i1 1 2 7 5 1 T 3l T 1 7 "J -J 01 No. 38. s- ""9 'r,r, DOCTOR CURED OF ECZEMA t Maryland Physician Cures Himself of . Eczema with Cuticura Remedies. Prescribes Them and Has Cured Many Cases Where Other Formulas t Have Failed Dr. Fisher Says: : CUTICURA REMEDIES . POSSESS TRUE MERIT, v My face was afflicted with eczema ..- In the year 1897. I used the Cuticura Remedies, and was entirely cured. I am a practicing physician and very . often prescribe Cutieura Resolvent and Cuticura Soup in cases of eczema, and they have cured where other formulas i have T ailwt I m riot m the habit of ; ! endorsing patent medicines, but when I find remedies possessing me merit, such as the Cuticura Remedies do, I am broad-minded enough to proclaim their virtues to the world. I have been prac ticing medicine for sixteen years, and must say I find your Remedies A No. 1. You are at liberty to publish this letter, " or any part of it. I remain, very truly yours, O. M. Fisher. M. D., Big Pool, Md., May 24, 1905." CUTICURA-THESET,$1. Complete Treatment for Every Humor from Pimples ' to Scrofula Bathe the affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soup, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales aiid - soften tho thickened cuticle; dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and sootho and heal; and, lastly, take Cuticura Resolvent Pills to cool and cleanse tlie blood. A single set, costing but one dollar, is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood humors, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when all else fails. Cuth-itm Snup. S5e., Olntmmt. M., Retplvrot 10. fin foniMif Chocolm Coiled M!Ut2fe. pr v!ul of ft)), are lold thrnutfjimit the world. Poller lrug And Cheiu. Corp. Sul i'rop, UoBluil. , Miled Kit,, "How to Curt Torturing, Dli&curinff Bunion al lot utef and Afe." wents of Past Three Days Torsoly Told For Jour nal Headers. E TO MEXICO nduxlrinl, Commercial, Social, Keligi- ous, Criminal and . Political Happenings Condensed in - Few Linen. : Washington Aug. 7. President Roos avelt has granted a rospite to Robert Sawyer and Arthur Adams,.; the negro mutineers and murderers who are ua der sentence of death and confined in the Wilmington (N. C.j jnU. , : Raleigh, Aug 7 Late this afternoon Gov. Glenn ordered Brig. , Gen. B. F, Armfield to go to Salisbury and take command of the three companies now . in control of the city. Tlie captain of the Salisbury Company informed the Governor that more companies and , Gatling gun were needed. There were threats male of lynching the jailer for d' fending the jail, r Salisbury Aug. 7.Solicitor Hammer today identified George Hall as one of the lynchers of the Gillespies. Hail was arrested and. lodged in jail and in vestigation is going rapidly forward in endeavcring .to find others connected with the affair. , Hall is a notorious tough and ex-convict - , '' , The mob served notice on the at torneys for the prisoners Williams and Newell not to go down town in Salis- hurv todav. Thev remained in their - 1 w . office and did not appear in court. An . effort was made to liberate Hall but was unsuccessful. . ' , Salisbury, Aug. Tth.This afternoon Governor Glenn received a message from sheriff Julian, asking for onehufr dred troops to be sent immediately to Salisbury to assist in maintaining or der. ' The Governor ordered companies at Statesville, Charlotte arid Salisbury to report to the Sheriff . for duty. talked with the captains over tho tele phone and gave them imperative in structions to do their duly, use ball car tridges only and preserve peace at any hazard.. The county of Rowan has to pay the expenses ol such troops whinh are un der the sheriff's immediate command, If necessary, the Governor says more troops will be sent to the scene. Governor Glenn mailed the following 1. tier to Juiige Long this afternoon: mm JEWS Tim 1 ill jig of Lyerly' and his family ; NEW .. at horrible crime, and doubt esse developed after his arrival here., less aroused anger of the people, but Chicago, Aug! 8 The financial meth ' deliberate and wilful taking of prison- oda of Paul Stensland, the president of ' erB from jail was likewise crime. The the Milwaukee Avenue State bank amount of damage to the State cannot which failed for $3,000,000 on v Mondy be estimated in - dollars and cents, for startled Chicago and the condition thjt it shows a lawless spite among certain now exists is pitiable in the extreme, of our people which may deter enter- The great majority of the depositors ki prise and immigration into our State, the bank were Uboring people and the There is no excuse for this lynching ( wrecking of the institution has impoT an upright judge, fair jury, vigorous crisped over 20,000 poor families. f