SHORT PASSING EVENTS. Attention U called to t notice to the Knights of Honor which appears in this Issue and which explains itself. . The Jumbo fig of the season, arrived at the Journal office Wednesday. It weighed ttix and one-fourth ounces and measured full nine inches, circumfer ' The mammoth specimen was grown by Mr. Samuel Parsons on his premises, on Craven street, and is of the Royal Purple variety one of three being the first crop borne Dy we wee. Governor Glenn passed through here w niirht takine the steamer for Ori ental, where he gave an educational ad- j dress last night. The Beaufort base ball team defeat ed the Kinstons' at the latters grounds yesterday by a score of 1 to 0. Bat - teries Longest and Chadwick for Beau fort and Shell and Armstrong for Kins ton. Two heavy rain-falls yesterday amounting to over an inch. The storm pf last night was one of the most fu rious we have had yet. The semi-weekly ice cream party at A B. Wallace's at Bridgton occurs to night. The rain gauge used for measuring the rain fall indicated that there was 1.28 inches precipitation Wednesday evening. The storm which made this record lasted but a little over twenty minutes; consequently it must have been very severe, a miniature cloud burst, in fact. Mr. I. L. Cosby received a rambler automobile yesterday. It is of the touring car variety and is a fine ma chine. The revival meetings at the Taber nacle Baptist church which have been conducted by Rev. C. W. Blanchard of Clayton for several days were closed last night. The attendance at the meetings has been fair, the weather nterferring somewhat with a larger at tendance. There were several conver sions. The Kinston Free Press showed com mendable enterprise in giving an ac count of the corner stone laying exer cises in full. The paper was embellish ed with cuts of the speakers, a cut of Hon. D. L. Ward also appeared in that issue. The paper was issued in 8 pages The usual issue is 4 pages. The negro, James Henry Bryan, who was shot and dangerously wounded by constable Dwight Styron last Saturday is reported as improving and he may recover. A dance was held in the Armory last night. Music was furnished by the Th urman Cornet Band. Its a fact worthy of note and com mendation that there was no rain yes terday. The dog editor of the Charlotte Ob server is a peach. Its a cold day Wi en he can't throw off a half column or more about some wonderful canine in habitant of Charlotte. Not many mon ths ago he had a story a column and a half long about a dog fight which could probably be told as intelligently in six inches space. The tobacco crop is reported to be seriously injured by the weather condi tions. ' . s One of the largest local cotton sales of the year was made yesterday when Mr. E. H. Meadows sold 200 bales of cotton to J. E. Latham & Co. at 10.75. A good orchestra has been engaged to play for the dances at Wallace's pa vilion tonight at Bridgeton. Mrs. Lucy A. Cuninggim, widow of the late Dr. Jesse Cuninggim of the N. C Conference, diad at Gieensboro, Wednesday, 68 years of age. She was sister-in-law of Mrs. Kate Richardson and Mrs. Margaret Griffin of our city and well-known throughout the State as president of the Alumnae Associa lion of Greensboro Female College, and of the woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the N. C. Conference. She was a woman of unusual ability, con venation and usefulness, and! her death will be universally regretted. The dry goods house of Charles Blomme, Wilmington, made an assign ment Wednesday. The liabilities are placed at $7,600 and assets at 15,500- A Trite Saying. It is a trite" saying that no man li stronger than his stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach puts it in shape to make pure, rich blood helps the liver and kidneys to expel the poisons from the body and thus cures both liver and kid ney trough. It you take this natural blood purilier and tonic, you will assist your system in manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red blood, that is Invigo rating to the brain and nerves. The weak, nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people suffer from, Is usually the effect of poisons in toe face the blood; it is often