f Bl T- 0 No. 51. NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. TUESDAY OCTOBER 9. 1906.-FIRST SECTION- 29th YEAR ' n J V I 4-' 0 v liiti. Thia bank will make a special Fanners Bank of New Bern. ' The most careful attention Will be given to the business of fanners in the country around New Bent. " 1 ' ' Our officers and directors understand the farmers situation and needs, and will render them every consideration pos'ihle. ' We invite you to open an account here. r " CAPITAL t ' SI 00,000.00. I . "vs MME8 . BLADES, President T ; Wra B. BLADES. y.-PrvMtni - ; :-.? t. " tn"CM'Z'' - ' ' i :;. i ; r::,Hk ?,t. .x-- : ' TELEOiLTlliC .U.d Events of Past Three Days Tersely Told For Jour nal Readers. - TEQGf LIO fiME TO LEKi3 Industrial, Commercial, Social, Religi ons, Criminal and . Political Happenings Condensed la . Few Lines. : Fhitadelphia, Oct. 5. An explosion ' of gas today in theBibway of the Rap id Transit Company, now under con struction on Market street, killed six men and injured twelve, f 100,000 dam :. age to property. New York, Oct. 6.-Th price of cot ton jumped up two dollars per bale to day on the Cotton Exchange, and short . sollan are in a panlc There was a tremendous advance in . price at New Orleans also The advance was caused by news of a tornado in the vicinity of New Orleans. ' V . Norfolk Va., Oct 6 Troops are ar riving rapidly at Newport New on special trains, and getting ready to era bark for Cuba, and transports are ar riving to carry the troops. The depar ture for Cuba begins next week. Washington Oct 5 The census bu reau shows that during the year ending August 31, 1906, the United States con sumed in manufacturies 4,784,274 bales of cotton, and of . this quantity the South consumed 2,370,038 bales, New York Oct 6 1600 women tried to mob a public school building here, having been told that the board of health physicians were murdering their children, by cutting their throats. The women seriously injured several police men before the mob' was cheeked. The physicians were examining the throats and eyes- of the school children, who were mainly Italians. Newport News, Oct 6. Governor Glenn and party were entertained at banquet here tonight, given by leading citizens. Many prominent Virginians - were present Norfolk, Oct 6. Capt Hanson of Diamond Shoals Lightship, reports that the earthquake which recently destroy ed Valparaiso, Chile, was felt off Cape Eatteras, and its effect was to' change the gulf stream, so that for ten days there was no current. Washington, Oct t The Panama Canal management is looking into the matter of securing Chinese laborers, but the Chinese fear a repetition of tLclr terrlUe treatment when the French were buitJ j-jr the canal. New Orleans, Oct 5. A tornado to day, passed through five miXs of resi dence and factory eectlons of tle city. Twenty people were Injured and ".'"), CCD (I.nncje was done to property. At Fou Chutoula, a few miles fron lic-i, four peoi !e were killed end 8? ri: y ci'.-.'TS iiijiiwJ, with severe dam t i C. . alopj t'.e path of the atorm. Chariot Uiv'i'.Ifl, Oct 6. University cf Virginia, 0; A. & M. College, RaWijih, N. C, o. ri.i'uukliiliia, Oct C.--University nf 1. ylvania 11, University (if Norls ( ' -i, 0. FAQLIBHS-DAIuM effort to b known . N.. as the t course of 297.1 miles, in a fraction less than a mile a minute. ; Lances, of the Italian team was sec ond, " One man was killed and a boy in jured during the race. ' - -T Havana, Oet 6. 100 insurgents rode Into the suburbs of Puerto Principe, brandishing machetes 'and shoutinK threats. 