prosecution and full evidence rendered j A crowd hangs around the wreckea conviction of the prisoners almost eer-. bank; men are almost stupefied by their tain. You have the grand jury and So licitor with you and court is in session, spare neither time or expense in appre i hending and bringing these violators of " law to justice. If necessary, I will aid ' you with whole power of . State. Mobs must understand they cannot perpe trate crime and go unpunished. ,1 feel a blot is upon the State. Help me In every way you can to remove it b) punishing the perpetrators. ..... Salisbury Aug. 7 None of Lyerly family were in lynching party, but all say they deplore lynching. - It is said troops could " have defended ja'l and kept off mob but only at cost of perhaps fifty lives, soldiers were most blunder ingly sent into jail, but with only blank cartridges. After they had fired them the mob saw its chance advanced and capturing - several soldiers departing taking two prisoners with them. The jail looks like a fort after bombard ment. Greensboro, Aug. 8. There is an in tense feeling of belief in this city that Frank Bohannon, Ki Crutchfield and Oscar Crutchfield the three negroes in jail here for the alleged murder of the Southern Railway double track fore man, Beachman, last weex nave naa their preliminary hearing and will not be in jail here tonight. ' : The hearing had been set for Friday but after the strain of yesterday and last night in guarding the jail counsel for the Crutchfield prisoners were brought out of jail. They were taken by the private entrance to court room where Justice Collins and Wolfe were id waiting. Col. Barringer for the defendants Crutchfield charged as ac cessories before and after the murder waived examination and prisoners were remanded to jail without bond. Frank Bohannon had no lawyers, Responding to statement of Solicitor Brooks that he waV charged with kill ing Beachman, "Are you guilty or not truilty?" Bohannon without the least nervousness arose and said, "I killed him" and sat down. This was all of the proceedings. The negroes ' were quietly taken back to jail Governor Glenn had previously been communicated with in regard to the situation and it was agreed to be best to send prisoners to Raleigh for safety. They were therefore quietly placed aboard an afternoon train by deputies Crutchfield and Jeffries and taken to the penitentiary at Raleigh. Raleigh, Aug. 8. Governor Glenn of fers $75 for the arrest and conviction of the unknown person or persons who killed Sidney York in Asheviile on the night of July 9. Atlanta, Aug. 8th. Representative Whiteby and Solicitor C, D. Hill had a terrific fight in the capital here today The trouble arose over some remarks made by Whiteby jnthe House of Rep resentatives about HilL Both men were badly punished, but Hill received serious injuries In his fall, being knock ed down by Whiteby. : Raleigh, Aug. 8th. Governor Glenn left this afternoon for Guilford Colleg where he is to deliver the address be fore the annual meeting of the Society of Friends or Quakers. . ' Before leaving he spoke of the fail ure of the troops to prevent the Salis bury lynching, saying he was unable to understand why the troops did not use ball cartridges instead ot blank cart ridges and said that the litter was ab surd and really forbidden in such cases. Had he known the true situation be could have placed troops there from Charlotte and Greensboro in plenty time, " ; ; There was not a suggestion that the sheriff could not hold the crowd back until 11:30 that night' and he believes the officers of Rowan county were sin cere in their belief that there was dan- Ker untn st WM too late to prevent the I disgraceful affair. Washington Aug. 8, It has developed - in the case of the leprous patient whose case has aroused so much interest and who has been kept isolated In a tent at Clarksburg West Virginia, that he can not be sent to his native country of Syria because he has been a remdent of this country. four years and the die BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C.. FRIDAY AUGUST sudden misfortune; some threaten per sonal violence to the officers of the bank. Stensland made loans on houses up to 80 per cent of their greatest value. : Warrants have been issued for Stensland, his son, Theodore Stent land, nd the cashier, EwbezzlemeM and misuse of funds is charged to them, Frederick, Md., Aug. 9th. Edward Smith was shot and killed today by1 Fred Debold, the 17-year-old son of John Debold. The Debold and Smith families had been enemies for some time and a quarrel had arisen over blackberries. Smith was a young man. the son of a neighbor. The elder De bold saw yonng Smith coming toward him. and he told his son to