- . ... " s .... ...... . Cm&t- --if- 1- '. -" No. 30. iW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY JULY 13. 1906. SECOND SECTION. 29th YEAR1 f V ' V f V J V ( ; i i ! I V LE ON LITTLE BOY Mouth and Eyes Covered With Crusts-Face Itched Most Fear fully Hands Pinned Down to Prevent Scratching MIRACULOUS CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES 'When mjr little boy ni ix months old, he bad tciema. The lores extended so quickly (W the whole body that we at once called in the doctor, we then went to another doctor, but he could not help him, and in our despair we went to a third one. Matters became so bad that he h-.d regular hole in his cheeky lsrga enough to put finger into. The food fcaa to be given with & spoon, for his mouth - was covered with crusts aa thick as a finger, and whenever he opened the r.iouth thojr began to bleed and suppurate, as did also his eyes. Hands, anns, cheat, and back, in short the whole body, was covered over and OTer. Wj had no rest by day or night. Whenever lie was laid in his bed, we had to pin his hands down: otherwise he would Auonso HomtATH. scratch his face, and make an open sore. I thiuk his face must hare itched most fearfully. " We finally thought nothing could help, and I had made up my mind to send my wife with the child to Europe, hoping that the sea air might cure him, otherwise he was to be put under good medical care there. But, Lord be blessed, matters came differently, , and we soon saw a miracle. A friend of ours spoke about Cnticura. We made a trial with Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent, and within ten days or two weeks we noticed a decided improvement. Just aa quickly as the sickness had appeared it also liegan to dis appear, and within 1 "U weeks tl.e child was absolutely well, and his skin v,-as smooth and white as never before." F. llohratli, President of the C. L. Hohrath Company, Manufact urers of Silk Ribbons, 4 to 20 Rink Alley, June 8, 1905. South Bethlehem, Pa. dittcura Srttp, Olntm-'it, pmI I's'.la criM throughout th world. Potter Drug fe C!k'i. I'u-u., SU l'rops.,lkntoo. asraUUwl Free, Mliyw t- C .in. lor the fsfciu." Turkey is said to object lo the United States raising Us legation in Constan tinople to an embassy. TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments Collegiate, Graduate, Engineering and Law.-" Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all de partments of science. Gymna sium furnished with best appa ratus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young Men wishing to Study ' Law should Investigate the superior advantage ottered by tht Department of Law In Trinity College. For catalogue and further in formation, address, D. W. Newsom, Registrar, , ' DURHAM, N. C, J TlllYPtflCl ' :e A first-class preparatory school Certificates of graduation accept ed for entrance; to" reading Souih era colleges, i ) - . :''.' : Beit Equipped Preparatory School In . the South,; . ., Faculty of -ten officers .land" . teachers, -i Campus. 'Of ;f.e.venty-;V 'five acres.- Library containing" thirty thousand. volumes...; Well "equipped - gymnasium, i; High standards and modern methods p-. Instruction;' Frequent lectures by psominent - lecturers; Expen- sea exceedingly moderate.' Seven ' years of phenomenal success. , For catalogue and " Other infor-"' - mation, address ... r. Kt, : ' H. M.NoTH, Headmaster, Jii'i ' -' t '' f t ' I ' DUR,IAM, N. 0 J -Hi 4: hA : (viii.t1(f(.yT.- 4 a ROBERTS . OistrjDUtt.rS. fbf CraVen, Car- teretbnsiQvVjCTo llCO Rpi'ufort' And KiriC -r' . m ' o ston Counties." v IERI ECIE1 EMPLOYE MURDERED By Brother Workman on the Aberdeen Section of Sea- board llailrond. DIES AFTER AN OPERATION ftT RALEIGH HOSPITAL. Aslant EHope. First Train Over linli'ijrh'nnil Sontliport Kernel to Fay etteville. Freight Not Yet Taken. State Charter. Director State Hospital Appointed. Special to Journal. ) Raleigh, July 10. With head badly crushed and facing death, a young white man named Phillips was brought to Raleigh from Aberdeen, early this morning, having been employed in track laying along that section of the Sea board road. Phillips died this after noon after being operated rn at the hospital here. His skull was terribly broken from a heavy blow struck with a heavy railroad wrench. Particulars of the man's home and people are not obtainable. The assail ant is said to have returned to work af ter committing the deed and then to have left, Aberdeen. The men were at work two miles from Aberdeen. The