it HEW YORK FASHIONS OR MODES MEW YOBK : New Coats Long and Short, Pretty Wash Dress- es, omocKing ana unoJ oeii rrimming?, Fancy Neckwear, Malinette and Lace - Autoraobiling is resDonsiole for many be silk, wool, cotton or linen, nothing sensible modes and a few pretty ones, seems so exactly right as the little silk '-la the beginning it seemed as everyone coats that are being extensively worn. trying to see how hideous they It is a pretty notion, much indulged, to could make themselves when indu ging have these little confections accord ' in this sport but gradually better look- with the hat and parasol, and to choose lag styles have prevailed. As a rule the tbe.m of a colir that will go well with materials chosen for three-quarter or one's various toilets. Black is a srood if fall lengths coats are of the rain-proof ort but this now embraces simps', any - substantial weave of silk or woolen. It is carious to note how the demand -for waterproof materials, have been met ' on all sides. ' The latest fabric to take its place in this class is a aterproof malin Irnnwn " : Mallsttt. Malinette" has come just in the niek.of time too, for never was there a season when maline was so much in .demand. Almost every hat has more or less of it, and nearly every modish woman one meets is wearing a full wide ' ruff of Malinette, if she is fortunate but of maline of s m ? sort anyway. These raffs are so pretty and becoming that they are irresistible to the woman who has a generous dress allowance. .The woman with less hesitates, for she knows how perishable ordinary maline is, and that a run on -e flattened and " made limp with dampness loses its at traction altogether. It is here that the new waterproof "Malinette" gets its ' innings, for dampness does not affect it at all, and even the economically in clined can indulge and be happy in the assurance that their newly purchased ''fluff" will last a reasonable time. ' - Illustration. ' , Thanks are due the McCall Co., mak ers and designers of fashion for hund. some illustration accompaning this ar ticle, , , Dainty Gowns and Silk Coats. - To accompany the dainty gowns that -; are the ruling style whether material : 111 I V II UDH JlUUv ANh CI1MMPD nnTHINfi 'J?Jiproplete, ! It will pay you to call and look our Stock over, you will find our goods the best and cheapest in the , 'city for the money: ' ' ,,v . Men's Grey Plaid Suits, all nobby styles, prices $6.50, $8, $12.50 and $15.00 per suit in 2 or 3 piece. - - Mens Blue Senre Suits in double breasted or round cut SK.KA to 212.KA. Straw Hats in all shapes for men and Mens Blue Serge single coats only 11111 Pflnta fh luint ina umi inn find . - , . t " mr-w ....w .ww ... yur. : '-. ...'';.-... ':': ' Boys Wash Suits in all colors, sizes 3 too prices 50c to $1 per suit. Wa cam the Beacon S3 shoe for men. and the Barrv 3.60 and J4.00 ahnea. high or low cut in all leathers. Just Received a fine line of mens v elsewhere less than 75a. -- f :..; ; . 75 Midde fl miative Eromo : fMiiiiina ' n u o Cc!d ill One Day, Grip iaTivc rather sombre choice, and lingerie trim' mi rigs and touches of color can be em ployed to make it as youthful and cheer ful as is desirable. New Collar Stiftentrt. There are bran new collar stiffeners to be had this season that are more satisfactory than anything heretofore made. These come in dainty silk cov cred loops, elongated, round, at either end, and giving a double support wher ever they are attached. These are known as "Tryune" collar stiffeners and are being used by the highest class dressmakers here and in Paris. The material is a secret but is guaranteed, not to rust like steel, curl like cellu loid, or stick into your neck as the feathcrbone supporters are apt to do. In another form, a trifle thicker and heavier this same stuff is made up and called ' 'Lastikon, " In ei ther style one can get the usual sizes and a white or black silk finish. Wash Gowns. Wash gowns so-called for many of them never come to the laundress for rejuvenation are to be popular in tho warm days of 190S as they were in 1906 What more can one say? Materials are more enticing than ever and given a good pattern and a certain amount gf "gumption" and skill with the needle, the prettiest sort of toilets are within reach of almost any woman. The silk and cotton fabrics are of many weaves and make fascinating dresses, at very tow cost, sen trimmings are iasnion able and a little smocking or tucking or frilling put on in braided patterns create effor's both modish and inexpensive. LUCY CARTER. Bl ; V I HIS Ur jrlulMl