L- t . gym mm rUkUb4 l7. Pnh ihd In Two Sections, every Tuea Uy ud FrbUy.ai Journal Building, 56 SOivan Rtreet. - . HA VI HS lT STEVEN. IHI1IH tWI WIOPRIltO , W.BRlrTlON KATEP Two Month,............. 850en Phnwu M..n1la .88 " Pi Month-. W Twelve MoD'h. 1 ONLY IN ADVJlHOK, .00 Official Paper of New Bern and Craven County. i ' Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at me omce, or ujiun ay mau. .. -. - - . tTho jotmu ta only sent on pay uMniu huii. ' Hiihanribe. Will receive notice of expiration of their sub- riutWna ftnri Kn immediate reSDOMe to notice wul be appreciated by the ' J..UKSAL Entered at the Postofflce, flew Boru g, c. nconi1.Rigg matter, ' New Bern, N. C. July 20, 1906. COLD STORAGE INVESTIGATION New York Tribune. .'.. Dr. Wiley's investigation of the sys tem of cold storage of poultry and other articles of food is a timely undertaking, . in line with the inspection of meats at the packing houses and with the Tri bune's recent suggestion that poultry might be as proper an object of inspec tion as beef or pork . In two major re- Bpects the inquiry will be of peculiar interest and will strongly appeal to multitudes of people to whom some features of the food storage business Have long seemed doubtful. It will be of interest, for example, to know, so far as science can ascertain and tell, precisely what is. the effect upon articles of food of long storage in the cold. It is well known that cold prevents decomposition of the ordinary kind. Indeed, it has been known to preserve flesh in an apparently fresh condition for a very long time. But it has been an open question in the minds of many whether some other changes may not occur in frozen flesh and other objects which render them undesirable, if not directly noxious. Men who would accept without hesitation as perfectly fresh a fowl which had been in cold storage for many days would look de cidedly askant at one which had been thus kept for as many years. It would be interesting and useful to know whether or not frozen food does de teriorate, and, if it does, at about what time. THE NECRO AT JAMESTOWN The Norfolk Virginian Pilot states very clearly the status of the negro at the eoming Jamestown Exposition as an exhibitor. In this exposition, as on many previous occasions of public im portance, there is the cry raised by ignorant or prejudiced persons, of dis crimination against the negro. From one side, if there is an invita tion extended to the negro to join any thing the white man goes, there is the :ry of "coddle, "and at the same time, , -ora another side there will be the cry Jim Crow." So far as the Jamestown Exposition goes the negro is incident, not peculiar. It was entirely right and in order that the colored race should have an oppor tunity to exhibit their individual and race progress. The negro is of the South, is best treated and most repre sentative of this section, therefore if he shall show his progress at the James town Exposition, there is no reason whatever a comment should be made. There will be hundreds of thousands of negroes at the Jamestown Exposition next year sight seeing, and their not being given a chance to show what ad vancement, as a race they have made, would be absurd, it would be more con sistent to bar out foreign . nations, showing their progress, as to bar the colored people of the South. , '. The right kind of a negro exhibit will no doubt prove a healthy and wholesome stimulus to the thousands of that race who visit Jamestown, and the management will do the right thing in seeing that such an exhibit is given display. CHEAT OPPORTUNITY TO ADVERTISE NEW BERN There are notices almost daily in the newspapers, certainly weekly, telling of cities throughout the country which i, re a .Ivertising their resources, telling f their special advantages for capital i, of their situation for the Investor ; ! Inline seeker. : s this city advertising through i methods and agencies, many i me borrowing money for im l . id betterments, which moans vd features fur outsiders, and ; i'..'cv in 'people with , f :-: y. r.MHHKt cU'-senfi. I ! ' ' ' ' ' --i t" - re is merit and great financial and industrial growth for the cities which enier this