e "I f f f v y j v y 'X 1 ! . - No. 50. ' NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY OCTOBER 5. 1906.-SECOND SECTION. 29th YEAR A I J Lj'j. The Farmer s His Haulier Every farmer ought to carry a checking account in a strong back. . '' He can thus avoid the danger of keeping his money around the house and yet he can always pay anyone by simply writing out a check. , - This Bank especially desires to encourage the farmers' f this vicinity to open such accounts. Call and see us when, in New Bern. ....;'.. tg E.(::n:.'.s i cti cf cana , r v -- .- - , - - JAMES U. BLADES, Pres.' Wm. B. BLADES, V-Pres. , GEO. B. PENDLETON, Cashier. f i 'aim. TELEGfiAP I IBS Events of Past Three Days Tersely Told For Jour- ' . . nal Readers. TEOITDRY INCLUDED ' ' ffiXE to mico Industrial, Commercial, Social, Rellgi- l y - - mm, Criminnl and Political "'a'; Happening 'ondensed In ' . . ' , Few Linen. Huvana, Oat 2 -Ex-President Palma . and family left Havana for Paris today by means of a transport , They entered the carriage at the Presidents house . and went quietly to. the dock. There ' was no demonstration and few to bid bim farewell. ' ' - Paris, Oct 2 Lt Frank P. Lahm of . the 6th Cavalry United States .Army won the James Gordon Bennett cup in the balloon race across the channel, There were four countries represented in the race which ended in the follow ing order after the balloon "'United States" Italy, France and Great Brit- ln. - - .-,;;' . . . . ,, A i n ml . i nasningion vci. a ine government gives the condition of cotton up to Sep- , " tember 25 was 71.6 which is nearly 6 points lower than August but it is 10 points higher than the average . for ten years past. North Carolina, 66, South Carolina, 66; -Georgia 68; Florida 64; Alabama 68; Mississippi 75; Texas 74; Arkansas 76; Tennessee 76; Oklahoma 75; Indian Territory 74. The report does not show damage since the great . ,. gulf -.storm. ''.:'''.':'''::''' The Government bulletin shows 2, 044,426 bales of cotton ginned. This amount is 310,000 less than the ginning last year showed. Baltimore, Oct 2 The masters and mates of four steamboat companies have entered a combination and strike against the corporations. As a result, all shipping is idle. So far the em ployees have the best of the situation Geneva, Ohio., Set. 2. Cumminga' Wild West show was entirely destroyed by fire today. The loss included all the animals; one man was killed. The loss is estimated at $40,000, fire was started by a cigarette. Topeka, Kan, Oct 2-Suits have been instituted in the Supreme Court of the United States to oust from Kansas the Standard Oil Co. and the International Harvester Co. , both of these concerns are trusts and this step is an initiative M -h other States will take up in de- l 're to punish these orgamzations- Cl i. Oct 2 The pledge against the practice of hazing was circulated among the Btuil.-ntn of Lake Forest University yesterday, fcixty of the Sophomore class who signed it will re- pose of publicly condemning the at main. By refusing to sign it, 41 n -n- tempted outrage by a member of tl.c'r ht'.ri of the same class were e !. V.'a .hiin;ton, Oct 2-AU tree r r Ci ' a are on their way to Newj-wt I' i, Va., from where they are to cm 1 a t porU. A dctachmi'iit of t New York direct for ) 1, It is 8' .(. 1 t';:.t Ciivcrnor ?.'uzoon, late Governor of the Canal Z'mo will no directly to CI ' : r. fXlSiU't, I purpose as more. ' - . " ; . " Raleigh, Oct 8. A. C Monahan was killed at J. N. Holding's dary north of the city this afternoon by Charles Lay ton, who struck htm with a shovel The murdered man's wife says that Lay ton told her husband that he (Mon ahan) would be put Jto leep today. She stated that she was present when her husband was attacked in a stall of the dairy and killed, and that. Layton han dled her roughly. Providence, R. L, Oct 8 James H. Higgans, Mayor of Pawtucket, was nominated for governor by acclamation by the Democratic convention assem bled here today. J. Essen, Prussia, Oct 3 The body of Miss Madeline Lake, daughter of an English army officer and of distant ccn nection of the.British Royal family was found horribly; mutilated in the park here. There are evidences of ter rific struggle 'and assault No clue to the murderer has been established ; Washington, Oct 4 President Roose velt will go to Harrisburg, Pa., tomor row to deliver the address at