EttilLUWMk 11 Psb Ithei In Two Section, .' 7 tsi Friday, at Jorti Building, M- t,C;Ta Btreey --ItAKLEd L. 5TI?VEN? nrroS MOPmt0, BUBSCBtFTIori KA.TB?' Two Months,......... Sr0.?. 1 Ar, " nlli g ' .'. f I i.ol. a, JM Twwlv iiOnOu. .......-"' ONLY IS ADVASCK, OEcW Paper of New Bern and Craven County. -.-J v Advertising rate furnished upon ap- By mail. ' rXThe juobjiai. ui only aent on fy-m-advance boats. v. . Subscribe-. will .,ft ai arnlMtinn nf thttir JUD criptlon and aa immediate response to notloe wii U appreciated br -e JOCBSAI. . Stored at the PooWaooy Mew ben ef . tX ae OHContt.olaso matter. New Dent, N. C. September 25, 1906. POLITICAL ORATORY AND VOTE GETTING. The statement in the public press, that the speaking of Mr. W. J. Bryan, on his trip through North Carolina du ring the past, few days, has greatly helped the Democratic party of this State, is a statement which even those of opposite party convictions, will not deny, f The question as to Mr. Bryan's position on publie issues, has nothing to do with the effectiveness of his speeches, h is not whether his hear ers believed all his ideas, or would vote for him, should he be the Democratic Presidential nominee. The fact that thousands were at the places where Mr. Bryan spoke, was cause in itself for a gain in democratic strength. The contention is sometimes made that political speaking is playing out. That the stump speaker is no longer a vote getter. . Just how many votes the individual candidate may gain by his speeches, cannot be determined, but that political speeches help parties, when the right kind of speakers go up on the stump, cannot be denied. The help in getting the voters out. massed together in crowds, creating enthusi- asm, and arousing an interest which a crowd always does- The political speak er should prepare the way In a cam paign, by getting the voters out. Once arouse the interest, and the voter will follow arguments, read his newspaper, discuss with his fellow voter the politi cal situation, and then be an early vi si tor at the polls on election day. Naturally, Mr. Bryan attracted large crowds. His is the personality to do so. But reports also indicate that the Democratic State speakers are all hav ing good crowds to hear their speeches, and this signifies an interest, and it should be the effort of all Democratic influences to keep up 1 this interest in North Carolina. It is not enough that the Democratic party of North Caroli na has an assured victory next Novem ber, at the polls. It is the duty, a doty that ought to be held a privilege and pleasure by every voter, to attend po litical meetings, listen to the speeches, keep informed on the issues of the day, and then east his ballot on election day. It is good citizenship to be informed on public questions. It is only by knowledge that the vote can be cast in telligently. So that the voter who will keep up with the State Democratic par ty, and what it does for the advance ment of the commonwealth, will be ac tive in seeing that the party is kept in power in his state. MENACES TO BUSINESS, LAW AND . . " ORDER. Familiarity with prevailing condi tions, too often produces indifference and a neglect to correct Poor side walks and streets often passed over, lose their worst aspects because the eyes and feelings have become familiar and indifferent to their badness. ' It is not that those in control of the municipal affairs of New Bern are over careless, or do not desire local im provements. But with many things to demand attention, unless their attention is called to them, bad conditions may prevail which can be easily remedied. Two matters it seems to the Journal r 3 for municipal action, are more arc r..'.!s for the center of certain F'reots in the business section, and the r (ival of all shelters covering the 'I s in the business section. , Ir y citizen will note how dark It 1 f t, in the middle of the ' i 1 ! ks, and how little light i s'.a htc V ..Us st each in- to )..