( lift! 'A No. 22. NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C.;: FRIDAY JUNE 15, 1906.--SECOND SECTION. 29th YEAR 'V Tbe Best Guaranty of Merit Is Open Publicity, Every hottlo of Dr. Pierce's world famed medicines leaving the great labo ratory at Hit If a I u, N. Y., has printed upon its wrapper all the Ingredients entering Into its composition. This fact alone places Dr. Pierce's Family Medi cines (ii clast all by tlxemselva. They cannot be classed with patent or secret jriedicTiios beciuwo they are neither. This Is why so ma.:iy unprejudiced physicians lrescnl'?.ia.'m ami recommend thorn to their us'-. it?. They know what they are cnmi).v.r.() t,f. that the Ingredients are those endorsed by the most eminent . medical mithoritles. Tj'.d further fct that neither Dr. riorco'8 Golden Sledioal Discovery, tho crout KtiToich tonic, iiver invigorator, heart regulator and blood purifier, nor his "KavorilM leacrlpHou' for weak, over worked, broken-down, norvous women, contain! any alcohol, also entitles them to a pkico all by themselves. Many years ago, Dr. Pierco discovered -that chemically pure glycerine, of proper strength, is a better solvent and preserv ative of tfio medicinal principles' resid ing In onr Indigenous, or native, medi cinal plants than is alcohol; and, further more, that It possesses valuable medicinal properties of its own, being demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic, and a most cllicient , antl ferment Neither of the above medicines con tains alcohol, or any harmful, habit lorraing drug, as wflrbe seen from a elunee at the formula printed on each bottlo wrapper. They are safo to use and potent to cure. Not only do physicians prescribe the above, non-secret medicines largely, but tho most Intelligent people employ them people who would not think of using the ordinary patent, or secret medicines. Every ingredient entering into the com position of Dr. Pierco's medicines has tho strongest kind of an endorsement from leading medical writers of tho several schools of practice. No other medicines put up for like purposes has any such pmfcxhmal endorsement. Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. One " Pellet" is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic, drug gists soil them, and nothing Is "just us good." Easy to take as candy. NEARLY FIVE INCHES An Unusual Rain. fall for this Particular Soa son of the Year Th vr:'tVr seems to be a kind of stock 'jP'i of conversation, a topic one can snCely fall back on when all others fail. J.j;t week we were choking with dust on account of the lack of rain; to day we are trying to snut off the hose. It so -ir ;ms$ible for human nature to lie S;:iis('.t!. Bi t lhe conditions are peculiar. When v o h.id dry weather there was an unsoas-imiMe coolness which retarded anil da:ia;od vegetation, Then when the drouth wits broken a short heated icrrn , - ;vailed in which were shower p:-i:iK;.::.'Ki.sly interspersed through a few k:y keening the soil in good cn uiiion t'.r tho fanners and the roads fres frvn J'lst. T ho ti'-rsont. rainy season started San day ar...i ;:. -..howera came lightly and not 'r'-; f refine p Wile- Oi again v. 'v ; Monday they came less . uitti although the clearing off tfoo.l; but Tuesday they begun hh renewed vigor and Wcdnes- day tlie down po.ir was rdmo.t inces- sunt. It came d- vn at tin?3 V.kf water out of a hose, UrphreHas were little or no protection p h! the only progress a man couM r.ia c v h.i started out during a lull v,,,q by hurrying along between showe.'H ta'.i.ii; refuge during the worst of 'he storm under some friendly porch or hi some store. The down pour was terific. Pmisiiioss was badly inter fered ! on c-int f it. lici t i . t. in o!h''' o!.i ., lighter; oliv. of the Si.io ' north of K: u tho local rainfall, wa3 the same; others j .ior. In the interior rain was not so heavy; m th showers w very licht. The observations early c.rh morning: Monday a. m. .89 Tuesday " .19 Wednesday" 1.02 Wednesday p m ; 2 00 are Ufkon Total 4.70 S'alliings-Davenpoi'fc. Friends in the city have recoived tho following invitation: 1 "" - .Mr and Mrs. T. M. Davenport requerta the