Iht r RICHMOND, VA, art headquarters for V Crimp and other r Galvanised or Painted. 'WireFcncind Grain Drills ? Ensilage Cullers Feed Mills -Cider Mills, elc Write for nrices and our full , Desenptive Catalogue of all A . w Dest , j Farm Implements II Mailed Free, on Bequest. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. - An excursion from Wilmington to New Bern under the direction of Thos. H. Knight will take place Monday Sep. 3d, Labor Day. Admissions to witness the execution ot the murderer Bailey will be by card. The law allows but 36 cards to be is sued. The Atlantic Coast Line road has made numerous promises tht the cor poration would build a sewer on Queen street Up to yesterday there had not been even a survey made and no sign of any work done on it In the mean time the ttap at the upper end of the street is closed up and when there is a heavy rain the adjacent premises are flooded. There has been an appreciable im provement in the weather the past few days. The heat has been noticeable to be sure, but a characteristic New Bern breeze has dispelled much of the inten sity of the heat and made the days very pleasant. There his been no rain since early Sunday morning. Mr. C. M. Dockham has purchased through the agent, John Palmer, a gasolene runabout manufactured by the Northern Motor Co., of Detroit, Michigan. His understood that there will be several automobiles added to the large number already in the city this fall. L. Waters, a business man of Dover, has sued the town and names as other defendants prominent men of that place, for illegally searching his store for liquor. He proposes to test the validity of the search warrant M. Harris, fireman at the ice fstetory was painfully burned yesterday by the tailpipe of the engine blowing off and scalding his foot The accident will cripple him for several weeks. The excursion under the direction of Thomas H. Knight t- Wilmington Thursday will be the last of the season and will doubtless be the largest of the season. The fare will be only $1.25 and will afford every one a fine oppor tunity to visit Wilmington for the day go to W rights ville Beach and have an enjoyable time. The train leaves New Bern at 7.30 a. m. The best of order will be maintained on the train and none need fear any unpleasantness. Jodie Hill was taxed the costs for being drunk and disorderly In the police court yesterday morning. He told the mayor that he got the liquor which was said to be cider at the Habicht store. Riverside. Mrs. Habicht (was in court and pleaded her own case but waa bound over to Superior court under 1200 bonds. Nathaniel Crisp was fined five dollars for disorderly conduct The Journal is in receipt of a letter from Dr. Z. V. Parker, formerly of Jones county, now of Blakely, Georgia, wherein he announces his intention of locating in New Bern about September the 15th for the practice of dentistry. ' There will be no preaching service in the Presbyterian church today but Sun day school at 9:40 a. m. and Chrisrian endeavor meeting at 7 p. m. will be held as usual The subject of the Christian Endeavor meeting will be the "Sun of Pharaseeism." : r ; Miss Annie Dougan, ef Roanoke, Va. who is visiting in the city will sing at the Centenary church today. She has a rich con trait j voice and is a soloist with a fine reputation. . " The scaffold on which the murderer Bailey will be hanged was brought to this city from Trenton yesterday by the steamer Howard. . , ,- The new arrangement made by Mr. A. B. Wallace at his pavilion in Bridge ton has met with popular favor and people are going over there to pass their time during the warm summer f i wm . evenings, .tomorrow nignt, according to his plan, he will have a square dance Good music has been engaged for this season. Good order will be maintained. "; . . Watches ! 