lLY JOURNAL . w i. E.tablUtws 187B. rub hhei In T wo Sections, every Tuee- aad Friday, at Journal Building, 66 CiCra?ea 8treet. " " : "HARLES IT 5TFVEN? sorron 4Wp fQFMKn . 8UBSCRIPTIOM RATEr" ' Two Months,. . . . ... .......... .MtfcnU. 1ur"eMonte,.,,.,..... "5 r 1 l ,w aa - . t' MMumm,. Twelve Month. ... ONLY IN ADVAMOS. Official Paper of New Bern and Craven County. plication at the office, or upoa inquiry ay man. r3PTh Jocbiuju i only sent on r.ay- ulnnm huia. Subacribeit - will receive notice of expiration of their iub loriptiona and an immediate response to notice wii ue appreouuou -r - jouasAi "Entered at the Poetc'dce, New Ben it. G. aa second-olass matter. New Bern, N, C, September 18. 1906. THE SPELLBINDER AND THE VOTER There ia a contradiction in the alleged political demand, which calls for Bpeak en in each political campaign, to en lighten the voters, on their duties, while the cry at the same time is raised that the political speakers are sent to "spellbind" the voters through their eloquence. There is more or less truth in the al legation that political speeches misdi rect attention. But in this age the stump speaker has not the same easy position as did the stump speaker of a quarter of a century ago. Education and the newspaper places actual condi tions within the daily knowledge of ev ery voter. 1 The doings of every person in office life from constable to presi dent is known and read by men. The stump speaker may praise his party, The congressman candidate may de clare what he has or will do, but unless there be facts to sustain the statements made, their hearers will soon call the speakers to a sense of their weak points and destroy their efforts. It is the political party's public ree- rd, which must declare itself, net the spellbinder. It is the candidate whose public record will stand daylight, and if necessary, the search light inspection, who will gain votes. The crowd is fickle. It will shout or laugh its approval, but shouts and laughter will not count at the polls. It is what the man is, what the party has done that gives assur ance to the voter. Fireworks and liq uor, parades and speeches serve, today, but an indifferent purpose. The street crowd follows the show, but not neces sarily the candidate to the ballot box. , ft is the policy of honesty to constitu ents, that counts. Platform eloquence may get the plaudits. It is the home where the opinion is formed. It is edu- ' cation and the newpaper, which pre pares in every campaign that terrible unknown quantity, the silent vote. It k this vote which causes political up heavals, and mares politicians despair, because it cannot be reckoned with. The speaker may for the time deceive his audience. But the deception does sot carry a vote to the ballot box in the speaker's favor. REPUBLICANISM FOR . V OFFICE EFFECT. The report that the republicans of the third congressional district will meet in convention in Goldsboro, to name a candidate, is the usual bi-annual political force. It would be a fun ny performance, if it was not ridicu lous. It is ridiculous because it means only an excuse, a blind to deceive the political powers at Washington.' It would be rank flattery to say that the nominee, who ever he may be, was a "stalking horse", for that would give political character to the scheme,: which is a very sorry bluff, and a bluff only to those beyond the third congress ional district of N. C , ! ' Of course the going through the form of calling and holding a convention preserves a sort of ( "political regn krity". It presents this side to the uninitiated. To the one nominated, is the ever present and longing hope, that even if made a political scape-goat, the "powers above" may at some time re member the sacrifice, and some twenty five dollar pei month office may be giv tn ti e party who played the political - i