body was shipped tonight to Aberdeen on order from the Coroner of Moore county. Parties traveling along the road realized Phillips' condition and a collection was taken up and he was brought to Raleigh. He was reported to have been without medical attention from mid-day till his arrival here. The first train over the Raleigh and Sou'hport railroad was run through to Fayetteville this afternoon, connection having been established at mid-day. The train left here after time, having waited for the Seaboard passengers. Freights will not be operated for some time yet, but passenger service will be maintained from today. Chartered Southern Star Wood Filler Company, Greensboro, $5,000 stock, H. H. Emmons and others incorporators. ; Governor Glenn has appointed B. W. EdwardB, of Snow Hill, Greene county, on board of directors of the State Hos pital at Goldsboro to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Elisha Porter deceased. 'J. M. Moore & Co., of Swan Station, Moore county, filed involuntary peti tion, in bankruptcy. ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. Civil 'EiiginecriiiR Depart ment United States Says They Are Needed in i-;.. V : VL ilipi nesJ jparm- '.Alt:J.'5'("crs'"ConTentioii. -; . (Special correspondence.) : Raleigh, June 11 The second day's session of the North Carolina Farmers convention- opened ' auspiciously -this morning and with a torpor attendance A Urp over the A. & 'M..College farm -was-tnade-at-stJr-o'eltvk -this morning an. a goodly crowd followed out the itinerary. Today's 'morning i session was devoted to -special-- programme of fthe-tobacco-and-eotteu-armers, the dairymen," the institute workers., and the women who are so deeply Interested in farming and so closely related there to:;' The afternoon Pesslon was general nt was participated tn by experts in more technical lines,' I I The case of State'vs M. t. Norris!for alleged arson has been set for "trial to morrow in Wake county Superior court. Able council is employed for the de fendant and the State will be ably backed by twd olhefttorneys in addi' tion to the solicitor. . I ', ' ' The civil engineering department of the Agricultural and Mechanical Col l;ge is in receipt of a letter fro.-n the United States War Department invit lng attention to the fact that engineers and surveyors ore needed in the Philip pine service and asking that the co-, 41 iL. II - J- I ' . ' 1 ' operation of the college in bringing the uatcs. The department is askec to file a list of the graduates in tht event that tljey may be directly communicated with. Acceptance of such Work is under , .', mA . ti.,L. ot a desirable nature are held out in the governments offer. - Tfue Bill Against Morris Special to Journal. ! , I Raleigh,' jut-i2.The Grand jury Carpenters Demands Refused VAtnrnAfl n 'tribal. ,11 nr-n mf Hl,.l,.n..n....'.1 i. T .i 1 . .. , . .V Tyson Morris," the well known merchant in the cou"try . noRf this citv- The firs ,curreu last coruary and It is charged was made to obtain insurance. PROCEEDINGS. Great Addpe88 1Jy secretary Grimes on State's Agri cultural Progress and.' Outlook, Others Speak. Special to Journal. Raleigh, July 10-The North Caro- i lina Farmers Convention met today. e opening address was by S. L. Pat- terson, commissioner 01 i-vgimunuic, followed by patriotic address of wel come by Governor Glenn, which was marked by enthusiasm and praise of State and its development in air ways. C, C. Moore, President and ex presie'ent of Cotton Growers Association of North Carolina, made the response. At the afternoon session, Hon. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State, spoke on "Ten years of progress in ag riculture, and agricultural outlook in North Carolina. " He expressed a gen eral view of the State's resources, con- trarted present and old methods, re viewed the period of depression among fcirmers and conditions today. Spoke specifically of adaptation of methods of steam ind power against, men pow er, occasioned by scarcity of labor. Explained that scientific agriculture had done more in a scientific way than the appliance of any other type of science. Was emphatic in statement that old and supposed barren lands once almost abandoned had been brought in to state of greatest profit bearing to day, because of improved applicat ion of chemical fertilizers, and noted the fact that today two and three crops are grown where one was considered a hopeless task. Dwelt with force on educational development, road building