I NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. TUESDAY AUGUST 21, 1906-FIRST SECTION. ' ' . ' ,,.,,,29 VjAR;:; ' No. 41. . tt; N ft t TELEGRAPHIC I II vents of Past Three Days .Tersely Told For Jour- ' nal Readers. ERRITORY INCLUDED IE TO ndnstrial, Commercial, Social, Religi ous, Criminal and Political Happeningi) Coudnsd in'. Few Lilies. ' St Petersburg, Aug. 17.-Beluzeff, the daring robber and outlaw who led the gang oft men which pillaged the leading bank at Moscow, escaped from a heavily guarded train while returning from Switzerland. He sprang through the car window, the train going at a rate of speed at the time, and larentl;- unhurt and dashed 4t. :;; ;;': sx o, Aug, 17th Four boys, ty years of age, confessed that they held up and ersons here on Sunday eir victims named Moly ared by them. ug. 17. The. armored arolina will be launched wa shipyard Saturday overnor Glenn will be e a sponsor for the ,occa- .iso, Chila, Aug. 17. One of it earthquakes in the history of ntry occurred last night causing image to property and setting ome causes. Hundreds of citi reported killed by falling build here is scarcely a building of rtance in the city, that is not a greater or less extent, was much damage done at nts on the South American le aggregate of loss can only cured but it will reach into the 4 of millions and the suffering 'Mtion that following such a great. '. ,uake was strongly record nentsat Washington be Vclock last night and con urs. The, earth's move y as those of the San .quake. Aug. 18. Heavy earth which nearly destroyed alparaiso, Chile, Thursday e felt here nearly all night lildings have been damaged i. The city is now practi martial law and the troops ommanded to shoot persons g the homes or persons of ive hundred corpses have om fallen walls and the destroying the balance of camping on the hills or ge on boats. They are the government but Mt destitution. Some : Chile, the earthquake 8 p. m. Thursday and long time. Houses fell j people. - Qulllota and ..il towns are destroyed, .he disturbance was general through it Chile and Argentine Republic, -pass ug along the Pacific coast and crossing the Andes. The property toss was enormous. ' Boston Aug. 17. The First National bank of Chelsea closed its door this morning and placed its affairs in the hands of a receiver. The books are being examined and no statement has been made but it is reported aiithoritat ively that the failue Is heavy. , Cape Haytien, Hayti Aug. 18. -Rival political factions have caused a revolu tion in Santo Domingo, engaged in battle. Bands under the command of Navarro attacked and captured Dob. ajon which they pillaged and abondoned after killing about 80 persons. St Petersburg Aug. 18 Premier Govenykin and the Minister of War have received many letters demanding the punishment of the officers and sol diers of the Chevalier guards who brut ally whipped Anna Smirnoff.. The girl is in the Russian hospital in a serious condition. Chicago, Aug. 18th. Charles Martin was fatally wounded last night in . duel wHh William Sweeney. They were rivals for the hand of Katherlne Can non, and had resorted to this means Co determine which one should be alolwed his respects to her. Hanson, ty second was painfully wounded. Swew "injured but is under ar rest, held to. t shooting. 'Six pf those who witnessed the fight have been arrested, two of whom were captured in a vacant livery stable after the detectives had broken down the door in their efforts to get in and had fired several shots. i - None of the boys are over twenty, bat all have police records They be long to a notorious gang which has been terrorizing citizens for years. Havana, Aug. 20. Following the at tempt to assassinate President Palma and overthrow the government, ' many arrests of insurgents have been made. The insurgents numbers are increasing, President Palma today called an extra ordinary session of congress to make plans should the occasion demand imme diate attention. A suspicious schooner is hovering hear the coast, believed by some to be an aid to the insurgents. .: Raleigh, Aug 20. Superintendent Mann, of the penitentiary. has returned from his home in Hyde county, and says reports are exaggerated as to the deaths among horses there by forage poisoning, and also of the crop damage. He says the disease among horses ' was mainly confined to two townships and that about a hundred horses have died, nearly all in one township. - The dis ease which was fatal four jean ago followed a wet summer, and was due to forage put up when decayed. The for age used this year was gathered last year under favorable conditions. He says the reports of deaths of other ani mals and poultry are fakes. Mr. Mann says that while crops in much of the county are about destroyed, they are tair south of Lake Mattamuskeet and that Hyde county will not ask for out side aid. Valparaiso, Aug. 20th. There is no improvement in the conditions of the earthquake. At