A JURIST WITH CREAT HONOR mmH AVfgctable Prcparalionfor As similating flicFoodandBegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of m Promotes DigestionXheerFur nesj andRest.Conlains neither Opium.Morplune nor Mineral KOr NARCOTIC. aupeafounrsmjamaaR JUSmn . HUM hiUHywm firm Apcrfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Stomach.Diarxnoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of ; NEW YORK. To the democratic voters of Craven County. By the solicitation of my friends all over the county I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treas urer subject to the Demo cratic Primaries. J. J. BAXTER. To the Democratic Voters ' of Craven County In order that my silence in public fulfil, may nui ue miscuiiabiutru nave deemed it advisable to publicly an nounce my desire to continue for another term, in the office to which the voters of my county h ve kindly elected me. 1 trust that rev- earnest efforts to dis charge the duties incumbent upon me ' have been sufficiently successful to earn for me a continuance in tiie office during the succeeding term, and if thaough the kindness of the Pemocratic voters of the county I shall again be the choic v 'of our County Primary, I hall faithfully endeavor to serve the people w'tJhaf;KKgcnce and uniform ourteay rnich. rtivJPvdKr?rd to use and eiKrcise during my past t . Mptany, GEO. B. WATERS, .Reg. Deeds Craven Co. For County Treasurer To the -Democratic : Voters of Craven County: u c . ' I hereby announce myself a candi date, for the office of Treasurer for Craven county, subject to action of the Democratic primaries. During my term of office I have endeavored faith fully and impartially to discharge the duties incumbent upon me as your Treasurer, where the official duties have been properly performed. It has been the custom -of our party tore- . nominate for the second term, and asking for this nomination at the han of my party, I rely upon the record made by me in the performare of my duty. - Very respec fully, FREEMAN S. ERNUL. Announcement At the request of numerous Demo crats of Craven county I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the nom ination bv the Democratic .Party to the membership of the House of Repre- j .senta ivos. If this suggestion of hum-, erous friends meets with the approval ' of the party I will, if chosen, endeavor to serve my people faithfully, rnd to the full extent of my powers. I . II. C.WHITEHURST. To the Democratic Vot exs of Cravfn Co. 1 hereby beg to announce lllVbCU a WlUlUd IVI : Office X)f Register Of Deeds Of Craven COUnty SUblCCt tO . . , . , . . the Democratic primaries, ; and believing that , the peo- pie of the city are willing I for the people of the coun-1 try tO have a fair Share Of . fc.r.ffWc'r.f trif rrmntv , wiv vw.wv- w. ...v. ask the suffrages of all. If elected I promise" to f&ith- 11 r it. j iuuy yciiuiiu iuc uuuca ui theOfflCe. , ii iwuuujf, . RICHARD B. LANE, EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Jj 1 n For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signati In Use For Over Thirty Years TMI MNTMUM MMMRT, NEW YORK CITY. MMMMMMMUIW To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of Sheriff, subject, of course, to the Democratic primaries. Assuring you of my sincere apprecia tion of your kind support in the past, and hoping that my administration of the Sheriff's office has met with jour approbation, and promising, if re-elect ed, to conduct iia affairs impartially and to the very best of my ability, I am Very sincerely yours, J. W. BIDDLE. June 18, 1906. Candidate for Register of Deeds I desire to announce to the Demo cratic voter of Craven county that I am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for? the office of Register of Deeds at your countjr primary. As to my fitness and competes ;v I refer to my past record as a cWvk in the office of the two last Regisf of Lda I make no claim of right to tie oi3c, but I do ask that the whit Democratic voters consider whether past purty ser vices are not (entitled to some consid eration. I have never failed to serve the psrt; when I could, and in the Whit Supremacy campaigns I did so at considerable sacrifice and not a little danger. I have never asked for office before and if my request is declined you will still find me a faithful worker in the ranks of the privates. W. B. FLANNER. To the Democratic Vot ers of Jones County, I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Jones county subject to the will of the Demo cratic primary. F. M. JENKINS. To the Voters .!! inocratic of Craven County. Fellow Citizens. I respectfully announce that I am candidate to succeed myself as Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county, subject to the action of the nominating primaries. I embrace this opportunity to express to you my grateful appreciation of the generous support given me in the past, and to assure you that I shall en deavor, by every effort of which I am capable to merit your confidence. I am with great respect -Very truly yours, "' ' W. M. WATSON. If your stomach troubles you do not conclude that there is no cure, for