hojor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter .Iola Monteize ; ' Mr. Elisha Holland Stallinga, Sunday, June tiventy-fourth, nineteen hundred and six, Merritt,. N. C. - ; . ROBERTS . & HURST Distributors for Craven, Car . teret, Onslow. Jones, Panv lico, Beaufort, And King' ston Counties. One oi Alleged Selma Assailants Lodged in Jail V . , Tcacl.urs Arriving In Number. Governor Sick. Meeting Dairy Aeeoclitlon Boeke Submitted for Examination. Thrn Candidates for Po$tmtrhlp. Special Correspondem t Pvaloigh.'N. C, Juno 12tH. Deputy sheriff A. M. Sanders arrived here this morning from Smithfield, bringing with him Jim Merritt, a young nero who KtanJs charged by the confession of Bud Richardson another negro, with an at tempt felonious assault upon Miss Pearl Jon?3, the telephone opertor.at Selma. Deputy sheriff Sanders intended to put Merritt in jail, but could not do so as he htd no committment papers, so the prisoner was lodged in the station house until ten o'clock, When Governor Glenn directed that he be taken to the jail for safe keeping until his trial comes off. The newspapers have had the -wtfole story of the shooting of Richards m by Miss Jones Saturday night at Selma, of his confession, and of the capture of Merritt, who was at once taken to Smithfield and taken to jail. Deputy sheriff Sanders says that he heard rumors that people from Sel' ma are coming over to lyneh Merritt and acting on his own judgment, deci ded to brinfir the man here. Merritt de nied that he was guilty of anything, whatever. His behavior was very good while in jail at Smithfield and on his wav here. Teachers hy the hundreds poured in to Raleigh today to attend the great annual session or the teachers As sembly. Very complete arrangements have been made for the big event. There is a committee which takes charge of all the arrivals and locates them promptly, the information bu reau being well managed. Governor and Mrs. Glenn both con tinue sick, the Governor s condition be ing unchanged. The reception which is to be given to the teachers' assemb ly ft the executive mansion, will not be jiostponed or any way affected by the illness of Governor and Mrs. Glenn, though they will not be able to be pres ent, it will beheld at (he mansion and will be a vory striking affair, at which more than a thousand persons are ex pected to attend. The second annual meeting of the North Carolina Dairy men's Associa tion will be held here on July 11th and 12th, at which time the Farmers' State Convention will be in session, these meetings are to be held at the Agricul tural & Mechanical College. At the Agricultural & Mechanical College library many hundreds of books submitted by the various book compa nies have been arranged in a very hand some style in order that the thousands of teachers who are to be here during the next twenty days can see and in spect them. There are three known aspirants for the postmastership at Raleigh, and all tbc,H seem to be working hard for the position. SOME BIG SNAGS, , Lying In the Bottom ol the River, Dangerous to Navigation, Dynamited Out. The dredging crew under tho super vision of Capt. Kilpatriek, act!ng under lirection of U. S. Engineer Burbank, .lynamited some stumps out of the river IT tho Market dock which act will be of great benefit to the navigators. Theuu stumps whilo not located in the channel are in mid-stream where the boirfs pass up and down and have always been a constant menace and when the water was low extreme care had to be used to avoid tjiem. , The dynamite routed out some pretty formidable old snags, .There was one which might be able to measure its agfe not by years but by centuries. It was enormous and the huge crane on the dredge was taxed to its utmost to bring the monster up from the depths. Conservative estimates of people who are good judges of measurement say that the biggest n. ot was IS feet in diameter. The crew was at work near ly all the morning trying to net the stump onto the scow and they consid ered it quite a victory when at last it was reposing on the bosom of the scow It required five or six efforts to land another smaller root, which Itself must have measured frem 8 to 10 feet in diameter. M wine feel better over the removal of this hidden obstruction to navigation. Dr. Pepper's Phos Ferrates con' tin no dope or come back drops. It .is a drink with merit New York Cotton Market. . The following were the epenlrur and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, June 14. . Open High Low Close July 10.62 10.69 " 11.61 10.09 Oet . 