. No. 35, NEW BERN- CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY JULY 31, 1905.-FIRST SECTION, 29th YEAR 7 s 1 1 TELEGRAPHIC II m Chicago, July 27.-One of the labor general order to start the greatest labor nnipns Impelled Alderman Daniel Heli- strike ever known in the history. The by last night, declaring him a traitor agitation is intense and excitement is . ' . - . . . - . . ' 1 . .. J 1.1. - 1 1 9 t,.l to -the order because he lavorea we last getting ueyonu me control w death penalty for felonious attacks authorities. upon women. - . - -v , Washington. Julv 30-It is positively Tersely Told For Jour- j J Fayetteville, July 27th-One of the Btated upon minute investigation that Events of Past Three Days nal Readers. TEBRITDRY INCLUDED MAINE TO MEXICO Iitdnrtrial, Commercial, Social, Itil iiri- j. ,tus. Criminal and Political i -'"Happening Condensed in - ' . ; Few Line. " , Raleigh, N. C, July 27. Virginia State troops, enroute to encampment at Chickamauga, Tenn , disgraced their commands ..this afternoon in Raleigh while waiting schedule departure time. It-was a fepetiton" of the nauseous story of common thievery, adapted to a memory of what Sherman's force might have done. ' - ' "" i , The excursion was made up of three sections of the military special trains which were operated over The lines of the Seaboard1 1 Air Lino road. There was perfect demeanor and bearing on the part of the men aboard section No. 4, made up of a company from Franklin, . and in charge of the baggage and equip ment. The men of the second section comprising . Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk. companies made a successful dash into the lunch room of the Union News Company at Union station and pillaged the place of all the news- - papers, magazines, sandwiches and candy Insight and in reach, the place being in charge of a waiter.in the short absence of the manager. They , then made the run across tie street and there raided the store of a dealer in soft drinks, melons and fruits, where more than five dollars worth of sup plies was stolen.' ' The second session was in commond of Col. T. F, Nottingham of Norfolk, Va. On the streets the demeanor of the men was of a like type as they , paced . down town in vulgar display and iniiis cretion. The lurch counter and adja cent stores about the station will be closed when this part of the Virginia aggregation passes this : way again, The third section, was in absolute and , perfect good order and under discipline with CoL C. C, Vaughn In command, .Hugh Steele of the special staff of the Virginian Pilot accompanied the troops for camp story stuff for his paper. This section was made up of companies from Emporia, Hampton, and Newport News." , " Raleigh, July. 27. -Governor Glenn today made a statement concerning the Coney Island, as printed in a New York paper, in regard to the application for pardon for the convict gold brick swind' ler Hawley. as made by a number of Tammany Hall men, on the occasion of his visit to New York July -4, 1905 when he delivered a speech, The Gov ernor says the matter as reported is -false, that he was approached by sev eral men who solicited pardon for the -convict, but there was no show of pis tols, and there was none of the self-de fense method as stated in the New York paper. The ' Governor and his party accompanied by the Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana retired from the , banqnet hall, to which they had been invited. ' The Governor was at first in dignant, but later thought the matter . over and gave a statement The blame attached to the friends of Hawley, who through the instrumentality of Mrs, Hawley had provided afi entertainment, in hopes of so gaining his greater con sideration, but drink got the best of them, and importunity "defeated the plans of the convict's wife. The Gov pernor had been importuned fotv inter views many times, but had declined on on all occasions. Even today there has been given none of the details or es sentials of the holdujC . ; hardest fought political battles ever witnessed in this State was ended to day in the nomination of H. L. God win, of Lillington,; Harnett , county on the 854th ballot. The nomination was a great surprise. J. A. Brown thinking his chances had gone threw his influ ence to Godwin, and had he waited one minute Patterson's votes would have been given to him and he' would have received the nomination. - 1 .