Blind Headache " About a year ago," writes1 Mrs. Mattie Allen, of 1123 Broadway, Augusta, Ga., "I suffered with wind, sick headaches and backaches, and could get no relief until I tried . Woman's Relief - 1 immediately commenced to improve, and uuw i icci a new wunian, aim wibn 10 recommend it to all sickwomen, for I man ?ss. know it will cure them, as it did me."' US ; Cardiu is pure, medicinal extract of tREELT " vegetable herbs, which relieves a fruiwy, descriwne female pains, regulates female SS7VX: fu"ctions.tonesuptheorgans yw ire advice (m plain ssaied to a proper state of health, ovaop.).. pon-t hesitate,, imt NS. Trv it f0r vour trouhlp. Every druggist sells it todav. Address: Ladies Ad- Ttoory Dept:,s.TUe Chattanooga MeJi- I Ce. Chattanooga, Tinn. in $1.00 bottles. ft No Chance of Missing It" Satisfaction is a certainty when you deal with us We sell the best Groceries ac whole sale and retail and always - give the 'come again' quality at the 'come again' price. 'Special attention given to consignments of Country Produce, and the Highest Prices guaranteed. 3H E Wholesale and Retail Grocer, No, 81 South Front St. .Phone 168 a 9 ft TT IT i r n w t t i ui I -AND- II OS I DRY S Our stock of Underwear and Hosiery complete with everything desirable for weather wear. All sizes arid prices in men's, wom en's and children's sizes. Many styles from which to make 'your selections. ' - f Men's Silk Sox $1 the pair. ' I Women's Silk Hose at $1 and $2 the pair Lisle Hose from 25c to $1 the pair in plain or openwork. J. G. DUNN & CO., jj oo-ov i-ouocKjst.; moiie I 212 j y member merchants Association , VTHE BIGGEST BARGAIN OF THE. SEASON. Ladies Tan Oxford Ties ... t - The Celebrated Herrick Make. Adver : ' , 'X tised and sold all over the United States , A At $2.50 per pair. - -Light and dark tan. v new shapes, all sizes, per pair O"11' " ' 11 . . ' ... , " , $198 1 Garfields Report to Congress Special to Journal Washington, D. C May 4. President Roosevelt today sent to Congress the special report of James R. Garfield, Commissioner of Corporations on the freight rates and the oil business. The president declared that this report was a very important matter showing how the Standard Oil Co. has benefitted by secret rates from the railroads for years; how it had crushed competition in its methods and had been aided and abetted in its iniquity by the railroads. He suggested that the Interstate Com mission be given power to deal with the matter. Aycock Elected Vice President. Special to Journal. Lexington, Ky., May 4. In the Con ference of Educators in session here Robert C. Ogden of New York was elected President, Ex. Gov. Charles Et. Aycock, Vice .President, and William A. Blair, Treasurer. The main topic of discussion was Education in the South and Ex. Gov. Aycock spoke bril. liantly, and his address was heartily applauded. Stomach Troubles. Mrs. Sue Martin, an old highly re spited resident of Faisonia, Miss., was sick with stomach trouble for more than six months. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured her. She says: I can now eat anything I want and am the proudest woman in the world to find such a good medicine.,' For Sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. Frederick VIII., the new King of Denmark, is said to be in the habit of inviting editors of leading political or gans to attend at the castle to discuss the different political issueR of the dty. Sore Nipples. A cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this solve with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Davis Pharmacy, and F. S. Duffy. M Parker Williams, a veteran editor. aged 80, has just died at Hudson, N Y. He was an editor of the Philadelphia Register for a number of years. HOLLISTER-8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Hodiolne for Bniy People. Bring! Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. " A Hpeclflc for .Constipation, Indigwtton, Lle nt kirlwy Troubles, rimplra. tcremn. Impure 3!vl, Bh I Brent h, Hiulsh Rowels, Headache and Uankiwlie. It's Rocky Mountain Tea tn tab let form, 85 CPtits a boi, Oi-nulne made by ''oLusTitn Dhcq Company, lladieon, Wig. LDEN NUGGETS FOB SALLOW PEOPLE Repainting. Paint has no protection against the ele- menti. and climatic changes. work hard and fast upon it. The bett paint will eventually wear down, and the surface will have to be re painted. But when Pure White Lead and Pure Linseed Oil are used the surface is left smooth and free, all ready for the painter to begin his work. : . If, on the other hand, a hard, lifeless; inelastic paint (such as zinc and barytes) has been used, it cracks, peels and wears off unevenly, leaving a scaly surface, necessitat ing the expensive and dangerous process of burning off before satis factory repainting can be done. To paint with cheap paint is to repaint at high cost, and too soon. Those who use