. J V- .BUta Library No. 27. NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, TUESDAY JULY 3. 1906.---FIRST SECTION. 29th YEAR CHILD'SAW FUL HUMOR MRS THAW MAKES COOD WITNESS ENDORSE THE N. & S. y BRIDCE PROJECT No More Screamed with Pain Suffering Nearly Broke Parent's Heart Twelve Years of M isery Doctor Called Case Incurable Helped from First, and SPEEDILY CURED BY CUTlCURA REMEDIES "I wish to Inform you that your Wonderful Cuticura ftus put a stop to twelve years of misery 1 passed with my son. As an in fant I noticed on his body a red spot and treated same with diftiTcntrem ediesfor about five years, but when Chances Taken Escapes. On Jail She li Calm in Hit fact of Rigid Croa OppwKion to thf Treatls Agreement on Encampments Dates at More head. Supplleslor the State Guard. The Postmastership Between Ilrlggs and Hardin. Speeial Correspondence, Raleigh, N. C, June 29. --Adjutant General j Examination. Special to Journal I New York, June 30 In the examina tion before the grand jury today in the Thaw murder cnse, Mrs. Thaw was the principal witness and she was on the stand for four hours and was not only helped her husband but aided her lawyers materially. She was free in Sound I ' M II If Across Albemarle Contested by Issuing ' i : petitions. A largely attended public meeting was h.M at the city hall last night un der the auspices of theChamber of Com merce; to endorse the action of the Nor folk & Southern Railroad's motive to build a bride across Albemarle Sound. The company desires to make the bridge at Mnkev's Ferrv in order to facilitate Robertson and Quartermaster lawyers materially, sine was tree w, - m',.hM M r j ( j . , , . travel uetwecu nwumswu v. u j General Macon, who came hrs yester-: giving her history and faced the cross Norfolkj a feature 0f the corporation's day to arrange the date for the en- examination unflinchingly. The testi- ereat railway scheme. The opponents campmenta at Moreneaauitj, ror.o.nea mony make3 one nAttA type-written j say t)t the bridge will be a detriment to near irom uovenw u.,. She obtained evidence of many to thef.t-, greed -upon July Sth to August drd . . Mr. i j. : rt giinden was chairman lor ine oecona negimem, unu auguauv o - - coached her lawyers on what questions to ask. the spot began to got larger I put him under the care of doctors. Under their treatment the disease spread to four different parts of his body. The longer the doctors treatedhim the worse it grew. During the day it wouldget rough and form like cales. At night it would be cracked, inflamed, and badly swollen, with terrible burning and itch ing. When I think of his suffering, it nearly breaks my heart. Hiswreams could be heard down stairs. The suf fering of myson madomefull of misery. I had no ambition to work, to eat, nor Could I sleep. " One doctor told me that my son's eczema was mcuruble .and gave it up for a bad job. One evening I saw an article in the paper ulwjut the wonderful Cuticura and decided to give it a trial. " I tell you that Cuticura Ointment is worth its weight in gold; and when I had used the first box of Ointmentthere was a great improvement, and by the time I had used the second set of Cuti cura Soap,Oin Intent, and Resolvent my child was cured. He is now twelve years old, and his skin is as fine' and smooth as silk, (signed) Michael Stein man, 7 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 10, 1905." - Complete External and Internal Treatment for trery Humor, irom I'itnidea to Rorofula, 'mm Intaney to Ate, onatllig of Cullrtira Soap, 'J.'K, t Mtitment, flnc., Reiol vent, Wc. (1u form of fhocotate foaled Pllla, JWc. per rial of till), mar be had of all ilroatfleta. A ring! eel ofteDcurea, Fatter UriiK & t'liem. Corp., Sole Prop... Burton. rarralaUed Free, " Uow to Cure Iluiuon ol Childhood. Congress Quits Special to Journal. Washington, June 30- Congress ad journed today with the usual joking singing and horseplay. Many amusing features and semes were, enacted. - Intense Heat Continues Special to Journal. Chicago, June 30The heat is still intense and the suffering is increasing. Five deaths resulted from heataud mar y have been prostrated.