-. Kaloigh, July 27 Everett- Spence, the seventeen yeaf old boy committed , to jail, after the findings of the coro- tie; a jury, tor the alleged Killing or a negro in East Raleigh Wednesday night is in the county jail pending the hear ing on a writ of habeas corpus applied for today to Chief Justice Walter Clark. The writ is specifically that Justice Clark may' fix bail for Spence pending the next term of Wake county Super ior court. The matter haa been set for hearing next Tuesday afternoon. The plea of Spence will be Belf-defense. ,; New York, July 27 The' provisions of Russell Sage's will were made known today. He leaves his entire es tate $80,000,000, to his wife; not one centtd charity. Chicago, July 27 The Supremecourt handed down a decision today main taining that Zion City and its industries were not the proDerty of John Alexan der Dowie and that he had no light to treat it as his... An election of general overseers is ordered. Dowie has re ceived money from all oarts of the world and used it to develop Zion City. The court says that he must be well provided for as the property has great ly enhanced in value. Warsaw, July 28 A passenger train with 8,000 government money, guard ed by soldiers, was attacked and cap tured. A number were killed. ' The country people cheered the robbers. "Washington, July 28.--The Depart ment of the Interior have received ths report from the inspector of immigra tion. It shows that the grade of people landing as immigrants is inferior to those of previous years, New York; July 28 John D. Rocke feller returned from his European trip today. " He declined to say anything as to his subpoena or, the .proceedings against him for violating the anti-trot law. , - Raleigh, July 28-The Corporation Commission went to Pittsboro this morning on a special tram to inspect that branch of the Seaboard Air Line railroad on account of recent accidents. They returned this afternoon and will report Monday, Raleigh. July 28 The State Council held a special meeting this afternoon in the Governor's office in regard to the re puted unsanitary conditions at the A. & M. College. No action was taken. There will be a full meeting of trustees of the college next Thursdvyto go over the matter- add to perfect plans for such changes as may be deemed need ful. ' Raleigh, July 28.-Willis G. Briggs. appointment as postmaster here will be made about the middle of next week. Berlin, July 28 Chancellor Voa Bue low willnottakeup the trade agreement with the United . States until after Congressional election- so that it may not interfere wTlh campaign issues, , Washington, '- July 30. . President Roosevelt's order placing revenue of ficers under civil service- rules was en forced today and notices were- posted for .examinations at various points in Western North Carolina, ; - for clerk and office deputies, Btore keepers, guagers and division deputies, Chicago, July SO. The last effort of John Alexander Dowia to retain his personal interests in Zion City was the cholera outbreak in the Philippines was due to flies. - ; Cannonsburg, Pa., July 30. Elmer Denister, a negro , nineteen years of age murdered Mrs. Samuel Pearce and two of her children and inflicted fatal Injuries on a third! ; The wsman had repelled the man from making a felon ious attack upon her and in moment of fury sbot'W and killed her. He illed the children as they ' were about to raise an alarm. Denister was ar rested. Two attempts were made by citizens to lynch him but they were un successful. A strong guard has been put around the jail where he is con fined." The house had been set on fire to conceal the crimebut the house was not destroyed. ' : ODELL Er.'iPLOYEES : G1ID PIGIIIC. A Bed Endowed at Stewart Sanatorium Which is to be -Controlled by. the White Churches. - Realizing the necessity of a free bed at the Stewart Sanatorium, Mr. J, W. Stewart has very kindly endowed a bed that institution operative on and after August 1st which will be known as the Stewart bed. It is to be for the benefit of all the white churches of the city and to be used by them in any way that they may deem best. ' V It is hoped that a meeting of the rep resentatives of the different churches will be held to accept the liberal propo sition of Mr. Stewart's and to formu late a plan for using it the best advan tage. ::; . 1 here are now three endowed beds at the Tanatorium one given by Mr. J. B. Blades and the other furnished by the city. The reputation of this institu tion is becoming more firmly establish ed and the people appreciate the benign work it does. There are many patients under treatment there. - J KIND DEED. Conductor Gives Policeman Jonei Case of Deep , Disgust. - ELKS : RETURNING FROM . : DEEVER VISIT BATE CITY. The State Society For Prevention of of Cruelty to Animals Established. Branch Societies Being Formed - Annual Meeting Directors Southern Life and Trust Co. G nte City - Guards to Go to Chatta. - " m ;i nongn. j- (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, July 27 Messrs. Charles NDEPE DENT SYSTEM PREFERRED APPLICATIONS FOR PENSIONS Private Meeting Held and Corporation Commission Re- . Strong Organization Formed. PITIIBLE CONDITION OF YOUNG INSANE WOMAN. 