V ft int. . 3 U I ' I : NEW BERN. CRAVEN COUNTY,' N. C, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1906.-SECOND SECTION. ! 29th YEAR 4 U 2 CI CrT'Hn HT'q LLLLiM.i IliU kiLuU Events of Past Three Days ' Tersely Told For Jour- "' ; , nal Readers. t -v ' '" ieio co ' i:::e to rasa Industrial, Cftmnwirciiil, Social, Relici-.-. mb,' Criminal and Political Happenings Condensed in ---. . Few Linen. " ' Gebraltar, Sept.. 11. The steamer .Prince Adelbert passed through the ttraitathla morning having on board .. Paul O. Stensland, the defaulting - president of the Milwaukee Avenue Saviiigs bank, Chicago. ' A report start ed that Stensland attempted suicide but there b no truth in statement. , ' ' Washington, Sept. 11 Feeling that the uncertaint iea of the safety of Amer ican interests in Cuba 'demanded more attention President Roosevelt hasord- - ered the cruiser Des Moines to Havana - to protect and guard. American inter net including shipping The vessejaiso conveys a missive from the state de- ' partment Great secrecy . is mentioned in all departments and it is regarded by some that the United States be iieves that Palmano longer controls the situation. Roosevelt ialkeeping in closest touch with the insurrection. V St Louis, Ma.Sept li-H.n,! Wil-1 liam J. Bryan was iven a notable re- j ception here today thi being the start, j ing point of ihis southern tour which will occupy three weeks and will end in Indian Territory. : . " ' : - New York Sept 11 The first polit ical convention under the auspices of the Independent League was held here last night and waa largely attended. Wil liam R. Hearst was warmly cheered . and waa the idol of the convention. The name of McClellan waa the signal for one united hiss and jeer. - f -: - Warsaw, Russia, Sept. It The reign - of the terrorists still continues unabat ed and there seems to be no end to the awful cruelty of the Radicals toward their captives. ' Jews are being hauled to prison by thousands, many children among 'them.' This Is but a ruse to continue the massacre. In some cases the revolutionists employ children to assassinate officials as they are gener ally unsuspected and are easy to obtain places of advantage where they can do their deadly work. ' ; Rushville, Ind., Sept. II. -Three men were killed in a peculiar manner here today. They leaned against or took bold of a barbed wire fence through which an. electrical current was passing from a power plant. It is thought the circuit was made, by con tact with live wires. ' v St Paul, Minn.', Sept 11. The heat for the past few days has been terrific and has caused much sickness and suf fering. The temperature has been SO degrees and over. , j : .- , Norfolk, Sept 11 The meeting of the Jamestown Exposition commission for the atate of North Carolina met hefe today and visited the site of the proposed building for this state. They made ail necessary arrangements and decided to break ground October 6, the day before the launching of the crui ser North Csrolina. .-" ' Greensboro, Sept 12 The argument in the Hardin case In the Federal court occupied the entire day the jury not tett'ri the case until fWe o'clock. 3:, a Fjnwn consumed two hours of t ,,i ' ti in t!.e closing argument for t'..e :.uJ.4).t. LUrict Attorney I!w!ton closed for the government at f wur o'clock, and it took Ju '.. i Boyd -ad'y an hour to deliver his charge to t' e j sry. As soon as the charge was iif ej ry'a bands, they took a cj y if t'. ' 1 of iiui'.ctment along v.. 'i t" '.It I i time in Li ' j i ( f t' a c-i ie. - ' guilty. The sent- " a ' i ' '1. L. E. Davis F.x--'.'..' i r i' i i ' . ! I g .lify to t' ; i' . i ( f f. ' .;',' f .