v. J 1 K i . . pub ih-tf In Two Satt'mae, evv tV jiynnd Friday, t Jniimr.) Bolidltt.:, t' t0 0rvn S,r't; . C sfPVf.!N T"ft Monthe T'irrw ilonlii'-, Pix Months.. ,y j v t Te'v Month', j.. , ONLY i"N !VANi ? Official Paper of New Rem and Cra County. Advertising rates fa-iii-hed -ipon 'im plication Ht ihc o?51ro, or nr-on nuuii-y P7 mau. hn Jointinai. is nn'v ".nt on pai fi-advsBtPe , !iub6 iOo.i-. receive n lico of eaptrsyyou of i.hir u scrlption and an immeAjat np,)ti-- BOtiOH W..! fIl-.-ci !' Ii J)TJrtNAI. Entered at the Postoftte if. t IS "WeOn.l-clHSS Btwr. New Bern, N. C, June 29. 1900. WHERE IN THE EVER SANE AND j SAFE" MAN? "William R. Hearst is the mo4. ii. i- , gerous demagogue to his i)chii h has appeared in public life fur a ren ration." Richmond Times-Dis.ii;-p, , Ind. Dem. Cut out "to his inches" and tho state , ment ia stronger and no less true. Norfolk: Landmark. ! A pouucai pnrasemucn in use uuoa , o describe men who are, or may hej candidates, far office, is in line vi'! what may be termed the peculiar po'i tieal strenuosity of today. "sane ai.d saf" what man in publ! life can asiile to himself these ailvibute-t v, , r any assurance that those who can, wili place him in a position f public re-1 j aponsibility and trust? The esteemed contemporaries ie;ot above, would quite likely have apph he same language to Theodore Roes ..-; velt if that (rontleman had been helot e j the public ten years ago, with his w?!' j known strenuosity of today. It war, only in the last Presidential ci.mpai ,!. i that Mr. Roosevelt was declared jnsaf . a rusher in, a disturber of; si-tiiig- t-...,-ditinns, a man who would lea.i ti American people into war toll foreign nRtion. How "sne and safe" war V Bryan declared to be in '), .. ten years later, his chief d'.:ii;--and caluminators rise up ar.l him extravagantly. Has lh" : the times changed, that warrant: ; more than radical political re Ci .o;.:, on Bryanism? It may not be peculiar to the Don: cratic party, but it is noticeul !e, ti.a its tenets seldom get up to can-, t:.:ii ia the fallacy" f yesterday is toe passed upon as wisdom today, ir.i tive of what the future m-ght devel. . William K. Hearst is denounce'.! f ' i ' demagogy, because he believes in h. advocacy of certain principles, atai would lead in their establishment. Terehas been no refusal to arrep' Mr. Hearst'B aid in campaigns. Hi . democracy ha9 been good enough to recognize his weightpolitically, when his money aud newspapers were most wanted. There may be certain seem ingly socialistic doctrines which Mr. Hearst advocates today, but are they le3s democratic than the 16 to I free silver doctrine of Mr. Bryan in 18'. nd 1900 ? Are "sane and safe" to be held as technical, or political? To be passed upon as attributes which a man must actually possess, or is it a politically juggled expression, a campaign cry to .cnteh the unthinking, to , stampede ""largathermesand so ignore real conditions? Where the "sane and .'. man who was ecotrnized so ves- MIS i, ...... . j c " terday, meets the sarjae approval today, " and will not be found wanting to morrow? WHAT MAY , RESULT IN CONTINUED FAILURE OF LIGHT SERVICE. 