- Five Killed at Launching. Special to Journal. Camden, N. J., June 80 The big bat tleship New Hampshire was launched here today, the New Hampshire .Gov ernor's daughter being sponsor for the occasion. . A very sad affair in connection wit! the launching was the breaking of the ''cradle" or framework on wh;ch the Vessel rested gave way and fell, killing five men. 11th to the 20th forthe First Raiment. The Governor returned this afternoon from Oriental. Pamlico county. A charter is granted St. Leo's Hos pital at Greensboro with no capital tock, several f isters of Charity, Sis ter Veronica Rilly and others being named as the incorporators. Insurance Commissioner James 1'. Young has gone to Montreat on busi ness connected with the Presbyterian Synod of the State. Col. Thomas S. Kenan and mid. K- nan are now at MamaronecK, . i. but soon will go to Saratoga to remain some six weeks or more. After July 1st large quantities of applies for the National Guard of this State will arrive here including tents for one regiment, much clothing and general equipment. Wofk has not yet begun on the rifle rtnge at the encamp ment. ' This range m ast be finished and ready for use before the troops go there, rifle practice being now specially required by the United States which pays all the expenses of these encamp ments, including pay of troops, rations, transportation;- etc. It is this rifle range which causes the -eTicamprnents to be a little later than was first ex pected. 1 It seems that the contest for the postmastership here at Raieigh will be really between Willis G. Briggs and John H. Hardin here at Raleigh. Sen ator Butler's brother is an aspirant and it looks as if there will be s test of the power of the ex-Senator in North Caro lina Republican politics. Hereafter, since the attempted es cape of prisoners from jail r",iv night before last, there will be a watchman on duty all night. Heretofore this has not been the case. Prisoners are sent here from various counties for safe keeping. The negro Bethel who cut through the door bar with a saw, then passed it to the murderer W illiams, who was with four other prisoners in a cell below and they used the bar to break two or three of the cell bars. The discovery was made barely in time to prevent the escape of all. TRINITY COLLEGE ' Four Departments Collegiate, Graduate, Engineering and Law. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all de partments of science. Gymna sium furnished with best appa ratus Expenses very moderate. Aid fcr worthy students. Young Men wishing to Study Law should Investigate the superior advantages offered by the Department of Law In Trinity College. . For catalogue end further in formation, address, D. W. Newsom, Registrar, .' DURHAM, N. C. TRINITY PARK SCHOOL. . A first-class preparatory school Certificates of graduation accept ed for entrance to leading South ern colleges. - Best Equipped Preparatory School In the South, , Faculty of ten officers and teachers. Campus of seventy five acres. Library containing thirty thousand volumes. . Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of instruction. - Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Expen ses exceedingly moderate. Seven years of phenomenal success. - For catalogue and other Infor mation, address - , H. M. North, Headmaster, .,'", " . DURHAM, N. C. Tobacco Association Postponed Special to Journal Raleigh, June 30. The annual meet- of the meeting and Mr. Ralph Gray was acting secretary. The following resolutions were adopted Whereas,- Application has been mad to the Secretary of War by the Nor folk A Southern Railway Company for authority to build a bridge across Albe marle Sound in North Carolina, and Whoraoa TVia Krwip.triict.inn find use of a.i r . i-i. m.l I " ' imr oi tne interstate xouueco 8Uch B bndge by the RaiIway Company Association of Virginia and North Carol wjH promote a wider and more freqent lina called at Danville July 5, is post- intercourse between the people of bast poned until July 12. Urn North Carolina, North and South AiDemane souna. ana aiso wan uie people 6t Southeastern Virginia, and Whereas, such a bridge will, after completion of the link of road now be- inir built between New Bern and Wash- Raleigh, July 2-The State Bjardof ineton m c., afford a quicker and Education met today and selected the I more direct passenger and freight ser- members, seven in number, of the sub-1 vice than is now possible between New text-book