e-coat. y H v. Ill be remembered that Mr. Les ' ; I ' Ut once essayed this political it the third congressional i 1, it mny not be altogether .1 N t'.l; J district candidacy, but 5 a i i ii the TV h I i i.' ; i i f f? J " fact, in order to secure oSce. Fut this third district congressional republicanism, is like North Carolina republicanism. It is senseless and meaningless, except to the self-perpe tuated office-holder. So far as the democrats are concerned it is a help to them, as it makes voters come out, and not be lulled to sleep by having no op posing ticket But it meana nothing for republican growth. That is not wanted. North Carolina republicanism has its principles founded and bounded by one thing political office. GET THE HAPPY HABIT I ' If solid happiness we rixe' Within our heart this jewel nea, And they are fools who roam; ThA world has nothina? to bestow. Fromeur own selves the bliss must flow, And that dear but our home. The above verse of Nathaniel 'Cot ton's might serve, if eerioQsly token as the key to learning nd securing fee happy habit What ia Bseant by hap py habit is not meant joviality aim stranarera or acauaiataaeas. Nor does it mean the unceasing smile and gay remark, no matter what the time or no easion may; be. 'V. . v.:lO;,i-;; Perhaps a serene mind and temper ate living, will corns nearest to devel oping the happy habit Wn the individual the calmness and eoflserva tirenesa, which shall be his or hers ia all seasons, be they of joys, or of sor rows. The possessor of the hapny habit is not merely in the fell enjojment of a personal happiness, .but the added satisfaction of giving pleasure to others, and in thus giving pleasure, of being a force for good in the world. The happy habit for its possessor means a' pleasure eaeb day. It destroys selfishness, and plants instead, unselfish ness, it makes lire a Duraens easier v be borne. It makes obstacles surmount able. While life is today, tomorrow un known, yet it is not thst one should for today, only. It is the happy habit which glorifies today, and opens the way for many tomorrows, if not for its own self , it will he for others. And so when the and shall come, it may be honestly and sincerely written And all shall say and can, He lived his beat he was a man Tho, with fault of word and oeed, Yet served mankind in need, . And wrought for good.. Cslsrrsa Cassot as Cam4. v.? with Local Applications, as they can not reach the seat of the diserse. Cat arrah ia a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies.'' Hall's Catarrah Cure is taken internally, and acta dine Uy on the llood and mucous surfacea. Hall's Catarrah Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicions in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the beat tonics known, combined with tite best blood purifiers acting directly on the mfcous surfacea. The perfect combination of two in gradients is what produces such wonder ul results in curing Catarrah. Send fer testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Preps., Toledo, 0. i " - ' ' - Sold by Druggists, price 75c . .? 1 Take Hall's FamirySPills for constipa t'on. . prescott Items. , Sept JO, , Mr. Willie 3umreU of Bayboro has been visiting friends and relatives of White Hill the past week. - " ., ....... We are glad to say the bridge at Ed ward has been repaired and passing no longer delayed. 'IT. ' -: . . Mr. Rufus Paul of Core Point was in ourmidst Sunday night last - ; Wa are sorry to say (hat Mr Jimmie Walkins little daughter is ill with ery- sipelis. -:: ' .-v,.. , Mr Esster Walks, was the guest of Mr. Hugh Sawyer Sunday last i .,t We are haying some very nice meet ings at White Hill now." The house ia full every night and a number of new members have been added to "the church. I'.i'i f : .. i Miss Marrietta Dunn was the guest of Miss Hattie Lee Sunday ' - afternoon. Mr. Thomas and Joe Edward of Edwardsville departed for Aurora SaU vrday morning last - .., . Owing to good weather Mr David Mixon has had much work to do, mow ing hay the past week.. 1 I -' -. ,m'-i ., jl fww! A L k:ch:.:c:-3,'va, ' ' are headquarters for . . . V , i FLJ tZ3TCr F.