proposal to admit free of duty, the steW to be used in the re-const ruc tion of San Francisco, brings forward some pretty fine distinctions, to deter mine the difference of the American CDoeumer being taxed with a high pro tective tariff to keep up the millionaire class of industrial magnaes during'sea ttoM of prosperity, and the letting in free the same article because some dis aster has occurred, which simply means Ike giving up of an excessive profit on the part of the Trust which manufac tures steel. As after the disaster to Portland in I860, and to Chicago in 1871, so to San Francisco, is this so-called magnan fuoua proposal being suggested, to temporarily do justice to the American coosnmer, that is, not compel the con sumer to add extra profits to the steel trust. The argument that a high tariff gives ywjsporoua times, is an argument which is ever employed to prevent tariff re duction on most articles, 'or its abolition The cry of high tariff always says look at the working man, do you want to drive him to want, and while the work ingman's extra prosperity through high tariff may be a dollar a day more in fs wages, what is his proportionate extra cost of living? No one figures on this, nor is the calculation made how many millionaires are being made on this same high tariff schedule. Just how American workmen are act ual gainers, when they assist in manu facturing any article which is sold in foreign countries at ten to fifty per cent less than it is sold to the con tainer in this country, is rather hard to . figure out As to the trust which sells the luanOtK&ired article, it is no trou tie to sea how it rtMJSjjhe benefit, and On give the extra ten cenJgn hour to the maker to reap its tremen3uuS iberease from the article protected by the excessive tariff. If the San Francisco disaster will precipitate the question of a complete tariff revision, and lead to its removal an many articles, there will be one blessing accomplished through earth quake and fire, which will prove of value in the future to the masses of this country. EASY ACCEPTANCE OF DANGERS. That mankind so easily accepts dan gers of every degree, those which fiireaten. f rom within in the shape of microbe and germ, and from without, perils on land and sea, fire, earthquake and storm, proves the salvation of the race, for its futurity, for if there Bhould once come the fear of all these dangers, threatening, sapping and destroying life, then would progress cease, and the future would be a blank so far as devel opment, went. The majority of mankind go even be yond the easy acceptance of the know ledge' that danger exists on every side, and destruction comes to man without the invitation, for when disaster, in hws of fortune, no matter (from what cause, comes, and even loss of limb or life occurs, yet is there hope in the sur vivor, and a uick turning again to re cover the fortune lost, or repair the hiss to the physical, and to those sur viving the dead, a recovery from the shock, and the resumption of life's work.';' ' -'. ; . v." Those who live In what are regarded safe lands, free from pestilence, vol cano earthquake and dangers which pay be held as normal, these people la the so-called safe countries, are of ten tried by disasters, which while ab normal, make up in destructivenesa to fe and property. But a Vesuvius, with its eruptions .cannot drive man m Its tides and base. Earthquakes will obliterate Lisbon or San Francisco Fl 6ls cannot force people to give up the rich bottom lands along the great rivers of the world, ", People take dangers as a matter of course, and when they come, lace, them in calmness, and boldly resume oper ations, once the calamity has passed. The lesson for every one is to study the risks that ny occur, and strive to make them as harmless as possible in their effect, when they do come, pre serving all the time a norma land healthy body, with a mind philosophical, which will not be upset in the hour of trou ble. A LOCAL NEED IS INTELLIGENT CO-OPERATION. New Bern, its citizens, are held by many outside towns and their people, as community which is against every thing, specially corporations. The roa-. son inr this outside judgment of New Hern is only in degree, the truth, for no community is more generous when just appeals are made upon its people, nor is any people more loyal to its friends, than the people of this city. The an tagonisms are always prominent which this community engages in, yet with the strength of being good fighters, no people arc so easily won over, if there he the disposition of good fellowship sought instead of combat, on the part of any opponent. Two