Indicated by pimples or bulls anooarlnir on the skiu. becomes thin ana tne ieenngs "Diue." Dr. Pieree's "Discovery curst all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. It is tlie onlv medicine put ud for sale through druggists for like purposes that conuins luuther alcohol nor harmful habit-forming drugs, and the only one, every ingredient of which has the profes sional endorsement of the leading medical writers of this country. Some of these endorsements are published' in a little book of extracts from standard medical works and will be sent to any address free, on receipt of request therefor by letter or postal card, addressed to Dr. E. V. Vierce. Buffalo. N. V. It tells just wliat Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. The "Words of Praise " for the several ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medi cines are composed, by leaders in all the several schools of medical practice, and recommending them for the cure of the diseases for which the "Golden Medical Discovery " is advised, should have far more weight with the sick and afflicted than any amount of the so-callod "testi monials " so conspicuously flaunted before (lie public liy those who are atraia to let the hinn iioiits of which their medicines are coiuposiii be known. Boar in mind that the "Uoldou Medical Discovery has rim liADQK or honestv on every bottle wrapper, in a full list of its ingredients. Dr. Fieree's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Invigorate the liver and regu late !-;oinm-h and bowels. Dr. Pierce's grpat thousand-pape illus trated i '.minion Sense Medical Adviser w ill ' m'.h five paper-bound, for SI one cent ,.,i.vr cloth-bound for 31 stamp. Address Or. Pierce as above. Belgrade Items. June 26. Crop's are looking sorry on account of so mu..-!i ruin. Mr. l'.u;:k Wilcox and Mr. Steve Stnnlev visited friends and relatives here ':.t Sunday. Mr ; Mrs J S Yates visited Mr Ed Euban.i lust Sunday. Mr (.', i us Jores went to Maysville today i.n.l purchased a new buggy. Lookout, iritl Mi !-J!!a Trott was a visitor here last Sumi.iy. Mo."s " Cnnadv and Cyrus Jones were callers at Deppe Saturday night. Mr Vv If Eubanks made a business trip lo Muy sville last Saturday, Mr B'izine Morton and wife and little daughter s; ont Saturday nightand Sun day wit!1 heir parents at Grants creek Mr R M MMarshall spent last Sunday here. Sorrv to note the sad deatn of Mr W M F!ei! w'lich occurred June loth. Mr M II Morton and Miss Fannie wore visitors at Mrs Sallie last Saturday and Sunday. Charlie and lot Morton were : ; of Mr B 7. Morton Sunday. Ulue Eyes. Waters Mortons the gu-:. MUTINEERS WERE PIRATE? Strange Story of Condsmnsd Man Wl Not Only Murdered Seamen But Looted Ships. The Wilmington Star of June 28 ptiiv lished a strange story of the mutineers. Sawyer and Adams, condemned to be hanged in August It says that a let ter has been found and is now in the possession of the clerk of the United Stages court in which will be found evi dence that, piracy was practiced and robbery and murder had been commit ted on the high seas all along the coast from Maine to Florida and that the tragedy of the schooner Harry A. Bar wind for which the men are to hang was one of a long list of crimes. The document mentioned is closely guarded and the contents are not made public except as already stated that piracy exists along the coast to a con siderable extent and that just such men as Sawyer and Adams are concerned in the deeds. Remove Freckles tad Pimples Dl TEH DATS, WITH MADINOLA A.I...THE COMPLEXION BCAUTIFICR... (Formerly advwtiard and sold u BaUwla.) Grants Creek Items. June 2n. The rainy weather has nearly ruined the crops in this neighborhood. Miss Agnes Riggs of New Hern is visiting relatives here. Mr Fiank White of Virginia is visit ing his brother at B N Riggs. Rev I N Henderson filled h:s appoint ment at Capernaim Saturday and Sunday, and had a large audience. Mr E B Marshall who had the mis fortune to get his collar bone broken is improving. Miss Rachel ionwav is on the sick list this week. Several of the young folks of the neighborhood spent Sunday at Mrs Sal lie Lloyd's and had a good time. Mr and Mrs Archie Collins of Deppe spent Sunday