10.84 J0.41 10.81 10.41 Dec- 10 87 10 45. 1086 10.46 - Receipts ,0t0. ' Laatjycar 16,751. CCNRESS WILL ADJOURN SOON. Largs Cutlomt Receipts. No Yellow Fever at Colon. Italian Killed In Indians. Question of Who Pays For Beef Trust Inspection. Special to Journal. Washington, June 13 The Republi can steering committee will name the date for adjournment tomorrow. The dead lock is still on between the upholders of a sea level canal and lock system in the Panama canal, The Italian Ambassador has been rhotifled that two Italians have been killed and seven seriously wounded at Marion, Indiana. The United States attorney is investigating the matter and many persons have been arrested on charge of having been engaged in the fight; " The National Quarantine bill has been sent to President Roosevelt to be signed. The customs receipts for the fiscal year now nearly ended have exceeded all previous records. Congress is to determine who jnust bear the expense of the beef trust in. spection. The packers are making a strong fight against paying any part of it and say they have lost millions by the report. Nicaragua has purchased the Ameri can filibustering ship which the cruiser Marblehead has been watching in Cor- into harbor. ELKS TEMPLE WILL BE GRAND An Imposing aud Costly Structure to be Erected Soon f he building committee of the Elks, of which Mr. William Dunn is Chair man, has accepted plans for the new temple which is to be built on the Mc Sorlcy corner of Pollock and Middle streets. The plans are those oi archi tect Rose, of Raleigh, who has been the ach'tcct of many line buildings in the South. It will be built at a cost of $50,000 and will be five stories in height. The temple will be built of pressed brick; the first story to be white or cream oolored brick, the balance will be buff colored material with terra cobta trim mings. The extent of the building will be from Middle street to the Richard son line and Pollock street one hundred feet north. The first floor will contain space for a bank which will occupy the corner, and one large store room presumably for a dry goods house. The second, third and fourth floors are to be given up to offi ces. There will be sixty rooms on these floors, and the fifth floor will contain the Elks lodge and club rooms. ' " Every modern equipment will be put into this building, steam, heat, eleva tor, complete water service, and pos sibly will have its own electric lights. The finishing and furnishing of the building will be of a very artistic na ture, and the structure will be one of the finest Elks temples in the South, aad the pride of the city. Work will commence on the building about the first of August, and it will require a year to finish it Mutinous Soldiers, Special to Journal. Odessa, June 13 Several Russian generals have gone to inspect disaffect ed and mutinous troops. A high state of discontent prevails and there is much anxiety over the situation. Ileitis From Small ' June 12. Our farmers are all enjoying the much needed showers which have been falling softly. . ... "'- Our crops are all looking better than they did last week. Sweet potatoes are being put up all around ua. Miss Charlotte Peed spent Saturday night with Mies Viola Rowe. Mr Eddie Price of Aurora visited his parents here Sunday. Elder Jesse Bennett filled his regular appointment at White Hiil Church last Sunday: " . Misses Marietta Dunn and Minnie Cuthrell visited Miss Patsy Hardy last Sunday. Mr Durwood Lewis of Bonnerton spent Saturday night with Mr R F Edwards. nUn "d MiM M?ietttSpecial to Journal iunn visueu nn u u iaytun oi Levei Pine Ridge Wednesday evening. " ' Mr Rufua Mixon and Miss Cassie Al- dredge of Bates have been visiting friends and relative's here. The Jihior Builders gave an ice cream