race to attract outsiders, and those cit ies which fail to realize the need yt this, or hesitate to act once the course is seen, are going to remain deserted and non-progressive and to be forced into the back ground. Next year will be the two hundredth anniversary of the settlement of New Bern, and this offers a great opportuni ty for its citizens to get together, and advertise Old New Bern so well as to make every one forget its age, and de sire to tke up their residence here at once, in a place that shows so' much public spirit, and which offers so many attractive chances for the investor or business man. . This two hundredth an niversary could be made the Occasion covering several days, of presenting a great out-door scenic series of tableaux, dealing and treating of the great events of ti.ia city's past history, and ar.-anged in the right way and presented under a management which would not hesitate to do it right, and on a great and elab orate scale, it would prove of tremend ous value to New Bern and attract thousands here during the days of the presentation of the scenic historical dis play, and advertise the city a hundred times the cost. This work, if underta ken, should be started at ence so that a complete presentation may be made and time be taken in getting all in order. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Police Court News. Mayor Patterson has the pleasure of being able to give a brute the limit of the law without a bit of compunction of conscience. Weldon Mann' was charged with cruelty to animals. He is a transfer driver for Mr. C. M. Heath and had been using the horse on the hack all day. At night he drove to Vanceboro giving the poor animal bare ly time for feeding, He drove back reaching New Bern at day break so as to be ready for business next day with the same horse. Nature, however, came to the relief of the animal and it collapsed, saving it from further abuse at the hand of a merciless driver. The Mayor ordered Mann to pay 50 dollars fine or go to jail for 30 days. Buelah Lane, Annie Bason and Sam uel Lewis were each fined one dollar and costs or $4.15 for each case for dia o.derly conduct. The female part of this outfit seemed to be long on cussing and they showed they were adepts in calling each other dirty names. D. P. Hooker was fined five dollars for disorderly conduct. Two young white men were found guilty of cursing each other and taxed with the costs. A Guarantees' Cure For Pile Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. County Boards of Elections. Raleigh, July li The State Board of Elections will appoint the county boards at its meeting on the first Mon day in August Not more than two members of the County Board shall be long to the same political party. The State Chairman of each party shall re commend three electors in each county, from whom the County Boards shall be appointed, if the recommendations are made on or before the first Monday in August. The Democratic State Chairman de sires recommendations at once from the County Chairman of three Democrats in each county. Direct to F. M. Simmons, Chairman, care of A. J. Field, Sec. , Raleigh, N. C. Very truly yours, F. M. SIMMONS, Chmn. Dem. State Com. Was it a Suicide? Yesterday afternoon two gentlemen who had been driving over in No. 7 township, returning found a colored man lying beside the road, in a dying condition. The man was 'apparently about thirtyyears of age, was neatly dressed, and was lying on his face hold ing in his hand an empty pistol The stricken man was unconscious and per fectly helpless, with just life in him. He had been discovered by some pass ing colored people before the white men appeared upon the scene, but they were afraid to approach what they thought was a dead man. The place of discovery was on the south side of Scotta Creek in what is called Gray wood, and the dying man is said to be one Charles Rhodes. The "gentlemen came on to town, were unable to give any particulars as they made no exam ination of the body. A crowd of the people living near by had gathered in the meantime. It is not known whether it is a suicide or came from natural causes. 