at Mr R C Jones where they met a number of friends,' among them, Messrs Sylvester Morton, and Zennie Davis of Northeast, and Mr Urban Hall of Wards Mills. Mr John Melville of Deppespent Sun day at his father's, Mr t'.eoF Marshall. Mr Jackson Jones says he has driven a pump thirty-two feet into the ground and has failed to strike water as there seems to be more water on top than in tne earth now. perhaps it would be a good scheme for Mr Jones to change ends with his pump. X A lew applications will remove tan ot saAowness and restore the beauty of youth. NADtNOLA. k guaranteed and money refunded if it fails to remove freckles, pimples, Hver-Jpots, collar discoloration:, black-heads, disfiguring eruptions, etc, in twenty days. Lt.ives the skin soft, clear and healthy Endorsed by thousands. Price 50 cents and $140 by all leading ruggists, or by maiL Prepared by National Toilet Co., Paris, Term. Sold in New Bern by Bradham's Pharniaoy and other Leading Druggists Home. Sweet Home. The .Imirnal is in receipt of a letter from Mr. J. H. llanlts, formerly of this city, now of Houston, Tex., a vatued and esteemed subscriber. A liberal re newal is enclosed for which the paper is accordingly grateful, but the kindly sentiments expressed in the letter for his home are such that the Journal takes pleasure in publishing an excerpt, that Mr. Hank's many friends may know how he values the memory of the happy days spent here in the past: Houston, June 23. !'I don't want the paper discontinued, it keeps nie in touch and memory of my old home is a pleasure to me to read and think over the many pleasant times and happy days. I realize something of the meaning of what the poet writes, 'The man who forgets entirely his na tive home and its happy memories his soul is dead within him." This paper is in receipt of a notice from the George C Snyder Traveling Piano and Pipe Organ shop, aa follows "We will be in New Bern In a few days for short stay with a complete line of material for rebuilding, repair ing, voicing and tuning. My former patrons and others interested will be notified on arrival through this paper, George C. Snyder, of Washington, D, C." , Local rain Market. torn, per bushe' ., 72) Oata, " . 60 Meal, " 65 . Hominy " .t ....66 dm bran, per 100 Iba.......... ...75 Wheat bran, " ..1.35 reed, 100 Iba . 1.3S Cotton seed meal 100 Iba L60 Cotton aeed bulla, 100 Iba... .46 Hay, 1.10 per cwt 21.00 WHOLESALE PKICBS COBRKNT. Egga,per dozen 18 Chickens, old per pair 65.75 " yoong, per pair... 40-60 Pork, peril 7 8 Live Hogs.-.....- 6) rteef, " ............ 7 Hides, green, per lb. ............ 8 " dry "... - 12 Beeswax, 20 to 24 Corn, per bushel...... 624 I'rmmU ..86 Ie 'ma, Yams ... 90 I - -70 Cove June 23. The wet weather has ruined crops but cannot say how much; tobacco, lots of it is dead, cotton in some places is red and grassy, and corn in low land is turning red. C. F. Taylor has over two hundred barrels of potatoes to ship, but prices have gone down now, The heavy rains of last week were the cause of potatoes rotting in the ground. W. C. Davis lost his crop, they all rotted, several have lost part of their crops from the same cause. If the weather don't settle soon so the people can get the grass out of their cotton, it will soon take it. ' Mr. T. E. Outlaw left for his home in Kinaton today after a three weeks' visit to his daughters at Cove and Tus carora. ' . ' W. T. Meloy is all smiles; it is a girL The report of one Wetherington be ing murdered ia a mistake. The people around here know nothing of it. J. F. Robison has gone to Dover to work in the Goldsboro Lumber Compa ny's shop. . . R . Cleanliness is the first law of beauty; also the second and third. No matter what your complexion ills are, Hollis- ter s Roeky Mountain lea will cure 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Sold S. Duffy. thorn. by F. First Cotton Blossoms The Journal office has received three itl.iin blossoms this week as an ear nest progress of the crop, farmers are somewhat dubious over their crop on account of the weather, but there is a gooJ of chance left still for improve ment to set in and make a large crop, The blooms come from widely separ ated places and tend to f how the con