s-1 A0 No. 40. NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY AUGUST 17. 1906.-SECOND SECTION. 29th YEAR lift 1 I it I'll i i ri in r-v i m yv.' xr-m t ur . a lis fi i -in ii i i i ft j i : - IE 1 LEGRAPHIC riBvs events of Past Three Days Tersely Told For Jour nal Readers. MAINE TO MEXICO : ndastrial, Commercial, SWial, Rli?i- ous, Criminal mid Political L Happenings Condensed in -Few Lines. , Chicago, Aug. 14 The subways for freight traffic are to be opened tomor row. This will relieve the congested conditions in freight yards and of traffic generally.. TheTwhole system consists of 85 miles of tracking underground and cost $30,000,000. There is more traffic underground kan on the sur face. i V Rome.Aug. 14. -In his last punlicfical letter Pope Pius calls attention to the fact that the life of the Catholic church is threatened in France. The action in the House of Deputies in denying, cer tain privileges to the Holy Church anti' the attitude of the peasants makes the Pope's fears.not without some found ation. He makes urgent appeals to Bishops to organize to save the church. Pittsburg Aug. 14 A plan has been proposed by some of the principal steel and railroad men to build a double track light gradient electric railway between New York and Chicago. The coat of the construction is estimated to be $150 000,000. Three railroad companies are interested in the project. Chicago, Aug. 14-Eachday brings to light more evidence of dishonesty and loose operations in the conduct of affairs of the Milwaukee Avenue bank. It is now thought that the depositors will not get more than 25 cents on the dollar. Several more warrants have been issued for directors. , Manila, Aug. 14. Outlaws and native malcontents have been so active lately that it is the purpose of Gen. Wood to annihilate them, especially on the Isl and of Cavite where they have been very active. ... . Atlantic City, Aug. 14th. The next legislature wilt probably be called upon to enact some adequate rate law, and it is said that such a law has already been drawn up. There are over one hundred railroad lawyers in secret ses sion here and they have entered a pace . to fight the bill with vigor. Atlantic Hotel, Morehead CityAug. 14. Governor Glenn arrived with his staff this morning and most of the day . was spent at the camp. He - expressed gratification at the matters in camp. A brilliant reception was given the Gov ernor and his staff this evening, after which the grand military ball took place. Raleigh, Aug. 15. Governor Glfun issues an address to the people, of North Carolina based upon the Salisbury lynch ing says that until a few weeks ago, the State has been blest with law and order for four years,r but now a few lawless men in three instances have overthrown the law and wilfully, and deliberately committed murder by lynch ing persons confined in jail; there being in no case the slightest excuse, special terms of court having been ordered and in one case a court actually trying the prisoners. ;-. rL'" t ; , The Governor says, to stop, these dis graceful occurrences and protect ill prisoneis, he issues orderi (to all sher iffs and to captains commanding the National Guards. In the instructions to sheriffs he 'directs them to notify him immediately of any threats or ru mors of violence, also to at once notify 'the captain wf the nearest company, and if violence is attempted to order out the companies and a posse of citi zens, armed and equipped to use all peaceful means to disperse crowds, but if they refuse to disperse, then htall hazards even if killing necessary, and to arrest all members of such mobs, His orders to captains are if they hear of any attempted violence tore port the facts to him and notify the sheriff and if the later, after ordering crowd to disperse, and uponits refusal, . order the captains to fire, to do so in stantly. Also arrest all the mobs pos sible, to deliver these to sheriffs and to protect jails. ' The Governor says news papers can greatly aid in warning of danger and thus repress lynching. Buenos Ayrep. Auff. 15. Secretary Root delivered the most important ad-1 dress of his South American visit here today.' He revealed his mission which, he said, is to assure the people of the Latin-American republics that the peo ple of the United States are one with them in sentiment and they must know each other better He waa given immense cheering. St. Louis, Aug. 15 Acting under in structions cabled from England a lab orer assisting in tearing down one of the Exposition buildings found hidden in the wall diamonds valued at $50,000. They were Btolen two years ago from an English lady visiting the exposition. Considerable excitement waa caused by the theft at the time but no trace of Lihem nor the thief could be found. -: It developed that the Hindoo" servant of the woman was recently fatally hurt by an elephant in India made a confessior to his attendants just before dying stating where they could