8Ut Library Nw.13. NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C,, TUESDAY MAY 15, 19Q6.-FIRST SECTION. 29th YEAR 1UU1 .BOLD PRODUCTION. Track and Wheat Injured by Cold Weather. - Well Knew Drummtr Found Dead. Machin ery Itr Gold Mining In Randolph Cavity. What I an Intoxicant Candidates announced. (Special Coroespondence) Greensboro May 11. Mr. S. M. Spang let a well known drummer for a Wor cester Mass. Glass firm aged, 53 was found dead in a bath room adjoining his . sleeping apartment in the Benbow hotel A Corners inquest revealed that the cause of death was heart disease. On the table in his room was a letter ad dressed to his wife in Baltimore, which be had evidently written before retiring last night. Disrobing he had gone in the room to take a bath before going to sleep, and must have dropped dead ju3t as he was preparing for his bath. The remains were sent to his home in Balti more for burial on this afternoon's train. A Philadelphia Syndicate had begun operating the Sand Creek Gold Mine six miles from Climax in Randolph County. Robert Holmes Page is managing Direct or of the Company and today $15,000 worth of new machinery was unloaded - there for the purpose of economist the production of gold. The heavy frost here this morning at tended by an unusually cold snap, has frreatly injured vegetation and truck. Cox Brothers, grocers here who run a truck farm in connection with their storf, say that at least five hundred dol lars damage hss been done to their let tuce, beans and other tender plants. Farmers here attending memorial scruices gay they think wheat has been seriously injured. Mayor Mw phy last night announced that so many complaints were coming 4 tiead quarters about drunkenness of ciJer that he felt that something had to fee done to relieve. the situation and that heMalter dealers in cider, whether Wholesale or retailers, would be held strictly to account. Hia test of whet her a drink is intoxicating, he says, is ot the amount of alcohol in it but whether or not when freely drunk it makes people drunV. Since it has been learned that clerk Of the Superior Court John J. Nelson, . would not be a candidate for re-nomination the following well known gentle men ia the past few days have announ. cements of their candidacy for the office subject to the result of the democratic primaries: Ernest Clapp, Deputy Clerk, G. Arthur Rankin, merchant of Greens boro. JohnG. Wilborn insurance man of High Point. Ganwmption Germs in Mummy Dust Special to Journal. Chicago, May 12ih. Physicians and scientista have been greatly interested in tests of overwhelming proofs of the Hfe of tuberculous germs. Experts nave shown that the development and spread of the disease is largely due to Egypt and France where it first gained a foothold. Germs are extremely nu merous in mummy dust and they live for thousands of years and are far more deadly than the spu urn of live persons. Cloud on Russian Sky Special to Journal: St. Petersburg, May 11-Russian peo pie are much disappointed because the Czar did not grant amnesty to political prisoners en the opening of Pi rliament Thursday. They had expected it. NOTICE I am Pslletier's, N.C; prepared to do all kinds of repairing of buggies and artax Horse shoeing done at siort aotise. Also I have for sale some very site buggies and baVness, cheap for cash or reasonable terms on good se- rtty. SAMUEL LILLY. ROBERTS & BURST Distributors for Craven, Car- teret, Onslow. Jones, Pam lico, Beaufort, And King ston Counties. . t pdnsve and) Padds fl'nht Trie- vj v? For . i Aims' ' ' P"t tuyr. v. IAwum 1 VICE ADMIRAL KILLED Commander of Pert ol St Petersburg Atsas ilnated by Workman. Another Crisis In Ruuia. Special to Journal. St. Petersburg, May 14. There is a fresh crisis in affairs, and it is felt the Czar must give t.mnesty to settle the impending; trouble. Vice Admiral Kuzrich, commanding the port of St Petersburg, was stabbed in the back with a dagger by a work man, and instantly killed. The work men in the arsenal desired to march out in a body and celebrate May day. Per mission was refused by Kuzrich. He wa$ cruel to all and generally hated. The man. who wounded him. had thel dagger concealed in a hollow cane. MacKay's Mac-u-dine cures all headaches, etc, does not de press the heart, 10, 25 and 60 cents a bottle at druggists, 