1 t bavs 6 New Ladies Watches (city price $15.00) that I will sell this week for $12.50. W . ;; ; They are reliable in every way. I "will keep them in good condition for a year without charge. . I think they are the best Watch value at the price, tha I have ever told. This offer Is worth looking into. J. O. BAXTER The Leading Jeweler. Fine blue fwh 10 $ta per pound at CAs Market. LULU JL3 IEOER I11ED The Couple Whose Courtship Was Somewhat Troublous Have Finally Got 'V: Spliced. The public who fur six veara have been interested in the love troubles of Lulu and Leander In the comic supple ment of the New York Journal are more than pleased to know that after courtships horrible nightmare they have peace and happiness. ' They eloped and while popper and mommer pursued hot ly in an automobile and had all kinds of trouble trying to head them off were de featod 'n their wild endeavors and Char lie Onthespot and the Lieutenant were not in sight May much joy attend them. , . . , Atlantic Notes. Aug: 18. Constant rains continue to come in our section. " Mr. Harmon Hills' home was made sad Tuesday night by the death of then little babe. It had been ill for several days. We regret to say that Rev C C Broth ers has been in very feeble health for several weeks. : He has not been able to fill his appointments, we hope he will soon be weH and hearty again. Messrs W C Brinson and H Mier of Belhaven were in our town two days this week working in the interest of the "Improved Order Heptasophs." We shall be glad to see a conclave oi ganized here. We need it, Alvah Hamilton, who has had such a protracted spell ef fever, is recovering very fast He will be visiting around in a few days. The fishermen have not caught as many fish this week as heretofore, not withstanding there are more mullets in Core Sound this season than in several years before. This is due to the great freshets in the streams flowing into the sounds. Fish can find the water they like without going out of the sounds up the rivers. The principal of the graded school has just got out his belated catalogue. How ever it is a handsome booklet printed by the Richardson Printing Co., of New Bern. It announces August 31, as "parents day". The object of this is to awaken every one at the beginning of the term. The term will open on Mon day following. The quietness of eur town was broken Wednesday evening by the peal of the church bell announcing the marriage of Mr Albin Hamilton and Miss Nadine Robinson. The aisle was beautifully arched with vines and flowers, the beautiful pond liliy being prominent The crowd gathered at an early hour. Promptly at 8:30, while the organ peal ed forth Mendelssohn's wedding march responsive to the gentle touch of Miss Myrtle Morris, the bridal party entered the church, Mr Travis Willis and Miss Charlotte Harris leading, followed by A B Morris and Miss Blanche Hamilton Daily Fulcher and Miss Lovie F Mason, Charlie Robinson and Miss Claudia Morris, Charles Willis and Miss Ellen Robinson, Joe Hamilton and Miss Lucy Hamilton. Then came the groom dress ed in a becoming black suit with the bride dressed in white silk with bridal veil and orange blossoms. Reverently and impressively Rev C C Brothers pro nounced the ceremony that made two thrilling hearts beat as one. Again the music started and the prettiest mar riage group passed out of the church we have seen in many days. May their wedded days be as happy as they looked that Wednesday evening. 