Nip , KV VCl NEW BERN. CRAVEN, COUNTY, N C. FRIDAY OCTOBER 12. 1906.-SECOND SECTION. " 29th YEAR . ITof. S2. , j T . i i i FAlILIEHS - DARK liiii' " This bank will make a special effort to be known aa the ranners Bank of New Bern. .. : .- ; : " '..,1 The moat careful attention will be given to the business of fanners in the country around New Bern. : , : v . ' 'Our officers and directors understand the farmers situation' and needs, and will render thejn every cojuidoration posib!e. -1 We invite you to open an account here. . ' CAPITAL i . - , $100,000.00. ' ; JAKES 8. BLAOCS, "resident. Wm. S. BUOES, V.-PmMeirt. SCO. B. PENOIETOM, Cartltr. Location. 65 Foil' St. .1 mm m Events " of Past Three Days Tersely Told For Jour- nal Readers. IOC?,! BULB iz;e to ma Industrial, Commercial, Social, Keligi- one. Criminal and Political Happenings Condensed la ' : Few Lines. : . Findlay, Ohio, Oct 8. The case of the State vs Standard Oil Co., is on ' trial here today for conspiracy against trade and violation of the State and anti-trust laws. . The penalty is $5,000 fine. ' .-.I:."-' " ' New York, Oct 9.-There is a aeoti tnent prevailing here that Al Adams, the former '"uolicy king" who was tcmi dead in hi room with suspicions of suicide was murdered. The coroner is of this opinion. On the suggestion of the coroner an investigation has been ordered. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct ,-Susle Becker the three year old daughter of wealthy parents was kidnapped today and there is no due obtainable. ; She was met by a strange woman who asked the child to walk with her and before any suspic Al.- . 1- V J J! ra ions were arousea uw pr " business session was held in the after P" . - j noon but Conly routine business being Hinton. W. Va., Oct 9 -Last night, ' Charles Smith, Mayor of thla city inajtwolbusinesa sessions, a social affair spirit of playfulness induced his friend, given by Mrs. W. A, Erwin, In the Elbert Medley, to put on a woman's aftenoon and ! reception tendered by clothing and go to his (Smith's) house the Elks at night The attendance is and call tim out to the gate. The pro- gram was carried cut but Mrs. Smith in a momunt of insane jealously rushed out of the house with a revolver and . shot and killed her husband and then killed herself. ? " Chicgo, Oct 9.-In the first of the' championship seriM of games for th; baseban pennant the Chicago Ameri- ea.s defeated the Chicago Nationals by a score of 2 to L Cleveland. Ohio, Oct 10,-The first storm and cold wave of the sea- snow i son is prevailing here. A heavy snow Is falling and high winds bbwirake the weather unusually cold. The storm is the most severe since the terrific October storm of 1302. It is general in the lake region. L Louis. Oct 10. -A fierce storm is rr;rj and it is the coldest October day on rscori The mercury rejuters 34 i: ;f ,:!t, Oct 10. -Coldest weather ? 1 - va here. Thermometer down t ; ' --. cs. ' " C t. ix leather verycold f.rCi-Uler. T!ir"; ' r 23 degrees 1 itf BlTea Per l-r "' 'jpport, Conn, Oct 13. It Z of the directors of U.a At". ; 1.1 3 r...'.:ay Co., ttld here t - I ; ' .1 Jai.khs was Ci 'del , Ct 1' : The biriLib 1 f t .".'.'c ' J -'i, snl I.. ( t. lClh.-After :d, f r t'.a .holier 1 cfl r, CH- y r 1 t ' i f s i ' 1 wt-fl 1 a,'l were eapturcd, the latter were In very pitiable condition. Buffalo, Oct 10 United States Com mfceioner of Corporations James R. Garfield, delivered aa address here to day tn which he expressed his opinion that the government should control corporation and that National Bank laws should be Improved in certain ways. Durham, Oct 10 The tenth annual session of the North Carolina Division Daughters of the" Confederacy, con. vened'here this morning for a three days session.- Tonight there was a brilliant reception given at the Hotel Carrolina by General and Mrs. Can complimentary to the visitors. Mrs. H. A. London, President of the Division, called the convention at 10 o'clock, immediately after the sound' ing of the assembly call which wat given on a bugle by Ed Cheek, used at the battle of BetheL 7 ; Addresses of welcome were delivered by General Julian 8. Carr and Mrs. H. H. Jones, the last named being Presi dent of the local Chapter, response was made by lira. H. A. London, President of the North Carolina Division. ' " After this there was a business ses sion at which Mrs. London read her an nual report. The report showed that there are now 3,100 members of the. Di vision and there