1 A Twenty Yeer Battle. "I was a looser in a twenty vear bat tie with chronic piles and, malignant sores, until I tried Bucklean's Arnica 5 :,ilve; which turned the tide, by curing both, t.Il not a trace rcmaius," writes A. II. i'. .ire, of Farmville, Va. Eest furc.'J Ulcers, Cuts, Hums and Wounds. l"e tt all druj-i!:ta. EemoYe.Freckleand Pimplei m twm mt wrm TVIADINOLA ...inc cunwiXAlUN BEAUTIrlER (Fonnerljr adrcrliied and sold as Satlnola.) A lew aoeffcatkm will saBowoas and restore the beauty of youth. WAJJUNULA fc guaranteed and money refunded if it fails to remove freckles, elmoles. liver-soots, collar disrrWirm black-heads, disfiguring eruptions, etc., la iwnrey oays. serves tne swu solt, cleaf and healthy Endorsed by thousands. Price 50 cents and $1.00 hv alt U,Al druggists, or by mail. Prepared by National Toilet Co.. Paris, Term. Sold in New Bern by Bradham's Pharmacy and other Leading Druggists Busy Season at Morehead The season at Morehead is at. high tide and the gaeity has never been equalled. The guests at the hotel number about 1,000 and there are con stant acditions. House parties are numerous and recreation and camping parties are not a few. Conspicuous among the arrivals this week are the one hundred boys from Raleigh com posing the "Sunshiners" and under the chaperonage of Col. F. A. Olds. Col. Olds went to Morehead last summer with this society and they had such a pleasant time they voted that Morehead was the only place for them. New Claim Agent. Announcement has been made by the Accounting Department of the Atlantic and North Carolina Company of the ap pointment of L. D. Vincent, Freight Claim Agent of that Company, effec tive July 1, 1906, with headquarters at Norfolk, Va. Central Carolina Fair. The premium list of the Central Car olina Fair has been issued and it will pay all farmers and others who are in terested to investigate the inducements offered. Premiums and purses are larger this year than ever before. The fair will be held in Greensboro October 9-12. It is an institution which has grown with every Uher valuable interest of. the farming community. The fair is the means of stimulating competition and in that way of improv ing all the products of the farm. This is one of the best fairs in the south and people of Eastern Carolina will find it to their interests to attend it. OASTOHIA, Bests tin Signature of yf iiiu Mug l uu nara itidi; Ttis Kind You Have Always Bough1 Official correspondence shows that the United States supported Great Britain in the Turko-Egyptian boundary dis pute. Modest Claims Often Carry the Most Con viction. When Maxim, the famous gun inven tor, placed his gun before a committee of judges, he stated its carrying power to be much below what he felt sure the gun would accomplish. The result of the trial was therefore a great sur prise, instead of disappointment. It is the same with the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy. They do not publicly boast of all this remedy will accom plish, but prefer to let the users make the statements. What they do claim, is that it will positively cure diarrhoea dysentery, pains in the stomach and bowels and has nsver been' known to fail For sale by Davis, . and r S. Duffy. , Nineteen persons alleged to have been implicated in the lynching of John V. Johnson in North Carolina were sent before a special grand jury. HOLLISTER'S ' ' Reeky Esuatain Tea Nuggets A tun Medicine for Bmy Ptogl, -,, Brines Seiem Healtk snd Renewed VUcor. A ipeelfle for Oomtlpatlon. Indlirestlon. Uver sod Klduey troubles. Pimple. Eciemn. Impure Blood. Bed Breath. Sluexi-h Bowele. Houduobe indBeekacha. ItsBocky Mountain Tea tu tab let form. Mil a. bof. Genuine mule bj HouoaTut Dbuo Compaht. Mariima, W'l fiOLOEN NUGGETS FOR 8AK0W PE0PU Three men, including J. L. Pierce, of Wilmington, Del, were killed by a i - i i tin t- ruirogiycenn explosion in n lucuiisin. . Hart- Lot. of troubles to contend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, un ess you awaken them to their proper action with Dr. King's New Life Pills; the pleasantest and most effective eure for Consumption. They prevent Appen dicitis and tone up the system. 