shoot, and he did with fatal effect St Petersburg, Aug. " 9. Now that affairs are more peaceful here, the Czar has decided to take a little outing and will go to his favorite palace Tsar- skoe Selo Saturday and will visit the camps of the Imperial Guard regiment St Petersburg Aug. 9 -Word comes today from the Amenian frontier that severe battle is raeint? between the Turks and Amenians. Seven .hundred bm xonnrfwl Villjwt I o,u'a a TTrrW lh I cashier of the wrecked Milwaukee Ave nue State bank surrendered himself today and stated that he had nothing to do with wrecking the. bank. While the police were looking for him he was sitting around in the parks talking with newspaper reporters and listening to conversation about the bank failure. Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 9. The situ ation is mire quiet here today. Cap tain Barker of the local military com pany says his men had riot cartridges, but had no orders to fire, and were or dered to leave the jail by the sheriff be cause it was thought by so doing it would pacify the mob. Capt Barker will ask for a court-martial, to investi gate his actions. The State proposes to remove the trial of the suspected lynchers to anoth er county, as the law allows this. Judge Shaw made an erroneous ruling at Monroe regarding the Anson county lynchers, in holding they could only be tried in the county where the crime was committed. George HalL the mob leader is ready to plead guilty to conspiracy. Five lynchers, suspects, were arraigned in court this afternoon, two being new men, George Cable, and George Gut- le. The new sensation is the report com - mg from Barber Junction that the barn Ol Isaac iyoriy was uunwu mat uiguv, presumably by friends of the lynched negroes. Two bones In the barn were burned to death. Helena, Mont, Aug. 9 The largest shipment of wool ever made from this point was tent to Boston yesterday. It COmpnsea l,ww,wu pounus anu rwjuir - ed 44 cars to carry it This wool wss all the property of one person and was the product of his flocks of sheep alone. He refused an offer of 24 cents per New Orleans, Aug. 9 As a result of the latest croo bulletin announcing the nrohahllitvof an exeeDtijnal croo. the price of cotton fell off 15 points today. e. w. af:;sif,o:;g sells out! Mr. M. D. Lane of Fort Barn well is The Purchaser. Stock Taken This Week. Yesterday Mr. E. W. Armstrong sold his dry goods and clothing business to Mr. M. D. Lane of Fort Barnwell The account of stock will be taken this week and possession given early next week. 1 ' I Mr. Lane is not a stranger in New l Bern; he Is one ol the most prominent young men in the county and he Is a man who enjoys the confidence of many nna- wm oe vaiunuw (. Constipation, bowel irregularity, Ian to New Bern business circles. air. Armstrong conwmpiaw. moving Norfolk. r-- Norwnv F.alt Mackerel at the Ouks - ITeat t'aikot MOB VIOLENCE VS. TRIAL Murderers of The Junction Hanged THOUSANDS OF MEN i:: -.i'.'L'4- I, " " ' Senator and Judge Plead in Efforts to Call Out Militia Futile. One Man in The Crowd is Killed by the Jail Guard, A Blot Upon The State. e Charlotte Observer gives the f ol-1 lpwihg account of the triple lynching of Lyerly murderers which took place in Salisbury late Monday night Salisbury, Aug. 6. A mob of over (two thousand determined men entered Rowan county jail shortly ofter eleven (('clock and removed therefrom Nease and John Gillespie and Jack Dilling ham, -charged with the murder of the Lyerly family at Barber Junction, July 13th, and marching them to the edge of town, strung them up to a tree, rid- 1 ,5i: .1 : j 1: i : 1, K,,l 1 ,.(-.- ru,,"K ""r uk"b ' Georso Ervin was taken from his U ith his associates, but after close; ly questioning him, the leaders of the mob returned him to his cell. Before getting in its work the mob gave its three victims an opportunity to confess the crime. Dillingham and Nase Gillespie refused either to con feis or deny the crime. John Gillespie, in tears, maintained his innocence to thend. Tiring of efforts to get con fessions from the negroes ana neecuess of the pleadings of citizens who urged that the victims be spared, the crowd hurried the victims to the baseball field near Col. John Henderson's residence and completed their work. At midnight -less than an hour from the time of the final attack on the jail, the three bodies were swinging in the moonlight from the limbs of a big oak. Fireman McLendon, an employe of the Southern Railway, was shot and fa tally wounded presumably by a stray bullet from a weapon in the hands of some member of the mob during the riotous scenes around the jail, and Will Trouiman. a negro drayman was also seriously wounded by a stray bullet. Both were simply interested