a great many have been permanently ! cured by Chamberlain's' Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try them, they are certain to prove beneficial. They only cat a quarter. Sold hy Davis' Phar macy and F. S', Duffy. Th. mn-Hmnnrt-nt fpt..rM of the Immigiationbill-the$5head tax and the educational test-were eliminated by the House, and the bill was then p8Med. . ; : . Deadly Strptnt Bit. , are as common in In ia as are stomach nd liver disorders with us. For the T UtuT hwv er 8Ure remedy: - Electric Bitters: the irreat restorative medicine, of which S A Brown, of Ben nettsvilie, a. u says: "iney restored k..l, .to. e ni;MWr,""',llll"i of guflfenng with dyspepsia and a cl r nically torpid liver." -tlectric ' fitters cure chills and fever, malaria, biliouB !"", mnJ7 ' i i f by all druggist, Price OOc. IMauuer uisoruero. omu vu gunriuut:u mm i y 1 hw Hon. Hannii Taylor, LL. D., the Author of Ucil Books Which Command tha Re. tpeel of Lawyer of all Nattsnti- In the person of Hon. Hannis Taylor the City of New Bern is entertaining ; an extraordinary man. He is one of '. the most illustrious sens of the Old I North State and has won well earned laurels. He return to Nt w Bern to renew the memories of old scenes and acquaintances and during his brief stay has been one of singular feelings and emotions. His ancestors, the families of both his father and mother settled in New Bern before the revolutionary war. They were of Scotch origin and all maintained the high character arid in tegrity for which the Scotch are noted. His father, Richard N. Taylor was a prominent merchant here for many years and was an elder in the Presby terian church. In the year 1869 the family removed to Alabama and Tay lor's course in the University of North Carolina was temporarily discontinued. He studied law at his new home and late finished his college training. Mr. Taylor, while he has been honor ed by the United States Government as minister to Spain and counsel in one of her most celebrated cases does not at tribute his best work in that capacity but on the contrary believes the crown ing work of his life is his literary pro ductions, and to them he owes his later honors. II s "History of the English Constitution" is the standard work adopted by colleges all over the country I, won high praise from the Statesman Gladstone and eminent lawyers of the English courts have written eloquent encomiums on the treatise. Another book, "International Law" has been a book which has found a place in mem orable legal literature. His life has been quiet and unosten tatious but that he has not lived in vain is sure. The people of New Bern greet their distinguished visitor and as he turns his feet away extend a co:dial welcome to return and make a more extended visit. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. Have vou neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nerwus sys tem and caused trouble with your Kid neys and Bladder? Have you pains in the loins, side, back, groins and blad der? Have you a flabby appearan;o of the face, especially under the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass urine? If so William's Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample Free. By mail 50 cer.ts. Sold by Druggists. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props., Cleveland, 0. Sold by D. A. Harget. How to Break up a Cold. It may be a surprise to many to learn that a aovcro cold etui be completely broken ud in or two days' time. The first symptoms of a cold are a dry, loud ough, a profuse watery discharge from the nose and a thin, white coating on the tongue. When Chamberlain's cough remedy is taken every hour on the first appearance of these symptoms, it coun teracts the effect of the cold and re stores the system to a healty condition within a day or two. For sale by Da vis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. President Samuel Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor, is work ing to get up a fair to celebrate the achievements of organized labor throughout the world. Wire Grass June 22. Too much rain is all the cry now. It was never intended that people should be satisfied. . .The farmerc are out at their work again after the hindrance of two weeks by rain. Mr and Mrs Harry Davis of Beau fort passed through Sunday enroute for Harlowe. Mr and Mrs Hill of Blades were the guests of Mr and Mrs J F Sabiston Sunday. Dr C N Mason was called in our berg Sunday afternoon. Mr J M Buck takes his pack of hounds out occasionally and trains them Dreparatory to running deer neiit fall. , Messrs Clyde Campen and William Hunning made a flying trip - to New Bern on business a few days ago. Miss Lula Hardesty of Harlowe pass ed through here last week accompanied by Miss Vivian Hill of Atlantic who was her guest for a few days, Many of our farmers have not chop ped their cotton for the first time. Messrs M Pridgeon and L C Carrol of Newport -were here yesterday doing business in their line, selling and trad ing horses. Mr John .Dickinson is neanng the completion of his new dwelling on Lau rel road. J The carpenters work has been