are seventy-five chap ters and sixteen children chapters in the State. '- ; '' .. ; During the year eight new chapters were chartered and there has been rreat growth in every way. Another transacted. Tomorrow there win be very large, about 150 having been aa- signed to homes. Marscillea, France Oct 10-News B ))9ea received here of the wanton murder 0f seven of the , wives of the King of Anam. They were put to death by torture and the monarch watched their sufferings with delight France has appealed to have the King dethrob- ; ed. I Findlay, Ohio, Oct 10th. -The trial the Standard OU Co. which is progress here was hindered today by ! the lawyers disputing for the appear- aoce of John D. Rockefeller. Thebtate ' declares that it is highly material while the defense opposes the sUtemont Newport News, Oct 10. The last of , the Federal troops left for Cuba early this morning. ' Two mountain batteries , were included in the detail BufTalo, Oct 11-Tbe snow storm has caused much damage in this sec tion. The shade trees were ruined by the wind and ice. The depth of snow ' is fourteen inches. All communications are cut off. . . . TTTl. r A I j a high speed an engine and two cars on e Iron Mountan Railway, plungj 1 a high embankment, killng the r and fireman and seriouuly : f ve others. The engineer t , ' ' ; t ) r ' a up lost time. ir -v Yd C 11. An explosion 1 f a n a 1 .'" ". lti a I -ylvania 1 C'y, fait bout at football on the new - grounds near the A. and M. College. It was delightful weather for football ' players. Neither sjde scored but there jwaa some pretty work. The A. and M. i team is larger and heavier but the' Richmond team is more nervy and gave good exhibitlontof pluck. Lacrosse, Wis. Oct 11th. With her foot caught in a cattle guard, 7 year old Minnie Hunt faced an engine which was .running at a fast speed, which ter ribly mangled her body. - The father of the girl was brakeman on. the tnin. - Raleigh, Oct 1L Contributions for the Mclver statue are canting in speed ily. Five hundred dollar have been secured by J. T Joyner, and two fcun- dred and fifty dollar a have been received in subscriptions. The first subscriber was a lady from Warsaw. . ' Baleigb, Oct 11 The contract for the high school building here has beoti awarded at the cost of $16,009. The work will begin at once. . Died Wild Diphtheria , Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harper, aged 9 years died at the home of her parents, at Bairds Creek, Wednesday October 3, at Jl o'clock p. m with a severe attack, of diphtheria The body was taken to the family burial grounds for interment. The little girl was an exceptionally beautiful and sweet child, with a bright and sunny disposition which won the love of everyone who knew her. Her illness was but a few days, but suffered untold agony, although she put her trust in Jesus, and bore it without raurmer. , She leaves a sad hearted father and mother, three sisters, and two brothers to mourn their los, but it is her eternal gain. May her soul shine as the beautiful stars in glory in the bright beyond,, and may the be reaved family receive comfort from Him who says I will not leave thee com fortlessI will come unto thee. : 1 c -.'-;, . n. b. m. Dance Postponed 4 , Owing to the non-arrival of the stoves expected to be used in the Naval Re serves Armory it has been decided to postpone the dance that was- scheduled to take Place tooiaht wnta next Wed nesday night when toe first of the series of the subscription dances given by the . of P. Band will take place. - Thin adventure promises to be one of the greatest social events during the coming season and will undoubtedly prove a great success. All ladies will be admitted free and gentlemen will be charged 50 cents each. It can -be said chat the strictest of propriety will be observed at these dances and those who are inclined otherwise will beimme diately ejected from the hall Tickets for gentlemen will be on sale Saturday night until Wednesday night t Mc- Sorleys and Kaf era Bakery and from members of the band. Additional ONciors Elected. At a meeting of the Board of Direct ors of the New Bern Banking & Trust Co., held on Tuesday, Mr. W. T. Old, Cashier of the First National Bank of Elizabeth City, and lit. C. N. Evans, Cashier of the Southern National Bank at Wilmington, were elected members of the Board. - Thanki tor Contribution. We sincerely thank Prof. L 1L Smith Lawyers R. W. Williamson and R. O'Hara, Messrs. S. A. Vail, and Richard Sawyer for their liberal contribution on the new a. u. is.' uon cnurcn at Dover. S. A. Vail, wife and two chil dren and Richard Sawyer paid us a visit at Fort Barnwell last Sabbath. Saw yer preached two able sermons and Vail raised a collection amounting to silo. - J. H. MOSELY, Pastor of Dover Dover Circuit - CIg Alumni Banquet Special Correspondence. Greensboro, October 10th. Dr. J. E. Brooks, chairman of the committee on arrangements says that the banquet of the alumni of the State University here Friday evening is being planned on a more elaborate scale than any held heretofore. A number of ladies will .... . t ravneu. t niuoi, im.oii.