'i It is very doubtful it at any time within a number of yars, the citizens . of Mew Bern havejjifered so much in Jjht nlftl fthrr nm-f"'"' ab. sence of lights, which they stand re sponsible for, and which they pay for, whether they use them or not, as has been their experience on last Sunday and Monday nights. . With weather rainy and dark, with streets overshadowed by masses of fo- v liage, the pedestrian who ventured out on those nights did so at porsonal dis comfort, and with every possibility of risk to personal accident of a severe nature. Th fact that the water and light commission can tender good ex cuses for no lights, and , poor lights when they have been" going, during ! the past two months, and longer, oilers ; no comfort to the consumer, nor would" such excuses hold in court should acct - dent result from the lack of sufficient iiyht, as implied by guarsnttee. Lut aaidt from the light service fail- me in itaelf, thiconatant expense which' is attendant upon the public utility, for 1 no lights or pot r lights daca sini!ii c c-nt lasts id ry i.is-ht without ' lij-f'H nt-.ms a preatly added cost, w..a ' ! a f.pliug off in revenue. f-i poor light ) service means fewer consumera, and a ! deduction in the clrii.' r. j . i ...n why i.,i.h f.iiT!l to pay fur son not :(.!. 'I :j ?- -,tdt of p v.r ... r there is ! SlllOUM llO ; w . ! ch- part ol fu el '.. fi.v, o..a Uw i aupVy so fir u is vonvvritnl. ;. a. Oli. i ll.l, ii..lt lUailiciiUll O'.VIl- tST.n' expense of the t-'Ti" ,cy i.i'vi's that tax payers wtl be caHcd ,.,..! 'J" a u mnke goo. I the bonus wl.is ii i.mI for, v. iia all con'ingenr. irx : is not a y!ea.anl issue to It.:-: I'nancial collapse. It is even tSi poor 1 1 ;.. 1 1 ( .s ai,d no b'uts, ! fac . ! wot but tint municipal ownership per not the nmranf.ee of sui'ces'. Kvtry N lieini.i'i can apprceiatu this p.iini. ;n,i! it i. well Ik l o v.jiiiei in time; t.o :is not to be too mm-h ovcrwhelined it' the ciia-se takes plu 'C. OWEN H. GUI0N-JU1CF. T!:e r,.im ;r.a i i of Oiven H. Guijii, i i of his c:ty, u )...u,e of the Tim-.I ' ! ;h i '.-.f.iliiia Jn 'iclal Diti ict, 1 iie no ;. ina ion is equr.a'ent lo election, : is a happy cu'nr.natio:: of an amhiti. n : n. -.v to be fuhilloiJ, fir the jjent!- snail '. himself, and for his. friends, both of :,is city, county and district, as wol'. as ; ii.e State, the selection is specially -Titifjinfj. Of an illustrious family, a) i nticT..:;; of fable, courteous, of pleas- j in' address. Distinguished in his pro- i i ' 's oon. :i student anil unn vcho slnm. s ' 'i the joy of it, and learns thirps, not furoct, it seems a mostfiaimr choice , i ii.it i he people have made, for it i;. a ..-leii.lid equipment of character, slt-r-j id :;ity. . hooks i. ,,i, ,,,,1, ' ... a. r.iioi iiruc ii i.iv i " and experience, with iciai spirit, endowed witii tine conver- i nil n-il 'rifts, it is indeed a matter of j : ,Uiv. -huion that the Third District I '.e 'ivc N'orth Carolina a Judge ot ii excellent calibi;', jne who catitiot ! to exalt .lie bench, and give to il an i'd nity and cliaractor. i '."iiio.-, aie! a llatiiiiiio nr..', t: ri. .- i .r. ,. i , . .' : i "i i . no. ina. :and v. '-o . -, v oli:::iari!y, with the encoi'ii-",'i-s ..f hi , fallow citizens of the State :' ooi'a; lii'i"; iii'o hi- usiolli.'ia! . :' i- i.'inei... Jii.ljro Henry It. o :.!:.; l!a- i. "..ii: '" to t'.l'; judpi'thip .'.I! ii. Gtiion, K: '. p:'i.-.ent i.inst .l ie aiid pleasinir fe.. tares. There ,i -. 1 i."e absence of p'ote'til strng ; . to eluninalion of every per-'u'. ii; that t juM so easily provolte iio.i between men and their friends. I one retires voluntarily, with the ommendalion "well done and faith f iliy performed." The other enters t!i the acclamition of the people, who knowing his character anj worth, ask him to fill the high position of Vonnr fr"l trust. There is not a regret on any sile, but instead, the congratu lation to the departing, who will still be honored in his private life, and the congratulation to the coming, whose people will welcome and rejoice with him in his official duties soon to be under