superintended by Mr Clarence Pimpson and it is a neat and commod ious one. Most of our people have finished dig ging potatoes and while., the price is fairly good they have not had more than half a yield. Mr J. H Norris has completed his new dwelling and ia having it painted. , The out cry is that we will have a f un crop of politics this fall if nothing ! : r n.ir rtH,Bn uttamtai - 1 C0Unty convention on the 20th at Beau- fort and there seems to bo much in- . . .. . , , ., teregt man nested in me coming con' - ventions to b held on ths 26, and 7th Bt Klnston and Goldsboroalso the aena- - tunai convention which will probably be held at Morehead City. ZOE. Swansboro I June 26. Work of cutting out the ritjht of wny for the railroad was begun here y-s-terday. Mr. P. W. li 'll hrn comiivn' i-.J . -rk on hi.-t new dwelling. Miss Alice I'.lunt arrived h m fr-.im school at Greenhoro oumlxy v.-t-k Her many friends wer. mor.- 1 1 ,n -,h.d to see her. Mr. T. H. Pritchard left his' Monday for Hamilton, in answer t a tu!i r.ram announcing the death of h .-- I h i , S. L. Priteharl. Mr. J. A. Pittman, Misses Sn - Mat tocks and Jessie Blount n'.trn I M l! e Sunday school couvenliim nt Wrights ville last week. Mrs. J. M. Jones and daughter, Mi s Rena, who have been speeding the a-t few weeks in Berkly, Va , returned home last Friday. Mr. W. E. Mattocks i now hoiix- fi.r a vacation from his work in South Car olina. fclrs. T. M. Wnudhull and daughters, Misses Almita and IVruthy ar- spend ing a few months in Now York this summer. Mrs. L. J. Herring and daughter, of Berkley, Va., are spending a few weeks here this summer. The United States dredge boat Trent arrived here about a week ago; it will be near here a few weeks this summer . cutting out the places known as Stand Back and Sand Shoals in Brown Sound. This will make navigation much better between here and New River, which is badly needed. Rev. E. C. Andrews and W. P. Ward made a business trip to New Bern la U week, , The seats In the Baptist church here have recently been replaced with very nice pews, which not only has added much to the lo"ks and comfort, but has ' also increased the seating capaclity of about one-third. Mr. J. A. Pittman is the happy pos sessor of a fine pair of horses recently purchased of Mr. H. A. Jarnun, of Jacksonville. Mr. W. A. Pritchard one of the efli- cient clerks in the commissary, tried his luck fishing one day last week with good results. j Mr. John T Riggs, one of our pro gressive merchants near here, is having a gin and grist mill erected, he expects to be ready for the fall trade. Misses Bessie Heady and Sadie Fur long returned last Wednesday from a visit to friends at Smyrna. I An Epworth 'League has recently' boen organized at the Methodist church j here, with Mr. Thos. Pritchard as ' president and Miss Hepsey Hatsell as : secretary. Mr. D. G. Ward, our candidate for county treasurer, says that he is so deep in the grass that he cannot get out among his friends to canvas much, the recent rains and scarcity of labor hav ing got him behind, guess we will hear from later. At the last regular communication of Sea Side Lodge, the apron was presen ted to W. A. Toler in the very impres sive manner by the W. M., Mr. D. G. Ward. The following -officers were elected for the ensuing year: J. A. Pitt man, W. M.; W. D. Sanders, S. W.; W. P. Ward, J. W., and C. S. Pittman, Secretary. Installation of officers will take place at the regular communica tion. JHORT PASSING EVENTS. Mr. S. Coplon, Middle street dry goods merchanl is adding quite an ad dition to his store, about thirty-five feet floor space in the rear, which he finds will be needed to accommodate his fall trade. The House of Representatives has passed the bill granting a $30,000 pub lic building to the city of Kinston. The bank of Dover began business Monday. Three thousand dollars were deposited. Reports from various parts of the county, the Vanceboro section particu larly say that the terrific wind storm on Sundsy worked great damage with the fruit and crops. There was con siderable hail in that section. Remember that ice, cream and cake will be serveed at C. E. Slover's store, corner of Pollock and Craven streets, this afternoon and tonight, beginning at 5 o'clock, by'a few ladies of the Sew ing Circle of Centenary M. E. Church. The Fishhawk surf party have all re turned from Morehead and wbjle they deplore the fact that bo many "tacks" had to be made to reach their destina tion they assert that the same "convict stripes" will be in evidence on July 4th. First Church of Christ, Scientist, cor ner of Broad and Hancock streets, will hold a testimonial service this Weddes- day, p. m., 8:15. The ice crenra party and banquet ef the Atlantic Fire Co., to be held in the vacant store in the Bryan block will -be-j Friday night instead of Wednesday night. ; Unknown Frlsnd. There are many people who hive used Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy with splendid results, but who are unknown because they have hesitated about giving a testimo nial of their experience for publication, These people, however, are none the less