LEWIS Pure White Lead (Hade by the Old Dutch Frooeu) repaint seldom and at lowest cost. Sand for a beoklet iwtalihn Himl hulMma ropn dictloni of Mtul aooMa. offering valaobU fUggMUoni for it color Ktotof la poJatlaf roar bout. A Mt for Bolat purity U also g irta. JOHN T. LEWIS ft BROS. CO. 231 Seuth Front it., Philadelphia. Pa. For Sale by All Dealers. Liberal Donation At a meeting of Trent Council No. 411 Royal Arcanum, held last Friday night, fifty dollars was donated for the relief of members who suffered in the recent California earthquake. Mark Twain is very fond of collect ing odd obituary poetry, and has a scrap book, which he praises very highly, containing 8,000 specimens. Sciatica Curad Attar Twenty Year of Tor ture For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey, of 3322 Clinton St., Minnea polis, Minn., was tortured by sciatica. The pain was suffering which he en dured during this time is beyond com prehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Cham berlain's Pain Balm. .One application of that liniment relieved thg pain and maae sleep and rest possible, and less than one bottle has affected a perma nent cure. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 26-cent bot tle of Pain Balm and see for yourself how quickly it relives the pain. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duf- fy- ... President Roosevelt urged upon Con gress the reinstatement of Midshipmen Worth W. Foster, George H. Melvin and Richard L. Desaussure, expelled from the Naval Academy for hazing. The Bay Shore Railway was sold at Norfolk to E B Smith, of Philadelphia for $765,000. PS fTaint. Juggling With Dynamite. Is no more dangerous than to neglect a idney disorders. Foley's Kidney Cure corrects irregularities and has cured many severe cases after other treat ment has failed. It builds up the worn out tissues and restores health and vig or. "I was troubled with kidnev com plaint for about two years," writes A. H. Davis of Mt. Sterling, Iowa, "but two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure ef fected a permanet cure." For sale by Davis' Pharmacy. Deafness Cannot be Cured. , By local applications, as they connot reach the diseased portion of Jhe ear. There is only one way to cure deafness an J that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inrlamed condi tion of the mucous surface. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by cat arrh (that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.- bend for circulars free, T. J. CHENEY & CO., ' Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 7Cc . Take Halt's Family Pins for eonstU Letter to Edw. Berry ' New BernN. C. Dear Sir: Here's something every painter and builder ought to know. Mr J J Hall, Sheffield; Pa., painted two houses, 4 years ago, lead-and-oil; took 40 gallons. Last year, he painted Devoe"; bought 40 gallons; had ten left. - He is one of thousands. 1 he know ledge is getting about pretty generally, that Devoe goes further than anything else. Have you found it out in your own ex perience? ' How much further? Suppose a job amounts to 10,000 square feet- how much less Devoe could you buy? Is it as easy to paint? Does it cost any more or less to put-on by the gal lon' than anything else? how much? If it costs no more to put-on Devoe by the gallon, it costs less by the foot, you know; for the gallon does more feet. How much less, do you find it for wages? Lasts, say, twice as long; that is the owner's gain; but perhaps you reckon it yours; some do. The time, when that comes-in, is when he gives-out the next job. Who gets it? Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co. New York. E W Smallwood Sells Our CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Rind Yoo Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The British Ambassador presented a note which is Great Britain's last word on encroachment of Turkey, demand ing the immediate withdrawal of Tur kish troops. No Pill is as pleasant and positive as DeWitt's Little Early Rise. a. These Famous Little Pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills sold. Never gripe. F. S Duffy. Adolphus Busch of St, Louis, Mo. , has contributed a princely gift of f 100, 000 to the San Francisco relief fund. ' Do Not be Impoted Upon. ' Foley & Co., Chicago, . originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Hones and Tar and refuse any substitute of fered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxa tive. , It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. For sals by Davis Pharmacy. ' 'Senator Tillman attacked a number of Federal judges and opposed allowing them the right of injunction in railroad rate cases. .' ' -' Warning. " .. ' You cannot hare good health unless your kidneys are sound, for the kidneys filter the blood of Impurities which Otherwise act as irritating poisons and break down the delicate