5c doses at foun tains. Shooting Affair in Dover Kinston Free Press. A shooting took place in a disreputa ble negro house in Dover Sunday, in which Redding Bryant, colored, was right seriously, though not fatally wounded by a pistol ball from a pistol in the hands of Ross Supgs, another ne gro. The shooting is said to have been accidental. The bullet entered Bryant's right breast and penetrated deeply. He is getting along as well as can be ex pected. Apron Bazaar The ladies of the First Bsptist church will hold an apron bazaar Friday May 18th at the store under hotel Hazleton, beginning at four o'clock p m. Aprons of every description, suitable for ever size and to meet the requirements of every taste will be on sale at reason able prices. Refreshments will be served. Magazines Explode Special to Journal. Bridgeport, May 14. The explosion of same of the Union Metallic Companie's magazines here today, the shock was felt over nearly all Connecticut. No one was hurt. NO CURE NO PAY.! How f. S. Duffy Sells Hyomel. the Guaran teed Cure for Catarrh. F. S. Duffy has an unusual offer to make to our readers, one that will be of the greatest value to many. For some years F. S. Duffy has been watching the results from the use of Hyomei, a treatment for catarrh that cures by breathing medicated air, ab solutely without any stomach dosing. Die results have been so universally successful that F. S. Duffy feels justi fied in making a public offer to treat the worst case of catarrh in New Bern with the understanding that if Hyomei does not cure, the treatment will cost absolutely nothing. The regular Hyomei outfit costs only one dollar, and consists of a neat Docket inhaler that can be carried in the purse br vest-pocket, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei. If this is not enough for a cure, extra bot tles of Hyomei can be obtained for 50 cents.' F. S. Duffy positively guarantees a cure, if Hyomei is used in accordance with directions, or F. S. Duffy will re fund the maney. Ladies Bible Class Lecture 17. 1 In how many stages was the trial of Jesus divided? note pgg 190 and 197. Z Describe the trial, by Amos' sec 125. ' ": 3 The trial by Caiaphas and Sanhe drim? sec 126. , 4 Relate Peter's denial? 127 note 195. 5 Describe second trial of Sanhedrim? 128..' , .v , 6 What became of Judas Iscariat? 129. 7 First trial by Pilate? 130. 8 Trial by Herod? 131. - 9. Last trial by Pilate? 132. 10. What time of day was Christ tried and condemned? Note page 205. 11. What mockery was made? page 2)6. . 12. Place aud tints of crucifixion. Page 133. .. 13. What can now be said of the three fold prayers in (1) self -manifestation, (hostility of his enemies, (3) training of the twelve. ' 14. (Events of the journey to the cross. Sc 133. 15. His companions in execution? Sc. 183; Is. 63.12. . , ', , Don't be fooled and make to believe tha rheumatism can be cured with local anruiatiAni HlliatAj'ea Pw1rt MmtnT. ainTea is the onlv nositlve cure for rhmimfttlBm. an emta. T r Tahinta For Sale by F. S. Duffy. ' Killing Frosts Do Immense Damage to Crops Governor CJenn asd Entire Staff WIN Attend Mecklenburg (Celebration st Charlotte May 20, Confederate Veteran! Will Ask lor s Park to Eielost Battlefield el Petersburg. Temperance Senti ment Not In Favor of "Election for Prohi bition. (Special Correspondence.) ' Raleigh, May 11. A letter to the Agricultural Department from the Superintendent at the State Test Farm at Statesville says all the cotton up there was killed by the frosts this week and that the same remark applies to corn. From this statement it is be lieved that this was the case with crops generally in that section of the State. It is very bad news as it means re planting, of course. Today the State Board of Public Buildings and grounds advertised for bids for laying the walks in the capital spuare with grauolithic pavement. The penitentiary furnishes the money, $6,000 wi'h which to pay for the work as the board deciees that it is not to ex ceed that cost. The Governor says he will be at Charlotte at the 20th of May celebra? tion with his entire staff. He remarked that he would be willing to do anything to help the great occasion and remark ed that every citizens in North Carl olina, whether National Guardsman or citizen that he thought that day ought to be given the state. He