WW ' - . o-. i.hu I. Two Sec tloaa. every Toi asy and Frldy, Mouroil Biilldliig.58- eOOravea y' W V ' CHARLES L. STEVEN. IDROB UWWHW.J-" , SUBSCRIPTION RATE?" T-a Months.. . ..mW-MS.- - iiireeeiidnths;:.,.. H MX oomft.Lnuuv""."- ai 00 ( . Official Paper of New Bern and Craven , Advertising rates furnished upon fL . plication at me omce, or ui-,-- ri'Jbis'rfBiy'isli 'on PJ hull - ftuhacribe; win tuttt aotie ceipTra'l'irorthelr sub scription and an immediate response to ,i anfereciated by the lvw w- - - - tgateei' ai the l&toffice, . KewBero ,,,uu,aNew Bern N,.vuiy r.' 1906. if 1 trCW0HLL'6ROWTH,SOUTH -BaitUiftjre'Siin:' ' I ; 11. .1 I llkltt-1 i ,-fi,.3ihe mimber.aud rate, of , hicnaase of i,, Souther cotton mills is set' forth im- .' pressively Tthe -TextiltfDWeStbry" ""of the'Sodthefti ftallway,' wSicti' shows : ,i&,of;)"i.ut5X in MuiteBiversedbythe,Southertk ' In ..Jawuwy of the .present year there-Were inthese"(ates,173;284" looms and 6,4 77,'M6" Spindles', an 'increase "ov'rjthe' previous year pi o, iw(ira,,nnu -.--""566 gpipcUes,, .At the date named there aa.wera,iiii.pneparation3,H'"ioo3i9 and. V 405,264 spmdteB' VirriJa hf 'Hiills " &A(t ISS'spindfes; Tennessee) Y2mlis '"ana '1,716' spindles;', gouty .foroluja,"' 148 mills and 2,861,330 spindles, North Carolina 206 mllteaiidl,733,221 spindles 'MiBs8sippi,: mjlta and 38;216' spindles; 'XffettrgiS,' 79 mills'and I'M. 007 ..flp'i'nd- Tes,;'Alabama,'.39 miUs.and 546,25$ -.4-' '',' "' i eaAl,.Knittong machiaest numbered in, XIZ, .with 644 sewing' machines arid 53,- fMspmdlcs." Woolen mills had iSg'sets f birds; j;iM'loTOWl66l"! les.( .These figures., judicata.., AhaUthe textile movement in.theSoutivi8avery jeoasiderable-one,'' "' ' MU" .tir- JULESLBBEIOII'.-.' - Chicago Post ""' The passing of Jules Breton after career of high accomplishment' inevita bly a ' rerhiritte'r "6F this great acn'eve- melius oi me scnooi oi wni;p.J1,ti8 the , cftjef remaining representative, Breton did noLawroach the peasant with the religious fidelty of . Mllefc nor ,1 IHJ M ' v; ' v, did he communicate with the same sub- u.ti iimt l. ' i mi ' 'V ' tie charm as Corot the enchantment of mtre',,yHi,his1bwn' Wayne m'ingled romttHtfbisfh'a' Murausm" anTpr smW;'WirecoTdlhiB t&e'common'ie of m neld,'TWithe idlismwYu'ch' sprang a 'IHucTi' 'from' ms "own" snianwus pte'mstlh'ct'aitfo''m''th4 nalfve cliar aettrlBtierW His silbecL "" '" " 1 "The tieasftAbr Mine't'isr"oY'Tour8e,J affKhtprfes1 bf 'MlTlefs own ' auiTerlttf , and humility. Ck)fot's "trees ''entangle in--their filmy branches the' gentle dreams Krf'thr,pamttr7,,JAHd "stfttie' gl4heri( hd' weeder's of fireton repre- ainent, (abM 'PKe,: of, rounded, contours and Xresh eomplexioo and'-'srtBrtaeatJiie limbs,whis degW W thev fm," fiealthy beauty" of y6itnr" seenwetner ''''the T??1"6.8?. ,?J??rW he, feWffl of sunset, when labor has ceased -tai ths,f!4.i.t weace. ,v H Xkare , is. ssack of ' " Wordswmhi ' W B' it hasten beetfsuJfl-muK'at pleasuce.in eokx and io-fomu. rlliSi-ris-ioa was.aeti-clwayr'fNW' tther"f ttmi conveuti'brrrom'eWJtfehtl'm'enbu'tV hke Wordsworth's, it has meant much, , ' I I ' lllllll 'I'" V"i 1,1 J " ' ELtEWlCITXvAIIID jrft.TEAI.iJ4H .w aj-vAlJ ETUERl.iM mull Old H T.-uiuuinrj:u mi abaiaulBV atitiiitrimi oareimore sun. V1! mil 'U1U H (MM! TJjei(SJrqet, Railwax, Journal, is much impieaaedt'.withi the eieesriflcatiDti. ef the.WesShere-faay bUtwden'tTtiWl andyricus"um''work0U":aiM,cult. . toi'1 a i'HVui.i ..ii:U ii u inWllWSWWWIl,tfb,!aaledi since l&othBtend;. electricity mrt'ia 4t4 mpJeyed''- wlthtfaW'bf "dlffWe'h'r kindS-'It ainetehr,s,pes.,,,, We "We2t service, e hest, will ,,fce(fV.,aeyvtli4 JourjL,,;iimited..ismirlef'.elestrl(r'wii tweenth.j.jiMi,pUl..jrfUrwJ elect pfars. ap(J trainaiMt.Jocalntiawal moving at al schedule speed flf 'twenty Jl fur r..::,.s an