-, e ac '. A '.lot:- rc: . e..ii,,W 1 toCe t an 1 the court a 'Jww'i, ' t. 12-C-i t, t r f t' e i t,l . I i j , here today for control of the party Sen ator Dick won the contest over the Cox delegates. Motion to put' bick but of the race was defeated, Senator Fora ker's influence for Cox was felt and Dick victory puts the Senator at a dia advantage. The stand pat attitude was taken and the tariff issue and Dick were endorsed in the same measure with President Roosevelt : ' Baleigh, Sept 12 Mention' has been 'made of the. two auits instituted by Mrs. M. T. Norris, against the North Carolina Home Fire Insurance Com pany and Alex Webb, its President, for slander and damages. It is now learned that the aggregate to be sued for is $100,000. - - ' - At the meeting of tha policy holders of the Mutual Life and New York Life Insurance. Cos., J. Van Lindley, "of Greensboro, was made President, Wil liam, H. Pace, of Raleigh, Secretary of the North Carolina Policy Holders Pro tective Association. Two committees were Created, to go to New York- and examine the International policy holders and administration of receipts. They are to examine others as to what they represent -oj stand for in :he fu ture conduct of the business of the com pany' They will report their Endings at an adiourned meeting of the Asso ciation October 16. lit was the sense of the meeting that the policy holders in the State be advised not to pledge themselves to support any ticket prior to October 16. JThere are 16,000 N. C. policy holders in the two companies, and $26,000 of insurance. Washington, Sept 12 The Navy de partment has received . word that the armored cruiser Denver has arrived at Havana. 1 The gun boat Marietta has been ordered to Cienfuegoa and will reach there tomorrow.1: The' cruiser Des Moines is held at Key West ready to go to Cuba should itbe necessary. President Roosevelt is preparing for any emergency in Cuba and is consider ing ultimate intervention. A-. -Raleigh, Sept 12-George Cross, a negro who is a drunkard and who has been on the road . gang several times, killed his father, Hardy Cross, aged over seventy years' by . breaking his neck. He struck his father with his fist knocking him down the steps" and against the fnce. The crime was committed at the house of Hardy Cross. The arrest of George' Cross' quickly followed and he is in jail -'" Ringgold, Nev. Sept 12th. On ac count of overlooking the train order by the engineer of a passenger train en the Atlantic and Western railway, sev en people were killed in a collision here today. a'--.. "': 'r"f" Columbia, S. C., Sept 12.-l'he era of Tillmanism is drawing to a close and the people of South Carolina have given a most scathing rebuke . to his "pet scheme. .The second primary yester day gave AnsetT the . anti-dispensary candidate a majority of 16,000 over Manning for governor. The excitement attendant upon this election has been intense, and the feeling existing be tween the two factions the most bitter that haa been experienced . foe years There Is great rejoicing over the re sult.' V j,: ' V Havana, Sept 19 The rebellion is daily growiag stronger and although the loyalists are hoepful they are sure ly losing prospects of success. .The in surgents control all small towns in Santa Clara and threaten Cienfuegos New men are constantly joining their numbers. They are committing depre- dations holding up trains and endear oring to cause strikes among laboring men.- , ' ' - Raleigh, Sept 13. The Supreme Court today heard argument in the case involving the lease of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railway. The oiiginal charter of this road provides for the "farming out" of the transudation, etc. The word "lease" Is not used in the original document, which if not drawn by Governor Horehead himsulf v 1 (! ultless drafted under his person I f i'-i'vii.inn. ' ' , . ,4 . ,. V.'i. n, fiopt 13. -The Inter- b -"a C ce (. .i i ii ii is uon is hearing g ; n i on t'.o qn, .: ,n of waiving tLe SD d..y iioS.i:o of pntjtfMMfl clmnfrcs t ,,f t ' a .... ' ' , . Jx i .r;!!tT :,;-t, 1 i,i f.iv.,r of the I-'' ' VI. lct,'i:,!'U: -j f - : !. 