upper last Friday night at Mr D 8 Mixon's. People came from far and near to attend the party. Mr J J Edwards gave an icecream supper to the older people Saturday night, which was largely attended and very much enjoyed. MacKay's Mac-u-dine cures all headaches, etc, doea not de press the heart, 10, 25 and 50 cents a bottle at druggists, 5c doses at foun tains. PYTHIANStitCT OFFICERS. Eight Thousand Members ef Order In State. $16,000 For Establishment Orphans Home. Next MeeMjia at Elizabeth City. Largest Attendance Yet, Special to Journal. - GreensbotQJune 13 The principal business of the Grand Lodge of Pythtans in session here today was the election of officers,- resulting jw follows: Grand Chancellor, W W Wilson, Ral eigh; Grand Vice Chancellor. W C Criap, Winston; Grand Prelate, W R Coppedge, Rockingham; Grand Master of Exchequer, John Mills, Rutherford-f too; Grand Keeper Records and Seals, W T Hollowell, Goldabero; Grand Mas- ter-at-Arms, McBryde 'Holt, Graham; Grand' loafer.' Guard, CC.Bruto jft j Gilcad; Grand Outer Guard, E J Jones, Concord. The principal contest which was very spirited, was over the elec tion of the Grand Vice Chancellor. For this C W Crist received 90 votes', and C C McLean of Greensboro 45. Forty nine members were reewrted as having died during the year, this be ing less than the average death rae, there being 8,000 members in the State. Another report showed that there is $10,000 now on hand as a nucleus for the establishment of an orphan's home by the grand lodge. At the afternoon session Elizabeth City was chosen for next session. Tonight an elegant ban quet will be served at Smith Memo rial building by the local lodge in honor of the visitors, while in Reece's hall a large number of candidates were initiated amid much fun and merriment into the side rank of Pythianism. The D. O. K. K. S. the largest attendance ever known is present there being three hundred delegates. Mob Almost Had Brute Special to Journal. Nerfolk, June 13. Negro William Lee, who criminally assaulted Mrs. Barnes and her cousin Mif i Powell in Maryland Sunday night . was brought here to escape mob violence. He was barely saved from the fury of a large mob but for the interference of the sol diers would have been lynched. He has confessed to the crime also to bing a house in Maryland. rob- Marine Fire in Baltimore Special to Journal. Baltimore June 13. The docks of the Merchants and Miners Transportation Co , two steamers and six barges and eight seows were destroyed by fire to day. The fire started in the hold of a Savannah steamship lying at the dock, and the flames rapidly communicated to the other property which were scon wiped out. The steamer Essex, the second steamer, was" a large and hand sonse boat, and was valued at $600,000. The value of her cargo is not known. Three members of the crew of the Es sex mot death in the fire. The loss is estimated at $1,000,000. RemarkaNe Airship Venture Special to Journal Washington, June 14 One of the most unique sensations that has oc curred here recently was the successful ascent of an airship here today. The machine arose in the air with perfect ease and grace to the height of three miles; ' it circled around Washington monument and descended in White House grounds. The dirigibility of the airship was perfect. Filipino Politics Special to Journal Manila, June 14 An active prelimi nary campaign has begun here prepara tory to the election of members of the the Filipino assembly next year. Aguinaldo says that gambling and cock fighting is ruining the Filipino people. He calls on the American peo ple to help abolish cock fighting here. Bryan Coes to the Douma St Petersburg, June 14 William J. Bryan was today the guest of honor at the Douma. or Russian oarliament. He enllayl mitk sManit Af tU UrlaM anH an laOVllkVU Willi UIBUJ V IfMV IVfltWOIV MM SH . , peareu uj ijoy tne wIUU vwy much' Enormous , Busines Special to Journal Washington, June 14 -The foreign commerce statement of which has tnat kann Anmnlatat hrsalra all nmnli r Ol 1 .wl. .I..J 1. L 1AAA AAA ASA and exports at $1800,000,000; $200,000,- ; w,- 000 irreater than last vear. volume nf (business. PROSPECT OF ELECTION. Like New Bern, Raleigh Will Probably Vote en Dispensary or Prohibition In the Near Future. Raleigh, June 14 Last evening the Aldermen took up the matter of the petition for an election in Raleigh on the question of prohibition or dispen sary. Rev. Sylvester Betts informed your correspondent today that he had almost seven hundred signatuies, among these four doctors, several law- years and two ministers, Pastor Massee of the Baptist Tabernacle and Rev. T, N Ivey of the Methodist Christian Ad vocate. ; ; ' ' . GrowtlT ef ilfe A. &M. witegr, . The amazfror wowta of the A. A If. College requires constant enlargement of : the teaching force and apparatus. In civil engineering 96 students, not counting freshmen, require a whole separate department of special teach ers, two professors and four instruc tors, all expert. W. C. Riddick is head professor, and R. E. L. Yates is head professor of mathematics. Every stu dent of civil engineering in the college, including all sophomores and juniors, are engaged in work all summer. In electrical engineering ther.? are 92 students and three professors, not counting freshmen. These students also are at work wiring buildings, run ning phone wires, et. There is a new head of the textile de partment , Professor Thomas Nelson of Lancashire, England, and a new assis tant, Prof. P. Moore Parker, a grad uate of Lowell Textile School, an A. & M. boy and a native of Raleigh, grand- . n . . fill . son ot tne late a. r. moore, ine textile 'department will soon be over flowing with students. In agriculture three new professors are tobe elected. Prof. Sherman (en tomologist) has returned from Canada, Professor Reimer is to return in horti culture. There will be ten special teachers in the agricultural faculty and two hundred students are expected. The drill and discipline of the college will be modified. A separation will be made of civil and military duties, and all friction done away with. Drills will be brisker and discipline severe in all essentials with freedom in non-essen tials. In beauty town there dwelt a lass, Her ace was fair to see, The seeret of her beauty lay, In Rocky Mbuntaia Tea. Sold by F. S. Duffy. Gees to Waste Basket. Several letters, some of them newsy and interesting, have been received at the Journal office this week, with re quests for their publication, but being no signatures, nor anything to indicate from whence they came, of course they were promptly laid away in the waste basket. People who are ashamed to attach their names to their literary ef fusions should not get mad at the news paper for not publishing them. Ice cream freezers, water coolers, lawn mowers, are now in demand. We keep them. Gaskill Hardware Co Phone 147. Same Old Thing. Everything looked propitious yester day morning for a clear and pleasant day. The sun beamed radiantly and all nature was attuned to the gladness that the flood was apparently over. But they were deceived for it was not long before the skies became overclouded and the muttering thunder sounded the too well known warning and the rain descended. It Wits an unusually heavy shower and lasted over an 'hour. ; The recorded rainfall a AtMoek a. m. for the 24 hoard provfertjfcwaa 2.21 inches which hi additioa ta. the quantity already announced in th YouiiuJ yes terday moming-4. 70 inches aakea total of 6.91 inches for the week. it tones and vitalizes the entire sys tem and makes life worth living no mat ter what your station. Holhater's Rocky Mountain Tea is the greatest preventative known for all diseases. 35 cents, tea or tablets. Sold by F. S. Duffy. . . oBry0iii,u. I am now on Pine street, No. 29. In n !