25c at all druggists. - Alfred Beit, the well known South ( African financier and diamond and gold ' king, died in Iondon, aged 53 years. Hm Stood th Tt 25 Ytun. The oil, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No Cur", T-'o pay. OUi i x Vwrutil 4oua M OF MOTHER wrtnti. Of Souther ignition Governors on Im iikI ((iinniiilino Rewaiis for HuruYtv - - J beat I of Mrs. Stew-. r Speeid . Correspondence. Raleigh Jul 17. Governor G!mn )8 receiving mor lattera from tin4 Tra la man at Chattlnooga, Ty.'in in rs;;T.i d to another cOrfferenee or.f.-u:hern innr.! gration and quarantine, u n meeting of the industi al par) anuiil. Governor Cox, who has been interest4-!, ';!! -oon retire from th; active pri. of ir.e work, though he mjjr be imijt i-1 ! net as chairman of s .ich meet ly,-. Tf.ii yrime piper has also requested the lnvei-ncr to prepare a special artilo No-.-di Carolina, givtigrts'gru.vtii and l:vvl opment which is to be pul!i:,hmi wja-th.-' er with a number of li!; futi.-Ius, Jan. 1907, when thaTradestmn will puMish its 28th annu.S The goverrcr offer:', two reward? of $50, each at lie instance of tin; lioanl of county cmmissioi.'rs o!' V.-.rren county, the .first beintf for IMduird Williams, colored."' 'for' the murder of Paul Carrington, in mit'i l'r:e!-: town ship, on the 11th of la t April. The other for Wiltiam Byrd, colored, f r killing Willie ' Coker, nlno eolm ed, in Fishing Creek township. The second murder also having occurred April l.irh of the presen year. Mrs. John IV. Stewart, wifo of tli chief euginer of the U-ileih & Pamli co Sound Ralway, died last night after a short ilinras, her little babe hain; died a few cays ago. Mrs. Stewart w.is Miss Grace Bevin, of Ducatur, Tenn. The remans were taken to her old home. For County Commissioner. Mr. Editor The voteis of the county rliould cer tainly noirinate at the primary Mr. John S. MiGowan. The three town- ships southof Trent river, 6th, (th and 7th have 'no representation on the t Board of Comni.i.-ioners, nn.l have not had some time. They are entitled t.) it and Mr. McGoivas, will make a splendid ; commissioner. I , If the voters w ill select fvr. C. E. r'oy, Mr. J. B.i Harvey, Mr. G. V. j Richardson, Mr. k. E. V:el-worth and; Mr. John S. McGnan they will have a ! board representing -wry part of the ; county and a splendid U.uird of Com-! missioners. j No. - Township ! Installation of Officers At aregular commu'i'i iiti jii of Vance-1 Doro UKige, wo !,;; A. t . and A. m., the following officers were installed for the ensuing year: Wm. E. White-W. M. J. A. Purser S. V. Henry Buck J. W. A. M. Williams Troas. W. T. Williams Sec'y. Nat M. Lancaster S. I). W. C. Whi;e-J. D. Geo. C. Gaskins Steward. J. W. Barrington Steward. Hugh Buck Tiler. Died. Mary Thomas Hardison, wife of Floyd Hardison, died at 10 o'clock list nht at the family residence at K. 10 Cres cent street. Funeral notice will be an nounced late. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Rind You Havs Always Bough) Bears the -Signature of The twentieth annual reunion of the Elks began in Denver, the Grand Lodge meeting of its forty-second nnnuul ses sion. She Vld Five Doctor) . . Mrs. Frances L. Sales" of Missouri Valley, la., writes '-1 have been affict ed with kidney trouble for five years: had severe pains in back and a frequent desire to urinate. When riding I ex perienced much pain over tho region of the kidneys, I tried five physicians without benefit and then concluded to try Foley's Kidney cure. ; After Uking three $1.00 bottles I was completely cured," Sold by pavis .Pharmacy. A witness in the inquest over the body of Mrs Kinan, who was murdered in the Bronx July 8, declared that thu lawyer of the victim's mother r had a motive for the crime. ,: ' , - . , PlliS! PILES! PILES! r Dr. Williams' Indian Tile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tu mors, allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice, ' gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is pre; pared for Piles and Itching of tho pri vate parts. Every box is guaranteed. Sold by druggists, by mail, for EiOc and $1.00 Sold by D. A liurget. e - . After a short but exciting aeriel 1 were dumped into Long Island Sound, ,' to be rescued by a pausing sloop. OAOfOHIA, a. ,u The