4 Coon. LITS0F LETTERS Remaining in the Poet-Office at New Bern, Craven County, N. C , Aug. 20 1906: men's ust. F John D Fry, Aaron B. Ferrebee. G-Edwin Godett. H George P Holland, Branch Hines, S W Hagon, Mr Hartny, Thomas Has- seL J N K Jannet, John H Jackson. M-L J McKeeL MS Millor.H W Moore W M Morgan, Rev. Hardy Mealvin N A C New Dory, Newberne Military School. O Taylor Outen. P-J W Potter, J W Pipkin. R H Rockguemore, G T Raabury, B a Kusseu. S-J A Stewart, S S Life 4 Accident Ins. Company. W-Leon Whitford, S H Whitehorst, J T Waters.. women's list. B Clart Brown. C Eliza Collins, Jane B Collins. Bit- tie Campbell. D Many B Davis. E Mies tteadie Edward. F-Lucy Ford. G Garfield George- V ; H Sophia 8 Hearrood, Mary HilL J Minnie Jones, S C Junes. K Dora King'. M-Mbs Linnle Murriel, Mary A Moore. -; ' O Mrs Elnor Ormood. R-Miae Elizabeth Robertson, Mary Reas. - S-urab Simmons, E 8 8ti!ley, Josephine Staton, Reca Starky. T Mary Tripp. W-Irene S Willis, Martha Williams, MissTlnear White. ' The regulations now require that (1) cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter, a W. HANCOCK, :,. . - Postmaster. Fine blue fkh 10 cts per pound at Oalee Market. WASHINGTON LETTER A (Sicli.l Correspondence! f In pursuance of an item in the legis lative, executive and judicial appro priation act' passed by congress at the last session the patent ofliee has pub lished a notice la the latest Issue of the Gazette to the effect that ninny of the models which have been in the vosses siou of the office ever since Ha stab llshmcnt and have been accumulating from year to year will bo disposed of either by sale, gift or otherwise. Some ef the model in the colloetloii are very valuable, as, for Instance, models of eld puteuts which me the basis of many modern Inventions over which litiga tion Is constantly arising. Many ot theie the otliee will keep. , Many of Ihu devices that have been patented are, of emirse, of si Utile im portance to the public that it will not be considered advisable to preserve their models. Some idea of the number of this sort of inodejs may be had from the accurate statement that there have been 1,801 mouse traps patented since the office was established. Oppoae Keirro Colon 7. Five hundred residents of Bothesda, Friendship heights. Washington, near the boundary line between the District Of Columbia and Maryland, are protest ing vigorously against the proposed sale of Belmont subdivision to negroes. The promoters of the suburbs subdivision are advertising for negro purchasers. The white residents of the neighbor hood declare that the negro colony which It Is proposed to establish in their immediate vicinity will be'aeross the district line In Maryland and there fore beyond the restraint of the District police. An organization has been formed to buy off the promoters, and still an other organization declares its purpose to prevent the consummation of the scheme, using any means that may be necessary. German Enbawr to Ilaild. Germany is to have a new home for her ambassador and in the heart of the most recently fashionable residence portion of Washington. The site, which has Just been purchased at a price said to be between ?V-5,0liO and $150,000. is ou Kalorania heights, near Twenty third street and opposite the site recent ly purchase by the French embassy for A home. Rumor among real estate circles has It that the German government will erect a home to cost $230,000 on the site thus selected. It Is said that plans for the embassy are practically com pleted, but that It is not probable work will be begun before nest spring. Trying: to Save Fuel. For some time the geological survey has been conducting an Interesting series of experiments on the exposi tion grounds at St Louis with coals, lignites and other fuel substances, which have proved satisfactory to the engineers and others in charge. It has been stated that the people of this country spent about $1,(500,000.000 for fuel during the last year, and the oCV dais of the geological survey say that If the results of their Investigations can save the country even 1 per cent of this expenditure the Investment Will certainly be a good one. In the past two years tlio geological survey has teste,! more