dition of cotton in this section. They are from the farms of M. M. Shute, Rhems. S. E. Melton,Pollocksville; and N. C. Weeks, Cedar Point. Mesic June 25th. farmers have gotten over the was THEY COMt AND GO. Union Point June 28.. Dr. E. O. Armstrong left yesterday We had quite a wiud and rain storm Our mg month of rain. Some say the largest since 1870. Mrs. J. W. Messick of Newport News Va. , is visiting friends at Mesic. Mr. Nat Wright is conducting a pri vate school here. He has 8U scholars enrolled. Mr. W. T. May was. very ill, but glad to say he is improving. Bay Creek has added much to the ap pearance of its church, by a nice coat of p-iint. One of New Bern's painters did the work, and much to his credit. What has become of the correspond ent at Lukins ? Miss Leona Potter of Vandemere is teaching music at Bay Creek school- The Children's Day collection at Bay Creek School did very well. Eight dol lars were taken for foreign missions. Mr. Tom Davis of New Bern was in our berg last week selling goods. Come on Tom, you bring a smile when you come. It has rained for seven days and it makes the farmers feel bad. The crops are looking ve.y well. Mr. C. F. Sawyer of Mesic took Mrs. Sawyer to Washington to have an oper ation performed at Dr. Tayloe's Sani tarium. Mrs. Sawyer is very much of an invalid. Bill Brown. to visit his home in Kentucky. be away until September. V . Mrs. J. L. Collins and master Robert and Louisa have ..returned from a visit at Bayhoro, j Mrs. J. H. Green and daughter Miss Mabel went to Seven Springs last night. Mrs. L. J. Taylor returned from a visit to Greensboro last night. Misses Judith and Girtie Edwards and Bertye Cohen of Goldsboro are in the city, guests of Miss Gussie Ed wards. Mrs. C. M. Dockham spent the day at Pollocksville yesterday. Masters Kenneth and Robert Nixon are visiting relatives near Pollocksville. Miss Alice Duffy, Misses Mary, Helen and Lou Mich Nixon have gone to Vright8ville; from there they will go lo South Carolina. Miss Appie Caho and guest, Miss Nannie Fisher, left last night for a few days visit in Elizabeth City, N. C. Mr. E. W. Wadsworth and son, Mr. Harvey Wadsworth of Cove, were in the city yesterday. Mrs. B. S. Guion returned yesterday from Virginia Beach. Rev. and Mrs. L. G. If. Williams and children are visiting in the western part of the State. Mrs. Rudolph Ulrich has gone to Philadelphia, ifrom there she sails for Europe and will return in the fall. Judge and Mrs. Henry R. Bryan and Gertrude Carraway left yesterday for Black Mountain. Miss Bessie Hyman left yesterday for AsheviUe to visit relatives. Col. P. M. Pearsall has gone to Wrightsville Beach to attend the meet ing of the State Bar Association. Mrs. R. A. Stickney, Misses Agnes and Annie Foy and Mr. Charles Brian spent the day in Morehead City yester day. V rs. T. A. Green and Mrs. A. T. Dill are spending a few days at Morehead City. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Duguid went to Saluda in response to a telegram that MrsDugmd's father, Mr. Judd.had fallen and broken his hip. The doctor will return in about two weeks. Messrs Cha3. T. Pumphrey, Chas. E. Harra and Thcs. W. Brogden of More head City and Beaufort are spending a few days in New Bern with their friend, Mr. Thos. W. Waters. WANTED. TEAMS AND LAB IRS jailroad Ington. l.60per rks be lle will here Friday evening, doing much dam age vo corn ami ower crops. To work on the Pamlico Spund 1 Mr. waiter Roberta passed through between New Bern and WasH our berg Saturday enroute for New- Teams $4,00 per day; laborers, ! I1""- dav. AddIv to foreman on w Mr. Fred Roberts of Wilson, is here tween above points, or local auperin- visiung inenus ana relatives. .tendenta, New Bern. Vancetbro or Misses Lora Garner and Leona Mc- Washington. Cain left Saturday for liavelock, where . J. G, WHITE & CO, they will visit Mr. and Mrs Joe Lockey I for a while. I Mrs. D. N. McCain of Newport, vis- j iled Mrs. A. A. Garner of this place $5.00 REWARD Wanted, Mi Itary Saturday. I Bounty Land Warrants. Wilrpy $5 fiat, cnttinff- la in nrocrress now. but for telling me who has one wtethar I the weather keeps so bad we fear our 'buy or not. Dealers excepted.1 Contractors. farmers will loose much of their crops. Mr. Alvin Garner of Jour place, has been indoors for a few days, laid op with a carbuncle, but we are glad to see him out plowing again. We had another thunder storm Sun day night. K. L. M. Kelley, Kansas City, Mo. West Raleigh. Before going away call in and see if your diamonds are mounted secure. J. 0. Baxter, the leading jeweler. 