'THE A Change' of Characters.' A member of "The Clansman" Com pany who will be missed on the next Southern tour is the late Georgia Welles Her impersonation of Elsie Stoneman, the northern gir, had made her a great favorite with southern audiences, who not only were charmed with her sweet and winsome personality but recognized her as a true artist. Her illness was entirely unexpected. A victim of ap pendicitis, Bhe was removed practically from the stage to the hospital and died there after eight days sickness. ; Miss Welles will be succeeded this season in the role of Elsie by Miss Claire Mac- Dowell. The latter played the loyal little Southerner Nellie last year. Her transfer to the role of the Abolitionist's daughter will put her versatility to the test ; Miss MacDowell comes of a fam ily noted in theatricals. She possesses youth, beauty and inherited talent POLICE COURT NEWS. St Petersburg, July 27, The Czar believes that he has won a great victory to(lay when he ftppealed fromthe in endmg the uouma ana tninns ' deci8ion of the o tnt state Supreme government all powerful todefend itself ;Courtto thj States Supreme in case of more violent demonstrations Court Hd endeavor8 to pr0V9 his by revolutionist six government apkt right to- Zim CUy aa , individual were found dead today. All were mur- rt - dered. , I , . r..l.. nn I ' I vnitago, iu.j ou ni,uriiey-uenerai Oyster Bay July 27, President Roose Moody has employed the-best legal velt appointed Louis K. Grant post- talent to prosecute the Standard Oil master at Goldsboro today. 'monopoly and will press and strictly Tfimnnd .Tnlw 27 The Cnrnnratinn enforce the anti-rebate laws He has Commission today Disorderlies Have an Inning Before the Mayor. Ail Old . . - Timey Court. There was quite a good sized audieuce at the Morfday morning police court services yesterday and the attendants dropped their mites on the collection plate,- not because they wanted to, but because they had to, . There was noth ing extraordinary about the proceeding but there was a large number who came within the meaning of the ordinance de fining disorderly conduct They were as follows: -' ; ,. -i - , Israel Harris, disorderly conduct; fine and costs, $3.65.- '-e ' .-" Andrew Hill, disorderly conduct, fine $5.00 and costs, amounting to $8.55. Isaac Cohen, butchering within the city limits, $5.00 and eosts or $8.15. James West selling soft drinks on Sunday; costs $2.75. r Frank Roberts, disorderly . conduct fine $5.00 and costs or $7.35. John Collins and John Simmons, dis orderly conduct, costs $2.50 each. Rob't Jones, disorderly conduct $6.00, ' William Crispin, driving over-loaded back, casts $2.35. Lambe, L, J. Brandt' ndN. T. Paine of this city and Messrs. E - W. Rosen thal and Ti C. Daniels, of New Bern came in this morning from the annual reunion of the Elks of the 'United States, which ;was held in Denver, Col., July 16th to 20th. Messrs. Rosen thal and Daniels took the Raleigh train immediately for" their homes at New Bern. Otnei'tf the party which went from here wiji return in a few" days, with the exception of Messrs. E. Stern berger and S. J. Kaufman, who went further west - Two weeks ago the Elks left here in a chartered Pullman car for the western city. Fortunately they es caped railroad or other accidents and nothing whatever happened to mar the pleasure of the journey. The clerks of the Odell Hardware Co. about sixty in number, together with their wives, sisters and sweethearts, are enjoying an outing at Boon's pond, eight miles south of this city today. They left early this morning in private con veyance. The store is closed in conse quence of the event. The Odell com pany inaugurated the idea of giving their clerks ar-N outing last year, and the affair proyedtnoet enjoyable. - It is said that the custom will be followed each-season. A well meaning railroad conductor got policeman Jones, of this city, a bad case of disgust this morning. Conductor Smith, who runs on the train between Madison and Ramseur, reported this morning that he saw a dead man near the bridge over Buffalo Creek, 2 miles south of the city. He said as his train passed yesterday he noticed a man ly ing at full length near the track, but thought he might be some tramp asleep. ihis morning as his train rushed by he noticed the same full length figure on the grass, in the same spot and it looked like a ease of a dead man for sure, Policeman Jones did not wait for any patrol wagon, but footed it on the cross ties two miles out there and found the' man stretched out sleeping or dead. He recognized the features as those of well known negro, Sam Palmer. But Sam wasn't dead at all, only enjoying a sound "nigger nap" in the sun. Up on being asked if he had been asleep ever since yesterday morning, Sam ex plained the case easily. He said he was to take a job of work ten miles oat of the city, and his partner was to have met him at the Buffalo bridge yester day afternoon, and from there