than elghty flvo different kinds of coals from sev enteen states In the country, from which 1,000 chemical analyses have been made. In these coal tests it has been found that In the mining of coal In the United States fully 50 per cent of the coal remains In the ground. It has also been found that from 0 to 10 per ceut Is lost in handling and trans portation. Waahlneton'a Fonutatu. There are thirty fountains In the va rious small and large city parks of the capital, and there arc. very few cities, and certainly none tho size of the capi tal, which can boast of thirty foun tains which play every day. These foun tains are one of the features of the city and one of the most attractive of the many superior features of Washington over other cities. They are scattered aC oror ia the various sections of the city, though perhaps they are mow frequently met rith In the north west. Ravel 'Wall Decoration. In the bachelor quarters of an at tache of the British embassy In Wash ington is a "den" decidedly odd In or namentation. The walft are papered with playing cards. ' That In Itself Is no new Idea, but these playing citrds are of every land that has such things. They have been put topsy turvy on the wall and varnished. The effect Is strik ing. The Britisher has dwelt la many lands. Almost all nations, he says, have playing cards or a substitute, Turkish cards are thick and exquisite ly tinted, and some of the far eastern couu tries have cards that deserve to b framed In gold leaf.' The dado lu tha attache "den" Is mnde entirely of face, cards, arranged symmetrically with a deep red inoWIn? separating it from the burly .burly beijv.". Snc;U. sticks and guns are hung 0:1 the wa!!.i The furniture Is coueui!rjal. tut the rr.!).i and celling glTe a i3'tinctlv leck to the room. ; v ' ' Bock Crcfk Park. The movement long advocated by the Game and Fish Protective ass-K-Iatlan for making Bock 'nek pni'i u g"n reservation Is taking practical ' ;. Like all Improvements In the Dfs'.ricL this enterprise lu Its In fancy Is huitf provided for at private expiso. When it has assumed some pretentions appeal will no doubt be made to congrexs fur ther to extend the work. Already In the beautiful lake made by the Pierce mill dam several swuos and docks have been placed In Rock Crcrk. It Is proposed R Increase the utiuibcr from time to time and to add various spedes ef waterfowl. CARL BCIIOFIELD. - . , Card of Thanks. ' : I desire to express my thanks to my friends throughout the entire county for their earnest support rendered me at the primary held in Craven county July 21st and August lstr Thanking you again, one and all. I remain yours RfwT'ectfully, RICHARD B. LANE. . aC4 J U.C.U.U .a- i.'i 2 Day. DIED SUDDENLY j - OF HEART DISEASE. Bow frequently does a head line simi tar to the above greet os In tha news papers. The ruh. push and strenuous ' uess ot the American people tan a strong t tendency to lead up to valvular and other affection of the heart, attended by Ir ! tegular action, palpitation, dizziness, ! mothered sensation! and other distress ing symptoms. in hre of the Dromlnent Invredtents of which Dr. fierce t uoioen jueaicai uis covery Is made are recommended by some of the leading writers on Materia Medica for the cure ot just such cases. Golden Seal root, for instance, is said by the United States Dispenbatoht, a stand ard authority, "to Impart tone and in creased power to the heart's action. Numerous other leading authorities rep resent Uolden Seal as an unsurpassed tonic for the muscular system In geueral, and as the heart Is almost wholly com posed of muscular tissue. It naturally follows that it must be greatly strength ened by this superb, general tonic. But probably the most important Ingredient of " Uolden Medical Discovery," so far as Its marvelous cures of valvular and other affections