"S" mm. "-.-V, -At NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTYf NIC TUESDAY JUNE lSt1906.FIRST SECTION. No. 23. ,29th YEAR i I . anl , ....... i 1 1 Latham Company' Weakly cotton Keporr - -Special to Journal .flMgnshnro, N. G, June 16th. The .tnarket closed about . unchanged tow a week ago. 1 Some nervousness ... has baendiaplayed by the shorta on ae ut of a threatened corner of July in Nee Orleans. This caa only have . Mbtiiaantal effect 9a tha New York ' Market, because the standard of de $very ia entirely different and the tack k New York ia relatively large, " Skcooont 160,000 balea and consists e -eneef entirety of very: avdeaab! lew &tto. Such cottons r not wanted y skinners, and they are hard to. sell, -na those spinners who use them can , : dictate the terms. On the other band -jahfle cotton ia bringing big premiams, "nd those who naat have it are forced - to pay tali prices, report from the ajrewing crop continue, very satiefac- - tory as a whole. Some complaints are " received from Seuth Texas of drought, tat M nothing hinders the boll weevils yroffrees so atuch as dry weather,- this may be a blessing in disguise. The Hit fall in the Carolinas and Georgia baa been rather heavy, and should gajna eentian many "tweipli nils will eon ae heard from these 8tatee. In or opinion no crop at this date has ever given more abundant promise, ' than the present one, but fear that the weather hereafter may become un favorable tends to keep the market Steady, and the trade in a State of 1 Bind between doubt and confidence. Frightful Atrocities Committed . Jpeeial to Journal. JBIatyatoek, Russia, June 18 The ri ttkrg -and slaughter of Jews begun Thursday continues unabated. " The chops all over the city have been plun dared and search 1 for refugee. : Hun dreds hava been killed and tha atroci ties practised on the victims are ekapaakable. A strong garrison has central of Ike city which in on lire In many places, TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments Collegiate, Graduate,, Engineering and Law. Large Eerary facilities. Well equipped laboratorieo in all de partments of science. Gymna sium famished with best appa ' retue. Expenses very moderate. Aid for werthy students. Yssss Bee wlekles Is tui U sbeeM tavseUfets the ' teferler esVestssss ewsree fey lbs BeeartsMel el Uw la TriaNy Oetleae. - For eataiogue and further in formation, address, ' D. W. NEWaoir, Regiatrar, " ', DUBHASI, N. C. TDTY PARK SCHOOL A - ' ' A first-class preparatory school Certificates af graduation accept ed for entrance to leading South ern colleges. eetCeelseed Pressrsteri tefceel la the testa; . Faculty -of ten effleers and teachers. Campus of aeventy five acres. Library containing thirty thousand volumes. Weil quipped - gymnasit'-a. High standards and modern methods of instruction. Frequent lectures by paominent lecturers. Expen ses exceedingly moderate. Seven years of phenomenal success ' ' For catalogM and other infer-" mation, address , , H. If. Nobth, Headmaster, DVBIAM, N. C ROBERTS : & HURST Distributors for Craven, Car teret, Onslow. Jones, Pam lico, Beaufort, And King ctcn Counties. . . J'JJj WORKS MACHINERY Big Equipment Added to Improve Present Water Service Nw Grscsrr Firm. One Nigra Shoots asethsr; so Affair Which Looks Ltks Censslrscy ts Murders FoMcenttB.epslsr-Jn' v--Kgnfilee sHhs New ' '" teuthsrn Rail wsy tchs dsls. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, June 16-Superintendent of the City Water Works, W A Ser geant this morning closed a contract for the necessary engines, boilers, pumps, etc., for the new water supply at Reedy Fork. . included in the con tract which was made with the Greens boro Supply Company, are 2 100 h p High Pressure Brownell boilers. The machinery is to be delivered Septemler 1st by which time the new reservoir will be completed. The exeavation f or J tws reservoir has just been finished and the cement work will begin Saturday. The bole is a big one, 800 feet square by 16 feet deep, having when cemented a capacity of 20,000,000 gallons. When ready for use, the new water supply, will be a supplementary one to the present system, will have cost $140,000 and will give the city water enough to meet demands, at the present rapid rate of increase of population for 20 years to come. The last monthly re port received Sunday from the State