committee whose names will I BerR and Norfolkr a"d intermediate , . , , , I points in. Eastern North Carolina and I he entire board was in attendance anal whereas, A further intermediate re- this resolution was passed: "Resolved I suit of the use of said bridge will be that all publishers offering books fori of such saving of time in the transit of arWinn h tViB mih-tevt-hnnV rommia- passenger and freight as to greatly Text Books Must be Submitted Special to Journal SECRETARY TAFT S VISIT To North Carolina of Great Republi can Interest BUY YOUR stimulat all agricultural, industrial and commercial activities in the terri tory described, therefore, it is Resolved, That the Chamber of Com merce of New Bern, N. C, hereby ap proves aiid endorses the above de above described application and recom mends that the War Department issue loan fund amounting to twenty four it8 proper; authority for the construc- thousand dollars, and running from one I Hon and use of the proposed bridge by sion shall file with the secretary of the commission a list of all the names of all the agents, attorneys and others repre senting in any way their books and in terests in North Carolina." Board al so passed on applications from school hundred to three thousand dollars. The Fourth at Mnrehead. From all indications Morehead City will be THE PLACE on Wednesday for the people to spend this glorious holi day. There will be things going, on that are suitable to all tastes, from a prayer meeting to a bowling tourna ment, but the most important features On and after July 1st truck train No. 16 will be discontinued. All truck after of the day will be the base ball gemel this date will be forwarded on freight between Kinston andBeaufo.t and the! train Nov16, leaving here 7 o'clock a. o clock dance. 1 he orchestra has ar-1 m. s Republicans in Pamlico Editor Journal Bayboro, July 2. -The Republican County Convention of Pamlico was held Saturday for the appointment of dele gates to the State Congressional and Judicial Conventions. The place of organization gives a county convention 23 votes. 17 were present of whom 12 were anti-organization, thus showing a clear majority if all had been present. Yet they generously gave Mr. Adams one delegate. It is not so much anti Adamsasitis anti-Duncan boss rule. It was quite a contrast in the gener osity of this county to the methods of the' Cumberland County Republican Convention. ' Kepvblican. ranged a most excellent program to be rendered during the german at night and the waltz that set everybody going at Atlantic City and other resorts a few days ago has been secured, and this will be the dream of your life to listen to this alone. People just forget all troubles and cares and swim in the Well Known Methodist Stricken Special to Journal, Raleigh, July 2. Rev. J. W. Jenkins, superintendent of the Methodist Or phanage here was twice stricken today with paralysis HU life is despaired of .His son, John Wither Jenkins, a well known young journalist connected with the Baltimore Sun has been called to his bedside, " ' . Card of Thanks We wish to thank all our friends their efforts to save our goods at Sunday night fire. .. . JOHN SUTER & SON. A Unit For Pou Special to Journal Raleigh, July 2. Ninth District Con gressional Convention today unani mously "nominated E. W. Pou; T. M Pittman, of Vnce, presiding. Pou was placed in nomination by A. C. Zol- I the Norfolk & Southern Railway Com pany. j J. J. WOLFENDEN, President. Native Western North Carolina Beef at Oaks Market. Notice to Truck Shipers. J. P. C. DAVIS. New Books at Library for the The following new books haAe been received at the libray department of the Woman's Club The Shadow of Life, melodies of this waltz, and those who The Way of the Gods, are not inclined towards dancing get I The Fool Errant. that feeling right away as soon as thisljhe Countess Erilsa, beautiful composition is played. .1 Lady Bettie Across the Water, The train that leaves Morehead at 11 If Youth But Knew, o'clock tomorrow night is an advantage I Quicksands, to New Bernians that will be highly ap-1 The Dawn of A Tomorrow, predated, as you can down on the 5:601 Fenwicks Career, train in the afternoon and take in the I Conviction, dance and return home at a reasonable With Washington in the West, bed time. I