they were to travel together. . He went to the appointed place yesterday after noon to wait for his man and had laid down and gone to sleep. Waking up before night and his partner not com ing, he retraced his steps home to the city, going out again to the appointed rendevous early this morning. He had again spread himself out and fcone to sleep, such a thing as trains rushing by had no effect whatever upon him, Several months ago a State society for the preuention of Cruelty to Animals was organized in this city. , Branch so cieties are now being organized in var ious towns and cities of the State. .The. officers of the S P C A are awaiting the arrival here of badges, buttons and literature, containing to the organizat ion. A meeting will be called in the near future at which time matters of interest to the, society will be discus sed." - , . ; The Directors of the Southern Life and Trust Company held their semi-an nual meeting yesterday afternoon. They declared the usual quarterly divi dend of 2 per cent and carried $15,000 to the surplus fund from the pofits of the last six months. The Company's capital is $800,000; it has $100,000 surp lus, and the total assets are over $1,000, 000, Large Amount of Capital Interest in Cotton Oil Mill at Mt Airy. Big W'ater Tank Collapsed. Two .- Couples Happily Married. ' Christian Church Orph anage to be Improved (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro July 28. There was a meeting held here last night by parties interested in the Telephone business of the State independenct of the Southern Bell Telephone System. ; While the pro ceedings were strictly private, enough was given to show that there were rep resentatives of 3,200 independent tele phones actually present, and fully 25, 000 phones were represented by proxy. A regularly ' organized association waa determined upon, under the name of the "Independent Telephone Association of North Carolina." This organization was perfected.by the election of the follow ing officers: W. A. Wynne, of Raleigh president and R. W. Learith, of Southern port Unfavorable to board Air Line. Sea- NEW SEWERAGE SYS TEM AT A & M COLLEGE. Postmaster Briggs to Assume His Of ficial Duties in a Few Days. Nota ble Sunday School Gathering. Store Keepers Enter Com plaint Against Pillaging Soldiers. Capital. Club Building in Danger. (Special Correspondence) Raleigh, July 30th.-On Wednesday Auditor Dixon goes to Shelby taking with him the great mass of applica tions for pensions and will spend the week looking over these. Heretofore he has been doing this work every year at Fuquay Springs, this county. He says while there are a great many new applications yet that the number of deaths of pensioners has been so large that he does not expect any increase in the number of pensioners. The annual pension to fourth class and widowi is now $18 and he says it is bis hope to in- the railways and the location is very good. The grounds have been under drained. The- sales of melons here this season is very large and the quality of the crop is good. A good many canteloupes are being shipped, mainly to the Virginia resorts in the mountain?. A Boston expert is here to confer with the Chamber of Commerce in re gard to a park system for Raleigh, the parks to be in o great ring around the city, taking in the grounds of the hos--pital for the insane, Agricultural and Mechanical college, fair grounds, ex periment farm, both the orphanages, and a number of other properties, in cluding the cemetaries, the Soldiers' Home, etc. The expert sajs he has never seen lands lend itself so we'll to such a purpose. He discussed the mat-' ter tonight at a special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce.' This morning there was a cave-in of a loe of earth adjoining the basement of the Capital Club, endangering the east wall of that building, a deep cellar having been excavated on that side of it and the heavy rains causing the trouble. Pines Secretary and treasurer.. For the K3,96 $20 this i year. executive committee the president, ex officio, was named as chairman with the following as members, J. F. Hayden of High Point, J,. D. Morris, of Roxbury, and H. P. Grier, of Statesville. This executive committee was instru cted to do certain work maped out for it and to make its report at the next meeting subject to the call of the prcs ident This meeting, it is understood, will be held in about thirty days in Greensboro, at which time notion will The Corporation Commission will in a day or two announce its finding in re gard to the condition of the track of the Pittsboro branch of the Seaboard Air Line Railway. It is understood that it did not find the conditions to be good at the examination which it made last Friday. . It is the purpose to make the band of the First regiment here the finest in the State, and a very capable instruct- THE