hear.' ;fli"aSit;o,n','triWe' will re.rit:.cMim,e' .Ts'-'f " t '( ""'hi h :yi,!?;,r,e;"J "lU'on,, i ' l.i r ?,tl3. t-13r " , As the present line lias only two tracks, it is proposed to solve this problem,, by thtxuae of a long third track oa gradev land by,the use , four, tracks within Atlantic line of the Pennsylvania Com paq is stjon- tp be "electrified in the same way. The time is not distant,, it is thought, when-similar electrifications will be made on many important tinea. Te Curs A Cold is On Day. Take LmttvtfBroraoX)uihine Tablets Druggists refund1 money if "it fails to cure E. ,W Jiwtve'e. signature is on 4c box. 25c Loco July 12. W&arc baviagK 'beautiful Weather afcain, trunk larmers can soon finish Willie Uiggineifipent'Friday and Sat urday with us, his sister; Miss Sidney returned with him, to Send a couple of wee6s.3 . Tmn -'Llllyanff ' TIES "Moms were guests of John Lilly Saturday and Sun Mr Bazine Morton and wife and Mr Mprtoaapent.1SaUirdaj .flight, at. John Morton's. Ossie Meadows and bride are visiting MiB-Luto Btfrbee. "'" - Jaelc Bell and -Ernest Mills' Were here Sunday. .... ull,v.. We have no real illness with us now, ha v heard of much sickness this sea- 9n(- among whom Was Mrs' Katie Eu- banks, hope nW tf speeaY recovery; ' nr. '!!' Jii!i."' "' ""'W W " i..t t V - ?tr"' III i i ii ;l :. ,r .A.fisatrteed Curs'for Piles Itahing.'-BmlbV Bleediri;4 Prbtruding, Piles'." Druggists a" authorized to re- fun money if PAZO' CINTMENT fails bo-cure in 6 to I4' days'."" 60c. ' . ......int.;! . ' ' lltl.l ..Jtl"IHI .Stella Jlews. ... ,.v i . I ' 'July II . ...Mm -Thomas' McGinn;" of this place, who has-been' arwiay 'Bor 'the past two weeksy returned, home today . J ' " -Messrs ,Attdrew"Ennett.'"X'S Jones and' Miss Elizabeth EMnett,' of Cedar Point,"Spene Sunday With "us " ' ""MV. Gtl Jerikins'.' of Mavsviile. was a visitor nere ounaay evening, ! ' r'ljH' Vllil- - 1' ''' 'ii"". ' '"' ,fe w.eejcs,,p,r,.,yn9 ,lPuice,.spent Sundp.wjtjh, iis.DareutB, at.PeUetier. t Miss GenoljaEveritti. visiting friends atStpngwalL ...W.e.itope to have her re turn soon.,, . ,. ,.. ., Mrs. Mollie Bryan, of Kew Bern, is spending some . Udm with relatives in pdsroajid,thifl. placets i ' , Mc garrison and Mies Eunice Mc- Daniel,, tLong .Pointy were in our i(y ., Sunday ftemeek . ! m ,,,Mrs. M..W. BarberMrs. Zeta Foster and daughter Mariao, . -spent Sunday in Swsnsboroi , lo M&, Charlie Collinsnd wift of Dep pe, visited t.JyIr..,, Louis- Carra way's miMr.Carr .At, finow 'Hill,' who has been ia &WAnsber.fos,the past month; Stopped over heee Friday on' his 'way houie.rmi win S'"i "t-f ' ..Mr. .Junius Koonoemide ,1'business" trip tp-LaGnange last week, - -..HH'IIWH, .'III lOt Ji' iVPEAGH, ..i mini u ill HiiMi. -iJ tifc (iThe, Natiojoalj Cathplic.Bduoational Association a cgn.yenlaon voted in favor VirterjnKi( -th .acriptareia BtStl Mia, r.iK -Wheaoor soldiers went toOsba and tbftJ'hiiippineNJieeJtsi was 'themoet imflprtanti.censiderBtiooi.nWHiis TMor gan, retired (Cemmiasary, Sergeant U A.of Rural Route d'Ooncord, N. Hvc say;,,','! ., was two- years ia Cuba and tvP jearin.tte BUIippinest'aBd being subject to aoldavM I-iitooki'O? King's I New DiMevary for Consumptioa which Kept,me4a-parzact htelUuur Awl1 now. in Jilesitliarapahure, we find it the best mf)djciBe.ia thawerld oreoagha eolds bronchial .teouUessmd aM jdngdiaoasea 1GuarBteedat3ll'drngg..(Priel fiOc And U)0. . Trial bottle ifreev m ai ,, It.ls stated Bmpewr Nicholas has the resign a two, of. tbe.Kuasian Cabinet, bat Ifi saatb to-aceept iii'ti -,U junuii i,:.. ,j' alaniUIJUllT''!'"! J Jin mm m' 6 yV i 'jti -tj i' i ,..., 4"' t HI Kll ' ... attei'K'Ri,'ufc Wllihg Miss 011worf, a Kfillfner U' MTnhesota 1einmitteBurcide;,, J-"' ' 1'Juiou,l TU 1 lafV" I .