-l It Will Make a Sensation in the Effete East Taxi- dermic Work of High . 4 - . - -.t , ., :U ... . .' ;: .Order- . ''.- ....... ; iXSp6'' Correspondence.;, r Raleiirh. SeDt 1 Tomorrow Seen tary Bruner of the Board of Agriculture and Curator Brinaley leave for Boston to be away about two months. ; . During the whole month of October the Boston Food Fair will open at which North Camlina will have so beautiful an ex hibit in the handsomest hall . in all the vast buildings. Mr: Bruner said of the exhibit: ''f win be. a superb ahow. Wa will he a little crambed for money but we certainly have an excellent lot of stuff which jm well prepared and hsa been very carefully packed shipped and which covers the state s resources in rery complete and striking way." - ; While Mr. Brimlev Is away . Mr, Addicks, his vary anabls young aasiBt- ant wfll do a lot of VOt mooning specimens of birds. He will kill the raven from the mountains which all the summer has made his voice .heard round the agricultural building and will also kill aome hawks and - two Strange birds half guinea and half tur key which nave Been at rnuen rara (or some time. stow tbv ewaga taalf fmmf . Cedar Point Note. I . " Sept 14. We have been blessed with very good weather and bettor healthi no deaths since last writing, ; . Mr. Mary Weeks while takjng her morning drive last Monday morning, came very near having a serious acci dent, her "charger" became frightened from a noise behind, and skill and pres ence of mind is all that averted a ca tastrophe. Messrs. N. T., and L. B. Ennett re turned Friday from their trip north. reported a huge time. Mr. leon Williams, who has been visiting Mr. J. S. Jones, of this place. returned home Saturday. . Mrs. Rinza Weeks and afiss Leona Weeks were visitors here Sunday. Quito a juunher of our young people left this week to atttsi Jool at vari ous places.. Mr. Thomas Guthrie took a .party down on his boat Wednesday to attend the county uof ention at Beaufort - Mr. A. D. Sjaoett, while oat squirrel ing the other evening killed a nne rat- tie anako, measuring about five and a half feet long with twelve rattles. Cotton pickers seem to bo Jn greater demand than cotton, as aome of our farmers seem disappointed in the pres ent price of cotton. ' ANON, - !TsCsrsCtlalsnsDs. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cur E. W. Grove's signature ia on each box. 26c. , ' . Whilst Loiter? "He who hath no jnviaic n his aaol ia a lobster, declares Tommy Donnelly, the black-faced ommedia who ia star ring again this season with tho Donnel ly & Hatfield Minstrels, nndsr tho per sonal direction of AL G. Field,' "Ho waketh in tho morning with a head ache, Goeth aboot during the day with a vinegar expression ovewpreading his persimmon countenance and hath not a word, of .cheer or good fellowship for his fellow man. ' His very breath has tho appearance of U cake of ice and his feet are cold. He ia deaf,' dumb and blind to the needy, and he sticketb his hand not in nis pocket because ho thinkoth he might spendeth a cent' Music is the Bfe of cheerfulness and cheerfulness is ittsic.' A sou! without music is not even fit for she leather..' 