1 That Fourth of July Train. ! The Journal is not disposed to enter into an injunction suit or anything of the kind, but would say that the Fourth of July special train to Morehead that is to be put on that day is a great in convenience to the citizens of New Bern who would like to participate in the dance at the Atlantic on the night of the Fourth. Coming as it does in the middleof the week the young business men, clerks, etc., could easily go down cn the even ing train, and of course a good many others would so in the morning, but they would like to return that night so they may be at their business at the us ual hour next day, but aa it is they w ill have to remain all night, and we would say right here that scores will have to remain at nome, wnen 11 tne train ren after the dance they would be too glad to take advantage of the trip. That New Bern always furnishes a large crowd at these ev.mts can be easily vouched for by the ticket agent heye, as at the opening ball there were over two hundred from New Bern present. The Journal trusts Mr. Bunch, the traffic manager, will look into this nut ter and make the necessary change, for t will bo a paying remedy if done. R. K. TRINITY COLLEEE Four Departments Colleg ate, Graduate, Engineering and taw. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in at de partments of science. Gymna sium furnished with best appa ratus. Expenses very mode 'ate. Aid fcr worthy students. . Young Mtn wlihlng to Studf Law should Investigate lh superior advantages offered by the Department ol Law Is Trinity College. For catalogue and further in formation, address, P. W. Newsom, Registrar, DURHAM, N. C." Mr. Hancock Succeeds Himself. It was a matter of gratification to his many friends to note that Mr. S. W. Hancock had been re-appointed post master at New Bern. This is Mr. Han cock's third term' and he has filled his office acceptably a-d to the satisfac tion of the government His adminis tration has seen one of the greatest eras of prosperity the city has kn' wn. The post office is one of the best placea to watch the growtn of the city'a popu lation and of its business. He has kept abreast with the growth of the city and established the post office on a rating of second to none in the State. Terrorists killed three detectives Warsaw, Russian Poland. in Harlowe and N. Harlowe. June 26, It is potato digging time and like the other truck our farmers are getting unsatisfactory returns both in quantity and price. Dr C N Mason attended as delegate the Carteret convention at Beaufort last Wednesday. Miss Bessie Morton who attended the Dickinson-Conner marriage at Tbur man is making a visit to her grand parents and other relatives the remain der of the week. Miss Reba Morton after a visit to her relatives at North Harlowe returned to her home in 'Beaufort last Wednesday. Mr E C Boomer, the popular hotelist of Morehead City was here Thursday attending to business in a commercial way. Mm A B Taylor, after spending a few days with her mothor and other rela tives retu.ned to her home at New Bern last Tuesday. Miss May Adams has returned from Thurman vhere she went to attend the Dickinson-Conner marriage. Mr Fred Jones of New Bern is spend; ing a few days with relatives. i Mr and Mrs J E Taylor gave an ice cream birthday party to their oldest daughter, Miss Agalee, Friday night but we fear that many of the boys had to atay back in consequence of tha heavy rain storm of the evening. Mrs John S Morton and son Ashby returned home last night after a few day a stay with her parents and other relatives at Thurman. Mr W F Becton took some of his fine honey to fill his many order and tn at-' tend to other business in Newport last Saturday, returning home on Sunday. June 37. Verv little rain has fallen here for the past two weeks and the weather is not extremly hot. These two good conditions of the weather makes it very pleasant for the thousand teachers that I ... 