local conditions have existed, which have given New Bernians prom inence as being fighters on seeming slight provocation. The first is the mis fortune of local political environment which has pressed upon this city and section, taking precedence, .and causing important trade- and industrial condi tions to be kept back, until the political matter was. determined. The change in political environment. Jus and is changing the local ' situation, giving men the chance to look at the practi cal side, and not be kept in check by political antagonisms, and with the lapse of time the local spirit which has exulted in strife, is giving place to a disp sition to arbitrate or confer, first, before entering upon contentions. The second ' .condition, operating against the material and industrial prosperity of New Bern, is the lack of local organization, co-operation of its citizens upon a basis which meant a standing together as citizens unselfish in desire to promote community up building, eager and anxious to deserve the reputation of being locally patri otic, filled with civic pride, and loyal to the advancement of every local im provement. The necessity of the hour, if New Bern is to advance educationally and industrially is the sincere and generous co-operation of its every citizen. This is no time for the individual to stand alone, for personal selfishness to at tempt to reap personal benefits. The -4 opportunities presenting themselves to day, are too great for the individual to grasp, instead the efforts in hearty co-operation of every man, woman and child, is demanded, for with this eor operation great gains can be secured jains which will give splendid and rich returriSand these can be shared by evj ery citizen, uls wKre.or New ReTnr ians to strike, but the raovefJtmust be in unselliish and patriotic co-opera turn. Harlowe and. N. Harlowe, May 3. Mrs G M Makeley and Miss Janie Mann of Hyde are visitors to Mrs A J Barbour. Many of our people attended the quarterly meeting at Bethel . Saturday and Sunday and were well pleased with the preaching of Rev D A Tuttle who has been conducting the service during the week. Mr A F Bell whw -has been- making her daughter. Mrs J H Davis of Beau: fort a few days- visit returned home last Tuesday. , . , , Dr C N Masost is still having to make frequent visit t his father Mr J H Mason who continues to be very sick. Mr J H Davis of Beaufort came in, spent a day and night and returned to his home Tnesdwy. Mr r N Bell, Misses May Adams and Ada Becton were In attendance at the meeting at Bethel yesterday. , . ' Messrs C Dandies R Bell and Miss Lissette Bell .went to Morehead City Tuesday and returned Wednesday , Mr Perry, commanding the Igovern ment dredge! is in pur waters to remove the ,tnud ' flats in Clubfoot! Creek: the approach of the New Bern and Bean- fort canal much to the delight of our watermen, w , . Mr J R Rogers of Newport was in our. berg this week. ,' . ; ;i, , , Mr Joseph A? Morton has gone to New on businea today. - Mr. John S , Morton is new making shipments of 'peas, his other truck is looking well. ; ,To draw the, fire out ot at born, hm a cut without leaving a sear o to core A mus, sores, .tetter, ecsem and an skin and scalp diseases, use DrWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve, A specific fur pOet, -Gets the genuine. Ho remedr causes such speedy relief. Ask -for CeWitt's the? genuine, old by F. 8. Du.Tr. f (j RAILROAD MEN ARRIVE President Frssk 8. Gannon, and Party Mass a Tew e A and N. C. a P. 0. k W. . A party of railroad men consisting of Frank S. Gannon, president "M the Norfolk and Southern; combining the A. & N. C. and P. O & W, and other roads; his son, Mr. ' Walter Gannon, R. P. Foster and F. L. Merritt. They were passengers on board of Mr. Gan non's private car attached to the morn ing train from Golds boro. The party went to Bayboro in a special train and made a personal inspection of the pro perty which has recently come into the possession of the N. & S. Co. Upon their return they went to Morehead and inspected the Morehead-Beaufort bridge and other matters. They re turned last night at 8:15 and after a brief stay continued their journey to Goldsboro. To Cur A.Cold In Out Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure JS. W. urove s signature is on each-box. 25c. Hubert Items. May 1. is sectic Some of the farmers of this section are waiting for rain, to plant their cot- ton. Mr Rollin Morftin is to be added to' our sick list this week, we hope him a speedy recovery. Rattlesnakes are being killed in this section now, Mr Frank Provow killed one last week six feet long with ten