spectators of the proceedings. This afternoon when court adjourned th situation here looked very bright Jullget Long had knocked the mob spirit out of the crowd but this time things look blue for the negroes. Swarms of people are congregating in the streets 1 anfl au tney laca is a reai piucny .euuer I . a . , 1 1 I 1 1 ront of the jai,t where A this very moment ouu men nave SAVED t WRECKED SCHOONER. I Revenue Cutter Boutwell j Takcg R Capsized Boat 1 i . J Into Port. The Elizabeth City Economist of Aug. I 8, scys : I "The wrecked schooner Luther u. May is now in tnis port, naving oeen towed in vesterday by the United I states revenue cutter BoutwelL It I will be remembered that this is the schooner which was capsized - - . in the Pamlico sound on July 80, during a heavy storm which prevailed then. The boat was on the run from Englehardto Hatteraa. Two ladies from Englehard lost their lives. The Boutwell went out from New Bern in search of the schooner and found her about two miles south by east of Glbbs' shoal buoy. She was picked upon and brought on to Eliza beth City, reaching here yesterday ai ternoon about 5:30. The owner of the schooner, Mr. B. P. Etheridge, of Cape 1 Hatteraa, was also on the search and ; now In the city. He is loud is his praises of the officers and crew of the Boutell. But for them, he says, his boat would have been badly damaged. She will now be able to resume her regular run as soon as some necessary repairs are made." v . J 1 A n.l. k.M 1tuaa Kb1 . nSHllHI'l H. U V S UOllDlM HIIUIU ..,- 19 rheumatilnlt disorders Inci , I dent to sedentary life, positively cured I by Hollistcr's Rocky Mountain Tea, the BTeatest American remedy. lea or I Tablets, 35 cents.-F. S. Duffy. 10, 1906. SECOND SECTION. BY Lverlv Family at Barter's By Lynchers. FORM THE MOB. - -- Vain With Angry Crowd. dozen or more deputies sit with their guns across their knees. A few keen yells would set the crowd on fire and it would storm the jail. If the deputies do their duty they may have to kill some of their fellowmen. As the min utes pass the crowd in front of the jail grows larger. Sheriff Julian, Solictor Hammer and Mayor A. H. Boyden are busy conferring with Judge Long, who has room No. 36 in the Hotel Vande- ford just across the street from the county jail. The yelling has begun and it is fierce With each whoop the mob increases. Judge Long has been urged to order out the Rowan Rifles, Capt. Max Barker and he will do it at once. Every street car that passes emptied its load in front of the court house, which is but a short distance from the jail. It is evident to Mayor Boyden and Sheriff Julian, who know their people, that heroic ef forts must be made to save the prison ers. Judge Long is preparing to do the best he can. If the negroes are lynched it will be over his strenuous protests. The darkies on the streets seem to be very much excited, but not mad. The multitude that has assembled here to night comes from a number of counties Davidson, Cabarrus, Iredell, Stanly, Mecklenburg are represented. ; At 6 o'clock this evening Mayor Boy den closed the saloons and cut off the liquor supply. Very few if any of the members of the mob are drunk. It can be said that none of Rowan's representatives citiz ens are taking part in the unlawful de monstrations. Senator Overman Pleads W lth nob. 8:45 o'clock: The yelling at the back door of the jail has ceased. Senator Overman and Judge Long addressed the crowd. Th'eemen with hammers had slipped in the building and were going up the stairs to the cells when dis covered and arrested. A fine looking fel low with determined face had appeared on the sene and was leading the party of prospective lynchers, tie was ap pealed to. He said: "Turn out our men and we will ro." Solicitor Hammer had told him that he could disperse the crowd with a wave of his hand. Sena-, tor Overman advised the officers to turn out the three fellows who had been captured and that was done. For a time good order prevailed. Many Of the would-be-leaders moved back of, THE YELLOW FEVER. Ralnigh News and Observer Has A Bad Case Which ; May Result Fatally. The Raleigh News and Observer which has always posed as a highly moral and family newspaper forsook its him drum existence yesterday and joined the lists of the yellow Journals along with the Police Gazette and other sensational news mongers. In the name of newspaper enterprise it pub lished a disgusting and indecent picture of the negroes hanging from the tree at Salisbury a most hideous and gruesome sight The picture occupied a place of honor, first page, top column, next to pure (?) reading matter and whether the reading people desired it or not they had to raze upon the awful scene, if they took up the paper