Kind Vw lldti tor is 8ass ' -RUSKING WDRK. On The av Hern and Wash ington lirancli of Kaleiuh and I'iiiiilico Sound Koad. Lot of Im- borers Arrive. Affairs on the construction of the New liern anl Washington division of tlia P.alei;h '& Pamiico Sound railway Mi-e booming and strenuous efforts are beiP4? put forth lo make good the com-p-triy 'a stutemon; that trains would bo jroinq; ovvr the road by January 1st 1S07." " "'; ."'; Yesterday one hundred laborers" were received by the steamer Albemarle and Atlantic Coast Lino road This makes a total of 7 j laborer:. They lire work in; in f quads :;t . different places be tween the terminating points. Over t:n in ilcs have been cleared and about bix miles have been graded. The iron for track is arriving every day and stjwral car loads of ties have been de livered. Me. .f. J. Haines who has been super intendent, of labor ba residue 1 and his place bus ':-v-n taken by Mr. Hammond who 1ms rcjenily been omraged in rail road work on . the P:;r Four near t'olumbns, Ohio. m IFARY Learn the Cause of Daily Woes and End Tiieiii. When ilif back aches and throbs. When housework is torture. When pi.jl'.l. brings no rest nor sleep. v'he)i li' iimry disorders si t in. Womon'jt lot a weary one. T.'iero N I, way to escape these woes. Hoan'f Kid no fills cure such ills. I! e cured women herein New Bern, 't his ;.: ore New Hern woman's tes t:Tmy. i'r.i. .V Vincent, liviivrat. 103 Craven sir. i-r, .nvs : "Doan'.-i Kidney Pills h.ive i;e,-,i ery beneficial lo me. They certainly r-lieved me of very disagree able pa i i s in my back from which I -ml for a long time. I obtained them a'. lUv.dham's Pharmacy and I must -iy t'.'.y proved to be a good 1 cr.icdy in i:-.y ease. " For sale by a'i lieak rc. Price 50 cts. a box. l'u:.ter-Mll)urn Co., Buffalo, N. V. s-'.' r.e..;, for ube V. S. Pemt'tnb-'r the name Dean's, and take re c:b"f Death ol airs. F.Stilley Mrs. . Ferelea Stilley died at her hiirne in thi.-i city jesterdiy in her 79th year. The funeral services will be held in the building used by the First Baptist church this morning at 10:30 o'clock. Rev. W. II. Ayers will con duct the services. A. Tragic Finish. A watchman's neglect permitted a leak in the great North Sea dyke, which a childi finger could have stopped, to become a ruinous break, devastating an entire province of Holland. In like man ner Kenneth Mclver, of Vanceoro, Me., permitted a little cold to go unnoticed until a tragic finish was only averted by Dr. King's New Discovery. Ho writes: 'Three doctors gave me up to dio of lung inflammation, caused by a neg leeeted cold; but Dr. King's New Dis covery saved my life." Guaranteed best cough and cold cure, at all drug gists: 5:jo and 51:00. Trial Bottle free. The friends of Mr. J. T. Hollister will rejoice to know that be is recover ing nicely pnd able to be out. Tied down lo Ida desk in the office, While others are f reo and at play, Papa f mcies he is having a vacation, " While drinking Kocky Mountain Tea. F. S. Duffy. An American chemist in the City of Mexico spy3 that sup;ar of the very finest grade can be made fromthe juice of the magney plants A company has been formed to try the experiment. O.A. BTOniA. E ,, . . -Ilia Hiftl you ton Always M0i gig nature The German emperor owns the most valuable draftboard in exwtence. The lieht and dark isau&j:e3 are made of sil ver and ' gold ' and tho drafts are also mads of silver and gold, each having a diamond or a ruby in the cc.tre. " .Catarrah Cannot bt Cured. with Local Applications, as they can not reach tht seat of the disef se." Cat arrah is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it you must take internal 'remedies. . Hall's ; Catarrah Cure is taken internally, and acts direc lly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrah Cure is not a quack medicine.,, It was proscribed by one of tho bent physlcwns in this country for years and is a regular prescription. . It is composed of the bebt tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers i;v.!.tiv nn ti n mucous surfaces. """"t " 'f-vv - The perfect connbiimtion of the two in gredients ii what produces such wonde ful results in curing Caturrah. Send for tet.timor.ials