recognizes fully the importance of the celebration He will review the troops. He does not expect to speak, or if he does so hi remarks will be very brief, as he does not take time for much speaking. The Wake county Confederate Veter ang yesterday adopted resolutions of fered by J..C. Birdsor.g asking Con gress tut t apart tne oatueneias around Petersburg as a National park like Chickamauga or Gettysburg. Com rade Orrin G. Smith, a veteran of both the Civil War and the Mexican War s joke to these resolutions, saying the fighting around Petersburg was as se vere as during the entire war. The ' tearing down of a noted resi dence in the eastern part of the city is in progress, to make room for a large public school. It is expected that a lit tle later work' will begin on the high school which is only a block west of the capital square and adjoining the water tower. At the Rarieigh Phosphate Mills here a warehouse, 80x200 feet is dndar con struction for the storage of phosphate rock. This now comes from Florida and the quality is said to be better and the grade more uniform than that of the Tennessee rock which has been used heretofore. The freight is the same from Florida as from Tennessee. Trotman's Whiskey Distillery at il mington has been seized by the United States for irregularities. This follows the seizure of a number of barrels of whiskey at Wilmington last week. Very little' has been heard during the past few days about'the proposed elec tion on the question of prohibition here. It is said that a certain well known ex saloon keeper here went to the pastor of a church took a very prominent part in the campaign in favor of the dis pensary three years ago and. asked him to lead in a fight .for prohibition but the pastor declined and then the ex-saloon man went to the gentleman who is now interesting himself in having a vote on prohibition. The gentleman in ques tion claimf that the ex-saloon man has reformed and would no longer ennage in the business even if Raleigh were an open town tovtn. Much of the pro hibition or temperance element here is not backing the movement for an elec tion at this time because it is not thought opportune. The general opin ion seems to be that no election will be ordered. Hope Cheers Mrs Davis' .Friends Special to Journal: New York, May U. word comes from Mrs. Jefferson Davis' physician that she ia resting a little .better from her attack of la grippe and a little hope is expressed for her. Cold Weather Disastrous Special to Journal: Asheville, May 11. Frosts have kill ed all early vegetables and nearly de stroyed the fruit crop. Light snow fell ia the mountain! Wednesday. . Noted German III Special to Journal -r - New York, May 11. Carl Schurs, the noted German-American citizen, and Secretary of the Interior under Grant ,g His age and weakness e,nMi by slight accident some months ago combine to make his con- ditlon serious. - IN WASHINGTON ' ,'i A' PriM.ot Rooievtlt Wit! Not Reply Direct ly to Ttllmni Cottoa Futures and Hate B1I Discussions. Special to Journal: Washington, May 14. A bill was in troduced today by representative Hef lin of Alabama to mtke keeping a'place for dealing in cotton futures, a gamb ling place, and (he penalty for such a fine of not less than $5,000 and a year's imprisonment. '' The President will personally maV no reply to Senator Tillman. The re ply will come in some other way. The rate bill was discussed in the Senate today. A nevrmendment was tabled which provider that investigations be made by the commission, to find the value of the property of every rail road. Tillman Busy With Pitchfork Special to Journal Washington, May 12. Senator Till man made a cnaracteristic speecn in the Senate today, attacking President Roosevelt ancj his position on the rate bill. He said he had entered negotia tions with the President ac latters sug gestion and that he had forsaken tho agreement ' He caused considerable laughter among the senators. Todays session wb devoted to rate bill discus sion. The Bacon amendment was voted down. Hearse Drivers Strike Special to Journal New York, May 12. The hearse drivers of the city have struck for an advance of Wo dollars per week. The undertaker have shown no sign of any concession or compromise and it is likely that the strike will last a long time. Bodies are removed to come