- a II order to add to and change my stock, I will close out a tine of Silverware and Plated Goods At Cost. Ladies and, cent toilet sets, shaving sets, butter dishes, syrup pitchers, fruit knives, nut cracks and picks, puff jars, ink stands, tadies watches, hat orusnes. all bar-. OAlNSs t . . , - - . I With Swanson's 5 Drops I give 25 . u... n( -hi. Come before the bargains are all gone. - L. F. TAYLOR, 29 Pine St. Keen vour home free from flies by usine our , screen . , . aOOrS ana WinaOWS,aiSO Keep Pultry ' , tj ... ' w m. UaSKUl niuwicw. ruuuc I 47 ANJNFERNAL MACHINE ? An Oeean Liner Blown to Pieces by Some Strange Power. Special to Journal London, June 14. -Tho British steam er Haverford, was practically destroy ed while laying at her dock. A lire was discovered in the hold and in a few minutes a terrific explosion occurred, killing nine men and wounding 40 oth ers. A cargo of linseed oil was set on fire. The explosion is believed to be due to an infernal machiue. President Confers Degrees Special to Journal ' Washington, June 14th. -President Roosevelt attendinl the Commencement of Georgetown University today, and conferred the degrees. on the graduates. He made the address. ' EDWARDS HINES A Very Pretty Wedding at Centenary Church. The wedding of Miss Josephine Isa belle Hines and Mr. Melville II. Ed wards, was solemnized yesternay af ternoon at five o'clock at the Centena ry church. Rev. G. T. Adams per formed the ceremony in the presence of relatives and a number of friends. The chancel of the church was very pretty in decorations of flowers and palms, the color seheme being white and green. Suspended from the ceiling were four white bells, themselves forming a laiye bell. As the Lohenprin wedding march was played the groom entered from the right aisle with his best man, Mr. B. H. Hurst, while the bride came from the left aiele on the arm of her father, Mr. J. M. Hines, attired in a pearl gray, tailor made suit, with sailor hat to match and carried a boquet of bride's roses and ferns. Miss Elma Basnight, maid of honor, preceeded the bride to the altar and wore a hand-painted organdy over taf fety with picture hat, and carried roses and ferns. The ushers were Messrs. George Henderson, Jr., F. F. Matth ews, John Suter and W. F. Richard son. During the ceremony, Tennyson's Sweet and Low was played, Mr. J. W. Stallinga of Norfolk, presided at the or gan. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards were the re cipients of many beautiful and hand some presents. They left on the A & N C train for the western pa-1 of the State and Tennessee and will be at home in this city after the 25th. The bride is a well known and popu lar young woman, and by her pleasing manner and genial ways has won scores of fnands. Mr. hdwards is a young man who has been a resident of New Bern, but a short time and has estab lished a fine reputation as an industri ous and energetic young man. He is book-keeper of the Armour Packing Company. Assembly Elects Officers Special to Journal. Raleigh. June 14. In North Caro lina Teachers' Assembly today elected J. A. Mathewson, of Durham, Presi dent; Thomas R. Foust, W. J. Martin, J. A. McLeod, W. L. Snipes, E. P. Hall and Miss Annie Wetmore and Mrs. W. C Brooks, Tice Presidents; R. D. W. Conner, of Raleigh, Secretary Treasurer. Knights of Pythias Memorial Service The Anthenia Lodge, No 8, Keighti of Pythias will obsurve Sunday as a memorial day. Appropriate exercises have been prepared for the -occasion, among which will bo an address by the Hon. George Hood, Mayor of GoMs boro, -THepufeVs are cordially invited to attend. ' Tiim Hhphce v$. ba,.tir vices will be ann mnced later.'1 Postpone G ;me ol Ball Today The aggref ilion from .Beaufort ar rivea frr fw Bern Thursday afternoon at 3 p. m. The game was jvwtponed until today on ot count of ram. The boys promise a good game. ' They are under a heavy expense, se come out and encourage the players and lets have some base ball in New Bern this summer. The line-up is as follows : NEW BERN. BEAUFORT s s . Longest 3 b Thomas 2 b Taylor c Willis, C lb . Skarran r f Congleton If . Johnson c f Whoatley p Willis, N. Howell . Tisdale Russell Armstrong Bonds Thomas ' Mitchell Patterson Shell THE LATEST FAD Cigar bands, plates and felt for making plaques, ash trays pin trays, etc. This is iLfl latest fal and you are invited to call and see them. Also 1 ;r..l T .4.U. r4. a ueauiuui U"C ucauici r vat . . Cards. Sheet music 10c a MWADDPM'C DV, WAPPKM'C: PVrnn wpy at . - 163, Opp POStOfflCe. ARRANGEMENTS FOR PATIENTS Asylum Authorities Will Increase the Aceom modatlons for Insane Patients. Raleigh, June 14. The directors of the hospital fer the insane here in ses sion today considered the preliminary arrangements for 125 more female pa tients there in the new structure which it is expected to have completed some time in July.