Elsie's Motherhood. Finhino- ia nomethince craat this sea-1 Elsie's Children. son of the year and extra ordinary catches are being. A "Fishhawk" I Tce cream freezers, best fc2?1SS screeadeOOi.and.win; be out on 4th as they are positive fish-1 dOWS. F Ull line genera ing will be "great" that day. WHwa re. Gaskill Hard ine sun win aiso anora some prenyl . A . . .... timrn nVir-tna lav scenes rortne KoaaK nenas, as tne "con-1 waiv. vu., ww vict stripes-" will ba therein full bloom ; Sunday's Storm After three days of cessation from rain another storm visited this city Sun day afternoon. It was the regulai thunder and lightning variety and some wind was connected with it. The sto-m lasted over an hour and .98 inch rain fell The damage done by the storm con sisted In blowing down two of the large stacks on the Elm City Lumber Co mill. Crossed wires caused an alarm to be sent in from box No. 14, but there was no damage affected We may look for a continuation weather this month. The prophet, De- Voe says that July will be marked with numerous severe thunder -storms but little ralntalL The humidity will also be a marked feature, Paper Wanted Any subscriber having a copy of the weekly Journal issue of May 15, 1906., will confer a favor by sending it to this office, as that date is missing to com plete the file. Wanted . - Those young men who smashed my store window to know that the ' propo sition for the repairs" offered by the spoksman was satisfactory, but that he never came back any more." Now how about it? ' C. E. WHITC0MB. 83 George street, Picnic The Methctdist Sunday School of MaysWlle will hold their annual picnic at White Oak Church, near Mavsville. licofer, of Vance, seconded by Sheriff on Thursday July 19, 1906. All are in Goldsboro, N. G, on June 30, 1906, a Ellinirton of Johnston and F. B. A ren-1 cordially invited to come and bring full . dividend of 1) per cent on tne capital Dividend Notice A & N C R R Co. At a meeting of the Board of Direc tnm of the A. & N. C. R. R. Co. held dell of Wake county. baskets. S5.00 REWARD-Wanted, Military Bounty Land Warrants. Will pay $5 for telling mo who has one whether I buy or not. Dealers excepted. R, K. Kelley, Kansas City, Mo. stock of said R. R. Co. was declared, the same to be payable on the 20th of Julv 1906 at the office of the treasurer Heath and Milligan Paint, tt L. -i.M- .ff.. f' 11. I 1 illMIM- - mure ,wui ue aiuieomceoi our saies nave ueen large MmmUw will be closed on July io, Dr. R. D. V. Jones from July during June. 'No dissatisfied i9oe at 12 o'clock m and re-opened on 8th for two weeks,, where he customers, nothing better on '7 TV V see patients needing the market for lasting and . - Dr. Lee Cohen of Balti- Chairman Adams Pleased With Washington Trip. Mecklenburg Convention. News Falls to Arrive. Proposed Monuments. Mrs. Cunulng ham's Funeral. Bold Bur. glary. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, June 30. Republican State Chairman Adams has returned from Washington in apparent good spir its oxer the result of his trip. He had no trouble whatever in securing the ap pointment of his recommendation for a collector at the port of New Bern and seems gratified that Secretary of the Navy Taf t has consented to come and make an address before the Republi can State Convention here on July 10th. A letter from the Secretary this morn ing brings the information that he will reach Greensboro on the night of the 9th. Judere Adams has written to United States Circuit Judge Pritchard United States Di trict Judges Boyd and Pur nell andEx -Superior Court Judge W. P. Bynum, requesting them togo to Wash ington on the 8th and act as a commit tee of escort to Secretary Taft on his visit to the State. Chairman Adams seems confident of his re-election as chairman of the com mittee by ilia State Convention. When he first accepted the poaition, he stated that he was not going to make any ef fort to secure votes from any county in the 8th Congressional District, if Black burn was a candidate for the chairman ship. In spite of that position, he says that in view of the great parade Black burn's forces are making of the en dorsements he has secured t hi fact is that, he,' Adams, will get more votes for chairman from Blackburn's Con gressional District than Blackburn will get from ali