-',, i:; .t provincial aspect to the streets, and' a re a sonrce of ridicule from every visitor. In case of fire they are a men ace to all property where fires occur, and as a rule tbt$ are tottering and dangerous dead falls, ith rotton props, only waiting to be pulled down by some carelessly hitched horse, and cause se vere injury to the innocent-passer- by. , .. : - ! Both of these are menaces, too little light, and the dead fall shelter. The remedy is not - only necessary, but It does not involve any special expense to the city. . . , The changer would give greater safe ty to the people, serve to promote bet ter law and order, and every business interest would be helped. ; It is time for New Bern to shake off some nf its provincialism, and get into twentieth century ways and manners, THE CREATION OF, IDEALS Creating Ideals to lire up to, and building air castles in which to take im aginary repose and happiness, are not just the same, Dy dreams are not harmful, if they are, not made all-uffi. cient, to usurp the time which ought to be given to real workaday efforts. The creation of ideals holds a higher place than air castle building. And yet there often comes failure, when, idea's are sought, hot because they might not be attainable, but for the reason of human weakness. . . It is the creating in thought of higher purposes which makes ideals seemingly beyond reach. They appear ideal be cause they are fuller and better than what at present exists. - In community life, in social life, in church life, ideals ever present themselves. So also in the individual life the ideal is helpful as a stimulus for its attractiveness, the pos sibility of its attainment, gives courage to strive, the hope to secure. V - It is the action, the impulse towards better things, which makes laudable the creation of ideals. Character in ev ery thing calls for the ideal stimulus to develop and help its growth. Commu nity advancement would never take place, except for those citizens who urge improvements, even in the face of obstacles. ; State and nation reach their high position through the progressive ideal strivings of their people. The ultra idealistic person, appears fanatic in his would-be creations. Yet, the effort to attain the seeming impossible will find some place of advancement far beyond the point of starting, and it will be a gain. .. Thought of failure, can never enter into ideal creation. Ideals enter into thought creation because they are con sidered as possible, to reach. The fall ing short of the full ideal, need not dis courage. It does not daunt the true idealist, simply lends strength to reach for a new and higher place, in the plan of advancement, whatever it may be. It is this seeking to improve, which gets the person beyond his present en vironment, and once started towards better, greater things, makes each ad vance easier, and so brings to a nearer reality the ideal sought. T Car A Cold I One Dir. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c This Fierce Weather. For hot September weather, the year 1906 has the years for a long way back skinned. There has not been a day with maximum less than 85 degrees and the average will be easily 90 degrees. Several of these days the mercury has shot up to 94 and 96 degrees thus as suming a heat that a July day might boast of. .. , Yesterday the mercury registered 88 degrees. In the afternoon a breeze arose and fanned the fevered brow of prespiring humanity. Clouds covered the skies, there was some thunder but little rain. . ,-, The forecasts for the past week have been misleading, predicting rain but old probe" is a contrary sort of a chap and delights to give us weather we're not looking for, not desiring. Hat Sloes the Test 21 Ytirs.' The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what fyou are taking. It is iron, and quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. Minstrel to Travel Luxuriously New York Sept 21 A nrivate letter from the town of Pullman, III,' is to the effect that the Pullman Company has submitted drawings for a train of three special palace cats for the use of Lew Dorkstadt snJ his company, for delivery about January t, One of these cars will be for the occupancy of L'r. Docksfa.!,' ri,ii,;;trel a-Jat-, with a "'; 'ek;.,..!..-n at t!,e r-- r e !; nn c ' r in ti t - ' 1 f r f I -: " ' : - ! : , i I i l.