X NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY JUNE 29, 1906SECOND SECTION. No. 26. 29th YEAR A am V CLIMATE FOR MAY Whtl Wtalher Bureau Report! lor North Cirollni. Extremes of Heat and Cold. Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, Juno 23T Ths report on the North Carolina cl mate for May, as prepared by the Weather Bureau of the United States here of which Mr. Alfred H. Thissen is section director says that the month of May was quite a remark- able one. The rainy weather ended on the 7th and that day low temperatures were recorded m the western part of the State, the cool period extending until the twelfth, being very severe, ' killing frosts being general and con siderable damage being done, temper- Wi' turM be,ow forty le,'t, havin hem -III general over the State on the 10th and general over the State on the 10th and 11th and in the west going below thirty degrees. In fact the cold period lasted until the 17th and with two days after wards the highest temperatures of the month were reported, being generally over 90 degrees. The month after the 7th wad remark ably free from rainfall, with high temperatures and almost phenomenal dryness. The monthly mean tempera ture was 66.4 degrees, a little over an inch below the normal. The highest was 98 at Kinston and other points, and the lowest 23, at Pink Beds, in Tran sylvania county. At Lenoir on the 12th the temperature ranged in one day 40 degrees. The monthly range for the State wj "1 d"grees. The average rainfall i State was only three inches, or about an inch and a half be low the normal. Only half an inch fell at Hattcras while at Buck Springs, in the mountains, there were twelve inches, and at the latter place snow fell on the 9th and 10. The monthly per aentage of possible sunshine was 57 degrees at Asheville and 71 at Raleigh. Tillman Takes Parting Shot at Barnes Special to Journal. ..Washington, June 28. Senator Till man called up resolution in the senate, to investigate the ejectment of Mrs. Morris from the White ' House. He aid the nomination of Barnes as post master for district ol. Columbia was flung in the face of the Senate and that it must never be confirmed. OABTOniA. Been the J? "' w m 'a'S "0U Grand Jury to Investigate Special to Journat. New York, June 23. As a result of the verdict of the coroner's jury, Harry Thaw, the murderer of Stanford White was bound over to the grand jury. There is evidence that ho said on the roof garden that White hud ruined his wife and that it must bo avengej with death, which will enter largely into consideration before the grand jury. Thaw's wife, witnesses said, threw her arms about his neck and swore she would stand by him through thick and thin. Russia Looking For 1 rouble London, June 28 Diplomatic circles regard the reported seizure by Russia of the Islands which control the mouth of the Gulf of Bothnia as very serious and will likely breed trouble. The reason given by Russia for the seizure is said that the tesidents of the islands have supplied arms to Finlanders. The next move by Sweden is awaited with Interest. As the islands are only sixty miles from Stockholm and form an 1m portant stategic position, the treaty of Paris with Britain and Russia are sig natories, and directed that the islands be unfortified. I, Tit EST WIT If, BLACKSMITH & WHIELBIOHT Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays al ways kept in stock. I reset tires . without cutting with the latest im- , proved tire shrinker. I keep a good supply of cart wheels always in stock repairing done at quick notice. Shop on. South Front street near Hancock Sts. - , I M RFRISTFR Porch Columns, Rails, Bal- ' distinctly understood that the enter USterS, Spindles, Stair Rail prise which they were thaf day irivir.r tj - . "'II xy BalUSterS, Un IS, FIinth,and V-orner DIOCKS, dasn ana UOOrS, frames tor WOOd and , iviuuiumgs, RflontlPO l-nlrfltn , T?mmVm.m.. w..-. -atu, i-tury If! UlUfCn Alley, New Bern N.C. EN FETE An Enormous Crowd Attends Corner Stone Ceremonies 01 the Charity Annex ot the Robert Bruce McDaniel Hospital. Masonic Grand Lodge Has Chargo of Exer cises. Special to Journal. Kinstop, June 27. Thin tiny ma' t,e ' . . ... , . , ' the his,ory r Kinston. The expecta- tions of the citizens as to the size of . the crowd and preparation therefore ' were surpassed hy a large reckoning . and in every respect success marked ... me euorcs 01 me various cominiucw to make the occasion memorable not i only for the citizens but for the visi tors. They took care of the large crowd splendidly and not a man who was present but will testify to the