'If yon are afflicted with; that nwwcless disposition, bear the musia sftj singmg of tho Don--nelly ft Hatfield Minstrels and yon wil be happy and cheeful forever after, . , . attack sf Dlsrrneea Csretf hjr ass Dm af Csssibsrisls's Cellc, Ckelers ss Dlar--. I . ' rases Rsmtsy,,.; . I was so .weak from aa attack of diar rhoea that I could scarcely attend to my duties, when I took a dose of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured m entirely, and I had been taking other medicine for 9 days without relief. I heartily recom mend this remedy as being Mm best to my knowledge for bowel complaint R. G. Stewart, of the firm of .Stewart ft Bros., Greenville, Ala. For sale by Davia Pharmacy and F. S, Duffy. Russian train robbers have secured 315,5C0 so far this year. f'aciy'e CzMwSine cures all headaches, etc, does not de press the heart, 10, 25 snd 69 cants a tolUe at dru'.t.is, 6c. dises at foun t..'..s. V,'onm s?.Trr;'8 has proven a failure inAo '-:a. LiLi. .a.. Arrangements Completed : to Make One of the Largest " Gatherings of Years. , ( . Special Correspondence J Raleigh Sspt 14 Tonight Mr. A. D. Watts private secretary to Senator F, M. bimmons left for Radford Va , to meet Mr. tsryan who comes from there to Raleigh next Monday. 'State Chair man Simmons has arranged for spec ial train from Raleigh to be used for the remainder of the itinerary of Mr. Bryan. There will be'twd ears and these will be filled by the apecial 'committee and also by committees appointed by the chairmen Jof the party in the var loua counties in the state in which Mr, Bryan will speak. . A Arrangementa have ben made for stops and short speeches at Durham and Burlington Monday afternoon, and at ffarneriyill Tuesday afternoon, also at Hjgh point and IfiVmwO- Tna schedule will conform a nearly aa ma? bf to the old irrapgement The raik way people have .'majio arengemenU for handling yery large crowds and will npt pnfy provide special farains but add xjtr . cars to tlje regular trams, a special rate of fajr, fate and a thrd being put on at varipifs peiptn t f bicl Mr. Bryan fa to speak, t : . ' ".-jr.'. . ' : ' Bftdilffit'i : Trade Report, c New York, September 14 Brad, street to-morrow will say fpr Rich mond Va, and , vfcinitr. Whftlesale dealers jn leather ffd ffthef gppds and findings are especially active, M cat deajerf haye gpp a larger yolumo of business tbfs year wm(W enpreyr ions year. Local shoe dealers ana man nfacturers are In the midst of shipment for the fall and winter trade. All deal era in this line have had an active sea son and In some instance! sales show a hundred per cenjt gafn djiiRf tf? month of August of thfs year 4nf "9 of mi. Collpctions in lotji he shoe and leather bustneya gro roof Whole sale dry good dealers eoltinue e?fn. sive shipments for the fall rade. Col lection in Uia lj no show toprovements over sst month. The paiduee markejt ia derojd of special fpae. Prices are fair and tho demand abort equals the supply. '..'v. Little Hell,1 jW:'.!Ca'U Messrs Arthur nnd Bosco Simpson spent Saturday night knd Sunday at Olympia. There must be some at traction. ". ;. 1 . .. - ... Miss Lee Henderson of Trenton was visiting Misses' Rebecca' i and Joe Mid- gett Wednesday. V Misp Annie Avery of this place left hut week fpr Grifton where' she will spend a shprt whls wih her ancle. Miss Nettie William it Blades miU U the guest of Miss jo4 Midgut last week, . ': Mr Hubert jchol of Richland whp baa been visiting friends and relative at tlif plsoo returns honjs " hut week. - . ( i - - Miss Glydia Melton who has boon visiting her sister Mrs AbramMeadow returned home Sunday. . . Mrs Rachel Henderson and Ira Rouse spent Monday afternooa at Mr R T Midgett'. , I Girls get your bonnets and gloves ready cotton fields sre white. - "..FflRGETME NOT. t Rat Steel ths Tstt 25 rears. " Tho 'old, original G07E'$ f Mtel? Chill Tonic. Vp tnpir wat you are taking. It ia Iron and Quinine fna tasteless form, No Curs, No pay. i Watch . For Thti Peraae, . The triple menageries with Cole Broth era United Shows form a complete m ological display second to none seen with any other traveling amusement enterprise. In this department are tofbe found the moat perfect aa well aa the rarest specimen of animal life on earth