as factor, rural routes, and the parcels post, also local tax elections and their effect on education. Doctor Tait Butler, State Vetrinar- ian, was strong in his treatment of the tick trouble, giving three reasons, first it did sufficient damage by- sucking blood and depleting stock; second, con veyed tick fever which killed more cat tle between May and December than any six other diseases; third, Federal quarantine restriction, which so mili tated against "profitable vc-aring and breeding, ard depreciated values, some times as much as a quarter cent a pound. Have proven the practicability since have exterminated in ten coun ties of State. A. G. Green was impressive and prac t'cal, and followed in a talk, spoke against present lien law' as operating against merchants, farmers, land own ers and tenants. Prof. Hume, J. S. Jeffrey, Dr. Wil cox were not present, will speak at later time, possibly tomorrow. At night session speeches were made by C. B. Harris,- A. L. French and Ed H Webster, the last chief of dairy divis ion at Washington, D. C. There's no gift of earth or sky. Which your rich stores withhold, " It is the breath of life to me, r'' ..Your famous Rocky Mountain Tei. , F. S. Duffy, - Involves Millions , " i Special to Journal. " y Chicago- July . 12 Carpenters nd iron , workers have struck .and three thousand men have, gone oui In re sponse to the order of the strike com rhittee"oT ttuir labor unionsThe. action involves two million' dollars and has caused a blockade in work,,.,.. :: ''' ? i" ': t . ".' Fatal Motor Car. Accident Special to Journal. ' London, July 12. While going down a steep" hHC'lhe"l)rakes on a motor onv riibus Irowded with passengers broke ani the car ran down the hilk ;six poo- ple were; kilfedjanot a 8cbter, or more. Death of George W. Cobb 'Special M Journal, f-" ,' .' " Elizabeth" City, "July 12. --Mr. George' tir' K.I.V' " n .hljilL jit rin. i' j!' 1 r... who, . vy!'ct.y vu8ton'.Vueij sere, today of . an attack heart disi ease.) Raleigh;' July- ll-Contrac'tors have signed Ironclad agreement not to grant carpenters their demand, of , ten-hows pay for nine hours work-There are BO union carpenters in the city. T PRIZE AND ONE SECONDJ The Trophies Awarded iXew Bern Laddies at the Fire mens Tournameut. A RECORD ESTABLISHED BY THE ATLANTIC. r t Some Interesting nnd Exciting Events at Ashevill Yewterduy. Six "Teams Rnled" Oit in hmv Wagon Race, is'ext Meeting Will lie in Wilmington. Special to Journal. Asheville, July 11 The Firemen's Convention adjourned Wednesday night at midnight. All old jfiicers were re elected by acclamation and amidst great enthusiasm. This has been as genuine ly enjoyable a tournament a3 has ever been held. The people of Asheville have shown their hospitality in many different ways and leave nothing un done that wi'l contribute to the comfort and pleaf ura of the visitors. This tournament marks the largest attend ance of any witoin the history of the association. Thero wera several invitations from cities but Wilmington otl'ered the big gest inducements. The rule that entertaining c ities should furnish hose was repealed but this, however, dues not pertain to the present tournament. The contests today were exciting and interesting. The New Bern boys kept well up to the front in all the events in which they participated. In the quick steaming contest New Bern won against Goldsboro, the only other entry. She lowered the record 22 seconds and has established what may be called th world's records. Following is the time: New Bern 2 06J. Goldsboro, 3:.'!2J. In the long distance water throwing contest Goldsboro won first money, throwing a stream 237 feet, 9 inches against New Bern's 219 feet, 10J inches. . In the hose wagon race the following is the list of t'P.ms entered and time made: Raleigh, Rescue, 28. Rocky Mount, :J0 2-5. Goldsboro No 1, 31. Henderson, 32. Durham No 1, 0. Rale'gh, Capital, 0. New Bern, 0. Goldsboro, Eclipse, 0 Kinston, 0. H -, Asheville, 0. - - In the hook and ladder race Raleigh beat Asheville. ( . ' Raleigh, 4. : Asheville, 45 2-6. ' A fact that caused so many failures in the horse wagon race was thi extra ordinary' strong1 water ' pressure that was furni'shedVlTO pounds pressure. . New Bern s share in .the prize money is fel00, The boyos are well satisfied with their efforts. '- ' Dreyfus Vindicated.' ' Special to Journal, , . . .