-1 u7rfl.Hl tSUWWV S" ' ouuCatafitlaCtMKt as'iGartdtiV , with lrapptoioh'sl'latf they'' rian' atmditHel.ttft brflie' aTsei'W: 'Cat- arrah ' bWdfl or teonstitutibnaf ffifcehse' iaadtewdtt"tb' flirt rt"ybtf must'taktf iatewtar' "WmKaieA," VHaim" Catarrafc Car Mittt fh tWrrfany; 'fnd' WW dfi'ec (Jy on' ttie-'blood' sna" hlticolls ' sdrfi&eB, ased."It,W83f'precrtbJ'by,u6nd'br the best physicions in this country for yaan !' rtK f egHlar"preicHbS6it' ' It js.tottfpas-eB' bf the ttdt 'tdnlc.11kiiown. Combined with- tWV 'biaoirpdrtflera' .actinrUirectry ort f J rtnfcous'stirWcel' V perfect tdtr" .Uuri'of the twi'lrf f-(i;ci,!a Wwt .'I'rW'V VichWonA-p s in t'in"- . r..:i.j . i - J- ' ' i.,v. :.; Toiio; 'J.,( l"l !IVF"J, II n. I. ,,.-l I n.!J by Dri--:itf ,!' n 7. ;. " FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS Warships t pn .PaiadivHt stb? Jamestowir Exposition Next Year AVill Iicpre ' 1 sent an Kuornious '''"'." Sum of Money. Norfolk," July 13. The Government! ot the United States having appropri ated last year -two1 nundrtdShd fifty thousand dollars, and this year one mj); lion,, three hundred and tv enty five thousand dollars to aid jtjie Jumestown" Ter"-Cehfentennial Celebration,' one fact if settled beyond peradventure, and that is in 1907 the most magnificent .international na vaWerttlezVdtia ani niil-v itary encampment that the , .wot 11 has '6v4r' seen 'will"be oh view at the Ex position near Norfolk. Virginia. . , . The President of the United States has invited all the nations of the wold to be represented on tliat occasion b,y such ot, tbaic .Daual.iVeseels'BniKsucJ i regiments of their soldiery as it may be, convenient o, fiji.pt the prin cipal countries of the world have ac cepted the invitation. . By ,1907 the United. States will , have, in commission some of the finest Rattle ships affciat',' and will also have a grea.t fleet -of' cruisers-,' -torpedv boats, de stroyers,, gunboats,. and submarines. It is probable that more than one-half of these will be dontuiuously at anchor in Hampton Roads, and it i unlikely that, any country possessing a navy will be, without a good, , representation during the entire period of, the Exposition. A battle sjyp.is unlike, most, marvels, in proximity mcreases the wonuer. we know that the average horse power of a locomotive is about. 1.000, and that several cruisers., in the . United., States Navy haye engines capable ot, generat ing ,twenty-thr,?e ,,fJiousand, , or. .more, ' therefore the , engines of a tirat-class cruiser is twenty-three times. as power1 ful as the. locomotives. ,,, . . , A train-load of twelve hundred tons' is a heavy burden for a locomotive.,,. A' number of fhe, United States battle ships displace fifteen times this,, weight of water, and there are monster ves-' sels of other , nayies still,. larger than ours. Imagine,, then, the force repre sented by .fifty battleships a number very likely to be seen at any time dur ing the Exposition-n and this is . exclu sive of the smaller and yet wonderful and powerful vessels belonging to the cruiser , class. France has ever fifty submarines, and leads the world in this particular. . The United States being second, with ten or twelve. However, all, the countries of Europe have repre sentatives of this class, and these un-der-water marvels will be seen at -the Exposition..,!,,, , w .ii, ., " i, I'- " ' 1 " 1 ; Quick Steaming Record: "" the Asheville .Correspondent to. the Charlotte Observer Says: . . ..The first, .event of - the - tournament was the steamer contest between .New Bern and Goldsboro on Pack Square. New Bern won the .quick: water prize and also, the distinction of lowering tire world's record, . , Goldsboro, won. the long distance prize. .There was "one purse of Ji 00 for quick, water, with 60 percent, to. the. winner, and 40 percent, (o ,tha loser; also a- $100. purse 4or long distance waten, with the ame