each of the species carefully , classified. There ia a whole .kindergarten of baby elephants, camels,. Hons and tiger which will be especially interesting to children and student. n thynammoth main tent tho display proper will prove all and more than is claimed for it, fJie program including a .eojossal eoterie of exclusive all-star features. There will be thrilling nerve shattering aerialists, superbly sstonuhbg equestrians, death courting acrobats, lithe and ainuous contortionists, breath-taking wire walk era and bicycliaU, clever jugglsrs, phe nomenally educated horses, ponies and ild beasts and a myriad of other amas ing and plowing numbers. This season Col KrouVr grcst shown have com bined and are pi denied pnder one i;v'je water proof ranva amphlthatro anj will be seen Tues ' y Sept 18 in New Bern when two performances will bs given on the El.iJ.-s Park show grounds There will be a fole day free street parade at 10 o' - k in the morning and this &'. . !. y a!..ne iU be worth travel Ing msr.y n.'l s t i view. It will be two fallB ed I: " t ' s of ricUy cos turn -on" riJers, hai fgnn, f.n C'f f. -9 v , i i, ' . .'8 6 ) C l. son ' c n r J i L. j, I ' F'"-' ;, I f At Keelsboro, N. C, on the moirir- ' of Sept 9, 1906, at4:S3, little J.!.nj Milton, son of Mr.-and ..rj' Jones passed away after a brief illness of diphtheria. He was only ill six days, and while all that medical skill and hu- J nuw power couia ao, was done, we could not keep him, aa God saw fit to take him from us. He suffered a great deal, but passed away as asleep without a struck and while wo all loved the bright little flower, we know that God loved htm even now more and had only loaned him to us for a season. He khoweth best and haa called him home to rest Do not "grieve mama and nana for little Milton ia not dead but ha passed from death unto life and haa gone on before to welcome you home, no not dead but gone to a city of purest srold. where the sua never sets and the leaves never fade, where no shadow gather around us, and we say good-bye no more. But remember that aome day w will meet him in a home above, where once again we shall see his sweet smiling face and onoe again hear the darling Voice saying mama and papa. The physician waa talking with him a snort while before he died and asked him whose boy he was, his darling Utile oice was beard withoui - quiver 'Mamas'- and those were almost the )at wordf hf eye? eppke, but some day we inaitpeant again, , Weep not for our darling deceased, - Qnr loss ia bis infinite gain, , 4 soul out pf prison released-- And freed from U sorrow and Rto With song let us folow h(s flight, , And mount with his spirit aboyo Escape to the rosnsions of light And lodgrd in thp pden of jove. ' rQnf Who .pyed Hjm, If you would have a large number of friends, don't be always looking out for No.1. attnta .. W sins inn nan wugji Plans haye been made for too defense pf Hayana p case of an attack by in? IWgepfe. .-, -.uaws 1 v- (-in Bck.- This fs an aihnat for which Ghamb- orlain'a pain Balm has proyen eepeci, ally valuable. In almost every nstsnc it Mford prompt and permanent relief. Mr. Lake Lagrange, of 0 range, MtHh-, ayt of iti "After using a plaster and other remedies for a bad lame back, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain Pain Balm, and two applications affec ted euro," For sale by Pavja Phar. mtcy and jT. 8. Onfy. Mm. Rnmwll Sure in a AoMmdaTtt of muiva, otanoisn. tier maiaen name. filive, was' also that' of" her ' parental grandmother OBvfa, Standish. Not withstanding Mrs. Sage's, great wealth end interest (n humanity, she fcaa reach eJ the age pf 7g years withopt 'ever having been abroad. Had Totter forTtilrty Vsirs. I have suffered with totter for thirty years and have tried almost countless remedies with little, if any, relief. Three boxe of Chamberlains Salv