of the heart are con cerned, is Stone root, or CoUinsoniu Van., Prof. Wm. Paine, author of Paine's Epitomy of Medicine, says of it: "1 not lone since, bad a pttlent who was so much oppreaaed with TalTuUr disease of the heart that his friends were abllired to carry him up-ataln. He. however, rraduallr recoverod nnder the Influence of Oolllnsonio (medicinal principle oxtraoted from Sums root), and Is now attending- to his business. Heretofore physician knew ot no remedr for the removal of to dUtrenlnc and so dan gerous a malady. With them It was all guess-work, and It foarfullj warned the afflioted that death was near at band. Col linsonln unquestionably affords relief In such cases, and la most Instances effects a cure." Stone root Is also recommended by Drs. Hale and Ellingwood, of Chicago, for valvular and other diseases of the heart. The latter says: "It is a heart tonic of direct and permmient Influence." . "Golden Medical Discovery," not only cures serious heart affections, but is a most Hflicient general tonic and invlgor ator, strengthening the stomach, Invig orating the liver, regulating the bowels and curing catarrhal affections in all parts of the system. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure Constipation. Negro's Fatal Fall A colored man named Bell died yes terday at the Stewart Sanatorium from injuries received from a fall Saturday.. He was hired by the Dixie. Blower Co., a concern which has been putting in a system of machinery here. He was on a scaffolding twenty feet high and fell, striking on his head, He suffered a fractured skull and was unconscious the entire time. The doctors sued to bleed mankind, For every ill that they could find, But now they're wiser, said one to me, And give instead Rocky Mountain Tea. F. S. Duffy. THEY COMb AND GO. Miss Claude Gaakins.of Kitt Swamp, is the guest of her friend Miss Tiney Anderson. Officer R. P. Montague returned Sun da) after a very pleasant visit with friends in Kinston, Trenton, Rocky Mount and other places. Master John Moriss :y Abbott return ed from a visit with relatives in Golds boro. " Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wolfenden and daughter, Mrs. J. L. Hartsfield and Miss Mary returned last night after a pleasant trip in the north. Miss Rebecca Street left on the steam er Neuse last night for New York where she will spend a month studying fall millinery styles in the interest of Bar foot Bros. Mr. Walter Williams a former New Bern boy who has been engaged in the printers trade in Virginia has returned to this city and is working for Owen G Dunn. Mr. L. H. Krvin and children, Lucier, Annie Laurie and Felix went to Con nelly Springs and will return the last of the" week with Mrs. Ervin. Mr. Coshwill Hall of Jones County is visiting in the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. HunflT have re turned from Morehead City. . , Mr.' W. S. Summered of Eden ton was in the city yesterday. Miss Mae Fountain and little brother j Walter of Baltimore are the guests of Miss Sudie Collins and relative , . r I. Misses Louise Pearce andtlilda Willis have returned from a visit at Morehead , City. - r , Misses Daisy Green and Mary Moore left last evening going to Norfolk. Mr. A. E. Hibbard has gone to New Tork on a business trip. Misses Mamie' Dawson and Rebecca Street left on the steamer Monday for New York. ., . Masters Robert and Hargett Barnum are visiting relatives in Swansboro. . Mrs. W. G. Wood, who has been vis iting Mrs. W. B. Hanff, has returned to New York city, her home. ' " " ' , . Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Taylor and fami ly returned from Sumpter, S. C, last night. Their visit was shortened on account of the sickness of Zebbie Tay lor. ' .,..