1 Twenty American marines dispersed them and arrested the party. The general in command of insurgents went to the commander of the marines and demanded the release of his men. But the Americans held him and disarmed the entire crowd. , ; Raleigh, Oct 6. State Superinten dent Joyner announces that instead of the usual North Carolina Day in the public schools, it will be this year known us a: elver wy, a memory oi ir. Charles D. Melver. ? The occasion will be used to emphaBi the importance of civic virtue and work of which Mr. Joyner considers Dr. Melver the finest exponent in this generation. Norfolk, Oct. ft The launching of Cruiser North Carolina was witnessed by thousands of people today mostly North Carolinians. Piers around the boat were crowded, and many small crafts loaded with people darted around here and there, augmenting the crowd by several thousands. . n Details were ready for the launch ing at 1130 a m and amid, the shouts of the multitude, music by bands and deafening wbiatlea by tugs and excurs ion boats, the new acquistion to Uncle Sam's navy slipped gracefully into the water, and as she began to go down the ways the sponger, Mies Kebeka Glenn, following . the time honored . i v custom of breaking a bottle of wine, broke a bottle af champagne over the prow saying, "I christen thee Norht Carolina." The governor and staff together with the sponger and her attendant and few officials of the ship yard eon stitut- ed the party on board. The momentum of the boat carried her far out into the water, and she gave some idea of how fine she will be when completed. It is said of her that she is fifty-eight per cent toward com pletion, which is generally further ad- vanced than most battleships are be fore being launched. However it will be more than a year before the boat is finished. Many officials of the two states and navy were expected to be present but were detained elsewhere on account of other duties. Gov. Swan son, of Va., and Secretary Bonaparte sent telegrams of felicitation, on the auspicious event and congratulations to Gov. Glenn that his state was to be represented by such a strong and cap able fighter. There was no hitch or accident, and the launch whs an entire succees. Miss Lillian Thompson, of Raleigh, was sponsor, Mrs. A. A. Ar ringtoo also of Raleigh, was daireof honor. A banquet luncheon wos serv ed to the launching party after the boat was in the water. Havana, Oct 8 All of the Cuban S' i'r'9 are apparently pacified except r ' Clara Province where settlement f 1 Vul dilTernces are being rapid ly r 1. Tl.e f.e I'niMT turned over to the were ' r. shown to be of a v 3 1 In.Ii- ;. No 8!: t ' r C 'si porta Niagara, Monterey and Polonia have sailed for"1 Cuba with troops. Many more troops 'have arrived and will be held here preparatory to being sent there.1. , - Toms River, N.-J. Oct 8-Dr Frank B rower is on trial here 'or the murder of his wife. ' The woman bad been buried for three months but suspicious rcircumstances having been discovered, her body was exhumed and a chemical analysis of her stomach revealed traces of poison. There are many people who believe in .the doctor's innocence and they have rawed a puree of 42500 for his defense. ' - ' - - Raleigh Oct 8 State Auditor Dixon says he has no doubt the next legis lature will increase pension appropria tion to $300,000 it being now $275,000. He says he is sure that from this date the number of pensioners will decrease. Raleigh Oct 8 Governor Glenn ap pointed today the following delegates to Southern Immigration Conference at Nashville, Nov. 12th.Thomas H Battle, Z P Somen, W B Arendell, W C Ervin, W E Ervin, 3 C. Steele, A H Boyderi, E El Brunner, A S Barnard, Nat Atkin son, P H Hanes, D A Tompkins, R M Miller Jr. E A Smith, J K Dixon, A M Waddell, Hugh McRae, F T Patterson, John JJ Wolfenden, W T Swaringen, and W L Sharpe, . E. Latham'i Weekly Cotton Letter. Special to Journal: ' . ' New York, Oct 6. This week, has been one of excitement and surprises. Prices have risen 147 points and close tonight practically one cent per pound up from a week ago. Perhaps the most logical reason is that spinners are enjoying wonderfully the prosperity and have been buying for months past and they continue to buy to cover their sales of yarns and goods. They have been supplied, partially by speculators, who have become frightened at the daily weather news which has been bad. The movement which has been small and the disposition to lower crop estimates which is general, as long as shippers continue to buy and refuse to liquidate any of their holdrigs, these hysterical markets may be expected. The crop is not assured yet, but the storms have not curtailed the yield as much as generally believed by the trade,' In the light of experience pres ent prices are high and prices may or may not be higher later on. I think the cotton farmers should seize this opportunity and sell freely. New York Cotton Market ' Special to JoumaL December close 10.29 May close 10. 