teries on trucks and carts. Puliganes Loot and Rob Special to the Journal Manila, May 12 In the province of Samar a band of rebel Puli janes enter ed a town and killed and wounded a large number of persons. The houses were robbed and burned and other atrodties.cjjtjimitted. They took twen ty prisoners and retired"to their strong holds. Troops are in pursuit. Natives have asked that all rebels be extermin ated. Wiretets from Washington Special to Journal. Washington, May 11. rrogress on the rate bill discussion is being made rapidly and it is probable that a vote will be reached soon. The Allison amendments have been adopted by the Senate. One of these riders strikes out the phrase "fairly remunerative' and the other limits to two years the continuence of Interstate Commerce Commissions orders. In the discussion of the Panama Ca nal matter ,in the House, Attorney Cromwell refused to answer questions reeardintr the canal while he was counsel. It has be-1' discovered that 20,000 barrels of English manufactured cement has gone to Panama, thus the order to use only American made goods has been violated. Secretary Taft denies re sponsibility for the order. The amount of money asked for by the Panama Commission is $26,000,000. Card of Thanks Hauing disposed of my barbershop to F, A. Gaskill and H. N. Harrington, I wish to thank my many friends and customers for their patronage. I be speak for my successors, who are cleyer and industrious young men, the same patronage that has been accorded tome. Turkey Yields Special to Journal - London, May 12. The Sultan of Tur key has notified the English govern ment that Ottoman soldiers will be withdrawn from Egyptian territory and all" the demands made upon the Turkish goveanment will be complied with. Bryan Says no and Winks Chicago, May 11. A personal friend of W. J. Bryan has received a letter from him saying that he will do nothing to get the nomination for the preslder. cy and does not desire it unless circum Stances seem to demand it, and that time alone can determine. rrV! Fpr Sate , - One 20 h. p. fire box boiler In good condition. For terms and price apply to Hammon Lumber Co., Kellums, N.C.- 4--.. ..V'-'v Be No More Litigation. Paving Mr. and Mrs. Cone to Sail Around the World. Safety Air Brake Invention. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, May 12. At a meeting of the Board of Aldermen yesterday afternoon, the all absorbing topic of the street paving question was settled, and the report looks like a complete vindication of Messrs. Merrimon and Benbow, property owners, who sought to have the city enjoined some time ago from paving out any more money on the contract, alleging that the work was defective. The city fought the in junction and Judge Furguson declined to grant it. Later the Board of Alder man appointed a committee of its own to investigate the work and this com- mitttee submitted this report yesterday afternoon. 'The committee to whom you re ferred the matter of the investigation of the paving of Elm street with vitri fied brick would respectfully report that, pursuant to the authority con ferred upon them, they secured the ser vices of an expert engineer, Mr. G. C, White, of Durham, ,N. C. and on May 1, 1905 together with the said expert they proceeded to investigate said pav- ng work, by opening the same digging into and examining it. 'Fifteen excavations were made, in as many different places, chosen in the judgment of your committee in such a manner as to accord a fair test of said work. "From their own inspection and ex amination, and from the report of Mr. White, which is herewith submitted as part hereof, your committee finds that said paving on Elm street is de fective, and that said work does not comply with the contract and specifica tions. 