to read at all. As for so called journalistic enter prise the News and Observer can not be regarded as having made any capital in that line. It can not honestly be com mended in any sense ior such a breach of decency. , 'Twere bad enough to pub lish the disgusting details of the hang ing and of course the public demanded that much but when it comes to picturing the died which has horrified the whole country for its atrocity, irreparably in jured the State and put under a cloud the county ana city in wmca it w committed, the paner has lost rather than gained. Had common sense been used such a picture would never have appeared in the columns of "The Only Newspaper in the State Having over 10,000 Circulation." Norway Salt Mackerel at the Oaks Meat Market ' LAW LYNCHERS TR ED TO GET BOHANNON. Delay In Murderers Proceed ings Provoked Great Im patience. CASE OF II. S. VS. OLD NICK WILLIAMS CO.. SETTLED. Typographical Union to be Represented at Annual Meeting in Colorado Springs and WiU Also Have Prominent Part In Labor Day Celebration. An other Case For U. S. States Court (Special Correspondence) Greensboro Aug. 8. Close upon the news of the Salisbury lynching vague rumors began floating here this morn ing, that a plan to lynch Frank Bohan non in jail here for the alleged murder of the Southern Railway .double track ing foreman, Beachman, was being formed. It has never been apprehend ed that there would be any trouble from citizens of Guilford County. It is now known that certain railway em ployees, here, at High Point, and at Spencer, have been holding suspicious conferences. Beachman, it is said has a brother at Spencer, and the lynching at Salisbury has undoubtly caused ex citment in certain circles here and at other points. This morning there was an executive conference between the Board of County Commissioners County Attorney Wilson, Mayor Murphy, Chief of Police Neele, Sheriff, Jordan, and jailer Busick as to the propriety of re moving Bohannon and his two alleged accessories in the killing of Beachmun to some other county jail. It was fin ally decided that it was not necessary to I remove the prisoner. Governor Glenn was communicated with and gave assurance to the Sheriff that if any trouble arose, he would be authorized to call out the militia, and they would be instructed to use loaded cartridges, the preliminary trial of these negroes has been postponed until Friday, when at 1 o'clock Justices of the peace D, H. Collins and J. E. Wolfe will preside at the court house. This long delay in hearing the prelim inary hearing is causing a great deal of criticism, since the murder was pecul iarly open and cold blooded all the wit nesses are known, the actual perpetra tor of it, admits it and involves the two accessories. It is said that these alleg ed accessories have not raised the funds demanded by their lawyer, and the mat ter is delayed on that account It can be safely guessed that the negroes will betaken out of the jail for several nicrhts to come and guarded at some place unknown to the general public. This was done several years ago by sheriff Gilmer for several nights in tho case of a prisoner. There appeared to be no trouble, the very first night the prisoner was left in jail, he was taken out and lynched. The county commissioners employed Mr. John N. Wilson to represent the state in the preliminary trial of Frank Bohannon, Ki. Grutchfield and his son, for murder and conspiracy. The case will be called before Justice Wolfe and Collins Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Col. John A. Barringer represents the Grutchfields. Bohannon will probably employ counsel before the hearing takes place. Greensboro Typographical Union No 397 held a well attended meeting yes terday and made an appropriation for sending Mr. H. C. Curtin as a delegate to the annual meeting of the Interna tional Typographical Union in Colorado Sprint's Aueust 13-19th. J. S. Pender was elected as a delegate to the State Federation of Labor meeting in Ashe viile August 15th and a committee was appointed to arrange to put a credit able float in the Labor Day parade m this city. ; Before U. S. Judge Boyd, In Cham bers yesterday afternoon in the case of United States vs. the old Nick Williams Company, the bill of exceptions. Vas settled making out the case on appeal. The Government was represented by District Attorney A. B. Holton, of Winston-Salem, while IS. T. Cannier of Charlotte and ex-Judge Chaa A. Moore of Asheviile. appeared for the de fense. ': . - Judge Boyd also issued an order in the case of T. C. Daniels surety on the bond of D.VD. Carrtck, of Davidson Co, setting aside the allotment of home stead and proceedings taken for the reason that the appraisers had not been