rattles. Mr B K Hurst, the fruit agent of Maysville was in our berg last Satur day. Some of our people attended church at Wards Mill last Sunday. W. A GuaranlMi Cur For Pll Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 60c. Loco May 2. The weather is fine now, everything looks lively. Fishing sport has begun with some of our folks. Miss Sidney Higgins is still attending school at Bellgrade. Miss Rachel Parsons and brother Robert of this place were in Jones Sun day visiting their sisters, Mrs Harriet and Maud Collins. Glad to say ' that all are in usual health. Well Wisher. Hat Stood the Ttit 25 Ytart. The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless ChQl Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. Delegates Appointed. At a regular meeting of the vestery of St '.Cyprian Parish, the following delegates and and alternates were elec ted to attend the dioscean council which meets in this city in May: Delegates Isreal Harris, H WThomp son, N H Styron. Alternates- W A Williams, C M San ders, John H Fisher. H. II. Styron, Clerk. Stella News May 2. Rev D C Geddie assisted by Rev Car. raway of Goldsboro closed a series of meetings at this place Sunday night. Rev Carrsivayj preached some able sermons. Miss Margaret Ennet of Cedar Point, was thn guest of Mrs J C barker last week. Miss "Macy Wn-ks of Pelletier, spent a few days with Miss Geneva McGinn last week. Mr nd Mra John Tayior of Pollocks- ville. Mr M K Subirftun snd daughters, Dora, and Xcdlieand Mr John Cotton of Dppe were the guests of Mrs M W Barker Sunday. Messrs L T GDleite and Carl Weeks of Pelleticr, Hiram McDaniel and Jake Harrison of Long Point, Mont and Cyrus Foscue of Fowie and John Jones of Cedar Ptoint were visitors in our city Sunday. .' ( Miss EKmbeth Ennett of Cedar Point spent the latter part of last week with Mm Beatrice Weeks. Misalila Mattocks of Maysville spent last week with Miss Pauline Mattocks. ! Mr John Peasceof Pollocksville nent MondajiBjght in this place. , Messts Fred Mattocks and J ere Pelo- tter visited Deppe Suaday. Think there must be some attraction. , Miss Josephine Heritage of Richlands and Miss Katie Bell Henderson of Hu bert - were the guests of Miss Mary Koonce last week. " t Mrs Geoqge Koonce, who has been visiting at S ollocksvOle, returned home Sunday. - ; " ; " Miss Geneva McGinn and JJr George Mattocks spent Monday in Jackson ville. ' .' ,. .. t. i . ' . ' Mr and Mra Thomas Godwin f this place visited their daughter at Pcdloelts- ville last Week. ; - Mr Thomas' McGinn of -Little River, 3 C,: spent a few days home recently, tat. nen irvmg ana ,asw xmr a Codnce spent, Sunday1 wt wansbees ma T r -.. tss a with their mother. ' "Peach. Punta Gorda, Fla April 27. A fisherman who was assistant to Capt. A B Guthrie was killed by the ACL train Sunday, April 22. It is not known exactly how he came to his death, but it Is supposed that he wns walking on the track or may have been lying on the track when the train struck him. He had been drinking.. . Some of the Old North State boys are going north to spend the summer but will return in the fall, Capt Rigdon Weeks has brought in more fish than any other man. ' Last week he brought in 15,000 pounds. ' Capt E Guthrie and Miss Minnie Mc Gehee were happily married on Thurs day April 19. They will live in their fine new house. Our respects to our Cedar Point friends and we hope to hear from them more often, through the columns of the Journal. "O. T. W." Not II at Rich as Roclcefaller. If you had all the wealth of Rocke . fel'er, the Standard Oil magnate, you could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints tr-an Chamberlain's : Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. lue K ""lv'"- prescribe a better pr pa ration ior cone and diarrhoea: both for children and adults. The uniform success of this remedy has shown it to be superior to all others. It never fails' and when reduced with water and sweetened, is pleasant to takaflEvery family should be supplied with it. Sold by Davis Phar and F. S. Duffy. Additional evidences are being shown in Chicago of the condition of want existing iA John Alexander Dowie's Zion City. No pill is as pleasantand positive as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. These Famous Little Pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills sold. Never Igripe. Sold by w. S. Duffy. James B. Duke, president of the American Tobacco Company, won his suit for divorce, but his wife's lawyers will appeal from the decision. A Mountain ol Cold. could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., as did one 25c box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tortur ed her 23 long years. Greatest anti septic healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores. 25c at all Drug Stores. Close estimates of San Francisco's 1 fire loss bring the total up to $350,- 000,000. Postmaster Robbed. G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at River- ton, fla., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For twenty years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my finger nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure for Bilousness, Neuralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder derangements. A wonderful Tonic, At all Drugstores. 