least 5,000 are dead and the greater part of the city is s vast stretch of ruins. vThe loss will ex ceed $50,000,000. A pitiful and distress ing sight is to see relatives and friends searching the ruins for their dead. The penitentiary walls fell in Sunday kill ing 145 convicts. The people are camp ing jn the suburbs and the parks. There is great destruction. , - Fremont, Aug. 20. The greatest ex citement exists here today over the discovery of the dead body of Miss Waddell, the sixteen year-old daughter of a prominent farmer, in an old marl pit four miles from here. There are signs of a terrible struggle in the road, her broken umbrella was found near by, indicating that she had used it in try ing to beat off her assailant It is believed she was seized while on her way home from a neighbor's and dragged into the woods, , assaulted and then thrown into the pit . New York Aug. 20 Republican Con gressional . committee makes public a letter from President Roosevelt to Con gressman Watson of Indiana in which the President discusses the tariff quest ion. He declares that the republican attitude is clear and that protective tax iff is permanent He intimates that revision is possible at some indefinite time but will be undertaken only when ever it is clear to the sober business seuse of people that benefits will out weigh disadvantages 1 That is, when re vision will do more good than harm. He says the question of revision stands wholly apart from that of dealing with trusts, that is with control of monopol ies with supervision of great wealth in corporation form. Raleigh, Aug.. 20. The Corporation Commission made Its findings today as to the condition of the Yadkin Valley railway from Salisbury to Albemarle, owned and operated by the Southern. It finds theoad dangerous and that it has wrecks nearly every trip and some times two trains on the ground at the same time. Th7 hold that the man agement is responsible for the condi tion and should be required to employ the labor necessary to maintain the road. The commission under the pres - ent law has no power to make a man- datory order. Peoria, I1L, Aug. 20. In a letter to a local politician, William J. Bryan says that he wants no instructed delegates from the Illinois convention unless it repudiates national committeeman Roger Sullivan. The latter laughed when ssked if the convention would en dorse Bryan. '..". , 4 ... . J . i . - - . .-.liw ,:.t I THREE ARRESTED - i6. Carson, Negro Shot at Double Tracking Camp Dead. Haif iston Guilty of Jurder, MARTHA WHS LAVISH IN HOSPM. t. Negress Gives Her Friends theTiiiti of Their Lives. Large Crowd at the First Annual Horse ' Show. Adjudication in Bankruptcy. ' (Special Correspondence.) j Greensboro, Aug 17tn. Deputy Mar shal Bailey returned this morning from i trip to Rockingham and Stokes conn ties, where he arrested three men, charged with blockading, Two white men, one in Stokes and one in Rockingham gave bond for their appearance at the October term of the federal court An old negro, about 65 years old was caught in the crotch of the North Carolina-Virginia Btates, and the Rockingham-Stokes county lines, his exact residence being guessed as in Rockingham .county. The old man was taken to Wentworth jail, being unable to give bond. He has been in court numbers of times for ''working" at the blockade stills, but his case is none the less pitiful, since he is dir poor, has' a blind wife and five young children left at home. ' Mr. Virgil S. Holcombe, attorney of Mt Airy, secured in the bankruptcy court here this morning and adjudica tion in bankruptcy for M. D. Moore, dealer in millinery at Mt Airy. The assets are estimated at $1,230, and the liabilities at $2,450. William Carson, the negro shot at the double tracking camp near Jamss- town last week, by, Charles Hairston, died yesterday, and witnesses were summoned to appear before justice of the peace Collins today for an investi gation of the'ease. Not having put in their appearance at the hour of twelve. The sheriff was sent out to the camp for the arrest of the witnesses, but had not returned in time to have the hear' ing to-day. Hairston who did the shooting, and was caught in Whitney Saturday, and is now in jail here, is a big, black fellow, over six feet tall, and has the reputation of being a bad man. He admits the shooting, but says he shot in self defense. , Young Henry Fulton, who was brought here from Washington City yesterday and lodged in jail, was given a preliminary hearing this afternoon on a charge of larceny and forgery. The charge for larceny grows out of his having entered the office of Dr. Chas. Roberson some time ago, abstracted some bills from his book, collected the money and spent it The forgery is in connection with a check for $20.50, which he had cashed at a bank here. It purported to have been drawn by W. W. Shaw, of Dur ham, on a Durham bank, and the en dorsement of the payee and of the local manager of