7, ' I - ,, t i throw the government iHer last words were"Long live Social Revolution for Land and Liberty". - ' Deputy insurance commissioner Scott . has returned from Wadesboro where a true bill waa found I against Clem In gram for the burning of barns of Mrs. Katherine Atkinson. Mr. Scott also stopped at Pit&boro where Corinna I Foster wss held in (200 for burning the dwelling ; and barns at .the home of James Johnson at Merry Oaks. , Moscow, Sept. 13. Large numbe.s of bandits have been found by the po lice who have also discovered a place from where false passports were issued. , Pittsburg, Sept 13. -In his monthly circular to the United Mine Workers, John Mitchell, the president, urges the unionists to fight all 'their enemies at the ballot box. " v , Raleigh, N. ,C, September 13th. The hoard ot internal improvement, Governor Glenn presiding, re-elected State proxy T." V. Warren, of Jones county, and the Directors on the part of the State for the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, L. Daniels, J. W. Grainger, W. B. Creech, D. B. Hooker, W. H.' Bagley, C. M. ' Busbee, L. P. Tapp and W, S. Chadwick. " THE SULTAN IS WM With a Retinae of Fun Mak- Crs. ; Song Dispensers and : A t Pretty Girls. His Royal Highness, - the Sultan of Sulu, will appear at the opera house tonight in ail his majesty. Those who have seen this merry ""monarch and all things that he does and heard the things that he says want to go again. The comedy opera under this name is one that will make a man laugh in spite of himself. It is crowded full of bright dklegue and catchy songs. ; The costumes are elegant and very costly and they with the scenery are in themselves worth the price of the show, The Sultan of Sulu. . Loco '' - i ... . . - Sept 5. . Cotton picking is in progress now be tween showers, , which are quite fre quentv, . Z-.l' a .. J.:i ': Mrs. G. W. Smith . and children are' visiting relatives at Silverdale. Miss Rena Taylor and brother Kit at tended the Quarterly Meeting at Had nott's Creek Saturday and Sunday. - Mrs.' E. J. Higgins returned from her visit to relatives at Olivers and Tren ton Sunday. ,. , i,K..;, . Mr. M. Z. Riggs, oi Silverdale, was a guest of Mr. G. W. Smith Sunday. Messrs Dan and Lon Lilly spent a few days at Bogue last week, -j, Mr. EJ. J. Hiergins went to Olivers to- day to see his son's horse that is very sick. ,' ' ; "' k : ' " " ' ' Mr. J. W. Scott visited relatives here last week.-' v ." ' ; ' ' ' Mr. B. F. Taylor was called here Sunday last '' . '" '""' Nirrr Dogs. Start A Runaway. - Yesterday morning Mr. J.1 E. Hawk fastened his horse in front of the Stewart building on Pollock street and two dogs engaged in a fight right un der the horse's heels, The horse not being used to this procedure naturally became frightened and broke aay leav ing a part of the harness attached to the post The horse ran up Middle and Griffith streets to the Pine Lumber Company's office where he knew he had friends. .On his .way he struck a transfer, dray and telephone pole and got to his destination with the carriage quite badly damaged. It is a question now which is .the more valuable, curs that wander around town fighting every dog they corns across and keeping up a general turmoil fuss and more or less anxiety for lives and property. These worthless dogs are not only responsible oftentimes for damaged property but they destroy rest at night by their ia cessant barking; they nronopolize the sidewolks and pedestrians either have to step on them'or go around them via the middle of the roid. It is not a veiy pleasing proposition to contemplate, when wa take into consideration that we can do without dogs, and that with which they interfere is valunble. We are glad to say that the police are thinning out these useless curs but still there are too many. The time wiil como when the dog will be an issue jn politics if it becomes much more obnox ions Already it's as Lad as tLe trust. Carriage In . Tru!'