-Bi,uiB piv arram is being prepared and the speccb- making promises to be the most enjoy able. The banquet will be held In the &n.rg room of the hotel Clcgg and will ' bcHa at 9:C0 o'clock, A r:::co:n Th!s,fV Einston Free Fnsi:' A party of men in clcw-lrw out a big ditch on a f .rra in V.'o ' ;on, raa upon a hole in Lkh v e f r. j a lot cf f.h and tl.ry c 'XV. -Jsfrnrj t -n and pr ? t: a t.-.-wh cf f. lion at - itrlw- 1 1. ...'.c t,-) wjik. A t rtl.iC h 1. I' i t r:.UCH RAILKQSJJ UT1HATIQM- In The United States ' Court Damage and Kentai An guish Constitute Na ture of Action. ; , (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro Oct 10-There are six big suits on the trial docket of the Fed- J era! Court this week against ; railroad companies, involving damages for in juries or death. These cases were trans 'erred from the States Cour on ap plication iof the railroad companies. The first one to be tried, theiirlal be ing now in progress, is trial Jof Mrs. LovellaMay, of Kinston, agl'irwtthe Norfolk and Western Railroad for the death of her h sband, G. H. May, an eacineer wf O was killed ,in a wreck near Old Town, Va., in the spring of 1904. The damages claimed are t2u,- 000.' . . ' Every inch of ground is being con- csted in the trial, and it is a struggle between legal giants as well as expert railroad attorneys Mr. Clement Manly, one of the Division Counsel or the South ern Railway, appearing for the plain tiff, assisted by Judre Bryan, while Messrs Wateon and Buxton of Winston attorneys for the Norfolk and JVeetern represent the defendants- : The first move was a demurrer or tenons, from defendants, on the ground thai plain tiffs amended complaint did not make allegations required under the 'employ ers liability act of the state of Virginia Thoy moved to dismiss the case. Judge Boyd reserved his decision, anj waived the tesatnony introduced.' ? ; Archie . L Shepard'i Moving ' i turcs. ' Pic- The popular Shepard Moving Pictures continues to draw good crowds and grow in popularity. The reason is the general satisfaction rendered and the policy of constant change and high class novelties ' given. ' On Saturday night Oct 13 an extraordinary bill will be of fared wherein more novelties of a sen sational type mill be seen than ever be fore in a moving picture performance. Comedy, humor, pathos, sensation, drama, and travel will be the special inducements that will vie for favor. AH new and interesting subjects will make an exceptionally fine program TMDe- serter a thrilling melodramatic study is the subject of one of the most inter- eating picture dramas ever presented to the public The story founded on fact, has many details of general inter est relative to such proceedings. It is a story finely told and clearly pictured, a train of highly sensational climaxes carefully graded are rounded in a sen sational finish of startling proportions. The picture is one that will please and only one of a great serias of bigh class subjects that go to make an attractive bill . - ; The Little. Joker. When Arthur Dunn came out of the trunk at the opera house last night the sentiment of the entire house as well as the expressed opinion of the chorus was "Isn't he cute!" and they, were rigth. Then when it came to playing his part the house 'again voiced its query, "fcm't lie alright!"' ana tno ans wer came in the repeated, persisent andj vociferous encores. The Little Joker we 3 as tall as any of his colleag ues in comedy. ' .', .' Ho was the diamond in the gold set ting. ' - :- : - The support was the veryest;The chorus was fine and all the songs had an enioysblo and catchy rhythm to them 'which made it hard for the audi ence to let them go. The lady mem bers of the chorus met the require ments of an exacting public pretty faces, good stage presence, excellont voices