the Southern Bell Compa ny here, were forgeries. The young fellow admits his wrongdoing, saying he never expects to do so again, and that he alone is to blame, as his parents tried to raise him right Martha Evans, a colored cook for Mr W. H. Newson here., reached the limit yesterday in furnishing provender for her men friends, and is paying for it by being in jail in default of bond for her appearance at Superior court . Not content with feeding her friends out of her employers kitchen products and herediaments, as is the custom, Mar tha assayed to provide a regular spread for her friends confined in jail. Tues day night, Jailer Busick wsa given such a fine waiter of delicacies, in china plates and silver knives --and spoons, dainty enshrined in snowey napkins- on the tray for one of his negro priso ners, he was at first amazed, then sus picious. There were jellies, salads, cake, chicken, which Martha delivered at the jail for her man friend. Jailer Busick called up Mrs Newson over the phone, and a she lived but a block dis tant front the jail, she came over, after Martha had left the supper, saying she would return and get the "things", in an hour. As soon as Mrs. Newson in spected the lay-ont, she realised it was not only her silver and her china, and ! h delicacies, but.lt accounted for an I ..LI. .1 L , ... 1 . t 1 i unaccounuuiw snonaga in loou sne nsa expected for some company, and her family thinking she had provided boun , tifully. The lady was exceedingly u dignant, as can be Imagined, and even ' was inclined to nave the food thrown into the street She could not be per anadedlto let the snowv nankins, tha .bina md the silver, or the waiter be carried into the.prison cells for the ex pectant negro prisoner. Kind-hearted iiiler Busick. saved tha dav for hi prisoner, by suggesting that the lady let him rake the whole business off in to a "yellow", bowl. This was done,' the lady returned home with her thincrs and Mr. busick carried the bowl to tiie tttv TV BLQGKADI darkey, who feasted-on the conglomer ated mixture. A warrant was served on Martha, the cook. Before the mayor she acknowledged her offense failed to give bond, and seeded not at all dis concerted at going to jail in proximity to her friend, for whose pleasure and pride of superior attention to other prisoners, she bad broke the law, and her employereeses faith and good na ture., y Greensboro's first annual horse show and trotting carnival held yesterday afternoon attracted a large crowd, and wai a distinct success. Dr. W. J. Meadows won the first prize of 1100 00 in the '-model horse" W. J. Holliday, Jr., 1st prize $10 for the ''fancy turn out", T. M Arrowmith, 1st prize f 40 in "free for all trott", Dr. Charles Roberson 1st prize 50 for "saddle horses", Carl Wheeler lut prize $5.00 running race", J. M. Stewart 1st prize, .$10 in "quick hitch and trot race".'" Dr. S. T. Brooks won 1st prize in the double team show, class A, hand some gold headed umbrella. State Capital Items. (Special Correspondence) Releigh Aug. 20. It is said there is a movement on the part of some of the policy holders of the Mutual Life Insur ancd Company of New York in North Carolina to elect ex-Governor Charles Ay cock one of the directors. There is a rumor that the American Tobaaco Company has bought land in the Western suburbs of Raleigh, on which to erect a very large warehouse. Your correspondent has worked up the cotton crops in this section and finds it hard to make an estimate of condition, so greatly do crops very. The farm ers themselves do not know at all ac corectly. Rev. Dr. M. M. Marshall rector of Christ church has returned from a visit to Canada and is much improved in health There is a new keeper of the National Cemetery here, he is Capt. ' Lacy and he was transferred from the cemetery at Stone River Tennessee. The band and the two Kaltigh com panies of the first regiment left yester day morning for Chattanooga 120 start ing. Death of A. L. Rountree. Kmston Free Press 20th. Telegrams received in this city an nounced the Sunday at 12:30 p. ra., at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., of Mr. Al bert L. RounUee, of bronchial affection and diabetes. The death was rather nxMen though Mr. Rountree had been a sufferer for some time. His son, Mr. J. R. Rountree, qf this city, received a telephone message Saturday night con cerning his lather's illness, ana lett Sunday morning for Brooklyn. The re mains will be brought;to here for burial Tuesday. - Mr. Rountree was born in Wilson and was about 53 years, old. He married Miss Alice, sister of Mr. George Roun tree, of Wilmington, and niece of Mr. Andrew Lof tin, of this city. Early in life Mr. Rountree was in business m New Bern, a member of the firm of Rountree & Co., and 25 years ago he moved to Brooklyn,, where he became a member of the well known cotton brok erage firm of R. H. Rountree & Co., and was at the time of his death sixth owner of this large