taken, and the wish of all is that only success and health may attend, O wen H. Guion, Judge. Has Stood the Test 25 Years. The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. Cov. Glenn Much Better Special to Journal Raleigh, June 26. Gov. Glenn has so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to make an address at the Masonic celebration at Kinston to- anorrow. j0n Thursday he will go to Oriental to deliver an educational ad dress and will return to the executive offices Friday. To Curt A Cold Is One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Qainine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Lightning Destroys Schoollionse. Special to Journal. Raleigh, June 2S--lJui-irir a heavy storm at Gainers, b!x miles from Rul- e'K Hfthtning struck the n w nchool house and academy totally burning it together with content, The building wn two Btori and the second floor was occupied aft a lode room by the Junior Urder , United American Me chanics. The insurance is nine hundred dollars, .. It will be rebuilt. , Right'Paint at the Start Pure White Lead and Pur Lin seed Oil should always be used for the first or priming coat. No other paint has the same affinity for the ; 'v! ce marrying and becoming m part : 1; vood. i . ochre, barytes, line or any other F-.!!)ta,ic than Pure White Lead tails to ' .4 ii iih the wood and serves only to ovA cushion, which will prevent even ii .- itiiiic Lcau iruni Kliacoiug ! m hen finally applied. ! ii i ictory results can never t i.-nied o long as a surface i c with a veneering (for i :. . e, .ei n i; ui yeaow - . barytes, rinc, etc. ' :c'i a coating is bound t crumble, crack and i 'Xl, and must be burned -r sc aped off, down to the wood itself, '' to a rooU job can be done an ex v ivc process, and not without danger hiiiie owner can scarcely make a " t r j.ily mistake than to useasubsti v ,.r Pure White Lead in the priming c j ,i. Avoid all risk by using LEWIS Pure White Lead IMnde by the Old Batch FnM "Ti'l for a booklet containing serenl handsome . l'tt tmtiH' of actoiil houses, offerinc valuable nioiw for n oolor soheme In paiuting 7Qur -- U-st lOI ptlnt parity la also given. JOHN T. LEWIS BROS. CO. 2t South Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. tor Sale by AM Ueaii. At the Mecklenburg fhase City. Va., June 25. -The latest .i lifion to the f;!"ilities for giving pleasure an 1 en iovinent to the cuests is th- openinj; of the splendid pavilion, w'nii li on Wednesday evening was used (.. ,lle first time thia 8oason anrl pre- s-'n!ed a very Kay and animated Bcene, liberally patronized by the attests ot the hotel and many visitors j f'-om Chase City. The situation of the 1 i pavilion is admirable, adjoining the ,,v.,r ,Mpuar Springs House and at an an- distance from the Hotel, thus ni ik-ng a delightful rendezvous during tle evening hours. The new orchestra from Washington, 1 1. C,. led by Mr. I. N. Boernstein, a violinist of considerable reputation, v 'lii h is to delight the guests of the I ''l lonbiirir during the summer sea l. arrived nn Saturday, and will ren- a -'ilenili I urogram of inspiring nin- . tit- dinner hour and ever . ' ;o I' . t ti'.'hfWr 1 ... ! ur :il.l ;';.' t.: "1 ll :! I !-. .ihurg for a month, lerton Thurs !i'; y for tin ir heme in Lynchburg. Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Cotter, of Pine hirst, N. ('., are guests at the Meck le.ihurg. Mr. Cottnr is general mana ri r of the famous Pinehurst properties, i va ni and operated by the millionaire T ufts of Boston. Mrs. Van R. Moore and daughter. Miss I.u.