friends of this remedy. They have done much toward making 't a house hold word by their personal recommen dations to friends and neighbors. It is a good medicine to have in the home and is widely known for its cures of diarrhoea and all forma of bowtrou ble. For sale by Davis Pharmacy "and F. S. Duffy. The bining 7 every part of the body, make it the greatest of remedy PURELY VEGETABLE and while tite, overcoming that tired, run-dowu feeling, and other ailments commdn to Spring, which warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment it needs to keep it in perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow. Spring is the season when most every one needs a tonic. It is nature's time for an effort to pull through the day. renewing and cliauging; and as everything puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation, the earth thaws out from its winter freezes, and all respond to Spring's call to purge and purify themselves, there is a great change also takes place in our bodies. The blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and accumulations which have formed in the system, and been absorbed by it, from the inactive winter life, and calls upon every member to assist in the elimination. The system is often unequal to the struggle, the appetite grows fickle, the energies give way, the spirits arc depressed, and a general run down condition is the result. Then the body must have assistance it must be streuplheued and aided by a tonic, and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Being made entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does not disagreeably affect the system in any wa' as do most of the so-called tonics on the market, which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S. S. tones up the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system of that always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S. gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use we can find our selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring as at any other season. It acts more pmniptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedy, and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of the blood, which, from 'its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well as for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do not experiment, but get the best the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one endorsed by the best people all over the country S S S.0 THE GREATEST OF ALL TONICS It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every point, that the right remedy be used one that is especially adapted to the condition, and S.' S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of the season will not be felt as warmer weather comes on. ' THE SWIFT SPEOIFIO COMPANY. ATLANTA, OA, SERENADED THE FUTURE JUDGE. Hon. Owerv N Guon Tendered a Spontaneous and Hearty Ovation. In consequence of his nomination to the Judgeship for the tliird judicial dis trict the citizens of New Bern gave i Hon. Owen H. Guion a rousing recep I tion at his home last ni;ht. The ser vices of the Knights of Pythias Band were engaged and a large number as sembled to congratulate him on his suc cess. Mr. James A. Bryan informed the nominee of the action of the convention and made one of his characteristic, happy speeches. Mr. Guion returned in kind with a most felicitous speech and invited the people into his pleasant home where light retreshments were served. The negro George Scott, or Lee, who was brought here by the military from the Eastern Shore recently, and later carried to Baltimore, will be tried in Baltimore city July 5th for assault on Mrs. Robt. Barnes and Miss F'rances Powell, in Somerset county, Md. The caselias been formally transferred from the Somerset County Court to the Baltimore county Court. Three Phyelclane Treated Him Without Success. W. L. Yancy, Paducah, Ky., writes: I had a severe case of kidney disease and three of the best physicians in Ken tucky treated me without success. I then took Foley's Kidney Cure. Ihe first bottle gave immediate relief, and three bottles cured me permanentl) . 1 gladly recommend this wonderful rem edy." Sold, by Davis' Pharmacy. : OABTOtllAi -Ik- V;i4 Vnt, Uni-a llwnuc DmiitM Bean the t mi uuu The Norfolk and Western Railroad Company has decided to prohibit cigar ette smoking in its general offices and to employ no cigarette smokers. An Alarming Situation frequently results from neglect of clog ged bowels and torpid liver, until con stipation becomes ehronic. .This condi tion is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills, the best and centlest regulators of stomach : and bowels. Guaranteed by all druggist, price 25c. Governor Swanson is preparing to to take steps to enforce the two-cent-a-mile railroad rate bill. has stood the test 25 years. Averse Arr.J Za eve? C5 c l fll bottles. Does this record cf merit r:td ts ycj? I!)C r.r iir y. Enclosed with every bottle Is Ten U "t. r - eefCroWar ' I - OF ALL fopredients that enter into S. and preparing them so that thev build ud and strengthen I have usd S. 8. 