- There are more than 125 applications on file of a char acter needing immediate accommoda tion but all applications will be looked into with special care. Musieal The pupils of Misses Bessie and Jes sie Wyatt gave a most creditable recital last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. R. A, Richardson, whose hospita ble doors were thrown open to the friends and those who were interested in the Misses Wyatt course of instruc tion. . ':;'i'Y:-f':if.-i'hi' The pupils were very good in the rendition of their work and show excel lent and thorough training. The following program was rendered : 1. Duet Hancok and Wethington. 2. Vocal Solo Ethel Armstrong. . 3. Piano Solo -Laura Ives. 4. Duet- Bertha and Ethel WiHett. 5. Vocal Solo-Mrs. Hartsfield. 6. Trio, piano Ball, Ives and Groves. 7. Sextette violin Munger, Richard son, Ward, Howard, Hall, Coward. Duet violin -Ipock and Armstrong. 9. Duet violin Munger and Coward. 10. Vocal solo M H Richardson. 11. 12. Duet piano- Ives and Rich. " Vocil--Hartsfield and Mer gar.. THEY COMb AND GO. Mr. and Ms. W. F. Aberly and little daughter left yesterday for a several months visit with friends at IGilberto, Pa. Miss Mary Barbee of Raleigh spent the day with Miss Henrietta Hancock, yesterday. Mrs. James Mitchell left yesterday for Beaufort to visit. Mr. C. C. Bell of Harlowe was in the city yesterday. Editor C. L. Stevens went to Raleigh last night. Capt. 'Joe Gaskill and Mrs. Gaskill went to Beaufort last night. Mr. J. C. Scales returned last night srom attending the Grand Lodge ef Knights of Pythias at Greensboro. Hon. Frank Thompson of Jackson ville was in the city last night. Mr. A. E. Pittman went to Newport last aight.' "( Mr. W. D. Mclver went to Kineton last night. 1 Mr. N. C. Hughes has gone to Florida on a business errand. Miss Margaret B.-yan went to Wilming ton to visit friands yesterday, from there she will go to Charlotte and Black Mountain for the summer. Miss Jknmie Sabiston returned to her home in Stella yesterday, after a pleas ant visit with friends here. Miss Annie Benners of Oriental is in the city visiting her cousin, Mess May Hooker. Miss Myrtle Disoway has returned from a few days visit at Seven Springs. Much Damage to Crops. . Farmers report in the city that the rains have made havec with their pota- ' toes and other crops. They say that the ground where they are planted in many cases is oi peculiar nature and that wiwn they are plowed up they are in a muddy and soggy condition and when left lying on the ground the heat of the sun rots them. They will not be able to realize hrdly anything on the marketing of their crop. .They also say that other crops have suffered terribly, especially is this true of cotton. The rains have washed the plants so that their value will be great ly depreciated. They estimate their losses at thousands of dollars. Aethma Suflerere Should Knew This. ' Foley's Honey rod Tar has cored many cases of asthma that were con sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Bussing, 701 West Third St, Davenpert, Iowa, writes: "A severe cold contracted twelve years ago was neglected until k ' finally grew into asthma. The beet medical skill available could not give me more than temporary relief. Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended and one fifty cent bottle entirely cured me of asthma which had been growing on me for twelve years, and if I had taken it, at the start I would have been saved years of suffering." Sold by Davis' Pharmacy. " First Excursion to Wilmington. NextThuasday, June 21, the first of Knight a lamous eKcarBions irom new Bern to Wilmington will take place. .This affords anyone an excellent op- portuf ui vm. own. " v,ile Beach, the Atlantic City of the i South Atlantic Coast. Its attractions 11 1 - T mnumeraoie. rare iron. .w , b L25 Bnd tnetra,n::i leave at 7 30 a. m. -rrv fK Tv THT TTTiTTtN TT1X TrH H 1

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