-y Moore, of Raleigh, N. C, .".re numbered among the very delight ful guests here. Mr. W. T. Harris, one of Danville's most pi- minent lawyers, accompanied !y his Hor, Mr. T. M. Harris, arrived on Suturday for a stay of several weeks. In the list of names on the hotel register for the past week we find the following: Mr. H. T. Connally, Leesburg, N. C, J. F. Connally, Pamplin City, Va., Dr. A. H. Boyd, Virginia; R. E. Turner and wife, Norfolk, Va., J. H. Haywick, High Point, N. C, J. M. Stephenson, Kiiiiton, N. C, W. H. Cobb, Jr. Golds horo, N. C, Miss Mary Long, Rich mond, Va., Mrs. F. E. Couch, Boydton, Va., J. M. Currin, Oxford, N. C, A. H. Powell, New Orleans, La., Mrs. VanB. Moore and Miss Lt'cy Moore of Raleigh N. C, W. T. Harris and son, M. T. Harris, of Danville; Mrs. F. E. Hazel, Reidsvil'e, N. C, Henry P. Hynson, Jr 3a'timore, Md., J. W. Moseley and wife, and Mrs. S. E. Mosely, of Sonth Booton, Va., Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Cot ter, Pinehurst, N. C, J. I. Pritchett, Danville; I. N. Boernstein and Uriel Davis of Washington, D. C, Miss Mary D. Bright, Richmond; J. D. Bor don, Misses Wilson and Hardy of Chase City. , A Guaranteed Curt Fer Piles Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days." 60c. Farmers State Convention The anno".' convention of the farm ers ill be held at the A. & M. College at Raleigh July 10 12. ' Arrangements have all been made and the program is attractive and practical The various interests of the farmers in this State will be taken up and discussed at large. Eminent speakers have been secured. Special attention will be paid to the Staple North Carolina crops, cotton and tobacco, a lo to dairies and to woman's work. - . There will be excursion rates on all railroads and board and rooms may be secured at reasonable prices.- . For further information aidreas Secretary Farmers Convention, W.est . Raleigh, N. C. If you knew the value of Chamber lain's Sa've ym would m ver wish tube without it. Here areomc of the dis eases for which it is especially valuable sore nipples, chapped hands, ; burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itching piles, tetter, salt rheum snd eczema. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Davi.' Pharmacy and F. S. m Duffy. : NOMINATED BY ACCLAMATION. Hon. 0. H. Guion Named For Judge of Third Judicial Ol.trlct. L. I. Moore Hechosen ': For Solicitor. Kinston Free Press 23' h: ' The Democratic judicial convention forthe third district whs held in the court house in this city this afternoon and nominated a judge to succeed Judge Henry R. Bryan, and a successor to Hon. L. f. Moore, solicitor for the d;s trict. There was a pretty good attend ance considering the fact that the con vention was held outside the diStqei, and Pitt and Craven sent very full egations. It was a fine body of men which composed the convention and the spirit of harmony prevailed throughout. In the absence of the chairman, Mr. L. V, Morrill, of Greene, who was nb senton account of sickness, Mr. A. D. Ward of New Bern was selected a temporary chairman, and called the corvention to order. Mr. Ward marie ai.short speech setting forth the object of the convention and then Capl. V. T. Caho. of Paniico, was made secretary of the convention. Capt. Swift Gallo way, of Greene, was made permanent chairman and the convention settled down to business. A roll call of counties showed every one of the counties represented as fol lows: Carteret, Craven, Greene, Jones, Pamlico and Pitt. Nominations for judge were declared in order and Carteret yielded to Cra ven. Mr. James A. Bryan, of Craven, m a very happy speech, placed in nomina tion his countryman, Hon. Owen