53 Nice pork at the Oaks Meat Mar ket. New Bern and North Carolina Hon ored1 At the 13th a M. C of colored Odd Fellows held at Richmond Va., Oct 2 1906 out of a delegation of over 1800 representing all the Lodges in the U, S. and. West Indies, Ex. . D. G. M. W W. Lawrence Esq. of this city was elec ted Grand Director and members of the S C M which consist of nine mem bers who govern and control the Or der of over 300,000 members this is the first time the jstate has been thus hon ored and there la a general rejoicing through the state. It waa said by May or McCarthy of Richmond that during the five days stay of the delegation in the city there waa not seen one who was drunk on the streets or an arrest made. The nominating speech was made by Rev. J. Harvey Anderson D. D. Pastor of St Peters church of this city. The delegation from this State numbered 75 and Prof. S. H. Vick, of Wilson waa chairman of the delegation The next BMC will meet at Atlantic City M. J., This was a gathering of representat ive negroes from all over the country and the selection of Lawrence was a compliment not only to the man but to the colored population of New Bern con tributed. Cavenprt'i Private Zoo. It was recently announced that Ho mer Davenport, the cartoonist, had re- and nneat colU.Uon of Arabian horses' ever s,. ; ; e4 to America. There are 27 . rl.-n '' J s?fp ' in the above collection s in the above collection lit a KU!e Blue hie to and ty fi-v- -nt a KU'e si.le issue to' Davf .rt'a trr to Tu.l.rv ami Anu a to Zu.lrr and Ara bia v '..c e 1 v. t to write and illus trate a ser. 1 if :.. ! i for the Wo r Va I' t i. T. v port's -tf" if rl iart n 'i i, mrt'ef 1 1' tie owns ; r r 2 ') rl v. I 1 8!: 1 g. Tin a cf GREE IIIGE Looks Like Bine Laws and Unconstitutional. CHUBB m DEATH AT GREENSBORO. Political Speaking, Barbae and Land .Selling. Fire Insurance Com- ; pany Organized As Dis tinctly Southern.; Special Correspondence. 1 : Greensboro, Oct 5 Miss Myrtle Coble, daughter of Mr. George W. Co ble, of Burlington, and a member of the senior class at the State Normal and Industrial College, in this city, died suddenly at the home of her father today. She had expected to re-enter the Normal at the opening of the fall term, but was detained at home on account of the illness of his sister, Miss May Coble, who has typhoid fever. ' She was twenty-three years old and was highly : esteemed by all who . knew her. -'vV-vV; t ' In spite of the bad weather, - Sheriff Jordan's political speaking,) barbecue and auction sale of the Judge Douglas farm property one mile beyond the cor porate limits yesterday was a great success. About 100 acres of the 300 acre tract were sold, the amount of purchases aggregating over $10,000. The Democratic county candidates were present and made their announcement? the republicans fearing a joint debate refusing to even be present to eat bar becue and Brunswick stew. Congress man W. W. Kitchin made a splendid tipeech but his opponent C;- A. Rey nolds had declined the invitation to be present Mr. Kitchin waa followed by R J. Justce, Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives, who made a fine speech and a good impres sion. ,. . .... .. '; " Mayor Murphy has modified the re cently passed ordinance governing the obsemince-of Sundays 1tt Che city by addins the order sent to the chief of police published Tuesday morning the following: "This does not apply to liverymen and bootblacks. " The travel ing men are having a great deal to say ta regard to the new ordinance and some of them express themselves in pretty strong terms against it One of them said last night that he did not be lieve the law would stand the test of the courts. Of course there are many people who agree with the mayor in his position that Greensboro has certainly got to make a beginning in a movement to have more respect shown for Sunday in this city. , The Southern States'. Fire Insurance Company with