be found. Lenoir, Aug. 15. A daughter of Thomas Coffee was killed by lightning this morning while asleep. The bolt entered the house on the telephone wire. Other-members of the household were shocked and the house set on fire. St Petersburg, Aue. 15, While a platoon of the aristocratic Chevalier guards were marching along the Btreet young lady was overheard to say to friend:"They are as gay as if they haAC.';.' Port Arthur." The peo ple yaaring this remark laughed and hooted at the soldiers who with sudden movement drew their sabres and charg ed the crowd. ':. . Pursuing the young lady who made the remark, captured her and took her to the barracks where she waa given 27 lashes on the bare flesh by two of the guards bv which wounds she almost died. '. I A paper printed the story of this out rage but the edition was promptly con fiscated. No arrest or punishment have yet been made. , Chihuahua, Mexico, Aug. 16. A car load of dynamite on a freight train on the Mexican Central Railrord exploded today,killing twelve men and wrecking the train. Property for a mile around was greatly damaged. The pause of the accident is not known. Asheville Aug. 16. -One employee of the Hans Rees great tannery was killed and three are perhaps fatally injured by inhaling poisonous gases in the tank which they were attempting to clean. Washington, Aug. 16. President Roosevelt today appointed Willis G. Briggs to be postmaster at Raleigh. He was the first man recommended by State Chairman Spencer B. Adams for any poatmastership." : St. Petersburg, Aug. 16. The war commenced by the terrorists and revo lutionists continues all over Russia and Poland. Last night there were; fifty men assassinated in Poland and the conditions are very alarming. New York Aug. 16. The president and other officials of the Brooklyn Rap id Transit Co. were arrested today and held to answer charge of inciting riot at Coney Island and ' attempting ,to collect double fare. This is the out come the outrage last Sunday' when the conductors and detectives assaulted and abused the passengers because they would not pay double fare. ' , Odessa, Russia. Aug. 16. A party of 15 anarchists raided the railway station here last night, killed four policemen and carried away 18,000. The military have organized posses- and are looking for the men, all of whom are known. Danville, Aug. 16.-J. G. Cannon, "UncleJoe", was renominated for con gress from the 18th district today by ac clamation. This is the eighteenth term he has received the nomination and there waa practically no opposition tohkn in thecampaign. Raleigh, Aug. 16. The Farmer' Al lUrne in its 20th annual session elected the following officers today: President, George L. Parrott; V. President, J. A. McAllister; Secretary-Treasurer and Business Agent, Thomas B. Parker. It urged the. legislature to establish an Agricultural High School for each coun ty or Congressional district, the school -m - I to be supported by local taxation. Thev condemned the use of the fer tilizer tax In paoing for the education of students In the A. & M. College. They endorse Governor Glenn's strong atti tude toward lynching and mobs. A resolution was introduced opposing the plan of the railways to increase the minimum car load of fertilizers from 10,000 to 20,000 pounds and called for a renewal of the old fight against the jute bagging trust which baa increased prices over 25 cents by rensing old bag ging or any other covering, GOVE P,I1S AC APPROVED Ilia Refusal To Commute Hasty And Samuels Sen tence Gives Satisfac ' tion. CRUSHED BOCK FOR CITY IMPROVEMENT. Private Plant Assists City Enterprise. New Insurance Agency Concern. Big Fruit Shipping Shed at Pomona; Indicating Possi bilities As av Great Fmit Centre. (Special Correspondence) Greenshoro, Aug. 14. The refusal of Governor Glenn to remit the sentence of imprisonment on ex-Revenue officers G. W. Samuel and J. W. Hasty for the assault and battery on Editor Deal at Wilkesboro, to a fine was generally ex pected here, and is as generally com mended by all who have k apt up with the case in Wilkes, and the subsequent developments in the trials of the reve nue officers in the Federal court here. Both men are out on bond, but their friends here say they will at once surJ render themselves to the jailer at Wilkesboro and begin the service of their sentence. Their being in jail when the special term of the Federal court meets here the first Monday in September to continue the trials of revenue officers indicted for alleged frauds against the government, will in ill probability work a continuance of all the cases. Samuel has already been convicted in this court, and sentence was deferred, awaiting the disposition of other cases. One of these to he tried is against Hasty, indicted for conspiracy with distillers, false reports, etc. So on the whole, the imprisonment of these men at that time, may redound to the gener al benefit of all the revenuers urder in dictment, by