munificence and hospitality of the peo ple of Kinston. Like in the days of old all roads kd to Rome, all thoroughfares terminated in Kinston. Every railroad brought crowds of people, vehicles of all de sciiption attested that there were large delegations of the rural population in town to see the sights. While the streets were full of people and it va3 everywhere evident that the attend ance was large, the best idea of the size was gained at the speakers stand where they were massed together. A very conservative estimate puts it at 7,500 people. The day was hot and the suns rays shot down almost merciless ly but that condition did not appear to cause any difference with the pleasure of the people. The belated Coast Lin-? train from Greenville which brought Lt. Governor Winton to the exercises was met at the depot by the Governor and Masons on the way to the hospital. The pro cession which was arranged as follows met the train and proceeded immediate ly to the speaking at 10 o'clock : Second Regiment Band. ; Company D, Goldsboro. ''" Company B, Kinston. Governor Glenn and Masonic Commit tee of Arrangements in Carriages. District Masons and Prominent Citi zens in carriages. Caswell Fire Company No. 1. Grand Master Francis D. Winston and Committee on Entertainment in carriages. The procession was very imposing and was itself composed of about one thousand Masons and soldiers. The speakers stood on a platform covered with branches which afforded grateful shade and the place was hap pily selected as it was in a grove where he heat was not felt so severely. Seats on tho platform were reserved for the officers of the Grand lodge. Mayor N. J. Rouse was the first speaker and in his official capacity wel comed the people to the hospitality of the city. He was succeeded by J. W. Grainger who welcomed the visitors on behalf of St. John's Lodge No. 4. He gave a succinct history of the lodge stating that tradition had its existence in 1760 and that it was a matter of rec ord that it was in existence in 1751. The response to the welcome was made by Lt. Governor Francis Wins ton, Grand Master. His was a short but most .happy and entertaining ad dress, praising the work of the Masonic fraternity in the world at large and its accomplishments with the State. After his address the Grand Master accompanied by the officers of the Grand Lodge proceeded with the cere monies of laying the corner stone. As the crowd was too large to change its position in order to view the ceremony it remained as it was and during the short interval the band rendered some very pleasing pieces. . Mr. Plato Collins made a speech pre senting the keys of the hospital to the Board of Lady managers to whom are intrusted the affairs of the Charity a: I nex. . lie stated briefly but clearly object of the donors and how the chari ty annex came to be built. . Mr. L. R. Varser accepted the keys on behalf of the ladies. He miH lht k j n f uaj givuiy their approval of by their presence was alfablicnot a private enterprise and that the unfortunate subjects for whom it was meant were weWmed to it with out any strings to the welcome. ' , Dr. C. U Pridgen then naivclv intrrJ duced Gov. T.obert Glenn, the orator of the day. Gov. Glenn had but recently recovered from a dangerous Beige of sickness, and he is still weak bit he made one of his characteristic address- en. One of those which makes sman feel glad he is alive and though he made no more of an impresion than he has done oft time before, he spoke with firmness, eloquence and fervor, with the air of one who has the courage of his convictions and one who has the best interests )ot the State at heart. After the governor's speech the crowd dispersed feeling well satisfied with their visit The building of which the comer. stone WBS ,aifi is the charity annex of the Robert Bruce McDaniel Memorial Hospital, which was erected by Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel in memory of heir " -, v is fr the treatment of Lenoir county's indigent white invalids, and it is under the special supervision of the Drs. Par rott. W. S. C. Beautiful Silver Service Special to Journal Norfolk, June 27 A beautiful and costly silver service of the battleship Virginia was today presented to the captain by Col. Dawes. Hancock Nominated Special to Journal Washington, June 27 President Roosevelt has sent in to Congress the name of Seymour W. Hancock to be postmaster at New Bern, N. C. Fifty Violations of Law Against Atlan tic Coast Line Special to Journal. Washington, June 27. The Atlantic Coast Line leads the railroads in viola tions of the Safety Appliance