and prosperous bus iness. He owns a large and well im proved farm near Kinston, but has nev er been a resident of the county. , . Mr. Rountree was well known in this city, where he has a large family con nection and many friends. By nature, breeding and temperament one of the most affable of gentlemen, he was high ly esteemed, and his death will be learned in this community with sincere regret His wife and three sons, Messrs. J. R., Harry and Louis Rountree, survive him and three children are buried in Glenwood cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y. For Sale That elegant home known as the Woodhull place, on the banks of White Oak river, near the beautiful town of Swansboro; fine water, ten room house, about twelve acres of land, good orch ard and all necessary out houses; right of way now being cut for a railroad to tap the Atlantic Coast Line. For fur ther particulars apply at once to J. S, Canady, Swansboro, N. C. , Mill Point , :'-, ' "' - Aug. 20. We are having some very pleasant weather now. " : - Help for fodder pulling seems to be in great demand now. Miss Nsnnie Smith who has been visit ing friends and relatives at Riggsville and Silverdale Mreturned to her home this week, reports a fins trip. , Mr Willie Bell and wife were the guests of their sister Saturday and Sun day, Mrs J W Guthrie." Mr Simeon Smith and wife were the guests of their brother, S E Smith Sat urday and Sunday. , Messrs John Hall and Timothy Smith of Gales Creek were callers here ton day. .- Miss Belle Smith and brother, Jiramie, went to Riggsville yesterday to spend week or two with Irtenq tives. . and rela- c, US9 tt .t3 Armour Star They are fjood fKTTT TTTsTTT. HTXTH P E Christian Traiuius ScUpoLit 3Iars HUV SaQcessful' Venture. "'- GEN. STEDMAN HOME FROM EUROPE. Big Lot of Contraband Liquor Confis cated. Probability of a Big Crowd to New York to Meet W. J. Bryan. Southern Bell Tel ephone Co. Stringing Long Distance Wires. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Aug. 18. W. A. Wright of Iredell county, who has just been ap pointed Deputy United States Marshal by Marshal Millikan, was here today re ceiving instructions as to his duties and responsibilities, after being duly sworn in 83 a United States officer. Deputy Wright's headquarters will be at States ville. When Mr. Millikin received his commission for a third term as Marshal last spring, upon request by him the department of justice authorized him to put in practice an innovation in the management of his office. One feature of this was the requirement that his deputies should report to him directly, every violation of the revenue law which was reported to them by the dep uty collectors, and also to send in daily reports of their transactions. The experiment has proven so far an unqualified success in the betterment of the service, preventing absolutely the chance for collusi on between the dis tilleries, the deputy collectors and the deputy marshals, as was shown to exist in the trials of the revenue officers here in the Samuel and other cases. There are very few cases now tried originally before some local United States Commissioner the arrest being made direct from the Marshal's office by one of his office deputies, thereby keeping the Marshal in close touch with every movement in the service. In this way, not only is he, but the diatrictjat torneyis also kept-fully informed of the whole situation, rendering the rep etition of former scandalous and fraud ulent conduct on the part of some dep uty collectors and marshals impossible, without immediate detection. Rev. Dr. W. H. Battle, who has been at Mars Hill three weeks lecturing at a training school for Christian workers, returned yesterday, going immediately to High Point to attend the session of the Piedmont Baptist Association there. Mars Hill is near Asheville, and the school was held under the auspices of the Southorn Baptist Convention. There were 150 students this year, the grad uatinsr class numbered thirty, the lar gest in the history of this special work, placing North Carolina ahead of all oth er Southern States, with Georgia .sec ond in this field of special work. Major Charles M. Stedman, who has been absent over a month on profess ional business in Scotland and England, returned yesterday, looking fine and in buoyant spirits. While satisfied with the business part of his . trip, he is bubbling over with expressions of de light at the reception he received from the Deople in his old Scotland. He met Mr. Bryan and his wife in the law li brary in Ediburgh, and says the report that the "great commoner" has aged greatly in appearance is a mistake, for he was looking as young and vigorous ss he was in Greensboro two years ago. Blind tiger patrons in Burlington. will probably go dry Sunday, since snecial revenue employee, C. A. Banks headed off yesterday a big load of con traband liquor headed that way. : On the road between Reidsyille and Bur