1 ., , .-Oil.. 1-1 daily paraae tne Deautuui lawns 01 tne A. & M. College. A lawn party at the Capitol S .uare was greatly enjoyed by a number of our delegates Tuesday evening, June26th. Tuesday night in Pullen Auditorium Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, president of tne University of Virginia and known throughout the South as one of the most influential educational speakers, spoke to a large audience. Dr. Alderman is a native North Carolinian with a grand record, briefly, he told the story of h's visit to this State, and how much pleas ure it gives him to meet so many fa miliar faces, and to note the great improvements that have been accom plished. Later he told how North Caro lina has always been to the front in so many unfavorable circumstances, and of the present growth of educational influence throughout North Carolina. In honor of Mr. Alderman's visit a reception was given at the home of Mr. Joeephus Daniels' Wednesday night. All the faculty and delegates to the Summer School were invited to be pies- ent on this grand occasion. On Monday evening CoL F. A. Olds, director of the museum, took us through the HaU of History. The Col onelia a grand gentlemen of some fifty years, but judging from his activity and the pleasure he seems to have in explaining the relics, especially to the young ladies, we would not sayhe was more than thirty. Among the many relics we saw, waathe pistol used by the famous pirate, Edward Teach, or "Black Beard," and the bell used by Gov. Tryon while in New Bern. Strange to aay, out of a thousand teachers, if there ia any here from Jones county, we haven't met them. , . M. Yale Wine Regatta Special lo Journal. New London, June 28 -Yale beat Har vard in the annual regatta today. Bet ting was 3 to 1 fir Yale. Both crews were in splendid condition and the race was watched with intense interest by thousands of people.. The race was one of the best they have ever had. MacKay's Mac-u-dine ; cures all headaches, etc, does not de press the heart, 10, 25 and 60 cents a bottle at druggists, 5c dosea at foun New York Cotton Market The following were the opening and closing prices 00 the Nsw York Cotton Exchange, June 28. Open High Low Cloae July 10.1) 10.16 10.14 10.14 Oct 10.8) J0.36 10.27 10.27 Dec 10.41 '10 41 10 83 10.33 Receipt 4,106. Last year-0,613 : - Smoking I a Powder Magazine Is courting death mora" suddenly but not more surely than neglecting kidney disorders, Foley's Kidney Care will cure a slight disorder in a few days and its continued use will cure the most ob stinate cases. It has cured many peo ple of Bright's disease and diabetes who wera thought to be incurable. If poll have kidney or bladder trouble, commence taking Foley's Kidney Cure today, before it is too late. Sold by Davis' Pharmacy. "Dr. Lee Cohen of Balti more will be at the office of Dr. R. D. V. Jones from July 8th for two weeks, where he Don't forget to take a l'odak with vou on you'- summer vacation? A full line of Eastman's at J. 0. Baxter's, the leading jeweler. Where Will You Spend The Fourth 7 The Fourth of July begins to show its approach, and people are planning where to spend the day. Inasmuch as there is not to1 be any celebration in New Bern we may all as well go if there is any place to go. Morehead expects to have a bio crowd and the Atlantic hotel is preparing for a rousing time. There are to be some good attractions down thrre, especially the dance. Ef forts are being made to have a train return to New Bern after the dance, and quite likely the efforts will bo suc cessful if a gjfficiont number can bei secured to warrant the running of special- Spend the day at Morehead. We guarantee that you will enjoy every minute that you stay there. , Unknown Friends. There are many people who hive used Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar- ihoea Remedy with splendid results, but who are unknown because they have hesitated about giving a testimo nial of their experience for publication. These people, however, are none the less friends of this remedy. They have done much toward making 't a house bold word by their personal recommen dations to friends and neighbors. " It is a good medicine to have in the home and ia widely known for its cures of diarrhoea and all forma of bowel trou ble. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. , , x Announcement. To the Democratic voters of Craven county: ' I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Surveyor of Craven county, subject to the Demo cratic primaries. -, Yours very truly, i F. A. FULCHER, New Bern, N. C. Announcement. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the democratic nomination of Treaa TRINITY PARK SCHOOL. A first-class preparatory school Certificates of graduation accept ed for entrance to leading Souih ern colleges. ? Beit Equipped Preparatory School In the South. Faculty of ten officers and teachers. Campus of seventy five acres. Library containing thirty thousand volumes. Well equipped gymnasium Hgh standards and modern mot hi d i of instruction. Frequent, lectures by psominent lecturers. Expen ses exceedingly moderate. Seven years of phenomenal success. For catalogue and other infor mation, address H. M. North, Headmaster, DURHAM, N. C. Stella Happenings. June 26. Mrs C D Morton and son,, Roscoe, of Blades, who have been visaing Mrs M W Barker, returned hom very unex pectedly Saturday due to the illness of her husband. Messrs Q. H Jenkins and G E Weeks and Misss Dunnie Koonce and Mildred Kininghairi of Maysville spent Sunday p n. with us. Miss Lura Pelletier returned home Sunday p m after spending 'a few dayB with Miss Macy Weeks at Pelletiers. Messrs Benjamin Irving and Fred Mattocks of this place attended ser vices at Bethlehem Sunday. Miss Geneva McGinn is spending sometime with friend at Swui)') Miss Jimmie Sabiston who has been visiting friends at New Bern and Deppe returned home last week. Mr Charlie Coston and Miss Genola Everett spent Sunday p m at Deppe. Mr Cage Weeks of Pelletier spent Sunday night in this place with his brother, Mr C E Weeks Mr L T Gillette and niece, Mies Gladys Collins of Maysville passed through here Sunday en route for bil-verdale. What has become of the Bogue cor respondent? Let us hear from you. p-each." fLQURfrV VPAST Which fj V" , -x0N0wrt Ohio J ROBERTS & HURST Distributors for Craven, Car teret, Onslow. Jones, Pam lico, Beaufort, And King ston Counties. AIwavs Remcxitar th Fan Nam ,t axative Rromo Quinine pit J Cures a CoK in One Day, CrJphi a Days Kinston Practical Business College Offers to Enterprising Young People II Thoroooh Business Training At A Small Cost - We teach the Commercial Course, embracing Sirfgle, Double Entry, Joint stock Bookkeeping. Business Practice, (including Wholesale and Retail Mer chandising, Banking. Insurance, Real Estate, Commission and Brokerage), Commercial Uw, Business Writing, Grammar, Spelling and Business Corres pondence. " ' The Stenographic Course, embracing Shorthand, Typewriting, Grammar, Spelling and Business Correspondence. " SPECIAL . TERMS THROUGH SUMMER MONTHS I We occupy the second floor of the WhltaUer Building, one of the largest and finest buildings in the city. Call and See us or write for Terms and Particulars. uEt-r tat Jones County. Asking the ' -------- - , . .. , . 1 CiOmpieie Lrlinraijr v. will: s?e ..oatients needine cordial support 01 an g uemu. , d it! $l39-00i treatment of diseases of the Respectfully eye,' ear, nose and throat ; - w. p. banks Atlantic Christian College, 'V V FOR MALE AND FEMALE Facultv from Masjey Business College, Randolph Macon, Martha Washington, rin;nn. tr tnrl (tanon Conservatories. Yale and Syracuse Universities. ........... r.n..i.i. ta Faiifui. Laadliia la k. I. Dsorsa. Thorough Instruction in Languages, Fclence, Mathematics. Painting, IChlna Decorations, Pen Drawing, Instrumental and Vocal Music, ElocuUon and Physical Culture, Book-keeping, Shorthand and Typewriting, and Ministerial Course. , ' Brick Building, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Sewerage, Good Order, Mild Discipline. Strict Pl-ty. . ' . .. ...... ..,:..,'r. Complete Literary Course, one year, including matriculation, rd and Tuition, $139.00. Board In cluba for young men at actual coat. Opens September 4, 1906. For Catalogue or other Information, write w . J. J. HARPER, LL D.. President, Wilson, N. C.