Chemist pronounced the Greensboro water "excellent." Mark Cotton, the negro who was seriously shot by Alexander Landreth alias Bill Bailey, another negro, Tues day night, was removed to St. Leo's hospital yesterday. There was but little hope for him yesterday but to wards night he rallied and the chances for his recovery are now improved. The bullet from the pistol pierced his v'ght lung, and lodged in the back of it The ball has not been extracted. There is a well grounded theory' that the whole object of the fracas was to en trap and murder-police officer Skeene, who has bean active in ferreting out criminals in the ffarnerville section, and that the shot Mark Cotton received was intended for the officer. Cotton had gone after an officer reported that 1 he had been assaulted, but it is now known that he passed two policemen without telling them, going on to got officer Skeene. As soon as Skeene and Cotton arrived on the scene, the first ouiiet enppea ine omeers ear ana ixi- to.2,.r!10iwano! XUy behin. hj!!l reaved family our warmest heartfelt got it in his cheek. Tne negro who did 1 . ..... - . u the shooting ia a paralyt cknd cannot . apathy in this their hour of affliction walk, and one of the party of negroes and pray that God in his loving kind had purchased a pistol and given it to ncss and tender mercies will support him that afternoon. It is further known that one of the party of ne groes; nicked the paralytic up in his arms after the shooting and laid him under some honey sue le vines nearby, where he was afterwards found by the officers, when lanterns had been se cured to aid them in the search. It has now every appearance of a conspiracy. The whole affair ia being thoroughly uivwwsiiw ana uireo negroes inougni to be implicated are already in jail LawveVa and business men here brally have not ben slow to express tneur disapproval 01 tne nign Handed measures resonea to Dy tne oc-jinern Railway to thwart the efforts of the Corporation Commission to investigate the justice of the change of schedule. A leading merchant here says "that if he was to refuse to pay his taxes, he would be put in jail or sold out,' and he oelievea that "all ought to be fed from thessme spoon." Another merchant uiH "It a nil ftwiliahnMft 4ni Atraa and newspapers to preach to us that l-hia ia fMin Mtnnriiif arVton a no f sf ae are forced to obey the law whether Raleigh, June 18 -The summer school we respect it or not, and these big cor-' opened here today, with a large attend porations, making foreign owners rich ., . ., . . by squeezing us of high freights, are snce, the opening aJdrew wm inade by allowed 10 trample our law under loot wnue ruuuing mil uuinw, go iree 01 punishment." Some of the express tons among th? lawyers were: "Ex Judge and city Attorney! B. C. Strud wick." People who defy deliberately me constituted authorities 01 tne state are justly called outlaws and anarch- aw. 1 turn urua wnouiex uie uaenuer be an humble individual or a wealthy. rri.: I. A - 1 .1 . 1. - . ;T and powerful corporation. Forthis rea- son the recent action of the Southern Railway- is contemptuously ignoring mini uiBuuvyuiK iue nruer 01 me Vorpo- ration Commission by forbidding It to change its schedule until a hearing on the n erits could be had, deserves the condemnation of every la w-abi ling cit citizen, and is" an outrage not to be tamely submitted to. colonel w. b. jnompson T h e r e never was a stronger or more emphatic illustration of the need of a provision in Slfflfflk his interference with the Corporation Commission furnished the strougest ar- gument vet advanced for this measure, yJoVmedtoe SfcJtt to Judge Purnell by their joint con- tempt for the Corporation Commission and its order to temporarily postpone STaelou It tne railroads By to this Judge much more tney win impair tne respect 01 tha public for him to such an extent ae to destroy his usefulness." , Japanese Boat Struck Sunken Mine m e w is . special to journal. Tokio, June 16 A transport of the.Lumpklns announces himself ss a can- Japanese Navy struck a sunken mine' arly this morning and was blown up. Fifty men are missing. , .. KILLED AND WOUNDED In Attempt to Persusde Non Union Men ts Desert Schooner Special to Journal. San Francisco, June 18. A launch containing - fifteen non-union sailors went to a schooner, scheduled to sail from here