-.r Paris; July 12-The . Supreme Court of France ha annulled the condemna tion proceedings against Capt.' preyfus and he.! is completely , vindicated of charges against him. ,-Tha coijrt also orders that he be restored to liis full rank in the army.' ' Dreyifus Va9 first ' arresledj about twelve, years ago. .and his case won world wide sympathy and renown,. He was convicted of selling military' secrets 'to the German government and Was de graded and sentenced' SoMife Irpprisoh- mci)t 6n. peyils Island in the Carribean Sea. He says the ordeal he has had has been hard to bear but he felt' that ht nrniilrl eventiialiv be AcriiiUted of the charges, lie 'expresses ""thaiikk -to his friends who remained true"t6'1ji tn, and who made this actien' posslbla. e'iv' 1 (.jntf J" - i - ;''' , - j ? fie!?9ite -ft?.???? ' The' following -delegate from Onslow county were transferred froiti the Coast; Line train to the train to Morehead last n rrht to attend the Senatorial ksonven- tion today Messrs. S. B. TayTorfW. K Kellura, C. A. Pctteway, R: B. Jarman, J. F.' Bell, ,-W.cMV Thompson, J. W. Burton, R." P Hinton, F. W. Harget, ; E, ; Mr t-na r. w t,-.w .e.w.- iti: 'J.Dr.B." L. Klhjni, liodolph Duffy. FIRS ID ON Eighth Senatorial District Convention at Morehead a Warm Xwuber- COUNTIES VICTORS. Much Rag C'lu'wing and Waste of Time in Convention That 'Ceroid Have Been Put to Better Use. Full Attendance of Delegates Present. Disappoint ment to Craven. The Eighth Senatorial convention was held at Morehead City yesterday and it was very much on the order of an Adams-Bkickburn affair There was discussion over a non essential techni cality which to the casual observer seemed like a waste of words and test of temper all unnecessary. : The convention was called to order at 1:30 by Col. S, B. Taylor, of Onslow; the chairman of the executive commit tee, Mr. W. S. Chadwick, was detained by sickness. Mr. J. E. Debnam of Greene couuty was elected tempoiary secretary. The roll call of counties was made to ascertain whether thera wore contests in the lists of delegates. All answered none except Lenoir and right there was the beginning of the first and worst scrap. Mr. E. M. Land secretary of the Lenoir delegation an nounced that there was a contest and Mr. Plato Collins made the assertion that there was none, stating that the list presented -was duly authorized and signed by the chsirman anJ secretary, Mr. Land hi tnselt being the secretary. Mr. Land insisted that there was a con tort on b-jc-iuse the d-jU-gutes wen- not allowed to appoint their own dele gates. After considerable oi3cuasion some of which showed some temder, other delegates butted in trying to allay the difficulty and they made it all the worse. " The confusion made by this Dlav was of course intense. The matter was ended by the convention putting Lenoir county on the creden tial committee. The appointing of committee on reso lutions and platform was the next in order and was as follows: Dr C N Mason, R A Nunn, J B Frazelle, T D. Warren, L R Varser. W M Thompson. The committee on permanent organiza tion were D C Wade, E M Green, E L Horton, L P Tapp, W B Sande.-s. After the appointment of these committees the convention took a recess of thirty minutes. . ' Upon resuming proceedings the com mittee on permanent organization re ported Mr. Plato Collins, of Lenoir as chairman arid Walter Thompson, of Onslow, aa Secretary. The report of the committee on resolutions and plat form was made through Mr. L. R, Varser. It endorsed the platform as adopted. by the State Democratic Con vention; the temperance laws as shown in the Watts and the Ward lawsj Sena tor Simmons' candidacy for re-election to the United States Senate. They is sued inetaruetioiw to the nominees that they should assist in every way' enact ment of laws compelling the material and substantial reduction of freight and passenger rates. Ths report was unan imously adopted. ; The" nomination of candidates were then fn order. Carteret yielded her right to make nomination tq Lenoir and L, RliYarser placed the name ot Y. 'I. Ormond before the convention; Mr. C, E. Foy nominated D L Ward; 1 .second to Ward's nomination came from Mr. Lindsav. of Greene, Mr." Arendell and Dr. Sanders of Carteret,'and T D War ren, of Jones, Dr. Mason presented the name of J W Burton, of Onsloy amid ereat cheers. , '! ,, .. ... . ! Messrs Thompson and Duffi made speeches endorsing the nomination and Mr S M Brinson spoke in favor (Of D I. Ward. The vote was then takei Which was,.as follows. , - "' . - ; , Qrmond Burton Ward Carteret, v 20 "' t Craven,": r- .' -:r" 32 Greeher ':'! fr- t vi ;8 Jones, i Lenoiri Gnslow, -"( fNn"5 23-24 V5 -' ' 30 . '..'') iv : '': -.18 -j- i , ; -y'7$v58 23-24...64.J.24 During tha count of the ballot Mr. Ward addressed. 