headquarters at Greens boro, was organized at a meeting of the stockholders yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock by the election of the officers and directors. The authorised capital stock of the enterprise is three-quar ters of a million dollars. A substantial part of (his amount has already been subscribed and the remainder will be taken in a short time. The following officers were elected: J. W. Fry, President;. J. A. Odell, Vice-President; W. E. Allen Secretary pro-tem. : - The directors are A. B. Kimball, J. W. Fry, J. A. OdelL W. E. Allen, R. R. King, J. S. Cox, George S. Searge ant J. C. Murchiaon, J. " L, King and J. M, Scott. The enterprise is a distinctively Southern one and is fully disassociated from any other fire insurance compa ny. Business is to be commenced as soon as the sum of $100,000 is paid in which is confidently expected will be about Jan. 1st There waa celebrated last evening at nine o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, on Chestnut street beautiful home wedding when Miss Nell Hendrix became the bride of Dr. William Pick- ney Kniht. The house was artistical ly decorated, the color scheme being green and white. In the center of the east parlor was a beautiful white wed ding bell suspended from an arch sur rounded by ferns. The wedding vows were given by Rev. J. W. Goodman, assisted by Kev. Sam Ranlcin. Imme diately after the wedding a reception was held in the north parlor in which were displayed the many beautiful gifts of silver, cut glass, china etc. After receiving the congratulation of thoir - traja for i;,timore, W ushitiRton, Now York and other points north. The brile is the cultured dai titer of tm was Mr. and R:rs. W. J. Il.-n.lnx. ednrnted at the ftate Normal Colh'K and is very popular amort? h'T many friin!s and a tjiuutitances in tl.e f 1 Hie. iho proom in a rn iiur younir r! y.-.i in, now l.m. -l in tlifl norOn-m i t of the City lie is a native of Oak 1...: o, but f r a pnii.li.-r of y-nrs ws l-x-ati-d at 1 i-v i ivor. niovii2 here about two J .r . oesEi GOV. GLEIII! EX PRESSES PLEASURE At the Spontaneous and Hear ty Enthnsiasm of the Crowd at the Launching. FARMERS VERY ANXIOUS ABOUT COTTON CROP. New Arrangement of State Fair Build ings will be- Greatly Appreciated. A Mans of Matter on Bell Tel ephone Case. Policy Hold- era. Committee's Satisfactory -Meeting. - - (Special Correspondence.) . ' Raleigh, Oct 8th. Governor Glenn was at his office today and expressed his very great appreciation of the many attentions paid him and the other mem bers of the North Carolina party at the launching of the cruiser North Carolina at Newport News. After his daughter had named the vessel and quoted the words, "Heaven's Blessings Attend Her," this being from the song, "Old North State," and at this the naval of ficers and sailors cheered most heartily, being very much pleased at the novelty of such a blessing. - . v : ' A great many farmers make the very frank statement that they cannot house their cotton crop. They simply say they cannot get labor enough to do this. The rains last week caught the cotton about three-fourths open and of course did damage. Some farmers have as yet picked no cotton at all. Very few have been over their fields twice. Most of them will get all the crop in two pickings. Your correspondent spent an hour at the State Fair grounds examining the remodelled buildings etc, and found the new arrangement to be excellent Next year it is hoped to make very ex tensive improvements of the main building.- " All the indications point to a very large attendance at the fair. On Wednesday there will be a competitive drill by the various companies of the corps of the Agricultural and Mechani cal College. ' , , The Southern Railway has completed a warehouse at its cotton shed east of its freight depot here. Sometime ago the, Corporation Com mission took evidence covering 750 type written pages in the complaint of Secretary of State Grimes against the Bell Telephone Co. , The stenographer has now finished writing this great mass of testimony and next comes ar gument by the filing briefs by Mr. Grimes and the Telephone Co., and af ter