.!s, ' V j t. 12. Mr. W. G. Cuthrell and Miss Minnie Onion of lruitta were I ; ; ;'y united n t'," Irt.n.l of matrimony at the home r ('. ' - '' ' 1 V ' ;S a Ililn.' TCf BLIND KEEP COURT BUISY Two Prisoners Were Taken at (ireeiisboro, One For Bnr- jslery and the-- Other ' For Escaping ' ; From Road ; Force. , GOES TO NEW YORK. Death of Mrs. Cornelia Cox. Woman Entering the Revenue ; Service. Two. or Three Ladies Grace ' ' The Otherwise Prosaic Of- u , flees of the United ......... ; States Court. ; 'jL Special Correspondence ' Greensboro Sept. 11 AUhree o'clock to day the Hardin ' case 'in the Court was given to the jury; The case - was closed yesterday rf ternoon and speeches made for prosecution, by Assistant Dis trict Coble, opened the argument, and Judge ' Adams, and Governor Aycork followed for the defendant, ; This morn ing a brief argument was made for de fendant by R. N. Hackett, Judge By num closing for the defense ' and Dis trict Attorney Holton concluding for the government. : 'r&'r yf " ; . The Revenue Service, ; like the busi ness world, is. getting permeated with lady officers, A broad ew. officer, in the lovely person ot Miss Maude Baker of Reidsville, was here last night, en route from Raleigh to Reidsville, Miss Baker was yesterday commissioned by Collector Duncan as a deputy collector. She will not go raiding 'after blockade stills, but has been assigned to office duty as stamp clerk, f vh v ; .;..? Deputy Collector Baker is the daugh ter of a prominent republican of Rock ingham, Mr. G. W. " Baker, who is at present serving as a juror in the Fed eral Court here, in tho Hardin trial, , The Federal Court 'itself, shows a commendable partiality for lady officers The Deputy Clerk here, is Miss Hatty Causey; and she is one of the best of ficers in the United States. - The court stenographer, Miss Lula Sherrill, is so efficient it makes even old men's heads swim to watch the . lightning speed of her nimble fountain pen. Another splen did officer of feminine charm and man ly efficiency is Miss Nessie Myrick, a deputy marshal in marshal Millikan's department Another deputy collector is Miss Williams in the collectors office at Asheville. It is remarkable how quickly the ladies catch on to the run of official duties how officiant they are, and wonderful how quick the men adopt themselves to their presence and im prove accordingly. . v i ', . ; There was more or less activity In blind tiger circles , here yesterday judg ing from the arrest made,. which num bered seven. Two of the parties were a little out of the ordinary, one being a cork legged negro named Gus Brown who arrived from his home in Winston with a plentiful supply of liquor, was caught and locked up, and his whiskey confiscated before he had sold more than a pint - The other-was Albert Chavis, a well . known licensed public carriage driver and owner.' .. Chavis, it has developed used his carriage as a kind ' of perambulating bar, ' selling drinks and bottles of the .ardent all about town: But he is not as bad as that water wagon driver in Wilmlng' ton, who got drunk Saturday and from his perch on the very pinnacle of the water wagon, came near drowning six policemen who were innocently stand ing on the sidewalk of the principal street which the water wagoner was trying to sprinkle, but persisted in driving next to the curbing instead of keeping in the middle of the road. The sheriff of Randolph county came here this morning and carried away two prisoners arrested here yesterday. One was a white man, Grover Cleveland Blaylock, who is wanted at Liberty on a charge of breaking in two stores there and doing some wholesale steal ing. He was tried before a magistrate two months ago and default of a $200 bond was being taken to' jail, when he broke loose and running from the con stable escaped. The $S5 reward offered for his capture, will be claimed by policemen Stedman of this city, who located Blaylock in a restaurant. ' Tom Cox, an escaped convict from the mad force, was also caught here last night and the Randolph officer took him back along with Blaylock.-. Yesterday afternoon while Mr. Jacob Rui-'unan, who has a combined store and dwelling on Ashe street was tnkh.fj an outing with his family, 8"me 'liliT murium his prcmi ies and j n-.'