-lLDww.l liw.Lbw.l The Popular and Accomplished Band Leader to , Instruct the K. of P. Band Dur ?; ing the Winter. Prof. Eugene Robeson, the popular and highly valued instructor of the K. ! of.P. Band, has decided to again spend the winter in New Bern and the band mem- bers are rejoicing over "signing" Gene as there were so many tempting offers ' from other towns up 'for his consider-' ation that they were afraid they could not compete with' them- but . being backed by the Lodge itself, " they were able to cope with the offers and land their man, . . ,'. - . '. Prof. Robeson, during his stav here, made many warm friends, and as a musician he is just as good as there is going, and no doubt the band will ad vance to the standard under his leader ship. ' Prof, 'Robeson is expected to ar rive, next week and the members will then get down to business -practicing. . ;'"" '''V.;;V-,.Vv It is the intention of the band to cater especially for dances during the winter and they will also be prepared to render indoor work where their ser vice! are deatred. A careful selection has been made in securing the dance numbers as will be seen by the follow ing list: . Kiss of Spring Waltz. When the Whip-poor-will sings Mar guerite. Voice of the Flowers Waltz. "; Why Don't You Try. You are Just my Style. In Dear Old Georgia, Chicken Chowder. ' Since I First Met You. In the Autumn Time my Sweet Elaine. Poppies. Waltz me around again, Willie. Happy Hiene. When the Mocking Birds are singing in the Wildwood. Little Rocking Chair and You. Alice, Where art thou going. Love's own Waltz. Waiting at the Church. Silvet Heels. Loveland Waltzes. Dixie. Peaceful Slumbers. . ' A GutrantMf Curs For Plltt Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. . , At the New Masonic, Donnelly and Hatfield minstrels pre sented a high-class show last night at the New Masonic. It was a minstrel entertainment that entertained, and the performance was strong in those fea tures which theatre-goers want, good singing,' - good ' musical play ing and . appropriate stage setting and coe tomes. In these, Donnelly and Hatfield excelled, ; and the ap preciation of the large audience was evident in every part of the perform ance. The comedy work was of a high order, and the specialties were all en joyable .: OABTOHXA. BwittW 4r Tlw Kind You Hw Always Bcughj Bifutn f There were 63 suicides and 23 homi cides in the District the past fiscal year. K2inrai:c:srsKn teste tlk ctf la tad laaala lanata The English cruiser Shannon, the Cu narder Mauritania and the White Star liner Adriatic, each a giant of its class, were launched in the United Kingdom. ;:.! Well Wertk Try s. . , W. H. Brown, the popular pension attorney, Pittsfield, Vt, says: "Next to a pension, the best thing to get is Dr King's New Life Pills." He writes: "They keep my family in splendid health." Quick cure for Headache, Constipation and Biliousness. 25c. Guar anteed by all Druggists. New South Wales is iust two and a half times the size of the British Isles. Queensland is equal to three times the German Empire and Belgium put to gether. Chaetbtrlale'e Ceugh fUmedy O.n ( tht . Btt es the Markst. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has constantly gained in favor and popularity until it is now one of the most staple medicines in nse and has enormous sale. It is intended es pecially for acute throat and lung' dis eases, such as coughs, colds and croup, and can always be depended upon. It is pleasant and safe to take, and is un doubtedly the beat in " e market for the purpose for which it , is intended. Sold by Davis rharnm-y and F. S. Duffy. - , . A cavalry authority in Et-ium es ' ' fita f t there are more than 80,. Ik- -"I i.t the worM. Tl.-re are I J 1 I: i i r THINK OF If I This Pretty'Mtron Hud HiJach$ mud BackMthtHtr Condition - Wat Strums. RELIEF IN PE RU NA. i ! MRS. M. BRICKNf,R, ' S9 Eleventh Mtreet, Milwaukee, Wis. Penitta Drug M'fg. Co., Dear Sim A abort time ago I found my condition very aerhua. I had head ache, pallia la the back, and trequeat ditty spells wblcb grew worse every month. I tried two remedies before Peruna, and waa discouraged wbea I took the first dose, but toy courage atom returned, la leas than two months my health waa restored. " Mrs. M. Brkkner. . The reason for so many failures to ears cases similar to the above ts the fact that diseases PELVIC DISEASE NOT RECOGNIZED AS CATARRH. peculiar to the pelvle organs are not commonly recognized as being caused by catarrh. 