8. quite extensively and unhesitatingly recommend it as the best blood purifier and tonlo made. I am a maohinist by trade and at one time my system was so run down that by 10 o'olook every day I would be com pletely exhausted, and it was with the greatest effort that I oould pnll through the balance of the day. Blnoe taking S. S 8., however, all this has disappeared. I am A strong, vigorous man, abundantly able to do my day's work, my appetite has been whetted cp so that I oan sat anything, my sleep Is sweet and refreshing, and I know further that it has purified my blood and put It in good condition. I oannot speak too highly of your great remedy, 8. 8. 8. 817 W. Broad St., Columbus, O. A. B. MONTGOMERY. 8HE FOUND IT THE BEST SPRING TONIC. On two occasions I have used 8. S. S. in the spring with fine results. I can heartily recommend it as a tonlo and blood purifier. I was troubled with headaohe, indigestion and liver troubles, whioh all disappeared under the use of S. S. 8. My, appetite, which was poor, was greatly helped. I oan eat anything I want now without fear of in digestion, and my blood has been thoroughly cleansed of all Impurities and made rioh and strong again. As a tonlo and blood purifier it is all you olaim for it. 771 E. Main St., Springfield, O. MRS. G. WIEGEL, During the discussion in Russian Douma regarding measures for famine relief it was said starvation was ficti tious and meant only to force-the revo lutionists into submission. Feel Impending Doom. The feeling of impendirg doom in the minds of many victims of Bright's dis ease and diabetes has been changed to thankfulness by the benefit derived from taking Foley's Kidey Cure. It will cure incipient Bright's disense and dia betes and even in the worst cases gives comfort and relief. Slight disorders are cured in a few days. "I had dia betei in its worst form." writes Marion Lee, of Dunreath, Ind, "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man. ' ' Sold by Davis' Phar macy - Following the Flag When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines; health was the most important consideration. Willis T Mor gan, retired Commissary Sergeant U S A., of Rural Route 1, Concord, N. H., says: 'I was two years in Cuba and two years in the Philippines, and being subject to colds, I took Dr. King's ; "scovery xor uonsumpuon wn.cn v t t-v . i.i i. : L. Kept me in perieci neaiui. auu iiuw, in New Hampshire, we find it the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds bronchial troubles and all lung diseases Guaranteed at dl druggist. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. John Goodfm's skull was fractured and others were wounded in a riot at a lawn party in the mountains of Rock ingham county. State or Ohio, City of Toledo, LUCAS UOUNTY. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner oi tnennnoi r. j Cheney & Co., drug business in the City of Toledo, County and Statekfore- said, and that said firm will pay. the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 76c Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- ion V Grove's Tastebco CI1 Tcric TOMies S. S. and the method of coml all tonics. S. S. S. is nature's it is restorinc the lost anoe. The Very Beet Remedy for Bowel Trouble!. Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says; "I regard Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the reme dy in my family for several years. I am never without it. " This remedy is almost sure to be needed before the summer is over. Why not buy it now and be prepared for such an emergen cy T For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. Terrorists killed three detectives Warsaw, Russian Poland. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Rind You Haie Ahrajs BongW Bean the Bignatore of The Senate discussed the conference report on the Railroad Rate bill, but did not dispose of it. Another confer ence will oe ordered. ' ... Smoking In s Powder Magazine Is courting death more suddenly but not more surely than neglecting kidney disorders, Foley's Kidney Cure will cure a Blight disorder in a few days and its continued use will cure the most ob stinate cases. It has cured many peo-" pie of Bright's disease and diabetes who were thought to be incurable. If pou have kidney or bladder trouble, commence taking Foley's Kidney Cure today, before it is too late. Sold by Davis' Pharmacy. Congressman and Mrs. Long worth took tea with Emperor William on board the Meteor at Kiel. Asthma Sufferer Should Knew This. Foley's Honey rnd Tar has cured many cases of asthma that were con sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Buesing, 701 West Third St, Davenport, Iowa, writes: "A severe cold . contracted twelve years ago was neglected unti lit finally grew Into asthfna. The best medicf 1 skill available could not give me more than temporary relief. Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended and one fifty cent bottle entirely cured me of asthma which had been growing on I me for twelve years, and if I had taken it at the start I would have been tared years of suffering." Sold by Davie Pharmacy. t -1 1