other parts of the State, There is some comment here over the failure of the Industrial News this moming to have any report of one Re publican Convention in Mecklenburg yesterday, when Blackburn was en dorsed for chairman. ' The Greensboro Telegram and all othrmorning papers had the news, which precludes the idea that there was a cyclone inMecklenburg which broke down the wires. Activity still prevails in local Repub lican circles among the Adams and Blackburn factions over securing dele gates favorable to the one or the other to the county meeting called for July 7th. It is said that Judge Bynum hav ing finally positively refused to allow any use of his name complimentary or otherwise in connection witn dun- fords endorsement for the chair manship the Blackburnites are now determined to get . endorsement of Guilford out and out for Black burn as against Adams. There is a well grounded rumor afloat that the Adams forces will when convention as sembles, pull out from support of Blackburn and Harris and support fcx- Attornev General Z. V. Walser of Lex ington and carry the convention by storm. As against Adams it is said Walser would command the support of the Holton as well as the Blackburn- Harris influences, it being well known that both Holton and Blackburn voted for Walser to succeed Rollins, when thn executive committee selected Adams. The funeral services of Mrs. Lucy A Cunninggam was conducted by the Rev nr. G. H. Detwilder at West Market Street M. E. Church at 10 o'clock this The interment followed in Greene Hill Cemetery, J. A. Odell, C H. Ireland, C. H. Dorsett, F. B. Ricks jmprOVed line. lyre tiienn, ana ur. m n ... i.tina- as oall-bearcrs. , ine cnurcn was packed with loving Inenas oi me dear deDarted. the members of the Alumni Association of Greensboro Fe male College composing a large body of honorary escorts. Already the suggestion has been made to erect two monuments on the College campus. One to Rev. William Barringer, who fell from the building and was killed, while the original col lege walls were going up, and one to Mrs. Cunninggim, who has given her last years almost exclusively to aiding in rebuilding the college since m iasi destruction by fire, and who Uvea to re ioice with others at the complete re- h.kitrimnnt of their beloved Alma Mater. The police are busy trying to appre hnd the thieves who entered the pri vate office of Cunningham Bros, and carried away an Iron box containing money and valuable papers. The rob barv. which occurred Saturday1 night was not reported until yesterday. The burglars broke open the box and after taking the currency threw the papers intn an nnen lot lust below tne resi dence of P. R. King on King street. There is no clue to the perpetrators of the crime. FROM HAGKBURN AND YOU WILL HAVE A Belicioas Gup of Tea HI -OUR Everything at Cost And Less- We have a very large stock of Summer Clothing for men, boys and children to be sold very low. All two-piece Suits less than cost. Our entire stock of Men's Furnishings, and Ladies' and Men's Shoes and Oxfords goes in this Sale. Also the Dry Goods and Millinery, Ribbons, Silks, &c. We are not going out of business, but we need the money and expect to sett the goodsr The profit is all yours and lots of the cost. Nothing will be charged. J. J. BAXTER. Kodak Finishing Work delived the day after it is received. Developing a film of six 15 cents; mounted prints 7cts each. Unmounted prints 5 cents each. The Wootten Studio. 92 EAST FRONT ST. I FOR SUMMER COOKING Use an up-to-date Oil Stove. We carry the most. ine. - pSummer Specialties- REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS COULBKa, HAMMOCKS, MOSQUITO CANOPIES, c. J OH N B. IIVES. Phop 257 . 93 Middle 8Tt Dr. Pepper's PhosFerrates --AND- Hire's Root Beer FOR YOUR HEALTH SAKE TRY THEM ' will treatment of diseases of the covering Qualities. : Gaskill eye, ear, nose and throat ' Hardware Co., phone 147. BROADHURST, Secy and Treas. Native Western North Carolina Beef at Oaks Market. Crawford Nominated Special to Journal. i Ashoville, June 80. The Democrat of the Tenth Congressional District CROWN 'PHONE 105. BOTTLELTBY BOTTLING WORKS 22 CRAVEN STREET nominated Hon. Will T. Representative. .Crawford for sold o::ly id dottle. i f. to A r

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