cured me. It waa a torture. It break out a little sometimes, but nothing to what it used to da D. H. Beach, Midland City, Ala. Chamberlain's Salve ia for sale by Davia' Pharmacy oJF.Puy. The waist of Queen Maud of Norway measures but seventeen inches, andfhj is so ethereal In appearance tbatseyen in England, where the suit ot thinnee has as worshippers practical) all the women of the kingdom and most of the men, she s called rather too fiai and delicate in appearanse, - OAOVOUtA. iWtk 8wSu .. af : Tli8 Kind toi Han Af"t fcJj The favorite hobby of the Queen mother of Spain ia collecting- playing cards. Her Majesty possesses,"' for in stance, the famour pack of ivory cards which Prince feugene, the comrade of aisriDorpogp, always carried with pirn in U the campaign jn whih ha' topk part x - - - ' j ... .. PILES! PILES! PILES I , V( Dr. Wi"'ma' Indian Pile Ointment will cure iimd, - I:loe'!iff, Uh-erated and Itciiinsf l ilea. 1 1 tl nl, the tu mors, alleys tue itchii at once, acts as a r-iular", riven inh!nt relief. Dr. W'....i't-s' I--an Tile Ointment ia pre pared f.r 1 and Itching of the pri vnt t ur'i. Kvery box is guaranteed, f u! j fcy cf -""r;itts, by mail, for 6e and I1,W .,id by ). A1 llarget Lh'p Josoph Etaunton Key, of T aa, one of the foremost men of ths i- . r-. ; , r r w v f ia a direct lineal d 'cemUtit of Fran ' E.ott Key, author of the "Star. Sparta tanner. .. ' C!i l to Dl. -I. ',1 t i t f i::t n. v; ' i b" I v 'i ! I - P,!rs. f'iIirJa Akers, of Basham, Va writes: "I hii rhct doctors call 'prolapse,' and couldn't stir.i t-Jzht. I had pain in my back and p.cu!icrs, and was very irregular and profuse. Cct-rs said an operation was needed, but I - cculin't tear the thought of the knife. After tak ir.2 thres bottles of -Wine of Cardui, I could walk ground. Can now do my housework and am in r;nd:d health." , , - ; - - w Cardui is a pure, vegetable, medicinal essence, especially adapted to cure women's diseases. It relieves excessive - periodical pains, regulates u ieguianues, ana is a safe, pleasant and re liable remedy for all! sick womeiv In suc cessful use for over 70 years. Try it. At Every Drc Store In $1.00 Bottles. VIIIE Buy A Lot in 7th Ward, Norfolk City. This property $ iJQFHF n1 fWHtoim Ejpoeitiop TERMSir$5. and $10,00 or tajfe? until paid for, tots locQtign. I iw goods" I S , - Our Buyers Have 5 ' -.. is Just , Returned C From New York S :.;: j BARFQOT 13, . J The aity'a rapi4 growth In this djrep'tiPO StlPylfl much higher nhf for further particulars apply to . C. T. PUMPHREY, Hotel Hazeltorl, New Bern, N. C or HIGHLAND PARK SYNDICATE," . " 140 Main Street, Norfolk Va - Vliy Don't You Get Rich ? Von can put your money in Beal Estate and te well off before you know it. Suppose you take sis; lots in Chept them out and. see for yourself, what m fi:eo cc:d You'll kick yourself because you didn't embrace the opportunity before J. : :n. SPGN G ER. m KJ .Flic; mEST,iiu5T;acs;EST Aks sMa, AMsj kJ -bvX Six Quart Globe, Pebblos, Shells and Majolica Frog, including Lava Base. Beautifully Decorated, and Two Japanese Fa.itail Go!d-fuh. This is the moiit perfect and appropriate Miniature Aquarium ever invented, and only Twelve will le mIJ EXTIfA LOW Axe ;co::::: - mt .Jf r riroLD nsn and .Ai i.i and krec ir?. TBXt ADVICE Wrttt a Wtr tfMcrikiiit all yoar ynptoni. and t will mi ytxi Fra Advlc. In plain Mtlrd nvekM. Address: Ladles' Advisory Dtpartawnt. Tha ChatUnoocn MadiciiwCs., Chatu- , lann. nn m St; H Highland Park ia located midwav between "the dentil' tfrqunteVitli5 car service to eiihei per month. 'without interesK $400 to $750 according tp , , e , for investment purposes ard retail , FuC? gsitd:i ii. bi "".71 : V iLr m f as at the TRICE OF yl.u3 i riUDAy, i TO PLEASE, DCPT. Hth. ci ( ; Ar.r-'o in i:ni AMI LEAR HON ouu 7 TJ 7

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