gradually easing upon these cases, until finally the whole batch will be deadened out of court and nothing further done with any of the parties, convicted or yet to be tried. Such a denouement has been freely pre dieted from the very beginning by many observant people, who while commend ing District Attorney Holton for his remarkable perseverance and ability in prosecuting the cases, have realized that he could not forever stand alone against the whole allied forces of the republican organization in North Caro lina, backed by the powerful influence of Internal Revenue Commissioner Yerkcs, and his subordinate heads in North Carolina. It is well known that Collector Harkins lost his job on ac count of his nudging up the depart ment of justice officials in the prosecu tions, instead of siding with the forces under Yerkes, who have from the first resented bittorly the indictment and conviction of their leading lieutenants in the revenue service and hardest workers in the political field. State Chairman Adams, has been the Attorney, leading counsel for all these indicted r avenue officers, and has done his full professional duty in defending them, and yet, some of the Blackburn- ites are so bitter in their spite against them, that they are now saying that if Judge Adams bad not put on letting the Governor act on these applications for a fine instead of imprisonh mt, Hasty and Samuel could have f nished serving their sentence of three and six months in time to have done campaign work for Blackburn in Surry, Wilkes and Cabarras counties, and also have voted at the election. Now they will not beable to vote or to take in the campaign rounding up others for Black bum. Its a funny world. : Messn. J. C. Abbett and S. B. .Ker sey are installing rock crushing plant on W. Lee street preparatory to doing an extensive business. They have con tracted to deliver their entire out put to the city up to December 1st as the city is not equipped to crush half the rock it will require in improving streets thli fall. The plant will be operated by electricity, while most of the stone used will be brought here by rail from Randolph where there is an abundance of desirable surface rock. The South Greensboro Fire Insuraace and Real Estate Comoanv is the name of anew Greensboro enterprise. The Company will represent the "originajf four five insurance companies ana we life department of the Southern Life and Trust Company. The J. Van Lindley Nursery Company is erecting mammoth shipping shed and storage house at Pomona. This big shed will cover more than one-half ol an acre, and win be used as a snipping station for the thousands of fruit trees annually sent out from Pomona The building will cost $3,500 and its dlmen- tions are 100 x 800 feet The doctors used to bleed mankind. For every ill that tky could find, But now they're wiser, said one to me, And give instead Rocky V' tsin Tea. "V. S.' Duffyi ELECTRIC VAY EXTENSION Famous Landscape Artist Ilea- dy For Work on Campus ' of Greensboro Female College. VERY LARGE DOCKET OF CIVIL CASES. Edttcationitl Picnic at Whittle t Insti tute Aug. 25th. Committee Appoin ted to get Freight Rate Bene fits Under New Law. Pre paring for Celebration of Centenniul of Ci ty's Birtb. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Aug. 16th.-The Greens boro Electric Company today gave an order for 15,000 cross ties with which to equip the hew extension of their car line from Asheboro street in south Greensboro, down west Leo street to the two new'suburbs" of Glenood and Piedmont Heights. The order for other material has been placed, asd Mr. R. H. Caswell, the superintendent of the company says that barring delays in freight service the extension will be completed by Jan. 1st. A new ice plant will be in cperation here by March 1st 1907, with a capacity of 85 tons per day. Messrs. Powers & Armstrong, wood and coal dealers, have placed an order for the necessary build ings and machinery to manufacture ice, in connection With their other enter prise. These gentlemen came here from Raleigh three years ago, made large in vestments and have Bad unqualified suc cess in the real estate, coal ' and wood business. ' Mr. L. L Miller, a celebrated land scape artist, of New York, is here with a corps of assistants making surveys of the Greensboro Female College campus with a view to beautifying the grounds. It will require several days to complete the survey, as a complete topographi cal map will be takeq showing the posi tion of the walks, the trees, the shrub bery and the various elevations, before any real work will be begun. Last year there were more applica tion for students at the College than there were accommodations in the main building. To avoid this trouble at pres ent, the College is building two dwell ings on the lota donated by Mr. J. A. Odell. They will give sleeping accom modations to thirty students' As soon as a contemplated wing is added to the College building, the