60 cents. Wm F Owen, the Shakespearian comedian who appeared in the com panies with Booth, McCullough, Forrest and Mrs Fiske, is dead. He had been on the stage 40 years. He was GO years of age at his death. The cures that stand to its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer tor the Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns, Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c at All Druggists. The fifteenth quadrennial session of the General Conference of the Metho dist Episcopal Church South began in Birmingham, Ala., Bishop A. W. Wil son, of Baltimore, presiding. . Ladies Bible Clan LECTURE 18. . 1. What prophecy does Christ give and what signs T Sec. 115. 2. Is the day of the end known" How should we live in view of the ap proach T . ,, .' . t 3. Subjects and meanings of the three parables in Sec 116 T 4. What Is presented in Sees 117-123? 5. Time and places of Christ's pre diction of his death, of the plot to kill him! Sec. 117. -.. .. 6. Describe the anointing at Bethany? Sec 117. f -. ' .. 7. Judas secret act 1 117. ' 8. What occurred Thursday T When did the passover begin 7 Sec. 118. 9. What contention arose T 118. - 10. What lowly act did Jesus per form? Meaning ? Sec. 119. 1L What prophecy concerning Judas and Peter was made ? Sec 120. -12. What does Christ institute ? Sec 121. IX What doctrine does Christ teach in his farewell address? 122. L Faith in Christ John 14 . 2. Vital union of Christ and believers. John 15. 8. Of fice of the Spirit. John 14 and 16, 4 Second coming of Christ 14. What is John 17? ' "' " . ' 15. Where1 did they ge after supper and what agony did Christ suffer 1 123, 16. What then occurred? 124. Police Court News Samuel a transfer driver, -was speed ing his horse on Pollock street and ran into trouble by colliding with another carriage. He was arrested and asses sedthe costs, $2-75, for reckless driv ing. . .- George Bragg, white, was taxed the costs for being drunk and down. He was sailing under a pretty heavy wind on Hancock street Wednesday morn ing and could only make a little pro gress by constant tacking. . Finally his craft went down with all on board, Chief Harget was telephoned for, that a man had given up the ghost or was trying to, and to come at once with block and tackle and remove him from the sidewalk. When the chief arrived the "corpse" was viewing the beauties of nature on the opposite side of the street. He was taken to the city cala boose and there made to meditate on how good it would be to be else where. T. H. Smith, white, was fined five dollars for disorderly conduct and as sault. He attacked a Syrian at the carnival Thursday night who remon strated with him for flourishing his dudtcr too freely. ' OASTOniA. Bean tl m """JM Truck Movements. The largest shipment of truck from here this season wns taken out by the steamer Albemarle, Friday. From morning until late in the afternoon there was a procession of carts and wagons loaded with ueas and cabbage, arriving at the different points of ship ment. The Norfolk & Southern dock was al most covered with packages, not less than seven hundred crates of cabbage and about fifteen hundred baskets of peas being taken from here by the out going steamers. There was a small movement of other varieties of truck. Sales on the local market were fairly brisk during the day, peas bringing 65 to 75 cents, basket. Cabbage SI. 00 to $1.25 per crate. OASTOniA. tn ti i1 KM to Haw Alwr Bought Blgutor Oriental May. We are having very pretty weather now, but quite warm. A numb3r of drummers ara in town among them are Mr Marvin Lewis and lots others we haven't time to mention. The surveyers were down here last week surveying for the P O & W R R. We will soon have things coming our way. We are glad to say that the people of our little town are progressing finely on the new missionary church nhich is going up on the corners of Church and Main street Mr Aldridge who has been on the sick list for some time is improving