H. Guion. Hon, T. D. Warren, of Junes, seconded Mr. Guion's nomination nnd read resolutions of Jones county con vention endorsing him. Mr. F. C. Harding, of Pitt, aro- -and stated that by request of Mr. M -trill he "would withdraw the name of Mr. Morrill as a candidate for judge and moved Mr. Guion's nomination he by acclamation. Capt. Galloway then called Mr. Harding to the chair ami after a splendid tribute to his country man, Mr. Morrill seconded Mr. Hard ing's motion and Mr. Guion was unani mously nominated by acclamation. In the roll call for nomination.- for Solicitor, Carteret yielded to Pit t , not having a candidate, and Mr. F. C. Har ding in a very pretty speech placed be fore the convention the name of the present incumbent, Hon. Larry I Moore Mr. Ernest Green, of Craven seconded the nomination of Mr. Moore, and moved that it be made by acclamation, which was carried unanimously. Hon. T. D. Warren, Jones and J. E. Deb natn, Greene seconded Moore's iiotnin i i ion also, Mr. Moore was present and a loud call being made for a speech responded n a very graceful speech of acceptance, which was applauded long and heat Lily. Mr. Ernest Green, of Craven, the ti in the absence of Mr. Guion, on behalf of the nominee and the delegates from Craven, made a short speech accepting the nomination for Mr. Guion. Just before adjournment Mr. Green introduced a resolution endorsing the official record of Judge Henry R. Bry an, who has been judge for 16 years, and who voluntarily retires from the bench, which was unanimously adop ted and was as follows: Whereas, We feel that the Judge who wears the ermin, conferred by the people, in honor, and keeps it spot less is as worthy the admiration of men as the soldier who upholds the hon or of the flag. And whereas, the Hon. Henry R. Bryan voluntarily retires from the bench of this district after serving the people for sixteen years with honor to himself, the district and the State. Therefore be it Resolved, that the democracy of the third judicial distr'ct extends its greet ing to the Ron. Henry R. Bryan, Judge and assure him that he carries ith him into a retirement crowned with years andhono.s, the respect and admiration of the people of his district. Resolved further, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Hon. Henry R. Bryan by the Secretary of this convention. The following executive committee men were named for tho several coun ties to serve for the next four j ears: Carteret W M Webb, Craven-Ernest M. Green, Greene B W Edwards, Jones TD Warren, Pamlico W T Ca ho, Pitt-F C Harding. E. M. Green was made chairman and W M Webb secretary of the Judicial Executive Committee. Those attending from New Bern, were: E M Green, D L Ward, A D Ward, Wm Dunn Jr.; D E Henderson, C R Thomas, R A Nunn, Wm. Dunn, Sr., John Dunn, B S Guion, C E Foy, James A. Bryan, George Waters, W M Watson, F T Patterson, T F McCar thy, J J Baxter J C Thomas Jr., J W Biddle, L G Daniels. W M Webb, Morehead; H C Holland, Beaufort, G V Richardson. Dover. PILES ! PILES! PILES 1 Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will care Blind, Bleeding- Ulcerated and Itching Pile. It absorbs the tu mors, allays the itching at once, acta as a poultice, gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is pre pared for riles and Itching of the pri vate parts. Every box is guaranteed. Sold by druggists, by mail, for 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. A. Harget. A. C. L. to Enter Raleigh Special to Journal , ..... Raleigh, June 26 President Mills of the Raleigh and Southport railway an nounces that the Atlantic Coast Line railroad would enter Raleigh