residence will be rented for private uses. The College will open Sept 12th. A one week term of court for the trial of cases will begin here next Monday, Judee Fred : Moore presiding. With about four hundred cases to be tried, the wdrk usually done in one week will not more than make a dent in the dock et Colored fire companies from New Bern. Oxford, Henderson and Durham were here last night going to Winston where the State Firemena' Association and tournament exercises began today. " At the coming Annual educational pic nicat Whitaett Institute, Aug. 25th, there will be speakers of state wide reputation to address the rssemblage, a free dinner served on the campus to ev erybody, and a geueral good time had, For several years these educational denies have been a yearly feature at Whitaett " At a meeting of the Chamber of Com merce here last night a resolution was adopted, authorizing President Battle to appoint a committee of five, charged with the duty seeing that Greensboro get what benefits that may be possi ble under the amended freight rate bill recently passed by Congress. This Com mittee is to thoroughly investigate the question of freight discrimination, the terms of the new law, and report back to the Chamber, such measures as they may think will be necessary to betoken to obtain relief from present freight rate discrimination against Greensboro. President Battle announced that owing to the importance of the work proposed he will ask for time to announce the Committee. - - ' ; Another resolution adopted looking to Wove freight service, was the reco endatlon ol the passage by Congree of a law requiring railroads to make at least 150 miles a day in its through freight service between the states, or be required to remit from its freigh charges a certain per cent every day rifilav in delivering where the 150 miles a dav's prosrress had not been made in taking shipments.to their destination. The resolutions approved are those adonted bv the Hardware Jobbers Asio ciation of America at its recent annual session at Hope Springs Vr. Another important action of the Chamber was the announcement that in 1098, there would be a celebration on a large scale of the one hundreth anniver sary of-4he city's birth, and in conjunct ion with this would be held the next great re-union of non-resident North Carolinians. A general "leeting of the INTERESTED IfJ PURE FOOD. Insurance Legislation Proba ble. Wake Forest Trus-' tees Elect Financial Secretary. Farm ers Alliance. Dispensary Report. (Special Correspondence. ) Ralegh, Aug. 15. Miss May Card, from Canada, who during the paat six weeks has done some excellent work as one of the conductors of the institutes for women held by the State Board of Agriculture is to remain at Ra'.eigh and ill do this kind of work and also chemicaf work in the pure food depart ment of the agricultural department. She is a Very capable woman along both these lines. The Republicans of this congressional district had a convention today, at which, to be sure, the attendance was but small. The manager of the State peniten tiary farm on the Roanoke says that the cotton crop this year there is the finest he ever saw. Last year on 1,200 acres he made 1,200 bales. The weath er is quit seasonable now for . cotton and for other crops. It is intimated that there may be considerable insurance legislation at the next term cf the legishture. This seems to be the outlook. Quite a lot of interest is manifested in the meeting to be held September 12, of the policy holders of the Mutual Life and the New York Insurance Companies and it is the opinion that there will be a very large representation on that occasion. The executive committee of the trus tees of Wake Forest College are to meet here soon, upon call of the chair man, Mr. Carey Hunter, to elect a fi nancial agent. . This position is a very important one. The trustees have ac cepted a proposition made by the Gen eral Education Board to give $37,000 to the colleee unon condition that the latter raise $112,500. Leading Baptists say the money will certainly be raised. The denomination is wonderfnlly ag gressive and active in its work. It has raised $100,000 for the Baptist Univer sity for Women here. The North Carolina Farmers' Alli ance met in annual session at Hillsboro this afternoon. Secretary T. B Parker, Clarence H. Poe, J. W. Denmark and others from this city ar9 attending the meeting. On the 25th instant, the Tabernacle . . , , . , ... tsapusi ounaay scnoo. oi u.m wu. have its annual outing at Wilmington and Wrightsville, going over the Ral eigh & Southportailway to Fayetteville and thence to the coast. This is the Urgest Sunday school in the State and one of the largest in the South, . The receipts of the Raleigh tispensa- rv for Julv were about $300 less than for the corresponding month last year. This is the first time there has been a falling off and the dispensary officials attribute it to the Very large amount