the dedi cation of the beautiful 116,000,000 Cap ital which has been erected to replace the building burned ten years ago. Raleigh,. Oct 8 A charter was grant ed to the Raleigh Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. today. The stockholders are: L. H. Ervin, E W. Armstrong and R. B. Williams, all of New Bern. Authorized capital $25,000. Washington, Oct 3 Chairman Paine of the Ways and Means Committee of the House talked with the President today aud expressed the opinion that Republicans will control the next House. . :' ' . Norfolk, Va., Oct 4. That the semi annual meeting of the North Carolina Pine Association to be held at Charles town, S. C, Thursday and Friday, Oct 11, and 12, will be the largest in the history of the association is the opinion of the Secretary John B. Walker, who is sending out 1,600 invitations to the meeting today. There are more than 1,500 manufactuiers of pine lumber in the States of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. The bulk of these are small mills cutting 5,000 to 10,000 feet of lumber a day,' but many mills are of great capacity, some cutting as much as 250,000 feet every working day. It is from the ranks of this great industry that the big attendance at the Charleston meeting, is expected. Be sides the manufacturers who will at tend there will be numbers of retailers and wholesalers from the Eastern States wbo are unusually interested right at this time in view of the recent unsettled condition or the lumber mar- ket All the railroads in the South Eastern Passenger Association have authorized a rate of one and one-third for the round trip fare, to lumbermen and their families attending the asso ciation meeting. Tarboro, Oct. 4. Ncroes gathered in mass meeting here today for thepur- own race upon a young white woman. A c 1 woman, a school teacher v. as : t',i f;'r.kers. ' , ( t. 4.-Tom Ellis, a nejro i , 1 to pcond decree j : ' t c -t to.: li'. " J i i l t' 'V . ( '.4- , ,!e new play' Woman" closed iu vwkable preliminary run here to- -jnse auaience la mviia of the storm, , , The gross receipts were greater than the record breaking open ing of the Clansman. The play is ( ananimously pronounced Mr. . Dixon's ' greatest success by every audience that witnessed it The malicious report of failure circulated from here by one of the, correspondents of a Richmond pa per was inspired by the Socialists who resent the attack the play makes on their teachings. Mr. Dixon in his speech before the curtain rose declared that the play treats in a bold objective simple way of the dangerous and grow in power of socialism in America. The people of the South declares tht author knows little of socialism yet.: It is the darkest cloud on the horii m of this nation and its -adherents will de cide either directly - or indirectly who is to be our next president; I have sought to strike this threatening power a blow in this drama in an evening's entertainment speaking in the simple language of laughter and tears. The play will undoubtedly have an enormous run in every section. . Havana, Oct 4. The disarmament of the insurgent faction id progressing rapidly and well, and so far there has been no trouble in the matter. Raleigh, Oct. 4 News was received here from Asheville today of the death of Mra.,Thomas B. Womack, wife of ex-Judge Womack. She bad been a sufferer from 'consumption for a long time. She was was Miss Taylor of Pittsboro and a lady "of social promi nence in the state. : She was a member of the Daughters of the .Confederacy. Raleigh, Oct 4. Governor Glenn signed the death warrant of Sylvester . Barnett of Pitt county, who killed Wal ter Lovett. ; Novembers is named for the execution. ' t ' "l .""v Harrisburg, Pa, Oct '4 A crowd numbering many thousand people at tended the dedication of the new state capitol today, President Roosevelt made the address in the park surround ing the capitol. The building was erect ed at the cost of $15,000,000. ' Arthur Dunn's New Opera Arthur Dunn, the popular musical comedy star in his newest success, "The Little Joker" will be the special attrac tion at the new Masonic opera house on October 11th for one performance only. Mr. Dunn made more than good in "The Runaways" during his last en gagement here and is welcomed back in his latest comedy, which will undoubt edly be one of the laughing treats of the season. - Mr. Dunn's