9 th.(. convention exr pressing his appreciation of . thO. ork done by his, friends in,,his behilf, not only in the convention,., but r.Jn the en tire campaign He said that ne per ceived that the sentiment of the con vention was not in his favor,, and that he would withdraw; he then made the motion that reconvention casta unan- imous ballot ' for Messrs Crmond and Burtoh, thev motion-was seconded by Cravencounty ana. tM convention, was ai an enu nil ; -it I Your are often out of sorts, yourv body1 la--ks energy, "your nerves,,, are, weak; bad taste in your mouth,; why not help.nature by taking llellister's Rocky Vnm,tin fM. ..Tea or .Tablets: ',35 ,cent9..--F..S.. Duffy,,. THE PRESIDENTS CU. lie States Too Little Interest i ' is Taken in Farmers Meet ings. Farmers to .Help A. & M. College. Special to Journal. Raleigh, J u'y 11. -President Moore, of the State Farmers Convention made a big sensation today .when he charged State officials, city officials, merchants, manufacturers, bankers and profess ional men for their notable indifference in regard to the farmerf meetings. He saM that it was a matter of intense re gret that no hand of hospitality and welcome had been extended to the vis iting farmers inasmuch as the farmers contributed so much to their welfare. His remarks were strong and were directed to the citizens. A resolution was introduced by Mr. E. L. Daughtridge and seconded by Mr. R. H. Gower, and it was unanimously adopted that a special tax be levied on farms for the support of the Agricult ural and Mechanical College be in amount taken from the State treasury funds as others not specifically taxed for other departments. That agricultural education is entitled to the same helpful nurture as in other brauches, -that in no wise shall special fertilizer tax be diverted to other inter ests from agricultural advancement af ter the farmers of the State receive for their business the same support and consideration that other interests re ceive. The executive committee of the North Carolina cotton growers associa tion after consideration of the resigna tion of President C. C. Moore, of Meck- nburg county, declined to accept it, holding in abeyance until the special meeting to be held in August. The afternoon session was devoted to tispection of agricultural buildings, band concert, and address of H. C. Docke.-y, Chairman of the Executive Committee Cotton Growers Association His words were admonishment to higher and more ethical life among farming classes appealed especially for boys on the farm, their proper care and nourish ment as well as education and more encouragement of gentler and subtler amenities that civilize and educate. Mr. Dockery paid high tribute to Presi dent Moore and reviewed successes and strugles of cotton growers. . Qe called on farmers for more liberal support showing how association had so slight beginning in resources and direct re lief afford by merchants, -others em phasizing need for corporation and direct help among themselves. Murdered Then Burned Special to Journal Minneapolis, July 11. Miss Nellie Ellison of Ellsworth, was murdered to day by being struck on the head with a hammer. .The body was then tied-to a couch which was saturated With bit and the couch set on fire. It is thought that the murderer is M, P. Wilson who was a, rejected lover, ( Union Men Kllf Police Special to Journal. , ,, , ; New York, July 11. Special police climbed up eight stories in building is the process of construction to make an arrest and were attacked by 100 j union iron workers. One officer was killed being thrown down to the ground.. The pthcr two officers were badly' hurt, ' Briital Russian j Officer Killfed. Special to JourhaL ! ,. ,! ' SebastapoL July Uth-rVice Aldmiral ChonkninVas assailed and stabbed by a Russian sailox. He jcommanded a fleet in the Black Sea and was ireatly disliked OiiOTCount of his severjty and brutality which were the causes of last years mutiny. n"f.'Mi' Railroad Heavily Fined j r Special to Journal '; Chic's go',"! JuTy' ll. The Chicago & Alton . ' RailwayCa. which "was found iruiltv ! at kadMSuty'hst week' of granting ill.QK.al rebates was sentenced today tto pay a fine of $40,000, and two 'j the company's officers were fined - m' addiUon th foer IT.' . i .n. smy .-w-'vV... -i .alty Ice Sharks Brought to Tawt , , .. Special. to journal. y ! i i T ' . .