of cider, melons, etc. brought here. The executive committee of the State Literary and Historical Association will meet Thursday morning m the office of Secretary of State and will arrange for the annual meeting wmcn is a.ways held during the State fair. The associ- auonnasaone more wor Ui uiau ucivio. members of the Chamber of Commerce and dusiness men of the city, will be held Sep. 21st at whioh time this mat ter will be settled, proceeding a Danquei to be given under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce. At a meetincr of the board of Direct ors of the Central Carolina Fair Asso ciation last night, steps were taken looking to arrangementh to give the larg pat and best exhibit ever held, and Committees were named 10 secure irora the railroads the best excursion tacm- ties possible to attract people from Letting money, and getting it crooked large territory at norminal expense.! . . ,wir Pannv Brothers who conduct auction sale of horses here, were grant ed the privilege of erecting immense atat.lHB. eostin? S5.000 at the Fair ground, from which point they will have their sales alter tne completion oi me stables. Bridge Question Not Settled - The following telegram denies the re port of the Journal that the War De partment has decided against the Nor folk &, Southern railroad in the con struction of its bridge across Albemarle Sound at :keys Ferry. The Journal has whaf isidered reliable informa tion and irlad to publish an au thoritatL lent te., the contrary from headqtfc's: 1 , Norfolk, Va., Aug. 10. Editor Journal , Referring to itemin issue of August rrJr:" A inorougn Business iize a u.t this matter by 'government engineers. e teach" the Conmiereklfu embracing Single, Double Entry, Joint Evidently you have been misinformed, gtoc)t Bookkeeping, Business Practice, (including Wholesale and Retail Ker the Norfolk and Southern is not con- cnan(jiaing Banking, Insurance, Real Estate, Commission and Brokerage), templating construction ot a bridge at Cotnmercial Law, Business Writing, Grammar, Spelling and Business Corrr , some other point than that, now pro- Mnunpe posed as stated by you. ; . Jenny.-Treatment for pimples and blackheads calls for absolute cleanli ness. Pimples show that the body is absorbing poisonous substances and needs Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets 35 cents. F. S. Duffy. POLICE SEARCH E E Young Girl Victim Persuasion Say Parents. of Over The COLORED R. R. EMPLOYEE KILLED BY SQUTHENN TRAIN Property Owners Must Put Substan tial Walks in Front of Their Places. Rev. C- F. Rankin, Prominent i'.. Presbyterian Minister, May Accept Call to Virginia Pastorate. For ger Under Arrest (Special Correspondence). Greensboro, Aug. 16. Chief Police Neeley received a phone message from Thomas Duncan of High Point this morning, notifying him to watch in coming trains and the Kegister or Deeds office for his seventeen year old daughter, Tiney, who eloped last night with Peter Durham, aged 30. The father alleges that his daughter has been "overpersuaded" by Durham to marry him and she is not old enough to marry, without parent, s consent, which he says will never be given. He wishes the arrest of both parties if they can be found. Officers have not been able to locate them here. On the railroad trestle near Lexing ton yesterday, a train ran over William Wilson, a Southern railway employee, killing him instantly. The particulars of his death, and the cause of the ac cident are shrouded in mystery, as the trainmen say they cannot see how he could have failed to get out of the way of a fast approaching passenger train Wilson lives in Greensboro, and the re mains were buried here today. He was sixty-five years old, and had a good reputation for sobriet and industry. Property owners who have failed to have cement sidewalks pat down in front of their lots, have had a last no tice issued to them, that if not done by September first, proceedings against flinm. mill It A 1 no f i 11 f A1 4n YlAna ltlM VllCUt Will W HIDWdUWU v sVNBa ww .rov.ded by ordlnanco. Mayor Murphy has made a fine showing on this question, there having been laid in the fifteen months of his administra tion, 26 miles of concrete sidewalks in the city. The trouble now is, the va cant spaces, seen here and there, where some lot owners have failed to pave. These "gaps" will soon be filled up. The owner failing, the city will have the work done, asases the cost against the property, as Well as fine the recal- citrent owner. ; Rev. G. F. Rankin, evangelist, of Orange Presbytery, left this morning for Portsmouth, Va,, to meet the mem bers and officials of the First Presbyte rian church there, in connection with a , u torate recent,y extended K M& 8nd C0Mecrated young Guilford county divine, . j sergeant xaruc rciurueu uvui Washington this morning, having in I custody Henry Fulton, who had com- I m;tteH BeVeral forgeries here. He was arrestedin Washington for some of fense there, and