percent to winner andvloeerj The two., steam era were rolled to. the. tank- located be- tween the fountain -and the city hall shortly after the parade. , asd -prepara" tions made for, the cooteeti,. New Bern had the first showj At the signal Fire' man Ephriam Brinson.iwent to-work with vim. i His complete 'knowledge' of the machine at once- won for - him- ad miration -and shortly, when wate-'Was shown in Beeord-breaking tiaie applause ' burst from,, the. ,, New Berni .admirer. The New Bern, team got up. steam and showed water in two , minutes, 'six'' and' ona-Jialf seconds reduoing the .worlds" record just 22 1& seconds. - The- New Bem.thre w the water 219 feet and l -M inches.. Yi u (nit ' - i a !!,!, u' $ Trad --Rporl' n tomorrow 'will1 say for Richmond' .and ., .- .. 111. Ill , vicimiy ; - . , Y '.!. -V !. i-H -l.fl 1 1 III ' Manufacturers and smokingd, che.- m'l??.' ..f'SH Wa Rti fotir, ness. Factories are working - at full capacity ond would do a larger business but "for "'the' 'scarcity of 'htboh 1 'Th'd acreage of the tobacco crop will fib hk large tins year as hut ahd-dealeVs 'ari tieipat high prices during' the ibtniHg yeatv Retail trade Is not WctiVd bwihg' tothe'seftHon of the yar. CbllectioriS are fairr'"'' iU,'v ''nix ",w ' .1, , .. , " ' Ul irliU'i 4 " ,.I,,J 11 HI I Seven girlsKHged (torn 7,e V6 yean, were, (drowped, pear, Cedar Rapldai lewa , .01 'il" I , 'I Jli 1 I "III I'M lU.llr Hi ,,, Jewal iCompMnl la CMIdrtniino , .During the summef months tWldrfetf are subject to disorders of the bowels' whfc should reeeive1 careful1 attention' aa soon as the first unnatural looseness ' 1 tbowela ppjrs,mThJbtiraedin cue h use, for bowel .compkuot. is Clarnberiaija's Calico .Cholera nd JJtiart hoea ,J?enjed,jr Mi.t promptly, controls any iranatujal Iposeness of tbe bowels. For safe by Payia', Pharmacy and S. S. , DoffKnoai. .jJA '..-KM '' ' '. ' .III.'IP. ..l m .-u (ula "J G Phelps Stokes, the millionaire worker in New York's slum's, declares ms neiiei in socialism ana announces . . . . . Ml. I 4 ' ',.. 4 ,i nil 'I '"I I ms lnieniKin to woi x ior iu reuhza- tiOH, -'-' .1. il'-Kui. t lt.i ,,,!( , .. .4M Hai Slood li s T,t 23 Yr. thin H 'l.tu. wi ,, ,,, ,,-! "I.U Tie oM, orirnjd t;"iYK,'3,Ti,'!4i CHI Tiiic Vou V- ,.v 'v i ' t yoit "-. t ' ' .'"It"' it" t i .' i l . : : . MUS. EMMA TLKISSNER SufettdOvtt TwoYeatsHfUk Wat In Precarioui Condition Cmstd , - By Pelvic Catarrh. . - , X1 i HEALtHANd, STRENGTH.., RESTORED BY .:;::::v::;.TCrWA:''T"--- ' Kirs'. Emmi" iFleTssne'r' 1412 Sixth AVe'., Seattle, "Wash.', "Worthy Treasurer-Ron of Tem'perailee, writes":" ' "I suffered over two yeari W'rt' lr regular and painful periods.' My health was in a very, precariois. conditlaa and J was anxious to find something to re store my health and strength. " ' ' ' ' "1 was very . glgi tq try Ferun and' dVliciitcd to find that it was doing ,m good, f 'continued to use It a little oyer, three months dria found my troubles re-,,! naoved.1 " "' ' "I consider It' -a "splendid medicine and sjutfl, ne vert be without it, taking a dose occasionally when J feel, run down and tired.' ,, Otr' files c6nta1n thousands of tostt- i-tnoniiilst'hieh"Dr'. Hartriiah' has re ceived from grateful, ' happy" Women wlio hftvg ;l-en..rostored to health by .bis remedy. Pcuaa. .... : EDITORS AT CHASE CITY. Ten ,( ' liWIi vis Jlfav ins a Plea s ''iii'ftIeiisAVvH'iiS'l'i'ofitii- hie Time at. the Vir ...... jtiiiia liesortj,' : Special to Joirttal.'"' '" ' Chase City,'' Var,''iuly'i3Th's joint' session of Mp .yirgiuia-North, Carolina Pres3 Association Uegan-hHre todayi It ia a-splendid gathering' of the repres- errtajfVe newspapei- niendfboth Stat'es.' They combine business witn .pjeasura and the occasion is raada, mpst,,enjoya-bte-.,, The watiiBr,is veary pleasant and the eiticans conlittl and "hearty ih ' Ihefir reception. '"The "great hotel Meclclen ., ,J , ;, -.