and beautiful costumes,- all of which combined to give a moat enjoy able opera. '::.',- ' a The songs that produced the most applause were "'Fairest Flower in Dix ie"; "Don't You think 1 11 dd"T and I Don't Want a Searchlight Light". It may be that Mr. Dunn will make another visit to New Bern and when he does he may be assured of a hearty re ception. New York Cotton Market; Special to Journal: - New York, Octobor 11 y Open " - " Clore Dec. 11.00 11.16 11.27 11.43 May Local Cotton Market Number of bals sold Price per pound 10.G0-10.75 . Nice ket. pork at the Oaks Meat Mar- No stclily wnmon or weak mn will ever rc'r.'t taking llolliater's Rocky ITountainTia Its brought hnr ;i:nw t tV-! M-v'a ,f hon-!. Tea or Tb- ,-, . F. S. l' Pnblic Charity Institution In spected By Board. Asso j , ; ciated Charities Work BANK STATEMENT BY nit rn nn ja urn j Contains . Good September Bulletin ; Suggestions. Interesting Foot- ' ball Game Expected. No Snr - prise at Supreme Court i .. v Decision of Dispen- sary Question. ' i , Special Correnpondence.1 . -' Raleigh, Oct 11 The sheriff o? Hen derson county brought to the peniten tiary today a fourteen year old boy, John Freeman, who gets four years for attempting to wreck a tvain. Toe weathe.- today is remarkably cold for the season,- the temperature going down to very near freezing point There was a high wind all nigtit and so there was frost in very few localities in thU part of the State. ' . Clyde Faison, the young white man arrested at Columbia, S. Ci and brought here on the charge of stealing 1 000 says he had mooy but that he won it gambling at Norfolk. ' - The State Board of Public Charities has inspected all the State institutions here and the secretary says these are found Jn very fine shape. He says there has been a wonderful improve ment in county institutions. A numbsr of these ten or fifteen years ago were very bad. Some complaints are being investigated as to county homes. - It is expected there will be a lively foot ball game tomorrow afternoon at the new grounds, known as the Athletic field, immediately west of the dormi tories of the Agricultural & Mechanic College. Richmond College and the A & M. teams will contest Mar y men have been at work on the grounds to etthem ready for this game any many itadents have awed in the final grading. fence building, etc No surprise is expressed here at the throwing out by the Supreme court of the application for an election here on the question of prohibition or dispen sary. ; The city attorney has- stated very positively to your correspondent (hat if such an election were held, it would, if it went against dispensary, simply bring back the bar-room and chat this was really the purpose of the men behind the scenes wba promoted There is Interest among National Guardsmen as to whom will succeed the late T. H. Bain aa inspector general. The first Assistant in Major White 6, Smith of Asheville, an extremely capa ble officer who has been serving a long time and who had a year'a experience during the war with Spain. This evening at Christ Church Miss Adelia Purnell, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Thomas R. Purnell was united in mar lage to Mr, Robert Riddley, Jr. of Portsmouth, Va. The Raleigh Associated Chanties has put in 150 cords of wood for use when tho cold weather comes and is generally preparing for the winter campaign The Associated Cnarities has done won ders here in stamping out street beg- aring. Only a littln while sgo the city was infected with such beggars, but now they are scarce, only two or three women giving trouble. The" Corporation Commisaloi today gave out the bank itateroent cp to the close of business September 4 th lcan and discounts amount to 31, 702,462,32 Invested trust assets $1,346,718; State North Carolina bonds, S142, 439; Nation al bank notes ond other notes, silver coin, gold, c:'8h items, demand loans, and due from other banks amount to $9,811,774. The amount of cap'tal stock is $3,209,451; the surplus $1,254, 963; the undivided profits $l,3SJ,899 deposits subject to check '25,556,503, th denoeita in trust $1,676,644. The total resources and liabilities eacl amount to $45,802,451. The resources . . i nA An, tu... a year ago were u,iuv,, v there has beun an increase during the I year of $9,900,0C0, a very fine showing iudaed. The September bulletin of the State toara or Agriculture is ireing issucu w day. It is entirely upon the cotton plant and was prepared by