to com pete for passenger and freight business at the completion of the first named road f-orn Raleigh to Fayetteville. , NEW BERN GAS & FUEL CO. Enterprising Capitalists will Rebuild the Gal Plant Conduct Business on Larger Scale. Mr. J. M. Cox, secretary of the new gas company which ia to b known as the New Pern Fuel and Licht Co., ar rived Monday and gave th Journal a brief interview and told of some of the things the new company proposes to do. The present plant will be thoroughly overhauled and improved. The capaci ty will be 120,000 cubic fet daily and will be able to supply gasJfir any pur pose whatsoever. Ir. anrtnection with manufacture ofs they will have a gas l.Xigan ifiTire where they will sen all gas appliances, lamps, stoves, burn ers, chandeliers and everything of the most rro I r i and approved style. The vacant store in the Haze I ton hotel block is beinrf l ouipped for this purpose, and there is nothing in the line of lighting, heating or for the utilization of gas a a motive force that cannot be found there. Mr. Hugh Wood, who for fif teen years rendered valuable assistance to the former gas company has been retaintd by the new concern. In the reorganiz ition and improve ment of the gas plant New Bern people will have a RELIABLE source of light and if the citizens show the proper ap preciation it will develop into a pros perous industry. The men who have bought the plant are experienced on the subject. They own a similar plant in Fayi tieville at. l they both have been connected with svndicates controlling gas and other franchises in northern cities and their judgment may be re lied upon. Full postesrion will be given July 1, and they will begin their work of enlargement at once. CASTORXA. Be. tla ?1!ia Ki!)l1 1,08 HawAiwavs Bought Signature of Jasper's Are Champions. Jasper, June 25. A very fine game was played here Saturday between the Jasper and Lima teams. It was a championship game of the rural district of Craven county, hut we must say that the home team was too much for the visitors, The Jasper boys played ball on the start; McMillan, Jasper's star pitcher did not let the Lima boys see first base for three innings; only three hits were mad" on him during the game. The star batting for Jasper was done by Clark, Jr, the best base sliding was by Brock ami W. Clark, in fact the boys played good hall Spruill and Dawson did the best work for Lima. Si-ores: Lima 0 0 0 1 20000-3 .lasoer ti 3 4 0 4 0 0 0 0-17 I mpire Stephen Mosely. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at New Bern, Craven County, N. C, June IS liwti: mkn's ust. B Samuel Barror, Hubert Bands, Charlie Barnes. C-W M Creech, J M Cole. D Frank Davis, Thomas Davis, 28 South Front ot. Emmerson Dixon. F-D C Famen. G Henry Grey. II - Henry Harrison, Leon Henderson 82 Pollock street, Onie Hudson, box 14. Capt. B L Harris, schooner Bratton. J -Juniper Gum Church. K -A'.onzo Kelum. L C B Lilliston, 1 Middle street. MEtrL'k Marshburn 48 Middle St., George Moore 61 Spring street P Henry Powers. R Jule Raynor. S-Edward Smith. VV-Rev. H H Wells, F C Whitfield, 2 Grand St., Auty White, Capt Momoe W allace, care Capt. Geo. Howard. WOMEN'S LIST. b Mrs. Ella Parker care Hackburns store, Mrs. Nancy Brimag. C Mrs. Namnie Creagh. D Mrs. J E Dixon, Mrs. Amanda E Dobie. E Mrs. Pheribe W Edwards (D L) G Paulline Godett. H Mary Harris, 48 Burn street, Mrs EmmaJ Hammond, 58 Eaton street, Ida M Hargett, 8 West street, Mrs. Charlie Harris. J Mary Jones. , M Cathran Mangriff. S Pattie Smith, Mrs Maggie A Simson. W Bettie Wallace (col) Mrs. Rib bin Ward (col) Mary Emma Wood, M ry R Williams. Persons calling