new vehicle is said to be entirely original in theme and full of bright, witty dialogue, of the rapid fire kind, interrupted only by the many up-to-date musical numbers, which include new topical sones, parod ies, characteristic' numbers, ensembles and new dances and groupings, making in all a most delightful evening's en tertainment by a company of metro politan artists engaged especially for their adaptability to the roles which they enact. A feature of Mr. Dunn's production is the beauty chorus and the protty little dancing girls all gowned in the most exquisite creations of the costumera'art. A. P. N. Letter to J. Z. Willie. New Bern, N. C. Dear Sir.- ' 1 Here's a tale with three or four tails to it ..Professor Irvine has an Academy, Uercertburg, Perm. He pinta the floors in summer vacation. It used to take 90 gallons of paint There were two paint stores there, and he used to buy (one year of one, next year of the other) 90 gallons yesr after year. Now be paints Devoe; 60 gallons; and the diZerence is a saving of $ 1 50 a year. H. C Fallon was one of those deal ers, good man; but he wouldn't take up Devoe; so we turned to the other, J. A. Boyd. But Fallon has found it neces sary to get a good paint . to compete wkH Devoe. He got one of the eight honest paints. He has a big bard ware store snd is doing an excellent hard ware business; but Boyd of course, his the run on paint he's a little hardware man. . We don't care how little or big a man is, if he wants good paint and is active and sound. Yours truly, 10 F W DEVOE & CO. New York. P. S. E. W. Snmllwood sells our pUuit r.r A R hi 'y v H s 1 If of , r iv " u f i eft l ;" ' .1 I Iim ll 1 f,r r . t' " ' Si ll eT tho 1 m ho 1 ( r f ' : I THE PHi::0!FLES OF GOOD mm The liurden of Judge Boyd's "Charge tof The Federal Ound Jury. republicans i:: 0 o. i A liather Remarkable Coincident Re garding The Drawing of The Grand Jury. Runaway . . Boys Captured and Re turned to Orphan- . Special Correspondence. 1 Greensboro, North, Carolina Oct 2 At the conclusion of hia charge to the Grand Jury in the 'Federal court yes terday, Judge Boyd gave notice that the civil docket would be called ' on Thursday at ten o'clock. In his charge fc the Grand Jury Judge Boyd left the beaten track of enumerating the several specific offen see against the laws. He devoted most of his time to a discussion of the funfla mental principles of 'good citizenship,' showing that if these were respected and preserved the re'gif of lawlessness would cease. " He declared that after all, it rested with the! people to prevent or to punish crime, paying that prose cuting officers and courts were in a sense helpless, if jurors and witnesses reflected only the sentiment of their environment or a depraved moral stand dar, instead of the great bed rock prin ciple of primitive but ternal justice as between man and man, and man s re sponsibility as a member of organized society known as government In this connection he referred to the recent railroad freight law, and to the evils of Trusts' charging the jury that it was its duty W investigate and see if there were any infractions of the law in this jurisdiction. He said' hat the rights of the railroads should U)iairly and hon estly respected, but these corporations should also respect the rights of the people or be restrained and punished if those rights were, trampled upon. Speak ing of trusts, he said that not only a constitutional but a natural right was the pursuit of happiness .by every in dividual. . " ', . It is no doubt only an accident or one of thoBe strange co-Incidents, that contrary to the custom for a long time in the Federal court here several lead ing reuuSlican politicians are on the jury panel of this court ' The foreman of the grand jury, Mr. Jesse Walsh, is not only the republican postmaster at Elkin, and chairman of the Township Executive Committee, ' but stranger still, at the meeting of the convention of that township last summer to elect delegates to the State convention, he was the chairman, and the only Black' burn man in the fight against Adams for State Chairman. Another member of the jury is John A. Hodgin, repub lican candidate for sheriff of Guilford county: Another is Mrr Shlplett of High Point, republican candidate for for Clerk of the Superior Court of Guil ford county. This candidate for a highly responsible office, excused