- - . . !" -.v v.-' s Washingtoivi Julyj WnTha Grand Jury hag returned true bills against Ice, v y fo,; conspiracy W raise prices ;s . ' ,. violation ot the Sherman and the anti-trust laws. FALSE ALARMS . mm micpuicc ILL Fanners Convention Closed. Meetings Well Attended. ! Interesting Topics. FEDERAL SUIT AGAINST- ATLANTIC COAST USE. Hackett's Chances to Win are Bright. Hot Democratic Campaign. -Golf Links at Country Club. Site For Union Passenger Sta-v. tion. Finance Com mittee Meets.- : (Special Correspondence.)' Raleigh, July 12. The Finance Com- ' mittee of the North Carolina Board of Agriculture is in session- to-verify the accounts and to transact routine busi- ; neas. The committee is composed of Hon. S. L. Patterson, chairman; Wm. Dunn, New Bern; J. P. McGray, Lau rinburg; J. M. Firehand, Tynerr A. T. McCallum, Red Springs. - The. work will donsume two or three days. : ' A violation of the city ordinanco re specting pulling of false . ore alarms was at a late hour laBt night the means of calling attention of the Chief of the Fire Department to the inefficiency of the present alarm system, - The falsa alarm developed the fact that the. gonge were not working at fire-headquarters, or in the rooms of the call firemen. The system is ' being overhauled and corrected. ' By the breaking of a scaffold three Raleigh carpenters precipitated , some thing more than feet without any serf ous injuries. The executive committee of the State Hospital Board iB meeting for -routine business. .... ' The closing session of the .North, Caro lina State Farmers Convention was largely attended this morning, the specefic work of the various apartments being more than noteworthy; United States District Attorney Skin - ner who is here has brought suit in the United States District Court at Wil mington for $4,500 against the Atlantic- Coast Line for penalties for failure to provide safety appliances for trains and- thus violating the law made which requires such appliances.... , iiuim IJIIJUII Large numbers of Republicans re turned today from the - Greensboro State Convention. They laid that Blackburn had raised a ' great clamor there and had been literally snowed under; buried deep, as they expressed it, but said he had shown his manhood'" last night by moving to make the act Ion of the convention unanimous. It was a fight to a finish, these Republi cans said. They added that the Black burnites had interrupted , Secretary Tait quite a lot during his speech. Among today's arrioala, was , Richard N. Hackett of Wilkesboro," Democratic nominee in the 8th district" He is al ready to 'Work to win and is bright and hopeful but the party will hawe to do its very, best to maka..him a, pinner. That is the only way to get success, some of the most influential men in the district say?' Among other arrivals was Joru S; Cunningham who" can to at tend the .Farmers State Convention. He was asked about tobacco and said he had seen many crops in the Pied mont, section and in that ..section the crop- is a. very good, average one with healthyjand tall, plants! , . The hot Uemocratic campaign in this eoimty continues and a'ffllmbertf Dem ocrats remarked that they -eanhot see how it does the party a bit .of food. It is one of the. warmest, campaigns on record here. " ' .. ' Steps 'are being taken to have a country club and golf Itnki 'here and also; possibly, to have-- a maaement haUr on a. large scale, . topluding a ahat- ing rink which is, yery, greatly needed. Until a country club, with golf links is provided the" finest hotel here will re main' closed W ft li not the purpose to bring Northern' -vkitors- to -Jtaleigh without providing them with the amuse menta they fancy,,,,:, What has been long known as the Batchelor place here on the south side of the parfc which faces the Union pas senger staekm has been purchased by a Raleigh firm and will be vised, as a mar ble yard, This place way for a great many years the property of the Tucker family, so promfneht "teTO'ahd at the clone Of the war was the headquarters Of General Nelson- A, - Miles,,U, S. A., who afsexwaida,becaroe tha. general at .tbAl(arm7;t1?i Carrie Nation to the Front Special to Journal r . ' Dallas texas July "ii-turrie ITa- tion,.of hatchet fame haste, a ii, i: ' ' by the grand jury for seii li. 4 o! circular through the iniu.a e Private Talks to Boys.' i-T t-y- -t -.- -. : Native V.'estcrn l' ttO.M" ' . , "l f:

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