.n.y il. . v. r ar.l f j . 'yf .- i 1 ' -.A . EISEOFOO- EIT1QUS YOUTH. An Example of The Power of , Pluck and Perseverance in Actual Life- Special Correspondence. .-..' Raleirh Sent 12 A few veara aeo in the band of the A ft M Cadet corps j was a little boy, James Higgs of this city, wearing knickerbockers and beat ing the drum, and always keeping op with the procession. He waa a boy who was simply bound to succeed and now he has just received his third promotion as a civil engineer in the Southern rail way getting $1,880 a year. He U only 18 years old and graduated last June, having entered the college at the . age of 14 and having been one of the beat pupils at Prof. Morson's High School here. During all his vacation he work ed for the railway. He is a brother of . Mr. Sherwood Higgs of Raleigh. ' . ' The penitentiary authorities . have raised the price of convict labor on all out aide labor from $1,25 to $1,60 per day. There if a very great demand for convict labor but of course : very little of it can be supplied. :: j, The list of tax books foruse in. the public Bchools of the atate is now, be ing issued. There was a little delay in the issue because of an. error as to one word by the public printer, to that up to this time very lew of the lists have been sent out The exchange prices this year are very good, something more than half of the books being iu ject to exchange, i ,. i.'. '..i H Harlowe and N.Harlowey, "V Septr 13. Mrs Lucy Morton returned Saturday from making a visit at Beaufort. ? Miss Reba Morton of Beaufort is making a visit to cousins, Misses Bessie aid Clara Morton. - -v's 3 W Conner was here Sunday after a few days stay has returned to his home at Thurman. Mrs Conner who haa been visiting her mother returned with him.; ;;..iv..-t-i ,.:),..-;.Va.,., . ..... Mrs Hannah Bell is making herdaugh ter, Mra W J Haler a visit at Morehead City." r- ' Messrs J A Morton and John Koonce went to New Bern Sunday. . : , ':';.;,," Eddie Taylor of . Winthrop Mills waa here for a short time Monday.. . Mrs D G Bell accompanied by her cousin, Miss Irma Willi ford of Kings Mountain left for her home in Morehead last Sunday. . , " Mr Joshua Adams is losing some of his hogs, v we trust it is not the chol era, : . "yTXCZ'ft ''-. ' Mrs Lillian - Foreman who la being sought after to teach - oar school this winter is in the neighborhood for a few days. ;,.!, v.i ; ;, ' Mrs J L Taylor waa spending the day with her brother, Mr. J Adams yester- Alex Foreman and wife paased through yesterday from spending the day at Blades enroute to their home at Core Creek. ':' -;''" :' Messrs D G Bell and Paul Webb and Mrs W P Bell, Misses Corrine and Estelle Webb of Morehead City came over on a naptha launch Sunday to spend the day and returned in the after noon.' .-.ii;'-' i"'. ' E T Webb and family returned yes terday from their trip to Swans boro. . . . , .. ' ' ' ' Will Bell and a lady of Beaufort were callers in our berg Sunday. Mrs Mary Hardison of Thurman came yesterday to spend a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs Joshua Adams. ; .Mr Manly Mann 'of Blades passed through this morning for Newport to meet with some fair cousin. N H Taylor is in New Bern today to make purchases for his mercantile busi ness. . ... . ' i.; - Joseph A Morton has gone to New Bern today in the interest of Morton & Bangert. , ' ' ... A A N C Railroad Stockholder' "; '-; -, ':: Meeting. - "'- '' There will be a meeting of the stock holders of the A. & N. C. Railroad Co. in New Bern, N. C, at 12 o'clock m. September 27th, 1906. The stock books for the transfer of stock in said compa ny will be closed from 12 o'clock m, Sept. 10th to 12 o'clock m. Oct 1st 1906. This Angust 27th, 1306. D. J.'EROADKURST. " '' Secretary anl Treaa. Fine venison at Oaks Market enterprise. . . l i i - r1--. v 1 ,...:'! . : 4Y( lie, fiuillts llt?Mr riaiiivi. gviuv, an Randulrh county, f aturdry I U, t!rs. Corm-Ka Cox, sii.lx to Dr. C x of Gull- w as a well known and 