him self from the grand jury, and was regulated to the petit jury, because he saH he did not think he had paid his taxes .for the previous year. Still another politician on the j jury is Mr. Bradley, ex-republiean Clerk of the Superior court of Orange bounty. ' Yesterday two young boys aged 9 and 10, were taken up by policemen here as estrays. They ! gave their names as Hobart Adams an-1 George Calicart They said they had walkid j from ricgah, 14 miles below Asheboro to High Toint on Saturday. Returning j tlio had taken the wrong road, and found themselves in Greensboro. The officer did not believe this story and , upon further investigation, they ad ' mitted they had run away from the Orphange Asylum at Thomasville, but their nann-s were properly given and they went to the Orphanage from Pis ' gah. They were returned to Thomas ville today. Liver at the Oaks Market ' (jymnaatics alone can nevor give that elaHticity, ease and graceful figure which comes by taking Hollifcter's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 33 cents. F S Duffy. Third Ward Voting Preclnd Chanel The voli IH hern i f precinct of the t'litdward ' ll i nk trecl s atat. 3 ii, t nirei't to Scott's stall t. r pic .net of n mt k.:i i 1 si i r to I nt i:::ij r.!,. i , THE 011!" DOES LITOTEFI. Cases For Violation of Inter nal Revenue Laws on Trial in Federal Court. r.'IE EE-; F,:.E3 NECESSITIES. Mil Wll Bohannoa the Condemned Murderer Fully Recovered. Mclrer, Train . ' Wrecker in Jail. Without : T Bond. Rev. S: F. Rankin . ...' Leaves for New , . . . . Pastorate. - '- ' Special Correspondence Greensboro Oct 3 -Cases being tried in the Federal court so far, have been only small oues. of the retailing nature. One store-keeper and ganger,- Wesley Speace of Forsyth County was tried yesterday afternoon charged with aid ing in distillers to remove whiskey. The jury was out until -late last night be fore bringing in a verdict of not guil ty.v,. -., -i.p' ;-: V:; Two more of the defendants in the revenue frauds cases, plesded guilty at the afternoon session. G. H. Walker former deputy .collector and W. R. Combs a distiller. Sentence was re served fur the "round up" at the spec ial November term." The Industrial News makes a spec ialty of printing speeches or interviews from its two most active . directors, Judge Adams and. Marion . Butler. These two gentlemen, including "broth er George Butler" seem to have the right of way to such a notorious de gree, that it is said President Rollins is getting decidedly disgruntled, and other prominent Republican . speakers, including Hon. Thomas Settle, Hon. Spencer Blackburn and J.' J. Britt are expressing themselves in no uncertain tones at the failure of the "orgin" to feature" their speeches or even print em. A carping, but misused Kepnbltcan speaker said yesterday, that the "News could fill up on proclamations from "Daddy" Douglas . interviews and speeches from Adams and Butler day in and day out that nobody read, while giying no attention whatever to live Republican Speakings and events in the eighth and tenth districts where the battle ground was". . ' ; Had this complainant waited until this morning when the paper had a vari et in the shape of sixorseven columns from George Butler instead of Marion and an "interview" instead of a speech with Judge Adams, he would probably have marred or embelished his critic ism with profanity The board of aldermen at a recent meeting . prohibited ' the sale of any thing on Sunday except necessities, in structing the mayor to define "necessi ties." . This morning the mayor issued ukase to the chief of police, which de fined "necessities" but goes further, and permits them to be sold only at certain hours on Sunday. He cuts out ice cream, soft drinks, and the street sale of Sunday papers entirely 4 but ad' mits the sale of cigars, tobacco, lunch es, newspapers at stands as "necessi ties," while confining them to certain hours of the day.' Frank Bohannon, the condemned murderer, who suffered a severe nerv ous collapse when the death sentence was pronounced upon him in., the su perior court last Friday afternoon, has recovered from the shock.' Half a doz en times it has been reported that be was dead. His sister in Winston heard this and came this morning do see if he was dead but found him all light The county commissioners yesterday gave orders for the