free. F. J. CIIEN'EY & CO., Props., Toledo, o. . :" '- ; fold by rr,H-!ts, J.iice 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills forcorstipa t'i r.. : Bogua , July 18. Mr. Gibbs. of New Bent, passed, through Bogue last, week enroute tu Stella. Mr. and Mrs. Ode Holland and chil dren are spending several days at Sil vcrdalo this woek. . " j Miss Mary Koonca, of Stella, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Ethel Sanders. . Mr. I. N, Howard, of Blades, spent Sunday night with Mr. L. C. Humphrey Mrs. Heath and grand daughter Miss Emma Wetherington, of Jasper, who has been uisicing Mrs. Moore for a number of weeks, loft for home Saturday-Mr. George Koonce, of Stella, visited relatives near here Sunday. Mrs. B. S. Russell and son Bennie, returned home from Beaufort Thurs day. " ' -. Miss Floy Garner is visiting her fa ther, L. A. Garner, of tfeaufort, this week. . ... .. i- . . Mr. E. B. Moore made a business trip to Newport Saturday. Mr. Ivah Haskett, of Newport, gave usa cull Friday. I Mr. "White Cap" was the guest of Mies ' 'Black Monday" recently. " M. & E. Harlowe and N. Harlowo July 17 . Dr. C. N. Mason made a call to his sick father, Mr, Jas. II. Mason in Beau fort last week, from whence he went to Morehead City to attend the Senato rial convention. ..''' Mrs. P. R. Bonner, of Morehead City ana miss rean erinson, or uoiusboro, wore charming visitors to Miss Ola Long last week and left for Morehead last Saturday. Mr. Leon Hardison, of Thurman, was down last Sunday. From our best infor mation he will soon take from us tho object of his altraction to our burg. Mr. C. T. D. Bell was in Newport last Friday. Mr. John S. Morton made a flying trip to New Bern last Saturday, coming back on the Shoofly. Mrs. Dan G Bell, of Morehead City, came over Saturday to be with her fa ther, Mr. James R. Bell, who has been having a spell of fevor; we are glad to be able to announce his condition as convalescing and that he will soon be out again. Miss Fannie Knight, of R-jckingha-n, is here making a visit to her aunt, Mrs. C. F. D. Bell. Mr. J. J. Baxter, one of New Bern's most successful merchants, and the popular candidate for Treasurer of Cra ven county, was a welcome visitor to our place last Saturday. ina emmrens' Day exercises at our -1 1 . ,1 J i . i 1 . . cntircn was wen uuenueu mst ounuay, and the children seemed to be pleased and happy. The pleasure seeking party from Raleigh, who spent last week at Mr. John S. Morton's pond and had such fine sport catching chub and other fish, left Saturday, taking with them much game and pleasant recollections of a week of recreation and solid comfort enjoyed at the home of Mr. Morton. Swansboro Ju'y 16. Our town is full of visitors, Oh, for a hotel! " There have been several appli cations for board from people who wanted to come and enjoy the sea breeze. Among those who are stopping here now are Mrs S E Koonce of Wil mington, Gus Foscue and family of Maysville, Ken Foscue and family of Fowle, and Tom Grady of Kins ton. . Quite large crowd from this place attended preaching at Queen's Creek Sunday. Among them were Misses Hattie Moore, Sallie Hatsell, Sue Mat tocks and Jessie Blount. ' Also Messrs J M Jones, I E Rogers, Bryan Hatsell, and Miss Mary Anthony. It any county has not got enough candidates to fill the offices, our county can spare them a few, as we under stand wo have twenty eight in the field. ' . . . ' Mrs J A Pittman and Mrs H J Ward went to Point Paradise last week. ' : Mrs H J Ward of Wilmington, widow of Dr E W Ward, is spending a few days here. J H Bell and wife of Pollocksville are in town for a few days. v Miss Blanch Barrus of Pollocksville and Miss Irene Foscue of Alabama are in town njoying the sea breeze. Mr Willie Sanders is here but we think he is on his way fishing. - Mr Julius Koonce and Miss Barker were in town yesterday. Kelly Master R L William Jr., and little Bessie, of Portsmouth, Va., are here visiting their grand-parents, Mr and Mrs A Pittman. Mrs LJ Herring of Burkley, Va., is here visiting her sister Mrs J M Jones, t '"''; 7: :': .'v. '' .7-" Mr Henry Shaw of Kinston spent a few days here last week. - . Mrs C S Pittman, D J Moore and Leb Gillette attended the senatorial convention at Morehead City, last Our church league is progressing fine with Mr Tom Pritchard as presi dent'.;.';' . '. '. ".