very rapidly, wa hope that he will be out in a few days. We are sorry to say that one of our most prominent young men has the typhoid fever. Miss Florence Appleby of Stonewall is here visiting her sister Mrs W. B. Ward. Miss Hannah and Mr George Atmor of Stonewall and Miss Fowler of New Bern were in town Sunday afternoon. Our school will close on the 18th of May and we are expecting a fine time. We are going to ' have a commence ment on the 21st and 22nd and a lecture by the State Auditor Dr. Dixon. Ev erybody is cordially invited to attend. Two Girls in Blue OASTORX Btantb ,Hm M Kiiu Ut Always Botlgb Slgaasu ef New York Cotton Market The following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, May 5.- ; , Open High Low, Close May ; 11.26 11 26 11 24 1L26 July 11 08 11 10 1 11 07 11.10 Oct 10 63 JOBS . 10,53 10.55 Receipts 11,000, Last year 18,876 . , , Death from Appendicitis , decrease m the same ratio that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills Increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from con stipation and the ills growing out of it- Strength and vigor always follow their use. Guaranteed by all Druggists. 25c Try them. Rev Thomas Sherman has abandoned his trio over the ground covered by his father, Gen. W. T. Sherman, 42 years ago. - . ; , Ferhintt MIsMwrlans. When I was a druggist, at Livonia, m " writes T. J. Dewey, now of Graysville, Mo., "Three of my custom ers were permanently cured or con sumption by Dr. King's New Discov er. . and are well and strong today. He wo trvinirto sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New Diacoverv a short time he found it un necessary to do so, I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the most wonueriui medicine in existence." Surest Cough and Cold cure and Throat and Lung healer, 'iuaranteed by all Druggist, 50c am f Trial bottle free. HAD CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. Congressman Heekison Gives Praise -to Pe-ru-na For His Recovery,- CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON PRAISfS PE-RU-NA. Hon. David Meekison, Napoleon, Ohj2Tnemher Kith and With Cnnrrsiee, nntes: hMve used meverml bottles ot i thereby from my catarrh ot the head. I use it a short time longer I win be thirty years' standing." David Meekison. ANOTHER SENSATIONAL CURE: Mr. Jacob L. Davis, Oalens, Stone couaty, Mo., write: "I liave Ik-uu in had health for thirty-seven year, ami after taking twolve bottlaa of your I'erunft I am cured." Ineob I.. Ia is. .- If you do not derive prompt. ami satisfactory results from tlio use of Paruna, wtIipjU once to Dr. Hart :n:n. fii.viiiR a full statement of your case, sod he Will 1 pleased to jrivn yuu his valinMe advice gratis. , ririi-Mftr Ilrtm-in President i.f Tlio Hurlman Sanitarium. Cohintbiu. O. fUvljad Formula ' For a number cf venrs requests have coine to me from a multitude of grateful friend, urging that qtnlity. I have bien experimenting w tt vi i! H, biiu now icei gruwi to announce 10 me mends oi re-ru-na mat l have incorporated such a quality in the medicine, which, in mv ODinion. can ourv enhance its well known beneficial character. "S. B. HARTMAN, M. D." w mi. i- Ax?'MLLt. a..., . . ' " :rriAi. r-c,.jr- , w LOOKOUT! For L. G, Daniels fresh lot of Horses. Also Buggies, Wagons,-Harness and Saddlery of all kinds. Would do city livery. Good rigs at reasonable rates. Phone 104, L. G. Daniels M. HAHN can be found at L. G. Daniels' OUR STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHINij Is complete, It will pay you to call and . look our Stock over, you will find our goods the best and cheapest in the city for the money; ' ' - - t Men's Grey Plaid Suits, all nobby styles, prices $6.50, $8. $12.50 and $15.00 per suit in 2 or 8 piece. ; Hens Blue Serge Suits in double breasted or round cut $5.50 to $12.50. , r Straw Hats in all shapes for men and boys, prices 50c to $2. 50. ' , , ' - Mens Blue Serge single coats only $2.90. 1 Wens Pants, the best line you can find in all colors; prices f rom $1 to $5 per pair. . Boys Wash Suits in all colors, sizes 3 to 8; prices 50c to$l per suit. We carry the Beacon $3 shoe for men, and the Barry $3.60 and $4.00 shoes, n high or low cut in all leathers. ' Just Received a fine line of mens Shivts at 50c each, that can not behoua" elsewhere less than 75c. COPBOj. 76 Hidde 8tret. - Crrcj aCcI'J in Ono Day, CrijbTv; Perunm and I eel greatly k1U4 I feel encouraged to believe that It tuny able to eraaicaie iae evscaav aw Pe-ru-na be triven a Blisht' laxative a laxative addition for quite a length LOOKOUT!! J ... rt it

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