law. There are fifty separate counts. A large number of railroads have been sued to recover penalties for violations of this law. The Government is deter mined to enforce this law. Is Thaw Insane J; ' Special to Journal New York, June 27. Interest, in the latest scandal-murder, that of Stanford White by Harry Thaw grows greater on account of the prominence of all the parties concerned. White, the mur dered man, was a member of one of the largest firms of architects in the world. Thaw is the son of a Pittsburg millionaire, who recently incurred the displeasure of his family by marrying the actress Evelyn Nesbit. It was White's attention to his wife that caused the murder, and it is now inti mated that Thaw finding evidences of her unfaithfulness was driven insane by jealousy aud in a moment of mental aberration, sent the bullet into White's brain. Experts claim that Thaw is per fectly sane. White had been shadowed by detectives and had been threatened by Thaw. Thaw's wife has been to see him in prison and professes great love for htm. The Lock Canal Bill a Law Special to Journal Washington June 27. The lock type canal bill for the Panama Canal passed the Bouse today and it has only .to be signed by President Roosevelt to make it a law . Notice of County Entrance Examina tion for the A. & M. College. Applicants for admission to the A. 4 M. College at Raleigh will be examined by the county superintendent of schools at the court house on Thursday July 12, at 9 o clock a m. Boys wishing train' ing to fit themselves for the active du ties of life would do well to come for ward and try the examination. Each county is entitled to as f many scholar ships us it his members of the House of Representatives in the State Legis lature. Croker Out for Bryan Special to Journal Nev York, June 27. Dick Croker, the ex-Tammany chief, has written a letter saying that Bryan must be the leader. ' ' VIH iou tfvicmi9 miwicu lur mail" -v . slaughter. o -l-l i T....l 0wim w w vi um . r London, June 27-Dr. George AdcocV. a Chrlsll in Scientist, was arrested for causing the death of Mayor Whyte of - the Lancashire f usileers. Adcook bad failed to treat Whyte anticeptically. Ii was found that the victim had been given both morphine and strychnine. It WOMAN'S INSTITUTE This Yew at A & M College for First Time. - Raleigh Forms Local Base Base Ball Lea gue. Postmtttonhlp Waits On Repub lican Convention. Still Some Feel ing on Prohibiten. Personal. ' t FD Route. Charter " Granted "C " ; . (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, June 27. Mention has been maSe of .tbe fact : that 'this year the agricultural department,- will, for the first time have institutes for women. The two ladies who are to conduct these are Miss Card, of Dolph, Canada, and Miss Viola Bocldie of Asheville, who is now a teacher in the State Normal and Industrial School for women at Greens boro. Both of these are said to be very competent. State Horticulturist Harold Hume left today for New York and Canada. It is not yet known whether McDonald College, Canada, which has sec Jred his services as horticulturist will release him, so that he can remain in North Carolina. A charter is granted the National Investment and Clearance Company of Charlotte, capital stock $60,000, T. C. Guthrie and others stockholders, to do business as insurance agents, etc. Another charter is granted the Farm ers Hardware Company of Albemarle, Stanly county, capital stock twenty thousand dollars. A baseball league has been formed here with three teams representing the Baptist Boys Brigade, the Junior Or der United American Mechanics and tha Merchants Association, the man agers being J. J. Bernard, E. P. Smith and R. M. Phillips. The games will begin July 4th and the schedule was arranged today. The purpose is to fur nish amusement for Raleigh people and visitors to the city. W. H. King is president of the association and H. F. Smith Secretary. The postmaster is advised of a new rural free delivery route from Ingold, Sampson county. lt was said a few years ago that an Immediate change as to the postmas- tership here was probable, but the im pression now seems to be that it will not be made until after the Republican State Convention. Some of the ex-saloon men here seem tobevey much disappointed because of the way the city attorney and the board of aldermen knocked out the proposition to have election tn the ques tion of prohibition or dispensary. There is some talk of taking the matter up to the Supreme court but not a few per sons believe any such course will be taken. The society event here this morning was the wedding of Mr. Rufus Y. Mc- Aden and Miss Mary Lacy, daughter of the State Treasurer. All of the State officials attended. The ceremony took place at the Presbyterian church. To tho Democratic Vot ers of Jones County. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Jones county subject to the will of the Demo cratic primary. F. M. JENKINS. Seven Horses Burned Special to Journal Carthage, Jnne 27. Fire destroyed the livery stables of C G. Graves last night and seven fine horses were burn ed to death. i Sfaaaee Divinity Student Dishonorably Dis charged Special to Journal Norfolk, June 27 Matthew Fortner, was today dishonorablyldischarged.from the navy. The case of Fortner was Ja peculiar one and President Roosevelts sympathies were aroused. He was a divinity student and went into the navy to get physical training and also ex perience but tiring of the arduous du ties, he deserted. He was later arrest edand court-martialed the result of which was that he be dishonorably dis charged. He was from South Caro lina. Pennsy for Bryan Special to Journal Harrisbunr. June 27 In the State Democratic convention rousing resolu tions were adopted favoring William J Bryan for the presidency, stating that he Is President Roosevelt's successor, Tried to Saw Way to Liberty Special to Journal. ' Raleigh, June 28 The county jail is being closely watched here tonight to prevent the escape of seven men. An Iron bar had been sawed in two and the shocks werefelt throughout the south- prisoner, were just about to leave thern portion of ales this morning all , . .. . o win- 1 the big buildings here rocked. Children jail when dscovered. Ben Williams, ' were n&nic stricken, colored,, under sentence of death for nurder was ring leader of the conspir- acy. FOR FIFTH TERM i Democracy of Third N, - C, Congrtss-. ional District ' ."rV'' Next Month Meet at Goldsboro and Nominate Charles' Randolph Thomi of Craven Coun ty by Unanimous Vote, Large Representative Gathering From Every County. Special to Journal. Goldsboro, June 27.-That th are is no off year in the annals of the democrats of the third congressional district of this State was in conclusive evidence here today, for the convention which met to nominate a congressman, was large, and its members were prominent and influeritinl citizens in their respec tive counties. Craven county was prominent with its twenty-five delegates, representa tives from every trade and profession, which included leading farmers. The convention was held in the opera house, and at 1 :20 p. m. , Chairman W. Hill called the meeting to order, asking that the Secretary, T. C. Whit aker. call the roll of counties, upon roll call every county was found to be rep resented. On motion Senator .T. F. Moore of Pender was made temporary chairman of the convention. James E. Robinson, secretary, wilh editors of democratic newspapers present, assist ant secretaries On motion, it was moved that the e!ec tion of all unnecessary committees be Upensed with, and roll of counties be made to put in nomination candidates. When the name of Carteret county was called, that county gave way to Cra ven, and Craven to Wayne, and as Wayne was called, Goo. E. Hood of Goldsboro.came the to platform, and said in part: I had an ambition to represent the people of this district in Congress. In nearly every county of the district, had a minority vote, and I am here to thank these good people for this vote, but I recognize that the majority of the people of the district had de creed that another should represent them. I am a democrat in defeat, as well as in victory, and I shall work for the nominee and for all party interests and principles It is with pleasure I place before this convention the name of Charles R. Thomas, the gentleman who has already represented this dip. trict, and one who has done his duty and well performed it. His services for his people and party have always been executed with fidelity and care. and the people can feel assured that their interests will be well preserved in his hands. Mr. Hood's remarks were often in terrupted by applause, and at their con clusion he was loudly applauded. S. M. Brinson of Craven in a speech second ing the nomination of Mr. Thomas, eloquently portrayed the work of the Congressman. Mr. Howard of Samp' son and W. T. Caho of Pamlico, second ed the nomination. On motion, the nomination was made unanimous, which was carried with loud applause, and calls were made for Mr. Thomas, who in a short address reviewed some incidents of his work, and thanked the convention, for its continued trust in him, On motion the convention adjourned