today, to induce schooner's crew of non-union men to desert.. The officers on the schooner were prepared, and fired volley after volley into the launch, hilUni one" majfaad wounding three others. The sqhoonar then sailed away. V; -.:, - Meat Bill to Suit President Special to Journal. Washington, June 18 The commit tee on the meat inspection bill, changed it to meet the views Of the President. No objection was made to eliminating the Court's view clause. Identifies Bogus Lord Special to Journal. Asheville, June 18. Mrs. Hood idea tifies the photograph of the bogus LoT' Douglass, as the same man aa John Cavendish, who married her daughter in Louisiana. Resolutions of Respect. To our .wortliv pastor and official members of St. Peters A M E Zion church of the City of New Bern, State of North Carolina: i We, your committee appointed to draft suitable resolutions on the death of our preacher, steward, class-leader and official member in the person of Rev John G Sutton, who departed this life Tuesday June 12, 1906, at 2 p m in his 71st year, beg leave to submit the following: Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the universe to call from labor to reward, a much esteemed and worthy brother in the person of John G Sutton who has served us faithfully, as a preacher, bteward, for 16 years and class leader 30 years. We should be reminded that ere long we too must leave this trahtstery world to enter in the joys of a home which has been pre pared from the foundation of this world. A house not made with hands, but eternal in the heavens, while we mourn his loss the heavenly host is now shouting his triumph. Resolved That in his death, the church has lust one of her strong pillars, the race of one of her great examples in- . dustry and integrity, New Bern one of ; her old and respected citizens. Resolved. That we tender to his be- them in their sad affliction. Resolved, That our church edifice be draped in mourning far 30 days and that each member of the official board wear a badge, of mourning for the same period in honor of our esteem, for ! the departed brother. Resolved, That a-copy of these rew- lutiona presented to the family and I . v .. , ' . copy be sent to the Star of Zion and New Kern Journal for publication, also a copy be spread upon our church lad- ger. Respectfully submitted, W. W. Lawrence. C. C. Sparrow. Wm. Fenderson. Summer School Opens ' Special to Journal. I Prof. Snyder of Wefford College. Ice Creamjj'reezers, Screen Doors andWindows. For 'anything ATI Hardware line , .'.: Or DUllder PnVpc ua' . ' UC! ' Hardware Co low. Gaskill ; Phone 147. The Plunger ',: Chauncey L. Southern and his com pany began a week's 'engagement at tlie opera house last night. The play . produced was The Plunger and they : gave a very creditable performance. misfortune to be 'passengers on the Coast Line road and reached New Bern jUst in time to rush 'to the theatre and prepare for the play. - t? -fernnd ih. play, have K0 "Penalties, I Tonight the drama Sowing tha Wind will be produced. The company will be ee night. uu""uu imving ueen oougnt ror tne new eern attractions. After tiriman'a Seat Special to Journal Columbia, S. C June 18-W. W, Columbia, S. C June 18 W. dilate to contest the State Senatorship with Senator Tillman, for the letter's seat in U. S. Senate. - ', . RUSSIAN SUIKE" SPREADS K , i- tatcftsr Fellow "BaW CsasWsttaael Bimarsts hi Baams Inclines Rsvahv ' I the. Btatsaar4tsJriW(. Special to Journal St Peteraborg, June 1 The strike situation grow irornn.' Tha 'butchers now strnte, following the leafJof"tEe bakers. The eopstftntiomU democrats in the duoma (Fuhment), are almost raa!qt4ic4nthMevo3utionists. , - Ftuipllystolfc6 report comas, that in tha streets 290 corpses ware counted; aS ?eept being' those of Jaws, and the bodies were horribly muf&nted. : Sew'' To tha Democratic Vetera ef Craven Coanty. ; I hereby announce myself as candi date for tha office of Sheriff, subject. of course, to tM DenXtaratlc primaries. Assuring you of ; say sincere apprecia tion of your kind support in the past, and hoping that my administration of tha Sheriff's office, has,, met with your approbation and promising, if re-elect ed, to conduct its affairs impartially and to tha very best of nay ability, I am Very atnccnsiy youas, r .J. W.BIDDLE. June 18, 1906. ' ,, f Tillman Oenjande Investigation