O. U. V ii liams of the department. He tebs the story of cotton briefly and gives a great deal of valuable information aa to the best modes of culture and fertilization and tells what are thelwst varieties for the various sections of state, different 1-mlc Pt(. Tn evefv wav tlie bulletin a first class number. Drink Pep-Tono carbonated in bot tles Be. -. ' HER Old t tor ? c i : B 1 i la- THE POLITICAL fEETlNEL Senator Overman and Con gressman Thomas Address The Voters on Political , . . Topics. On account of other attractions the political meeting at the court house was but lightly attended last night, but the attendance .enjoyed the speeches very much. , vv Senator Overman was the first speak er and was introduced . by Col ' James A. Bryan.-: The speaker -spoke on the i issues in the State including prohibition he then turned his attention to the trusts, tariff and the other questions of national interests now being discussed He is an eloquent and : logical speaker and be gave the opponent party a good drubbing and spake in roseate terms tf the chances of Democratis victory both in the State elections this year and at the National election in 1908. Congressman Charles R Thomas was the next speaker. He prated and thanked the people of the third district for the f requont demonstrations of their loyalty to him and spoke of the faith fuluesa of his constituents. He spoke of his desires in giving the people .he represented the best service he possi bly could. He spoke of the good prom ise of success for tte Democrats and urged ail memb rs of the party to work to get out a full vote. ' Death ot Mrs. Guthrie. Mrs. Cathrine Guthrie of North River had been a great puffrer since Dec. 1905 until Sep 17 1906 at 4 30 p m, when the death angel came and carried her home to Jesus to meet her fcvedone; that have gone on before. , Mrs. Guthrie had been a member of the M E church South for over twenty years. ' She was a true and faithfui member, a kind and loving mother anu grand-mother and was beloved by all who knew her. Her suffering wat very severe yet she never murmured. She put her trust in Jesus, and said sht was ready to meat her Goo. JU3t a few days before she died the Lord bless ed her with strength and voice and she sang part of two hym.i, one "I am Go ing Home to Heaven" the other I am Safe in the Arras of Jesus"., From the life she lived we have sweet hopes, and her absence is alt vra have to' grieve for, but it is hard . to say good by, God's will be done. It is sweet to know if we live right we can meet mama and grand ma, with Jesus, where parting is no more. The old home looks sad and lonely without her, though she was old yet she was the charm of the home, always bad a smile to greet us at the door and tried to make life pleasant for all around her- She leaves one son, one daughter and six grand children t mourn her toss. We let the bereavec ones put their trust in God. and pre- Dare to meet her in Heaven where there will be no parting there. Absent from the home but not from the heart, eone but not forgotten. A vacancy that can never be filled. A FRIEND. Superior Court Transactions The closing arguments on the case of S. G. Willis vs the A. & N. C Co. were made yesurday morning and the case was given to the jury at about twelve o'clock. amount of money asked for was !5,000. The suit was brought to recover damages on account of inju ries received by Mrs. WUlis who wag knocked duwnby reason of an engine humping into the train on which she was a passenger. The plaintiff charg ing undue carletsnesa in making tlx the coupling, causing her to be sen ouRly injured. The jury returned verdict for the plaintiff awarding him t2.600 damr.ges. , judgment in the case of Patterson v thu Old Dominion Steamship Co. was obtained in tho sum of $500. The case of Editor Stevens against tbe Atlantic Cost Line railroad, was commenced and much of the evidence given, . ' i .Prescott Oct 1. We have had one week of fine weath er and are hoping for more. Mr Willis Rowe of Small, went deer hunting Saturday morning last. Elder Jesse Bennett or Ssroaii, ae- narte'd for Arapahoe Friday September , 2gth to attenu tne union meeung, Mrs Rhoda Bill was the guest of Mrs 'A ....... Patsy Sawyer sunaay aiieruoon. Miss Ellen Toler is visiting her sister Mrs J W Walksr at White Hill this week. " - Waaresorrvto say Mr Joe Hum minga is seriously m at cis nome noar ,,.... l . . is i White HilL Messrs B B Thomason and James Wells have returned from Arapahoe and report a pleasant trip. Elder L II Eardy is expected to fill bis appointment at Sanday Crove tl.e first L'umhy in Get. It is prnoun-'d that the A",- -1 1 ' 'i r ' 1 v 11 ( !) n Cct. l",".i v ' "i ; TERRIBLE ICI i.U SCILP1L1 Badly Affected WRIT Soret r.J Crusts Extended Down Behind the Ears Some Years Later Painful r and hching Pustules Broke Out on Lower Part cf Body Son Also Affected. A TRIPLE CURE BY -.