-';, V Always' Rcraaabcf tlvs Fisii ; dwarnj fi aiiativc : Hrcino (Hinauna Circs a CzU in Q:: Cove July 18. . Wo are all hero except a few of the young ladies who are at Morehead Cify and rightsville Beach.' ; The only race problem in this settle ment at present is the race for the of ' fice of register of deeds, after tho pri- . maries on the 20th, two of them will be ' convinced that Craven county has an - overwhelming majority of liars. Miss Fleets Taylor of LaGrange is visiting her sister Mrs W J Brothers. Mr A B Cox who for the past few years has been conducting a livery sta ble near Winter-Green has moved to Cove at the stand recently occupied by E D Wetherington where he will do an up-to-date livery and exchange busi "ness. . .-' :- Mr S C Lane, the R F D., man says the crops on his route looks very dis- . couraging, soma of the farmers have decided to have them shot off at the primaries on the 20th. . J-, ! Miss Georg'e . Taylor of LaGrango has accepted a position as book-keeper in the wholesale department of W J Brothers. Miss Margaret Tucker returning from the summer school at Raleigh stopped 1 at Cove for a few days and" was dt- I ltfrhtfutlv ontortain.'.rl hv Mm flaarv .. . - - -j - o - B Webster. Miss Margaret has a wide circle of friends in Cove who are al ways glad to see hen e; ' , . Posters are up announcing the' big speaking in Cove July Iflth, when Mr Walter Cox of Perfection will lire the first big gun of the campaign of 1906. j Mr Cox is a great debator and an earn- est ana eloquent speaker. iiVerytxay .,,,, rnma ,.. nnfl hnn. w. One of our young men who does not like to see his name in print, seriously cut his toe yesterday while' cutting stove wood, says in the future he will cut no rnore wood as he has always con sidered it a dangerous pastime. Mr and Mrs(W J Arnold of Perfec tion visited Cove thW afternoon. Mr W 11 Wudsworth who has been attending the University of Tennessee is spending the vacation with his father Mr A E Wads worth. Miss Irene Barwick of Fort Barn well is visiting Mrs V J Brother this week. . - i .. Miss Liura Pigott of New Pern is visiting Miss Annie B Lane at Midwiy . this week. X. Drink Dr. Pepper youth and health. and retain yoir Little Hell. July 17.. Farmers are smiling now, as crops - ,ooki fi a Mr. John B'ountain of Richland was in our midst last week visiting friends and relatives. . Misw Sallio Simpson and Gibson Evan of tbih place spen't Sunday p. m. at Becton Simmons. JohnMelton and 'amily wore the guest at Bill Meadows' Sunday.- Mrs W H Wilson and children spent last evening at Maj. Authors. : - John Bratcher and Willie Monnett were short callers at R T Midgettu Sun day. : ' John Ray Whitty of Pollocksville spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Wade Foy. Henry Wilson and fami'y wyro the , guest of Mr and Mrs Joe Taylor Sun day. We would like to hear from our Maple Grove friends through the Jour nal ' Forget-me-Not. To work on the Pamlico Sound Railroad between New Bern and Washington. Teams $4,00 per day; laborers, $1.50 per day. ' Apply to foreman on works be tween above points, or local superin tendents, New Bern, Vanceboro or Washington. J. G. WHITE & CO. ' Contractors. Notice to Contractors Saaled lids will be received by Jas. B. Blades, president, and William Dunn, secretary and treasurer Elks Construction Company, New Bern, N. C, until 12 o'clock noon . August 20lh, 1906, for the construction of the ELKS TEMPbE. Plans'- and specifications can be seen at the office of W. P. Rose, architect, Raleigh. N. C, on and lifter July 20th. Certified check to the amount of 1 per' cent of contract price. must accompany bid. Successful contractors check will be . retained by the building committee until satisfactory bond in the sum of one half the contract price is given for the faithful performance of 'contract. . The committee reserve the right to re ject any and all bids. Note The plans are drawn for 6 story building, bids are asked for both 4 story and 5 story. Full explanation made by arahitect, . 2 tzy, o 1:0.