Special to Journal. - -v 1 Washington. Jane 18 Senator .Till man again called up today, his resolu tion to investigate the Republican campaign contributions, and the recent failure of a Chicago National bank. He declared the comptroller of the curren cy had known for many months the banks' condition and had loaned its President 115,000,000. Cotton Mills to Share Profits With Operatives. Special to Journal Fall Riven, Mass., June 18-AU the cotton mills bare bswt-cnfeMd to guar antee their operatives a profit snaring dividend of 5 per cent. Delegates te judicial Convention at Kinston Jum 2wtb After carefully considering the ap pointment of delegates to Ike Judicial Convention, the entire county having fully indorse eur towns man, Hok Owen H. Gnico for Judge and onr pres ent solicitor Bon. Larry L -Moore, to succeed himself : And aa these gentlemen hava become the choice of the whole county for the office mimed: Therefore in order that through any inadvertance I may not omit the names of any of the friends of either, by Virtue of the power conferr ed upon meat Chairman of tha County Convention, I do hereby 'name and ap point as delegates to the Judicial Con vention to be held at Kinston on Tues day, June 26th, all democrats in- good standing in the County of Craven, and will furnish proper credentials to this convention of all delegates from tha county in attendance Qtereon. This June 16th. ' . . C.E.FOY, . Chairman County Convention. w. Insurance Man Cutttj of Larceny. Special to Journal. " v Minneapolis, Junr 16-Jaeob Force, ex-presiden of the Northwestern Life Insurance Co.', waa today sentenced to three and one half years in Bute's pris on for graiid larceny. Cxar and DoumaXlnreconcllfd Special tolMrnal ' - St. Petetabugt, Juni lfr-Th politi cal situation grows aoore serious vary day. Discontent Is spreading on every hand and the people ar ready to break into a tumult at any time. The dhYerenosa between the Caar and Douma (parliament) grow and they re solved to remain ia session and if they are forced to leave St. Petersburg they will locate l any other ptace.' Money ia panicky; everything indicate! revo lution. The rural police are Joining the peasants thus 'making the- common cause stronger, tact landlords. Folic refuse to pro- ' ' fk sate ; One good milk cow of Jsrsey strain, wUI be sold at a reasonable price. Ap ply to 6. W. 81mmona, Eiverdala, N. (X fillet lirtlltwi " Mayor Patterson disposed of tha fol lowing cases ia the police court yester dayvi. .. v,V '.' Leila F Sanders, disorderly conduct; tan . . Tom White, disorderly conduct, nae of 5 00 and costs. Helen Jones, indecent exposure, fine of 15 00 and eoeta. ilary Tryw (col), nsl-j vn'rar lan gusgs on the street, f.ne t5 00 and eoeta, . Dm EDuCfflM Adieu Assembly Welcome -Summer School! ... y . ; i;- feaohsrs Amey Eajoyabls ssS re8tsls CesatylaasristeasemaMsel. 1Uln- fsH ai Cay Hal CRy. 'Seott-' era Schedule HeMs.'r' Tsscbsrs ArrUlnf.: (Special Correspondence. Raleigh, J une 16. The session of the North Carolina Teachers' Assetntly. ended last night. It was very success ful throughout and the attendance was gratifying. A resolution waa adopted calling on the legislature iff erect a fire-proof and spacious building for the historical collection now in the State Museum and most warmly com mending the work of collecting which hat Men done. , A number of the teachers who at tended the Assembly will remain for the Summer School which begins Hon day. Tomorrow the atmaal sermon be fore the Assembly will be preached iu the Auditorium at tha Agricultural A Mechanical College by Bishop Edward Rondthaler of the Moravian Church. Today the fifth annual session of the Association County Superintendents be gan. State Superintendent Joyner is the president of this Association. The first session waa a joint one with the Woman's Association for the better ment of public school houses in North Carolina. An add Fees wss delivered by President Charles D. Mclver ot the State Normal A Industrial College at Greensboro. Thin was followed by talks on what the betterment associa tion has done in Cumberland county by Superintendent B T McBryde and on what it has done in Wayne county by Superintendent E T Atkinson. Snort talks on betterment work followed, be ing made by various superintendents. The afternoon session was devoted to the discussion of