at 2 25 p. m. The following district congressional committee was named: Carteret-E. D. Webb. Craven F. S. Ernul, Duplin W. L. Hill. Jones T. C. Whitaker. Onslow 1 B. Taylor. Pamlico S. F. McCotter. Pender-W. W. Miller. Sampson M. J. Newman. Wayne J. E. Robinson. At meeting of this committee after convention. W. L. Hill was electea chairman, and T. C. Whitaker, secre tary. Secret Service Aid to Find Miss Hood Special to Journal. Washington, June 27. The govern ment secret service men have been de tailed to look for the lost Miss Jose pheneHood, who la reported to have eloped to Mexico with the bogus Lord Douglas. Earthquakes Busy Again. Cardiff. Wales. June 27-Earthquake and from the schools.. None wera injured. No damage has been re- ported. THE STATE CAPITAL Swishiners Coming ;Visit to Beaufort Represented Inturanc Company With No License. Naval Mllltla Reoraan l2ed st Windsor. Brlmlay Goee v to New England. Susplc ous Fire at Thomas vllle. (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, June 58 The insurance de partment has brought about the arrest Snfl binding over to court in a bond of $100 of F. B. Fuller of High Point, who is charged with representing the United States Benefit Society of America, a company which has no license to do business in North Carolina. The Windsor Division of Naval mili tia has been reorganized and put in shape for service and the inspector General, Col. Bain is directed to muster it in. There has been unusual delay in is suing the orders as to the encampment of the National Guard of this State., and the exact dates have not yet been announced, though last week Governor Glenn stated that the camp would be! opened by the tour of one of the regi-! ments beginning July 30th. The Insurance Department is advised that there are some suspicious circum '.:niees about a fire which destroyed a store at Thomasv'lle night before last. Next week Curator Brimley of the tate Museum will go to New England ami visit the various points at which faiis are held, in order to see the route which the North Carolina exhibit to be made there next autumn should take in order to be of the greatest advantage to the State. Among today's arrivals was Congress mun Charles R. Thomas of New Bern, who goes to Hillsboro for day or two. Excellent progress is being made in aving the granolithic walks in the apitai square. The walks around the border of the square will be covered with grass md this will add to the ap pearance of the grounds. The old fire system on the east and west sides of the building are to be closed. These were used before there was a city water supply and fire service. The children in Raleigh who are well known members of the Sunshiner or- ganizatiou of course are deeply inter ested in the trip which they will take to Beaufort this year. They will go July Ki, and hat they will stay there in the harming old town ten days. The plans embrace the taking of 100 boys anu girls and three or four well known ladies to aid the director in looking af ter the party. A great many pleas ures are being arranged for, and cer tainly one of these will be the oppor tunity the children will have of seeing the National Guardsmen in camp at the permanent camp a little this side of Morehead City, and also to see the ceremonies on Governor s aay wneo Governor Glenn will be tendered the annual review. Children from the vari ous inland cities and towns in the State could easily and economically be taken to the seaside each year if only a few persons in each place who love children and know how to manage them would take up the matter. Native Western North Carolina Beef at Oaks Market. Collector Jones Re-appointed at Beau fort. Special to Journal. Washington, June 28 Christopher D. Jones has been nominated for collector of internal revenue at Beaufort, N. C. Time For Encampment Agreed Upon. Special to Journal. Raleigh, June 28 Adjt Gen. Rob ertson and Quartermaster Gen. Macon held a conference here to Jay aud agreed upon a time for holding the encamp ment of the First and Second regi ments but will not announce it until the Governor approve of the same. - Native Western North Carolina Beef at Oaks Market. . Native Western North Carolina Beef at Oaks Market. Asthma Sufferers ShouU KnowTk.lt. Foley's Honey rnd Tar has cured many cases of asthma that were con sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Bueslng, 701 West Third St., Davenport, Iowa, writes: "A severe cold contracted twelve years ago was neglected untl It finallv erew Into asthma. The best medical skill available could not give me more than temporary relief. Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended and one fifty nt bottle entiretj ur me of asthma which had been growing on me for twelve years, and If I had taken it a? the start I would have been saved yea of suffering. Hold oy uavla Pharmacy. RAILROAD AGREEMENT OFF Setwten 8e abesrf aa Coast Line, So Utter writ Bulls to Raleigh. ; Special Correspondence. Raleigh June 23, As has bn an nounced the Atlantic- ikt Lino vu--tually comes Mo Rti'. hy tr.&i- . the Raleigh & Seaport ' "Ulroiid, t" complete tratSe krfvspijiii.'jiU "hay., been effected. Twf ysttr ag :. A Ian tic Coast Lint began the eonstrucUon of a road to Lakigh by way of Spring -Hope, but sto.-ptdait, the flatter point having made nn arrangement .with th Seaboard Air Line by which it agreed -not to build fortner tin- way, into what ' was regarded a &e ou.rj Air Line tar ritory upon omditiott , tih the latter road gave it t .s e of the bridge over . the Roanoke River ,t Weldon. Thto arrangement it is und- stood expired in August, 1903, and since then the way has been opened for the Atlantic Coast Line to build rom Soring Hope here. It seems rath r Strang that it has not done so. The link between hern and Spring Hop .a niy ;TfHy-ight miles and the const- teMou of M is- would open a very attracuv nw territory be tween the rc- r.v '&d?r construction to the east an 1 t'n '" aboard Air Line. The Atlantic Coast Line is not progres sive but it may yet make this Spring Hope connection. Feel Impending Doom. The feeling of impendirg doom in the minds of many victims of Bright's dis ease and diabetes has been changed to thankfulness by the benefit derived from taking Foley's Kidey Cure. It will cure incipient Bright's disease and diar betes and even in the worst cases gives comfort and relief. Slight disorders are cured in a few days. "I had dia- betet in its worst form. " writes Marion Lee, of Dunreath, Ind, "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man." Sold by Davis' Phar micy July Burr Mcintosh Monthly. The cover of the July Burr Mcintosh Monthly, which is now on all news stands, is a fine portrait of Fremstad, a Grand Opera singer in the character of Sieglinde, and is printed in attractive colors. One of the color pastels repre gents two bare-foot urchins bashfully leaning against the post of a veranda with the inquirjC'who said lemonade." Among the famous people portrayed this month are the Rev, Chas. H. Park hurst, Rubenstein a pianist, Madam Sembrich of Grand Opera fame, . H. Harriman, the late Carl Schur, the late Henriklsben, Brig. Gen. Funston and Sir Chentung Liang Chang, the Chinese Ambassador to the United States. The exquisite landscape pro ductions are nearly all of summer scenes, which will delight those who appreciate the beauties of pastoral life. The first part of an interesting story .. under the title of "Stripped," written by Clara Morris, deals with a portion of the career of the elder Sothern. Burr Publishing Company New York. Small Items June 25th. The farmers of this place hay lost their Irish potatoes on account of the heavy rain that has been falling. Cot ton is damaged some, but not as much as the potatoes. Rev. Charles Lee addressed the peo? pie at the Disciple Church Tuesday and Tuesday night Miss Hattie Lee spen'j Saiurda- night and Sundiy a; friends and relatives. Misses Mart tt -u ' and Vioiev ' Howe Satur Rowe visited H R day night and I jndajr., r: J n .fc . M . ,i' . ... . Hums jcrium ej -biiui iuiancr- Vtaited Miss Estelle Viwdy t arurday night Sunday. f ' , i Mr. G, M. W uker? Isyu ttip""":- to New Bern It it Tuesday on buefns , Mr. and Mrs W. J, )-uan of South Creek are visit .ng rei '' bear Una; place. , v Misses Mart-a n.f unle Walker " ; of Prescott x vi"V x IM K.'.ms Lee. . " , . 1 We are sorry W tM ,Ivm Hi. i, Warrea (a on tho tick list. . i Mr. Frank Walker visited Mr. Smith Lee Saturday night. Mr. Joe Johnson of South Creek it visiting his father Mr. Richard John son here. Mr. A. A. Holiday's child, one year old, died Saturday night about 12 o'clock, and waa buried Sunday even ing at the Sandy Grove Church grave- Another Stat Declares For Bryan Milwaukee, Wis., Pun -Resolutions were adopted in the Democratic State Convention today, endorsing W. J. Bryan as president There waa great enthusiasm over the resolution. It is wonderful what a little careful grooming will do for a woman. It's In spiration and awettneaa. It's !.,'.'. U ful and bewitching. The f!T. of I I lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Z r ' i, Tea or Tsblets. Sold by F. S. T , . f f FOOM FM IINT

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