'Your committee recommends that no further sums be paid, by the city to the contractors, the Southern Paving and Construction Company, until said pavement is done, built and finished in substantial compliance with said con tract and specifications." T. J. Murphy, C. C. Wysong, M. W. Thompson, Committee Mr and Mrs Moses H Cone will leave tonight for New York, from which place they will sail Saturday for a trip around the world. They will go to Na ples first and from there to England to spend a month or two and then to the countries of Europe; leaving Constan tinople for Palestine; thence to Egypt and from there through the Suez canal and the Indian ocean to points in India, from which place they will visit the Philippines and then China and Japan, returning via the Pacific ocean and across this continent. They expect to be away from six to twelve months. Mr. John B Wright; of this citv. who has for three years been at work on a safety air brake attachment has had three patents issued to him and now has several applications for others pending. Mr. Wright has had his air brake in successful operation for three months on three important railroad systems and they have proven every' imng mat is claimed ior uiem, omciais . . . i . i i writing Mr. Wright in high commenda tion of the device. These tests have been so satisfactory, Mr. Wright is now building these brakes for general use. He has made eight different de vices, and now has his brake as near perfection as possible. The device sets in operation the brake already on the train, automatically putting it into emergency in case of derailment or anything that caused the truck to be placed in an abnormal condition. Any derailment, a split switch,. the breaking up a center pin. wheel or axle imme diately puts the air brake on the whole train, thus doing what the engineer would do if he knew the moment any such accident occurred which he of coure cannot know. The best railroad men in the country who have carefully investigated the invention, declared it to be absolutely new. and by far the most practical and perfect prevention ol disastrous wrecks yet discovered. J. E. Latham's Weekly Cotton Letter Special to The Journal Greensboro, N. C, May 12th. The market has been much more active this week caused by very low temperature throughout the South. In many locali ties killing frost is reported with much injury to young cotton. Good trade continues everywhere, and this is the most bullish argument that can be ad vanced. So long as spinners can con tract ahead at profitable rate they will be willing to buy cotton to cover these sales. The new crop despite.., the frost scare seems to be doing fairly well and while present prices are very remuner ative to cotton growers yet the neces sity for a large production keeps the market steady and no important decline is expected until the situation Is more favorably developed. The amount of American cotton brought Into sight for the week is 79,321 bales less than the same week last year, the statistics are gradually growing more , bulish each week, but nothing has yet appeared to make the trade fear a famine this sum mer. :, , :.,' , There Will COMPLAINT AGAINST BELL Telephone Company by Secretary of Stats Alleging Over Charges. Special to Journal. Raleigh, May 14 Secretary of State Grimes, files a complaint with the cor poration commission against the Bell Telephone Company for alleged over charges for long distance business in North Carolina, asking that the rate be made five cents per minute for the first five and 2 cents afterwards, also that rental rates be fixed at ?1.50 per month for residences and $2.00 for bus iness places. Insurance to Pay Up. Special to Journal: Chicago, May 14. -The Traders Fire Insurance Company, which was ruined by the San Francisco fire, announces that it will pay every dollar of the claims against it. Drink Dr. Pepper Vim Vigor and Vi tality. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE 'A Pertinent Suggestion Mr. Editor : As am old Confederate soldier and one who has always the interests of the veterans at heart, I have a suggestion in regard to the annual Fourth of July dinner, and I think I voice the senti ments of my comrades in asking that some good speaker who was in the army and shared our hardships and knew the conditions of the service. The old soldiers will feel better satisfied to hear a speech like that than all the canned oratory that could be produced. H. H. D. Paroid Roofing is the kind that gives satisfaction. For sale by Gaskill Hardware Co School Notice. On Monday May 14, all grades will begin a review of the work during this term and the final examinations will be gin about May 17. I hope every pupil will be present for these reviews and the examinations. There are a num ber of children in the city who have passed on the first term's work once, and some twice, but