duly sworn, and directing the marshal to proceed under theexecution to the alotmentof the homestead as required by law. Mr. John W. Blount was appointed a United States Commissioner at Coole- me, Davie county. A white man giving his name as Ji - Turner, was louna aeaa uruna n:si night on the A. & M. track near whtre it runs under the main line of ti e Southern. He was so situated that a pnssing train would have cut his hoiul off. 29th YEAR EEIIT YET SUBSIDED Feeling Very Bitter Against The Murderers, Crutch- fields. STATE CHAIRMAN ADAMS MAKES APPOINTMENTS. Peonage Case Against The Southern & Western Railroad Company and Also Against The Carolina Construction Co., New' Dis ciple Church. Quakers ' Purchase Property -For House of Worship. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, N. C, Aug. 9. The rather sudden determination yesterday to send the Beachman negro murderers to Raleigh, was the result of develop ments, during the conference with the State's witnesses. Previous to the ex amination by the Justices, Solicitor Brooks and special attorney for the county John N. Wilson, had had a con ference with the State witnesses, who had been summoned here from the dou- ble tracking camp near Jamestown, where foreman Beachman was murder ed. These witnesses were white em- ployees of the contractors, most of . them residents of South Carolina, Vir ginia and Georgia. Their evidence, it is said made a plain case of conspiracy with Bohannon. on the part of Ki and Crutchfield to commit the murder. What impressed the lawyers represen ting the State, was the suggestion on -the part of these witnesses that the two Crutchfield negroes had as well be turned out of jail on small bonds. Bo hannon having acknowledged that he did the killing they all agreed would have to remain in jail. It has been known all the time, that for some cause feeling was much stronger against old Ki and his son than against Bohannon, who committed the murder. It was ex plained last night from the neighbor hood, who said that the Crutchfield ne groes had been a constant source oz trouble to the working force, not only by selling liquor, but by inciting the ne gro workmen to insubordination against the white bosses. Another reason given, was that there was no doubt' about the law's dealing with Bohannon rind they were content to wait and see him legally executed, but they had an idea that the lawyers would get old Ki and his son free. After the witnesses had been ex amined, it was felt that the negroes would not be safe here, without a scene of bloodshed in protecting them in the jail. When the preliminary hearing was held, the State witnesses did not even know of it The four doors of the court room were locked, and those . present including the prisoners, went by way of the back stairs After it was over, the Justices, in requiring a recognizance for their appearance at the September term of court, were told by two of the witnesses that it wouM not be necessary for them to enter any such agreement as there would be no need of their coming here a month from now. This nettled the Justice to such an extent he was on the point of com mitting them to jail After a confer ence with SohcitorBrooks, the men ex plained that they meant that the nature of their employment in contracting work, made it possible that they might be in distant States a month hence. It was noticeable yesterday morning, that the only one of the three negroes who showed the least excitement or sense of fear was old Ki. He was terribly nervous and fidgety, while bis son, Oscar sat cool and collected by his side calmly chewing gum. Neither did . Bobsnnon show the least nervousness. He stood up when asked what he bad to say, and in clear collected tones sim ply said, "I killed him" and never changed a muscle. : With all the determination hereto uphold the law and protect these wretch es their departure even temporarily is felt to be a happy riddance. Republican State Chairman, Adams this morning made appointment of the following Important committee: State Committee at Large T. 8. Rollins, Asheviile; D. M. Forches, Statesville; G. G. Hendrix, Aaheboro; John C Angier, Durham; George Butler, Clin ton; Wheeler Martin, Williams ton. Campaign Committee W. S. Pearson, Morgan ton; C J. Harris, Dilsboro, T. T. Hicks, Henderson; C. F. Tom, Hen dorsonville: Q. C. Meekins, Columbia. United States District Attorney A. B Holton went to Marion today to re- rs sent the government in the indict n; f i t th omUiern I Western Railroad Company 1 n Carolina Construction Con ; y. V. caB(Jg grew out of t!l(J t, ;,d Uallang 8t Mariun , , t glate9 comli; , r v ; n.;:i- r of I a r i l jistV ( 1 t' a 3 ! 1 1

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