- , MacKay's Mac-u-dine cures all headaches, etc,' does not de press the heart, 10, 26 and 50 cents a bottle at druggists, 5c doses at foun tains. For Sale. I will sell for cash at tho court house door in New Bern on Monday the 10th of Sept 800 acres of land at Spring Garden in the 9th Township to satisfy G. W. Carawan.State and county taxes and cost for 1905, $39.90. J. W. BIDDLE, Sheriff. isevwj Sr- ZTXrV t ; TAKE NOTICE! By virtue of the tax bat of Craven county in my hands for collection for the year 1905, and in default of pay ment according to the provisions of tho existing law, I fcuve levied on the lands of the following named persons and will sell the same at the court house door in New Bern on Thursday the 30th day of August, 1006, to satisfy said taxes and costs on thearae:- ' township no 1. M D Gaskin, 5 a. Spring1 Branch, 4 52 S Parker. 10 000 a, . " " 229 74 Wetherington Fen'ner, 50 a, Swift Creek, 9 79 Willis, J R Jr., St a, Bear Branch - 704 Willis, A B, 57 a, , 8 79 NO 1, (lO ,). Bryan. Nathan, 90 a, Great swamp ' .'625 Bryan, W II 24 J a, Brown branch. 6 61 Boyd, Isafi,"55 a, Piney Neck, 6 27 Conaway. Luke 14 a, Maul swamp, 4 38 Harris, Rigdon 33 a, Alligator, ' 3 60 Hooker,. Lewis 40 a, Piney neck, 11 36 : Creelc, r ' 8 80 Keys, Rufus 37J , Hills neck, 6 13 Nelson, Robert 3 a, Vanceboro, C 38 Ormond, Charles 40 a, Spring branch, . . 5 99 Williams, W P 47 a, Kay bush, 8 55 TOWNSHIP NO 2. Cuthrell. 'G W 50 a, Broad Creek,' 6 16 Cuthrell, W G 55 a, Aster thickets, 6 11 Ed ards, D B 20J- a, Sand Hill, 6 58 Fulcher, B W 40 a. Kitt swamp, 5 30 Lewis, Benja E 2 a, llalfmooi), 5 i Norman, J R Agt, 92 a, Pine Tree, 4 20 Squires, W H 10 a, P.lack branch, 5 61 Toler, E A 3 a, Flat swamp, (i 01 Toler, W D 191 a, Black branch, 4 14 West. T V 84 a. Hall swamp 5 70 Wayne, R C 20 a, Shoofiy. 6 95 no 2, (CO!.). Black man, J B80a, Broad creek, 4 57 Sutton, Neda, agt, 190 a, Neu.e river. 6 82 township no 3. Cox, L B. 1 100 b, Cox place, 35 05 DeBruhl, J E 1C0 a, Coltori, 5 45 Heath, J R, 71 a,. Core creek, 4 44 Harris, Ferd 97 aCobton, 8 23 Ipock, T B 200 a, Tailroad, 14 54 Jenkins, M vV 20 a, Core crook, 6 87 Smith, Calvin 75 a, JD Heath, land, - 7 32 Tripp, C C 75 a, F.'at swamp, 5 70 Taylor, Alex, 72 a, Taylor land, 6 54 White, D W, 200 a, Lof tin land, 9 62 White Bros, 50 a, T!niberland, 38 70 no 3, (col.) Becton, Lovelace, 6 a, L Branch, 3 95 Morris, Jno E, 75 a, F.at swamp, 1 91 Rhem, Alvin, heirs, 83 a, Daves, 4 35 township no 5. Hooker, J B, 100 a, Adams creek, . 7 78 NO 5, (COL). Manuel, Frank, 22 a, , 6 19 McCabe, C A, 64 a, Harlowe, 19 59 TOWNSHIP NO 6. . Lawrence, B F, 25 a, Croatan, 4 77 Perkins, L W. U a, Havelock, 8 00 no 6, (col). Hendereon, J T, 1 a, Great branch, 5 65 Hickman, S T, 25 n, Havelock, 7 92 Robbins, E H. CO a, Beaufort Road, 9 79 TOWNSHIP NO 7. , Horner, Tim, 280 a, Riverside, 18 11 Wallace, Mary A. 2 lots, Kiver- dale, ' ; . 396 V ? .' :- :'. N0 ' (col)-.. .' , -. '. Bop'on, James 3 a, Bordon land, 8 54 Elliott,' BFllo:; ; 5 54 Foy, Martin and others 10a. H. V R. Bryan land 4 48 Pagan, Ed 2a J A Miliar land 6 34 McDaniel, Thomaa 1 1 Graysville 6 87 Oden, Caleb It Brownsville ' 6 87 Pelham, A L 61a Pelham lands 8 88 Phlham P B 67a Pelham land 9 71 Pelham, A E 67a .Pelham lahd3 10 27 Pelham, Chas. H 51a Pelham I'di 8 63 Pelham, Seymour 57i a Pelham lands ' 883 Stafford, Willie 12ft a Smallwood '' lards " , : , . '' - 7 46 Walker, Sa'm'l U4a Spruill lands 21 66 'TOWNSHIP NO. 8. Adams, Alvin & wife 154a Reedy -, , Branch ;; t .:.. ,v . : 17 92 Bowden, Thomas Hot No. 135 Pol , . .lock street. . .1 L ':J 24 62 Blackledge, R B 740 a Treat road - 9 63 Bryan, E K Jr 1 lot Craven street 15 01 Harris, A D 11 Griffith street . 