boys, prices 50c to $2.50. $2.90. .' . , in all Jlnfm nnnAa fivim 41 (t mm " w.. w.v.w. - V... w u una Shirts at 60c each, that can not be bought , Street. ' ' . THE TERROR OF A NINff DISEASED. Sad Csm ol ItttanKy ea Ismats of ins Cons ty JalL A very pitiable ease of insanity was seen at the county jail yesterday. The person was a young woman named Eula Oast whose home has until a year ago been in Kinston, but recently has made her home with the family of Mr. Gardner at 1S9 George street Her father was Burton Oast, late a citizen of Kinston and the family hav ing become poor, the young woman was sent to New Bern. She is about 19 or 20 years and in ordinary circum stances would be an attractive looking young woman. The character of her insanity is both homicidal and suicidal and the family and neighbors where she has been, have lived in mortal terror of her for many weeks and the people have often had to keep their children locked up to save them from attacks; and then Bhe has often attempted her own life. Yes terday she attempted to get up the fire place chimney aid made a little pro grass in the act to the ruination of her clothes Jailer Williams and deputy sheriff White went and got her yesterday. They had no trouble to bring her to the jail and she seemed quiet and answered questions asked of her by Mr. Watson in a rational manner. .Mr. Watson conducted an examination on her san ity last evening. It seems a pity that there is no place that such an unfortunateerson may be placed. . The jail is too forbidding and unwholesome. There is no room at the asylum and the prospects are that the poor woman must be kept in the j iil until some further disposition can be made for her. Sciatica Cured Attar Twenty Yaara of Tor turt Far more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey, of 3322 Clinton St., Minnea polis, Minn., was tortured by sciatica. The pain was Buffering which he en dured during this time is beyond com prehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Cham berlain's Pain Balm. One application of that liniment relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less than one bottle has affected a perma nent cure. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 25-cent bot tle of Pain Balm and see for yourself how quickly it relives ,,the pain. For ?alc by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duf fy. The Governor-General of Ekaterin oslov, Russia, was assassinated by six persons. Business Change Messrs L. L. Brinson and W. D. Bar rmgton who have constituted the firm of;the "Crescent Tobacco Co.," have dissolved their partnership, Mr. Brin scn buying Mr. Barrington's interest. Mr. Barrington will establish in the near future another stand where he will dispense ice cream and all hot weather beverages. He has leased the Bangcrt store on the corner of Broad and Mid dle streets and will be glad to see his friends. It Is Dangaroua to Neglect a Cold. How often do we hear it remarked: "'It's only a cold, " and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurrnce that a cold, however slight, shoujdiiotbe disregarded. Chamberlains Cough Remedy counter-acts any ten dency of a cold to result in pneumonia, and has gained its great popularity and extensive sale, by its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It always cures and is pleasant to take. For sale by Davis Phar and F. S. Duffy. The truck shipment yesterday was 800 crates of cabbages and 600 baskets of peas. Prevailing prices for cabbages was two dollars and for peas the prices paid here ranged from 40 to 50 cents . Nature Gives Timely Warnings That No New' Bern Citizen Canill Afford to Ignore tilt! O. I ' eomes DANGER, SIGNAL NO. from the kidney secretions. They will warn you when the kidneys are sipk. Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber fluid. Sick kidneys send out a thin,' pale and foamy, 01 a thick, red, ill-smelling: urine, full of Bediment and irregular of passage. . . ; DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2 comes from the baeh. Back pains, dull and heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kidneys and warn you of the com ing of dropsy; diabetes and bright'a dis ease. ; Doan'a Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them permanently. Here's New Bern proof: L A Smith, Supt. of Crystal Ice Co., 19 Griffith St, residing at 13 Griffith St., says: "I used Doan'a Kidney Pill for my kidneys and back. The secre tions from the kidneys were all out of sorts; and too frequent in action. Doan's Kidney Pills stopped all this. My little