- l', .,,,4.1 "' burg is the heaaouarters. f or t.he ,, sso citjop mj.her.ft.isnp.tiei-vice that the guesi cksire.Lut .that it is, anticipated by the .polite ant. energetic' 'attendant. Th& tSJegraph and telephone companies have'placea tVieinselves at the. disposal of the edt9r.w;Ui9ut,hc, usual feet. j , ..Thft tl'Jr.sftee have all been", of a highly practical" ahtl hi)pfQl"natflrfe; Pdildwmg'ls'tfie prbgrii'n'i followed yea- v -iji-1,1 mV ,i,M- ' i '""I "' '" terday: , , ,, , t ii, ,r; itrt(.l -flu -i ,.,,.. . f'.v" km MMilKP.,hlSlf. .u. ui.' ,Pre3iilent'-a6Jra;' " "" " ' EsK4j(tti"Viotiiig'Gorrtests and 1 Prem ium as Circialaiion BuiliierV-Mni H.' Bii'Vasaeir, oitheJ.Kiotf-tuiv ..Dispatch.; Essay '"The National Editorial As1 Essav Rural Free Delivery;., Does it ffelji Locaf Papers?;,'-- Mj, JftlLas sit'e'r, ortfie'Smith'fiekl Herald., ' (,..: ,, Essay - The Business nd . of. ..a Kisrsj,..BTOVwJi..rt .. ..i.u ;.ufl .BRFOpN.SeSgWl,!',- mv ; Jdagi4fiiiistoriair-a .Fapef'byMr.11 M.rU Shipmun .of the- HendereonviHe HUBtter H-!J t4Ul,JVNl HJi7i'U4l U ' f iEasay'1The"Piweii of he"' Trade Papcrvia JeurnaRsnj"''Mi'Norai H. Johnson, of the Merchant Jearneti. Essay -'.'The Trne,, Journalist" Mr. J , i , .1 . ,i , i Arcnioaui joimson, oi vnamy anu Children."- ' ' , ' Eseay-tnlfXhOiRelatio of-ai Newspa" per ts.tbe fjurty wkfa'WFireh it is AfRU lated'Ma JW,?. Rowe-, ot tae red- erieksburg FreeiLaneei nnw 4nol ,ii,m Eeaa4'fmt'The.ReligiouaNwapaper,A -Ui. Ej Ci'iMo6oiey,.'of he DanWlle MeUjodistjiJi Jf"i " inmi innmur, b- C Annual' catibfi''by ReV.' J'O. 'AtMh ort,"l.'D"; bf thd Christian' Sunf , Address byMri"Pol 'Mlllef,' f Rfch- hi4l lilt' Vl j" ,'H"1H' '' '! u -am Sail' hi.'W ii iiMiji 'ii tiirto ".inn- ,.i,,"tint 'yu i.inuii'in vu-i'M Wedsit Ciaitnt' Often Csrry, (hi .MoQpn. , i' hi .ii,i-.io.f.l.l',t!0.li' i i;i.i't'i ty. WhW.Maxim,.tfi famous gutHnveo 'torpJa4,Ji;,gurlefora a,.onmitUe of judges, he state4its,arryHig,pewaE f6 be much below what he felt sure the gtm would accomplish.'" The result of the trial W.-tberefoM,. at, greatuieui prise, instead of disappointment nJt ta. the same with the mariiifacfurers of Chamberi wn's1 Cfttie;"Choldra't(n-d- Dlarf hdeaitUmly'ii itThey'donot' publicly boastllpf..al,L,this11i:we(ly.uWil,BtoTiVi! plish.but Puerto lf(ansera ,maketl the statements. .Wliatthey do claim, is that'lt'toill'p'iifitiVely curs' diarrhoea' dyflerrtery;"pni'ns lW"the''tl)m;ich and' boweU nn.lhr)'!vciii ,lieen knol"tO' f .il. , I'or ftalc .y ,DiVi'.-. Cbar.,nd ri ' v. ;msl ".-if llllW H.KMli lu 111,1. I II",'" I - VOICE OF THE .PEOPLE. r it ; j . - Viii-d for W House, Hadv), Let the good people of Craven county ralj aboat tKeir woiihy fefto,' Hoift D. L. Ward, and send him to the House of Representatives, und show to the State that we appreciate his, most enviable eatrdiiVtherUt legislature. He1 a man Of allilit.y QtmulalMiava fr the best interest, not only of his constitu ents, but for trie entire SomnWwealth 'i Two years ago when vMt. E. M. LKqppcj Mas oVfratadfo4he nRte'the pepple of Qnslow county sent him te-thei House. Mrt Ward is not, less worthy, and theeople of Crayon, fie, usually .as ap'fec'at'ive, "soet "tnem do likewise. Mr. Ward s identification with the moral forces and the passage of the Wtfd bilL jahctuld beieaffioientevidence that his services are still needed t'TnwmiyglslaVllr'e'wllf'be a vwry, important fjnij qni iMst such a mrn.as Mr. Ward should be there to protect our interest. ''',,'.. The gentlemen now running for that offipgare gJ9(l,'Pfin..lit.t.W!t'' thne when it seems to us that every man in Cranen county, can readily see, our sltiori and' understanding it, will be with us in this move, -,i5Yr have.jBot consulted Mr-' Ward o'ri' this matter, but we know he is still