6 64 Moore, L J 11 No 36 Johnson st 74 14 Rowe, May C 1 1 Craven street - 22 97 Williams R P lot Craven and S. front sts 72 92 no. 8 (col.) . , y Bryan, Arrita lot 72 Myrtle ave 4 05 Baker R C 1 lot 14 Gardner's ally ' 7 09 Barron, Penna 1 1 Chapman street 6 04 Barnes, James PI 1 48 Green st 6 29 Edwards, Stephen 10 acrs Lane's branch :', 1, ft" . - 3 92 Edwards, Thos. H 1 1 29 Carroll st 5 60 Foy. Cicero 2 1 11 BragRS alley 7 01 Gatlin, John 1 lDuffy town . .. ; 8 55 Heath, Simon 1 I 18 Spring street 12 02 Hargett, W III 1 45 Broad street 6 53 Herring, Quinny 325 a Clarks "6 40 Hatch, Isaac Est. 1 1 42 Elm street 6 79 Jackson. Fred 1 lot, No 99- Bern .Street,' ... , . . . ' 63 Jolmson, John S., 1 lot, No 6 Elm . , street, ' .. 7: " 2824 Kornegay, Jesse 10 a, Carmer land, V 4 Mumford, F D.", I lot, No 13 Ash y street, - ' . ' 6 Miller, Laura . J., 1 lot, , Brown's - Alley, - , ; v 4 Mumford, Mike, 1 lot, No 20 Scotts Alley, - . 5 Mosely, D G., 3 iota, 169, 61 and 60 ' Queen street, .. 1 20 Nixon, Eleanor, 1 lot, 41 Bloom . field St, , . 6 Proeto, . Margaret A, 59 Green street, v 6 Pender, W H., 1 lot, Eubanks St, . 7 Roach, C. C, 1 lot; WeBt St : 9 54 Royal, Wright, No 8 Bragg' . '-. Alley. . 6 Smaw, Richard. 1 lot, Duffytown. 6 I Sanders, Nelson, 2 a, Spring . branch, -; . ; " -. 6 Smith, Galeno, adjoining Williams," . ; --- -4 Sanders, Charles, North Street, ? 6 Simmons, B F., Main and Dry. boro, ' , 1 - 5 Taylor; Laura, 1 lot, Duffytown, .4 Wayne, Andrew, 1 lot, 7 Biowns Alley; -. 5 Whitfield, John A., 1 lot, Biddle Ave, 8 Williams, Mary, 1 lot, 15 Broad St. . White, Thomas O., 52 a," K " road, Webb, Martha A., lots f Pavie ave., ' " Whitfield, Theodore, 1 St., v-'. TOWN' Arnold, WJ.,' French, F J Quar' GriftV Y" i Bet. C.orn. i Oats, Meal, Homin Dnrn 1, Whea. Feed, Cotton Cotton Hay, ?i w Eggs.j Pork. LiveH Beef, Hides, Boesy; Con Pcan. Potaii Liiha : P Oi' StOi. Cent. A High Grade Pi . Boya and young, . thorough manner, r Mathematics, Histot, ' board, room light, heat tic year. An opportunit of youug men to work their ,, If you are interested write RAYMOND BROWNINu, - LITTLETON, N. C. Atlantic Christian College, 7 ; : FOR MALE AND FEMALE ' Facultv from Massey Business College, Randolph Macon, Martni Washington, Cincinnati and Bosson Conservatories, Yale anl Syracuse Universities. " & ... a . m i .n I. k d ru.u. " preptrttory ana vonsgiaii, . ssven Thorough Instruction in Languages, Cciences, Mathematics, Painting, China Decorations, Pen Drawing, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Elocution and Physical Culture, Book-keeping, Shorthand and Typewriting, PdAmanal.lp and Ministerial Course. - : - " . -. Brick Building, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Sewerage, Good Order, Mid; Discipline. Strict Pity. : Complete Literary Course, one year, Board and Tuition, $1.10.00. Board in Opens Sf pMmber 4, 1J01. For Catalogue J. J. HARPliK, LL 51 Ike lost BafrMklBf Wat U the Wa.-f 00! . IMBOTTLM . j - At all seed Br, tlrartrlw aa 8U4t 94 -' : .'. -V Mi NOTICE ! : " SALE OF" VALUABLE TIMBER AND FARM LAND. By virtue of a pnwr of attorney, executed by .the hefrs of Ailalttic A. Pelleiier, made to me and recorded in Huuk a, t'age W, records of Cartarat county- - I hereby give notice that t wilt, on the loth day in vartercc county. . u.. a ccrram tract ourifr. eel of land known an the ' atchel and Hifging-s Plantation and adjoinins thf lands op-Vt. Phillip Kkonce and others bounded ard deaeribed. as fol lows; lying- on the Northwest sirfe of Hailnota Creek, and on the Exst side of White Oak River and running down the river to (fie mouth of Uad-nouCroek.- -; -, .... , .... It beinK all of that. land which J. J. Pelletler Surchaaed of Ifiaac Simpson and wife nnd William latchol, also that land h Jarkron Oliver purchnscd of Isaac Si- ''wifoCharlotta and sold to J J Pel'- ne see Heed fromC. It.Th '-Metier, Register r r Book V bouraaii i-tauiny n. . uouiee. ' Incluiiing ft.atricuiation, meuicai ree, clubs for young men at actual cost. or other information, write to JJ.." rresiaent, vyiison, in. c