6.um :.t wnnuui. Cl.e lavs two . ;a, t'.ra. Henry C x i...d li.a. 1 Llney r.'ildwln of I;.. ' ' h. EEATH OF FE0"r . KENT EDUCATCR. Two Young Hen Arrested on the Charge of Forgery. Call Extended bySonth ; side Baptist Church to Rev. A. C. Hamby of HUls boro. Odd Fellows Leave. " Special Correspondence, v.1: Greensboro, Sept 13. Prof. Thomas A. Sharps died last night at St. Leo's Hospital of appendicitis, He had been sick for several weeks. His body was taken ' this afternoon to Pineville, Mecklenburg county, ; for interment Prof. Sharpe was 32 years of age and he was one of the most valuable citi zens' of the community and a man of remarkable wisdom and judgment for one of his years, and was personally be loved by all who knew him. He was born in Mecklenburg county and gradu ated ' from - the State University ten years ago.. In 1897 he was largely in fluential in carrying his school district for local taxation. He taught for some time in the graded schools of Goldsboro going from there ' to Darlington as superintendent of the graded schools there. He marr'ed in Darlington and is survived by his wife and one child From (Darlington Prof; ; Sharpe came to Greensboro to become superintendent of the public schools of the county.. He served one year in this capacity and during that time the county made won derful progress in the adoption of local taxation plan of aiding country schools. Two years ago he left the educational world and entered business life as an em ployeof the Cone Export and Commis sion Company, ... ; D. N7 Wilkerson and A. D. Lassiter, tw yonng white men, were arrested here last tight on the charge of forg ing two sight drafts for $15 and having them cashed.. Wilkerson gave bond of ICO in each case for his appearance be fore the mayor this afternoon, but Las siter being unable to give bond, was lodged in jail. Wilkerson is charged with aigningthe name, of a Richmond firm to drafts b favor of Lasiter for sum stated aSjve, Lassiter having them cashed. On Lassiter's person, when he was arrested, was found a sight draft for $50 purporting to be from a Rich' mond firm. At a meeting of Southside Baptist church last night a call was extended to Rev. A. C. Hamby of Hillsboro, to take effect Nov. L Rev. C. E. Maddry for some time has been pastor both of this church and Forest Avenue Bapti' church. Some time ago Forest Avenu' called Mr. Maddry for all of his time, making it necessary f or the Southsiar church to call a new pastor. This they did last night and it is understood that Rev, Mr. Hamby will accept ' Messrs R. W. Murray and R. L. Wood ard will leave to night for Toronto, Can ada to attend the Sovereign Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fel lows. Tbey will go by way ot Norfolk and there will be joined by . a party of Odd Fellows from the eastern part of the State. Mr. Murray goes as a spec ial commissioner to prosecute some mat tors in behalf .of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina before committees of tho Sovereign Grand Lodge. ! Riggsville Items : "' Septl2. The weather still continues very warm and wet - Cotton picking is in progress among the farmers in this section. ; Misses Nannie Smith, Minnie Smith and Julia Burk of Mill Point were visit ing Mrs. J.T. Riggs Sunday.' .;;" " Miss Bettie Smith who has been vis iting friends and relatives here, return sd home Sunday, much to the regret of her many friends. "';. Miss Addie Canady returned home Saturday from Swansboro, where she has been spending a week with friends and relatives. ., -.