erection of a gal lows In the jail enclosure. Another candidate for the gallows, in the person of William Mclver, colored, was brought here from High Point last night charged with having caused the wreck of the High Point-Asheboro train, whereby one woman was killed several person naiiiy injured, and dam X to the extent of $40,000 caused the railroad, lie was sent to jail wanout bond by a committing magistrate at High Point last night Rv. C F. Rr - ' in, who has accented s call to the r ! rate of the lirst FresH'toriBn r n.h at Portsmouth, Va., kiftwith 1 family for 1'oruimouth t- ' v. tr. I.. of Oi Jit'fe Pre turn is much r nuiily conmtti inarv. It is sa v and i re - na - I 1 , was for- J t.' at hev. ix , i. Kank- in fantor of A'-'-manee at. 4 l'ethol churches in this city, will Le called to the position of evtn V.;ut FcrCiIa Tlmt eh'-'mt hi-:-a kn'iwn as the V.wi"i!iH i' on Cie l;;. " of While (':.'( river, r t'.! l : . 1 t-jwn of "a. ,". J- r, t i ! a , i' 'iut twelve n-s cf 1 vl, j. . 1 c V n i and bH l -y tit I i; i ". y.t n i Self Defense Will Probably be Plea of Layton,Vho Killed Man With Shovel. i:e:::;g i:i ustrates ' COURT YESTERDAY. One. Thousand Seats to the Xordlca Concert Sold. , Telephone Jfor- :v. S'er About Arranged. Im- . provements on Sea ' board Air Line. : Special Correspondence. Raleigh, Oct 4 Governor Glenn and party left tonight for Newport News in a private car to be present at the banquet to be given by the business men of Newport News tomorrow and at the launching of the cruiser North Carolina Saturday. In the party were Mrs. .Glenn, Miss Glenn, Adjutant General and Mrs. Robertson, Col. Chas E Johnson, CoL A. H. Arrington, Col Westcott Robinson, Miss Lillian Thomp son and Mr. C. A. Hunt. None of the State officers were in the party. The Governor said he wa? very much as tonished at none of the Council of the State going to the launching after he had secured special invitations for them-l and that he had of course expected all to be present. . ; Charles Layton, the man who at a dairy near here yesterday afternoon killed a man name Mooneyhan and who Was committed to jail without bail on the charge of murder was given a hear ing before a magistrate this afternoon. There were two , witnesses," one of these being a Frenchman, both employ ees at the dairy. : The one who could speak EngliBh said that the men were fighting and that Mooneyhan first took a stick and then Layton seized a shovel and struck him on the skull.' - The State. Board of Public Charities has placed its office plans of the best class for jails and counties which con template building jails will find these plans to be of very great value and convenience. Musical director Wade R. Brown in forms your correspondent that 1000 seats for the Nordica eoncert in the Au ditoriura at the Blaind Institution have been sold, this being the full seating capacity. . The acoustics of this audi torium are said to be perfect It is in thetnew building at the institution. Persons come as far away as Richmond to hear this gnat singer. Mr. Brown expresses his great pleasure that the sale of seats has been so large through out this section and says it shows that the people are willing to pay good prices for first class Attractions. , Mr. Carr of Durham, the head of the Interstate Telephone Company was here today bid when asked when his company and the Bell would merge at Raleigh said that the managers of the two companies were to be here on the 13th inst It has been expected for some time that the merger would be made, the statement having been given out that it was soon to occur, the Bell taking over the local interests of the Interstate. The latter has expended a large sum of money at Raleigh. The Seaboard Air Line is very great ly adding to its track capacity here and is branching out. in many ways. Its yards now extend almost a mile north of the city and it has cut down large embankments and filled in a very con siderable area, in what used to be Pine woods west of the city is 'also increas ing its tracks space for freight trains, Have you tried a bottle of Pep-Tono? Natures best Tonic. Former Order Stricken Out Judge Shaw changed the punishment meted out to L. B. Habicht yesterday, in that he is to remove from the State and not return. . In case he is in New Bern on October 24, a capias is to issue and the sentence of six rronths on the