organs of the body and cause serious trouble. If you have kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley's Kidney Cure, you will have only yourself to blame for results as it possluvely cures air forms of kid ney and bladder diseases. For sale by SHORT PASSING EVENTS. There were sales in the local cotton market yesterday at 11,121. Those who are taking part in the opera of the Little Tycoon are urged to be present at every rehearsal with out fail, and also promptly on time, so there may Be delays at rehearsals. In the absence of a park or some place whrre one can go summer after noons to cool off, a spacious pavilion might be erected on the river front, and supplied with benches and such convenient fs as would be appreciated by tired humanity. A place of this kind wo ild no doubt soon become very popular. A small charge could be mads? on each visitor for the use of the pavilion, refreshments Jcould be aerved at a profit, and oats might also be hired to those wishing them. There't monev in it for the one who will start something on that line. Notwithstanding the threatening appearance of the weather Friday, with its accompaniment of thunler, the day passed by with only a. fallini; of a few drops of rain. Vegetation in said to be badly in needed of moisture. Fromsome sections reports come that cotton, where planted early is coming up slowly and in some cases farmers have de ferred planting until it does rain. " Work was begun on a new building on South Front street, the property of Dr F. . Hughes. It will be constructed of brick of two stories and when com pleted will be occupied by L. H. Ervin, wholes-die and retail groceries. Acting on the suggestion of the Jour nal a few Hays ago, the market dock has been cleared off and repaired which makes a great improvement in appear ance to say nothing about the improve ment in the sanitary condition. The market dock is not the only place in town by many, that needs the constant Kttent ion of the health authorities. The back yards of some business places are frequently dumping ground for garbage and refuse that should be hauled off or burned. Some of the alleys are in bad condition also, There will be an important meeting of the library extension department of the Woman's Club at the library rooms at 11 30 o'clock today. Mr. E. D Bangert has closed his jewelry an! watch repairing business at the corner of Broad and Middle streets and returned to his former home in North Harlowe, where he will conduct the same kind of business. Strawberry shipments from Wilming ton and from places within the "belt" have been enormous during this week. Thursday there were 185 cars packed with crates of strawberries. If these cars were m a solid train they would extend a mile. Not only are the berries shipped by freight but large quantities are sent by express. The record so far has exceeded any previous year. The Little Tycoon is an opera from the breezy busy little island of Japan. It is a merry tuneful spectacular come; dy in which is introduced boIos, cho ruses and dances which will win hearty applause from the audience. Make no date for next Friday night other than to go to see Little Tycoon. Mr. J. J. Wolf end n has moved his office from Middle street, and is now to be found in his new office quarters on South Front street, in his own building, on the second floor, over the store of Mr. S. G. Roberts. His Iriends are congratulating him on his fine suite of offices, all handsomel furnished. There was the usual crowd at the carnival last night and all the shows had a srood patronage. An excursion from Bayborocame up during the even inir. The train consisted of two cars of white people and one for colored, all the cars were well filled. OASTOIIIA. Bean the J? 0 Haw "S1 China is asserting her dignity and rights as to the province of Manchuri a wrested from Russian control as a re sult of the war, in a manner that is not entirely agreeable to all of the powers. And the first manifestation of this falls upon the United States. The Richest Man In the World. The richest man in the world cannot have his kidneys replaced nor live with out them, so it is important not to neg lect these organs. If Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at the first sign of dan cer, the svmotoms will disappear and your health will be restored, as it strengthens and buils up these organs as nothing else will. Oscpr Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., writes: "1 have usea Foley's Kidney Cure and take great pleasure in stating it cured me perma nently of kidney disease, which cer tainly would have cost me my life." For sale by Davis' Pharmncy. Should the Ultimatum fail to have the desired effect a naval demonstra tion bv the British Mediterranean fleet will probably quickly bring about the evacuation. - It Is Dangerous ts Neglect a CoU. How often do we hear it remarked: "It's