1 Catarrh of one organ Is exactly the ame as catarrh of any other organ. What will relieve catarrh of the head will also relieve eatarrh of the pelvle organs. Peruna relieves these cases simply because It relieves catarrh. Ptruna Is told by your local Druggists Buys bottle todsy. A New Insurance Concern Special Correspondence. Raleigh, Sept. 21. The State Insur ance Commissioner granted a license to the Liberty Mutual Life and Health Insurance Company, a colored organi zation of New Bern. Death of a Little Cirl. . Corbelle, the daughter of R. A. and the late Mary C Henderson, died of heart failure at the home of the parents 72 Metcalf street at the age of twelve years and six months. The remains were taken to Jacksonville for burial The mother died less than two weeks ago. Had Totter for Thirty Yosrt. I have suffered with tetter for thirty years and have tried almost countless remedies with little, if any, relief. Three boxes of Chamberlains Salve cured me. It was a torture. It breaks out a little sometimes, but nothing to what it used to do. D. H. Beach, Midland City,; Ala. Chamberlain's Salve is for sale by Davis' Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. A piece of raw onion cures insect bites almost as well as does ammo nia. i HOLLISTER'S ' Reeky Uzz?.zh Tea tteets A Buty Medlclw ttr Ba: Peoota. , Brtnn Gulden Health an Rwrno Vigor, A mectflo for Constipation. Indigestion. tlvr and Kidney troubles. Pimples. Eczema. Impure Blood. Bed Breath, RliurvlKh Bowels. Hendtche end Beokeoh.- I la Rocky Mountain Tea In tab let form, 26 Ofmle e box. Genuine made bl HouJBTia Daua Coapisr. Madison, We. C0L0EN NUGGETS FOR SAUTW PE0PL- A ' perfect human figure should be equal in height to 10 faces. . . '.' Starving To Death. Because her stomach was so weak ened by uslees drugging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of St Clair St, Columbus, O., was literally starving to death. She writes: My stomach was so weak from usless drugs that I conld not eat, and my nerves were so wrecked that I could not sleep; and not before I was given op to die was I induced to try Electric Bitters; wi'h the wonderful result that improve ment began at once, and a complete cure followed." ' Best health Tonic on earth. 60c Guaranteed by all Drug- guts. A Russian does not become of age un til he is 26. . , piles i pilesi piles t Dr Willinms' Indian Pile Ointment will ure liJiruI, Bleeding, Ulcerated and Itching PiU a. It absorbs the tu mors, allays the itchintf at once, acta as S poultice, frwe mutant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian File Ointment is pre pared for Piles and Itching of the pri vate parts. Every box is guaranteed. Sold by dnipsi'3, by mail, for tile and 11.00 Sold by U. A Harget Curtesty is the inseparable com' panion of virture From the French. "To Curo a FtW -y Sam- Kwd.Jl, i-f 1 VMi.-Uu:, i., "j'Mt covi r it, nvt r v. '. 'l I' ! ' j's it i'.ilve a lt' f ' v III ! t' ST. IZiiS CFE'j " : fiWtai Ii vLIi The College of North and South Carolina Dioceses. . . Special Correspondence. 1 Raleigh, Sept 21. The opening of St Mary's Female School here today was a very brilliant one. Manv stu dents, relatives anil,' f rienai ..including a number of alumnae assembled to wit ness the opening exercises. A proces sion was formed, and entered the chap el, headed by the Bishop, tha rector, other clergymen, the .trustees, faculty and students, all singing the hymn "The Church is One Foundation. " The short special service was followed by an ad dress by Rector Boat, of St .Phillip's church, Durham, ' whose subject was.' An education not to be repented of.' He pointed out that this was the time of opportunity. That St Mary's stands for noble talk, high ideals and charac ter developments, as well as for high grade of scholarship. Bishop Cheshire then announced the 64th year of the school as formally begun. The congre gation left the chapel singing "Savior, Blessed Savior.'