lington' yesterday afternoon officer Banks five miles from Reidsvilla ran uron G. D. Sheets, who lives near Stokesdale, driving a two horse wagon that pulled . heavy. He stopped the team examined the cargo and found four barrels of unstamped whiskey nicely ' reposing under some old bed' quilts, hot as it was. The whole outfit was captured, inclu ing Mr. Sheets and a boy who was with him. Today Sheets gave bond for the confiscated property and it was released. He also gave bond before U. S. Commissioner Wolfe, for his appearance at the October term of United States' court The Southern Railway has offered a special rate to the Bryan reception, from Greensboro to New York and re- turn of $17.45 good on all trains from Auirust 28. to September 4th. This Is DFF1 DUTIES but little more than one fare, and will There was not an egg in town yester Inum an 1m mange number of excur-1 dav and although pepl were glad to sionists, and merchants to New York, a large msjority of whom will not ex mt to even see Mr. Brvan. Greensboro is about to have a brass band. A number of the foremost prominent musicians of the city met last night and organized with twenty two members, the pbjt. being to se cure a Dana with torty members. At ras't' tii'ghts 'meeting committees 1 were appointed to secure permanent quarters and-to purchase -instrnmenU. i- --Tbes Will repQl,aex.t,Thuraday .night, whan, the organization will be completed.. t ' The Southern Bell telephone Co!, 1m sriiigiti',new,"wtres 'for' iUTonjt'diB tatice service0 improvement between Danville and Charlotte, t The work nss bpeacompletedromPsnyiUe. ,fc .Greens. bqro, , and the forqe of 19 men un4er. superintendent of' construction" Charles Hansen," will make' Greensboro,' ' bead-' quarters f'jr several dayS; 'Working out from the oity.r ..i ii;.. t,v) .. :!-,! ,. Qyer one hundred, and eighty , war, rants are being issued by the mayor, at the rate of a dozen a day," against par" ties who have failed 'to pay' their dog tax. The city has adog census Of 1,000 and the poll or tail tax on each one, is jealously looked, after. .,Its. a, dollar, a year, or a dollar a collar, i holler or no holler. ' ' r " "'"' The Charlotte lady Who came hear being drowned in the street at High' Point Tuesday, says High Point is a wet town. t , Aug. 18. We have been silent for some time waiting for news of interest to relate, but it is the same "old tune," rainy weather. It has been very rainy in this section for several days, those who were pulling fodder made good use of yesterday as it was a fine day. Crops are badly damaged. . The protracted meeting is n earing a close at the Tabernacle church, several of our people have attended. Miss Emma Rhodes, of Richlands, who was a very welcome visitor with us a few weeks ago, has returned to her home. Come again, Miss Emma. Mr Ervin of Maysville has moved back to his old home since his sad loss of his companion and daughter. We ex tend our heart felt sympathy to the be reaved family. Mr John Hurst had the misfortune to get a rib broken in his side a few days ago. We hope he will soon be well. Mr William Mills lost a fine mule this week. Messrs John Mills and John Scott went to Carterej; last Saturday to visit friends nnd relfitiveft. Miss Fonville is visiting Miss Mamie Hurst. Mrs Kate Henderson and daughters visited Mrs Mary Eubanks Monday. There is so me sickness in midst, hope it is not serious. ' Miss Lola Scott visited relatives at Deppe last week. Miss Ina Eubanks of Maxton who have been spending several days at her old home with her mother, will leave tomorrow. We regret to see her leave very much. Wild Rose. A New Bern Young Man Recently in the Earthquake. Mr. Henry Nunn, youngest son of Mrs. H. S. Nunn, of this city was in Val paraiso, Chili Thursday when the hor rible and destructive earthquake de stroyed the entire city and hundreds of people were killed. A letter was received from Mr. Nunn last Saturday, but of course was writ ten several weeks before the earth quake. Air. Nunn had left the city of Lima about a month previous to this letter and was in Valparaiso. It b sin cerely hoped that Mr. Nunn escaped any serious injuries but nothing definite can be learned for sometime yet The earthquake was more destructive than the one at San Francisco, and several cities were entirely destroyed. Military Officer Almost Drowned Lieutenant Craig, an officer of the 1st regiment N. C. N. G. in camp at More head had a narrow escape from drown ing Sunday. He was in the surf and had got out too far. Although he is a good swimmer he wss unable to fight against the outgoing current Some of the bathers went to his assistance and he was brought back to the Jahors in an exhausted condition. It required con siderable work to restore him to con sciousness. ' Barbacue and Clami Customers please remember that I am still doing business at the old stands Nice fresh barbacue each day, and clam. whenever they are in the market All kinds soft drink on ice, also cigars and tobaccos. ' ' ' W. M. CANADY, . 