boy was troubled with a kid ney weakness aud the secretions were highly colored and fullf sediment I gave him some of the pills and they cleared the secretions up to their nat ural color.' I cannot but consider Doan's Kidney Pills an excellent kidney cure and do not hesitate to say so, I ob tained them at Bradham'a Phar macy." ' ' - For sale by all dealers. .Price 50 eta. a box. Foster-Mi lburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name Doan'a, and tane no other. A CUT EDCE INVESTMENT A Proration Known ae the Dixie Fire " Insurance Co. The attention of the readers of the Journal is called to the advertisement of Ihe Dixie Fire Insurance Co., of Greensboro. It is a stock concern char tered under the State lav and has started business with fiatt- ng pros pects. While the offices of the com pany are located at Greer bbo r, it will be noticed that gentlemen in every part of the State are interested in the com pany and a perusal of tho names pub lished in the ad will show the stock-holders to be some of the mo?t solid mdn in the State. ' The company has officers who' are business men of splendid reputation in Greensboro and the State as well. The interests of the company are safe in in their hands.' The New Bern stock holders represent well the personnel of the corporation. An investigation of their purposes will show that an invest ment in this company will give as good or better return than anything else. . No pill is as pleasantand positive as DeWitt's Little Eariy Risers. These Famous Little Pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills sold. Never pripe. Sold by w. S. Duffy. Wreckers at work on tho British steamship Cljde, ashore near Cape Hatteras. on the North Carolina coast, succeeded in moving the vessel 50 feet and it is believed the ship will be float ed. Postmaster Robbed. G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at River- ton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For twenty years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my finger nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure for Bilousness, Neuralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder derangements. A wonderful Tonic, At all Drug Stores. 50 cents. Julian Pavlinic, of Newport News, shot his wife seven times, then sat down and waited for her to die because he had promised her to kill her rather than send her to an insane asylum. The Richest Man In the World. The richest man in the world cannot have his kidneys replaced nor live with out them, so it is important not to neg lect these organs. If Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at the first sign of dan ger, the symptoms will disappear and your health will be restored, as it strengthens and buils up these organs as nothing else will. Osc? r Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., writes: "I have used Foley's Kidney Cure and take great pleasure in stating it cured me perma nently of kidney disease, which cer tainly would have cost me my life." For sale by Davis' Pharmacy. A new play, in which the characters ore modeled on the President, Jacob Riis and Willfam Travers Jerome, was given at the National Theatre. HOLLISTCR'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Medioiuo for Busy People. BfSngi Golden Health end Ueuewed Vifrnr. i. mmelflc forConsiilMitioii, Tmlipe-itlon. 1.1 s And Kidney Troubli, t'liiipl-n. fci eniH, Impure Blood, 11ml Breath. Siucris!i BohhIs, IIe.i'1nolf and BswlcRoho. IV Kioky Muuutaiu Ten in tub let, form, K cents 8 lor. (len.iiue made by ""ou.iaTJK Dura Cojimny, Madison, Win. LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE The body of Rear-Admiral Hughes was entered at Arlington. Juggling With Dynamite. Is no more dangerous than to neglect 1 idney disorders. Foley's Kidney Cure corrects irregularities and has cured many severe cases after other treat ment has failed. It builds up the worn out tissues and restores health and vig or. "i was troubled wun money com plaint for about two years," writes A. H. Davis of Mt. Sterling, Iowa, "but two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure ef fected a permanet cure. " For sale by Davis' Pharmacy. . Washington society and ..officialdom attended in force a reception, given Speaker Cannon by the Representa tives in honor of his seventieth birth day.;'; ,'- , - 3 Stomach Troubles. ' , Mrs. Sue Martin, an old highly re spected resident of Faisonia, Miss., was sick with stomach trouble for more than six months. ' Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured her. She says: "I can now eat anything Lwant and am the proudest woman in the world to find such a good medicine.,' For Sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. The President sent the report of the joint commission on the preservation of Niagara Falls to Congress. OABTOriXA. , Hind Voa taw Botijtt The House, after giving Speaker Cannon an ovation, passed 45 bills. . To draw the Are out of a burn, he a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure boils, sores, tetter, ecxema and all skin and scalp diseases, use DeWitt's Witch Hanoi Salve. A specific for piles. , Get the genuine. No remedy causes such speedy relief. Ask for DeWitt's the gcnnlue, old by F, S. Duffy. . THE MMG OF BLOOD PPMFIEU No other remedy has given such perfect satisfaction as a blood purifier and tonic or is so reliable in the cure of blood dis eases of every character as S. S. S. It is known as "The King of Blood Purifiers," and the secret of its success atjd its right to this title is because "IT CURES DISEASE." It is an honest medicine, made entirely of purifying, healing roots, herbs and barks, which are acknowledged to be specifics for diseases arising from an impure or poisoned condition of the blood and possessing tonic properties that act gently and admirably iu the up-building of a run down, weakened or disordered condition of the system. One of the greatest points in favor of S. S. S. is that it is the only blood remedy on the market which does not contain a mineral ingredient of some kind to derange or damage the system. It is the one medicine that can he taken with absolute safety by the youngest child or the oldest member of the family, and persons who have allowed their systems to get iu such condition that most medicines are repulsive to the stomach will find that S. S. S., while thorough, is gentle and pleasant in its action, and lias none of the nauseating effect's of the different mineral mixtures and concoctions offered as blood purifiers. As every part of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and strength, it is necessary that this vital fluid be kept free from germs and poisons. So long as it. remains uncontaminated we are fortified against dis ease, and health is assured ; but any impurity, humor or poison acts injuriously on the sys tem and affects the general health. Pus tular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different skin affections show that the blood is in a feverish and diseased condition as a result of too much acid or the oresence of some irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison etc., are-all deep-seated blood disorders that continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains. But all blood diseases are not acquired; some persons are born with an hereditary taint in the blood and we see this great affliction manifested in many ways. The skin has a waxy, pallid appearance, the eyes are often weak, glands of the fleck enlarged, and as the taint has been in the bWi since birth the entire health is usually affected. In all blood Rubles S S. S. has proved itself a perfect remedy and has well earned the title of "KING O?' BLOOD PURIFIERS." It goes down into the circulation and removes -ill poisons, humors, waste or f eign matter, and makes this stream of life pure and health- WW PU RELY VEGETABLE especially bracing Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Scrofuln, Contagious Blood Poison and all other blood troubles are cured perma nently by S. S. S.. and so thorough is the cleansing of the blood that no trace of the dis ease is left to break out in future vears or to be transmitted to offspring. If yon are in m-ed U a blood purifier get "THE KING" of them all, S. S. S. and good result are i v-,:n-,:il. Book on the blood aud auv medical advice desired fiirnishwl wirTinnt cliorxo in II who write. SHOW PASSING EVENTS. The jury in the case of Ives vs. rail road, reached and rendered a verdict Tuesday afternoon about flvS o'clock, granting Tves judgment for $8,106.90. This h the cuse where B. W. Ives, of Riverdale, contracted to furnish wood to the A. & N, C. Railroad Company, was refused payment for same by the les sees of the road. Hancock against W. U. Telegraph Company was taken up and hearing will he concluded today, Mr. C. W. Hollowbush arrived in Newi5ern yesterday afternoon from Wilmington, coming as the personal representative of Mr. S. A. Schloss and Messrs Cowan Brothers to prepare for the opening of these managers' sum mer stock company at the New Masonic Theatre next Monday night and which inauguration will be