reading these the Corporation Com mission will make its decision. , i Tomorrow the Women's Christian Temperance Union will present to the Soldiers Home the portrait of Francis Willard. .. . A telegram to the Commissioner from New York says the North Caro lina committees representing the policy holders of the Mutual Life and New York Life Insurance Companies in this State had very satisfactory interviews today with the committees representing the various factions in these com panies. . ' Pep-Tono the ideal drink, braces and refieshea. Tones, Arthur Dunn's Great Song. "If I Were Onlv Taller" is the title of one of the many new laughing sons; hits in Arthur Dunn's latest musical comedy success, "The little Jolcar", which comes to the New Masonic Onera House on Thursday October 11. Seldom have the writers of a musical play hit as gracefully and artistically upon the necessities or peculiarities of a comedian and comic opera star, as have the authors of "The Little Joker", Mr. Herbert Hall Winslow and A. Cald well : Although Mr. Dunn was thought to have achieved his greatest success when he toured the United States two sea sons ago in "The Runaways" it is a pleasing fact to note that in "The Lit tle Joker" he has found a vehicle which not only offers practically unlimited possibilities for himself, but is so well constructed that throughout the two hours and a half duration of the per formance not one moment lags and every principal part so cleverly wrought and played by the competent artists engaged to support Mr. Dunn that ones soime of interest is never allowed to rent even though Arthur Dunn is not on the stage himself every instant. Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Toys, Toys, Toys, Hi DISTINCTIVELY A CnGAtvf C7 TARTAR DAICirJC POVDZi Royal does not contain an atom of phosphatic acid (which is tho . product of bones digested in' sul phuric acid) or of alum (which is ? , : one-third sulphuric acid) substan- , . ces adopted for other baking pow . ders because of their cheapness. KOYAl. BAKfNS POWDER CO., NCW VOMb HOMESTEAD LAWS 10 SHIELD. Greensboro Merchants Favor Repeal. Political Interest at ; Speakings. Per sonals. ' . " (Special Correspondent.) ' Greensboro, Oct. 6. Contrary to calculations and predictions of repub lican managers, that by declining; a joint canvass this year of the county candidates, there would be very small attendance at the appointments, . the going it alone of the democratic candi dates, is proving a decided improve ment in drawing crowds, as at every appointment the attendance is much larger than two years ago at the same places when both republican and demo cratic candidates swapped opinions and gossip on the, stump.,.. At ie appoint ment ill" Clay township yesterday there waa exactly double the number that was present two years ago. . Messrs. Halt and Justice spoke more at length than at any previous appointment, due donbtless, to the fact that the republi cans seem to be disregarding Butler's instructions and are attending these democratic appointments in larger nnm bers as the candidates proceed on their rounds. - The attendance of republicans at these appointments is most encour aging to the democrats as it Indicates they are seeking light Four troop trams passed through here last night enroutefrom Ft. McPherson, Ga., to Newport News where the forces to be sent to Cuba are being coi trated. .' -"'.'"X ' Last night at the largest meeting of the Greensboro Merchants' Association ever held the following anti-homestead law resolutions were passed; - The Merchants' Association of the city of Greensboro, recognize that the homestead exemption laws, as they now stand upon the atatute books, are not only a- shield to and an encourage ment to the poor honest man, therefore be it resolved by the Greensboro Mer chants' Association in regular conven tion assembled: - L That we are in hearty favor of the repeal of those laws. 2. That we commend the North Car. olina Division of the Travelers' Pro tective Association of America for the movement they are inaugurating in in teresting the manufacturers and job bers of the State in the repeal of these laws and assure the