for the above dates will please say advertised and give date The regulations now require that (1) cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. - S. W. HANCOCK, 1; . : ; ; Postmaster. . ' Fnglish Immigrant Agent. Special to Journal - Ralofgh, June 26 Governor Glenn has appointed T. N. Costello, of Charlotte, special agent to represent American manufacturers in securing English im 'migration to this State. He was ac compnied by Messrs Smith and Sar geant of Charlotte, representatives of the American Manufacturers Associa tion. Mr. Costello is regarded by- the goemor fully qualified for the posi tion. ' . .- .-: ' ' ' ' OAGTOTIIA. Bws the ' Vl" 1,3,1 3rN 'f THFV M 1 e . Ask Vcjp BEiiMic mm. NOTICE. Tile Detnocraiie vut rs of ("", ": county are hereby notified tie t ! Priimry Elections for county 'ii will be held on Friday. .I.i'y " ' ii, I 1 ' The polls will be opened from fi oVo a m until 7 o'clock p m at the r-li-.v to-: places, and poll-holders to-wit: NO I TD'.VNoJtli'. Vanceboio N. 1!. Ipnck, II. nv i n , N. M. Lancaster. Maple Cypress - J W lie'!'. ! .1. 1 A E Kirkmati. NO 2 TOWNSHIP. Tr 'itts-Abury Barring tori, ('. '. Gaski.-..', N T Fulcher. Bridgeton H. Bunting, V. M. M t son, S W. Brooks. NO 3 TOWNSHIP. Fort Barnwell- L S Harper, t :. .'.) Russell, John S W Pea ve Dover-P T Nobles, SeUi Wis'. -V '! Timlall. '.'ove-J S Robinson, Win ;I O L Weatherington. NO 5 TOWNSHIP. Taylor's Sure- CC He;!, t lla.i i lor, Joshua Adams. NO G TOWNSI!!!'. Thurman 11 C Wool, it W . Walter II Smith. No 7 TOWNSHIP Lee's Farm J. K. Whl.o, .1 !'. ! .t- -rence, -1. F. Godwin. NO S TOWNSHIP Tisdale's F L Bray, J V John Stanly. each Grove J B Freii -h. I ie . Lane, J T House. Cum Row W II Scoit, .1 1". V . , W T Scott. CITY OK NKW P.I I'.N. 1st Ward. City flail K U II il. I ii Howe, J B Hill. 2nd Ward, court house M irU I i - way, George WinneN, .saia ! o e 3rd Ward, Street's carri a Y . i- E S Street, Joe McSorley, V, ii Ha:.:. 4th Ward, Ellis' carriage faVti-ry Jess Harrison, .1 E Gaskill, W S Lib-, Bern precinct, hook and ia Ion I. m E W Simpkins, A J Gaskins, Waller Fnlford. NO !1 TOWNSHIP Jasper- t II l'errv, W C I i ', .loha j '".it i 1 withdraw. from., the race with Weatherington. ' "' ' ''e' - anil will loyally support By order of the Democratic il eu pi- " ' " I Vm-icr iic. ticket as I have tive (Vimniittee. j ; v i... iirvim el.'in I i ' i . Imwei , that I shall be F T Patterson, sec'y. Rocky Mountain . A Ea-y Hm-iI:.? f-r ir Brlap Q-2a.-tt ' A Rp-ciilc fort! hi .tipoii" in' JMI'I Hi It. y Tr-.ti'.te.. ilial 111 Hi-1. Ma I Ilreslil. S.... :..i. . U.'t Ps. tkaeiie. IPs ft .)' .' ioi fia-ni, !)" .teiiis a li.:;. i. t. . ''iiLi.iaTiai Hni-i roMcsv, i i ii. e, . LDEN NliGCaTS FCI SAliW ;-u..r.x" WANTED. TEAMS AND LABORERS To work on the Pamlico Sound Railroad between New Bern and Washington.' Teams $4,00 per day; laborers, $1.50 per day. Apply to foreman on works be tween above points, or local superin tendents, New Bern, Vanceboro or Washington. J. G. WHITE & CO. . Gontralors. Special Rates via Southern Railway Richmond, Va., Biennial Meeting G. U. O. of O. F. (Colored) October 2 6. Rate one fare plus 25 cents. Washington, D. C Negro Youns Peoples Christian snd Educational Coi.