plana for uniform examination, graduation and certifica tion of teachers, by the plan of a cen tral examining board, life certificates and bettor salaries for teachers. This evening the subject discussed waa the problem of getting the children into the schools and keeping them then. including taking the census locating ifUterat children of .school age, ate., the work to be done by the county wperintentendents and the county board, by teachers and committeemen and by laws requirhur attendance en the schools. r Three fachee of rain have falka at Raleigh daring the week. There i ajMnttwo hours of aonahine yestes day, this being all in seven days. Ib the northern part of this coanty there was as immense rainfall yesterday and the crops were quite' badly beaten down. Bar an inch ram fell in hour, three fourths of it having faileal ia twenty minutes, r It is said by ev erybody that no damage had been den hi this section by the rate. East of here the rains havOf been far heavier. Tha whole matter as regards the schedules of the Southern Railway westward from Raleigh which has been before the public eye so much for the past fortnight aM particularly during the past seven day now goes off tne docket both of th -Corporation com- mission an the federal court. The very plain steteaaaotis made that will be fought out before too legisla- tsre. This will add to the spies of the campaign so doubt and alao give more interest to the legislative session, since it seenis a wguhw fight is to be on. Tb summer school which begins hare next Monday b(to attract the largest gathering; of teachers ever known in the Sta the official say. All the ar rangements for It' are vary complete indeed and very mnch fine talent has been- empJoye4-TU music festival will be one of the many features of public Interest and at tbss some musi cal compositions by North Carolina au thors will be presented, this being an entirely new feature. The scene of the session will be tha Agricultural and Mechanical College, which never pre sented a more attractive appearance than at present ; Traije Report Richmond, June 16. Bradstreet'a says for Richmond and vicinity : Wholesale dealers in and manufac turers of agricultural implements are reeetvinf large orders, and they expect this season to be a profitable on. Tin retail loos tobacco market is strong and prices . era higher than they have been in any time with the past year, froduce market la active with strong demand fov all classes of produce. Ia Eastern, N. C, the acreage of cotton sKghtty exceeds that of last year, and the acreage would have been greater bit for tha aearctt ol labor. The crop Is two weeks late, due to dry weather in May, but the stand is goad and pres ent conditions are faverabi. Tobacco is backward except ia a few. localities. due to unfavorable weather.. Growers of vegetables aul berrM have had a profitable season," the yield having been at least an averr -ecus and price aat Uactery. Cwct -a are better than o'Uattl.Ur-tkisr.lr8t..n trade ia l.-rrovi-j. BUY FROM HACKBURH AND YOU WILL HAVE A Delicioas Gup of Tea LADIES DUCK HATS We are just in receipt of a largeot of Ladies White Duck Hats in all the new est shades, just the thing for the summer and the seashore. INDIA LINEN We can offer you the best values in India Linen this week that has ever been offered you. We have not purchas ed a large quantity and by buying late in the season we are enabled to offer you; exceptional values. All Tan Oxfords 20 per "cent leegi than regular price J. J. BAXTER DRY GOOPS DEPARTMENT "w :. HAND-PARTED PARASOLS The Dainetgst and Most Artistie Parasols ever on thetenrket. Each design is original andlbveryVrder2s filled with special atten tion to the wishes of the costumer. without one. 'Tiey are witnui the up. Orders promptly filled. THE WDDTTEN STUDIO. 92 EAST FOR SUMMER COOKING Use: an up-to-date Oil Stove. We cany Uo mot improved line. -Sum mer Speclaltiefsr- REFRrGKXATOHS, ICB CREAM MAMMOCKS, MOSQUITO CANOfUS, JOH N Phona857 93 Middle Dr. Pepper's Hire's Root Beer FOR YOUR HEALTH .... . BOTTLED BY ' rriAiiriT vnATTf IMP WiV ULU VY1V DUllLinU VU. ) phc::2105. YOUR i i smsh a wammmm No summer outfit ia i reach of every one. From fLM 4 : . FRONT ST. FREEZERS COQU68S, B. KV E8. 8rret Phos-Ferrates AND- SAKE TRY THFMj 22 CRAVEH ct;

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