CROWD AT MOREHEAD. or is to be here September 1st for this be taken on the report of the executive f-'. " The executive committee of the board Relatives of Miss Bether Glass, a 0 acricultu-e and the council of State young woman who has been at Cleggs w;n meet on Thursday and arrange for hotel for a week in apparent hiding, hnstallinir a sewerasre system at the made application before Superior Cpurt college which "has all these years had Nelson yesterday for papers committ- none at all, but has bad only the most ing her to the asylum, awaiting the hear primitive methods. Engineer Riddick ing, the young lady was taken to St estimates the cost of the connection Leo's Hospital to be cared for, aa she was plainly mentally abberated. Miss Glass who is a nurse was employed at St Leo's Hospital up to a short time ago. when she secured a situation in a Philadelphia hospital and went there. Then it was seen that she was mentally unbalanced she was sent back to Greens boro. but instead of going home she took rooms at the hoteL where she re mained until members of the family learned that she was there.' The young lady, when brought before the clerk, was becomingly attired,.- and seemed totally indifferent to her surroundings with the city sewerage system at five thousand dollars, but it may amount to double that sum. In any event it is felt to be an imperative necessity to have the work djne at once. There was a plan for having the college, the peni tentiary and the hospital for the insane unite in a joint system of sewerage, but the penitentiary objected, as upon it would naturally have fallen the great er part of the expense. The sewerage of the penitentiary is now discharged into a little branch, and the same is the case in regard to the sewerage of the hospital too the insane. The city sew- while clerk Nelson was hearing evidence erage elpties into Walnut Creek, in her case. But she strenously object- Postmaster Bailey has returned from ed to being carried to St Leo's after Hot Springs , Ark ..where he has been the result of the investigation had been for a mono, and seems to be entirely announced. It is said that the young re8tored to health. His successor, Wil- woman's sweetheart was objected to by her Barents, and that she left home because he could not visit her there. lis G. Briggs. is expected to take charge of the office in a few days, though possibly it may be aa late as the Greonsboro oeoDle are interested in a middle of August rttnn mill that is to be established in The heavy rains continue in mis sec Mt Airy, A company is being formed tion, and there is quite a lot oi com- with J75.000 caoital. of which a large plaint The growth of grass is very part has been subscribed, A large brick vigorous, building formerly occupied as a tobacco I By the end of August it is expected factory has been bought. This, with un I that the tracks in the new yards of the important changes, will Berve the pur-1 Seaboard Air Line here will be finished, noaea of a cotton mill. Messrs Lee H. I There will be about a. mile of new Battle and P. F. Williamson are the track. The work began six months ago, principal promoters. A number of Greens I Mr. N. B. Broughton, the president boro Deonle have taken stock in the 0f the Wake County Sunday school as - - i . . . enterorise. ' ' - . sociation, returned yesterday , alter- At the Greensboro Table Company ZJtt mSnw th oWnrnri war. I ' .ian.iv wj J lOIVUI T WHO IHl'IHH'RI i - Prisoner Saw Way to Liberty. ? Ml Y.l- ftill. . rayewevii.e, -u.y outn.-iwo wnite, The Gate City Guards will on the 19th prisoners made their escape from jail . MintMmBat Chlrkam.nira i here shortly after noon Sunday by saw- Park. Chattanooga, Jenn. and will be ing iron bars in two with a hacksaw. ln c,mp for about a week.' There will How and when they obtained the saw about fifty of the company, Including is a mystery. They made good their es- offlceri The ements are now cape, i nti country is qeing tearcnea py snerin ana aeputies. tUng themselves in good trim to sible. . ... . .... i in:..:, j !.. i :n: Tt i- -1 t j declared the two Deen aole 10 8cure important evidence " or ""-' uiauum. it w cmwnou .rf.inst them - lnal Dona woula "ve oewn given w cent railway fare law unconstitutional aga.nst them. . . morrow. The othor, Hudson, was in and void. The Attorney General took an St. Petersburg, July 30. Millions of jor forging an order for a jug of whis- eul to the United States court. "Russians are simply waiting for the key on an express agent. FINE Veal at the Oaks Market morning. this Greatest Number of ePopla Ever at The Atlantic Hotel In One Day. Sunday a new record was established in the size of the crowd of visitors at the Atlantic hotel. It was the busiest season s busiest day and a scene of strenuous activity it presented too. The majority of the gay crowd was undoudt edly drawn thither by