128 Middle Street The Hen on Vacation. ' The good old standby, the hen, has acquired the summer vacation habit and quit laying eggs. She has not gone off to the sea shore unless it be to pose as spring chicken at the seaside hotels. She remains at home, but there's no- thing doing and she mlghfe ss well be elsewhere. - - ! pay 25 cents per dozen, but they could not be procured. The old market i of 15 cents remains the same as hitch price only refers to the local tra4e. the weather is td blame for the dearth of hen fruit at this stage of the game and it is only very temporary. SOLDIERS GO TO flrtVt'" Jin Negro's- Head Used As target., Cranium Too Hard For 'Shftt-to Eater. ENRY KNOCKED AT " ' THE-ttBOI BOOil- ........ ' ' " .,M White Man in Serious Trouble. ' Joint Meeting of CeaSnf t ; "'timiaiKn1 Committees of " I' RepublieanPartyv Chan- ' ;y ;',""",ige's"ih','InansttiaI :fB,-M4". ewsFo'rce:iW.;'T:' ( JSnecial 4 Correspondence.) , GreensbproAw,,rrThe Gate City, Guards, fifty strong, commanded by. Captain F. PrUobgood, Jr!;' Lieuts. ' Kuykenpalland ShaW, six4 sergeants' and1 six corporals, left on 85 last' night for Chickamauga Park to attend the n- nual encampment of the National, Guards for a week and for practice in , the manoeuver camp of the regular ' army The 'company was joined here by Reidsville, Sanford, Burlington and Durham Companies of the Third Regi ment a special section of train 85 being made up here for their accommodation. In the Baptist church here yesterday morning, Rev. Dr. H. W. Battle preached a special sermon to the com- ' puny. One of the young men unaccus tomed to being buttoned up so tight in new uniform or any other kind of form such hot weather, fainted in church, but revived easily after getting fresh : air and a loosening of his military ha bilaments. Mr. J. S. Brannock a well to do me chanic of Burlington, was bitten by a dog supposed to be mad, and his' physi cian brought him here last night on his . way to Richmond to be treated at tha Pasteur Institute there. A little negro named Ad Lawson, came into town last night with his head filled with bird shot, saying that while he was walking on the railroad two miles oat of town a white boy named Joe Williams, came along with some other boys, and remarking to his com-"' panions, "Watch me kill a nigger" up with a shot gun and fired at him. While not dangerously hurt the negro had innumerable indentations on his cranium, several shot falling to rebound and sticking in his head, while the wool was considerable lacented. U racers have been looking for the reckless white boy without success this morning, the negro declaring in answer to enquiries if he was'nt hit while in a watermelon patch, that he most , positively was'nt' The colored porter, an all round man of the Galloway Drug Company of this place, Henry Wade, by name, sent a telephone message to his friend and employer, Raleigh Galloway last night that he was in jail in Burlington on a charge of being drunk and disorderly, and desired to have him go his bond and get him out of trouble. The trouble about Galloway going on the bond, was that tha drug store had been robbed tha night before of eight or ten dollars bills, which the proprietor had put in the safe in the presence of- Henry, and the key being left in the drawer. Henry had subsequently gone and took. . Mr. Galloway had been looking for Henry and knew not whera ha was until the urgent call from him in Burlington. When arrested there, Henry had on his person, only four of the ten dollar bills. and an officer was sent this morning to bring him here .to explain if he can what he did with the other four. Sheriff Jordan this morning arrested on a warrant from Randolph . county, N orris Johnson, a good looking young white fellow, on a charge of having se duced under promise to marry a very respectable girl there. A local Justice committed him to officers to be taken to Randolph for trial . State Chairman of the Republican organisation, S. B. Adams, this morn ing issued a call for a joint meeting of tha members of the Central, State and campaign committees to be held in Greensboro Sept 1st There art twenty-one prominent Re publicans in various portionr of tha State, composing these various commit tees, and if they all attend, there will be quite an important family gathering of the representatives of their party. Chairman Adams says that after the conference of this committee, place and plans submitted to them for the cam paign nave been luiiy aiscufwea ana de cided upon, the campaign will be pros ecuted with vipor, all uown the line. "and you might say" said he, "prose cuted with intelligent vigor. , FARMERS desiring ten ants to cultivate land en th : share system and pill r; i and others in need ' of 1 ' -are invited to corr; with F. L.l lerritt. I ' ; Industrial Ar.cnt, At! ' : North CaroUra Co., I'.:.'. Va. . 3