-cmicuRARo:.Ec::s- "About ten years ago my scalp be - came badly auected with sore and itching humors, crusts, etc, and extend ing down, behind tho ears. - My hair, came out in places also. ' I was greatly . troubled; understood it was- eccema. - Tried various remedies, so called, with out enact, caw your (Juticura adver tisement, and got them at once. Ap- , plied them as to directions, eto.r ana after two weeks, X think, of use, was clear ns a whistles. . "I have to state also that late last fall, October and November. 1904, I was suddenly afiliotcd with a bad erup . tion, painful and itching pustules over the lower part of the body. I Buffered ' dreadfully. In two months, under the skilful treatment of my doctor, eon joined with Cuticura Soap and Cuttcura ' . Ointtnent, I found myself cured. . : "Six years ago my son was laid tm with a severe cold, a hard dough, and finally ptuniul eruption ail over tbe body. I procured the Cuticura Bemediea as soon as possible, and after his faith ful use of same was as well as ever in two weeks, as well as I can recall. Ha has never bad a return ol toe llmrsa. ' as far as I know. i . " I have always beer pleased to com- mend the Cuticura Remedies, and testify ' bs to their efficacy. I am a veteran of , the late Civil War, '6t-'65, between seventy and eighty years of ee. Youre truly, H. M. F. Weiss, Kosemono, Christian Co., EL, Aug. 81, 1835." I Complete External md Intenul TYwrmm M IMS ttoiiUMtiut of Cuticura Soap, S6e.tOnuinenl,60&, Bowl- otuv).inty bohadolau drugcinna. ArinfTlQaaton.neura9 thendUtrafdiifoaMwhrnaUelMraUa. VettavlMial a Chem. Corp Suit Prop... Bolton. Alan. . m i- MalM Frea, " How to Can EaarM. rant A1 ni. J0. (in fro or vnouoioi, tWN hub, km. per .mi AbOna lava MUn, wh 11b4,, naxl fitaf- No Fire Alarm. A fire occurred at a house located at . No. 112 West St , yesterday causing considerable damage. The cause of tha fire is not known. . - . ' , . What needs investigation ! tbe fire larm system. It is rotten. Tbe Jour, oal has often mentioned tb deficiency in this feature of the fire department service and shown how needful it la hat it be kept in good order. What means have the Bremen or knowing that fire has broken out T Is someone going to telephone to each individual fireman ithat there's a fire at Five Points or on Griffith street and that he'd better drop his work and got The lite alarm system must be efficient and reliable or it is good for nothing and it should be cared for aa any other ear vee. Easy to Win Eight Husbands. 7 Mrs. Mary Lappage, who lis happily married after eight trials of hu bands, ' most of them unsuccessful, tells are markable story of now she won the , eight, how she lost seven 'fit them and how she comes to be happy with the eighth in next Sunday's World. Order early, for tbe number is of quite unusu al interest. Uter the 31st Day of October K Credit Will bt Given by tb Drivers of thi lea V ; Wagons.-. ;-.vV If our customers will think for a mo ment they will appreciate our difficulty and embarrassment in this; credit I uaU near by th drivers of wagons. - It is difficult to secure in one and the same person, a wagon driver ana bookkeeper. . i ' V In selling the ice on credit as oar wagons are now dolrg, tho driver must keep a debit and a credit account with each customer; where more than a hun dred customers ask for ereditforfiveto ten cents worth of ice from day to day from each driver, it is difficult "to fiod the right man to drive tbe wagons and de'iver ice. , With a cash system we can give far better service in the delivery. Those waiting credit can secure it from the cfflce in the purchase of es pon books. , Coupon books will be sold at a 13 frr cent discount at ofT.ce or by the drive a. If purchased f.xm the drivers, ti i must be paid tor V.o.m, new rr.: :i ics company. New Bern, N. C, Oct. 1st 100?. Defects of v ' be Blight, r 7 c a r which tr heaJ.i1 1 :i i i i .i t i HI' 1,8 , , i tr 3 i in f. I trc r r irr7ri1fTi tttttti Trrvrrrrv . i

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