- ?ress July 3-6. Rato one first class are plus 25 cents. , Knoxville, Tenn., Summer School of the South June 19 July 27. Rate one fare plus 25 cents, Lexington, Ky., National Grand Lodge United Brothers of. Friendship and Sisters of the Mysterious Ten July 80th, August 3rd. Rate one fare plus 25 cents. . . -;; Athens, Ga., University Summer School June 25th, July 27th. Rate one fare plus 25 cents. ' , Monteagle, Tenn., Monteaglo Sun day School Institute July 15th, August 6th. Rate one fare plus 26 centa. For exact rates dates and sale nnd detailed information apply to nearest Southern Railway ticket agent or ad drpM ' T. E. GREEN. C. T. A. Raleigh, N. C. Always Rciaiiri Hen:- Cures q Ccld In lQm Day, Crip uiTvc ,Bmii SHELLS" The Tiling Fof Bird Shooting. These shells give an cpen pattern at from 25 to 30 yards in choke bore guns. They are loaded in "Leader" esid " Repeater" brands. A ti 5- Pi tt I A sft A . f-i . f-9 H 3 M A U Us Doaler To Get Them. u of july celebration f. i a; f'..;. i Ci.Wsl-on lo P'ioro!nad City and C lue n ,. , ' ah.iv econ-ion the ' ,v i'.:o n ' are-hiia Company n ei.-.i- l '..! IIM- following greatly M- re'aeaii City and re-. ; ' A. M. (loaldior.) $1.50 e.'oa no !..,. r 1.00 ('.-v.. . .95 .- i X. V- :n .85 " Ni :io; I 45 t " M,.r head Pity 1 . :. ' .-. ,,' I '.is s. ijii!e afford .:. . jei .'tiiiii.y Ii) everyone to. o,: ;. a 1 ..! i he : eas'iore and should I" .'! '..iv..iitaji' of by all. i ,. ' 1 of lime or money; fishing, i.. :if". . ' ! u i'-hat h o.;- at Morehead !- re a .' .vv v. ':,.?, a larger crowd '1 .- i t in -ii.;kir!t this Fourth i r!e."i'! a memorable occa- 'I. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A. l-;p!.rtison Withdraws. i v.iii rs of Craven I ', Itie'l, I lianj : i ,v s'l .'rilf, m i i e ' '.' n one ar '1 M, :; ;' " , role on th. 1 ' " .' ;r should havi : .' e n 1 looked at vl ih r my tuxes for . i 1 w as misled by thip he i - i-.'in failed to pa ; 'i.e to make me n vote, ' nr. This is a matter ' !o :.: jia.l was cntirftv or ie i. larking the check. i "ia.'i." ' if a candidate for the of i o. d oils and have mada '). crvinty and now find .,.!Sj bwause of or which I am not in any - i. i .ty ' -; oi'si'i'e. At the same time I it a Jt -I v T.iOmd a law abiding e.'ti- '. !! : ! i.aveomilted to pay my poll a -: ! . ill 'tot. fii;k t.luy Democrats of i'i iv i iiiil v tfi'vcl'i; tot me thia time a i .ir I .-.aaliask the peo .: ' '' t ' vote fur me at a i, ', ;! is no lgal impediment i v.i-h in liiis connection i h us my frieii U for their ..It VHsurp tliein that 1 would v. . h.trawn friini the race 'X ' ' lei t'i it I pave been iid i v fttorpi y itut I was not at i,i ti position to aslt for their 'iaviiAM T. Kiciup.DSON. llii'ii. ' NATURE'S r.sv..- I cm Peopls Muit Recognita and Hied It. I Viio.ru Ulo iiiiiw I in lek le-mirctnfioiidli. ......... j. ... . ........j, Ihit nal irr-jj !',Tways warns you through the mino. Notice I hp i idney secretions, See if the color is unhealthly If there are seltlingsund sediment. Passages too frctpicitt, scanty, painful. fiV ti:r.e then to use Doans Kidney i'iH--, ' ' T ward off Briglit's disease or dia betes. ':." " . .. . Doan's have done great work in New Bern:- CliLtli H F. Harget, a car painter at the A & X. O. R. If. bhops, residing at 47 B.'i ii St., says; "I have found great rel'mf by , -usirg Loan's Kidney Pills. My back has been hurting me for a long tint?, often so bad that I could not vi ork. The kidney secret ions were very dark and c'oudy. ' Since using Doan'a Kidnfty Rills the secretion? have re gained their natural color and I do not suff er frrvn tho pains in my back at all. I tun at'.vise all who are similarly trou bled to what I was to gojo Bradham's Pharmacy, procure Doan's Kidney Pills aril (five them a trial. :. They will not be disappointed In the results. " - r.-. I -11 .1....! T . . - en i ror lam oy u ueaiera. trriea uu vie, l a box. KoHter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. solo agenta for the U. S. Remomber the nam Doan'a, and t aire no other.