roads will be effective. The empaneling of the jury in the McCortney rnurder case was begun last evening. Nine jurors were selected. Solicitor Moore announced in open court that he wonld not attempt to convict 1 McCortney on murder in the fustde- gree, but would conduct me prosecu tion for murder in second degree. Creels cl Vision. Defects of vLion, though they may be el'ht 111,17 cause much annoyance, wh'uh r. . : ,"y ia in the form of a ti ill her-,,'.,: 1..; v ! :i to r .htl.e I.' ::, ve or e in t! e mm ES ieitin h:-s t. re ii. ry 1 . i. 1 v if t 1 - : ii, (- vi-r a "- i' r in vr, ! trout.' i is i to ".c t-- t Ii. , in. 1 a i R' : i y it-.. - ,r t V .' MIS RAW WITH TERRlBlJKZEr.lA1 Suffered for Ten Years-Spreading to Body and Limbs Despite Efforts of Three Doctors Another Re markable and Speedy CURE BY THE - CUTICURA REMEDIES "I bad eczema on my hands for ten years. At first it would break out only in winter. Then, it finally came to etay. I had three good doctors to do all they could, but none of them did any good. I then used one box of Cuticura Ointment and three bottles of Cuticura Resolvent 'and was completely cured. My hands were raw all over, Inside and out and the eczema was spreading all over my body and limbs. Before I had used one bottle of Cuticura Resolvent, together with the Ointment, my sores were nearly healed over, and by the time I had used the third bottle, I was entirely well. I had a good appetite and was fleshier than I ever was. To any one who has any skin or blood disease I would honestly advise them to get the Cuticura Remedies and get well quicker than all the doctors in the State can ewe you." Mrs. M. E. Fafin, May 19, 1905. Speers Ferry, Va CURED .OF ITCHING WBS1 " I have been troubled with a humor on the back of my neck and head for four or five years. It had an itching and burning sensation, and was a very un comfortable feeling. I have used the Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent Pills three months, and can say I am completely cured." Respectfully, Mrs. H. D. Ludlam, July 28, 1905. Ocean City, Md. Cvtletm Bottp, OfnttMiit, tad F11U ar told throofrtioat tbeworld. Patter Drug k. Chem. Corp., Role Props., JJoston. mr Mtild r, " Uo v Ut CM lor Hi Skin ftad 6ol. A DELEGATION -' ROTHLLY ENTERTCED. The Pare Food Fair at Boston ; an Immense Success. Gov. Winston's Speech Ad mired. . (Special Correspondence.) . Raleigh, Oct 4. A letter from Sec retary T. K. Bruner, of the Agricultur al Department, who is at Boston in charge of the North Carolina exhibit at the great food fair there writes your correspondent under1 date of Oct. 1st, the day the fair was opened: We had a glorious opening, great many thousands of people being pres" ent and I have never seen such enthu siasm as marked the affair. Lieutenant Governor Winston, who made the open ing speech was at his best and captiva ted the thousands who heard him, af terwards a large number of prominent people came to see North Carolina's exhibit and took the trouble to look up Mr. Herbert Brimley or myself, in or der to express their gratification that our State had come to the fair, and that it had done the thing so handsome ly. The visitors saying that we would find responsive and generous apprecia tion in all New England. I have ever felt gratified at the reception given to me personally and to the State through me. There was much regret at the ab sence of Governor Glenn and many in vitations came to him. As Lieutenant Governor Winston had to leave at once it was unfortunate that no social atten tions could be officially extended tl.i State. I am sure all this will be wel comed news to those at home who love to see our State pushed to the fro.-.t and advertised at its true worth, e ; -e- cially in a land of wealth and in Ju - like this. I am sure the good r , will come to the State from this el it of the State Board of Agriculture. I omitted to say in my account of ti ts opening ceremonies that at the ck .'' of Lieutenant Governor Winuton's a !- dress the Capital Marine Band play-. ! "Dixie" and the crowd rose, stood un covered and at the end of the nui; . they cheered most heartily." darks Oct i. The rains this week have cr. 1 c ton piekirg to be delayed end tl. our fun--' n v, ho have hny to i p " "1 : -" r . 1 l Y.-P1-: f IV t 'iiV Grove ) I )f V V t 7 1 ' C t f ! " I t )i h t' r t r ',t .-if , ! ':. I I r f