they have dropped out of school before the final examina tions and 30 have remained in the grades where they were. If it is possible these pupils should make every effort to be in school for the next three weeks, make up what they have missed and get promoted. I should like very much to see every pupil in school get promoted and those who fail are usually those who drop out in the spring or come once a week. I hope the parents in the city will help us in trying to help their children and see that we have every pupil now in the city, in school during the next three weeks. School will close on June 1. H. B. CRAVEN, Supt. "The man who whispers down a well About the goods he has to sell Wont catch as many golden dollars Ashe wno climbs a tree and hollers." But if the man remarked above Does out upon the public shove Goods that the buyer does not suit, Will find his work wont bear much fruit Now the folks that do just what they say And sell your goods that are 0. K. Are the folks you want to patronize A word is sufficient to the wise.' WATERS CHINA STORE. OASTOniA, Bean tha' The Kind You HaraAlways Bouffll BJfutwe ef Special Rates to Charlotte N C via Southern Railway Account grabd celebration Mecklen burg Declaration of Independence Char lotto, N. C, the Southern Railway will sell reduced rate tickets from all points in North Carolina, also Seneca, Ander son, Greenwood, Columbia, S. C, and intermediate points to Charlotte, st rate of one first class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Tickets will be sold May 19-24 inclu sive, final limit May 26th. . , For detailed information apply to nearest Southern Railway. .' . , ' T.E.GREEN, C. T. A- Raleigh, N. C. NewVork Cotton Market. The following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, Mayl. . Open High , Low May 11.84 1142 1184 July ill.14 11 20 1114 Close 11.42 11.20 Oct 10 65 1070 10.65 10.70 Receipta-11,313 ' '" , , Last year 28,567 ' , r . North Carolina hams and Norway Mackerel at Onka Market. Henry's Pharmacy 127 Middle Street. Full line of cines. Toilet Soap. Fresh Flower Seeds. PHYSICIANS Drugs, Medi Articles and Supply of PRESCRIP- TIONS A SPECIALTY IG THEATRE START OF THE SUM MER STOCK SEASON May 14. AND ALL WEEK LONG. Slater's Comedians Management of Schloss-Cowan Bros., in a new Repertoire of Modern Plavs. with Clever, Up-to-date Specialties between act. MONDAY NIGHT: Under the Stars and Stripes A stirring play but with plenty of hne comedy. Prices 10, 20 30c Only matinee Saturday afternoon. KEEP COOL By using Peerless Ice land freezers, Cold Wave and Labell refrigerators. The difference in cost of ice will be greater over cheaper makes. Rest Well , by using good hammocks. Don't Worry over hot stoves, get a blue frame Oil Stove, at a small (. cost. Call and see before you buy. Yours to pleawr, J. S. MILLER New Bern NC Astigmatism Means an irregular focusing of rays of light on the retina (or mirror) of the eye, i- e. the vertical rays may focus on the mirror and the horizontal behind or in front of it, this is an ifhCqual ex penditure or distribution of nerve force which means headache, nerslgia, ina bility to read or study for any length of time, the muscles being in a con stant cramp or strain to overcome the defect in order that clear vision may .; be maintained, this error unless slight usually results in very defective vision' and upon correction by glasses opens up a new world, one patient remarking he was afraid of the glasses they made me see like a telescope." J. O. BAXTER, Graduate Optician. New Bern, N. C. 1 TBEIfWITEr, BLACKSMITH & WHIIU1GHT Buggies, Wagons, Carta and Drays al ways kept in stock, I reset fares without cutting with the latest im proved tire shrinker. I keep a good supply of cart wheels always in stock repairing done at quick notice. Shoo on South Front street near Hsncock Sta. ' . For County Treasurer. To the democratic voters of Craven , County. . By the solicitation of my friends all over the County I hereby announce my self a candidate for County Treasurer subject to the Democratic Primaries. J. J. Baxter. J. M. REGISTER Porch Columns, Rails, Bal usters, Spindles, Stair Kail Balusters, Gnus, Plinth and Corner Blocks, Sash and Doors, Frames for Wood and Brick Buildings, Mouldings, Mantles, Brackets.' Factory in Church Alley, New Bern N.C. - loDiiav