toy-' al to' his a'riyl and will' serve his peo-. ple whennthey catt"upoirhlm; ' He can ser'e frayeilcqur4v ,b,etter, and the State equally as welt, in the lower HonseVahd if'we"send 'Mm theoe, ydu may rest assured that he will be faith ful to the trust reposed in him. , . ,i. .u.i-..,!. ..jjj '' 'i'iENDERR0N "I. fiayeVfrerfliin .ary, jiy elcome SpeeiaMo Jownal."" -" ' ' ftaheigh',' J Aly 14 Raleigh's success ful firemen1 arrived' this afternoon from '.IT. U.l.t I, I', I' ' ' '' ' ' AsheyiHe an,J were . given ,a tremendous reqeptjAn. at, depot and were escorted to the Metropolitan hall' where they lis- tened'Wspefechcs bf 'welcome and con gratiiyatiori'fbr''raore than an hour. Re, , i . . ilutfili, f i - freshtnentSjWeije served to 300 or 400 firemen aed theinriwndsi " They were met byths'oity officials' in' 'tarriages and the whole city turned out to greet the victors. The firepnen and their hosts at Ashe ville deny to a man that young Han-is waS at fault te the 'matter which pro voked" the censure from Durham and I. . , IIIH i, , -. 1 . , I '. ' stated that. he Durham Co., failed, to make the connection having placed the nozzle against' the car track. Harris called for 'Judges lo prove designs of Durham contestants to kick the hose so, that the Jprce Pf the water , and cast it 30 OC40 feet from its intended fasten. I ii-MilKHjljll UultHl - -l . of .troubles to contend with,' spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, un ess you awaken thepi to their proper action with' Dr. King's New Life Pills; me pieasaniest ana most .euecuve cure fb: 'Consumption, They prevent Appen dicitis'a'n'd tone jiD tjhe., system, Sc at 'all druggist's. " , ., ., , . Michael' Anagnos: pres'deht of the Greek 'Union "of America, "Ss dead in Koumania1. Anagnbs '(kWo' v,rit'teh An agnostopoulos) v was 'the "sdn In-law" of the late DrSamuetG.'-HSWe and Julia Ward Howei and ' Wat, the 'successOr of tfia former 1 a 'SUFrsrirttendeht if the Perkins. Institute fbrthe Blind! "tr"" Y"i M'.'it lam in n.r.t ; a i " .11 lll-Jll Ii 0li .4!'i ,'' 'l.'l'. "'" S"1'1 .-. i" MacKay,"MaGiujoHne "" ' -.'II-'. -ult "t" 'III,! -'IU !' fcKU'Ttii. -u I cures aH headachesf .etpea. not . dot press' the heart, tl6; Zfr. and, 60 , cents'a boife at' 'druggjtf ,(..6o , doses at foun- fe,' 'v".V.' ',.Vr:;..-,n:- rl-W I ;r ,,.,1-m M,i..irr.'. ii. -'' , ,Hot el, and restaurant pneis are stead ily,rjsjpg a Qerman , cities because of thp rapid jtjse., of prices of. meat-and vegeUbh?S,mCoo, and -waiters .also demand more than,, formerly 41 .i 4''''' , ;i 1 ri-iirt '-:a t .1'4'iui : "i ' .MrSfPranceSuL;, Sftlesv of ' Missouri Y8r)ey,IsL writes.) 'I have been afTicl ed wj'h kWney trouble for .Ave years! bad VVWe .pains in back and a frequent desire .to jurinte,i,, When siding ( ex periencednucb.paiB'ovef the, region of the kidneys, ,J, tried .Ave physicians without benefit and tben 'oonchided 1 to' try Jay'a Kidney .ourftn-After taking three JM bottle "I wasn ompletely 'cureda,, Qld,ibyJ)avui.Pharmacy." . ..u i ,4inw win ""' ' : iVioe-Admiral' Choukniri, ' who ' Was shot at Sevastopol; dled 6f his wounds.1 ,l,i I.,., i"" r"."tf."i.i U'" ll,liiU '"11 L"I.IIJ. --- "' 1 I'1"' .' '' Diu ,Williama'..Indian Pile Ointment will, cure, Ijnd, ,Bleeding,.. Ulcerated ana Itching Piles. It absorbs f.he tu mdrt,' allays' the Itching at once, acts as i poultict. ogives InStatit' relief." Dr.' Williams! India Pile Oiatment is" pre J pare, for, Pjles, and Itching of the , pri vate parts. "Every bo is , guaranteed. Sold byklriiKgists,rby mail, for 60c and $l.0"Seld by D."A. Harget' ' " 1 ' t.i.iu iiini in 1 ia 11 'if i '"' '' "' A'hev.Bpecles'W rala'nas been dis oovArild ' Tri ' 'South" 'America' " 'that "have "phoSphbfe's'cehl! skins,' which' iini with , tferVifylnjf;J jj.eeriifih 'glare at niKht. J,n thtydaytime they took like ordinary ratsj' mil.a -fl".ii. - ,.ami i, na.ni uiL. " " 1 " ATweirty'Via, "Bahls."'' " :( Jl "twas lo69er W a twenty year bat lie with hroMc 'piW' and malignant met, until I tried "Buckliaii's Arnica Salve; "whit tnmod the tide,' by'curlng both; tilt hot a tracd temai',.B,""wr'ites A M.' 