the encampment . but there was quite a large contingent who are spending their vacation and en joying the cooling, envigorating and health giving sea breezes. The railroad traffic was enormous for that day. The first train due here at 9:10 a m waa compose! of eleven cars all packed to their utmost capacity. The bulk of this train load was from up the country points and were for the most part merely guests for. the day. The regular train leaving at 10:10 was also heavly crowded, there being three additional coaches more than the usual number. Governor Glenn and his staff were passengers on that train and they went down to visit the camp and attend the military reunion which took place yesterday. The mail train at night also took down a big crowd. : The encampment is realizing all that is intended. The camp ground presents a fine appearance. The tents are arrang ed wth system and order and army life as it is represented at Camp Glenn may have its hard disagreeable tasks but there are numerous pleasant features about it. The boys all seem happy and will doubtless be sorry when the camp breaks up. The Naval brigade on the Compton have their sport along with their work. They are weil established on the boat aud are doing good work. The boat went on the ground Friday evening but was released Saturday and was not damaged at all. Two members of the brigade have been disgraced by committing theft at which they were discovered. Religious services are conducted daily by representatives of the Young Men's,' Christian Association. The companies assemble after the morning taeal for brief sxerciaes and on Sunday the chap lain preached a short sermon. Ih was a wise step in dividing the second aud third regiments. The camp was too congested when both were to gether and the results of the work done were not satisfactory. Separat ing the two gives more regularity and more time, for specific work. FRESH Mackerel at the Oaks Market today. ' schools it waa a convent on in which 6 represented. He says notable meeting. The two men here whose stores were were very er tank, holding 15,000 gallons of water collapsed and from its forty foot percb Decayed foundation timbers was the .i iy.. . cause win., ..u..... I ..... j u ..:., w.tinn.l At a meeting of the directors of the i ",."3 Christian church orphanage at Zion Col 1 . . i s.... a.aa I have sent on ro&VuVdi7gwTrTfo7; ZL ?v. m. t. m r.ir of thU men who did the stealing wiU be detect- ciU .tolM-S thework. At the residenoe of Mrs. L Richard son last night Miss Grace Smith and Mr. C. C. Forbis, were jo'ned in hap nv wedlock, the ceremony being per formed in the beautifully and artistically decorated parlor by Rev. Dr. Samuel Smith of Columbia, S. C. cousin of the hrld. The ceremony was impressivsly performed under a pretty arcn in tne presence of a number of relatives and friends- After the ceremony an enjoy able reception was held a which refresh menu were serveu. me onun yvy and attractive voung lady, admired by a large circle of friends and acquant K 1WIII ID TVVIS nilU T l 1IU in d is the proprietor of the C The grading of the Athletic grounds at the A- & M. College is nearly com pleted. They are in a valley alongside Meeting Stats Democratic Execu. tive Committee There will be a meeting of the members of the Democratic State Executive Committee in the Senate Chamber in the City of Raleigh, on Monday August 6th, at 8 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of electing a Chairman and Secretary, four members of the Central Commit tee from each District and for the trans action of such other business as may be necessary. - Full attendance is desired. , , Very tsuly yours, ; . IF. M. SIMMONS. Chmn. Dem. State Ex. Committee. A. J. FIELD, Secretary. ; AIwavs.RemcnW the 1 axatrve liromo SghMMHBM I V I mil Curea aCold in One Day, :t FuH tme , - .: (. 2 Q8 CPs? ances. The groom is well known nomiiar. ana is me proprietor oi D. Forbis furniture store . They left last ntght for northern cities on a ten days bridal trip. ., Last night at the residence of the bridae parents, cornor of Ann and Bragg streets. Miss Nannie . C. Check was married to Mr. Joseph W. Hamilton. Kev. C E- Maddry officiated at the ceremony. There were a few invited guests present The marriage took place at 9 o'clock. - Contxal : cad.o3aQ.3T A High Grade Preparatory School With Industrial Equipment - '' Boys and young men prepared for college in the most , thorough manner. Course embraces Latin, Greek, MathamittM. History and EnglWh. $121 pays tuition. board, room light heat and library fee for the si-holas- , ) tic year. An opportunity will be given to a number ) of youug men to work their way through school. . . If you are Interested write RAYMOND BROWING, : Principal, LITTLETON, N. C. V V V A. A. A. .A A 9k ,A A, A "ttt1 rfTi HATH P"

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