( . Miss Mary Stanley is visiting her sis ter Mrs. Laura Yeates of Belgrade this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Carney and little son of Ayden are visiting Mr.and Mrs. Steve Stanley this week. Mr and Mra Him Reid of Bear Creek was vbiting at Mr J H Canadays last week. , Mr. Graham Koonce, of Stella, as a caller here Saturday. Mrs. James Rigjs is very sick at this writing. Hope she will soon be well. There was a very heavy electric storm tl.lesfternoon, which cooled oil the at nvv; here to soma extent. t'r.' till Stanley left Konduy for 1W turn. t!r. Joe. Smith returned ycaterCy from Cjut'iport, v,h-re ha ht. hvn er,j;-"d to woskon a fUiii-jr ST.nck. Cr.ACT.. SKIII ECZEfill Black Splotches All Over Face Produced Severe Hchlng-Year't , . Treatment by Physicians Did ' Good and Became Despondent Affected Parts Now Clear as Ever Alabama Lady's . CURE BY THE ' ' CUTICURA REf"Ec:X "About four years ago I was aCotei with black splotches all over my fane and a few covering my body. wL, a produced a severe itching irritation, and which caused me a great deal of annoy' -ance and suffering, to such an extent tl.4 ' ' 1 was forced to call in two of theleadii ' physicians of my town. After a thoj -ough examination of the dreaded com -. plaint they announced it to be aUa eczema in its worst form. Tbey treated ' me for the same for the lengtl of ort year, but the treatment did me no good. ' ' " Finally I became despondent as4 ' decided to discontinue their servicea, Shortly afterwards, my husband krad ' ing a copy of a weekly New Yk paper saw an advertisement of the Ox cura Remedies. - He purchased the an ' tire outfit, and after using the con teats . -. of the first bottle of Cuticura Resotvect in connection with the Cuticura So and Ointment, the breaking out entire f : stopped. I continued the use of tbs Cuticura Remedies for six months, anl after that every splotch waa entirely , . gone and the affected parts were left as clear as ever. I have not felt asyaap torn of the eczema since, which was thnti years ago. "The Cuticura Remedies not v2f cured me of that dreadful disease, eczema, but other complicated troubles as well: and I have been the means of others being cured of the same diseaes by the Cuticura Remedies, and I don't hesitate in saying that the Reeolvert is the best blood medicine that the wotii ' has ever known." Lizzie E. Sledge, "- ' 840 Jones Ave, Oct28, 1905. - Selma, AJsw Sold throotfKrat Am wnrlS. Oatlont Son, Kc-Ofc. Dlfiit. U&, SeKnt, ), (la torm of Ckoglai 0u4 Fill,, Do. pr ll of 60), bit bo bt M ul nu iaa, ' hotter Drug im Chcm. Corp.. Sole Prop,., Sootm, -MtlIe4 rrot, "Tho 6tttiu Wla A . REWARD OFFERED FG3 feie::3. Two Hundred Dollars WC1 U Paid the Person Givizi . -theMt. Airy Murder er to the Author ities. ' ;s Special Correspondence. Raleigh, Sept. 12-The Governor of fers a ; reward of $200. for Irvtej Peatross, who on Sunday, August tiSt near the Mt Airy Granite Quarry murdered J. F. Timmons . Peatross and his two brothers and Timmons had been drinking the night before. Tts next morning as Timmons was walking along a highway, singing, Peatross anl his brothers appeared, armed, told hiai to hold up his hands and. then Irvirg shot him in the abdomen. As Timmocs fell Peatross threatened to shoot tgi'M but ina moment Timmons waa dead. The murderer fled at once to Stokes county. Solicitor Porter Graves of tb Uth district saw the Governor this morning and procured the offer of Cs reward. ". ''' ; ' . v . , Buoys Discontinmd. On July Uth 1906, following buoys, moored in 1 the channel becweci Ocracoke Inlet and Pamlico Sound Ij way of Wallace Channel, were discos tinued, the channel having filled ep so as to be unavailable:; Bulkhead Cut Lower End buoy No. 6, a third-class bun. Bulkhead Cut Lower End buoy No. 5, a third-class nun. Bulkhead Cut Upper End buoy Koi.8. a third-class nun. Bulkhead Cut Upper End buoy Vx t. a spar. . Channel buoy, a red spar. Shoal Point buoy No. 9, a tLUJ-t" s can. : " Flounder Slue Rock buoy No. 1 a third-class nun. Inner Cut Lower buoy No. 11, a tl! class can. Inner Cut Lower buoy No. 12, a t Inner Cut Kid buoy No. 13, a t ! class can. Inner Cut Upper buoy No. 1 i, a r . Inner Cut Urper buoy Ho. 13, a t" 1 class can. Death cf I hZ.:.,:'Z . 1. 11.-1 Wire Gra3, f ' the spirit of ! j. loved wife of r. I ted fium : ' I nal n t i i t arogo et 1 r t ' mori.i. ; l ', ; her i: 1 ! oU'av " . T r i . t 1. i : 1 ' a i 1 1 d "l X i ft : 1 I.-::. '