the officers notified the police here that they could have him if they would come after him. Young Fulton, who is but sixteen, m the son of excellent parents here, and his bad conduct has been a source of trouble to them for some time. He seems to be insanely intent on weeKiyi'J' - whenever he got a chance, The 130th annual protracted meeting at the old Murrs chapel camp ground begins next Sunday. Barbacue and Clams Customers please remember that I am still doing business at the old stands Nice fresh barbacue each day, and clam whenever thev are in the market All kinds soft drink on ice, also cigars and W. M. CANADY, t 128 Middle Street Kinston Practical Offers tn Enterorisine Youne People . , S(r.We Course. embracing Shorthand, Typewriting, Grammar, I Spelling and Business Correspondence. kpECIAL TERMS THROUGH ..SUMMER MONTI ! We occupy the second floor of the and flneBt buildings in the city. Call and See us or write fur Terms BABY COVERED mm Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Unless Hands Were Tied Wasted to a Skeleton Awful Suffering for Over a Year drew Worse Under. Doctors Skin Now Clear. WOULD HAVE DIED BUT FOR CUTICURA. little eon, when about year . and a half old, began to have sores . oome out on his face. I had a phy sician treat him. but the sores grew worse. Then they -began to come on his arms, then on other parte of his body, and then one came on nia cneat, iworae than the ' others. Then I call el another nhvat -- dan.' Still be grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands , in cloths at night to keep him from, scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. ) 'He got to be a mere skeleton, and . was hardly able to walk. My Aunt ' advised me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. So great was her faith in it that she gave me a small piece of Soap to try and a little of the Oint ment. I took it home without any faith, but to please her I tried it, and it seemed to dry up the sores a little. "I sent to the drug store and got a cake of the Soap and a box of the Ointment and followed the directions, and at the end of about two months the sores were all well. He has never had any sores of any kind since. "He is now strong and healthy, . and I can sincerely say that only for -your most wonderful remedies my Srecious child would have died from lose terrible sores. I used only one cake of Soap and about three boxes of Ointment. (signed) Mrs. Eg bert Sheldon, R. P. D., No. 1, Wood vttle. Conn, April 22, 1905." Oamplct Extornal tnd Intamtl TiMtmn4 for Zrcry Humor, from FtmplM to ScroTii, fiom lntettcj to A, , ouditiog of Cutiouxm Soap, fee OtabnoM, AOc, RoroU Ofc. OWC (IB mm tn vowvw. wwi una, mv. jw m. ft BU7 DO ON W Ml I ottor Drue k C bom. Con) Mt. Arluloi lO rTODL. BUNOB. ' MToUliOl Ilwt,' Haw Can Suy Human, JOHN PATS STAR RISING. Young New Bern Athlete . Gaining Honors Daily in The Baseball World. John Patterson is demonstrating won derful ability as a base ball player. He has out played several times the excel jent record he made on the U. of N. C. team, since his engagement with the Stroudsburg club his playing has been really phenomenal end not only has he made good in the box but at the bat as well. In one game not long ago he made a home run and a three bagger and he is continually making surprises at an all around good player. The Strouda burg paper says of him in one of his best games: "Ptttreson, pitcher for Stroudsburg and in the first six innings ' but three men faced him each time. He had excellent control and formed nine men". v'. " 1 j: vy!. v ,.V: f "Not only did Patterson pitch well but he fielded well and batted 1000. In three times at but he had two imglet and a double." v In an account of another game a paper says of him: "In the very first inning Patterson made a glorious ran over the foul line from left field posi tion and gathered in Stroudaburg's foul fly. He was cheered to the echo. Pat terson took care of Snooks fly next and the plucky little North Carolinian was kept busy." ; The Printer's "Devil." Why is the printer's errand boy called. , the"printers devil"? A writer at the end of the seventeenth century explained it thus: "These boys in a printing house, commonly black and daub themselves; whence the workmen do jocosely ceil them devils; and sometimes spirits and sometimes flies." It is related, how ever, that. Aldo Manuzio, the great Venetian printer of the fifteenth cen tury, had a black slave boy, who waa popularly supposed to have come from below. Accordingly he published a notice: "I, Aldo Mannsio, printer of ' the Doge, have this day made public exposure of the printer's devil All who think he is not flesh and blood may come and pinch him." New York Tri- bune. I OLD nei Ipaper tor 15 cent per iw, 'at the Journal office. - v- ' Business College - ft II fUl Whitaker Building, one of the kr and particulars. - KLNST0N, N. C.

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