the start of the summer season on the Schloss-Cowan Brothers Circuit. The company will c"me to New Bern direct from Ohio and will play the North Carolina the atres of the managers mentioned ex clusively during the summer months; and this will be hailed as glad news by the theatre-goers who usually have to foreeo their pleasure in this direction during the warm werther. Popular prices will be vogue, 10, 20 and 30 cents, and the opening bill Mon day night will be "Under the Stars and Stripes" and it is said to be a modern drama of great power interspersed with bright comedy. Between the acts clever vaudeville features will be intro duced. Mr. A. M. Edwards formerly of this city has purchased the stock of goods lately assigned by J. O. Land, and will continue the business at the , same place, Coast Line Store, Mr. T. E. Land, manager. Once again the White Star League or . Up town boys wauopea tneaow town boys in a game of base balL The score was 4 to 0. Batteries: White Stars. Brinkley and Pierce: Down towns, Tolson and Hancock. Cotton sold on the local market yes terday at 114, Fred Douglass was in James City Sunday where some good friend gave him some of the juice of the forbidden fruit commonly known as cider and it had an exhilerating influence, unforto natelvheeame across the bridze and was singing and conducting himself in a disorderly manner when policeman Howard arrested him. He was fined five dollars by the Mayor in yesterday's police court. . The stores of Dr. Hughes on Middle street which were damaged by fire sev- era! months ago have been repaired. Grove's Tcatcbas CliiH Tcria has stood the test 25 yesxs. Averts Amal Sales ever Czi c a Ifclf V tcttlcs. . Decs tLh record cf merit z'zzl ta yen? r.'aCnro.f.'oFy. ... " Edoee4wth every l'Je la TeOfrt.r'v',-,e rf f i 'c P ccclivr I w Gentlemen; B. R. E, is used as a family medicine In Our home. I myself have taken and always found It what it la claimed to be It thoroughly cleanses the system of Im purities, increases the appetite, improves the digestion, and builds up the general health. 1 have given it to my children with fine results. It promptly restores the appe tite and clears the skin of all eruptions. It Is a rery fine blood tonic and has my hearty endorsement. 124 S, 9th St., Lebanon, Pa, P, H. THOMPSON. sustaining. Nothing reaches inherited blood troubles like S. S. S.; it removes every particle of the taint, purifies and strengthens the weak, deteriorated blood, and supplies it with . the healthful properties it needs and establishes the foundation for good health. As a tonic this PTent merlirinp Tins nn prmnl inA nrlll k fmnA THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, OA, W7m OTTON fields need never "wear out." m A complete fertilizer, with the right amount of Potash, nourishment that cotton must have, ancl which the cotton removes from year to year. KB - "Cotton Culture, book, contains valuable raising, and shows, fiom comparative photo graphs, what enormous cotton yields Potash has produced in different states. This book will be sent you free of if you will just write us Addreu, OERMAN Mew Yerfc-03 Nuhii Sti-Mt, mr TYYYYYYYTTTT OF EVERYTHING HAMMOCKS Ennett's Bookstore J. L Oil S CO., North Carolina Leading Florists. Roses, Carnations and Violets a spec ialty. All Flowers in season. Wedding Bouquets and Floral Decora- . tions at short notice. Palms, Ferns and Winter (lowering Plants in great variety. Rosebushes, Shiubbery, Evergreens, Hedge Plants, and Shade Trees in best leading varieties Mail, Telephone and Telegraph Or- dera promptly executed, by I ; , ' 3.V O'QUINN & CO., j . Raleigh, Nt C All Phones 149 fTTTf TTTTtttt TrTun WE HAVE 3 HJLUl 1 THE BEST I GOOL IN 3 m SWIFT'S SPECIFIC, THE GREAT . m PCuLflXRV to weak, anaemic persons. feeds to the soil the our interesting 90-page pointers on cotton- any cost or obligation for it. KALI WORKS. Atlanta, Qs.-Z2X So. Broai itrM By using Peerless Ice land freezers. Cold Wave and Labell refrigerators. The difference in cost of ice will be greater over cheaper makes. Rest Well by using good hammocks. Don't Worry - over hot stoves, get a blue? frame Oil Stove, at a B'.nall cost. Call and see before you buy. Yours to pleas"-, J. S. MILLER New Bern N C 1 Desirable Property for bw Two City lots, 50 and 60 x 214 feet One " " 60 x 150 feet, hcluainf church building, 1 large pipe' organ, 1 hot air heater. Sold either separately or collectively. Apply to ' " T. A. Green, Vs -J. W. Stewart, V Co J. J Wolfend. , M&M - -'- 2 U L.L.U 1

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