'Brut), of 'Fsrmvlllo; W'tSt-.tt f,r (' 1 ITIftH, Ch"i, Bui ii;; and Wounds. ; "I wrote you for advice," writes Leila Hagood, " of Sylvia, Tenn., "about my terrible backache and monthly ;pains i inmy abdomen and shoulders. I Thad suffered this way nine years and five doctors had faijecl to, relieve me. ' On your advice I aook .; Wine of 5Trdui, which at once relieved my pains .u&nd now I am entirely cured. I am sure that Cardui saved my life' .U-s ': 'i-lyCry:',-: , ,,I.t is a.ajfQ.and reliable remedy for all female. diseases, such as peri- pains, irregulari- m ty, dragging dQwn sen .;,satio,ns, headache, diz , ziness, . backache, etc. At Every Drug store in ... T.he International MerantileMarine Company, is preparjiig to build aix trans- Acianyc liners to atw to its, present fleet, according to an announcement made by J. Bruce Ismay, president of the company; who arrived from Eng land jnto .New.Xorls.4fc.The new ves,3t,ls will be completed in three years. ,pAS,oniA4 Ttur. Il, l3 WW lia nlK'SS Signaton of There, are-, still 87 oaseRof typhoiti fever in Washington, D. C'. '' ' ' Old Chronic Sorts. ' 'Ai a dressing for old chronic sorei there is nothing 'so' good as Chamber kin's Salvei" While tt is iiot adviaabl' to, heal old sores entirely, ' they ' shpvi! be kepjjn a good condition for whicl, this salve is especially vaiuablo. Ftn sa'e by Davis' Pharmacy and F. P. Duffy. "" ' 'Turkish' troops' are' repo.'trd to hav destroyed many hduie'j in an;l kiliec many persons- of Van, Tarki.ih Ar nienia., ., ,,. . , .,,, ,, '''".- William's Carbolic Salve W, th Arnica r, X ' ;,.','l, Wltoh Hazol.. : .- . The "best Salve in the world, for Cms, Bruises, Sores, ' Ulcers," Salt kheiirn. T, ttery Chapped' Hands,' and all' skiii eruptions. . It is . guarantee ) ... to, tivu satisfaction, or money refun ltd. Price 25c by druggists. ." u" ' WILLIAM M'FQ. CO Prof's. Cleveland, 40. ' Sold by D. A. Iinvgrt, " '-'Da RbV Nsgitc) Teur'fao'ls. 'any BeriougtlTSeases arise from neg lectof the bowel .1 'ChamberlHinV Stomach and Liver Tablets at e a pleas ant and agreeable laxative- : Thy: in vigorate the Ifver 'imd fegulafa' th bowels.!, For sale by Davis'' larmacy fnd.F. S,Dufly. ,...,,.,, '''War 'secrelafy Hsldnno unnounced to the House of "Cotrfm6rtS the British .Government's plea for a more econo niicaimjnibtfation of .the army.1 r (II.M 'l.Mi.' CASTORIV f lltFor, Jnfaats and, ChiMrea.. - Tha Kind You Have Always Bougiil Bears the " Elgnatureof 11, t i.n.-r. i.iH-t. t,,ln wiew of threats of a massacre,' it is,,e,s.mate4 40,000 Jews fled from War saw, Russian, Poland,,', on .j. Wednea- day-' ' ."': , - H. af i U... 11... Ii - n,jj Bean it : , f m m m nm lw'"s mv" 8utut V" r : 1 1 1 - 4 The estate left by John A Mc'CalI,"for raer , President of the New York Life Insurance u,Company,, .is appraised at 40,835. I'luiiVfi li.'l i'iilil.n.r, --,i..'-' M,.-.' ', ' ' , Cursd of Brlold'i Df9S.,.M-t'-r .W RobertiO. Burke, .Elnora, 1N1 Y., writesj, "Before , ,I,starUg, . to use Foley's 'Kidney Cure t..bad to.getup fiom twelvi to ' twenty times a night, and 'I was all bloated ' up. With dropsy and, 1 my . eyesight was1 ao' impaired I eoUjld,, acarfielyj sea ;one f: my fami'y across the room., , I had given up. hope of living, when a fmad- ecommen(ltd Foley's Kidney, Cure..,, One SOceiit boti: tie' worked wonders and -before I had taken the third bottle, thq dropsy had gone, as wel) as all other symptoms of. rt.;i,4' ' j;,'.... .' si,i i, n .ui ( Pharmacy'.' ( ' 4 . v -:: - ' . ; '". Judge7 iHargia,' on "the stand In the Marcum murder case, denied nthat,, he had knowledge ef any intention to kill marcum. ; . , , ,-,: ..l.lii:.!'