T. P. A's. of our hearty co-opperstion and ask our friends, the manufacturers and whole sale jobbera of all lines to co-operate with us to this end. . , u . . t In the October number of. the Re view of Reviews, there is a very hand some tribute to the late Dr. Charles D. Melver. Accompanying the article is a full page portrait, an excellent like ntse. The article was written by Mr. Albert Shaw, the editor of the maga line. It is entitled "Melver of North Carolina." , Mr. ThornwjH Witherspoon.who has been' telegraph operator for the South ern for some time, has been promoted tn' dispatcher on the line between Greensboro and Danville. Rev. R. M. Andrews, Mrs J. F. Mc Culloch, ann Miss Velna MeCulloch re turned last night from High Point where they attended the woman's mis sionary mcetinpr. The next meeting will be held in Asheboro in the first week of October next year. i Dr. J. W. Martin of Davidnon Col lege will deliver an addreia on Sunday School work at the First Ptoalyt"riun church next Sunday moniinj at 11 o'clock especially to parents and ' others. Att!,o r-rdxiw i:tii: t rd tr ,. ImofcT was not performed at the brides home was given as being that both of the parties desired a perfectly informal wedding. Mr. McKaughan is deputy register of deed of Forsyth county and is a democratic candidate for. the po sition of register of deeds. Death ot Lewis Stanly. ' The sudden death of Lewis Stanly Friday night 5th instant on board the steamer : "Neuse" while enroot to Elizabeth City, removes one of tho beat known and esteemed colored men ta this vicinity. He was a trusted employe of the Company, having been wheelman con tinuously on the Neus ever sine tta first trip sixteen years ago; and in tho performance of this, as well aa aU oth er duties he measured full np. Ho waa personally of fine character, always showing that deferential courtesy, ta result of admirable training. Although a sufferer for yoaish waa never heard to complain and his sud den death at the post of duty cam s a shock, especially to hit officers and as sociates on the vessel. He had stood his watch until mid night, being shortly after attacked by hia fatal illness, expiring at & o'clock a. m. notwithstanding earnest efforts to prolong hia life. Ho leaves a wife and family in New Bern to whom tho sincere sympathy of the officers and crew of the steamer go out, and this reference to a faithful servant and good man are prompted by their high appre ciation and. starling worth of the Jo-ceased..-:, o v""''; i-': ;' A FRIEND. No sickly women or weak men wlU ever regret taking HoIIiater'a Rocky Mountain Tea. Its brought bappineea to thousands of homes. Tea or Tab lets, 85 cents. F. a Duffy. . A great big nickle'a worth in every bottle of Pep Tono. The Whole Globe Ransacked In Archie L. Shepard's high class moving pictuieea most nniquj and re fined entertainment is offered, which, while being a highly instructive and po-. tent factor educationally, is the most enjoyable means of amusement devised. The illimitable opportunities offered in this wide field of artistic enterprise is . taken advantage of to tho fullest ex tent, and every avenue open . has been searched to an infinteeimal degree to gather all that is beautiful, weird, hu morous, poetical, thrilling and wonder ful in the several spheres of exibttcce to interest the eye and mind. Every quarter of the globe has been r?n Backed for novelties and all ar I J. fully reproduced from life at an e-c, mous expense. It is an entorUim: t that comprise the combined forces 1 1 comedy, humor, pathos, and all t'.-ut U healthily dramatic, which go to ir,: U a perfect evening's entertain nect, or. that is an affair and event with evey household and to which one my t. his wife, mother, sister, sweet?. 1 1 ; children, without the foar of w-, 1 incident that will oITend the r t f -tidious. Don't be one ef t'.e "u ; t ', home" to be toli how good t' i was, but go ml se f -r you; 'i i Saturday r'J.t Liver at t! C.da I'aiket. 1 C: .'1 i-i tl The !' York C .s one i I' ll ia r ry : 7 t UK t Vi l i I e i Toys. GTORE. 1,1 U.-!l. tit ', 1 WATERS CI HIT A i

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