only a cold," and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with nneumonia. "This is of such common that a cold, however slight. should not be disregarded. Chamberlains Cough Remedy counter-acts any ten of n. cold to result In nneumonia. and has gained its great popularity and extensive sale by its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It always cures and la pleasant to take. For sale grii''li,;.a:auLii. A,.r,airijr.i,.Hi'llillil'' AVfcgetable Preparationfor As similating BteFoodandRegula ting theStoinachs andBoweb of Promotes DigestionCheerFuI nessandResLConlains neither Oplum,Morphiiie norMineraL ISrOT XARC OTIC WnSmd Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach,Diarxhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness end Loss of Sleep. FacSiitlle Signature of t NEW-YORK. EXACT CDPy OF WRABfiEH.. tMc- rr'g For Infants and Children. , The Kind You Have Always Bought Dears me m-. A Ml Signature Aw a. -mm i, 01 AW In Use For Over Thirty. Years rtn atarami awMun. am wan an. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEB. 11, 1906. 118 Daily P M 136 Dailv. P M 2 30 : 'I 431 6 6 57 7 15 7 301 7 42j 8 05j 55 00! 10 15 20 32 44 3 53 4 05 4 30 4 38 f 4 46 5 01 5 13 108 Daily. AM 7 20 7 33 7 48, 7 53 8 05 8 10 8 15 8 271 f 8 38 8 47 9 00 9 20 9 301 f 9 37i 9 51 112 Daily. AM : 1 30; f 1 41! Eastern Time Lv 00 05 18 23 29 2 4 2 57 3 08 3 22 3 52 4 02 f 4 12 4 27 10 02l 4 40 5 39i 10 30 5 54ifl0 4i 5 33 6 OOiflO 51, f 5 40 6 12 11 02! 5 54 5 15 0; GREENSBORO 8, McLean 15 Gibsonville 17! Elon College. 21 Burlington 23 Graham 26 Haw River 32 Mebane 37, Efland . 41 46 55 57 61! ej 73 8l! 87 fll 18jf 6 09 11 30 6 29 11 36f 6 35 021 11 48 f 6 46 12fl2 03 30, 12 2o 7 15 I PM I AM Hillsboro UNIVERSITY . DURHAM East Durham. .. Brassfleld Morrisvilie CARY 107 Daily. RALEIGH.... Garner Auburn Clayton Wilson's Mills. SELMA Pine Level Princeton Rose GOLDSBORO. Ar. AM 11 3 fll 28 11 23 11 22 11 14 11 07 11 01 10 50 flO 38 10 28 10 16 10 00 9 44 f 9 371 i 9 13; i 9 05 8 45 8 26 135 Daily. Lv. 8 20 8 08 55 451 36 261 14'f OOj PM 6 35 6 15 6 00 5 55 5 46 5 39 5 33 5 221 5 10 5 01 4 49 4 30 4 18 4 10 3 58 3 49 3 30 111 1 117 Daily. I Daily. AM AM 5 35 5 17 5 05 5 00 4 47 4 40 4 30 4 171 f 4 02 3 471 3 30 3 00 2 48 f 2 35 2 16 2 05 1 40 11 45 3 12, 11 31 11 23 11 081 10 50 10 38 flO 25 flO 10 f 9 55 9 40 PM 3 06! 2 55 2 40 2 25 2 12 2 01 1 49 1 35 PM AH 9 20 9 07 f 8 42 f 8 22 8 12 7 60 AM This condensed schedula is published as information and is subject to change . without notice to the pubi c. Trains Nos, 112 and 108 connect at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and North Carolina trains for Morehead City and intermediate points. . Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 33 for Charlotte, Colura ' bia and Jacksonville. No. 37 solid Pullman train, drawing-room sleepers New1 York to New Orleans and Memphis, also for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, Dan ville and local stations. Train No. 117 handles through coach between Raleigh, Chase City and Richmond, where close connection is made with Washington Southern Railway t for Washington and Eastern cities. Train No. 107 connects at Durham for Oxford, Chase City and Richmond " University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with i v t c m i: . A . XT .u . : m l irain ino. oo lor w asiirngtuu aim puiiita iiiui lii, viubu cuuiiecuoii xur ningujn t'alem. High Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and intermediate stations. w : t iqc .AnnAnn n, n.A0.u.n nnik u. qq ri ri u: and Jacksonville; No. 35 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest; Nos. ' 34 and 38 for Washington and all points North; connection is also made at Salis bury for Western North Carolina points. S. H. Hardwick, P. T, M. R. L. Vernon, T. P. A, Charlotte, N. C. W. H. Tayloe, G. P. Washington, D. C. A. H. B, Spencer, G,M T. E. Green. C. T. A. Raleigh, N. C. New Stock Horses Arrived. We have just received a fine lot of horses suitable for farm work or dri ving, which we wil sell at reasonable prices. ' We have also a full line of Wagons) Buggies, Harness, and everything usually kept in an up-to-date stable.1 , We will make Terms Righ ' See us. C .H DIMM & CO., 66 Broad St New Bern, N 0 III Vr ll'''3 J. M. ARNOLD, Successor to M. Hahn&CoT Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Stables. Largest and Finest Stock of Horees and Mules ever offered In New Bern. A car load of each just received. Complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Robes, Whips and Cart Wheels. JM. RNOLD, Hahn's Old Stable. Middle Street. Always Remember the FiU Jfgme .,: , lexativo frromo iMSiaa Curea a Cold In One Day. C Q to 2 Days nevcr frtnrx lex 25a , at ion. ... Davis Pharmacy, by DaviB Phar and F. S. Duffy. TTT Tt rvrrn wottrOPIP "I

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