. The, enrollment of boarding pupils is 144, the largest in the history of the school, this taxing the dormitory capacity something be yond its limits, and several rooms in the infirmary have been put in tempo rary use until other arrangements can be made. - V ; : ' . ,: A number ,of applications to be re fused admission for lack of room. There is a full day school with over one hun dred students. There are young wo men from nearly all the Southern states and also from Maryland and New Jer sey, among them being Miss Overman, daughter of Senator Lee S. Overman, and Miss Wilson, a daughter of Presi dent Woodrow Wilson, of Princeton University. Much work has been done at the school during vacation, the libra ry has been refurnished and carefully catalogued; there is a new laundry; the auditorium is under way and probably will be ready for use late in the winter. Rector DeBose is receiving congratula tions on his work. rOIEYSIQEIitYCDTj Makes Kidney and Bladder Right 1 Trade Report. . New York, Sept 21. Bradstreet's tomorrow will say for Richmond and vicinity: .. .. . ; Local wholesale drygoods houses are especially busy. They are entering new fields with favorable results and indv cations are that at the end of the pres ent season their sales will show an hi crease of at least 30 per cent over those of any previous year. Collections! in this line continue to improve. ., The produce market is devoid of special fea tures with the exception of the fact that the weather is unseasonable for the favorable handl'ng of perishable products. Small quantities of 1906 crop tobacco are being marketed; prices are good considering the quality. Ware house men anticipate good prices dur ing the entire season, as the. weather during the summer months was un favorable for the growing crops, which will not be more than of an average one. ' . -; ' OABTOIIIA. Bn tii : Iha Kind You rtava Always Slgaetiie of - tulT7. The fingers of the housewife do more than a yoke of oxen. From the Ger man. . "1 ' Curod el Bright' DUosoe. Geo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red Mills, Lawrence Co., N. Y., writes: "I had kidney disease for many years and had been treated by physicians for twelve years; had taken a well known kidney medicine and other remedies that were recommended but got no relief until I began using Foley's Kidney Cure. The first half bottle relieved me and four bottles have cured me of this terrible disease. Before I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure I had to make water about every fifteen minurea, day and nignt, and passed a brick-dust substance. I believe I would have died if I bad not token Foley' Kidney Cure." Sold by Davis' Pharmacy. The farmers of Somersetshire, Eng land, say that thanks to the dust raised by motor cars there is a remarkable freedom from blight in the orchards this year. 1 OADTOIllA, Been the m l'"f, William Jennings Bryan spoke to 7,000 people in Atlanta and attended a 'dollar dinner" at night' Attack ol Diarrhoea Cured by ono Dote ol ChtniberUln'e Colic, Cholera ant" Diar rhoea Remedy. I was bo Weak from an attack of diar rhot i t' at I could scarcely attend t i y ! when I took a dne of C! ! '. n' folic, Cholera and I I '. It curi'.l me .v" ' , : 11 S lint': o", r i., f . " i v ' t r f. I !- j r I : - i '; i ! : ' ! . ! I f r 1 'It ' i ; Au,..,. ai r -jiAS- lingteSiurilsanlD"' :scf PramotesDigC3lion.CL er!U ness andRest.Contains nduier ChMunxMorphine norliiuei&L Nor Uahc otic. - JatumafOdA-StMUtimwa Ve4V ALcSmnm , A perfect Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarxhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feveristh neas and Loss or Slczp. TaeSiirak Signature Of ' NEW Yr"K : re t C i GET IN THE HABIT ! Of Having Your Feet Fitted, then you wilt get COMFORT, and ,with Comfort we can give you STYLE 1 , ! Shoes to Fit NEWEST STYLES ' IN ALL LEATHERS mmMmmmm THE NEW liy Don't You Get Rich ? You can put your money in Real Estate and Le well off before you know it. 3uppose you take six kits in Ghent for iuVeHtment purposes ard retail them out and see for yourself, what n lii fqd vi f;.::csiti::i it iji You'll kick yourself Lccauae you didn't embrace the opportunity before c d Frrlr'tsaBd Children. J 1 1.3 J.. J C'J liUVO Bears the i j ISinaturo Jl J For Over ThSrtu Ynnre ! 1 : - I II II II I uu tJ iMiemmeMiHM, imnMem, Is i . : . . : . '- " . - i - .. ' e , '.' . : : ; - . . All Feet ! 3 SHOE STORE. rr VT - '7