. C'"' "-i.;".." - ,(, ,,,i.,.,r i.i ,,o'n,tr. K.'.' '"" !' I ""'WIe;M . .. . v, of - J H U II I - - r 1 ' ' - "." T ; -'.-', .. r,...; .-a-. -. . "' i . . . i 111, U i ' 1 - fotivotl ?Tomo" ft vn:::n:3 tw I ITtEE ADVICE . "'. Write u tetter describine all your symptums, anl wa will send yot4 l-'ree Advice, In plain sealed envelop. AJdrfss: Ladles' Advhury Department, TheOi.iltanooKa Medicine Co.,Chatt nofia,.Tenii , J1J $1.00 bottles. Try It.' ' Though James Smith, coiored, stayed under the waters, of' the Potomac 20 minutes before he was rescued, doctors brought him back to life. ..'; '' f Only 82 Year Old. , , ,. . V'l am only 82 years old and don't ex pect even when I get to be real , old to feel that way as -long as I can get Elee trio Bitters," says Mrs. E. H. Brunson, of Dublin, Ga , Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as young snd makes the weak Btrong as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, in- c flamed kidneys or chronic constipation are unknown after taking Electric Bit ters a reasonable time. ' Guaranteed by all druggists Price 50c. ' - ' Marie Spiridonovo, who killed Chief f Police I u::henofTsky, of Tambov, waa yesterday Bent to Siberia with other prisoners. Spectators at the railway stat on bade her keep up a stout heart, .0 which she replied. "Wc shall soon ,eback." ' . ' Savad Hit Comrade's Ills . ,, "While returning . from the Grand A rmy encampment at Washington City, comrade from Elgin, 111., was taken ,'ith cholera morbus and was in a criti .al ce ndition," says Mr.-J. K. Hough land, of El Jon, Iowa. "I gave him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy and believe saved his life, I have been engaged for ten years in nunuration work and conducted many putbs tc the south and west. I al-A-avs carry this remedy and have used it fU'ftisfully "on many occasions." Sold by Davis' Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. , - ' ' , - The Ohio commissioners of the James town Centennial have decided to repro duce "Adena," the historic home of Governor Worthington, at Chillicothe, for the Ohio headquarters at the expo sition. ' ' Doctors Said He Would Not Live Peter Fry,- Woodruff, Pa.,' writes "After doctoring for two years with -the best physicians in Waynesburg, mc! still getting worse, the doctors ad vised me if 1 had any business to attend to I had better attend to it at once, aa I could not possibly live another month as there was no cure for me. Foley 'a Kidney Cure was - recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking' three bottles I began to get better and continued to improve until 1 waa en-, tirely well." Sold by Davis Pharmacy, Business men-are organizing to ex tend Washington's wholesale , buai-, ness. - ,- . . .' .... .. . Mrs. Leslie Carter Married Again. ; Special to Journal -.. v( Portsmouth, N. II., July 12. Mra. r Leslie Carter, a 'few years ago one of the most prominent actresses on they t - . . stage, was secretly married nere woay to William L. Payne, also an actor. . , ; . A Tragic Finish. . A watchman's neglect permitted a leak in the Great North Sea dyke, which a childs finger could have stopped, to become a ruinous break, devastating an entire province of Holland. In like man ner Kenneth Mclver, of Vanceoro, Me,, permitted a little cold to go unnoticed until U tragic finish was only averted by Dr. King's New Discovery. He writes: 'Three doctors gave me up to die 01 lung inflammation, caused by a neg leected cold; but Dr. King's New Dis covery saved my. life.". Guaranteed best cough and cold cure, at all drug gists. '60c and$1.00. Trial Bottle free. . .. ' ' ' "' ' ; ' ,r. ' m

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